BSS Groudon


Banned deucer.

Groudon @ Light Ball / Sitrus Berry
Ability: Drought
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 196 SpD / 60 Spe
Careful Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Fling / Thunder Wave
- Rock Tomb

No cataclysm needed: this down-to-earth defensive Groudon dismantles the teams of Battle Stadium Singles. If it leads, denying its Stealth Rock is almost like stopping the sunrise. Groudon also wilts the Speed of common leads like Calyrex-S, Choice Scarf Kyogre, and Yveltal with Light Ball and Fling, which bypasses Taunt while paralyzing threatening Ground-types like Landorus-T and Groudon. Rock Tomb and Thunder Wave slow foes too, which allows Groudon to run Sitrus Berry to dig deep against tougher matchups like Zacian-C and Weakness Policy Necrozma-DM. Fling and Stealth Rock break Focus Sashes on Pokemon, particularly Marshadow, that could otherwise threaten a reverse sweep against Zacian-C or Groudon's set-up partners. With this shockproof specially defensive spread, Groudon can tank a Max Darkness from Modest Life Orb Yveltal while outspeeding Choice Scarf Kyogre, Calyrex-S, and Zacian-C after paralysis. Defensive Necrozma-DM, Dialga, and Ho-Oh thrive in Groudon's Drought and scorch its Ice-, Water-, and Grass-type checks in return. Drought also enables Zacian-C to surprise Quagsire with Solar Blade. Setup wallbreakers like Yveltal, Calyrex-S, and Zekrom appreciate paralysis to start snowballing against walls like Lugia and Ferrothorn, which Groudon cannot crack.

Character count: 1101
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If possible, I was thinking about waiting about a week to check this indepth, to see how series 13 shakes out, but I can check a few things for now, just don't consider this a final check!

- 252 HP / 196 SpD / 60 Spe is likely a better EV spread. This allows Groudon to outspeed Choice Scarf Kyogre after it's paralyzed.

- Lugia can be a bit of a risky mention, since defensive Substitute ones are basically gonna wall Groudon. Might be better to say offensive Lugia.

- Kyogre is a bit of an odd wall to mention. It's true that defensive Kyogre will probably exist, but Groudon is likely going to be far more worried about Life Orb Kyogre.

- I'd hesitate to call Power Herb Celesteela a wall breaker. It MIGHT be viable, but I can't imagine it will be a prominent player in this format. By a similar token, Tapu Fini's fate is rather iffy too. I think mentioning Lugia makes more sense here.

- Fling's Ground-type targets are more likely to be Landorus-T and Groudon than Zygarde. Its true that offensive Zygarde will HATE Fling, but defensive Zygarde can get a Substitute up before Groudon can Fling, and start setting up Coil!

- This is a silly nitpick, but I'd say defensive Necrozma-DM rather than Moonlight. Long story short, there are legtimate differences between Morning Sun and Moonlight due to the game's timer, and that is probably waaaaay too much to get into for a spotlight about Groudon lol.
I'm gonna be giving Groudon a full check now!

- I think we might actually want to swap Fling and Thunder Wave's placement, as well as Sitrus Berry and Light Ball. It's a minor thing because both are very common, but Light Ball + Fling really seperates Groudon from other paralysis spreaders like Dialga, Lugia, and Zygarde. I'd consider mentioning the Fling stuff as a unique selling point for Groudon.

- I'd rephrase the Fling sentence (and also mention it before Twave / Rock Tomb) to mention the chip damage + bypassing Taunt, these are the really big selling points. Paralyzing Groudon and Landorus-T is still worth mentioning.

- For common leads, I'd change the list to: Calyrex-S, Choice Scarf Kyogre, and Yveltal. Zacian-C can still be mentioned if you want, but some teams might prefer to Earthquake that because Zacian-C with Substitute can really mess with this Groudon!

- Speaking of leads, it might be a good idea to say this Groudon can be a good lead, rather than that's it main purpose. The reason I say this is because, at least in this early metagame, I've noticed quite a few people trying to counter lead the MASSIVE amount of paralysis spam going around. So saying something akin to, Groudon being a disruptive Pokemon that can make a good lead is better than "its a lead".

- I'd remove the "attack with Earthquake and Rock Tomb" sentence. Ho-Oh not liking Rock Tomb is obvious, but the real kicker here is Zekrom: Due to this Groudon's supportive nature, it actually doesn't do too well against Dynamax Zekrom! Especially Weakness Policy variants! In fact, I'd borderline say that Zekrom can be a bit of an issue, since you can't paralyze it. I don't think you have to mention that to be clear, since Zekrom vs Groudon is a highly set / Dynamax dependent match up, which can make things complicated and eat up characters!

- I'd consider adding Dialga to that list of teammates with Necormza-DM and Ho-Oh. It's a good Kyogre check, and it really helps with people who use slow Kyogre specfically to get under the skin of faster Groudons (yes we are really at the point where negative speed creep weather stuff is back lol).

- For the wall breaking teammates, I'd considering replacing the Xerneas and Zacian-C. mention with Yveltal and Calyrex-S. Don't get me wrong, Xerneas and Zacian-C are fine teammates, but I feel like Xerneas tends to like stuff like dual screens a bit more, and Zacian-C is a pretty common target of defensive mons like Necrozma-DM and Lugia (blame Thunder Wave for Zacian-C not having the most reliable time against Lugia lol). Yveltal and Calyrex-S are Pokemon that can use paralysis to start snowballing with Dynamax or Grim Neigh.

If you have issues with character limits, I'm more than willing to help too. I don't think you have to be too descriptive for this stuff. Like, you don't have to say why specically Yveltal and Calyrex-S are particularly good wall breakers, just that they work well with Groudon's support. I'll give you a QC Approved once you implement this stuff!
QC Approved 1/1.

It is a bit over the character limit, but the info is sound imo. If there's any issues with the character limit stuff, I don't mind helping GP.
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Groudon @ Light Ball / Sitrus Berry
Ability: Drought
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 196 SpD / 60 Spe
Careful Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Fling / Thunder Wave
- Rock Tomb

Groudon’s tremors dismantle the teams of Battle Stadium Singles! As a disruptive beast that can make a crackling lead by almost guaranteeing Stealth Rocks, No cataclysm needed: this down-to-earth defensive Groudon dismantles the teams of Battle Stadium Singles. If it leads, denying its Stealth Rock is almost (almost is optional) like stopping the sunrise. (changed framing to better suit this not really offensively menacing set. if i made something misleading etc., change as appropriate) Groudon also wilts the Speed of common leads like Calyrex-S, Choice Scarf Kyogre, and Yveltal by Flinging a Light Ball, with Light Ball and Fling, which bypasses Taunt whilst while paralyzing threatening Ground-types like Landorus-T and Groudon, or Thunder Wave and Rock Tomb. Groudon. Rock Tomb slows foes too, as does Thunder Wave, which allows Groudon to run Sitrus Berry—letting it dig deep against tougher matchups like Zacian-C and Weakness Policy Necrozma-DM. Fling’s chip damage and Stealth Rock breaks opposing Focus Sashes, particularly Marshadow’s, that of Marshadow, which could otherwise threaten a reverse sweep against Zacian-C or Groudon's (fixed apostrophe to straight ') set-up partners. With this shockproof Special Defensive specially defensive spread, Groudon can outspeed Choice Scarf Kyogre, Calyrex-S and Zacian-C after Paralysis while tanking tank a Max Darkness from Modest Life Orb Yveltal. Alternatively, Sitrus Berry provides longevity against tougher matchups like Zacian-C and Weakness Policy Necrozma-DM. Yveltal while outspeeding Choice Scarf Kyogre, Calyrex-S, and Zacian-C after paralysis. Defensive Necrozma-DM, Dialga, (AC) and Ho-Oh thrive in Groudon's (fixed apostrophe) Drought and scorches its Ice-, Water-, (AC) and Grass-type weaknesses checks in return. Drought also enables Zacian-C to surprise Quagsire with Solar Blade. Set-up Setup wallbreakers like Yveltal, Calyrex-S, (AC) and Zekrom appreciate Paralysis paralysis to start snowballing against walls like Lugia and Ferrothorn, which Groudon cannot crack.
GP Team done