Project BSS Factory

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We are excited to announce the release of the highly anticipated, generation 8 version of BSS Factory! This iteration again features more than 100 different Pokemon, all with several movesets commonly used in actual SwSh BSS. We've also introduced viability-based team generation, so you're more likely to get good Pokemon than bad ones, so you shouldn't be stuck with six C-tier Pokemon to deal with your opponent's Landorus+Cinderace core.

The purpose of this thread is so that there's a place where we can post updates and you guys can make suggestions. If a Pokemon is too strong/weak, a moveset doesn't make sense, or something seems to appear on too many (or not enough) teams; post about it here!

The way teams are generated is a bit complicated, but basically the higher a Pokemon is on the Viability Rankings the more likely you are to see it, except Hippowdon, Swampert, and similar dedicated leads. In our initial playtesting we found that those were too common on teams, and ways to deal with them were not common enough, which lead to games where getting leads like that meant an automatic win.


Sets: cant say / marilli / 1_TrickPhony
Code: Lego


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Known Issues:
  • None! Please report things in this thread as they pop up.

The following are changed as of #7921
  • CB Dracovish now has Dive as a 4th move (see post #8, thanks fitzy72!)
  • Marvel Scale Milotic is now guaranteed to hold a Flame Orb
  • Substitute has been removed from Lagging Tail Grimmsnarl's 4th slot, guaranteeing a screen
The following are fixed by #7871
  • AV SD Glastrier (sets need splitting)
  • 0 Spe IV Tornadus Therian (should be 0 atk)
  • 252 HP Scarf Chandelure (should be 252 speed)
  • Babiri Mimikyu has Kee moveset (needs to be Trick Room + Curse over SD drain)
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Is Choice Band Dracovish meant to have only 3 moves?
Yes. This makes it more likely to get Fishious Rend when asleep, and guarantees a STAB move. As of Jan 17 2021, CB Dracovish now has Dive in the 4th moveslot. Explanation below:
The Choice Band Dracovish set should be given Dive as it's 4th move. It's unselectable by Sleep Talk so doesn't change anything there and is something you might actually want to click to use up dynamax turns.

Is Assault Vest Glastrier meant to have Swords Dance?
No. Assault Vest is currently a 1/3 chance on Glastrier, and Swords Dance is a 50/50 in the fourth moveslot. This is a mistake by us and will be fixed, but for now is just an unlucky combination. This was fixed!
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Is torn-t supposed to run 0 speed ivs even if timid max speed?
Got this yesterday and failed to outspeed kartanas and cinderaces but I assume it was just an oversight

Tornadus-Therian @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 4 def / 252 spa / 252 spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 spe
- Hurricane
- Heat Wave
- Icy Wind
- Nasty Plot

I do not play bss so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but are Chansey with 252 Speed and Life Orb Meteor Beam Clefable actual sets there? They can kind of feel suboptimal most of the times but do have their niches ig. Another set I'm curious about is 4attacks Giga Impact Hyper Beam p2., Considering how good the other p2 sets are I'm always annoyed to see it and was wondering if it's a real set used in bss. I've been playing a lot bssf and really enjoyed it, mons have some really crazy sets but they often still pull their weight which is nice to see so gj to who worked on it
Is torn-t supposed to run 0 speed ivs even if timid max speed?
Got this yesterday and failed to outspeed kartanas and cinderaces but I assume it was just an oversight

Tornadus-Therian @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 4 def / 252 spa / 252 spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 spe
- Hurricane
- Heat Wave
- Icy Wind
- Nasty Plot

I do not play bss so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but are Chansey with 252 Speed and Life Orb Meteor Beam Clefable actual sets there? They can kind of feel suboptimal most of the times but do have their niches ig. Another set I'm curious about is 4attacks Giga Impact Hyper Beam p2., Considering how good the other p2 sets are I'm always annoyed to see it and was wondering if it's a real set used in bss. I've been playing a lot bssf and really enjoyed it, mons have some really crazy sets but they often still pull their weight which is nice to see so gj to who worked on it
The Torn IVs are a copy-paste error, it should be 0 Atk. It will be changed on Showdown soon.

Chansey runs max speed because max HP / SpD hardly make a difference, whereas speed gives it a huge advantage in the crowded base 60 area.

Meteor Beam Clefable and Download + double recharge Porygon2 are, or were, real sets. These are designed to be dedicated Dynamax options in a team and simply use the Max version of these moves that are otherwise tough to use.

A lot of the “weird” sets are easily explainable when you first ask ‘should this be Dynamaxing or not?’ There are Pokémon that work best as Dynamaxed, better off not Dynamaxed, and some that can be flexible. This takes some getting used to in real BSS but we thought including all 3 types of those Pokémon in BSSF was best, even if some Pokémon that have to Dynamax aren’t used properly by some people.
Is torn-t supposed to run 0 speed ivs even if timid max speed?
Got this yesterday and failed to outspeed kartanas and cinderaces but I assume it was just an oversight

Tornadus-Therian @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 4 def / 252 spa / 252 spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 spe
- Hurricane
- Heat Wave
- Icy Wind
- Nasty Plot

I do not play bss so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but are Chansey with 252 Speed and Life Orb Meteor Beam Clefable actual sets there? They can kind of feel suboptimal most of the times but do have their niches ig. Another set I'm curious about is 4attacks Giga Impact Hyper Beam p2., Considering how good the other p2 sets are I'm always annoyed to see it and was wondering if it's a real set used in bss. I've been playing a lot bssf and really enjoyed it, mons have some really crazy sets but they often still pull their weight which is nice to see so gj to who worked on it

Don't worry, reported this as soon as it happened, sorry again for the unfortunate play amigo ;)

Another issue i just found today: Choice Scarf Chandelure isnt max speed, its only 110 speed (with scarf it reaches 165, as opposed to 145/217 if it were max speed Timid like it should be, or even max speed Modest it should be 132/198)

Babiri berry doesnt pair with TR mimikyu, not 100% sure if TR mimikyu exists which should be a set (haven't encountered it in 100+ games)
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We aren’t intending to add the restricted legends to this format because we’re worried they would be too broken with random team generation.

We chose to soft nerf a lot of the really strong series 7 Pokémon with slightly suboptimal sets (no Life Orb on Pokémon like Cinderace for example), but anything we do to the restricted legends definitely won’t cut it (Zacian would probably need to be Timid or something stupid).

If people really do want legends added to reflect series 8, it definitely can be done (code it to guarantee every team gets one legend just like megas in gen 7 BSSF), so we can do it if people feel strongly about it. But we need ideas for how to keep it playable.
We aren’t intending to add the restricted legends to this format because we’re worried they would be too broken with random team generation.

We chose to soft nerf a lot of the really strong series 7 Pokémon with slightly suboptimal sets (no Life Orb on Pokémon like Cinderace for example), but anything we do to the restricted legends definitely won’t cut it (Zacian would probably need to be Timid or something stupid).

If people really do want legends added to reflect series 8, it definitely can be done (code it to guarantee every team gets one legend just like megas in gen 7 BSSF), so we can do it if people feel strongly about it. But we need ideas for how to keep it playable.
Why not make it like battle factory where there is a chance to get different tiers, but for this make it where there is a chance where both players just get restricted mons.
Why not make it like battle factory where there is a chance to get different tiers, but for this make it where there is a chance where both players just get restricted mons.

Also, this would be making changes for a 3 month format. To put it in perspective, the previous BSSF was unchanged for years of the USUM meta. Its the same reason why we wouldn't have removed cinderace and mimikyu if BSSF existed during the Series 6 format.
Also, this would be making changes for a 3 month format. To put it in perspective, the previous BSSF was unchanged for years of the USUM meta. Its the same reason why we wouldn't have removed cinderace and mimikyu if BSSF existed during the Series 6 format.

Who is to assume that the format will revert to Series 7 at the end of Series 8? It could be something completely different. Though I agree there is pretty glaring balance issues in putting Cover Legendary Pokemon into a BSSF, even in Randbats they are balanced somewhat based off levels.
softboiled + unaware is now legal on clef, hopefully this can be fixed
Softboiled is only available on Clefable from old games. Pokémon from old games can only be used in ranked Battle Stadium if they are taken to a character who deletes all old moves and gives the pokémon a special mark, making Softboiled unusable.

The reason this combination is legal in OU is because you can use old pokémon against friends/randoms online in SwSh, and OU chooses to follow those rules rather than the ranked Battle Stadium rules. Same reason we don’t have Wish on Chansey/Blissey and Teleport on anything.
Hello! I noticed an issue with this snorlax set

Snorlax @ Figy Berry / Custap Berry
Ability: Gluttony
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Facade / Body Slam / Self-Destruct
- Earthquake
- Darkest Lariat / Heavy Slam / Heat Crash
- Curse / Belly Drum

It has Belly Drum, but an odd HP stat, which means it doesn't instantly activate its berry.
It could easily be solved by moving the 4 EV's from SpDef to HP.

I also noticed that the command /bssfactory doesn't specify if the pokemon is G-Max or not, and, given that some pokemon run both D-max and G-max, it could be a useful addiction.
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