Bronzong @ Heatproof

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This is going to be short and sweet.

Bronzong @ Heatproof
Light Clay
252hp/126def/130 spc def, sassy

Light Screen
Stealth Rock

This is the Bronzong I run on one of my teams. On this team, I have Latias to switch into whenever I'm worried by Earthquake.

Speaking of earthquake, want to know how many times i've been hit by a ground type move? None. Want to know how often heatproof has saved bronzong? Most games.

Theory: "Heatproof is a decent ability to fool an opponent, though you wouldn't be able to switch into Earthquake, and any Fire-type attack will tip off an opponent that you are using Heatproof. Also, switching into Spikes will give away your ability because you would not take damage while using Levitate."

Any fire type attack will tip them off that I'm using heatproof. So what? What is an infernape going to do after I get a reflect up and its flamethrower did almost nothing? When I get a Light Screen as it Nasty Plots? What will Scarftran do when its Flash Fire boosted Fire Blast does 22%? Infernape and Heatran are the two most common fire types in OU, but if I forgot any main ones then remind me. For the record, Fire Blast from dragonite or salamence only leaves a scratch. Switching into spikes will give it away. So what? I'd rather a resistance to fire and a pseudo-immunity to ground (until they lay down spikes, and against my time that is not an easy task) than an immunity to ground.

Last thing to consider is that it doesn't make earthquake good game for bronzong. While under reflect, CBMetagross' earthquake is a 4hko. And I'd rather heatran be locked into Earth Power rather than Fire Blast; giving me an easy switch to Latias or another pokemon with Levitate.
If people keep posting threads about Heatproof Bronzong, you are going to be hit by Earthquake a lot more often.
You should have posted that set here. However I believe that levitate is a better ability for Bronzong. Also, why sassy when you're not using gyro ball?
genraly speaking levitate is a better abality due to not taking daamage from spikes as you enter along with having a total immunity to ground attacks rather then taking less damage to fire attacks meaning you can switch in more and wall more effectivly due to the ground immunity
You get more bonus for being slow if you're already that slow. Outspeeding other bronzong would be the only good thing... 'good'
Okay...I'm not sure if this is going anywhere. There really isn't anything to discuss here
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