(approved by Jellicent )
hi there, in this thread we'll be looking at mons through the gens that are frequently below par, very uncommon picks (below standard niche stuff for the most part), but have interesting enough options that they might be usable or even metagame threats if they had a couple extra perks going for them, and try to determine what those couple perks might be. this could be adding an ability, changing one of its types, giving it a couple of moves, raising a couple of its stats by a marginal amount, etc. we'll start in gen 1 and go to gen 6, and cycle back through. i'm not as in-the-know on generations 3 and 4 thesedays so if anyone wants to shoutout some mons they think would be good ideas for those gens, feel free!
the first mon will be... omastar in gen 1
all non-goldon rocks suck pretty hard in gen 1, which is really too bad because i think many of them have some solid potential to check the rampant normal moves in the tier. omastar has solid 70/125/115 bulk and it hits quite hard with its large special where it's capable of firing off STAB hydros or powerful blizzards for exeggutor. omastar's shortcomings are however that its movepool doesn't allow for it to hurt opposing waters or chansey much, it can't really spread status to cripple the myriad of threats that switch in safely, its low speed means it doesn't crit often and only gets the jump on chansey and slower, and while it can take STAB body slams all day it's hard for it to really take on tauros or lax with the former's ability to hit strong with earthquake and its high crit rate and the latter's set relying on rest and being able to safely switch in to starmie or chansey mitigating its impact. so how could we help omastar succeed in the RBY OU meta?
hi there, in this thread we'll be looking at mons through the gens that are frequently below par, very uncommon picks (below standard niche stuff for the most part), but have interesting enough options that they might be usable or even metagame threats if they had a couple extra perks going for them, and try to determine what those couple perks might be. this could be adding an ability, changing one of its types, giving it a couple of moves, raising a couple of its stats by a marginal amount, etc. we'll start in gen 1 and go to gen 6, and cycle back through. i'm not as in-the-know on generations 3 and 4 thesedays so if anyone wants to shoutout some mons they think would be good ideas for those gens, feel free!
the first mon will be... omastar in gen 1
all non-goldon rocks suck pretty hard in gen 1, which is really too bad because i think many of them have some solid potential to check the rampant normal moves in the tier. omastar has solid 70/125/115 bulk and it hits quite hard with its large special where it's capable of firing off STAB hydros or powerful blizzards for exeggutor. omastar's shortcomings are however that its movepool doesn't allow for it to hurt opposing waters or chansey much, it can't really spread status to cripple the myriad of threats that switch in safely, its low speed means it doesn't crit often and only gets the jump on chansey and slower, and while it can take STAB body slams all day it's hard for it to really take on tauros or lax with the former's ability to hit strong with earthquake and its high crit rate and the latter's set relying on rest and being able to safely switch in to starmie or chansey mitigating its impact. so how could we help omastar succeed in the RBY OU meta?