Metagame Bonus Type

in the hills

spreading confusion
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(banner by omi ♥)
Bonus Type
In Bonus Type, Pokemon nicknamed a specific type will have it added to their type(s). For example, Heatran nicknamed "Flying" will gain a Flying-typing, and thus be Fire/Steel/Flying type. That's right, Pokemon can have 3 types in this metagame! This opens up a lot of fun and new possibilities for Pokemon to try. Have you ever wanted your Flygon to be Bug-type? Well now you can with Bonus Type! You can nickname you Flygon "Bug" and it will be granted a Ground/Dragon/Bug typing, although if you nickname it "Ground" or "Dragon", it will remain its standard typing.

Pokemon: Calyrex-Ice, Calyrex-Shadow, Darmanitan-Galar, Dialga, Dracovish, Dragapult, Dragonite, Eternatus, Genesect, Giratina, Giratina-Origin, Groudon, Ho-Oh, Kartana, Kyogre, Kyurem-Black, Kyurem-White, Landorus, Lugia, Lunala, Magearna, Marshadow, Mewtwo, Naganadel, Necrozma-Dawn-Wings, Necrozma-Dusk-Mane, Palkia, Pheromosa, Rayquaza, Reshiram, Shedinja, Solgaleo, Spectrier, Urshifu-Base Xerneas, Yveltal, Zacian, Zacian-Crowned, Zamazenta, Zamazenta-Crowned, Zekrom, Zygarde-Base
Abilities: Arena Trap, Moody, Power Construct, Shadow Tag
Moves: Baton Pass
Clauses: Obtainable, Species Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Moves Clause, Team Preview, HP Percentage Mod, Cancel Mod, Dynamax Clause, Sleep Clause Mod, Endless Battle Clause

Bonus Type is able to enable both Pokemon that have slightly poor typings, as well as those with great typings, so the sky's the limit!
:clefable::rillaboom: Previously single-typed Pokemon appreciate having an extra coverage move to utilize for offensive purposes, while appreciating the added defensive niche as well.
:heatran::garchomp::gyarados: Pokemon that are 4x weak to something are able to choose bonus types that negate this issue. Heatran can utilize both Flying and Grass typings, Garchomp can use Steel or Water, and Gyarados often utilizes Ground typing.
:arcanine::entei::zygarde-10%: Adding Normal-type for STAB Extreme Speed is always a good strategy that can make these Pokemon much more difficult to revenge kill.

Sample Sets:
Flying (Heatran) @ Leftovers / Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Magma Storm
- Earth Power
- Taunt
- Stealth Rock

Rock (Landorus-Therian) @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Stealth Rock

Fighting (Rillaboom) @ Life Orb
Ability: Grassy Surge
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Grassy Glide
- Superpower
- Knock Off
- Swords Dance

Dark (Toxapex) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Scald
- Recover
- Haze
- Knock Off

Ground (Kyurem) @ Metronome
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 56 HP / 200 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Freeze-Dry
- Earth Power
- Substitute
- Roost

More sample sets can be found here
Q: How does this metagame work with Libero and Conversion?
Libero and Conversion will override all types after activation, including the Bonus Type

Q:How does it work with Camouflage and Soak?
The Pokémon loses all of its types, including hidden, and becomes Normal or Water respectively.

Q: How does it work with Transform and Imposter?
The bonus type is not copied. Ditto's bonus type is also removed.

Q: How does it work with Reflect Type?
The bonus type is copied.

Q: How do Forest's Curse and Trick Or Treat work?
They replace the Pokémon's third type, or act as the third type if the Pokemon only has 2 types.

in the hills
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Viability Rankings
S Rank


Heatran (Flying, Grass)
Landorus-Therian (Rock, Fighting, Poison, Steel, Water, Dark)
Toxapex (Dark, Ground, Dragon, Grass)


Clefable (Electric, Dark, Fire, Poison, Steel, Dragon)

A Rank


Corviknight (Dragon, Ground, Fairy)
Hydreigon (Steel, Ground)
Kyurem (Ground, Fighting)
Latias (Water, Electric, Steel)
Tornadus-Therian (Dark, Fighting, Poison, Steel)
Urshifu-Rapid-Strike (Electric, Poison, Bug)
Zeraora (Flying, Fighting, Fairy, Dark)


Ferrothorn (Fairy, Fighting, Ghost)
Garchomp (Fire, Fairy, Water, Steel, Poison)
Latios (Water, Electric)
Slowking (Ground, Fairy, Normal)
Thundurus-Therian (Steel, Poison, Fighting)
Volcarona (Psychic, Grass)
Weavile (Fighting, Poison)


Blissey (Ghost, Fairy)
Buzzwole (Poison, Water, Dragon, Electric)
Melmetal (Ground, Ghost, Fairy, Flying)
Rotom-Heat (Fairy, Steel)
Slowking-Galar (Water, Dark)
Tangrowth (Fighting, Poison, Dark)
Tapu Fini (Dragon, Ground, Dark)
Tapu Lele (Fighting, Electric)
Thundurus (Steel, Poison, Fighting)
Victini (Electric)
Zapdos (Steel, Water)

B Rank


Entei (Normal)
Hawlucha (Rock, Electric, Poison)
Magnezone (Flying, Ghost)
Mandibuzz (Poison)
Rillaboom (Fighting, Dark, Ground)
Rotom-Wash (Steel, Fairy)
Scizor (Water, Dragon, Fairy)
Skarmory (Dragon)
Slowbro (Fighting, Ground)
Tapu Koko (Grass)


Arcanine (Normal)
Bisharp (Ghost, Fighting)
Cinderace (Ground, Steel)
Excadrill (Flying, Ghost)
Hippowdon (Rock)
:mew:Mew (Electric, Steel)
Tapu Bulu (Rock, Steel, Fighting)
Tyranitar (Ghost)
:zygarde-10%:Zygarde-10% (Normal)


Aegislash (Fighting)
Barraskewda (Fighting, Psychic)
Dracozolt (Ground, Fighting)
Drednaw (Ground)
Gastrodon (Steel, Poison)
Heracross (Normal)
Kommo-o (Steel, Ghost)
Mamoswine (Dark)
Nidoking (Ice, Fire)
Pelipper (Ground, Steel)
Reuniclus (Steel, Fighting)

C Rank


Amoonguss (Dark)
Azumarill (Dark, Ground)
Blacephalon (Psychic, Normal)
:chansey:Chansey (Ghost, Fairy)
Conkeldurr (Normal, Dark)
Crawdaunt (Fighting)
:jirachi:Jirachi (Fairy)
Alola Form
Marowak-Alola (Ground)
Moltres (Steel)
Porygon2 (Ghost)
Rhyperior (Ghost, Water)
Salamence (Steel)
Togekiss (Fighting, Steel)
Volcanion (Ground, Fighting, Poison)
Weezing-Galar (Electric, Steel)
Galarian Form
Zapdos-Galar (Ground)
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so is shedinja banned btw to lazy to check


ANYWAY lets take a look at cool stuff

:crawdaunt: :dragalge: :porygon-z: Adaptability mons appreciate the double (triple?) STAB greatly. Ghost Porygon-Z only has to worry about Dark-types and Knock Off, but has the benefit of three immunities. In fact, I think Pory-Z might be one of the best mons around.

Ghost (Porygon-Z) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Shadow Ball
- Tri Attack
- Thunderbolt / Dark Pulse / Psychic / whatever
- Ice Beam / Thunderbolt / Dark Pulse / who cares
How significant of a difference is there between this and the defunct Hidden Type? As far as I understand the functional differences are:
The latter obviously doesn't reveal the third type and this does
Hidden power type vs name
Is there anything beyond that? If not, I can see a lot of those sets being useful here.

Not that it necessarily is a problem or not, but why the choice not to have naming a type a mon already has make it mono? I can see a lot of cool ideas from allowing mono flying moltres, etc

Ninja edit: for mons that are already mono, I'm not sure how that would work - maybe make them normal type or even typeless? Maybe just leave them mono? No clue tbh
How significant of a difference is there between this and the defunct Hidden Type? As far as I understand the functional differences are:
The latter obviously doesn't reveal the third type and this does
Hidden power type vs name
Is there anything beyond that? If not, I can see a lot of those sets being useful here.

Not that it necessarily is a problem or not, but why the choice not to have naming a type a mon already has make it mono? I can see a lot of cool ideas from allowing mono flying moltres, etc

Ninja edit: for mons that are already mono, I'm not sure how that would work - maybe make them normal type or even typeless? Maybe just leave them mono? No clue tbh
On top of revealing the type, Bonus Type allows for the addition of Fairy- and Normal-type to be added to Pokemon, which was not possible through Hidden Type.

I don't understand your other suggestion, that has nothing to do with the metagame premise and would just add a lot of confusion
On top of revealing the type, Bonus Type allows for the addition of Fairy- and Normal-type to be added to Pokemon, which was not possible through Hidden Type.

I don't understand your other suggestion, that has nothing to do with the metagame premise and would just add a lot of confusion
That's very true! Everyone get yer ghost/normal types for sale!

And it was more just a theoretical musing than anything; not so much a suggestion as just thinking about that interaction and how it might affect things. You're right that it doesn't really match with the meta's core gimmick.

Either way, I'm super hyped! I'll have to post some of my ideas later and then realize how bad they are when I try to use them
Gonna post some more sets that I thought of earlier today while discussing in the OM Room

First one isn't a single set, but rather a really neat typing I found when theorymonning for this meta: Grass/Steel/Fairy

As you can see, the benefits of this type are just absolutely insane. 9 resists, 2 immunities (plus a plethora of immuiteis to different effects) with only a 4x weakness to Fire. Here's two options that can run this typing:
Fairy (Ferrothorn) @ Leftovers
Ability: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SpD
Careful Nature
- Spikes / Stealth Rock
- Knock Off
- Leech Seed
- Power Whip
Fairy-type Ferrothorn is undoubtedly going to become a popular defensive Pokemon for its amazing typing, bulk, and ability to set entry hazards. Being resistant to Dark moves makes it a solid Knock Off absorber. On paper, it seems like this will be very annoying for opposing teams to deal with.

:ss/tapu bulu:
Steel (Tapu Bulu) @ Leftovers / Life Orb
Ability: Grassy Surge
EVs: 52 HP / 252 Atk / 204 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Horn Leech
- Close Combat
- Swords Dance
- Substitute / Synthesis
Tapu Bulu is a more offensive take on this typing, using the bonus Steel-type to enable more setup opportunities. While Tapu Bulu does have Smart Strike as a STAB option with this typing, I think that Close Combat is still more desirable coverage on this set. You can choose between Sub and Synth for the last slot, or even some coverage option like Darkest Lariat, but I think Substitute will help the most to ensure Tapu Bulu can set up safely

was gonna post more but im tired so thats all for now, will definitely be back with more eventually!
Okay so let's talk about Kartana:


Fairy: super strong for the reasons stated above - likely to get an SD more often than usual. Synthesis sets could even show up more!

Fighting/Dark/Psychic: you get STAB on the strong moves it already has access to. Maybe steel steal some kills you didn’t get otherwise.

Fire: immunity to burns is very nice. Your 4x weakness moves down to a 2x as well, although you pick up a weakness to EQ, along with some other stuff, which sucks.

Ghost: no more getting revenged by fighting mons/Mach Punch! Also a very under-appreciated benefit I’m predicting will come into play as this meta develops is that you can’t get trapped by mag.

That in mind, and I’ll leave this for another post when I get more of a chance to think about it, I do think that mag will really start to show up more often. Steel types are obviously going to skyrocket in usage and mag, of course, accompanies that. Again, it’s late so I can’t really think too deeply about it just now, but I’ll try to drop another post later!
This seems like a fun concept, I hope it gets omotm soon. Dragons like this meta alot i think:


Electric (Dragapult) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
- U-turn

Has a stronger STAB move to hit clefable with as well as punish corvibuzz. I could also see this guy running steel on DD/CB sets as well as Water/Fire on specs sets.


Fire (Garchomp) @ Life Orb
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Scale Shot
- Fire Fang

Water (Garchomp) @ Life Orb
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Scale Shot
- Aqua Tail

Chomp gets past Steel/Flying now.


Normal (Noivern) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Boomburst
- Flamethrower
- Switcheroo

AAA Noivern basically, if a bit weaker and a worse stab typing.


Normal (Kommo-o) @ Throat Spray
Ability: Bulletproof
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Clangorous Soul
- Boomburst
- Clanging Scales
- Flamethrower

Kommo now busts past fairies extremely easily, unless they run ghost bonus type.
some stuff i was looking at

:zapdos: (Steel/Fire)
Electric/Flying/Steel has 1 weakness, 8 resists, and 2 immunities. It's the exact same set of resistances that Corv has, with Flying and Steel becoming double resists, and drops the Electric weakness as well. Magnezone can also have this typing, might be nice.
Adding Fire is a pretty neat typing too- offensively it obviously gives STAB to Heat Wave, but defensively, it maintains all of Zapdos' normal resistances while also adding Fairy and Fire resists, and exchanges the Ice weakness for a Water one instead (and doubles the Rock weakness so make sure HDB stays on lol)

:mandibuzz: (Poison)
removes Mandi's Fairy weakness and adds Bug/Fighting/Poison resists with an additional double Grass resist and no extra weaknesses (thanks to Dark/Flying being immune to both of Poison's weaknesses), gives 100% accuracy to its Toxics too and immunity to other Toxics. Cool thing is that this resists Dark+Fighting+Poison which is the typing that I assume most Urshifus would default to.

:corviknight: (Water/Dragon/Ghost)
Water removes its Fire weakness which helps a lot against the plethora of attackers that may try to rely on Fire STAB to beat it (like the Chomp above) but also turns its Electric weakness into a double. it increases its overall number of resists from 8 to 10 too.
Dragon looks cool too, you lose the Fairy/Dragon resists but also lose the Electric weakness and end up with only a single normal weakness to Ice.
Ghost Corv has 4 weaknesses which is a lot more than the others but being immune to both Fighting + Ground on a Steel type mon sounds annoying as fuck

:bisharp::obstagoon: (Ghost)
4x weakness into immunity is always nice. Ghost STAB doesn't really help either of these since all they get is Shadow Claw anyway but they also both have 4 immunities so thats cool i guess

:dhelmise: (Steel)
Ghost/Steel/Grass is another pretty nice Steel type combo that isn't weak to Ground and is immune to Fighting. Also gives STAB on Anchor Shot which is nice with the Steelworker boost

:hydreigon: (Steel)
yet ANOTHER possible Steel, this one appreciates having super effective STAB on Fairies that would normally switch on and Dark/Dragon/Steel is a pretty nice typing defensively with Levitate too

:excadrill: (Bug/Flying)
Excadrill doesn't really have any type to add for offensive purposes- STAB Rock Slide would be nice but probably not so much when Corv's Body Press is 4x super effective. Adding Bug typing removes the Ground and Fighting weaknesses, Flying turns that Ground weakness into an immunity instead but also adds an Ice weakness.

:pelipper: (Ground)
4x Electric weakness nullified, removes the SR weakness so u can run Damp Rock instead of HDB maybe if u wanna run a rain team

a cool thing about Normal and Electric types is that they only have 1 weakness, so you can't go wrong with slapping Normal onto a Ghost type or Electric onto a Levitate/Flying mon since you are guaranteed to have a better defensive type than the base mon did in every single situation (outside of shenanigans with Gravity, Tarrows etc).
Poison is another type where all of its weaknesses (Ground and Poison) can be ignored with immunities so putting it on a Dark/Flying like Mandi above is literally just 5 resists and Toxic immunity for free
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Here is yet another high-effort post. It's just a list of good mons for each bonus type with a little description of my take on each type. Not exhaustive of course, there's just so many options in this meta. Anyways hope you enjoy, I might update this more later

Bug - not a great type to be but usable if you want to use STAB U-turn and won't be too weak to rocks? First Impression exists too I guess

Dark - has lots of benefits like providing STAB Knock Off or other coverage or just fixing a Psychic weakness

Dragon - only really useful defensively but can be pretty good for improving matchups against Water, Electric, or Fire

Electric - awesome defensive synergy with flying or levitate, also a good coverage type on a number of attackers

Fairy - defensively it's good if you want to handle dark and fighting at once. offensively it's very niche since fairy coverage isn't common

Fighting - lots of things can benefit from the coverage it provides, defensive use includes dark resist and SR resist

Fire - good coverage type, good on Dragons because it flips the script on Fairy and Steel. defensive benefits too but comes with Rock weakness

Flying - defensively good for Steel types, they resist SR and appreciate ground immunity, has few offensive uses due to distribution

Grass - kind of a niche type that provides useful coverage for certain mons, also has some defensive qualities when paired with Steel

Ghost - I don't think it'll be as good of a STAB type as in standard, but I think it will be often used as a pass out of a fighting/trapping weakness

Ground - good coverage type, Electric immunity is beneficial but can stack weakness to Ice. also comes with a useful SR resist

Ice - this is the type you use if you want to use Triple Axel Hitmontop

Normal - gives STAB to abusable moves like Facade, Extreme Speed, and Boomburst, or can be used to give STAB to a mon with no coverage

Poison - can be good defensively for the Toxic immunity while providing different resistances than Steel. coverage for fairies too

Psychic- lollll I forgot psychic. it is a bit niche due to being overshadowed by other fighting resists and exploited by dark.

Rock - good coverage type for ground types mostly. shout out to hippo who becomes really bulky with it

Steel - probably the best type, adding steel almost always improves a mon defensively and can be a filler for when you're not sure what else to run

Water - synergistic with Dragon type especially if they have water coverage. also good with Ground in general
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Electric - awesome defensive synergy with flying or levitate, also a good coverage type on a number of attackers

Grass - kind of a niche type that provides useful coverage for certain mons, also has some defensive qualities when paired with Steel
Love the post, has a lot of great options and ideas but just FYI magearna is banned

I love the idea of flying magnezone, it makes it a lot tankier vs some of the more offensive steel mons you might want to trap with not being weak to fighting coverage (or STAB) from kart, and it's bulky enough to have some fairly nice general utility with the resists in matchups where you can't use it to trap. The ground immunity is just super useful too.

Something we discussed on PS is rain, with things like ground Drednaw, water Thundurus (Edit: I meant Tornadus) and maybe something like fighting Beartic being useable, alongside a not rock weak Pelipper
Seeing as steel typing offers the most utility to the most mons in this meta, I expect Fire and Fighting stab to be very valuable, with Fire also providing some defensive options vs Fairy, which is bound to be a common typing too.

I'm not sure Normal typing will be as beneficial as initially expected. While STAB on powerful moves is valuable as others have mentioned, Steel will be extremely common, and there is an opportunity cost for using Normal over a more defensive typing, but I could be way off base here. Excited to play and see
love this om concept and def messing around with bulky builds; particularly the concept of rain

Steel (Pelipper) (M) @ Damp Rock
Ability: Drizzle
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Scald
- Defog
- Roost
- U-turn

With rain's main setter being Pelipper, it always struggled with taking Stealth Rock damage and fitting a Defog-user somewhere else in the team. By adding a Steel-typing, Pelipper now carries a whopping 10 resistances and immunity to Toxic, massively improving its longevity in the battle and support the rest of its teammates. Its x4 weakness to Electric is still prevalent but can be remedied by fitting a Ground-type somewhere in the team as usual.

Water (Kyurem) @ Metronome
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 56 HP / 200 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Weather Ball
- Freeze-Dry
- Substitute
- Roost

With the addition of a new typing, Weather Ball on weather teams can finally dish out some serious damage by giving it a STAB boost. With the unique property of Freeze-Dry being super-effective, a combination of it and Weather Ball gives Kyurem perfect, unresisted coverage (as long as rain is up). Although not a super impressive defensive typing, Kyurem still poses a threat while under rain and a Substitute to give it a great offensive role on rain teams.

Poison (Tornadus-Therian) (M) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Hurricane
- Knock Off
- U-turn

For reasons I cannot fathom, Tornadus-Therian seems to be still legal in OU, but I won't stray far from this post lol. When accounting for a rain team, a large problem that rain faces is the ever-present Rillaboom, a mon that has potential running Fighting-, Dark-, or Ground-type as its bonus type, Poison-Flying Tornadus-Therian can ease the matchup-up for rain immensely. Resisting all of Rillaboom's STAB-moves barring Dark, Tornadus-Therian can act as an essential pivot and offensive force with Nasty Plot to make sure Rillaboom stays out of rain's way of making progress.

Ground (Drednaw) (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Waterfall
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake

Finally, without having to resort to the really underwhelming Seismitoad, rain has a great breaker in Drednaw, giving it a STAB-boosted Earthquake in tandem with its respectable attack stat that can be boosted further with Swords Dance. An addition of this Drednaw set to a rain team turns the team-style much more offensive to break through other teams with brute force. Although now x8 weak to Grass-types, it provides a much-needed Ground-immunity that rain immensely appreciates.

anyways, really excited for this OM if it gets OMOTM and ready to wash away the competition!
With the unique property of Freeze-Dry being super-effective, a combination of it and Weather Ball gives Kyurem perfect, unresisted coverage (as long as rain is up)
This is true in a normal meta, where only mono and dual types exist, but with tri-types this is no longer true: Ice/Steel/any type that resists water gives a freeze dry/water resistance.
In fact, it’s completely impossible to achieve perfect two move coverage in this meta: Ghost/Fighting is obviously walled by Normal/Ghost, but even with scrappy, it’s walled by Dark or Normal plus two Fighting resists. Normal/Fighting with scrappy is similar, with Steel or Rock instead of Dark or Normal.
Thousand Arrows/Flying is perfect coverage, but Zygarde doesn’t learn any flying type moves, so that’s irrelevant.
(admittedly this is all fairly irrelevant but I find it decently interesting and happened to know it beforehand, so I figured I’d type it out anyways.)
Ooh, now this is an interesting concept.

Flying (Stakataka) @ Life Orb
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Lonely Nature
IVs: 15 Def / 0 Spe
- Trick Room
- Stone Edge
- Gyro Ball
- Earthquake

With a Flying-type added to it, Stak is now immune to Ground and takes only 2x damage from Fighting moves, which is a godsend for it. It gains a weakness to Electric and loses some resistances, which is always unfortunate for anything, but it’s not like any Electrics are going to switch into it.

Steel (Mew) @ Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Stealth Rock / Spikes
- Psychic / Iron Head
- Roost
- U-turn

Mew looks to have a lot of potential in this OM, with having access to every type in the game and whatnot. It faces competition from Jirachi due to the latter’s ability to hax out opponents with flinching, but Mew’s niche lies in its massive movepool and the ability to effectively take any type. Similarly, offensive sets are very much plausible, but that’s something for another day.

Steel (Rillaboom) @ Choice Band
Ability: Grassy Surge
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Grassy Glide
- Wood Hammer
- Knock Off
- U-turn

Haha funny monkey gets Steel-typing. Rilla is already a pain to face in OU, but here it gets a bunch of new tools to use. Not much to say here other than other typings are definitely plausible such as Ground- or Fighting, but I think Steel will get the most usage here.

Ground (Terrakion) @ Choice Band
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stone Edge
- Close Combat
- Earthquake
- Megahorn

STAB EQ, with Megahorn thrown in for good measure. Hide yo kids from this thing.
This is true in a normal meta, where only mono and dual types exist, but with tri-types this is no longer true: Ice/Steel/any type that resists water gives a freeze dry/water resistance.
In fact, it’s completely impossible to achieve perfect two move coverage in this meta: Ghost/Fighting is obviously walled by Normal/Ghost, but even with scrappy, it’s walled by Dark or Normal plus two Fighting resists. Normal/Fighting with scrappy is similar, with Steel or Rock instead of Dark or Normal.
Thousand Arrows/Flying is perfect coverage, but Zygarde doesn’t learn any flying type moves, so that’s irrelevant.
(admittedly this is all fairly irrelevant but I find it decently interesting and happened to know it beforehand, so I figured I’d type it out anyways.)
lol yeah I did not account for that and definitely a good thing to point out, so thanks for adding on. in a triple type meta, being able to hit neutrally a majority of mons is rather hard to achieve as you've pointed out and definitely a building block to account for when thinking about the defensive meta of this OM. this in turn also gives opportunities to increase the variety of offensive coverage, making this meta offensively and defensively interesting and opening new perspectives on what to prepare for.
I only have 1 question. will there be 6x resists? like fire type attacking grass/steel/bug ferro. Or maybe 8x resists. ..:>..:>..;....

Weakness and resistance is multiplicative, so that Ferrothorn would have an 8x weakness to Fire, or you could have a Fire-type Corviknight with an 8x Bug resistance.

And speaking of Bug...

Bug (Incineroar) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD (there's probably a more optimal spread but meh)
Careful Nature
- Knock Off
- Leech Life
- Will-O-Wisp / Flare Blitz / Close Combat / Thunder Punch
- U-turn / Parting Shot

This seems neat. Losing the weakness to Fighting and Ground gives Incineroar a pretty nice defensive typing, being able to take on mons like Kyurem, Aegislash/Gengar/Spectrier, Rillaboom, Kartana, and depending on its coverage even Heatran. STAB Leech Life gives it a way to stay healthy over the course of longer games while STAB U-turn puts out a good amount of offensive pressure coming from base 115 attack and provides momentum to the team. Parting Shot is also an option to give more opportunities to setup sweepers (or really just anything with Swords Dance/Nasty Plot) to set up safely. Of course, there's the 4x weakness to Rock which forces Heavy-Duty Boots (instead of something like Assault Vest) and grants a crippling weakness to Knock Off, and on top of that Incineroar can still be worn down by repeated strong attacks from the mons it's meant to check (Fighting Aegislash Close Combat, Ground Kyurem Earth Power etc...) so it's not an ideal solution to any mon in particular, but I think the set has merit as somewhat of a "catch-all" soft check to some big threats.

Electric (Gengar) @ Black Sludge / Spell Tag / Life Orb
Ability: Cursed Body
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Bomb / Focus Blast
- Thunderbolt
- Nasty Plot

Electric Gengar seems like a super good breaker in a meta where defensive mons are inevitably going to prioritize types like Water, Flying and Fairy. But on top of that, it shores up one of Gengar's major weaknesses: its vulnerability to Paralysis forced it to run Substitute to properly take advantage of defensive builds, which made it drop the coverage that could rip through more offensive builds, but now it gets the best of both worlds and more - Paralysis immunity without having to spend an extra setup turn on Substitute, and coverage with a newfound 50% power boost to even more easily rip through the likes of Corviknight, Tornadus-Therian and Toxapex that might have checked it before. Of course, Gengar's not without its share of new checks - Rock Hippowdon takes it on very easily, and most Dark-types can handle it if it's running Sludge Bomb whereas bulky Fairy-types can check it if it runs Focus Blast.
theorymon moment

:weezing-galar: & :weezing:
Here's a Pokemon with the blessed combo of Poison + Levitate, meaning we're only left with Psychic as a weakness. Galarian Weezing is secondarily weak to Steel but gains a great resist to Dark and a second immunity to Dragon.
Comboing with Dark grants a Ghost resist, immunity to Psychic, and for G-Weezing it only major downside is removing the Fairy neutrality as it still has a 2x resist vs. Bug and Fighting. Normal Weezing simply has no weaknesses at all.

I think a secondary Steel type is good as well, Poison/Fairy/Steel is extremely durable alongside Levitate.
Weak toFire
NeutralWater, Ghost, Electric, Steel, Psychic
ResistNormal, Flying, Ice, Rock, Fighting, Dark
Strongly Resist (4x or 8x)Grass, Bug, Fairy
ImmunePoison, Dragon, Ground | Grounded field effects (Spikes, Webs, terrain)

It does suck losing out on NGas and Weezing is in general underwhelming, but its the only Pokemon capable of this specific defensive profile.

anyway lets talk about stuff that's actually relevant


Normally I'm one to complain about unleashing Ubers back into an OM because they usually just end up broken anyhow, but Urshifu might be more manageable now that you can overload on defensive types. Dark/Fighting/Poison was its big break in terms of plowing through all that stood in it's way: what can we do to guard against such a dangerous threat??? ban it

Fighting/Ghost/Dark : Immune to Fighting, resists Dark and Poison, also resists U-Turn.
Users : :sableye::spiritomb::scrafty::pangoro::urshifu:
Hilariously of these the best defensive answer to Urshifu is... Urshifu.

Steel/Fairy/Poison : Resists Fighting and Dark, Immune to Poison, also resists U-Turn.
Users : :klefki::mawile::weezing-galar:
Weezing and its Fairy STAB + good defense actually make it decent at fending off Urshifu's attacks and threatening it out.

Fighting/Poison/Flying: Quad resists Fighting, resists Dark, Poison, and U-Turn.
Users : :crobat::golbat::hawlucha::zapdos-galar::toxicroak:
Crobat not only matches up well type-wise but also naturally outspeeds Adamant Urshifu. Crazy!

Fighting/Bug/Poison: Quad resists Fighting and U-Turn, resists Dark and Poison.
Users : plenty but why run them when you can run :buzzwole:

Fighting/Poison: Resists all STAB moves and U-Turn. Worse than the one above but more accessible.
Users : literally every mono-Fighting or Poison type. If you're dumb you could also just use base :toxicroak:
Extends to things with a secondary type that doesn't interfere. So like Pex could run Water/Poison/Fighting and completely stuff the STAB Poison + U-Turn set.

Zen Headbutt is another coverage move and it generally beats four of the five combos above. Sadly running Zen Headbutt worsens your Urshifu's matchup versus Ghost Urshifu. You could substitute Ground for Poison for some if you wanted to retain a Fighting resist but not be as weak to Zen Headbutt: Fighting/Bug/Ground Buzzwole sounds quite versatile in handling Urshifu, it won't instantly drop to a Zen Headbutt and since Urshifu is usually choiced you can just bring in a fellow Dark to force it out.


Everyone's favorite lagomorphin' bastard is back and uh probably going to be really annoying again. Obviously Libero doesn't benefit from the addition of a new typing, but that doesn't mean we should ignore it completely. A secondary typing can be great to let Cinderace switch in more often, either through resists/immunities or simply by receiving less hazard damage, a benefit that greatly improves the viability of Choice Band sets.

Fire/Fighting, Fire/Ground, and Fire/Steel all remove its Stealth Rock weakness, and the latter two provide it with new immunities to take advantage of.

While much more niche Fire/Grass would protect it from Sleep Powder, Spore, and Leech Seed, which would be slightly more practical for a HDB set.

I think Cinderace's esteemed coverage is going to be less impressive when defensive cores are so much more customizable and less predictable. It's still a potent physical breaker and solid form of speed control, but it's going to have to contend with more defensive roadblocks, and its niche of having more than 2 STABs is less impressive when other offensive Pokemon are largely doing the same thing.

That's enough serious shit for me let's discuss spicy garbage instead

OK hear me out-
Electric (Clawitzer) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Mega Launcher
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Terrain Pulse
- Scald
- ???
- aura sphere or somethn just click terrain pulse moron

Today I learned Clawitzer is banned from PU. Now being banned from the lowest official tier means nothing when it comes to being viable in a souped-up OU setting, but we don't care about such petty things as "tiers," we care about 252+ SpA Choice Specs Mega Launcher Clawitzer Terrain Pulse (100 BP) vs. 252 HP / 176+ SpD Ferrothorn in Electric Terrain: 170-201 (48.2 - 57.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after 1 layer of Spikes and Leftovers recovery

This is basically Bolt Beak Dracozolt but for maniacs.

Keep your opponent guessing by running Koko, Lele, and Rillaboom at once. That Clawitzer could be armed with any of three weapons of mass destruction and they'll be so scared of which you'd probably just win by forfeits. In fact those might be your only wins for running Clawitzer lmao

Other creative ways to overthink during teambuilding
:scizor: dual wingbeat flying-type scizor
:toxtricity: stab boomburst
:landorus-therian: bug type lando cuz yall mfs only know u-turn
:azumarill: ground-type sap sipper got no weaknesses ultimate perish trapper
:jirachi: can now run stab on draco meteor hell yeah