Tournament BLT VIII: Week 1

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Keep It Simple
is a Tiering Contributor
is a Tiering Contributor
OUPL Champion

S/o lei for the beautiful logo! .
Approved by Aethernum

Welcome to the first week of BLT VII! For this year's format, teams will be fighting in a round robin where every team will play every other team. At the end of the round robin, the top four teams will move on to the playoffs where the first seed will play the fourth seed and the second seed will play the third seed to determine who will be this year’s finalists. A win will be worth 2 points, a draw 1, and a loss 0. Obviously, play on PS! (preferably main or smogtours server). Series are played in a best-of-one.

Basic Tournament Rules - you absolutely should read this, especially if you're new to forum tournaments
Sportsmanship: Don't be an ass. Not to your opponents, not to your team, not on PS, not on Smogon, not to me. A bit of friendly banter is ok, but please know where to draw the line. Think before you type, please.

Scheduling and Activity Wins: Contact your opponent as quickly as possible on their Smogon wall, and look out for them on PS. You will have one week from the posting of the week's matches to get it done, and I will not be granting any extensions for any reasons. If your opponent is not responding to your post on their wall, cannot be found on PS, or miss multiple scheduled times, make a detailed activity post in the thread letting me know why you deserve the win. No activity post means no activity call. As long as you have visible attempts at scheduling (such as wall posts), you will be fine.

Disconnections and Timer: A timer loss is a loss. No if's, and's, or but's about it. If your opponent is nice enough to replay that's fine, but they are by no means obligated to.
Ghosting and Identity: Don't take or give battle advice or make moves based solely on the suggestions of others, and don't pretend to be someone else in order to play as them. You will be caught, and you will be disqualified from this season as well as future PS! tournaments (BLT, PSPL, etc.).

Substitutions: Managers are free to substitute out inactive players at any point during the week with any subs they chose during the draft. Be sure to post in the thread when making a substitution.



Lavender Laprases (3) vs Ruin Valley Roserades (7)
SS Ubers: velvet halaman95 vs Reje Ron...5
SS OU: Not Miyan vs Hockey1
SS OU: MagicalXerneas vs Baloor
SS UU: TMM vs Sificon
SS RU: Mac3 vs Kyotoshi
SS NU: Xiri vs Ninja
SS PU: tlenit vs Let's Rumble Shall We
SS LC: Surfy vs kythr
SS Monotype: henguinie vs Kaguya Lys
SS DOU: queso vs Mishimono


Turffield Turtwigs (6) vs Anistar Articunos (4)

SS Ubers: Demykunst vs Trade
SS OU: Blimax vs iNoLife
SS OU: myjava vs lvl100Blaziken (Fragments)
SS UU: 100%GXE vs RoyalReloaded
SS RU: Decem vs lkapkd1
SS NU: TeamCharm vs Nout
SS PU: Harshal_08 vs Plas
SS LC: Serene Grace vs Mikaav
SS DOU: Maki vs RKD
SS Mono: StitChuu vs PrinceOfAllTacos


Petalburg Poocheyans (5) vs Bayern Munchlaxes (5)

SS Ubers: Ainzcrad vs 7u9i2
SS OU: e~t~h~e~y vs Yugon
SS OU: Perish Song vs ToastedBunzzz02
SS UU: Acselsior13 vs Expulso
SS RU: Malassa vs yovan33321
SS NU: PokeArt2004♥ vs roxiee
SS PU: MalMoonsault vs gum
SS LC: Gray vs p4P1//0n
SS DOU: TTT444 vs Shadowmonstr7
SS Mono: RichardPepper vs Meta

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Celestic Town Celesteelas (5) vs Sunyshore Snorlaxes (5)

SS Ubers: LTG vs FatFighter2
SS OU: Stareal vs Failures
SS OU: Pradhaaan vs Roginald
SS UU: saba1111 vs Mygrein
SS RU: TheFranklin vs EternalSnowman
SS NU: Fille vs daniYSB
SS PU: Splash vs Z Strats
SS LC: giove97 vs BigBoy038
SS DOU: Crunchman vs LightScreener
SS Mono: avarice vs Hys

This week ends 30th May at 11:59PM EST. Good luck everyone!



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Lavender Laprases (0) vs Ruin Valley Roserades (0)

SS Ubers: velvet vs Reje
SS OU: Not Miyan vs Hockey1
SS OU: MagicalXerneas vs Baloor
SS UU: TMM vs Sificon
SS RU: Mac3 vs Kyotoshi
SS NU: Xiri vs Ninja
SS PU: tlenit vs Let's Rumble Shall We
SS LC: Surfy vs kythr
SS Monotype: henguinie vs Kaguya Lys
SS DOU: queso vs Mishimono

Turffield Turtwigs (0) vs Anistar Articunos

SS Ubers: Demykunst vs Trade
SS OU: Blimax vs iNoLife
SS OU: myjava vs lvl100Blaziken (Fragments)
SS UU: 100%GXE vs RoyalReloaded
SS RU: Decem vs lkapkd1
SS NU: TeamCharm vs Nout
SS PU: Harshal_08 vs Plas
SS LC: Serene Grace vs Mikaav
SS DOU: Maki vs RKD
SS Mono: StitChuu vs PrinceOfAllTacos

Petalburg Poocheyans (0) vs Bayern Munchlaxes (0)

SS Ubers: Ainzcrad vs 7u9i2
SS OU: e~t~h~e~y vs Yugon
SS OU: Perish Song vs ToastedBunzzz02
SS UU: Acselsior13 vs Expulso
SS RU: Malassa vs yovan33321
SS NU: PokeArt2004♥ vs roxiee
SS PU: MalMoonsault vs gum
SS LC: Gray vs p4P1//0n
SS DOU: TTT444 vs Shadowmonstr7
SS Mono: RichardPepper vs Meta

Celestic Town Celesteelas (0) vs Sunyshore Snorlaxes (0)

SS Ubers: LTG vs FatFighter2
SS OU: Stareal vs Failures
SS OU: Pradhaaan vs Roginald
SS UU: saba1111 vs Mygrein
SS RU: TheFranklin vs EternalSnowman
SS NU: Fille vs daniYSB
SS PU: Splash vs Z Strats
SS LC: giove97 vs BigBoy038
SS DOU: Crunchman vs LightScreener
SS Mono: avarice vs Hys
Back with the blessed predicts

Lavender Laprases (4) vs Ruin Valley Roserades (6)

SS Ubers: velvet (30) vs Reje (70): Does velvet play SS Ubers?
SS OU: Not Miyan (30) vs Hockey1 (70): I thought Miyan played lower tiers last year
SS OU: MagicalXerneas (35) vs Baloor (65): Don't really know how either plays but Baloor knows OU for sure
SS UU: TMM (75) vs Sificon (25): Never saw Sificon play UU, also TMM has way more experience
SS RU: Mac3 (51) vs Kyotoshi (49): Very HL match but a bit biased towards mace
SS NU: Xiri (60) vs Ninja (40): So apparently I was wrong in my rankings and I think Xiri has higher edge on lower tiers
SS PU: tlenit (75) vs Let's Rumble Shall We (25): I heard tlenit is a beast in PU. Sorry HR1 ;-;
SS LC: Surfy (45) vs kythr (55): Also very HL match, a bit biased towards kythr
SS Monotype: henguinie (40) vs Kaguya Lys (60): Both are very good but I'm not sure if bdl is in touch after last year
SS DOU: queso (40) vs Mishimono (60): mish

Petalburg Poocheyans (3) vs Bayern Munchlaxes (7)

SS Ubers: Ainzcrad (75) vs 7u9i2 (25): Ainz should win this easily unless he chokes, a very good builder in general
SS OU: e~t~h~e~y (35) vs Yugon (65): LMAOOOOO highlight match for many other reasons
SS OU: Perish Song (40) vs ToastedBunzzz02 (60): Bunzzz has been doing very good recently
SS UU: Acselsior13 (40) vs Expulso (60): Based on more experience
SS RU: Malassa (30) vs yovan33321 (70): Better lower tiers player with Expulso support
SS NU: PokeArt2004♥ (35) vs roxiee (65): roxiee NU goat but PokeArt ain't an easy opponent
SS PU: MalMoonsault (45) vs gum (55): gum has more experience in PU but apw is also god at picking the perfect matchups
SS LC: Gray (60) vs p4P1//0n (40): also a very fun match but have seen Gray win more
SS DOU: TTT444 (45) vs Shadowmonstr7 (55): Should be a good match
SS Mono: RichardPepper (55) vs Meta (45): Richard has higher odds of bringing the right matchup

Celestic Town Celesteelas (7) vs Sunyshore Snorlaxes (3)

SS Ubers: LTG (25) vs FatFighter2 (75): FF2 is on a roll in SS Ubers right now
SS OU: Stareal (51) vs Failures (49): Same as below
SS OU: Pradhaaan (49) vs Roginald (51): Very HL match, should be fun but leaning towards Roginald very slightly
SS UU: saba1111 (52) vs Mygrein (48): Both are very good players but I've seen saba play in UU more, thus slightly leaning towards saba
SS RU: TheFranklin (65) vs EternalSnowman (35): Should be very fun but I don't see arce9 losing this
SS NU: Fille (35) vs daniYSB (65): Mains NU
SS PU: Splash (65) vs Z Strats (35): Z is good at singles too but Splash is better
SS LC: giove97 (55) vs BigBoy038 (45): Better in SS? Not really sure though
SS DOU: Crunchman (55) vs LightScreener (45): Crunchman has mad prep abilities
SS Mono: avarice (60) vs Hys (40): Better player I think? You can never be sure about mono though

~ Love generates sacrifice which itself generates hatred ... And so suffering comes into play ...
~ One must have known real suffering to desire peace.
~ My friends of yesterday will be my enemies of tomorrow.
~ It is sometimes necessary to make a heavy choice of consequence by agreeing to sacrifice a part of oneself to allow other members to help us survive.


:bw/Gengar: Welcome to this Tournament N°8 of the BLT :bw/Gengar:

~ :Darkrai: Do I Really Need to Introduce Myself ? Let's do it just in case ! My name is Mellow. I have won many competitions and won many battles in almost all existing formats. My goal is to understand all the techniques possible and to be the N ° 1 in all tier possible to play even if this dream seems impossible I would never know the disappointment and the rangaine. I am also an artist and by passion for beautiful things I have to embellish and highlight the things that are close to my heart and what better to show the whole world the power of my friends in passionate fights as I saw the day in the world of art and replays ! :darkrai: ~

:Machamp: Before we start let me warn you of what we expect ... This tournament is probably one of the most difficult that it can exist and moreover you will be as a team so the failures of one could lead to the defeat others but remember that those who break the rules are considered less than nothing ... However, those who abandon their teammates are worse than less than nothing ! If you do not help yourself and that you do not believe in your friends you will succumb very quickly to the adversary and even if one of your friends were to fall you should not under any circumstances abandon it in the hands of the enemies. You will lift the cup together or succumb together ! Beat you ! Help you ! Believe in yourself ! and crush your enemies ! Take the trophy from them and cry for joy together because it is their friendship ! :Machamp:



:Lapras: Lavender Laprases :Lapras: (3) vs (7) :Roserade: Ruin Valley Roserades :Roserade:


:Turtwig: Turffield Turtwigs :Turtwig: ( 6 ) vs ( 4 ) :Articuno-Galar: Anistar Articunos :Articuno-Galar:


:Poochyena: Petalburg Poocheyans :Poochyena: ( 5 ) vs ( 5 ):Munchlax: Bayern Munchlaxes :Munchlax:

SS Ubers: Ainzcrad vs 7u9i2">7u9i2 | Match :Munchlax:

( A most intense psychological match... You can advance to turn 150 - 418 - 435 - 512 - 603 / 610 to see the kills achieved. The current World Record is 1286 turn by ABR & Tele but impossible to improve because limited to 1000 turn but a new personal record of the longest match I have watched : 610 turn :O )

SS OU: e~t~h~e~y">e~t~h~e~y vs Yugon | Match :Poochyena:

SS OU: Perish Song">Perish Song vs ToastedBunzzz02 | Match :Poochyena:

SS UU: Acselsior13">Acselsior13 vs Expulso | Match :Poochyena:

SS RU: Malassa vs yovan33321">yovan33321 | Match :Munchlax:

SS NU: PokeArt2004♥">PokeArt2004 vs roxiee | Match :Poochyena:

SS PU: MalMoonsault vs gum">gum | Match :Munchlax:

SS LC: Gray vs p4P1//0n">p4P1//0n | Match :Munchlax:

SS DOU: TTT444">TTT444 vs Shadowmonstr7 | Match :Poochyena:

SS Mono: RichardPepper vs Meta">Meta | Match :Munchlax:


:Celesteela: Celestic Town Celesteelas :Celesteela: (5) vs (5) :Snorlax: Sunyshore Snorlaxes :Snorlax:


:Gengar-Gmax: Please post your replays ! Post your replays ! Post your replays ! PLEASE post your replays !!! :Gengar-Gmax:

:bw/Hitmonlee: Match Play : 100% - Thank You For Playing ! :bw/Hitmonlee:
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Its that time again. Predicts!

Lavender Laprases (4) vs Ruin Valley Roserades (6)

SS Ubers: velvet vs Reje - Only velvet blood will spill from this match. Despite how good velv is in higher tiers, reje is one of, if not the best ubers player in the pool with years of experience.
SS OU: Not Miyan vs Hockey1 - From what I heard, Hockey is the more experienced player when it comes to ou and should be able to hit the puck into the goal, taking a game for his team. After all, if you say "Hockey1" aloud, it sounds just like "Hockey won".
SS OU: MagicalXerneas vs Baloor - I haven't seen, nor do I know very much from MagicalXerneas apart from the fact they played ou in pspl, so I don't think I can judge fairly. I think Baloor wins because I've seen him play a lot, and though he isn't the most consistent, he is def a solid player in ou. If the Xerneas wins, perhaps it will be the work of magic.
SS UU: TMM vs Sificon - Underrated but good match. While Sificon is a good player and tends to excel at lower tiers, tmm mains uu, is very solid and overall better in it and should win vs sifi for this reason.
SS RU: Mac3 vs Kyotoshi - This should be a pretty great match between 2 very goated players, but I have to say mac3 here. This is mac's tier, and from what I know, Kyotoshi plays ou.
SS NU: Xiri vs Ninja - While Ninja has apparently been active on smogon for nearly 12 years, xiri is a very solid player when it comes to nu and should take this, no matter how skilled and stealthy this Ninja may be.
SS PU: tlenit vs Let's Rumble Shall We - I've recently heard a lot about tlenit, being hyped up as one of the best pu players in this pool, so I think its fair to say that despite hellray being pretty good, having done well in tlt, tlenit should win this match. Let's watch them rumble, shall we?
SS LC: Surfy vs kythr - A personal hl match for me. Surfy plays a lot of lc and is def really good in it, but kythr is an absolutely goated player overall who can play well in any tier. On top of that, kythr was the lc circuit winner, so I think kythr should be the clear winner here. Sorry surfy, but kythr is as based as these absol jokes are old.
SS Monotype: henguinie vs Kaguya Lys - bdlol has had some good showings in the past, some not so much, but Kaguya Lys is actually a pretty experienced mono player with good records it turns out. In other words, Kaguya should win, and drizzle will not be banned.
SS DOU: queso vs Mishimono - A battle between former snowpoint snoms! Until now, I didn't even know cheese played dou. I'll have to say mish, as I know mish is a really great doubles player, whereas cheese is just... too darn cheesy! Also, hope you do much better than last year mish, show 'em what you got!

Turffield Turtwigs (5) vs Anistar Articunos (5)

SS Ubers: Demykunst vs Trade - As the new guy, you probably wish more than anything to trade opponents, and not start off with one of the most versatile and skilled players in this entire tour.
SS OU: Blimax vs iNoLife - Now this is a massive hl match in which I wouldn't be surprised went either way. Blimax came off blt with a decent record of 4-4 last year beating some very impressive opponent, but based on what I've seen from inolife in tlt and the qualifying cycles, I'm giving inolife the edge.
SS OU: myjava vs lvl100Blaziken (Fragments) - I don't know anything about myjava except for the fact that they're ou room voice, and despite fragments being a decent player, that reasoning is sufficient for me.
SS UU: 100%GXE vs RoyalReloaded - It's gxe, and gxe is one of those players who might actually have a 100% gxe for the entire tour.
SS RU: Decem vs lkapkd1 - Decem is one of those highly versatile and skilled players, and lkap is lkap, the meme, the legend, the anomaly. Between these 2, its clear which one is the better player, but lkap is lkap, and that fact paired with the power of rngsus is always something you need to beware of. Decem should win, but the power of memes and luck can be fierce.
SS NU: TeamCharm vs Nout - Charm is a great player in general, but he yesterday he won in semis of nu open (congrats btw), proving that he is incredibly solid in nu. In other words, Nout is nout winning this one.
SS PU: Harshal_08 vs Plas - From what I know, Harshal is new, while plas is a very good and experienced player overall, even if this isn't his main tier, so I'm going with plas.
SS LC: Serene Grace vs Mikaav - Without a doubt, the most heat match of the week, so much heat that it causes water to boil. These 2 are probably the 2 best lc players in the pool, with this likely being the most challenging match they'll have all tour. I think Serene Grace has the slight edge and should take this win with grace, though I wouldn't be surprised if mikaav wins.
SS DOU: Maki vs RKD - Before this tour, I didn't know Maki played dou while irkd is a relatively solid doubles main. While Maki is a good player with good doubles support to back them up I've seen more of, and personally played against irkd in doubles tours in tours room, and I can definitely vouch that they are solid. Because of that, I think irkd takes this, though I'll be irked if I'm wrong.
SS Mono: StitChuu vs PrinceOfAllTacos - If stitch plays mono, this is news to me. Poat plays mono and he is a good player overall, now if he doesn't play like he did in that one pspl game, he should be fine vs stitch. Now, if this was a battle of getting likes on the other hand...

Celestic Town Celesteelas (6) vs Sunyshore Snorlaxes (4)

SS Ubers: LTG vs FatFighter2 - Fat is one of the best ubers players in the pool, having been an ubers seasonal runnerup even, so until he maybe faces reje, I don't see Fat losing.
SS OU: Stareal vs Failures - Piro is a good player in ou, no doubt but stareal is a real star in ou, being one of if not the best ou player in the pool, having accomplishments like getting tlt runner up and winning the tundra cup to back it up, so I don't see star losing here.
SS OU: Pradhaaan vs Roginald - Roginald is probably the more recognized name of these 2, which is understandable because rogi is a great player, especially in ou. However, Pradhaaan had a 7-2 record in blt last year. I haven't seen that much from rogi recently so I'm picking prad. Sorry rogi.
SS UU: saba1111 vs Mygrein - I can really see this going either way. Saba is a great player overall, and good in uu, while Mygrein is a well known uu main who's also relatively good. This should be close but I'm leaning saba, but only slightly, he might be just a little bit better.
SS RU: TheFranklin vs EternalSnowman - This is a pretty heat match between 2 very versatile players of near equal skill, but my clear pick is arce. During tlt, ru was one of the only tiers esm didn't really play, but apparently that changed over the last few months? Regardless, arce has always been an ru main and has far more experience with ru this gen, so based on experience, I say arce wins, but it could be close.
SS NU: Fille vs daniYSB - I was surprised to see Fille here, as they're an lc main through and through. Anyways, dani is apparently a very good nu main and between that and someone I've never seen outside of lc, I have to choose the nu main.
SS PU: Splash vs Z Strats - Seeing Z strats in any tier that isn't dou feels very strange to look at. This match is strange in general because its an ou + mono main vs a dou main in pu. While I don't know how either player does outside their mains, I think picking the player who plays singles in a singles tier makes the most sense.
SS LC: giove97 vs BigBoy038 - I didn't want to predict against giove here, but her opponent is a great player with a lot of experience. I don't know how they really fare in lc, but I think bigboy takes this. Sorry gi.
SS DOU: Crunchman vs LightScreener - I don't know very much about either player apart from the fact they play doubles, but I'm gonna go with LightScreener because they're getting really good support from a certain someone who's playing pu for some reason, and they have a light screener! Crunchman probably just brings ttars with crunch.
SS Mono: avarice vs Hys - Again, this lineup is kinda weird. Neither of these 2 are mono players really. From what I know about both, I'll base it on skill and say avarice wins.

Thanks for reading, see ya next week

(Apologies to anyone I may have possibly offended, please do not take these very seriously.)
Kay lets get this.

Lavender Laprases (6) vs Ruin Valley Roserades (4)

SS Ubers: velvet (60) vs Reje (40) : Reje has an elmo as his profile pic? Little known fact buuut, flygons just destroy elmos!!
SS OU: Not Miyan (55) vs Hockey1 (California) : Tough one. Was def leaning Hockey until I found out he is not Canadian!!? Plus mega absol needs more love.
SS OU: MagicalXerneas (38.7) vs Baloor (61.3): Baloor is Canadian tho; maybe he plays hockey. Love your name tho magical xerneas.
SS UU: TMM (42) vs Sificon (58) : Sifi is big-brained. He is not here for my entertainment and I would be entertained if he loses here. Thus he wins.
SS RU: Mac3 (51) vs Kyotoshi (49) : The avatar vs omni man. This will be a close one. I am gonna give it to the avatar bc he is less basic.
SS NU: Xiri (62) vs Ninja (38) : I really like ninja rn, but xiri is like an ice ninja. Like, sorry but he is just cooler. I had an ice pun to tell you… Problem is, it slipped my mind.
SS PU: tlenit (99 cents) vs Let's Rumble Shall We (A buck 50): OH-HOHOHOHOH000!! Tlenit really gonna try to M'lady past the guy who just wants to rumble!! Not. *clap* Gonna. *clap* Work. *clap*
SS LC: Surfy (3 Apples) vs kythr (Half rotten orange and A mango) : Kythr is really growing on me too ngl, but like Appa eats plants and the lakers are gonna win in 4, sooo, Yeah.
SS Monotype: henguinie (53) vs Kaguya Lys (47): Loove Kaguya's profile pic but giving it to the guy from hell. What's the most popular spice in hell? Sinnamon
SS DOU: queso (0) vs Mishimono (100) : Mish Mish. Dancing orange tho lol.

Turffield Turtwigs (7) vs Anistar Articunos (3)

SS Ubers: Demykunst (checkers) vs Trade (tik-tac-toe) : Crabhammar that cat, BOI. Tough luck trade getting punched in the face like that.
SS OU: Blimax (Red pen) vs iNoLife (Paint gun) : I just think ino is a better player. Blimax never saw it coming.
SS OU: myjava (java) vs lvl100Blaziken (Perl) : How can a java programer beat a lvl 100 blaziken!!
SS UU: 100%GXE (Muda muda) vs RoyalReloaded (Click Click Boom) : Not even I can pick against GXE-goat-goat (heh gogoat).
SS RU: Decem (20000) vs lkapkd1 (-6) : Cmon lkap-kid-one. Give me that angry face. There you go. Kawaii. Have fun losing.
SS NU: TeamCharm (Five leaf clover) vs Nout (Broken bar stool) : No ut as in No utterance of this loss. Still unsure about teamcharm.
SS PU: Harshal_08 (43) vs Plas (57) : Harshal's favorite pokemon is scizor. Plas-goat's is magby. You can draw your own conclusions.
SS LC: Serene Grace (18) vs Mikaav (2) : Sg lives for the applause. Doing some research on bing (ik ik ik embarassing) I found out that winning breeds applause. Therefore in my opinion as a professor of mathematics I think SG is going to win. Mikaav goes "grrrr."
SS DOU: Maki (doggos) vs RKD (Rats): AWWW the cute kitties. Maki is a better player and stuff so I am picking him tho.
SS Mono: StitChuu (75) vs PrinceOfAllTacos (25) : Man... I usually would take poat in a heartbeat here; Him being the main character in tours room and all. The problem is... I am slowly becoming a Stitchuu stan. MC's gotta get beaten down earlier anyway.

Petalburg Poocheyans (5.5) vs Bayern Munchlaxes (5)

SS Ubers: Ainzcrad (Inja stall) vs 7u9i2 (non-inja stall) : Boyn told me that shed stall is nb in ubers. He is a saint. Love your numbers tho... um (wth do we call this guy) 7?
SS OU: e~t~h~e~y (grilled lettuce) vs Yugon (Fried chicken) : Did somebody say KFC!!! Get that breaded chicken Yugon. Northern Ireland is pretty tho.
SS OU: Perish Song (40) vs ToastedBunzzz02 (60): The chandlure shall inherit the earth!!! All shall perish in a blue flame!!! Sing your song of perish now!!! Mwahahahahaha!!!
SS UU: Acselsior13 (3) vs Expulso (4) : Why couldn’t the pony sing in the choir? He was a little horse. Thus why I picked expulso.
SS RU: Malassa (55) vs yovan33321 (45) : She is so new that there is no way yovan can predict the mad moves that is about to be whipped out like eggs.
SS NU: PokeArt2004♥ (no) vs roxiee (yes): Tough one. I am a secret fan of both of these blokes ngl. Picking roxiee bc I do not love the heart in pokeart's name.
SS PU: MalMoonsault (Sorrs) vs gum (gum) : How in the world can anyone pick against gum here. Just say the mu to yourself. You have The artist formally known as Apw001 MalMoonsault vs ... gum.
SS LC: Gray (34) vs p4P1//0n (26): Gotta get them G's. It is only GG if gray wins. Therefore Gray needs to win so we can get a good game. Sorrs p4.
SS DOU: TTT444 (60) vs Shadowmonstr7 (40): One of these guys is a lot less happy about tag not being alowed rn. I give it to TTT bc seeing a hariyama seismic toss a groudon would be sweet.
SS Mono: RichardPepper (80) vs Meta (69): Gonna be honest. I like the pooches so I am picking richard so I can take Petalburg on a tie. Plus I have a vendetta against Philadelphia.

Celestic Town Celesteelas (8,000,032.7) vs Sunyshore Snorlaxes (-4)

SS Ubers: LTG (100) vs FatFighter2 (0): Get rekt
SS OU: Stareal (100) vs Failures (0): Get crushed
SS OU: Pradhaaan (100) vs Roginald (0): Heavy slam
SS UU: saba1111 (100) vs Mygrein (0): superpower
SS RU: TheFranklin (100) vs EternalSnowman (0): Melted snowman
SS NU: Fille (100) vs daniYSB (0): More like daiWSB
SS PU: Splash (100) vs Z Strats (0): Splashing all over your B strats.
SS LC: giove97 (100) vs BigBoy038 (0): A book just fell on my head. I only have myshelf to blame.
SS DOU: Crunchman (100) vs LightScreener (0): Cant screen out of our tech.
SS Mono: avarice (100) vs Hys (0) : This match is already hystory.

and that is exactly how this is gonna go down.
DOU predictions

queso vs Mishimono: queso isn't half bad at doubles but mish is mish. mish
Maki vs RKD: Maki is really pretty good and apparently has Umbry support, giving them the edge here.
Crunchman vs Lightscreeneer: Crunchman's been playing a lot and knows the meta well, while I haven't seen Lightscreener play much in 2021 Z Strats support is just too broken.
Surfy told me to do predicts - so here are some mediocre predictions from yours truly. probably the only time i do these, or at least just predict every set. actually i might do predictions again next week, haven't decided yet tbh. if these are bad sorry. but i think predictions are fun right? everyone likes to read them, even if they are garbage and thats a fact.

Lavender Laprases (3) vs Ruin Valley Roserades (7)

SS Ubers: velvet (30) vs Reje (70): I heard Reje is really damn good, even when he doesn't try and idk if velvet plays ubers. i know velvet can play really well but apparently the latter got to top 16 of OST without even trying or caring so yeah gonna bold him by a bit.

SS OU: Not Miyan (30) vs Hockey1 (70): no idea who Miyan is, I know Hockey1 is a very competent player so I will go with him

SS OU: MagicalXerneas (0) vs Baloor (100): Baloor is the best OUer of all time no way he loses unless his opponent actually brings xerneas

SS UU: TMM (48) vs Sificon (52): This is one of my HL matchups, Sificon is one of my good buddies on this site and although Stitch never saw him play UU, he actually made it to top 16 of the UU open, not only beating SoulWind but crushing his SOUL (ahaha im not funny), while TMM on the other hand is an experienced UU main who knows a lot more about the tier. I think it will be interesting to see what SifiJawn himself builds/gets passed. We will find out if Sificon is real, or a pretender who loses to Trouser Snakes. Should be a super heat match I am excited to watch, and bc Sifi is my friend I believe in him and will give him a slight edge.

SS RU: Mac3 (60) vs Kyotoshi (40): Mac is a very solid RU main, while Kyotoshi on the other hand is also very solid but an SM OU main. I think Mac just plays too well and brings too much heat, but Kyotoshi should make this really close. I think Mac will win this, but I would not be shocked if Kyotoshi can pull of an upset

SS NU: Xiri (65) vs Ninja (35): Xiri is really good, especially in lower tiers. I think he got to like the finals of the last NU SSNL before Open, while Ninja on the other hand I haven't heard he plays that much besides LC. I have no doubts he is a competent player, but I think Xiri is a lot better here.

SS PU: tlenit (100) vs Let's Rumble Shall We (0): Yeah Tlenit is the best PU player in this tour and HR is an okay player, with what I assume to be very little PU experience outside of maybe the occasional laddering. Only way i see Tlenit losing is if HR brings some weird cheese or uses broken Iron defense cofagrigus.

SS LC: Surfy (45) vs kythr (55):
Surfy vs Kythr- this is a game between two super good lc players, and
two super cool people. I think as of recently Kythr has been better in
this tier than Surfy, and I think even Surfy can admit that, with
Kythr winning the LC circuit this year. On top of that I recently saw
Surfy lose to a mono fighting LC team in tours room, which Kyth barely
beat subsequently after so based on that alone is why I am picking Kythr. I think this will be a super close game, and
I believe Surfy will be out to regain his former glory in LC so he
should be at his best. Think Kythr should win this, but if
Surfy can build some new heat (like use torchic), or get lucky with some Porygon hax he
can easily take this one. Personally my favorite game of the week.

SS Monotype: henguinie (40) vs Kaguya Lys (60): Kaguya Lys is a mono main, while I have not seen bdlol play in forever. Think even if he gets a type advantage Kaguya can still outplay. Big favorite to Kaguya unless Kaguya loads up Dragalge-less dragon and henguine loads up fairy.

SS DOU: queso (40) vs Mishimono (60): mish is better sorry queso555. i hate doubles i have nothing actually of any relevance to say about player skill etc

Petalburg Poocheyans (3) vs Bayern Munchlaxes (7)

SS Ubers: Ainzcrad (75) vs 7u9i2 (25): Ainz should win this easily, much more experience in the tier. However I have seen 7u9i2 play and he is actually pretty solid.

SS OU: e~t~h~e~y (35) vs Yugon (65): two goats, I will bold Yugon every game of the tour because his discord PFP is Elizabeth Olsen. I will stop bolding him when he switches it.

SS OU: Perish Song (40) vs ToastedBunzzz02 (60): Absolutely no clue how Bunz went for 6k, he is a really solid player in a lot of the tiers. Although Perish Song is not too bad himself, still gonna favor Bunz here.

SS UU: Acselsior13 (25) vs Expulso (75): Expulso has a lot more knowledge, and is just a lot better in this tier than Acels. He barely lost UU Open round of 16 to the eventual UU Open Winner, I think he will out-build and outplay. Acelsior is a good player for sure but I think he is just at a huge mismatch here.

SS RU: Malassa (10) vs yovan33321 (90): Say what you want about Yovan but there is no denying he is a good player. Dude is in RU Open finals while I have never heard of Malassa.

SS NU: PokeArt2004♥ (51) vs roxiee (49): Roxiee has a lot more knowledge in the tier but as I have learned it doesn't take a whole lot of knowledge to prepare for Copperajah/Flygon/Talonflame/Vaporeon every game. Pokeart can play well when they are at the best, as well as get passed a decent team Only thing I'm weary of is I have not seen Pokeart play in a long time, so if they can shake off the rust I think they can easily win this game. I think it will be close, and I am going to pick Pokeart in the upset (dont disappoint me now).

SS PU: MalMoonsault (45) vs gum (55): Gum is the second best PUer in the tour behind Tlenit, but MalMoonsault is the tournaments overlord. However Gum is a different opponent from the usual jabronis he plays in tours room day in and day out, and has a lot more knowledge of the tier. Gum should win, but I'm excited to see what Mal brings, if he brings something solid and plays well he can easily take this one.

SS LC: Gray (51) vs p4P1//0n (49): Gray is the best LCer to ever live, he somehow beat my LC stall team in SSNLS, (yeah idk how either), and papillon doesnt play too much LC, besides when he tested vs me and i went 7-0 vs him. But Pap is a good player and i think with the right team he can pull of the miracle upset and beat the LC King.

SS DOU: TTT444 (45) vs Shadowmonstr7 (55): idk dou all i know is shadow is better, and ttt is good but super rusty. so picking shadow here.

SS Mono: RichardPepper (30) vs Meta (70): yeah Richard has some weird builds which can def come off as a surprise, but Meta is a mono main and a really good player in general. I also saw Richard switch his Rillaboom into a heatren in TLT, so im picking Meta here in a landslide unless Richard cheezes him with like the tea cup shell smash guy.

Celestic Town Celesteelas (6) vs Sunyshore Snorlaxes (4)

SS Ubers: LTG (100) vs FatFighter2 (0): FF2 is terrible at ubers while LTG made it to 2nd place in the Ubers SSNL.

SS OU: Stareal (60) vs Failures (40): Stareal is better, but Failures is pretty good too

SS OU: Pradhaaan (35) vs Roginald (65): Roginald seems like a cooler guy in general from what i've seen/heard

SS UU: saba1111 (35) vs Mygrein (65): yeah no saba is good, but Mygrein is a UU main and actually pretty decent. he should be favored pretty easily.

SS RU: TheFranklin (55) vs EternalSnowman (45):
Arce9 vs ESM- Another great match for week 1, both have had proven
success in this tier, with Arce having a bit more success than ESM.
Both are incredibly consistent players, and Arce will more than likely
bring a consistent balance team while making all the right plays
during the game, while ESM will also bring a similar team but more
than likely with some rest-talk shenanigans. I think Arce is a bit
better in this tier right now than ESM, but again I think this is one
of the more interesting games, and could go either way depending on
what each player loads up, but I'll slightly favor Arce just because I know his builds are elite, and he rarely misplays.

SS NU: Fille (0) vs daniYSB (100): DANI GOAT.

SS PU: Splash (55) vs Z Strats (45): Not sure why Splash is playing PU, and Avrice is playing mono and not Vice Versa, but there must be a reason for that. I have personally never seen Z strats play outside of 1v1 challenge cup, although I have heard he is apparently really solid but like I mentioned before there must be a reason Splash is playing PU instead of Ava so I'll give Splash a slight edge. I guess. I really have no idea.

SS LC: giove97 (55) vs BigBoy038 (45): idk who BigBoy is, but I know Giove has the motivation to play super well, and she is actually pretty decent when she is at her best, although when she plays bad, it's pretty bad. But she recently beat me in Gen 1 ubers (due to my mewtwo getting frozen both games) in the Raj Shoot PL, so I think she will be riding that hot streak to the mooooon, and win every game this tour until she loses.

SS DOU: Crunchman (55) vs LightScreener (45): Crunchman cracks me up, and is rlly good at gen 2 rands, and idk light screener or dou.

SS Mono: avarice (100) vs Hys (40): both play mono a decent amount, I think they both play mainly Gen 5 I could be wrong about that though. Picking avarice because 1. he brought the coolest set i have ever seen in a game (brightpowder tsarena in pu), and 2. because Xhys barely beat my 6 Regis team in the dou ssnl with Urshifu Rilla and Kartana all on the same team.
Presenting: a convenient time sheet so that u can watch the games if u would like too

All times in GMT -4 bc thats my timezone and not much more of a reason

Might add some features (like organizing game by days like for spl) idk yet

In any case, just message me on smogon if I got the time wrong ( aka I messed up the conversion) or I didnt put it, I will prob try to share it with managers but I honestly have no clue how to do that, this is just something I made cuz I think its a cool thing to have for team tours.

(hopefully this works fine lol)
Lavender Laprases (3) vs Ruin Valley Roserades (6)

SS Ubers: Velvet vs Reje: Upl Manager vs someone who hasnt played ss ubers in a month
SS OU: Not Miyan vs Hockey1: Hockey is solid from what i have seen idfk who miyan is
SS OU: Magicalxerneas vs Baloor: No clue who these people are
SS UU: TMM vs Sificon: Just think tmm is slightly better tho its like 55-45/60-40 imo
SS RU: Mac3 vs Kyotoshi: If i remember it correctly its a rematch which kyo won last time so predicting him
SS NU: Xiri vs Ninja: Xiri is better in this tier i think
SS PU: tlenit vs Lets Rumble Shall We: Best pu player vs someone who doesnt play it
SS LC: Surfy vs Kythr: Queenthr vs Surfy, i think queenthr is better sorry surfy ;w;
SS Monotype: Henguine vs Kaguya Lys : Better player in this tier
SS DOU: Queso vs Mishimono : Better player in this tier

Turffield Turtwigs (6) vs Anistar Articunos (4)

SS Ubers: Demykunst vs Trade : Trade is better imo
SS OU: Blimax vs iNoLife : 50/50 mu but giving a slight edge towards iNoLife
SS OU: MyJava vs lvl100Blaziken: Java is better from what i have heard
SS UU: 100%GXE vs Royalreloaded: Goatxe vs someone idk
SS RU: Decem vs lkapdt1 : Decem vs mono ho
SS NU: Teamcharm vs Nout: NU Open Semi Finalist vs someone i dont know
SS PU: Harshal_08 vs Plas : Unless Plas is washed i dont see him losing this
SS LC: Serene Grace vs Mikaav : Close one but sg is taking this
SS DOU: Maki vs RKD : Better player imo
SS Mono: Stitchuu vs PrinceofallTacos: Better player imo sorry stitch

Celestic Town Celesteelas (5) vs Sunyshore Snorlaxes (5)
SS Ubers :LTG vs Fatfighter2 : Better ubers player
SS OU: Stareal
SS OU: Pradhaaan vs Roginald : Idk pradhaaan that well but rogi is good so rogi
SS UU: Saba1111 vs MyGrein : Sorry Saba but gonna give it to him
SS RU: TheFranklin vs Eternalsnowman : Arcegoat tho this is a really 50/50 mu
SS NU: Fille vs DaniYSB : Pretty sure fille only plays lc so going dani here
SS PU: Splash vs Z Strats : Splash, better player for smth like this, since idk if z strats has played this at all
SS LC: Giove97 vs Bigboy038 : Giove is solid in lc, dk the other dude sorry
SS DOU: Crunchman vs Lightscreener: Lightscreener is really really fucking good from what i remember from him so unless he is washed or gets outprepped heaveily i dont see him losing
SS Mono: Avarice vs Hys: Better mono player

Got bored so did this rq, mb for being short and GL to everyone besides my opponent
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