SV Ubers Bloody Mary: The Defining Screens Build of SV Ubers

Zest of Life

Banned deucer.

I'm gonna dance, dance, dance
With my hands, hands, hands above my head
Hands together, forgive him before he's dead, because


Version 1:
Version 2:

To commemorate my 100th post, I am excited to share the first team I built in DLC2 SV Ubers, which refined itself into the final product you see today. Throughout the last three months, I've had the pleasure of meeting various wonderful people who helped improve the quality of my life. I am incredibly thankful for everyone who inspired me to become a more honest and genuine person. Every day, we should all work and strive to be the best version of ourselves without experiencing an absolute loss of conclusory identity. But enough of that, I present what I believe to be the most optimal Screens Hyper Offense structure you can construct.

This team plays dynamically, as you do not necessarily have to lead :Grimmsnarl: in most games (in fact, it is recommended to preserve and set Screens later in the match after recognizing your win conditions). This team has a generally positive matchup versus every play style, except hard stall. The key to using this team is recognizing your win conditions and pressuring opposing teams hard with the two broken threats in the tier: :Koraidon: + :Miraidon:

When building this team, I knew I wanted to run Sub + SD :Koraidon: in conjunction with Double Dance :Miraidon:. I then added EKiller :Arceus: to facilitate sweeping weakened teams. However, since most Screens teams have a difficult matchup against Webs HO, I wanted to include ways of flipping that matchup. DLC2 introduced :Necrozma-Dusk-Mane:which can set Trick Room for itself and help against opposing HO matchups. The best partner for :Weakness Policy: + :Necrozma-Dusk-Mane: is :Heavy-Duty-Boots: + :Calyrex-Ice:. With the inclusion of these two bulky behemoths, I knew that this HO team would have no more problems against opposing :Ribombee: Webs HO teams.

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:Grimmsnarl: is the best Screens setter in the tier. Prankster allows it to land a fast Taunt and beat other common HO leads. The EVs it runs ensure it can set up both screens and tank a +1 :Zacian-Crowned: Behemoth Blade. While you'll never Terastallize :Grimmsnarl:, Tera Steel is to prevent :Glimmora: from poisoning :Grimmsnarl: with Mortal Spin. Spirit Break is preferred over Play Rough for its guaranteed Special Attack drop and higher accuracy. However, use Play Rough if more power is preferred for better rolls against opposing :Ting-Lu:.

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:Koraidon: is one of the two most dangerous offensive threats in SV Ubers. While behind a Substitute and Dual Screens, it can safely set up Swords Dance and blow past its checks with Scale Shot. Do not be afraid to click Flare Blitz at +2 vs :Ho-Oh: &:Arceus-Fairy:. Oftentimes, your opponents Tera Fairy will be telegraphed and easily picked apart. Tera Ghost improves the matchup vs opposing EKiller :Arceus: and presents another opportunity to accumulate boosts.

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Double Dance :Miraidon: needs no introduction as the other most dangerous threat in SV Ubers. Electric Seed and Dual Screens boosts :Miraidon: bulk to respectable levels, making it next to impossible to KO outright. Once :Miraidon: accumulates a single Agility + CM boost, it can proceed to sweep entire teams. Tera Dragon enables :Miraidon: to 2HKO :Clodsire: and has a very good chance (85.5%) to 2HKO max / max :Ting-Lu:. The choice between Parabolic Charge and Electro Drift is entirely up to the pilot. If longevity is preferred, Parabolic Charge is the ideal option. Otherwise, use Electro Drift to decimate fatter and offensive teams alike. Note that the item slot is flexible as :Miraidon: could easily use :Weakness Policy: + Tera Stellar + Electro Drift to smash through stall teams with ease.

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:Arceus: is one of the best late-game sweepers in the tier. Tera Ghost improves the EKiller :Arceus: mirror and forces :Koraidon: users to choose whether to click a Fighting-type move or Flare Blitz. The EVs here are to creep standard 308-309 :Arceus:. It's a fairly straightforward threat that is deceptively bulky behind Screens.

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:Necrozma-Dusk-Mane: is this team's saving grace versus many HO teams that are equipped to deal with the threats mentioned above. Trick Room + :Weakness Policy: enable it to become a terrifying late-game cleaner and sweeper. It can also take one boosted hit from :Zacian-Crowned: and retaliate back with Earthquake. Photon Geyser is its preferred STAB move of choice. Prism Armor + Dual Screens further exacerbates its bulk to obscene levels.

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Finally, :Calyrex-Ice: perfectly complements :Necrozma-Dusk-Mane: and completes the anti-offense core. Trick Room flips the match up versus faster teams and also enables :Miraidon: to wreck havoc without having to use Agility. Both :Necrozma-Dusk-Mane: and :Calyrex-Ice: work together to survive powerful hits thanks to their insane bulk behind Screens, set-up Trick Room + Swords Dance, and proceed to annihilate the opposition.

No team can be perfect. I'm not bothered to make an entire threat list because the right offensive threat can beat a team that requires extreme calculation and foresight to pilot. When using Screens HO, it is entirely up to the player to recognize their win conditions and preserve them throughout the match. If this team is piloted perfectly, it should not drop games to any team composition outside of hard stall. Even then, slight move set and item modifications such as running :Weakness Policy: + Tera Stellar + Electro Drift on :Miraidon: greatly improves the stall match up. Other considerations such as running Tera Ground on :Necrozma-Dusk-Mane: or :Calyrex-Ice: are possible to improve the match up versus opposing :Miraidon:

I'd like to give shoutouts to all the incredible players I had the pleasure of interacting with on ladder and in the Ubers room. In particular, thank you to OreoSpeedruns, Taka, corvere, Edgar, Fardin, Icemaster, byulharang & PatheticAce.

A huge shoutout to awyp for riveting discussions about the NBA, being an amazing bro, and helping facilitate the RMT forums on here. Much like MJ, you're the GOAT!

A special shoutout to all the honest crackheads I know that are reading this. Verisimilitude trumps precaution, my dear friends.

And last but certainly not least, a wholesome shoutout to you for reading allat!
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I'm gonna dance, dance, dance
With my hands, hands, hands above my head
Hands together, forgive him before he's dead, because


To commemorate my 100th post, I am excited to share the first team I built in DLC2 SV Ubers, which refined itself into the final product you see today. Throughout the last three months, I've had the pleasure of meeting various wonderful people who helped improve the quality of my life. I am incredibly thankful for everyone who inspired me to become a more honest and genuine person. Every day, we should all work and strive to be the best version of ourselves without experiencing an absolute loss of conclusory identity. But enough of that, I present what I believe to be the most optimal Screens Hyper Offense structure you can construct.

This team plays dynamically, as you do not necessarily have to lead :Grimmsnarl: in most games (in fact, it is recommended to preserve and set Screens later in the match after recognizing your win conditions). This team has a generally positive matchup versus every play style, except hard stall. The key to using this team is recognizing your win conditions and pressuring opposing teams hard with the two broken threats in the tier: :Koraidon: + :Miraidon:

When building this team, I knew I wanted to run Sub + SD :Koraidon: in conjunction with Double Dance :Miraidon:. I then added EKiller :Arceus: to facilitate sweeping weakened teams. However, since most Screens teams have a difficult matchup against Webs HO, I wanted to include ways of flipping that matchup. DLC2 introduced :Necrozma-Dusk-Mane:which can set Trick Room for itself and help against opposing HO matchups. The best partner for :Weakness Policy: + :Necrozma-Dusk-Mane: is :Heavy-Duty-Boots: + :Calyrex-Ice:. With the inclusion of these two bulky behemoths, I knew that this HO team would have no more problems against opposing :Ribombee: Webs HO teams.

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:Grimmsnarl: is the best Screens setter in the tier. Prankster allows it to land a fast Taunt and beat other common HO leads. The EVs it runs ensure it can set up both screens and tank a +1 :Zacian-Crowned: Behemoth Blade. While you'll never Terastallize :Grimmsnarl:, Tera Steel is to prevent :Glimmora: from poisoning :Grimmsnarl: with Mortal Spin. Spirit Break is preferred over Play Rough for its guaranteed Special Attack drop and higher accuracy. However, use Play Rough if more power is preferred for better rolls against opposing :Ting-Lu:.

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:Koraidon: is one of the two most dangerous offensive threats in SV Ubers. While behind a Substitute and Dual Screens, it can safely set up Swords Dance and blow past its checks with Scale Shot. Do not be afraid to click Flare Blitz at +2 vs :Ho-Oh: + :Arceus-Fairy:. Oftentimes, your opponents Tera Fairy will be telegraphed and easily picked apart. Tera Ghost improves the matchup vs opposing EKiller :Arceus: and presents another opportunity to accumulate boosts.

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Double Dance :Miraidon: needs no introduction as the other most dangerous threat in SV Ubers. Electric Seed and Dual Screens boosts :Miraidon: bulk to respectable levels, making it next to impossible to KO outright. Once :Miraidon: accumulates a single Agility + CM boost, it can proceed to sweep entire teams. Tera Dragon enables :Miraidon: to 2HKO :Clodsire: and has a very good chance (85.5%) to 2HKO max / max :Ting-Lu:. The choice between Parabolic Charge and Electro Drift is entirely up to the pilot. If longevity is preferred, Parabolic Charge is the ideal option. Otherwise, use Electro Drift to decimate fatter and offensive teams alike. Note that the item slot is flexible as :Miraidon: could easily use :Weakness Policy: + Tera Stellar + Electro Drift to smash through its opponents with ease.

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:Arceus: is one of the best late-game sweepers in the tier. Tera Ghost improves the EKiller :Arceus: mirror and forces :Koraidon: users to choose whether to click a Fighting-type move or Flare Blitz. The EVs here are to creep standard 308-309 :Arceus:. It's a fairly straightforward threat that is deceptively bulky behind Screens.

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:Necrozma-Dusk-Mane: is this team's saving grace versus many HO teams that are equipped to deal with the threats mentioned above. Trick Room + :Weakness Policy: enable it to become a terrifying late-game cleaner and sweeper. It can also take one boosted hit from :Zacian-Crowned: and retaliate back with Earthquake. Photon Geyser is its preferred STAB move of choice. Prism Armor + Dual Screens further exacerbates its bulk to obscene levels.

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Finally, :Calyrex-Ice: perfectly complements :Necrozma-Dusk-Mane: and completes the anti-offense core. Trick Room flips the match up versus faster teams and also enables :Miraidon: to wreck havoc without having to use Agility. Both :Necrozma-Dusk-Mane: and :Calyrex-Ice: work together to survive powerful hits thanks to their insane bulk behind Screens, set-up Trick Room + Swords Dance, and proceed to annihilate the opposition.

No team can be perfect. I'm not bothered to make an entire threat list because the right offensive threat will always beat a team that requires extreme calculation and foresight to pilot. When using Screens HO, it is entirely up to the builder to recognize their win conditions and preserve them throughout the match. If this team is piloted perfectly, it should not drop games to any team composition outside of hard stall. Even then, slight move set and item modifications such as running :Weakness Policy: + Tera Stellar + Electro Drift on :Miraidon: guarantees a positive stall match up.

I'd like to give shoutouts to all the incredible players I had the pleasure of interacting with on ladder and in the Ubers room. In particular, thank you to OreoSpeedruns, Taka, corvere, Edgar, Fardin, Icemaster, byulharang, Frito & PatheticAce.

A huge shoutout to awyp for riveting discussions about the NBA, being an amazing bro, and helping facilitate the RMT forums on here. Much like MJ, you're the GOAT!

A special shoutout to all the honest crackheads I know that are reading this. Verisimilitude trumps precaution, my dear friends.

And last but certainly not least, a wholesome shoutout to you for reading allat!
I would suggest to sometimes consider tera ground on caly-ice as every time when I use it, it can fail to OHKO max hp NDM, the main thing that stops sweeps, and fire types that can burn it usually click whirlwind whenever it is on the field. this team is also very weak to miraidon too, literally zero switch ins. I suggest running tera ground as it can turn choiced miraidon into free turns and have a 56.3 percent chance to OHKO even max max NDM. so that means after s single layer of spikes, or with tiny amounts of chip, you can use this to break through and claim a surprise win. many wisp users in this tier uses taunt too, arceus fairy and water all used it so the tera fire is a bit predictable.
I would suggest to sometimes consider tera ground on caly-ice as every time when I use it, it can fail to OHKO max hp NDM, the main thing that stops sweeps, and fire types that can burn it usually click whirlwind whenever it is on the field. this team is also very weak to miraidon too, literally zero switch ins. I suggest running tera ground as it can turn choiced miraidon into free turns and have a 56.3 percent chance to OHKO even max max NDM. so that means after s single layer of spikes, or with tiny amounts of chip, you can use this to break through and claim a surprise win. many wisp users in this tier uses taunt too, arceus fairy and water all used it so the tera fire is a bit predictable.

Thanks for the suggestions. I’ve tried all the things you’ve mentioned before, but this is the most optimal composition for Screens HO at the moment.

Every team without a bulky SpDef Ground Type will always be :Miraidon: weak (hence why it’s going to get suspect tested very soon). Your best bet is to set up Light Screen and offensively pressure it. If I were to change the Tera Type on something, it would be running Tera Ground on :Necrozma-Dusk-Mane: since that powers up Earthquake.

Edit: You can try Tera Ground on :Calyrex-Ice: too, but I feel :Necrozma-Dusk-Mane: benefits more from it. Either way, these changes will only slightly improve the matchup versus something as broken as :Miraidon:
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