Blissey (Uber Analysis)(GP 2/2)


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(writeup by trickroom, concison by barry4ever(meeee !)


<p>Blissey returns for yet another round in the Uber tier as the premier special wall. No Pokemon does Blissey's job better, with the possible exception of her sister Chansey. Few special attackers can break through Blissey thanks to her titanic Special Defense and HP stats. Almost any team, particularly stall teams, will appreciate Blissey's ability to sponge assaults. While Chansey gives stiff competition with better bulk, Blissey's consistent passive recovery allows her to switch in and out of battle without using Wish or Softboiled as often. Thanks to Leftovers recovery, Blissey can take weaker hits such as Dialga's Dragon Pulse better than Chansey can. As a bonus, Blissey can even surprise opponents with her underwhelming but workable Special Attack.</p>

name: Uber Support
move 1: Wish
move 2: Protect / Softboiled
move 3: Toxic / Snatch
move 4: Seismic Toss / Heal Bell
item: Leftovers
ability: Natural Cure
nature: Calm
evs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD


<p>Blissey is the only Pokemon in Ubers other than Chansey who can wall such a wide variety of special threats such as Palkia, most variants of Dialga and Kyogre, non-Specs Reshiram, most Calm Mind Arceus, and Lugia. Seismic Toss is generally the most reliable attacking move, as it dents bulky Pokemon and offensive Calm Mind Kyogre, who will otherwise laugh at Blissey's pathetic attacks. Ice Beam is still a viable move, as some common Blissey switch-ins, such as Groudon, Zekrom, Garchomp, and Rayquaza, hate it. Toxic complements this set well, as the combination of Protect and Wish can very easily stall Pokemon to death. Toxic can also be used to cripple several threats, such as Kyogre, Darkrai, and Giratina-O, on the switch-in. Snatch can be used to steal support moves from the likes of Arceus, and allows Blissey to beat Calm Mind Dark Arceus, a deadly threat to stall, by poisoning it with Toxic and then preventing Arceus from using Refresh with Snatch. Heal Bell can be used over Protect if your team needs a Wish passer as well as a cleric. Heal Bell also saves Blissey from opposing Toxic Spikes.</p>


<p>While Leftovers is generally the preferred option, Shed Shell is still a viable alternative because of Wobbuffet, who can trap Blissey and eliminate it using a combination of Tickle and Encore when paired with a Pursuit user.</p>

<p>Blissey is the best Wish passer in the Uber tier, and is a good teammate for Pokemon that appreciate Wish. Defensive Groudon in particular enjoys Wish support since it lacks a recovery move. A few other Pokemon, such as Choice Specs Kyogre and Forretress, also love Blissey's Wish passing capabilities. Palkia pairs up quite well with Blissey, and can KO most Pokemon capable of threatening her, such as Choice Specs Kyogre and Reshiram. Most physically bulky Pokemon, such as Groudon, Ferrothorn, Lugia, and Skarmory, can act as good teammates. Forretress deserves a special mention thanks to its ability to set up all types of entry hazards, especially Toxic Spikes. Two layers of Toxic Spikes on the field makes Blissey's job much easier, allowing her to stall out opposing Pokemon with aplomb.</p>

<p>Blissey can act as a good counter to specially-oriented Scarf users such as Palkia and Reshiram. With her huge special bulk, Blissey will have no problem sponging special moves and healing with Softboiled. However, one needs to be a wee bit cautious, since Scarf users such as Palkia often carry physical moves to destroy a weakened Blissey. Since most wallbreakers laugh at Blissey, make sure to pack checks for them lest they are able to stop Blissey. Choice Specs Kyogre can easily deal with both Heatran and Giratina-O, two common Ubers wallbreakers, thanks to its incredibly powerful Water Spout, which easily OHKOes Heatran and has a small chance of KOing Giratina-O factoring in Stealth Rock damage.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Blissey's movepool is extremely extensive, and while its most effective moveset is the one listed above, there are a couple moves that have niche uses in Ubers. Calm Mind lets her beat Giratina-O, Manaphy, and Kyogre in a Calm Mind war, but requires Blissey to use special attacks and sacrifices much of her utility. Light Screen seems odd on Blissey, but prevents Choice Specs Kyogre from 2HKOing with Water Spout. Sing can put an opponent's Blissey counter to sleep, but its shaky accuracy makes it less than desirable. Rest is usually inferior to Wish and Softboiled, but can prove useful against opposing Blissey or teams with Toxic Spikes. Block can be used alongside Toxic to trap and eliminate Wobbuffet. Copycat may seem like a strange option on Blissey, but it can be useful against opponents such as Forretress, as it allows Blissey to potentially copy Spikes, Toxic Spikes, or even Rapid Spin. Gravity also has some niche use in Ubers, as many Pokemon in Ubers rely on moves with unreliable accuracy, especially Darkrai with its 80% accurate Dark Void and 70% accurate Focus Blast. It can also allow Garchomp and Groudon to abuse their powerful STAB Earthquakes more effectively.</p>

<p>Blissey also has a couple options to make herself a little more threatening to opposing teams. With sun support from Groudon, Blissey can use Flamethrower to ward off Steel-types looking to abuse their immunity to Toxic. Flamethrower in the sun OHKOes Forretress, Ferrothorn, and most Scizor, nearly OHKOes Lucario, and 2HKOes Metagross factoring in Stealth Rock. Grass Knot hits Groudon, a common switch-in to Blissey, and also hits many other Ubers with 120 Base Power. Finally, Counter can be used to catch physical attackers off-guard. Blissey has a surprisingly large amount of physical bulk, and if she Counters a weak physical attack from foes such as Palkia, Dialga, defensive Groudon, Choice Scarf Garchomp, or even Scizor wthout Superpower, it's sure to take them out.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Bulk Up Dialga is arguably the best Blissey counter. It is immune to Toxic, and can easily set up on her. Powerful physical attackers, such as Groudon, Zekrom, Rayquaza, and Garchomp, can make Blissey's life hard. However, Ice Beam will do massive damage to Garchomp and Rayquaza, and none of them like being hit by Toxic. Ho-Oh can easily come in on anything barring Toxic, and set up 101 HP Substitutes for blocking Blissey's Toxic and taking Seismic Toss twice. From there, Sacred Fire or Brave Bird can easily end Blissey's life. However, take note that Brave Bird recoil will be massive when hitting Blissey due to her enormous HP.</p>

<p>Mixed Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina-O can surprise Blissey with physical attacks. Dialga in particular can be a problem, as it is immune to Toxic. Giratina-O can avoid Toxic with Substitute, and set up on Blissey with Calm Mind. Outrage from mixed Giratina-O can easily 2HKO Blissey. Mewtwo can easily OHKO Blissey with a boosted Psycho Break. If Darkrai can get a Nasty Plot boost, it will 2HKO Blissey with Focus Blast.</p>

<p>Kyogre and Giratina can use a combination of Sleep Talk, Rest, and Calm Mind to easily set up on Blissey. In the rain, Manaphy can easily set up Tail Glow on non-Calm Mind Blissey, and 2HKO it with a +3 Surf. Choice Specs Kyogre and Reshiram also have the ability to 2HKO Blissey with Water Spout or Blue Flare (which requires sun support). Steel and Poison Arceus can set up on Blissey easily due to their immunity to Toxic and access to recovery moves. Any Arceus set with Refresh can easily use Blissey as setup bait. Ground Arceus and Extreme Killer Arceus can OHKO Blissey with a +2 Earthquake or ExtremeSpeed.</p>

<p>Wobbuffet can switch into Blissey and use Tickle several times to lower her Defense. After this, Blissey will be KOed by Pursuit from Scizor or Tyranitar. Wobbuffet can also use Encore on Blissey and switch in a sweeper such as Mewtwo or Giratina-O to take advantage of the free setup time. Ferrothorn has Leech Seed, which allows it to easily out-heal Seismic Toss from Blissey, and Iron Barbs, which damages Blissey every time it attempts to Seismic Toss Ferrothorn. Meanwhile, Ferrothorn is free to either set up Spikes or hit it hard with Power Whip. Skarmory can also set up Spikes on it for free, and it also has Roost to shrug off repeated Seismic Tosses.</p>

[Dream World]

<p>Blissey receives Healing Heart as a Dream World Ability, which is useless in Singles competitive play.</p>
I do not approve of the use of Blissey. It is a cheap Pokemon, and it is fat and ugly. So very cheap and fat and ugly...

Aromatherapy should be slashed instead of Heal Bell, because it heals Soundproof allies. Heal Bell should still keep the mention of being used in place of Protect though (it's incompatible with Wish).

I know it's hard to make this concise, because this has a lot of useful information. But this just seems so much like Theorymon's 4th Gen Shaymin-S. It is absurdly lengthy, and if it's not made more concise now, it will remain too long for a long time. It can be made more concise without removing some information. For example, the first paragraph:

<p>Even in Ubers, Blissey is still the number one special wall to use. Blissey is the only Pokémon in Ubers other than Chansey who can wall such a wide variety of special threats: Palkia, non-mixed Dialga (provided they aren't mixed), non-Specs or-Rest Kyogre, non-Specs Reshiram, and most Calm Mind Arceus and Lugia (Lugia hates Toxic). Seismic Toss is generally the most reliable attacking move as it will do a decent amount of damage to bulky pokemon who would otherwise laugh at Blissey's pathetic attacks. Seismic Toss also allows Blissey to have a better chance of beating offensive Calm Mind Kyogre, which Ice Beam can not accomplish. dents bulky Pokemon and offensive Calm Mind Kyogre, who otherwise laugh at Blissey's pathetic attacks.Ice Beam is still a viable move, as four common Blissey switch-ins; (Groudon, Zekrom, Garchomp, and Rayquaza), are hit super effectively by it. In emergencies, you can leave Blissey in on Rayquaza, because the opponent mayattempt to (even if Rayquaza faints from Ice Beam, it still has technically set up SD or DD, as it uses it before it faints) set up a Dragon Dance or Swords Dance. Blissey can survive any unboosted attack from Rayquaza. Toxic complements this set well, as; the combination of Protect and Wish can very easily stall Pokémon to death. Toxic is a good choice to use if you predict the opponent is going to switch, as several threats to Blissey (Kyogre, Darkrai, and Giratina-O) become much easier to handle when badly poisoned can also cripple several threats to Blissey (Kyogre, Darkrai, and Giratina-O) on the switch-in. Heal Bell can be used over Protect if your team needs both a status reliever and a user of Wish. Heal Bell has the added bonus of saving also saves Blissey from opposing Toxic Spikes.</p>
Aromatherapy should be slashed instead of Heal Bell, because it heals Soundproof allies. Heal Bell should still keep the mention of being used in place of Protect though (it's incompatible with Wish).
Heal Bell heals through Soundproof in Gen 5.
Aromatherapy doesn't need a slash because it is illegal with Wish. Blissey must use Wish all the time since she can use it better than Chansey can. There are no Soudproof pokemon in Ubers I believe. Heal Bell does the exact same thing as Aromatherapy so I don't think it should be slashed.

Already shorten the first section of the analyses according to your post which is really helpful.
I wasn't aware that Heall Bell heals through Soundproof, so ignore what I said. One small thing though:

Blissey must use Wish all the time since she can use it better than Chansey can
This would mean that Heal Bell should be deslashed from Wish.
Is there a viable non-Wish Blissey set for ubers? Not all of us who play on Wi-Fi have access to a Wish-usable Blissey.
Is there a viable non-Wish Blissey set for ubers? Not all of us who play on Wi-Fi have access to a Wish-usable Blissey.

You can use Calm Mind Blissey too. Blissey can just drop Wish for Heal Bell if you can't obtain Wish. Generally, Blissey will want to use Wish since it's what she does best.
Slashed in Snatch because it works. It looks gimmicky but it actually saved me from a normal poisoned Calm Mind Ghost Arceus a few times. Heal Bell is added and Ice Beam is removed. Ice Beam doesn't deserve a slash because Blissey loves Seismic Toss for consistent damage. It's risky for Blissey to stay in on Rayquaza because an Outrage can KO Blissey and the whole stall team will be threaten by powerful Special Attackers if Blissey is down.
Hi, this is a ridiculously long analysis. There is no excuse for an analysis to be that long, especially for having only one set. I am going to require that the set AC be reduced by ~10 paragraphs before I let this get a GP check. Seriously, man, you have 13 AC paragraphs for one bloody set. This is unacceptable. You also need to cut down OO a lot. You don't need a paragraph on Gravity, man, just one sentence! Lastly your writing is also exceptionally fluffy with a lot of unnecessary text that could be shaved off. Focus on the content here, don't just write forever because you can. No one is going to read all of this in its current state.

Because a lot of people were complaining about this, I'm going to give you an example of the concision you need to do here. This is a paragraph you dedicated to Darkrai:
Nasty Plot Darkrai can cause some serious problems for Blissey. After one use of Nasty Plot, Darkrai will 2HKO Blissey with Focus Blast. It can also put Blissey to sleep with Dark Void. Generally, the best way to deal with Darkrai is to predict a Dark Void and send in a sleep absorber (usually carrying Sleep Talk, but this is not required). Then, switch to a Pokémon who can deal withl Darkrai (such as Life Orb Mewtwo, Choice Scarf Palkia, Kyogre, Ho-Oh, Choice Specs Shaymin-S, etc.). Something to note is if a Choice Scarf Darkrai switches into Blissey, it is likely that it is carrying Trick, thus it is best to switch to a Choice Scarf user of your own or a Pokémon who does not mind being Tricked with a Choice Scarf. Giratina-O makes a great partner in this regard since it is immune to Trick and Focus Blast. Giratina-O is weak to Dark Pulse though which is Darkrai's favourite move.
This is an example of what it should be:
If Darkrai can get a Nasty Plot boost, it will 2HKOes Blissey with Focus Blast, so you should pack a dedicated sleep absorber and not rely solely on Blissey to check Darkrai.
Done. See how much shorter that is? The analysis isn't supposed to be a lesson in playing the Uber tier, it's supposed to be documentation on how to use a single Pokemon.
trickroom, find me on IRC. I'd like to have a friendly chat about concision with you so that we can make this concision process as smooth as possible.

EDIT: Just as an example of what I'm looking for.

[Other Options]

<p>Blissey can use a Calm Mind set to set up alongside Giratina-O, Manaphy or Kyogre and win the Calm Mind war. Using Calm Mind Blissey is not recommended however since Blissey is still extremely vulnerable on the physical side. She is one of the few usable Pokémon in Ubers who has access to Stealth Rock but using it is not advisable. Light Screen may seem like an odd choice on Blissey, but it can be helpful for not only support the rest of your team, but will also make sure that Choice Specs Kyogre will no longer be able to 2HKO Blissey while Light Screen lasts. Blissey can use the unreliable Sing to put would be counters to sleep, but note that Sing only has a 55% chance of hitting the opponent. Snatch can be used to steal Reflects, Light Screens, stat ups, and other support moves, but many users of such moves such as Mewtwo can easily use Taunt to shut down that strategy. Rest is almost always an inferior option to Softboiled or Wish, but it can work well with Natural Cure, allowing Blissey to be relativity unharmed by Toxic Spikes, and will allow Blissey to outstall opposing Blissey. Blissey can use Block to trap Wobbuffet switch-ins, and then use Toxic to slowly stall Wobbuffet to death. Copycat may seem like a strange option on Blissey, but it can be useful in certain situations. For example, it can allow Blissey to use Spikes or Toxic Spikes on Forretress as it uses them. If Forretress attempts to Rapid Spin, Blissey can either roast it with Flamethrower (provided that its sunny), or Copycat Rapid Spin to get rid of the opponents entry hazards.</p>

<p>Charm can be used to soften physical attackers attempting to prey on Blissey after a switch-in. Due to Charm, mixed Palkia (barring a Focus Punch) and Dialga will no longer be able to get past Blissey beyond scoring a critical hit, while Groudon and Garchomp will only have a small chance to 2HKO Blissey with a Choice Banded Earthquake and Outrage respectively. Charm also has the potential to cause a large amount of switches, thus it is best to pair Charm Blissey with users of entry hazards. Note that both Wish and Seismic Toss are illegal to use with Charm. Blissey should avoid using Charm because she is better off doing something else and leave the duty of countering physical attackers to a dedicated physical wall such as Lugia.</p>

<p>Blissey also has access to Gravity. Gravity allows both Groudon and Garchomp to freely use Earthquake and a 100% accurate Stone Edge, as Gravity eliminates the immunity Flying-type Pokémon and Pokémon with the Levitate ability for five turns. Gravity will also eliminate the immunity floating Pokémon have to Spikes and Toxic Spikes, meaning that Gravity Blissey will greatly benefit Forretress and Skarmory's Spikes (and Toxic Spikes in Forretress' case) laying abilities. Finally, Gravity will lower the evasion of all Pokémon by 2 stages, meaning that any move that has at least 60% accuracy will always hit. This is especially great for Darkrai, who must often use the 70% accurate Focus Blast and the 80% accurate Dark Void. Calm Mind Mewtwo with Life Orb will also enjoy the effects of Gravity, as it allows Life Orb Mewtwo to safely use Focus Blast, which will always 2HKO Dialga without the use of Calm Mind. Blissey's Sing will also hit 92% of the time under Gravity. There is one potentially fatal flaw with Gravity, and it is that the opponent can also take advantage of Gravity's effects. This will make Groudon and Garchomp particularly difficult to handle, thus it is best to either destroy them before using Gravity. Zekrom also benefits from Gravity because Lightning Strike will never miss under Gravity. Blissey again should avoid using Gravity in Ubers because she has better things to do.</p>

<p>Blissey has some alternate attacks at its disposal that can be useful in certain situations. When under the support of Groudon's everlasting sun, Flamethrower becomes a viable option to KO or cripple several common Steel-types that may switch into Blissey. Forretress is always OHKOed by Flamethrower after Stealth Rock, while only extremely specially defensive Scizor will survive Flamethrower after Stealth Rock damage. Blissey's Flamethrower will do a massive 76% - 90% to Lucario in the sun, while Metagross is always 2HKOed after Stealth Rock damage. Grass Knot is always a 100% accurate attack, regardless of the weather, which is particularly useful considering the fact that many Ubers are heavy enough to be hit by a 120 Base Power Grass Knot. Secondly, Groudon is hit quite hard by it. Finally, Counter can be a good option on Blissey, even in Ubers. Several Pokémon, such as Palkia and Dialga, will use mixed sets just to defeat Blissey. If Blissey predicts a physical attack from either of them, and uses Counter, Palkia and Dialga are sure to be KOed. Also, note that defensive Groudon, Choice Scarf Garchomp, and Scizor that lack Superpower are also unable to OHKO Blissey, meaning that Blissey will be able to gain a surprise kill on them if she is healthy. Blissey while hate taking physical attacks can still survive a lot of those, thanks to the huge HP stat and reply with a one-hit-ko Counter.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Blissey's movepool is extremely extensive, and while its most effective moveset is the one listed above, there are a couple moves that have niche uses in Ubers. Calm Mind lets it beat Giratina-O, Manaphy, and Kyogre in a Calm Mind war, but requires Blissey to use special attacks and sacrifices much of its utility. Light Screen seems odd on Blissey, but prevents Choice Specs Kyogre from 2HKOing Blissey with Water Spout. Sing can put an opponent's Blissey counter to sleep, but its shaky accuracy makes it less than desireable. Rest is usually inferior to Wish and Softboiled, but can prove useful against opposing Blissey or teams with Toxic Spikes. Block can be used alongside Toxic to trap and eliminate Wobbuffet. Copycat may seem like a strange option on Blissey, but it can be useful against opponents such as Forretress, as it allows Blissey to potentially copy Spikes, Toxic Spikes, or even Rapid Spin. Gravity also has some niche use in Ubers, as many Pokemon in Ubers rely on moves with unreliable accuracy, especially Darkrai with its 80% accurate Dark Void and 70% accurate Focus Blast. It can also allow Garchomp and Groudon to abuse their powerful STAB Earthquakes more effectively.</p>

<p>Blissey also has a couple options to make itself a little more threatening to opposing teams. With Groudon support, Blissey can use Flamethrower to ward off Steel-types looking to abuse their immunity to Toxic. Flamethrower in the sun OHKOs Forretress and most Scizor, nearly OHKOs Lucario, and 2HKOs Metagross after SR. Grass Knot hits Groudon, a common switchin to Blissey, and also hits many other Ubers for 120 base Power. Finally, Counter can be used to catch physical attackers off-guard. Blissey is surprisingly bulky physically, and if it Counters a weak physical attack from foes such as Palkia, Dialga, defensive Groudon, Choice Scarf Garchomp, or Scizor wthout Superpower, it's sure to take them out.</p>
Holy crap, this analysis makes Theorymon's old analyses look like a couple of lines. O_O Keep what's important, man. R_D's right, this isn't a masters degree thesis, it's virtually an "Idiot's Guide to using Blissey in the Ubers Tier".
I edited all of Seven Deadly Sins and Rising Dusk's changes in their posts. Once SDS gets on, I will ask him to help me for the concision.

I think all the mentions of teammates and how they help Blissey, and how threats make Blissey run are unnecessary. I will shorten or drop them out if I can.
Additions / Corrections


<p>Blissey returns for yet another round in the Uber tier as the premier special wall. No Pokémon does Blissey's job better, with the possible exception of her sister Chansey. Few Pokemon can break through Blissey's Special Defense in Ubers. Almost any team will appreciate Blissey's ability to sponge special assaults, this is especially true for stallish teams in particular. While Chansey gives stiff competition with better bulk, Blissey's consistent passive recovery allows her to switch in and out of battle without using Wish or Softboiled as often. Thanks to Leftovers recovery, Blissey can take weaker hits such as Dialga's Dragon Pulse better than Chansey can. As a bonus, Blissey can even surprise opponents with her underwhelming but workable Special Attack.</p>

name: Ubers Blissey
move 1: Wish
move 2: Protect / Softboiled
move 3: Toxic / Snatch
move 4: Seismic Toss / Heal Bell
item: Leftovers
ability: Natural Cure
nature: Calm (+SpD, -Atk)
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD

[Set Comments]

<p>Blissey is the only Pokémon in Ubers other than Chansey who can wall such a wide variety of special threats such as Palkia, most variants of Dialga and Kyogre, non-Specs Reshiram, most Calm Mind Arceus, and Lugia. Seismic Toss is generally the most reliable attacking move, as it dents bulky Pokemon and offensive Calm Mind Kyogre, who will otherwise laugh at Blissey's pathetic attacks. Ice Beam is still a viable move, as some common Blissey switch-ins such as Groudon, Zekrom, Garchomp, and Rayquaza hate it. Toxic complements this set well, as the combination of Protect and Wish can very easily stall Pokémon to death. Toxic can also be used to cripple several threats such as Kyogre, Darkrai, and Giratina-O on the switch-in. Snatch can be used to steal support moves from the likes of Arceus and allows Blissey to beat Calm Mind Dark Arceus, a deadly threat to stall, by poisoning it with Toxic and then preventing Arceus from using Refresh with Snatch. Heal Bell can be used over Protect if your team needs a Wishpasser as well as a cleric. Heal Bell also saves Blissey from opposing Toxic Spikes.</p>


<p>While Leftovers is generally the preferred option, Shed Shell is still a viable alternative in Ubers because of Wobbuffet, who can trap Blissey and eliminate it using a combination of Tickle and Encore when paired with a Pursuit user.</p>

<p>Blissey is the best Wish passer in the Uber tier, and is a good teammate for Pokemon that appreciate Wish. Defensive Groudon in particular enjoys Wish support since it lacks a recovery move. A few other Pokemon such as Choice Specs Kyogre and Forretress also love Blissey's Wish passing capabilities. Palkia pairs up quite well with Blissey and can KO most Pokemon capable of threatening Blissey, such as Choice Specs Kyogre and Reshiram. Most physical bulky Pokemon such as Groudon, Ferrothorn, Lugia, and Skarmory can act as good teammates. Forretress deserves a special mention thanks to its ability to set up all types of entry hazards, especially Toxic Spikes. Two layers of Toxic Spikes on the field makes Blissey's job much easier.</p>

<p>Blissey can act as a good counter to specially oriented Scarf users such as Palkia and Reshiram. With its her huge special bulk, Blissey will have no problem sponging special moves and healing up with Softboiled. However, one needs to be a wee bit cautious since Scarf users like such as Palkia often carry physical moves to destroy a weakened Blissey. Since most wallbreakers like such as Heatran and Giratina-O laugh at Blissey, make sure to pack checks for them lest they are able to stop Blissey. Choice Specs Kyogre can easily deal with both Heatran and Giratina-O thanks to its incredibly powerful Water Spout, which easily OHKOes Heatran and has a small chance of KOing Giratina-O factoring in Stealth Rock damage.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Blissey's movepool is extremely extensive, and while its most effective moveset is the one listed above, there are a couple moves that have niche uses in Ubers. Calm Mind lets it her beat Giratina-O, Manaphy, and Kyogre in a Calm Mind war, but requires Blissey to use special attacks and sacrifices much of its utility. Light Screen seems odd on Blissey, but prevents Choice Specs Kyogre from 2HKOing Blissey with Water Spout. Sing can put an opponent's Blissey counter to sleep, but its shaky accuracy makes it less than desirable. Rest is usually inferior to Wish and Softboiled, but can prove useful against opposing Blissey or teams with Toxic Spikes. Block can be used alongside Toxic to trap and eliminate Wobbuffet. Copycat may seem like a strange option on Blissey, but it can be useful against opponents such as Forretress, as it allows Blissey to potentially copy Spikes, Toxic Spikes, or even Rapid Spin. Gravity also has some niche use in Ubers, as many Pokemon in Ubers rely on moves with unreliable accuracy, especially Darkrai with its 80% accurate Dark Void and 70% accurate Focus Blast. It can also allow Garchomp and Groudon to abuse their powerful STAB Earthquakes more effectively.</p>

<p>Blissey also has a couple options to make itself herself a little more threatening to opposing teams. With sun support from Groudon, Blissey can use Flamethrower to ward off Steel-types looking to abuse their immunity to Toxic. Flamethrower in the sun OHKOs Forretress and most Scizor, nearly OHKOs Lucario, and 2HKOs Metagross factoring in Stealth Rock. Grass Knot hits Groudon, a common switch in to Blissey, and also hits many other Ubers for with 120 Base Power. Finally, Counter can be used to catch physical attackers off-guard. Blissey has a surprisingly large amount of physical bulk, and if it she Counters a weak physical attack from foes such as Palkia, Dialga, defensive Groudon, Choice Scarf Garchomp, or even Scizor wthout Superpower, it's sure to take them out.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Bulk Up Dialga is arguably the best Blissey counter. It is immune to Toxic and can easily set up on Blissey. Powerful physical attackers such as Groudon, Zekrom, Rayquaza and Garchomp can make Blissey's life hard. However, Ice Beam will do massive damage to Garchomp and Rayquaza and none of them like being hit by Toxic. Ho-Oh can easily come in on anything barring Toxic, and set up bulky 101 HP Substitutes for blocking Blissey's Toxic or Seismis Toss and taking Seismic Toss twice. Sacred Fire or Brave Bird can easily end Blissey's life. Take note that Brave Bird recoil will be massive when hitting Blissey due to Blissey's enormous HP.</p>

<p>Mixed Dialga, Palkia and Giratina-O can surprise Blissey with physical attacks. Dialga in particular can be a problem, as it is immune to Toxic. Giratina-O can avoid Toxic with Substitute, and set up on Blissey with Calm Mind. Outrage from mixed Giratina-O can easily 2HKO Blissey. Mewtwo can easily OHKO Blissey with a boosted Psycho Break. If Darkrai can get a Nasty Plot boost, it will 2HKOes Blissey with Focus Blast.</p>

<p>Kyogre and Giratina can use a combination of Sleep Talk, Rest, and Calm Mind to easily set up on Blissey. In the rain, Manaphy can easily set up Tail Glow on non-Calm Mind Blissey, and 2HKO it with a +3 Surf. Choice Specs Kyogre and Reshiram also have the capability of 2HKOing Blissey with Water Spout or Blue Flare (needs sun support).. Steel and Poison Arceus can set up on Blissey easily due to their immunity to Toxic and access to recovery moves. Any Arceus set with Refresh can easily use Blissey as setup bait. Ground Arceus and Extremekiller Arceus can OHKO Blissey with a +2 Earthquake or ExtremeSpeed.</p>

<p>Wobbuffet can switch into Blissey and use Tickle several times to lower its Defense. After this, Blissey will be KOed by Pursuit from Scizor or Tyranitar. Wobbuffet can also use Encore on Blissey and switch in a sweeper such as Mewtwo or Giratina-O to take advantage of the free setup time. Nattorei Ferrothorn and Skarmory are both immune to Toxic and can set up Spikes on Blissey easily. Ferrothorn has Leech Seed to sap Blissey's tasty HP stat, while Skarmory has Roost to shrug off repeated Seismic Tosses.</p>

[Dream World]

<p>Blissey receives Healing Heart as a Dream World Ability, which is useless in Singles competitive play.</p>


GP 1 / 2



<p>Blissey returns for yet another round in the Uber tier as the premier special wall. No Pokémon does Blissey's job better, with the possible exception of her sister Chansey. Few Pokemon special attackers can break through Blissey's Special Defense in Ubers. Blissey thanks to her titanic Special Defense and HP stats. Almost any team, particularly stall teams, will appreciate Blissey's ability to sponge special assaults, for stallish teams in particular. assaults. While Chansey gives stiff competition with better bulk, Blissey's consistent passive recovery allows her to switch in and out of battle without using Wish or Softboiled as often. Thanks to Leftovers recovery, Blissey can take weaker hits such as Dialga's Dragon Pulse better than Chansey can. As a bonus, Blissey can even surprise opponents with her underwhelming but workable Special Attack.</p>

name: Ubers Blissey
move 1: Wish
move 2: Protect / Softboiled
move 3: Toxic / Snatch
move 4: Seismic Toss / Heal Bell
item: Leftovers
ability: Natural Cure
nature: Calm
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD

[Set Comments]

<p>Blissey is the only Pokémon in Ubers other than Chansey who can wall such a wide variety of special threats such as Palkia, most variants of Dialga and Kyogre, non-Specs Reshiram, most Calm Mind Arceus, and Lugia. Seismic Toss is generally the most reliable attacking move, as it dents bulky Pokemon and offensive Calm Mind Kyogre, who will otherwise laugh at Blissey's pathetic attacks. Ice Beam is still a viable move, as some common Blissey switch-ins, such as Groudon, Zekrom, Garchomp, and Rayquaza, hate it. Toxic complements this set well, as the combination of Protect and Wish can very easily stall Pokémon to death. Toxic can also be used to cripple several threats, such as Kyogre, Darkrai, and Giratina-O, on the switch-in. Snatch can be used to steal support moves from the likes of Arceus, and allows Blissey to beat Calm Mind Dark Arceus, a deadly threat to stall, by poisoning it with Toxic and then preventing Arceus from using Refresh with Snatch. Heal Bell can be used over Protect if your team needs a Wish passer as well as a cleric. Heal Bell also saves Blissey from opposing Toxic Spikes.</p>


<p>While Leftovers is generally the preferred option, Shed Shell is still a viable alternative in Ubers because of Wobbuffet, who can trap Blissey and eliminate it using a combination of Tickle and Encore when paired with a Pursuit user.</p>

<p>Blissey is the best Wish passer in the Uber tier, and is a good teammate for Pokemon that appreciate Wish. Defensive Groudon in particular enjoys Wish support since it lacks a recovery move. A few other Pokemon, such as Choice Specs Kyogre and Forretress, also love Blissey's Wish passing capabilities. Palkia pairs up quite well with Blissey, and can KO most Pokemon capable of threatening Blissey, her, such as Choice Specs Kyogre and Reshiram. Most physically bulky Pokemon, such as Groudon, Ferrothorn, Lugia, and Skarmory, can act as good teammates. Forretress deserves a special mention thanks to its ability to set up all types of entry hazards, especially Toxic Spikes. Two layers of Toxic Spikes on the field makes Blissey's job much easier, allowing her to stall out opposing Pokemon with aplomb.</p>

<p>Blissey can act as a good counter to specially-oriented Scarf users such as Palkia and Reshiram. With her huge special bulk, Blissey will have no problem sponging special moves and healing with Softboiled. However, one needs to be a wee bit cautious, since Scarf users such as Palkia often carry physical moves to destroy a weakened Blissey. Since most wallbreakers such as Heatran and Giratina-O laugh at Blissey, make sure to pack checks for them lest they are able to stop Blissey. Choice Specs Kyogre can easily deal with both Heatran and Giratina-O, two common Ubers wallbreakers, thanks to its incredibly powerful Water Spout, which easily OHKOes Heatran and has a small chance of KOing Giratina-O factoring in Stealth Rock damage.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Blissey's movepool is extremely extensive, and while its most effective moveset is the one listed above, there are a couple moves that have niche uses in Ubers. Calm Mind lets her beat Giratina-O, Manaphy, and Kyogre in a Calm Mind war, but requires Blissey to use special attacks and sacrifices much of its her utility. Light Screen seems odd on Blissey, but prevents Choice Specs Kyogre from 2HKOing Blissey with Water Spout. Sing can put an opponent's Blissey counter to sleep, but its shaky accuracy makes it less than desirable. Rest is usually inferior to Wish and Softboiled, but can prove useful against opposing Blissey or teams with Toxic Spikes. Block can be used alongside Toxic to trap and eliminate Wobbuffet. Copycat may seem like a strange option on Blissey, but it can be useful against opponents such as Forretress, as it allows Blissey to potentially copy Spikes, Toxic Spikes, or even Rapid Spin. Gravity also has some niche use in Ubers, as many Pokemon in Ubers rely on moves with unreliable accuracy, especially Darkrai with its 80% accurate Dark Void and 70% accurate Focus Blast. It can also allow Garchomp and Groudon to abuse their powerful STAB Earthquakes more effectively.</p>

<p>Blissey also has a couple options to make herself a little more threatening to opposing teams. With sun support from Groudon, Blissey can use Flamethrower to ward off Steel-types looking to abuse their immunity to Toxic. Flamethrower in the sun OHKOes Forretress and most Scizor, nearly OHKOes Lucario, and 2HKOes Metagross factoring in Stealth Rock. Grass Knot hits Groudon, a common switch-in to Blissey, and also hits many other Ubers with 120 Base Power. Finally, Counter can be used to catch physical attackers off-guard. Blissey has a surprisingly large amount of physical bulk, and if she Counters a weak physical attack from foes such as Palkia, Dialga, defensive Groudon, Choice Scarf Garchomp, or even Scizor wthout Superpower, it's sure to take them out.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Bulk Up Dialga is arguably the best Blissey counter. It is immune to Toxic, and can easily set up on Blissey. Powerful physical attackers, such as Groudon, Zekrom, Rayquaza and Garchomp, can make Blissey's life hard. However, Ice Beam will do massive damage to Garchomp and Rayquaza, and none of them like being hit by Toxic. Ho-Oh can easily come in on anything barring Toxic, and set up 101 HP Substitutes for blocking Blissey's Toxic and taking Seismic Toss twice. Sacred Fire or Brave Bird can easily end Blissey's life. Take However, take note that Brave Bird recoil will be massive when hitting Blissey due to Blissey's enormous HP.</p>

<p>Mixed Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina-O can surprise Blissey with physical attacks. Dialga in particular can be a problem, as it is immune to Toxic. Giratina-O can avoid Toxic with Substitute, and set up on Blissey with Calm Mind. Outrage from mixed Giratina-O can easily 2HKO Blissey. Mewtwo can easily OHKO Blissey with a boosted Psycho Break. If Darkrai can get a Nasty Plot boost, it will 2HKO Blissey with Focus Blast.</p>

<p>Kyogre and Giratina can use a combination of Sleep Talk, Rest, and Calm Mind to easily set up on Blissey. In the rain, Manaphy can easily set up Tail Glow on non-Calm Mind Blissey, and 2HKO it with a +3 Surf. Choice Specs Kyogre and Reshiram also have the capability of 2HKOing ability to 2HKO Blissey with Water Spout or Blue Flare (needs (which requires sun support). Steel and Poison Arceus can set up on Blissey easily due to their immunity to Toxic and access to recovery moves. Any Arceus set with Refresh can easily use Blissey as setup bait. Ground Arceus and Extremekiller Arceus can OHKO Blissey with a +2 Earthquake or ExtremeSpeed.</p>

<p>Wobbuffet can switch into Blissey and use Tickle several times to lower its her Defense. After this, Blissey will be KOed by Pursuit from Scizor or Tyranitar. Wobbuffet can also use Encore on Blissey and switch in a sweeper such as Mewtwo or Giratina-O to take advantage of the free setup time. Ferrothorn and Skarmory are both immune to Toxic, and can easily set up Spikes on Blissey. easily. Ferrothorn has Leech Seed to sap Blissey's tasty HP stat, while Skarmory has Roost to shrug off repeated Seismic Tosses.</p>

[Dream World]

<p>Blissey receives Healing Heart as a Dream World Ability, which is useless in Singles competitive play.</p>

nice analysis. you were missing several commas throughout the write-up, but still, excellent work.
