The best Generation 1 starter btw
Blastoise @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 248 HP / 168 Def / 92 SpD
Impish Nature
- Fake Out
- Follow Me
- Flip Turn
- Toxic / Helping Hand
Thanks to its good bulk and valuable utility moves, Blastoise shines as a support Pokemon that is able to handle metagame staples such as Genesect. Fake Out + Follow Me allows Blastoise to disrupt foes while enabling partners like Nasty Plot Spectrier and Dragon Dance Zygarde to safely set up and start their offensive onslaught. Flip Turn lets Blastoise create and retain momentum, while the fourth moveslot is flexible and has a couple of neat options. Toxic is a useful tool to wear down problematic foes like Zapdos and opposing Zygarde, whereas Helping Hand empowers a teammate's attack, helping shore up Blastoise's weak offensive presence. Blastoise is best paired with offensive Pokemon such as the aforementioned Spectrier and Heatran that appreciate it redirecting attacks with Follow Me; in return, the former can pummel Mew, while the latter is able to handle Grass-types like Kartana and Rillaboom.
Blastoise @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 248 HP / 168 Def / 92 SpD
Impish Nature
- Fake Out
- Follow Me
- Flip Turn
- Toxic / Helping Hand
Thanks to its good bulk and valuable utility moves, Blastoise shines as a support Pokemon that is able to handle metagame staples such as Genesect. Fake Out + Follow Me allows Blastoise to disrupt foes while enabling partners like Nasty Plot Spectrier and Dragon Dance Zygarde to safely set up and start their offensive onslaught. Flip Turn lets Blastoise create and retain momentum, while the fourth moveslot is flexible and has a couple of neat options. Toxic is a useful tool to wear down problematic foes like Zapdos and opposing Zygarde, whereas Helping Hand empowers a teammate's attack, helping shore up Blastoise's weak offensive presence. Blastoise is best paired with offensive Pokemon such as the aforementioned Spectrier and Heatran that appreciate it redirecting attacks with Follow Me; in return, the former can pummel Mew, while the latter is able to handle Grass-types like Kartana and Rillaboom.
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