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Bisharp is one of the premier Pokemon in the VGC 2014 format, and for good reason. For one, it is the only viable Pokemon this year that has the ability Defiant, which essentially reverses the effects of Intimidate, turning the -1 Attack drop from Intimidate into a +1 boost. A main reason to use Bisharp is because even if one does not choose it for a lead, it discourages the opponent from leading with an Intimidate Pokemon! Bisharp also boasts an impressive base 125 Attack, along with Dark- and Steel-type STAB, which in the VGC 2014 format is only resisted by Lucario, Houndoom, and ironically Bisharp. Finally, Bisharp carries two immunities to Psychic and Poison and resists several common types such as Ice, Ghost, Grass, Steel, and Rock. However, with all of Bisharp's fantastic traits it does not come without drawbacks. Will-O-Wisp, which now has 85% accuracy, has no problem burning Bisharp. In addition, Bisharp is weak to common Fire and Ground attacks and is 4x weak to Mach Punch.

name: Attacker
move 1: Sucker Punch
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Night Slash / Swords Dance
move 4: Protect
ability: Defiant
item: Focus Sash / Lum Berry / Life Orb
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant


The most-used move on this set is Sucker Punch; it is predictable but important, as it lets Bisharp pick off faster Pokemon and forces opponents to Protect or switch. Iron Head is a staple attack that offers great coverage with Sucker Punch, as well as a nice 30% flinch chance. In the third slot, Night Slash offers more reliability than Sucker Punch, but Swords Dance allows Bisharp to boost its Attack to gargantuan levels without losing much coverage. Protect is used in the last spot for dodging Fake Out chip damage and its overall utility in doubles.

Set Details

The ability of choice is obviously Defiant, which completely outclasses Inner Focus. EVs are maxed in Attack and Speed on the set because Bisharp does not need any bulk. An Adamant nature is preferred because Bisharp appreciates all the power it can get to 2HKO most Rotom-A. Focus Sash is the recommended item because it lets Bisharp play more recklessly and helps it survive spread moves such as Mega Charizard Y's Heat Wave and Garchomp's Earthquake. Lum Berry is also an option because it gives Bisharp the freedom of destroying Rotom-W and protection from Liepard, Klefki, and Meowstic spamming Swagger. In addition, Bisharp is in a pretty interesting Speed tier, with a base 70 Speed stat. It can successfully run a Brave nature on a Trick Room team while also being fast enough to outspeed every VGC-eligible Pokemon under Tailwind. Finally, Choice Band is an option with a bulkier EV spread of 100 HP / 252 Atk / 156 Spd. With this spread, Bisharp will always live one Jolly unboosted Garchomp's Earthquake and easily outspeed uninvested Rotom-A. Alternatively, a spread of 100 HP / 220 Atk / 188 Spd can be used to outspeed neutral-natured maximum Speed Tyranitar. The only difference in moves is to drop Protect for Brick Brick.

Usage Tips

Depending on how skilled your opponent is, Bisharp is most effective as a lead, benefiting from Intimidate and immediately threatening a multitude of Pokemon with its powerful STAB moves. Sucker Punch is an incredibly predictable move so it needs to be used sparingly. In addition, try and avoid situations when Sucker Punch is required, as it can potentially provide a free turn for the opposing Pokemon to use Substitute or just switch instead. Bisharp does not fear King's Shield at all, as the drop is negated by Defiant, so it can just Night Slash all Aegislash. Finally, Choice Band Bisharp appreciates disruptive support such as Rage Powder Amoonguss to stop it from getting slaughtered by Fighting-type moves.

Team Options

Gyarados, Rotom-H, and Rotom-W are good partners because they resist both Ground-and Fire-type spread moves, which hit Bisharp for super effective damage. Rotom-H additionally checks Mega Charizard Y, and its Rock-type weakness is covered by Bisharp. Additionally, all Rotom formes can burn opposing Mega Kangaskhan, which can otherwise Power-Up Punch straight through Bisharp's Focus Sash. Other good partners include Fake Out support Pokemon so Bisharp can attack first-turn as well as Pokemon that benefit from a lack of Intimidate, such as Tyranitar and Mega Kangaskhan. Air Balloon Chandelure is also a cool partner for Bisharp, dodging all Ground-and Fire-type moves and usually burning Mega Kangaskhan without fear.

Other Options

Bisharp does not really have many other options for possible moves. It is fast enough to use Taunt to block status moves such as Rotom's Will-O-Wisp as well as Musharna's Trick Room, but that would mean dropping Sucker Punch. Bisharp can run Black Glasses or Life Orb for some additional power, and this is an alternative that does not lock it into a single move like Choice Band. If on a team weak to sun, Bisharp can use Stone Edge, which easily OHKOes Mega Charizard Y and works beautifully with Focus Sash. Bisharp can also run Brick Break, to hit other Bisharp, Lucario, and Tyranitar harder, as well as other Steel-types. Finally, Substitute is always an option over Night Slash to dodge status and take advantage of predicted switches. However, it can backfire because it allows your opponents to freely switch in Intimidate Pokemon.

Checks & Counters

**Will-O-Wisp**: Pokemon like Rotom-A and Talonflame that are not too afraid of Bisharp's STAB attacks and can burn it are solid checks.

**Fake Out**: Fake Out users such as Ludicolo force Bisharp to Protect on the first turn, which exposes its partner.

**Mega Kangaskhan**: Mega Kangaskhan threatens Bisharp with both Fake Out and a 4x super effective Power-Up Punch.

**Earthquake and Heat Wave**: Pokemon such as Garchomp and Mega Charizard Y that do not fear Sucker Punch much can spam their super effective spread moves and successfully check Bisharp.

**Bisharp**: Other Bisharp counter Bisharp pretty well, especially with Brick Break.

**Fighting-types**: Conkeldurr is a pretty reliable check with Mach Punch. Machamp can OHKO with Dynamic Punch or spam Protect or Bullet Punch until Bisharp is KOed. Lucario can set up on Bisharp and OHKO back with a Fighting-type move because it resists both of Bisharp's STABs.

**Hail**: Residual damage from hail can neuter Bisharp's Focus Sash.

**Venusaur and Mega Charizard Y**: Venusaur and Mega Charizard Y can together put Bisharp to sleep and deal heavy damage with Heat Wave. Klefki and other Prankster users are beyond annoying for Bisharp as well.

**Quick Guard**: Quick Guard can prevent Bisharp from spamming Sucker Punch.
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Bisharp is really cut and dry in this meta.

Overview: I'm ok with what's said, probably mention that you need to be spot on with your 50/50 plays when using it as it causes A LOT of them.

Set: Looks fine, I would like to see LO/Black Glasses slashed or at least mentioned. It lets Bisharp have actual power when the opponent isn't packing as many intimidate mons as humanly possibly. It also lets you do this which is nice:

+1 252+ Atk Life Orb Bisharp Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Salamence: 172-203 (101.1 - 119.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Set details looks fine. Just having mons that cover Bisharp's weaknesses are usually good places to start. Gyarados and Rotom-A forms come to mind with good team synergy.

OO: Everything looks fine there, Bisharp doesn't really have a plethora of options to use this gen.

One thing I want to keep feedback on is including a Substitute set either as a set of it's own or in OO. It had some good utility last gen but this gen I'm not quite sure. I know I had good results when using Taunt > Night Slash when I used Bisharp, but sub is in a weird spot this year from what I take. I'd like to get other QC or your own input on this before I approve this.

Either way, good job with this. Not really a hard analysis, so I'll approve it after some weigh in
<12&TheMantyke> oh did you implement bisharp's stuff laurel
<12&TheMantyke> er
<12&TheMantyke> biosci's stuff
<@Laurel> yes
<12&TheMantyke> cool
<12&TheMantyke> since I shot the breeze with you all night last night
<12&TheMantyke> about bisharp
<12&TheMantyke> I'll give you your second qc
<12&TheMantyke> since we talked over what I wanted already
<12&TheMantyke> actually I think it's your first
<12&TheMantyke> so
<12&TheMantyke> it's a qc

QC: 1/2
Add Lucario in C&C as well, resists both STABs and even has priority that can OHKO it. Bisharp also doesn't enjoy that Quick Guard is infinite the gen, so that's worth a mention too.

Otherwise QC: 2/2
Oh I almost forgot to mention, mention Lum in the set details or useful tips as a nice way to avoid getting burned(which happens a lot with Bisharp).


Bisharp is one of the premier pPokemon in the VGC 2014 format, and for good reason. For one, Bisharp is the only viable pPokemon this year that has the ability Defiant. Defiant essentially reverses the effects of Intimidate and, turnsing the -1 Attack drop from Intimidate into a +1 attackboost. A main reason to use Bisharp is because even if one does not bringchose it, it is easier to predict for a lead, it discourages the opponents leads because they certainly will not risk from leading with an Intimidate pPokemon! More importantly beyond Defiant Bisharp is an incredibly useful pokemon. It bolsters an impressive base 125 aAttack, along with dDark sSteel stabSTAB, which in the VGC 2014 format is only resisted by Lucario, Houndoom, and ironically Bisharp. Finally, Bisharp carries two immunities with p, Psychic and pPoison, and resists several common types such as iIce, gGhost, gGrass, sSteel, and rRock. However, with all of Bisharp's fantastic traits it does not come without draw backs. Will-oO-Wisp, which now has 85% accuracy, hads no problem burning Bisharp. In addition, Bisharp is weak to fFire and gGround, two of the most common type attack types in VGC and it is 4x weak to mMach pPunch.
name: Attacker
move 1: Sucker Punch
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Night Slash / Swords Dance
move 4: Protect
ability: Defiant
item: Focus Sash / Lum Berry / Life Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HpP
nature: Adamant
The most -used move on this set is going to be Sucker Punch. Sucker Punch is predictable, but important, because it lets you pick off faster pPokemon, and it forces pPokemon to pProtect or switch. Iron Head is a staple, and offers great coverage with Sucker Punch. In addition, Iron Head i, as well as an interesting option for trying to stop slower Pokemon from hitting with its nice 30% flinch chance. In the 3third slot, Night Slash is a muchoffers more reliable attackility than Sucker Punch; however, but Swords Dance allows Bisharp to boost its aAttack to gargantuan levels without losing much coverage. Protect is used in the last spot to dodge fFake oOut chip damage, and because of its overall utility in doubles.
Set Details
The ability of choice is obviously Defiant, itwhich completely outclasses Inner Focus. EVs are maxed in aAttack and sSpeed on the focus sash set because itBisharp does not need any bulk. An Adamant nature is preferred because Bisharp appreciates all the power it can get to 2hkoHKO most Rotom-A. Focus Sash is the item of choice because it lets Bisharp play more recklessly, and helps it survive spread moves like Charizard-Y's Heat Wave, and Garchomp's Earthquake. Lum Berry is also an option because it gives Bisharp the freedom of destroying Rotom-W, and stuff likeprotection from Liepard, Klefki, and Meowstic spamming swagger.
In addition, Bisharp is in a pretty interesting spoSpeed tier, with base 70 Speed. It can run a bBrave nature on a Trick Room team, and is also fast enough to outspeed every VGC -eligible pPokemon under Tailwind. Finally, Choice Band is an option with a bulkier EV spread of 100 hpHP / 252 Atk / 156 Spd t. This spread will always live one Jolly unboosted Garchomp's Earthquake, and easily outspeeds uninvested Rotom-A. Alternatively, a spread of 100 hpHP / 220 Atk / 188 Spd can be used to outspeed neutral -natured max sSpeed Tyranitar. The only difference in moves is to drop Protect for Brick Brick.
Usage Tips
Depending on how good your opponent is Bisharp is most effecacioustive as a lead. Blocking iInitimidate and immediately threatening a multitude of pPokemon with Bisharp's stabSTAB moves can be pretty overwhelming. Sucker Punch is an incredibly predictable move, so it needs to be used sparingly. In addition, try and avoid situations when Sucker Punch is required because sometimes people sopponents will use Substitute or just switch. Bisharp does not fear King's Shield at all, as the drop is negated by Defiant, so juste Night Slash against all Aegislash. Finally, Choice Band Bisharp appreciates disruptive support such as Rage Powder Amoonguss to stop it from getting slaughtered by fFighting-type moves.
Team Options
Gyarados, Rotom-H, and Rotom-W are good partners because they resist both gGround and fFire spread moves, which hit Bisharp for Ssuper Eeffective damage. Rotom-H additionallylso checks Mega Charizard-Y, and its rRock weakness is well -covered by Bisharp. Additionally, Rotom-Appliances can also burn Mega Kangaskhan, which can puse Power-up-pUp Punch straight through Bisharp's Focus Sash thanks to Parental Bond. Other good partners include Fake Out support Pokemons so Bisharp can attack on first turn, and ps well as Pokemon which benefit from a lack of Intimidate users, such as Tyranitar and Mega Kangaskhan. Air Balloon Chandelure is also a cool partner for Bisharp, dodging all gGround and fFire moves, and usually burning Mega Kangaskhan without fear.
Other Options
Bisharp does not really have many other options for possible moves. It is fast enough to use Taunt thingo avoid status moves like Rotom's Will-oO-wisp, and Musharna's Trick Room, but that would mean dropping Sucker Punch. Bisharp can run Black Glasses or Life Orb for some additional power, and this is an alternative that does not lock it into a single move like Choice Band. If on a team weak to sun, Bisharp can use Stone Edge, which easily OHKOes ZMega Charizard-Y, and works beautifully with Focus Sash. Swords Dance is an option, but it is often hard to find a good opportunity to use it because Bisharp likes to attack. In addition, like most pokemon in doubles substitute is an option over protect, but this strategy can easily backfire with Bisharp's speed.
Checks &amp; Counters
Pokemon like Rotom-A and Talonflame that are not too afraid of Bisharp's stabs, and can burn it are solid checks. Pokemon with Fake Out like Ludicolo force Bisharp to Protect turn 1, which exposes its partner. Mega Kangaskhan threatens Bisharp with both Fake Out and a 4x super effective Power-Up-Punch. Pokemon such as Garchomp and Mega Charizard-Y that don't fear Sucker Punch much and can spam their super effective spread moves. Bisharp counters Bisharp pretty well, especially if one has Brick Break. Conkeldurr is a pretty reliable check with Mach Punch, along with any other fighter with Mach Punch. Machamp can Dynamic Punch and spam Protect or Bullet Punch until Bisharp dies. Hail is a legitimate option for removing Bisharp's Focus Sash. In a similar vein, Mega Charizard-Y with Venusaur can put it to sleep and spam Heat Wave. Klefki and other Prankster users are beyond annoying for Bisharp. Finally, Lucario can set up on Bisharp and OHKO back with a fighting move because it resists both of Bisharp's stab moves. Also, it is important to remember that Quick Guard can forever wall Sucker Punch this generation.

Be sure to check those standards :/
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Doing this


Bisharp is one of the premier Pokemon in the VGC 2014 format, and for good reason. For one, Bisharp is the only viable Pokemon this year that has the ability Defiant. Defiant essentially reverses the effects of Intimidate, turning the -1 Attack drop from Intimidate into a +1 boost. With Defiant, Bisharp not only benefits from opposing Intimidate Pokemon, but also helps discourage the opponent from leading with them, something no other physical attacker can claim to do. A main reason to use Bisharp is because even if one does not choose it for a lead, it discourages the opponent from leading with an Intimidate Pokemon! (rephrased to make it sound smoother) Bisharp also boasts bolsters (wrong word) an impressive base 125 Attack,(RC) along with Dark- and Steel-type STAB, which,(AC) in the VGC 2014 format,(AC) is only resisted by Lucario, Houndoom, and ironically, other Bisharp. Finally, Bisharp carries two immunities to Psychic- and Poison-type attacks, and resists several common other types such as Ice, Ghost, Grass, Steel, and Rock. However, with all of Bisharp's fantastic traits,(AC) it does not come without draw(removespace)backs. Will-O-Wisp, which now has 85% accuracy, has no problem burning Bisharp. In addition, Bisharp is weak to Fire and Ground, two of the most common attack types in VGC,(AC) and is 4x weak to Mach Punch.

SET NAME Attacker
name: Attacker
move 1: Sucker Punch
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Night Slash / Swords Dance
move 4: Protect
ability: Defiant
item: Focus Sash / Lum Berry / Life Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
nature: Adamant


The most-used move on this set is going to be Sucker Punch. Sucker Punch is predictable,(RC) but important, as because it lets you pick off faster Pokemon,(RC) and it forces opponents Pokemon to Protect or switch. Iron Head is a staple attack,(RC) and offers great coverage with Sucker Punch, as well as a nice 30% flinch chance. In the third slot, Night Slash offers more reliability than Sucker Punch, but Swords Dance allows Bisharp to boost its Attack to gargantuan levels without losing much coverage. Protect is used in the last spot to dodge Fake Out chip damage and because of its overall utility in doubles.

Set Details

The ability of choice is obviously Defiant, which completely outclasses Inner Focus. EVs are maxed in Attack and Speed investment on the set because Bisharp does not need any bulk. An Adamant nature is preferred because Bisharp appreciates all the power it can get to 2HKO most Rotom-A. Focus Sash is the recommended item of choice (repetition) because it lets Bisharp play more recklessly,(RC) and helps it survive spread moves such as like Mega Charizard-Y's Heat Wave and Garchomp's Earthquake. Lum Berry is also an option because it gives Bisharp the freedom of destroying Rotom-W and protection from Liepard, Klefki, and Meowstic spamming Swagger. In addition, Bisharp is in a pretty interesting Speed tier, with a base 70 Speed stat. It can successfully run a Brave nature on a Trick Room team and is while also being fast enough to outspeed every VGC-eligible Pokemon under Tailwind. Finally, Choice Band is an option with a bulkier EV spread of 100 HP / 252 Atk / 156 Spd. This spread will always live one Jolly unboosted Garchomp's Earthquake, and easily outspeeds uninvested Rotom-A. Alternatively, a spread of 100 hpHP / 220 Atk / 188 Spd can be used to outspeed neutral-natured max Speed Tyranitar. The only difference in moves is to drop Protect for Brick Brick.

Usage Tips

Depending on how good skilled your opponent is,(AC) Bisharp is most effective effecacious (just use the more common synonym here, as they mean the same. Also, you didn't spell "efficacious" right anyway lol) as a lead. Blocking Intimidate initimidate and immediately threatening a multitude of Pokemon with Bisharp'(+Apos)s STAB stab moves can be pretty overwhelming to face. Sucker Punch is an incredibly predictable move so it needs to be used sparingly. In addition, try and avoid situations when Sucker Punch is required because sometimes people use Substitute or just switch instead. Bisharp does not fear King's Shield at all, as the drop is negated by Defiant, so just Night Slash all Aegislash. Finally, Choice Band Bisharp appreciates disruptive support such as Rage Powder Amoonguss to stop it from getting slaughtered by Fighting-type moves.

Team Options

Gyarados, Rotom-H, and Rotom-W are good partners because they resist both ground and fire Ground- and Fire-type spread moves, which hit Bisharp for super effective damage. Rotom-H additionally checks Mega Charizard-Y, and its Rock-type weakness is well covered by Bisharp. Additionally, all Rotom formes Rotom-Appliances (? not sure if this is an accepted term) can also burn opposing Mega Kangaskhan,(AC) which can otherwise Power-Up-(RemoveHyphen) Punch straight through a Focus Sash. Other good partners include Fake Out support mons Pokemon so Bisharp can attack first turn as well as , and Pokemon which benefit from a lack of Intimidate,(AC) such as Tyranitar and Mega Kangaskhan. Air Balloon Chandelure is also a cool partner for Bisharp,(AC) dodging all Ground- and Fire-type moves, and usually burning Mega Kangaskhan without fear.

Other Options

Bisharp does not really have many other options for possible moves. It is fast enough to use Taunt to avoid status moves like Rotom's Will-O-wisp,(RC) and Musharna's Trick Room, but that would mean dropping Sucker Punch. Bisharp can run Black Glasses or Life Orb for some additional power, and this is an alternative that does not lock it into a single move like Choice Band. If on a team weak to sun, Bisharp can use Stone Edge, which easily OHKOes Mega Charizard-Y, and works beautifully with Focus Sash. Bisharp can also run Brick Break, which hits other Bisharp, Lucario, and Tyranitar harder, as well as other Steel-(+Hyphen)types. Finally, Substitute is always an option over Protect to dodge status and on take advantage of predicted switches. However, it can backfire because it allows your opponents to freely switch in Intimidate Pokemon.

Checks & Counters

**Will-O-Wisp Users**: Pokemon like Rotom-A and Talonflame that are not too afraid of Bisharp's STAB attacks stabs, and can burn it are solid checks.

**Fake Out**: Pokemon with Fake Out like Ludicolo force Bisharp to Protect turn one 1, which exposes its partner.

**Mega Kangaskhan**: It threatens Bisharp with both Fake Out and a x4x super effective Power-Up Punch.

**Earthquake and Heat Wave**: Pokemon such as Garchomp and Mega Charizard-Y that do not fear Sucker Punch much and can spam their super effective spread moves and successfully check Bisharp.

**Bisharp**: Bisharp counters Bisharp pretty well, especially with if one has Brick Break.

(Condensing Conkeldurr, Machamp, and Lucario into one category. Did not change content; just relocated and fixed up some grammar.)

**Fighting-types**: Conkeldurr is a pretty reliable check with Mach Punch. Machamp can Dynamic Punch and spam Protect or Bullet Punch until Bisharp dies. Lucario can set up on Bisharp and OHKO back with a Fighting-type move because it resists both of Bisharp's STABs.

**Conkeldurr**: It is a pretty reliable check with Mach Punch, along with any other fighter with Mach Punch.

**Machamp**: It can Dynamic Punch and spam Protect or Bullet Punch until Bisharp dies.

**Hail**: Hail is a legitimate option for removing Bisharp's Focus Sash.

**Mega Charizard-Y and Venusaur**: They can put it to sleep and spam Heat Wave. Klefki and other Prankster users are beyond annoying for Bisharp.

**Lucario**: It can set up on Bisharp and OHKO back with a fighting move because it resists both of Bisharp's stab moves.

**Quick Guard**: Quick Guard can easily block forever wall Sucker Punch this generation.

Nice work Laurel!


GP Approved 2/2
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