Welcome to the second BH Ghosting Tour of Gen 9! In this tour, you can throw the normal tournament requirement to play by yourself in the bin, as you can play with 2 teammates!
Rules are below:
Signups will be open for 2 weeks (until Jan 15 11:59PM GMT+0) or until we get a round number of signups. Enjoy!
Rules are below:
- This tournament will be played in the standard Gen 9 Balanced Hackmons format,
- Games are best of 1. If you tie, you have to replay.
- If a metagame change takes place, it only comes into effect next round.
- Don't turn on the timer until half an hour has passed (can be checked using !servertime). Agreement from both sides is not required to put the timer on.
- Replays are required in every round.
- You can ghost (clue's in the name). This is usually done in a voice call, but chat logs also work. These should be made public after the game (such as the recording being uploaded to YouTube).
- Teams can be formed with 3 players, either by signing up together or by signing up as a free agent and being grouped by me.
- The whole team should ideally be present at a battle unless there's genuinely no other option. Try to pick people on your team with compatible time zones to minimize this risk (if you're signing up as a free agent, including your Time Zone should help).
Signups will be open for 2 weeks (until Jan 15 11:59PM GMT+0) or until we get a round number of signups. Enjoy!