Best 2008 Wii Games

I made a video showing the most notable games coming out to the Wii this year. It looks like2008 is gonna be another great year for the Wii. Enjoy.

Some of the most notable Wii games:
-Super Smash Bros Brawl
-Mario Kart Wii
-Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers
-Monster Hunter 3
-Fatal Frame 4
- Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors
-Okami Wii
-Samba de Amigo
-No More Heroes
-Wii Fit
-Wii Music
-Endless Ocean
-Disaster: Day of Crisis
-Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
-Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity
-De Blob
-Mushroom Men

Other less notable games not included in video:
-Bully:Scholarship Edition
-House of the Dead 2 and 3 Return
-Lego Indiana Jones: The Video Game
-Lego Batman: The Video Game
-Animal Crossing Wii (no release date announced)
-Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Young King and the Promised Land

If you liked this video, please leave some comments.
Spore is coming to the WII!?! Is This true?!

Anyway, SSBB and Spore (if it is for the wii) are the only two games I care about so far on the wii.
Spore is coming to the WII!?! Is This true?!

Anyway, SSBB and Spore (if it is for the wii) are the only two games I care about so far on the wii.

Spore is coming out on the Wii, Will Wright, the creator of spore, loves the platform so much that it's actually coming out to both the wii and ds (and pc of course).
Spore is coming out to Wii yes. It's coming out at the same time as the other versions: never.

All I know is I get Super Smash Bros. Brawl and then something something something.
Spore? Seriously? I love Will Wright so much, it would be great if it came out in 2008 :-) As long as it doesn't pull a Duke Nukem (wait) Forever on us I'll be fine.

I can't say it is vaporware because Will was playing a demo in front of a crowd a few years ago... I find it hard to believe that no progress has been made...
i am actually really impressed with the Wii's lineup this year. as far as i can tell everyone wants brawl and everyone who has heard of spore wants it too, not to mention mario kart. god this year is going to be expensive :toast:
The sleeper game is without a doubt No More Heroes. I have such high hopes for this game. GTA style game play with a beam sword with wrestling thrown in. Sounds pretty interesting.
i am actually really impressed with the Wii's lineup this year. as far as i can tell everyone wants brawl and everyone who has heard of spore wants it too, not to mention mario kart. god this year is going to be expensive :toast:
I highly enjoy the use of the word 'expensive' for some reason. xD
I am excited for Brawl and Mario Kart.What is Wii Music can someone give me a link? I am excited for Spore but that will probaly be released in a long time from now.
Yay for Spore, Brawl, Kart and maybe that Star wars game I see there. It's gonna be a good year folks!

EDIT: Just watched the vid, now I really want SW and Sonci :) Okami seems "tripping", and endless ocean is just "meh" seeing as I've got a dive licence IRL so i don't really need a video game about diving...

EDIT2: Also I love how the main character from the force unleashed holds his lightsaber :)
what makes games notable and less notable if we havent played them? maybe one of the less notable games who nobody cares about will turn out amazing. so this video really is opinionated because any of the games could be trash. we really can't say we know that these games will be great or not.
Im looking forward to
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Mario Kart Wii
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers
Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors
Okami Wii
Endless Ocean
Disaster: Day of Crisis
Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity
De Blob

De Blob is more of a test game for me, it looks cool.
SSB Brawl-Yeah, I can't wait for, but it PISSES ME OFF that they pushed the damn release date back AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! Nintendo, JUST MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MIND ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity-I have the game now, and I don't hate it, but I don't LOVE it either. The main problem I find with this game is that unless you time your gravity control just right, you crash into stuff easily, although in some cases, power ranked players can just smash through certain obstacles.

Mario Kart Wii-Yep. You know i'm looking forward to this one.

What else am I really wanting to get...?