Taking over from Ranger Mike...who took it over from Snaquaza ^.^
QC Kiyo / Punchshroom / ?
GP ? / ?
- Has very high Special Attack
- Good on Trick Room
- Has a good ability in Analytic to abuse
- Average bulk
- Low Speed, analytic kinda makes up for it though
name: Choice Specs
move 1: Psyshock / Psychic
move 2: Hidden Power Fighting
move 3: Trick
move 4: Shadow Ball
ability: Analytic
evs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpA
item: Choice Specs
nature: Modest
- Psyshock is another STAB move which hits on the opponent's Physical Defense.
- Psychic deals more damage than Psyshock but struggles against hitting Specially Defense walls harder.
- Hidden Power Fighting lets Beheeyem hit Dark- and Steel-types
- Trick cripples walls Beheeyem can't break.
- Shadow Ball lets Beheeyem hit Psychic-type Pokemon and has a chance to lower Special Defense - more effective than Dark Pulse's chance to flinch given that Beheeyem will most likely be attacking last
- EVs maximize its Special Attack to boost its wallbreaking potential. Maximum HP EVs helps it tank hits as it doesn't want speed anyway.
- Analytic is often activated due to Beheeyem's low speed so it can dish out even higher damage.
- Modest nature for even more power.
- Choice Specs to maximize the amount of damage you can do.
Usage Tips
- Beheeyem is a wallbreaker; a very strong one.
- Psychic is its strongest move, but watch out for Dark types.
- Try to bring it in on a double switch or with a slow U-Turn or Volt Switch, as it's middling bulk won't allow it to take many hits.
- Don't be afraid to stay in unless the opponent has Super Effective STAB and you haven't been able to remove the opponent walls yet. It has just enough bulk to avoid getting OHKOed from most Pokemon
Team Options
- Beheeyem hates Dark types, so it likes support from something like Granbull or Sawk to take them on.
- Otherwise any Pokemon that needs a wall removed, will appreciate Beheeyem's presence.
- Pokemon with access to entry hazards so that the opposing Pokemon are worn down to the point of a 2HKO OR OHKO
name: Trick Room
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Psychic
move 3: Hidden Power Fighting
move 4: Dark Pulse
ability: Analytic
evs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
item: Life Orb / Leftovers
Ability: Quiet
- Trick Room turns Beheeyem's low speed in an advantage.
- Psychic is Beheeyem's strongest STAB moves
- Hidden Power Fighting lets Beheeyem hit Dark-types and Steel-types.
- Dark Pulse is for hitting other Psychic-type Pokemon and Ghost-types, with Beheeyem attacking first under Trick Room, it gives it a chance to flinch too.
- Nasty Plot can raise Beheeyem's Special Attack to astronomical levels.
- Signal Beam can be used for neutral coverage if Beheeyem is using Nasty Plot as one of its moves.
- EVs make Beheeyem hit as hard as possible. The other EVs are put into HP so it can set up more easily.
- Analytic is used because it powers up moves after switches too. This will punish the opponent for switching out, even during Trick Room.
- Quiet Nature is used to maximize the damage output while lowering speed so you can hit faster during Trick Room.
- Life Orb will let you hit even harder, but wears you down fairly quickly.
- Leftovers can be used for a more defensive set-up. You'll hit significantly less hard however.
Usage Tips
- Trick Room wants to be set up as quickly as possible when using Beheeyem
- Beheeyem can wear down its own counters by using its coverage moves mid-game.
- Make sure only to attempt a sweep when its counters are removed as it will only be able to pull it off once.
- Beheeyem is fairly safe about not predicting most opponents, as Analytic still gives Beheeyem powerful hits on resisted switch-ins.
- Must be wary against Dark-type switch-ins, especially those with Sucker Punch
- Against Stall teams you can use Nasty Plot without using Trick Room as you won't need the speed, but you'll get the analytic boost. After this Beheeyem will easily make most stall teams crumble.
Team Options
- Beheeyem appreciates teammates which lure Pokemon it can set-up on.
- Beheeyem appreciates teammates which can also set up Trick Room due to its poor Defense it can't rely on always setting it up alone.
- It's important to bring in Beheeyem in safely, so a slow Volt Switch or U-Turn is appreciated. It can't take lot a lot of hits, so it's better to minimize the damage it takes.
- Dark-types can usually force Beheeyem out, so a partner like Granbull or Pangoro is recommended.
- Pangoro forms an especially good core as it can get Beheeyem in safely with a slow Parting Shot, it lures in Physical walls it can set up on and can take advantage of any leftover Trick Room turns. Finally it can remove Dark-types
- CM + Recover
- Energy Ball
- Assault Vest
**Dark-types**: Dark-type Pokemon such as Pawniard and Sneasel can't switch in on Beheeyem due to Hidden Power Fighting hitting them hard but can check Beheeyem with their Dark-type STAB moves such as Knock Off or Crunch forcing it to switch out due to its poor Defense and Speed stat. Sneasel can switch in by predicting an incoming Psyshock on a teammate, although it is risky, and force Beheeyem to stay in by trapping it with Pursuit. Sneasel doesn't take any damage due to it being locked in if it is the Choice Specs set. Trick Room on the switch however can cause problems as Beheeyem will go first.
**Steel-types**: Steel-type Pokemon such as Ferroseed, Bastiodon and Probopass can switch in on Beheeyem only fearing Trick and Hidden Power Fighting. They resist Beheeyem's Psychic-type STAB and isn't weak to its other moves. They can retaliate with their own moves against Beheeyem or use the switch to set up Stealth Rock or Spikes. Bastiodon switches in on a Psyshock which barely does anything and gets up the Stealth Rock or Toxic on the incoming opposing Pokemon.
**Ghost-types**: Ghost-type Pokemon such as Mismagius and Rotom can check Beheeyem with their Ghost-type STAB moves. Rotom can check Beheeyem by either forcing it out with Shadow Ball or predicting the switch and going for Volt Switch or Trick to cripple the incoming opponent. Mismagius can go for Nasty Plot predicting the switch or hit Beyeehem with a Shadow Ball.
**Priority**: Pokemon with access to priority such as Cacturne and Mightyena with Sucker Punch, Feraligatr with Aqua Jet and Kangaskhan with Fake Out can wear down Beheeyem to the point where it is an OHKO or 2HKO or take it out due to its poor Defense. Cacturne can come in against Psyshock and go for Sucker Punch predicting Beheeyem to use Hidden Power Fighting or use the switch opportunity to get up a Swords Dance.
**Offensive Pressure**: Due to Beheeyem's poor Speed and Defense, offensive pressure from Pokemon can really force the switch on Beheeyem. It doesn't like taking physical hits all too much and its either getting to be forced out, get OHKOed or 2HKO. Pokemon such as Feraligatr, Samurott, Sceptile and Archeops can all 2HKO; Samurott and Feraligatr can even OHKO after using Swords Dance. Trick Room Beheeyem is harder to revenge kill due to it being slower and can turn the tables on sweepers.
**Entry Hazards**: If Beheeyem isn't running Recover it can eventually wear down in health from switching in and out constantly. When being locked into one move with the Choice Specs, Beheeyem doesn't want to stay in on certain Pokemon when locked into one move such as Psyshock on Cacturne. The hazards will eventually put Beheeyem in the range of getting 2HKOed or OHKOed from the offensive Pokemon.
**Bug-types**: Bug-type Pokemon such as Accelgor and Scyther can check Beheeyem with their super effective attacks. Accelgor can predict the switch and use the chance to get up hazards while Scyther can gain momentum by going for U-turn or removing the item of the incoming Pokemon with Knock Off.
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