Tournament BDSPPL III - Week 2

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As a friend you are ... replaceable, farewell!
is a Pre-Contributor

Art by kolohe
Hosted by Tuthur and myself.

Follow all tournament rules, as shown here.
Please schedule on Smogon, through VMs if able, makes it easier for me in the case an activity call needs to be made.
Managers may made substitutions once the week has begun, please tag the hosts( Tuthur and I) as well as the opposing manager, and the opposing player that is affected by the substitution. Players that are subbed out may not be subbed back in that week.
Replays are mandatory for your win to count.

<< Commencement Thread >>
<< Admin Decisions >>

<< Spreadsheet >>
:ambipom: Acrobatic Ambipoms (6) vs (2) Slowbro Or Chatot Daughter :Slowbro:

BDSP OU: Mike Legend Lostmemories vs AquaticCarlie
BDSP OU: Exotic64 vs Carkoala
BDSP OU: veti vs dex
BDSP Ubers: velvet vs Zerkas
BDSP UU: Tbolt vs Wadley
BDSP RU: GoldCat vs db
BDSP NU: Lialiabeast vs DiannieRatson
BDSP PU: 5Dots vs plznostep

:spheal: Rolling Spheals (4) vs (4) Lucky Chant Latias :latias:

BDSP OU: MagearnaTheBoss vs Huargensy
BDSP OU: Banbadoro vs autumn
BDSP OU: igiveuponaname vs Mimikyu Stardust
BDSP Ubers: VTMagno vs Beleth
BDSP UU: AstilCodex vs Runo
BDSP RU: TTK vs One Last Kiss
BDSP NU: sleid vs BloodAce
BDSP PU: Scarf Kricketune vs Fluore

:bibarel: Brexit Bibarels (3) vs (5) FullMetal Metagross :metagross:

BDSP OU: Baddy vs sealoo
BDSP OU: Liz Angeles vs Mada
BDSP OU: Ainzcrad vs Skitty (Skittyrox)
BDSP Ubers: Rasche vs Fc
BDSP UU: Melt Gibson vs ImposterOCE
BDSP RU: Quinn vs feen
BDSP NU: jawabarat vs LpZ
BDSP PU: Larry vs Bella SOMALIA

BDSP Ubers: /challenge gen8bdspou @@@ +uber, +drizzle, +shadow tag, +arena trap, +moody, +kings rock, +razor fang
BDSP UU: /challenge gen8bdspou @@@ -ou, -uubl
BSDP RU: /challenge gen8bdspou @@@ -ou, -uubl, -uu, -rubl, -drought
BDSP NU: /challenge gen8bdspou @@@ -ou, -uubl, -uu, -rubl, -ru, -nubl, -drought, -damp rock, -heat rock
BDSP PU: /challenge gen8bdspou @@@ -ou, -uubl, -uu, -rubl, -ru, -nubl, -nu, -publ, -drought, -damp rock, -heat rock
BDSP LC: /challenge gen8bdspou @@@ Little Cup, +arena trap, +shadow tag, -sticky web, -nfe, -nu, -publ, -berryjuice, -light clay

The deadline for this round is Sunday, June 2nd at 22:00 GMT -4.

Acrobatic Ambipoms (0) vs (0) Slowbro Or Chatot Daughter

BDSP OU: Lostmemories vs AquaticCarlie
BDSP OU: Exotic64 vs Carkoala
BDSP OU: veti vs dex
BDSP Ubers: velvet vs Zerkas
BDSP UU: Tbolt vs Wadley
BDSP RU: GoldCat vs db
BDSP NU: Lialiabeast vs DiannieRatson
BDSP PU: 5Dots vs plznostep

Rolling Spheals (0) vs (0) Lucky Chant Latias

BDSP OU: MagearnaTheBoss vs Huargensy
BDSP OU: Banbadoro vs autumn
BDSP OU: igiveuponaname vs Mimikyu Stardust
BDSP Ubers: VTMagno vs Beleth
BDSP UU: AstilCodex vs Runo
BDSP RU: TTK vs One Last Kiss
BDSP NU: sleid vs BloodAce
BDSP PU: Scarf Kricketune vs Fluore

Brexit Bibarels (0) vs (1) FullMetal Metagross

BDSP OU: Baddy vs sealoo
BDSP OU: Liz Angeles vs Mada
BDSP OU: Ainzcrad vs Skitty (Skittyrox)
BDSP Ubers: Rasche vs Fc
BDSP UU: Melt Gibson vs ImposterOCE
BDSP RU: Quinn vs feen
BDSP NU: jawabarat vs LpZ
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