Suicune @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 100 Def / 156 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Scald
- Protect / Rest
- Substitute / Sleep Talk
The dust has cleared after the banning of powerhouses such as Latios and Manaphy, leaving the graceful incarnation of the North Wind to pressure the BDSP metagame! Substitute in conjunction with Protect allows Suicune to PP stall defensive answers such as Rotom-W, Tangrowth, and Blissey. Alternatively, Rest in conjunction with Sleep Talk makes it sturdier and less passive, allowing it to shrug off status from Clefable and Mew and take on threats such as Nidoking reliably. 156 Speed EVs allows it to outspeed and stall specially defensive Jirachi and Timid Magnezone, while a Bold nature avoids a 2HKO from Mamoswine and allows its Substitute to usually survive Scizor and Infernape's U-turn. Clefable deals with Choice Band Infernape and Garchomp, which threaten it, and in return, loves Suicune's ability to deal with Heatran. Team mates such as Celebi and Heatran check Breloom and Roserade, respectively, and appreciate Suicune checking Mamoswine and Gliscor. Scizor provides Defog to remove Roserade's Toxic Spikes, allowing Suicune to set up more easily; it also importantly checks Weavile and Psyshock Alakazam.
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