Resource BDSP OU Sample Teams


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Hello! This thread aims to provide a collection of successful BDSP OU teams to help new players get acclimated to the metagame and different playstyles.

Posting Guidelines

  • Give a short explanation of the role that each member of your team plays, and how the team works.​
  • Provide an importable.​
  • You must have some experience with your team before posting. Don’t post a team you just made on the team builder and thought looked good. Providing replays is a good way to prove that you have used your team a fair bit and that it’s viable; it will also give us an idea of how to play with the team.​
  • Your team must represent the current metagame.
  • Rejected Sample Team submissions will be moved to the BDSP OU Team Bazaar so that they still may be used by other players.
Sample teams will be selected by a collection of experienced BDSP OU players.

Current Sample Teams

Below are the current sample teams! Click the minisprites for the importables of the teams.

Hyper Offense

:volbeat: :kingdra: :azumarill: :mew: :scizor: :qwilfish: Rain by Boopi_Bappi

:gyarados: :raikou: :garchomp: :scizor: :lucario: :skarmory: Raikou & Gyarados HO by Boopi_Bappi

:skarmory: :lucario: :mismagius: :scizor: :latias: :feraligatr: Feraligatr HO by AstilCodex

:skarmory: :lucario: :mismagius: :magnezone: :azumarill: :alakazam: DrumAzu + Zone HO by igiveuponaname


:heatran: :feraligatr: :scizor: :latias: :garchomp: :rotom-wash:Power Herb Heatran Offense by Tbolt

:mismagius: :garchomp: :weavile: :scizor: :mew: :empoleon: Specs Mismagius by Savouras and Skitty (Skittyrox)

:mew: :scizor: :infernape: :celebi: :rotom-wash: :gliscor: MU Mew Offense by Skitty (Skittyrox)

:weavile: :scizor: :heatran: :rotom-wash: :mew: :garchomp: Weav + CoatScizor by Skitty (Skittyrox)

Bulky Offense

:rotom-wash: :infernape: :mew: :scizor: :garchomp: :tangrowth: Specs Washtom by AstilCodex

:rotom-wash: :infernape: :mamoswine: :mew: :scizor: :gliscor: CB Infernape Voltturn by igiveuponaname

:rotom-wash: :scizor: :garchomp: :breloom: :latias: :togekiss: CB Breloom + NP Togekiss by Tbolt

:lucario: :roserade: :clefable: :garchomp: :rotom-wash: :infernape: Scarf Lucario Fighting Spam by Tbolt

:mamoswine: :heatran: :latias: :gliscor: :rotom-wash: :snorlax: Mamoswine + Snorlax by Savouras and Skitty (Skittyrox)

:breloom: :rotom-wash: :mew: :clefable: :heatran: :gliscor: CB Breloom + SD gliscor by AstilCodex


:scizor: :clefable: :garchomp: :infernape: :tangrowth: :starmie: CoatScizor + Magic Guard Spdef Clef by AstilCodex

:garchomp: :heatran: :latias: :weavile: :scizor: :milotic:Beat Up Weav + Double Dragon by AstilCodex

Spike Stack

:heatran: :mew: :rotom-wash: :scizor: :garchomp: :roserade: CB Chomp SpikeStack by AstilCodex

:starmie: :scizor: :roserade: :garchomp: :zapdos: :infernape: Offensive Starmie + Zapdos by AstilCodex

:dragonite: :starmie: :scizor: :roserade: :rotom-wash: :heatran: CB Dragonite SpikeStack by AstilCodex

:alakazam: :infernape: :scizor: :roserade: :gliscor: :starmie: Alakazam + Infernape Spikes by TyCarter

:alakazam: :roserade: :rotom-wash: :scizor: :clefable: :garchomp: Alakazam + SD Mixed Chomp by TyCarter


:milotic: :clefable: :gliscor: :blissey: :togekiss: :tangrowth: Togekiss Semistall by TyCarter

:milotic: :tangrowth: :blissey: :clefable: :gliscor: :heatran: Milotic Stall by igiveuponaname

Here is our previous collection of Sample Teams. Outdated but still relevant in current metagame.

Hyper Offense

:latias::azumarill::magnezone::scizor::clefable::skarmory: Semi DragMag + DemonClef by Xilefi and Elfuseon

:azelf::lucario::azumarill::scizor::latias::dragonite: DragSpam + SteelSpam by Xilefi

:azelf::celebi::garchomp::lucario::scizor::azumarill: SD Garchomp + BD Azumarill by Xilefi


:weavile::latias::roserade::scizor::heatran::starmie: Spikes Roserade + Assurance Weavile by Xilefi

:latias::gliscor::rotom-wash::scizor::weavile::infernape: Mix Infernape Volturn by Huargensy

:weavile::heatran::garchomp::scizor::rotom-wash::nidoking: Nidoking + Beat Up Weavile by Elfuseon

Bulky Offense

:togekiss::starmie::garchomp::heatran::scizor::clefable: LO Recover Starmie + Togekiss by TyCarter

:latias::heatran::clefable::garchomp::rotom-wash::tangrowth: Dragon Spam BO by Huargensy

:starmie::scizor::weavile::heatran::clefable::gliscor: LO Recover Starmie + Demon Clefable by TyCarter


:roserade::suicune::gliscor::scizor::clefable::weavile: Toxic Spikes Roserade + VinCune by Huargensy

:latias::heatran::gliscor::scizor::milotic::mamoswine: Milotic + Mix Mamoswine by Xilefi

:blissey::tangrowth::scizor::clefable::crawdaunt::garchomp: Blissey + Tangrowth Balance by TyCarter

:gliscor::scizor::tangrowth::Infernape::crawdaunt::weavile: Defensive Infernape Balance by Huargensy


:poliwrath::salamence::gastrodon::clefable::skarmory::mew: Poliwrath+Salamence Stall by Xilefi

:blissey::slowking::skarmory::dragonite::tangrowth::quagsire: Slowking + Quagsire Stall inspired by xyeu
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Just want to point out, the first Blaziken Offense has Bold SD Gliscor, with a weird HP number as well, it would be more optimal to run Impish with 244 HP Evs, and then drop the last 8 EVs from HP into defense, additionally that clefable has a serious nature which does nothing for it, theres probably more issues like that but since its the first Sample team it stood out to me. I recommend looking over the samples yourself if you're going to use them and fix the EV issues if they exist on the other teams.

This team aims to overload checks for each other early game, such that Weavile can clean up late game. It seems solid atm.

Standard HO so not much to explain

Since many more HOs are being built by fellow players, let me explain what makes this team unique.

:Azelf: - Screen Setter. Fast Taunt. Perfect Lead. This one, however has U-turn instead of Explosion, so that it can set up Screens multiple times instead of a 1-time nuke (Beta Screens Koko).

:Gengar: - Gengar retains Nasty Plot, which can let it shred slower stuff after set up. Ghost resists are far and few, and none of them like Focus Blast. Sludge Wave helps with the Unaware Clef MU

:Garchomp: - With Lando out of the picture and Gliscor being an HO misfit, Chomp is the primary ground type a.ka. the lord of role compression on HOs. Here, it is a rocker as well as wincon with Salac Berry (No Scale Shot :( ). While no Yache means it can be RKed by Ice Shard from Mamo or Weavile, Salac Chomp with Rocks exerts a lot of pressure on opponents such that they have to choose whether to kill the Chomp, or to clear rocks that benefit the other sweepers.

:Cloyster: - Cloyster simply clicks Shell Smash and sweeps, as simple as that. Since it shares checks with Weavile like Steels etc., they form a great Ice Spam core. Razor Shell helps with Unaware Quagsire MU coz Defense Drops.

:Weavile: - Though a Shadow of its SS OU self (bye Knock Off and Triple Axel :( ), Weavile can still act as a menacing speed control option, a Ghost and Psychic punisher (improves Gengar and Scarf Lati MU) and a deadly late game cleaner after an SD boost.

:Togekiss: - Mon chosen to punish the resurgent Dragons in the tier, Togekiss additionally provides speed control with TWave, as well as a Steel lure with Flamethrower. And as we all are well aware of, anything it doesn't 2HKO, it ParaFliches to death.

Replays : - Weavile Cleans Late Game
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Sample Submission

THE DRIP (WaterSpam HO)
:azelf: :garchomp: :blaziken: :azumarill: :cloyster: :manaphy:

Really solid HO, Fire Blast Garchomp lures in Skarmory for Cloys to clean, Skill Swap Manaphy is a neat tech to bust through Unaware Clefable, Mantine, and Gastrodon which can give the team troubles, and together with Garchomp and Blaziken generally shred apart fatter teams. Blaziken in general is really amazing, and is near impossible to check defensively. It often overloads Clefable and Quagsire for Garchomp and Azumarill, which often can win then. It usually takes overloading 1 key Pokemon for the team to just outright win vs Stall, and them sharing checks throughout is extremely beneficial, and stall cant really handle all of these threats without them forcing chip on something to open up. Taunt on Azelf also helps by preventing these Pokemon from recovering, and oftentimes is just chip fodder with Explosion. This MU is a bit hard to play especially depending on the mons and sets, but it is easily winnable if you play the game slowly, as setting up too early risks your wincon being voided.

Triple Water means you absolutely shred Rain teams, especially if Azu can get a drum off early. This matchup should be pretty much unlosable if you know what you are doing. Azu and Manaphy especially alongside Screens make switching into Kingdra and beating opposing Azu a breeze, and with Garchomp Zapdos is no issue. Scizor cant really do anything to the team, EBall Mana on rain is really rare but with screens and your own Mana its no issue. Mamo also isnt an issue with lead Azelf and the triple water core. If Cloyster manages to Smash on say, DNite, Mamo, or Scizor, it is pretty much over.

Cloyster pretty much fucks over DragSpam comepletely, and even Magnezone versions lose if they take around 20%. Its easy to force damage with on these Steels with your own Garchomp, lest they have to sack something. Blaziken and Manaphy can also open holes in the team for Azu to potentially just clean late game, so its a fairly safe MU, if you play this well it shouldnt be an issue.

I kinda forgot to save replays for this, but ill add them in when I can, although Baloor did manage to crack top 10 with the team just now, so I hope that counts.

Overall I feel this team is solid enough to be a sample, and please let me know if there are any issues with the team and hopefully i can sort it out^^


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Hey there, wanted to make a quick post on a team I built and tested a bit.

:azelf: :blaziken: :cloyster: :garchomp: :gengar: :scizor:

The idea of this team was to run an Azelf lead HO as I think Azelf will be one of the best leads in this metagame thanks to Taunt with its super good Speed tier and a powerful Explosion.

: I wanted to try a Rock set first, even though this Pokemon can also be used as a Screens setter. Max Atk with Explosion hits surprisingly hard (it OHKOed a Latios in one of the replays). You’re faster than all the notorious Taunt users or leads and thus you can easily set Rocks without having them on your side (and Rocks are nice in a bootless metagame).

: Blaziken is insane in this tier (and I would not be surprised if it ends up being banned soon). I wasn’t sure about the last move. I think in a screenless team Protect is a superior option over a coverage move and with Protect you can afford to run an Adamant nature imo.

: Cloyster is another insane sweeper (even without King’s Rock). I’m running Sash because I feel that with Azelf lead it is rather easy to avoid having hazards on your side (unless you lose a tie against another Azelf and get Taunted first, but then you can hard Cloyster on the incoming Rocks). Not sure about the last move, and if some Water coverage is more worth it than Ice Shard (I will probably have to do more tests).

: Garchomp is scary to face. Like the other Pokemon here, it setup, hits hard and is pretty bulk and hard to OHKO. I’m running the classic Swords Dance + EdgeQuake combo, but not sure about the last move. Dragon Claw is a nice STAB but it doesn’t OHKO other Chomp and is maybe not really necessary as other Dragon like Latios who are immune to Earthquake are faster anyway. Substitute could be a nice alternative that I’ll have to test.

: I wanted to have some immediate Speed option in case of emergency and also something able to threaten annoying physical walls like Slowbro. Gengar is imo a super good Scarf user in this tier, being super fast with a Choice Scarf while still hitting decently hard and with a great coverage. Losing Trick sucks, but Choice Gengar still feels super good.

: Scizor is by far my favorite Pokemon in this team. I’m an SS OU player, so I’m used to see defensive Scizor who just Roost and U-turn out, and it feels so good to see an offensive Scizor putting some work again. I wasn’t sure for the set so decided to test Dual STAB with Swords Dance + Roost. Roost could seem odd on an offensive set but can be useful to switch into things like Weavile or Latios who are pretty scary for this team (and Scizor’s coverage moves kinda sucks). This Pokemon did an incredible work in the games I played for now (replays just below).

I did some test games, and even though I didn’t test all different matchups yet, this team seems nice to use. I’m a bit worry about the Rain matchup, as Rain seems to be super threatening and it’s kinda hard to deal with Swift Swim boosted Pokemon with this type of team. Azelf lead and Protect on Blaziken might be useful against Rain though. I also didn’t test the stall matchup, so I’ll have to see how I handle stall, but I guess the stall matchup should be decent.
Against a Nidoking + Latios Balance team, where Scizor went crazy
Againt Sun (Scizor was also amazing here)
Against a fat team (Scizor just 6-0 this team)
Close (and haxxy game) against a team with Ditto (Ditto is obviously hard to deal with whit this team)
Against another team with Ditto
Against stall (not the easiest matchup)

I also faced an another Azelf HO (with Screens) where I lost the Azelf tie but still managed to win (did save the replay unfortunately).

S/o to Haail for the test games and to Palapapop for having tested my team.

Thanks for reading and have fun testing this new metagame!

Edit: I ladded a bit with the team and reached top 100 with a 14-2 run:



Edit 2: Now that Rain is gone with Drizzle ban, the team looks even better, because Rain was a difficult matchup.
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Hi! So I have been really enjoying this meta and I have decided to post a team in here. Unlike all the HOs in the meta, I'll be posting a BO.

This team is centered around Nidoking, a devastating wallbreaker. It's very effective against bulkier pokemon. It's movepool allows it to deal super effective damage to most pokemon in the metagame. Blissey is the primary special wall and water resist other team. Its natural bulk allows it to beat the majority of special attackers in the metagame. Thunder wave helps slow down pokemon which helps its other teammates like Nidoking to wreck more havoc. Shadow Ball allows it to beat gengar which otherwise sits on it. Gliscor helps to deal with the many physical attackers in the tier like Garchomp, Dragonite, Heracross, Physical Infernape and more. The moveset can also be change to have U-turn for momentum. Latios is a good speed control option which helps in revenge-killing other Dragons. It can switch into Breloom(with sleep talk), Rotom and being a pseudo switching to Infernape, Blaziken and Water Spam. Heatran sets up rocks and helps with the Scizor matchup. Finally Rotom-Wash is another way to help deal with Rain and other Physical attackers such as Mamoswine while also distributing will-o-wisps. After the test with ironwater, the ev's were changed so Rotom now outspeeds Sciz :^

S/outs to ironwater for helping me with this team and tests. Replays will be added soon. Feel free to share you thoughts and have fun with playing the new meta :psyglad:
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Cool thread and metagame, I'll be likely to share some teams over the next few couple days so here we go.


First team I made for myself after witnessing the BDSP Showdown meta's arrival. CB Tar, despite losing Pursuit once again, remains as an obscenely powerful wallbreaker for the tier, it's presence being anchored by the reliable defensive core of Gliscor Skarm and SpD Washtom to fall back on against the myraid of Rain and Dragons whilst also providing additonal support via Paralysis and Hazards allowing for easy pickings from Scarf Latios and also Bulky Sciz as the cleaners.
Game vs Rain here, between Scizor's reliably at stuffing the Latios in additon to WashTom forcing extreme pressure on the rain sweepers 1v1 and even my own Latios forcing unavoidable catch-22s, the team holds on for just long enough that Tyranitar is able to enter safely and leave it's mark.

(Will be adding more overtime)
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The TR team can be removed from the "gimmicky" its pretty good against all the hyper offense running around, and should probably be explored more the playstyle that is. The all dragon team at the bottom should've been removed from the draft before it ever got posted, please remove. The webs team has no ground immunity and is pretty questionable because Chomp is very good, Ttar looks dong so probably could just replace. Any team in the samples 6-0d by Manaphy, SD Garchomp, Latis, Hyper Offense or Rain should just be removed. Most of the other stuff probably manageable.
Hey there, wanted to make a quick post on a team I built and tested a bit.

:azelf: :blaziken: :cloyster: :garchomp: :gengar: :scizor:

The idea of this team was to run an Azelf lead HO as I think Azelf will be one of the best leads in this metagame thanks to Taunt with its super good Speed tier and a powerful Explosion.

View attachment 386206: I wanted to try a Rock set first, even though this Pokemon can also be used as a Screens setter. Max Atk with Explosion hits surprisingly hard (it OHKOed a Latios in one of the replays). You’re faster than all the notorious Taunt users or leads and thus you can easily set Rocks without having them on your side (and Rocks are nice in a bootless metagame).

View attachment 386207: Blaziken is insane in this tier (and I would not be surprised if it ends up being banned soon). I wasn’t sure about the last move. I think in a screenless team Protect is a superior option over a coverage move and with Protect you can afford to run an Adamant nature imo.

View attachment 386209: Cloyster is another insane sweeper (even without King’s Rock). I’m running Sash because I feel that with Azelf lead it is rather easy to avoid having hazards on your side (unless you lose a tie against another Azelf and get Taunted first, but then you can hard Cloyster on the incoming Rocks). Not sure about the last move, and if some Water coverage is more worth it than Ice Shard (I will probably have to do more tests).

View attachment 386210: Garchomp is scary to face. Like the other Pokemon here, it setup, hits hard and is pretty bulk and hard to OHKO. I’m running the classic Swords Dance + EdgeQuake combo, but not sure about the last move. Dragon Claw is a nice STAB but it doesn’t OHKO other Chomp and is maybe not really necessary as other Dragon like Latios who are immune to Earthquake are faster anyway. Substitute could be a nice alternative that I’ll have to test.

View attachment 386211: I wanted to have some immediate Speed option in case of emergency and also something able to threaten annoying physical walls like Slowbro. Gengar is imo a super good Scarf user in this tier, being super fast with a Choice Scarf while still hitting decently hard and with a great coverage. Losing Trick sucks, but Choice Gengar still feels super good.

View attachment 386208: Scizor is by far my favorite Pokemon in this team. I’m an SS OU player, so I’m used to see defensive Scizor who just Roost and U-turn out, and it feels so good to see an offensive Scizor putting some work again. I wasn’t sure for the set so decided to test Dual STAB with Swords Dance + Roost. Roost could seem odd on an offensive set but can be useful to switch into things like Weavile or Latios who are pretty scary for this team (and Scizor’s coverage moves kinda sucks). This Pokemon did an incredible work in the games I played for now (replays just below).

I did some test games, and even though I didn’t test all different matchups yet, this team seems nice to use. I’m a bit worry about the Rain matchup, as Rain seems to be super threatening and it’s kinda hard to deal with Swift Swim boosted Pokemon with this type of team. Azelf lead and Protect on Blaziken might be useful against Rain though. I also didn’t test the stall matchup, so I’ll have to see how I handle stall, but I guess the stall matchup should be decent.
Against a Nidoking + Latios Balance team, where Scizor went crazy
Againt Sun (Scizor was also amazing here)
Against a fat team (Scizor just 6-0 this team)
Close (and haxxy game) against a team with Ditto (Ditto is obviously hard to deal with whit this team)

I also faced an another Azelf HO (with Screens) where I lost the Azelf tie but still managed to win (did save the replay unfortunately).

S/o to Haail for the test games and to Palapapop for having tested my team.

Thanks for reading and have fun testing this new metagame!

Very nice team, I've been using this to some success. I was trying to replace Azelf with Forretress just to see what happens, before realizing Forretress does not get Stealth Rock in this metagame :psygrump:
Great team Iron.

Only one thing I wanted to draw your attention to is that Bug Bite would be better than X-Scissor on Scizor coz its 90BP after Technician.

Thanks agslash, yeah I wanted to run Bug Bite at first, but Scizor doesn't learn it anymore so I went for X-Scissor.


Why does the Zapdos on the rain team have Volt Switch and Uturn?

Zapdos has litteraly 0 movepool in BDSP so you can run these two moves as there's nothing better to use. Poor Zapdos.

Ty btw remetagross
Mixed Infernape Offense with Salac Chomp

:azelf: :garchomp: :infernape: :rotom-wash: :weavile: :magnezone:


azelf is the lead poke with taunt + thunder wave to slwo the opposition down and to get the greater edge out of it. it also has stealth rocks and u-turn to offer momentum. garchomp is swords dance + 3 attacks, i have chosen not to go for outrage as locked garchomp is a bit hindering for it and its potential. the star of this team is infernape with u-turn, overheat, stone edge and close combat it has a wide range of common pokemon it hits from tyranitar to magnezone, to forretress, to bronzong, to heatran it can deal with this set with every steel-type without getting hindered much. its close combat also allows to wear down garchomp. u-turn can be great to switch out from unfavorable mus, especially lati-twins and slowtwins. washtom here is our nasty plotter and breaker, it is easily capable of KOing tyranitar, mamoswine and suicune after a +2. its also a great mamoswine check since otehrwise this teasm struggles vs it. the other two pokemon are weavile and magnezone which form a strong bond together and are easily capable of overwhelming the opposition. this team is meant to be offensive and straightforward in its gameplan.

Sunny Day 9tales with Specs Heatran and Chlorosaur

:azelf: :ninetales: :heatran: :venusaur: :dragonite: :mamoswine:


straight up offense. azelf sets rocks and taunts the opposition from setting their rocks, ninetales has sunny day as last slot to break down opposing weather from tyranitar and pelipper. heatran is choice specs. its last slot consist of dragon pulse to hit lati twins, garchomp, dragonite hard which otehrwise serve as great checks to it. venusaur is growth + 3 attacks. last slot is earthquake to hit opposing heatran for super effective damage and it also hits other steel-types such as magnezone heavily. dragonite is the setup sweeper and lategame cleaner in this team with lum berry + dragon dance. mamoswine is choice banded and has a great priority in ice shard to pick off dragon-types and flying-types with ease and to act as a forme of pseudo-speed control. furthermore ice + ground stab is very hard to switch into.
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This team is based on putting hail to help froslass with his ability and being able to dodge various movements, while spamming hex with the help of tspikes from cloyster.
Gastrodon is very decent here because is the only fire resist and it also stops mons like rotom from volt switching and have the momentum. Clear smog is necessary for avoid get sweep by setuppers like no energy ball manaphy or unaware cm clef.
Zapdos is key for annoying steels like scizor, wich froslass is afraid of. Also it can defog when you cant spin the hazards with cloy because your opp have a ghost type.
Jirachi is there to put rocks and also as a semi-latios check, psychic is jirachis best move in this tier and wish for support. I found doom desire fun but you can change it to u-turn.
And last, cloyster. This team without cloyster probably wont win more than 2 games out of 20. Theres a trend with having garchomp as a SR user, and w.o toxic in this tier it will always get beated by cloyster 1v1 (unless special attacker garchomp lol), and tspikes are an incredible strategy in this meta, be quick and use it until people start realising defog is necessary in almost all teams.


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Jirachi Rain


Personal opinion, rain is by far the best archetype in the meta at this point. I do believe this core is how rain will be built in the near future. Pelipper, manaphy, jirachi, ground, and 2 extra breakers of your choice. Jirachi is a great bait vs mantine if you play patiently, once u-turn+wish/tect are shown not many people will expect thunder as ur coverage move. Gliscor as the rocker and great physical wall vs many threats such as :garchomp: and :blaziken:

:Manaphy: is just busted vs fat, you combine that with lati and kingdra which destroys offense this core is very hard to wall. Jirachi will also have a very easy time wish passing into ur breakers keeping them healthy. The biggest threat I have encountered so far is weavile but it’s outplayable, I ran into the Ox the Fox band weavile team on ladder and this team dominated after rocks went up. I have just started laddering so take it with a grain of salt, I’ll definitely provide more replays and proof of peaks once I get more games in.


peak as of rn

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Sash Breloom Bulky Offense
:breloom: :gliscor: :clefable: :latios: :scizor: :starmie:

this team is made in response to the many, MANY Balance and HO teams that have popped up with things like :alakazam: sash zam, :garchomp: SD Garchomp, :latios: Latios, :manaphy: Manaphy, :empoleon: spdef emp, :slowbro: The Slows, and Skarm-Bliss. SD Breloom shreds through bulky team with ease with an average of 50% damage to unaware :clefable: clef. i have peaked in top 11 at the time of this post, and having a higher Win than Lost ratio.


now the team..
gonna highlight the main mon then ill give a short explanation on the other demons

Maplestory (Breloom) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Technician
Shiny: Yes

EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature

- Swords Dance
- Mach Punch
- Bullet Seed
- Rock Tomb/Superpower

Breloom is an underrated threat in this team as after an sd, it pretty much sweeps both offense and defense, Rock tomb lets it hit Latios, :gengar: Gengar, and :gyarados: Gyara harder and prevents things like :dragonite: Dragonite from being able to set up dragon dance, while superpower NAILS :skarmory: skarm, :forretress: forry, and :tangrowth: tangrowth. this is an amazing revengekiller in late game, as the sash lets it get either a free kill, free sd, rock tomb anything. and also the fact that it naturally checks a whole lot helps it.

:gliscor: SD Gliscor is there to just be a natural physical checks, Threat, ground and elec immune that does dmg. its currently facade but i think ice fang also fits here. :clefable: unaware clef is here so that set up sweepers like chomp, glisc, dragnote, azumarill and manaphy wont just win the whole game, it can even check scizor! and can also help heal others (aromatherapy is another option over protect). :latios: Specs Latios is a VERY VERY strong Breaker that helps with things like Skarmory which is a poor matchup for this team, it also rkills Manaphy, Gengar, Garchomp, Breloom and a lot more threats, specs surf also does a bit to Scizor. :scizor: Scizor has enough attacks to kill unaware clef after rocks, and it also lives a lot of special hits even from gengar, it also pairs well with loom as a double priority monster, this is also the main alakazam counter for the team. :starmie: Mie here is the main hazard removal and also pack quite a utility with spreading burns and revenge killing with its excellent 361 speed.

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I don't know if semi-troll teams are allowed here, feel free to remove this if necessary.
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I've been running Bibarel HO and have mostly been trolling around the low ladder for the time being, but it's seriously fun.
Forretress is probably replacable by a better screens lead, but it does have Light Screen + Reflect + Explosion + hazard (spikes or tspikes) as well as sturdy, meaning it is almost guaranteed to get at least two screens or hazards up unless it's against a Taunt mon.
NP Zam is hilariously strong, and while it can't take anything harder than Clef's fully invested Moonblast (does around 60%), it almost always takes a mon in return. I've had a stall team get 6-0'd by this one mon after the Skarm got chipped enough. Psyshock smokes Blissey, Focus Blast OHKOs Tyranitar at +2, and Shadow Ball is basically unresisted and guarantees kills on Starmie and the Lati twins (if they're scarf Zam is screwed tho)
Blaziken is boring Adamant LO SD Speed Boost. It usually takes a mon down or does a lot of chip and dies. It hasn't swept in my ten or so games of testing.
Azu is your average BD Sitrus Berry BS. It's not great with the Lati twins constantly running Thunderbolt and Breloom running rampant, but it still does surprise win sometimes.
Specs Lati is sometimes Scarf Lati, depending on what you want. You bring Specs Lati if you want to destroy mons. You bring Scarf Lati if you want to not lose to Gengar at team preview. I run Thunder over Thunderbolt specifically for the rain MU and because hitting raw Thunders is funny.
Last and most certainly not least is Bibarel. With Simple, SD, and LO, this thing wreaks havoc on the rare opportunity that it doesn't get OHKOd. It can take a Breloom Mach Punch without screens and return with +4 252 Atk Life Orb Bibarel Facade vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Breloom: 403-476 (124.3 - 146.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO. If it's behind screens, it lives one Starmie LO Tbolt and utterly demolishes it. Been thinking about running Adamant over Jolly for better rolls on Quick Attack, though. If it's in a position where it's against a fast offensive mon, it's forced to QA for chip and doesn't always kill. I have been in the incredibly funny situation of someone bringing in Adamant Blaziken without Protect, and this thing killed it from full with an unboosted Waterfall. Bibarel is horrible but is also the GOAT of this team.
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Max birdspam, featuring honorary bird Blaziken, been using it in top 100 and climbing. Uses banded Staraptor + Specs Moltres to basically shred under-prepared teams. Aero keeps rocks off and gets rocks up, has Tailwind to give Staraptor or Moltres a few turns of unbeatable speed, which often lets them bypass checks and counters that would normally give this team issues. Zone lets you grab Skarm and Empoleon off of U-Turns or good doubles plus is an emergency scarfer and Explosion is a surprisingly decent option in a pinch, lets you soften up Blissey or get a surprise kill on a Lati. Starmie further keeps rocks off while continuing to apply offensive pressure with Analytic LO, and gives you access to an above-110 speed tier to not just get reamed by a random Lati or Gar. Blaziken rounds off the team as the anchor and has a pretty easy time sweeping after a team has been softened up by birds. Weaknesses include anything with a 115+ speed tier and can threaten strong STAB (Raikou especially) and also that one random person on ladder running Steelix but we're not gunna talk about them
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Your ol reliable SkarmBliss Stall
:blissey: - :skarmory: - :starmie: - :tangrowth: - :clefable: - :ditto:

Who would've thought that skarmbliss is still solid, huh? If you wanna have a reliable answer to all those HOs on the ladder, this is the team. Description is really straightforward: Blissey eats the special sweeper while skarmory eats the physical and both set ups hazards (blissey stealth rocks and skarmory spikes). Starmie makes sure that there are no hazards on your side and other than that, it outspeeds everything so it's a great mon to revengekill/pressure garchomp, gliscor, latios and latias. Tangrowth walls breeloom completely (which is great because breloom is on every ho), other than that, it can put to sleep many threats and kncok off spam, while it also eats magnezone's volt switch thanks to regen+lefties. Ditto is your most useful mon: at the beginning of the game you can use it to scout enemy sets (and check that that chomp doesn't have fire blast) or to get some chip on fast uturners like infernape, while at the end of the game is your GetOutofJailFree card, because many teams out there cannot break this team without setup and ditto prevents that from happening. Lastly, Clefable is your wincon: after the dust settles, setup and ignore the opposing stat changes with unaware (flamethrower is for scizor).


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Dragmag ft. Manaphy
:bw/garchomp: :bw/latios: :bw/magnezone: :bw/manaphy: :bw/gliscor: :bw/scizor:

Swords Dance :Garchomp: is a fantastic breaker capable of sweeping teams that don't have a reliable way to beat it
-Swords Dance boost :Garchomp: 's power to insane levels letting it break past common defensive walls that would otherwise wall it such as :gliscor:
-Yache Berry helps against pokémon such as :Starmie: and :Mamoswine: :Weavile: which are capable of stopping a :Garchomp: sweep
-Fire Blast is used in the last slot as it is :garchomp:'s best way of hitting :skarmory: and :tangrowth: as well as grabbing an OHKO on :scizor: when unboosted

Choice Scarf :Latios: is the fastest pokémon in the tier outside of Swift Swim :Kingdra: and Jolly Swift Swim :Kabutops:
-Draco Meteor is :latios: 's strongest move and allows it to come in and revenge kill several pokemon such as dragon dance :Dragonite: and opposing none choice scarf :latios:
-Psychic is :latios:'s most spammable move and lets :latios: clean up late-game
-Thunder is an odd choice but it is :latios: 's strongest move against :scizor: , lets it revenge kill :manaphy: from higher HP and is a good move to lead off with against rain
-Ice Beam lets :latios: OHKO :gliscor: and dragons such as :dragonite: and :garchomp:

Tail Glow :Manaphy: is nearly unbreakable and is able to achieve amazing feats such as surviving Choice Specs :latios: Draco Meteor from full HP and OHKO back with Ice Beam
-Skill Swap lets :Manaphy: take away :clefable:'s unaware as well as :gastrodon:'s Storm Drain and OHKO them with Surf

Choice Scarf :Magnezone: may seem strange at first but it definitely has it's place on this team
-:choice_scarf: lets :magnezone: outspeed and OHKO :manaphy: and :mamoswine: with Thunderbolt and Flash Cannon respectively
-Light Screen helps ease the pressure against :kingdra:'s Hydro Pumps and Surfs as well as other special moves such as :Latios:' Draco Meteors

Specially Defensive :gliscor: is the teams rocker with its fantastic ability in poison heal
It's ability to U-Turn makes it an amazing defensive pivot and able to bring in the big hitters in :latios:, :garchomp: and :manaphy:

Specially Defensive :scizor: with Defog is the teams form of hazard control with its ability to check dangerous threats such as :latios: and :weavile: and being able to maintain momentum with U-Turn

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:ss/pelipper: :ss/manaphy: :ss/ludicolo: :ss/raikou: :ss/scizor: :ss/swampert:

Now that I'm out of the charity tour here's the team I've used and liked the most so far. This team features two Pokemon I feel are underused at the moment: Ludicolo and Raikou. Thanks to Ludicolo's insane coverage, it is very hard to revenge kill for most teams. It's also one of the few Knock Off users, which is a very spammable move that allows it to cripple any switch-ins, while also allowing scenarios like removing opposing Latios's Choice Specs to eat a Draco Meteor and take it out with Ice Beam the next turn. This game showcases what it can do quite well. Ludicolo also makes for a good check to common Pokemon like Manaphy, Garchomp, and Gliscor. Raikou is another Pokemon with great coverage, as the combination of Thunder and Scald is very threatening in rain. It has a nice Speed tier outpacing foes like Latios (which is what Shadow Ball is for), Gengar, and Infernape. The rest should be pretty straight-forward, I've mostly ran Ice Beam on Manaphy but recently I've switched over to Skill Swap so that foes with Water Absorb/Storm Drain (mainly Mantine) and Unaware are substantially easier to deal with. I'd say the biggest threat to this team is Calm Mind + 2 attacks Suicune (Ludicolo can deal with mono-Scald Suicune). Enjoy.​
Since Im out of the charity tour, I will be sharing one team that I built and I think its pretty good


This will be a short explanation of the team, IM TIRED OF MANAPHY RAIN SO I DECIDED TO USE THIS UNTIL MANA GETS BANNED.

2 defoggers and 1 rapid spin, so shedinja wont have problems.

The evs of blissey is to set up vs mana in rain

+3 252+ SpA Manaphy Surf vs. 252 HP / 68 SpD Blissey in Rain: 367-433 (51.4 - 60.6%)

+3 252+ SpA Manaphy Surf vs. +1 252 HP / 68 SpD Blissey in Rain: 247-292 (34.5 - 40.8%)

as you can see your opponent will need 2 max rolls, so its open to optimization but I prefer to trust in the odds
(if you dont want to trust in the odds like me just put 100 of spd in blissey)

+3 252+ SpA Manaphy Surf vs. 252 HP / 100 SpD Blissey in Rain: 360-424 (50.4 - 59.3%)
+3 252+ SpA Manaphy Surf vs. +1 252 HP / 100 SpD Blissey in Rain: 240-283 (33.6 - 39.6%)

Here are some replays of me playing it: (yeah, be careful of crawdaunt)


Super straightforward team - bunch of strong breakers that hate Skarm + Zone + Sash Zam to shore up an offense matchup. Band Outrage obliterates any team without a Clefable, and against Clef, you either have the Skill Swap Manaphy option or doubling to Zone with Rocks up. Manaphy is obviously for the fat teams but often has a really good matchup into other physically based offense with the max HP EVs. This team can be quite weak to Cloyster - you need Energy Ball on Manaphy 100% for this. I tend to conserve Zam for as long as possible against offense since the Focus Sash is so valuable in a sack war, but feel free to use it early on against fatter teams to open up holes since Weavile is often enough for your speed option.

Other options - this team could probably consider Band Chomp since more damage on Clefable is never a bad thing and not taking Life Orb can be quite handy, Knock Off Zam for Shed Shell Skarm (though I don't think the matchup is that bad)

(I used this team for some of my climb but tbh it's kinda bad and just farms players that can't play around Regen)
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Hail ft. Specs Moltres


Had this idea from the constant rain + scizor spam. Abomasnow with lefties, leech seed and protect is excellent at wearing down common switchins to it like Scizor and Heatran, while getting rid of rain and checking Manaphy with wood hammer. In the same vein, Specs Moltres annihilates everything under rain and even without it as hardly anything can switch in to fire blast + air slash. It also punishes common Scizor u-turn on Abomasnow with the threat of flame body. Starmie is there to stop heatran from destroying me and spin rocks away for the rest of the team while soft checking Garchomp. Nidoquuen with max hp is incredible, it takes super effective STAB Eqs from Gliscor and Garchomp and OHKOs in return while easily checking Clefable, Black Sludge prevents it from being worn down by our own Hail. Banded Scizor is there to check annoying threats like Latios, Gengar and other Dragon spammers with his extremely powerful Bullet Punch and U-turn. The last two moves could be anything, I've even considered Defog, but for now it's thief in case Tangrowth knocks off and brick break to scare out Blissey. On the last slot Scarf Rotom-F is amazing at defeating offensive teams and does massive damage with his perfectly accurate Blizzards.

(Too bad Drizzle just got banned now this team is alot worse LOL)