Hey there, wanted to make a quick post on a team I built and tested a bit.
The idea of this team was to run an Azelf lead HO as I think Azelf will be one of the best leads in this metagame thanks to Taunt with its super good Speed tier and a powerful Explosion.
View attachment 386206: I wanted to try a Rock set first, even though this Pokemon can also be used as a Screens setter. Max Atk with Explosion hits surprisingly hard (it OHKOed a Latios in one of the replays). You’re faster than all the notorious Taunt users or leads and thus you can easily set Rocks without having them on your side (and Rocks are nice in a bootless metagame).
View attachment 386207: Blaziken is insane in this tier (and I would not be surprised if it ends up being banned soon). I wasn’t sure about the last move. I think in a screenless team Protect is a superior option over a coverage move and with Protect you can afford to run an Adamant nature imo.
View attachment 386209: Cloyster is another insane sweeper (even without King’s Rock). I’m running Sash because I feel that with Azelf lead it is rather easy to avoid having hazards on your side (unless you lose a tie against another Azelf and get Taunted first, but then you can hard Cloyster on the incoming Rocks). Not sure about the last move, and if some Water coverage is more worth it than Ice Shard (I will probably have to do more tests).
View attachment 386210: Garchomp is scary to face. Like the other Pokemon here, it setup, hits hard and is pretty bulk and hard to OHKO. I’m running the classic Swords Dance + EdgeQuake combo, but not sure about the last move. Dragon Claw is a nice STAB but it doesn’t OHKO other Chomp and is maybe not really necessary as other Dragon like Latios who are immune to Earthquake are faster anyway. Substitute could be a nice alternative that I’ll have to test.
View attachment 386211: I wanted to have some immediate Speed option in case of emergency and also something able to threaten annoying physical walls like Slowbro. Gengar is imo a super good Scarf user in this tier, being super fast with a Choice Scarf while still hitting decently hard and with a great coverage. Losing Trick sucks, but Choice Gengar still feels super good.
View attachment 386208: Scizor is by far my favorite Pokemon in this team. I’m an SS OU player, so I’m used to see defensive Scizor who just Roost and U-turn out, and it feels so good to see an offensive Scizor putting some work again. I wasn’t sure for the set so decided to test Dual STAB with Swords Dance + Roost. Roost could seem odd on an offensive set but can be useful to switch into things like Weavile or Latios who are pretty scary for this team (and Scizor’s coverage moves kinda sucks). This Pokemon did an incredible work in the games I played for now (replays just below).
I did some test games, and even though I didn’t test all different matchups yet, this team seems nice to use. I’m a bit worry about the Rain matchup, as Rain seems to be super threatening and it’s kinda hard to deal with Swift Swim boosted Pokemon with this type of team. Azelf lead and Protect on Blaziken might be useful against Rain though. I also didn’t test the stall matchup, so I’ll have to see how I handle stall, but I guess the stall matchup should be decent.
Against a Nidoking + Latios Balance team, where Scizor went crazy
Againt Sun (Scizor was also amazing here)
Against a fat team (Scizor just 6-0 this team)
Close (and haxxy game) against a team with Ditto (Ditto is obviously hard to deal with whit this team)
I also faced an another Azelf HO (with Screens) where I lost the Azelf tie but still managed to win (did save the replay unfortunately).
S/o to
Haail for the test games and to
Palapapop for having tested my team.
Thanks for reading and have fun testing this new metagame!