After playing around a bunch in the current meta, I had some thoughts I wanted to share when it came to building in the current meta. As we all know by now, the tier is full of threats on threats on threats, and having certain Pokemon or cores on your team can make life significantly easier. So far, thanks to the combo of Normal-types and Sceptile being insane, every team I make currently has some combo of a Rock-type+Grass-type, which actually allows for viable team structures in my experience. Without that core, it becomes extremely hard to check everything in the tier. Anyways, here are my favorite of each typing so far.
I love Meganium right now. A super solid bulky Grass-type that refuses to die and has a nice movepool to support a team through stuff like Leech Seed and Aromatherapy while also spreading status in Poison Powder. On top of all this, Meganium's bulky SD set seems fantastic so far, and is well worth considering for a slot. Besides just countering almost all Sceptile, Meganium is a soft check to just about every special attacker in the tier, including the likes of Mr. Mime and Gorebyss. I highly recommend, and I REALLY wish it had Dragon Tail right now.
On the Rock-type side of the spectrum, Regirock is clearly one of the best Pokemon in the tier. Between SR and T Wave, it can seriously support a team, all while walling the likes of Tauros and basically every other physical attacker in the tier. It's super splashable and super good at what it does. You can't go wrong here. I want to point out that, in order to check Normal's, there is one other reliable way I've found. A combination of a Ghost-type+Hitmonchan often accomplishes the same thing on more offensive teams, albeit slightly less consistent defensively.
I love Meganium right now. A super solid bulky Grass-type that refuses to die and has a nice movepool to support a team through stuff like Leech Seed and Aromatherapy while also spreading status in Poison Powder. On top of all this, Meganium's bulky SD set seems fantastic so far, and is well worth considering for a slot. Besides just countering almost all Sceptile, Meganium is a soft check to just about every special attacker in the tier, including the likes of Mr. Mime and Gorebyss. I highly recommend, and I REALLY wish it had Dragon Tail right now.
On the Rock-type side of the spectrum, Regirock is clearly one of the best Pokemon in the tier. Between SR and T Wave, it can seriously support a team, all while walling the likes of Tauros and basically every other physical attacker in the tier. It's super splashable and super good at what it does. You can't go wrong here. I want to point out that, in order to check Normal's, there is one other reliable way I've found. A combination of a Ghost-type+Hitmonchan often accomplishes the same thing on more offensive teams, albeit slightly less consistent defensively.
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