Resource BDSP Team Bazaar

Welcome to the BDSP Teams Bazaar! Here you can send fun, cool teams that you think others can use. This is meant to be a casual area for people to post teams rather than a formal environment like the RMT Forums.


1. Make sure the teams aren't completely uncompetitive. They need to have been play-tested and need to be need to be decent at worst. For example, the team can't consist of all NU and LC mons, and can't be a team that just consistently loses.

2. Provide an importable of the team and a description of how the team works.

That's all! Have fun and feel free to share your teams!
i was not paid to post here by the op!!

click sprites for team!!

:raikou: :weavile: :gliscor: :rotom-wash: :scizor: :heatran:


First post of the thread is my shitty fun Raikou stuff. Raikou is one of the more underrated picks as far as I have seen right now and as such I wanted to use it after I was recommended it. I originally had Infernape, but I felt like if I made it and Raikou the main core, I would be fairly Ground-weak. Because of this, I went Weavile to strengthen Ground match ups and for more insurance against stronger Pokemon that can revenge kill Raikou, like Lati@s. Gliscor is a great bulky sweeper with Swords Dance and Facade and a wincon for this team. SBall Rotom-W acts like a Lati check, and with Scizor, allows for both great insurance vs Latios and a VoltTurn core. It’s been my most successful team by far, so I hope you like it ;)
I tossed this together and it's been very fun on ladder so...

Life Orb Wallbreaker Clef Bulky Offense


click mons for paste and all that good stuff

Basic game plan is break with Clef and Weavile early game to let Calm Mind Latias win late. Breaker Clefable is a really cool set right now, as very little except for Blissey really wants to switch in, and you can surprise a lot of teams that crutch on stuff such as Scizor to safely come in on a standard variant. Scarf Rotom-Wash and Yache Berry Latias give Manaphy very little room to do anything which is cool. Rotom-W's last slot can be Will-o-Wisp too depending on whether u want to improve the Weavile matchup (which is a bit shakey but Band gets punished for locking into either STAB) Jirachi holds off Latios and sets up Rocks, Offensive Donphan is a cool set that is surprisingly hard to switch into and gives the team double Ice Shard, something which invalidates a lot of Dragons right now. Sturdy and good coverage and power also mean that getting a spin off can be done pretty comfortably against most teams. Probably not fantastic or anything but fun to use if folks are interested.
This was one of my first bdsp teams and its been enjoyable to use

Bdrum Azu HO
(I don't know how to put the sprites over the link)

The game plan with this team is to open up either azu or mence for a late game sweep with unrelenting offense. Nape and scizor act as a nice u-turn pair, with scizor focusing on the physical side and nape focusing on the special side, but also able to unleash a stab cc on unsuspecting blissey. Zone helps in trapping pesky steels that may other wise prove difficult to get rid of if nape is out of the picture. Swine acts as the suicide lead of the team. Mence, while able to act as a sweeper, mainly acts as a revenge killer with scarf. Azumarill is the main wincon of the team with belly drum aqua jet ripping through weakened teams. Azu's belly drum can be a bit difficult to pull off without screens, but its not impossible by any means, just need the right opportunity.
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I recently worked my way pretty high up the ladder with this team. It's incredibly easy to pilot (honestly it's kinda brainless but meh it's fun).

:Feraligatr: :Scizor: :Garchomp: :Breloom: :Latios: :Gliscor:

I honestly think that offense is up and away the best playstyle in BDSP OU atm. Many of offenses mons, such as Garchomp and Feraligatr, can easily break through bulkier teams. Feraligatr in particular has been a joy to use, as it provides a strangely good answer to Scizor/Starmie cores. Scizor is the necessary Latios check, and this team appreciates U-turn more than most. Chomp is used mainly for chipping Gliscor and Scizor into range of other mons. Stone Edge is used over DClaw on chomp to hit Togekiss since I was running into a lot of those on ladder and got tired of losing to it. Breloom is genuinely the lead, but I oftentimes found myself counterleading instead, hence why Gliscor has Defog and not Stealth Rock in order to preserve Loom's Sash. The Gliscor is Spdef specifically for Gengar. Even if Shadow Ball gets the drop, Gliscor usually lives! Finally, Specs Latios with Tbolt and Surf cause I was having some difficulty with Starmie if I could not get Gatr setup safely and I just prefer Surf over Ice Beam cause Heatran do be a mon.

Team is obviously crazy offensive. Gengar and Rotom-W can present some issues, but honestly SpD Gliscor is a godsend in those matchups. Super fun team that requires only the smallest amount of brain power to use well.
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Hey, all! Here's a neat little team I have been working on for quite some time, now. Back in DPPT OU, my favorite team to run was a Rain Dance team with a Swift Swim Kingdra and Swift Swim Qwilfish. Now, I've updated it to the new BDSP OU!

With the ban on Drizzle, I was met with quite a challenge on how to get the rain started, and I went with a weird little Pokemon known as Illumise. Illumise can run Prankster. Holding the Damp Rock and access to Rain Dance quickly via Prankster makes Illumise a great lead. Aromatherapy can be used in the late game to cure paralysis that will cripple the star of the show: Kingdra. Illumise has a slow U-Turn as well, giving Kingdra a safe switch in while Illumise bulks the incoming attack.
Swift Swim Kingdra is a sight to behold. With doubled speed and access to specs as well as high-damage moves like Hydro Pump and Draco Meteor, Kingdra can easily outspeed and demolish anything in its path.
There is a ton more in this team, such as Rain Dance Scizor, that I have yet to talk about, but it's one thing to talk about my team and another thing to use it. This team is so much fun to play around with, and besides my original Swift Swim team in dppt, is probably one of my favorite teams. I hope you enjoy, and good luck battling! :)

Edit: There was no Pokepaste link lmao
:empoleon: :infernape: :gengar: :garchomp: :rotom-wash: :latias:

pokepaste for import:

basic explanation: this team is built with stealth rocks empoleon and defog 2 attacks latias. also this team is made with choice scarf rotom-wash and choice band infernape, both provide speed control with gengar, which is the sub nasty plot 2 attacks set, and yache berry garchomp. garchomp has yache berry and with rotom-wash + infernape weavile should be dealable with. play carefully against this thread tho. empoleon can tackle latios, latias, and other threats such as manaphy and suicune and roar them out, when they got a boost, making it harder for them to set up later.

threatlist: weavile, alakazam, latios, dd dragonite, sd lucario​
Doubles Weather Control Trick Room

Took inspiration from my Battle Tower team. Been having a lot of success on the ladder (currently 20th). Basic opening turn is Aron, Dusknoir; Aron Protect, Dusknoir Trick Room, after just focus the biggest threat with endeavor nightshade. Eventually you have to use Parasect to leverage Spore or Wide Guard into another Trick Room. Watch out for Cradily because only Aron can effectively handle that mon.
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Hey, all! Here's a neat little team I have been working on for quite some time, now. Back in DPPT OU, my favorite team to run was a Rain Dance team with a Swift Swim Kingdra and Swift Swim Qwilfish. Now, I've updated it to the new BDSP OU!

With the ban on Drizzle, I was met with quite a challenge on how to get the rain started, and I went with a weird little Pokemon known as Illumise. Illumise can run Prankster. Holding the Damp Rock and access to Rain Dance quickly via Prankster makes Illumise a great lead. Aromatherapy can be used in the late game to cure paralysis that will cripple the star of the show: Kingdra. Illumise has a slow U-Turn as well, giving Kingdra a safe switch in while Illumise bulks the incoming attack.
Swift Swim Kingdra is a sight to behold. With doubled speed and access to specs as well as high-damage moves like Hydro Pump and Draco Meteor, Kingdra can easily outspeed and demolish anything in its path.
There is a ton more in this team, such as Rain Dance Scizor, that I have yet to talk about, but it's one thing to talk about my team and another thing to use it. This team is so much fun to play around with, and besides my original Swift Swim team in dppt, is probably one of my favorite teams. I hope you enjoy, and good luck battling! :)

Edit: There was no Pokepaste link lmao

I'm sure you have heard the unfortunate news that Manaphy was banned from BDSP OU, so I had to replace him. I revamped a few aspects of this team as well as replaced Manaphy, which was a challenge because I fell off the face of the competitive planet and then came back completely out of the loop.

This first team is the new team, without the funny nicknames. However, if you know me you know I'm a top tier nicknamer, so this team is the same thing but it's the one I use online, with the funny nicknames and stuff.

I would also like to elaborate further on each of the roles of the team, as I was kind of vague with my original post:

The main idea is that with the ban on Drizzle, I was super depressed because I love the rain. Specifically, my main DPP OU team features a Uxie that sets up rain dance so Kingdra and Qwilfish can nuke the opposing team.


The role of Uxie has been replaced by Volbeat, who was originally an Illumise because I was under the assumption Volbeat and Illumise were the same in terms of stats and we all know Illumise>>>>>>>Volbeat aesthetic-wise. However, as it turns out, Volbeat has a higher attack than Illumise. This doesn't make much of a difference, other than that his U-Turn hits a little harder. Volbeat is bulky enough to take a hit and has Prankster, which, unless a Dark Type is in the lead (Which is not very likely because the Dark types in OU are typically not leads), gives Volbeat priority to set up Rain Dance. Then, he has a slow U-Turn which typically comes at the end of the turn, which allows him to take the hit while swapping into someone like Kingdra or Raikou.


(Huge thanks to Eve on the Discord server who has been playing bdsp and helped me through Jirachi's identity issues) Jirachi's big role here is setting up Stealth rocks and other utility tasks like T-wave and swapping out with U-turn. It was a bit tricky for me to understand that with the loss of iron head, Jirachi is no longer an "abuse Serene Grace" mon and more utility. Ironically, I predicted Jirachi would become a stealth rock setter after I found out he lost Iron Head lmao. Jirachi's going to set up stealth rocks and maybe eliminate potential speed control with t-wave. Since this team appreciates the stealth rocks damage and the halved speed from paralysis, Jirachi is a great utility mon on this team who can help generate momentum.


Raikou is a standard special attacker, but what is unique is that almost all of his attacks particularly take advantage of the rain. Thunder has 100% accuracy in the rain and Scald gets boosted power. If Raikou needs to switch, he has a quicker Volt Switch that lets him pivot into something else.


Kingdra should only be taken out in the rain. With doubled speed from swift swim, he doesn't need much speed investment like a choice scarf. Therefore, he's slower and not as effective when it's not raining. But when it is, Kingdra will almost always go first and nukes the battlefield. He has access to Draco Meteor and Hydro Pump, which are two high power STAB moves. Surf has more power than Scald, and Dragon Pulse is also a good pick.


Scizor is, and has been, pretty much another Lando-T, as in it is essentially the competitive Pokemon equivalent of a wild card. Pretty much anything you want it to do, it can do, and provides great role compression. In this case, Scizor is Volbeat's partner in refreshing the rain and having pretty good bulk. The health refresh from Roost doesn't necessarily give him the world's best defensive utility, but it does help in terms of getting some health back and keep the momentum going.


And, finally, Garchomp is a standard Garchomp. What mostly changed with him is a few EVs were shuffled around and Surf was removed. Garchomp can go special, but the way my Garchomp has been constructed with natures and whatnot, Surf has the power of a dollar store squirt gun, even in rain. So, instead, I gave Garchomp Stone Edge and made him more specialized in the physical field. This team needed a good physical guy to avoid being completely walled by Blissey.

That's about all I really have to say about this iteration of my old school rain dance team. The strategy is fairly simple: set up rain dance and then cop that W and a more in-depth explanation as to how this team works is available above! I hope you have a ton of fun with this team if you decide to give it a try! Also, feel free to make improvements where you see fit! This is just a silly little team I've been working on because I love me some gen 4 Kingdra.
Doubles Weather Control Trick Room
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Took inspiration from my Battle Tower team. Been having a lot of success on the ladder (currently 20th). Basic opening turn is Aron, Dusknoir; Aron Protect, Dusknoir Trick Room, after just focus the biggest threat with endeavor nightshade. Eventually you have to use Parasect to leverage Spore or Wide Guard into another Trick Room. Watch out for Cradily because only Aron can effectively handle that mon.
Updated the team a bit for the current meta, biggest change is kecleon who now can ohko latias and tyranitar.