Competitive BATTLE-BY-POST LEAGUE CIRCUIT - Circuit 19


heralds disaster.
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Battle-by-Post League Circuit
At the end of the long road, the proving ground awaits!

( Rewards | Current Ruleset | Hall of Fame | Latest Post )


Facility Overview


Trainers in the BBP League spend much of their time growing and improving their team. Evolving and training their Pokemon, collecting items to equip them with, and adding powerful Legendary Pokemon to their roster. Many trainers do this just for the joy of meeting more Pokemon, no doubt. Other trainers hunger to display their skills, wish to earn the recognition of their peers, or even simply crave the exhilaration of challenge. This arena is for the latter: A cathedral to combat where the biggest battles in all of BBP are fought!

Signing Up

Entry into the League Circuit costs 6 :tea:JC for per battle. This JC must be paid in advance, by posting in the Prize Claim Tower that you are paying JC to enter the League Circuit.

You can pay for an upcoming League Circuit entry any time after the ruleset for that Circuit is revealed and before pairings are for that Circuit drawn.

After paying their entry fee, trainers then sign up for the League Circuit's queue, simply by posting in this thread that they are joining the queue, linking to their entry fee post, and reposting the month's signup queue from the post above them.

Trainers who sign up for the League Circuit should indicate whether or not they would prefer to referee matches. When drawing pairings, referees will be chosen first from volunteers. However, if there are not enough referees to go around, other participants may be volun-told to referee a match. To sign up for the League Circuit is to agree to referee, if necessary.

Your most recent League Circuit wins will be tallied to track your Battle Record: a count of your wins used to reward your efforts with increasingly-exclusive prizing. Once you've earned a prize for a Battle Record of four (4) wins, it will reset, and you'll begin racking up wins from zero again.

Battle Format
The match rules, battle size, and arena of the League Circuit will vary from month to month to ensure that competition stays fresh and to reward players that train a large variety of Pokemon. However, there are some constants:

Battle Level:
The battle level is always 4. The League Circuit is for experienced trainers.​
Advanced Techniques:
One or more advanced techniques are typically enabled.​
Player DQ Time:
DQ in the League Circuit uses a partial chess clock system – significantly differently from the rest of BBP!​
Each player has two pools of hours: 24 Round Hours and 72 Battle Hours. For each whole hour that passes while it's your turn to post, each time it's your turn to post, one hour is deducted from your clock. (So, you technically have 59 minutes of grace, if you're precise.) If you run out of hours in both pools, you lose the battle. (Note that, if you have posted for your ref to correct an error, it is not your turn to post before the error has been corrected.)
Referees will track a player's Battle Hours alongside other per-player resources, such as Technique Control.​
Round Hours are spent first, and refill to full at the start of each round's Switching Phase. This means that, if you only take a total of 24 hours (and 59 minutes) to post each round, you'll never touch your Battle Hours at all.​
Once your Round Hours are empty, any further hours are deducted from your Battle Hours. This is the pool that will matter for tiebreakers and possible disqualification. When a player has no remaining Round Hours and is starting to use their Battle Hours, it is expected that their opponent or referee will tag them in the thread.​
Referee DQ Time:
Each time it is a referee's turn to post, they have 36 hours in which to do so. After the 36 hour mark, either player can also post in this thread requesting a Referee Assist on their referee's behalf. Unlike other venues, this doesn't result in permanent transfer of match control to the new referee. We understand that Circuit matches have a greater pressure to get things right the first time, and can involve very complicated effect interactions, or substitutions written by powerful players.​
Time Limit:​
League Matches are played under two time limits: a 12-round in-game time limit, and a real-life calendar deadline. If the match reaches either cutoff, tiebreaking procedures are as follows:​
  1. If one player has at least 36 more Battle Hours than their opponent, that player wins. This is the "Hour Gap" tiebreaker rule.
  2. Then, if that's a tie, the team whose Pokemon are missing the smallest percentage of their HP is declared the winner. This is the "Missing HP" rule.
    • Example: If one Pokemon on a team is missing 50% of their HP, and the other Pokemon on that team is missing 80% of their HP, then that team is considered to be missing 130% HP.
  3. Then, if that's a tie, the player with the most remaining Battle Hours is the winner. This is the "Precise Hour" tiebreaker rule.
  4. Then, if that's a tie, the player that posted least recently wins. Woe betide us if we should ever make it to this tiebreaker.

The League Circuit Schedule
The League Circuit is played monthly, on a fixed calendar schedule. The UTC Time Zone is used for the purposes of following this schedule.

Reveal (21st):
On or after the 21st of every calendar month, a moderator, referred to as the Host Moderator, will post the upcoming month's ruleset from among a stash of possible rulesets. This ruleset will specify match rules, battle format, and arena that the upcoming month's League Matches will be played under. If the Host Moderator wishes to play in the arena they are hosting, they'll hash their team with this online tool, and post that hash when they announce the arena, right here in the thread.​
Starting once the ruleset has been posted in this thread, signups and send-ins for that month's League Circuits will open. Players will be able to post in this thread to indicate their participation. During the signup period, players must privately message their team and backpack to the Host Moderator on Smogon only.​
Pairings (1st):
Starting on the 1st of every calendar month, signups for that month's League Circuit will close. The Host Moderator will reveal all teams and backpacks for all on-time entrants, including their own if they previously submitted a hashed team. Any entrants failing to send in will be excused from that month's Circuit, and any entry fee they paid will be refunded.​
The Host Moderator will then make pairings. If there's an odd number of entrants and the last entrant signed up within 24 hours of signups closing, that player will be given a bye. Otherwise, if there's an odd number of entrants, a bye will go to a random player that did not win their last Circuit match if possible; or otherwise to a random player at all. This player will earn battle (but not victory) rewards, and their entry JC will be refunded. Then, each player that won their last Circuit match will be paired off; then the remaining players will be paired off.​
This is also when referees are assigned to battles. Each referee has until midnight UTC on the 3rd of the month to post the thread, as battles start promptly at that time.​
If less than four (4) total players signed up, the League Circuit doesn't occur that month. It'll happen eventually—BBP operates in floods and droughts of activity, as real life occupies players' time to varying amounts with school, work, or other obligations. In terms of rewards, this is treated as a Bye being awarded to every entrant in the queue.​
Match Start (3rd):
Starting on the 3rd of every calendar month, League Matches begin. The player randomly selected to go first will finally be allowed to send out their first Pokemon, and Round and Battle Hours will begin counting down.​
Cutoff (29th):
Any ongoing League Circuit matches will end and be scored on the 29th of every calendar month. As a result, no League Match can last longer than 26 real-life days. Posts made by trainers after the start of the 29th, UTC time will be ignored. However, if all orders from players have been posted within the time limit, the final round should be reffed by the referee. (In February of a non-leap year, the cutoff is instead March 1.)
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Battle Rewards
What incentive, beyond the thrill of competition itself, could the League Circuit offer players who have already trained their partners to the pinnacle of strength?

Plenty, as it would turn out!

Rewards per Battle
Win or lose, players will first earn standard battle rewards at the end of each battle: 3 :rare candy:TC and 4 :amulet coin:RC.​
Players who forfeit their match will receive 1 :rare candy:TC and 2 :amulet coin:RC for showing up. Players who are disqualified receive nothing.​
Each referee that reffed during the battle is paid 1 :tea:JC for each round that they reffed, and 1 more for starting the thread.​
Additionally, reffing a battle to completion awards 1 :star piece:Star Piece, and 1 extra :star piece:Star Piece if that completing referee never crossed the referee DQ during that battle.​

Rewards per Victory
After each battle, the winning player is awarded an additional award based on how many wins they have in their "Reward Record". This is a running total, so each new League Match win will increase their Reward Record, to a maximum of four (4) wins.​
For the best reward, a player needs to win four (4) matches. Once they do, they are awarded their choice of reward from the "4 Victories" category below, and then their Reward Record is reset to zero. The player must win four (4) more matches to pick another reward from that column!​
Powerful players who win the most matches each year, and lose the least, are inducted into the BBP Hall of Fame, alongside their partner Pokemon!​
In addition to the rewards per battle, the winning player is awarded one prize from one list of their choice from the table below, from any of the lists that their Reward Record qualifies them to select from:​

1+ Victories2+ Victories3+ Victories4 Victories
  • 2x:dire hit2:EXP Record
    (Consume to give
    a Level 2 or lower
    Pokemon 10 EXP.)
  • 2x :sport ball:Sport Ball
  • 10 :rare candy:TC
  • 6 :amulet coin:RC
  • 2x:x attack3:Hi-EXP Record
    (Consume to give
    a Level 3 or lower
    Pokemon 10 EXP.)
  • 3x :sport ball:Sport Ball
  • :heatran:Heatran (Lv2)
  • :azelf:Azelf (Lv2)
  • :mesprit:Mesprit (Lv2)
  • :uxie:Uxie (Lv2)
  • :meltan:Meltan (Lv0)
  • 1x :master ball:Academy Credit
  • :victini:Victini (Lv3)
  • :manaphy:Manaphy (Lv3)
  • :jirachi:Jirachi (Lv3)
  • :celebi:Celebi (Lv3)
  • :mew:Mew (Lv3)

Additionally, if the winning player lost their last Circuit battle, and the losing player won their last Circuit match, the winning player earns an additional 2 :rare candy:TC and 2 :amulet coin:RC. This is called the "Pair-Up Reward".​

Rewards per Defeat
After a match that reached either the real-life time limit or the in-battle round limit, the losing player earns an additional 1 :rare candy:TC and 1 :amulet coin:RC, as a sign of appreciation for playing the entire match out.​
Additionally, if you won your last Circuit match, and you've lost to a player who lost their last Circuit match, how did you manage to fumble that?​

Reward Record Resetting
After a player is awarded their prize, if their Reward Record now has four (4) wins in it. That player will have to accumulate victories anew in order to pursue another prize from the 4 Victories column.​
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Current Ruleset
(If the revealed ruleset doesn't make it here, contact a moderator.)

March 2025
For this month, we're getting into large-scale battle!

Because this format requires so many Pokemon, we're providing a handful of rentals to round out your team. You can use only your own Pokemon, or borrow some of the rentals as needed.
  • Match Type - b12p6 Singles
  • Species Restriction - On
  • Battle Level - 4
  • Substitution Count - 4
  • Switching - On
  • Steps per Round: 2
  • Round Limit: 18 (you can tell what this does, right)
  • Ability Count - All
  • Advanced Techniques - All
  • Technique Control - 4
  • Backpack Size - 10
  • Arena - Big Battlefield
    • While most League-approved arenas are of standard size, some of them are used either for brawls or, like this one, for larger-scale battles. The battlefield is large enough to comfortably host a small army of Pokemon on the sidelines, and a small army is what you brought according to the instructions you received this month! The flipside is, the sheer amount of battle-related pheromones is something most Pokemon aren't used to, and it can take a toll on their mental and vitality.
    • The maximum HP and Energy of each Pokemon is reduced by 60% (x0.4).
  • Tips
    • Look at the available rentals and bring answers to them.
    • Because of the number of Pokemon on each team, more games than usual are likely to be decided by tiebreakers.
    • Your Pokemon have very little Energy. Make sure you have something productive to do into Protect, such as placing Hazards.
Available Rentals:
Bucky (Caribolt)
★★★ ⭒ Level 3 — EXP: 00 / 10

Jolly nature ( Special Attack -1, Speed x1.15, Accuracy +10 )
Typing: Grass/Electric
Abilities: Overgrow Hidden Ability: Galvanize

HP: 90
Attack: 8
Defen.: 6
Sp.Atk: 5 (-)
Sp.Def: 6
Speed: 122 (+)
Size: 4
Weight: 5

Combinations (1 / 4)
Quick Attack + Hyper Drill
Zap Cannon + Confuse Ray
Boomburst + Leech Seed
Knock Off + Volt Switch

Level 0
Brick Break
Bulk Up
Bullet Seed
Energy Ball
Flash Cannon
Hyper Voice
Quick Attack
Signal Beam
Sleep Talk
Swords Dance
Thunder Wave
Wild Charge
Work Up

Level 1
Confuse Ray
Double Kick
Double Team
Echoed Voice
Eerie Impulse
Electric Terrain
Grassy Terrain
Helping Hand
Rapid Spin
Razor Leaf
Seed Bomb
Shock Wave
Sunny Day
Thunder Shock

Level 2
Grass Knot
Grassy Glide
Leech Seed
Power Whip
Rising Voltage
Solar Beam
Solar Blade
Take Down
Terrain Pulse
Zap Cannon

Level 3
Body Slam
Charge Beam
Giga Drain
Horn Leech
Hyper Drill
Knock Off
Throat Chop
Volt Switch
Worry Seed
Smoky (Smokomodo)
★★★ ⭒ Level 3 — EXP: 00 / 10

Jolly nature ( Special Attack -1, Speed x1.15, Accuracy +10 )
Typing: Fire/Ground
Abilities: Blaze Hidden Ability: Technician

HP: 90
Attack: 8
Defen.: 5
Sp.Atk: 5 (-)
Sp.Def: 6
Speed: 112 (+)
Size: 4
Weight: 6

Combinations (1 / 4)
Bullet Punch + Earthquake
Bone Rush + Poison Fang
Acid Spray + Force Palm
Trailblaze + Fire Fang

Level 0
Aerial Ace
Brick Break
Bulk Up
Bullet Punch
Circle Throw
Cross Poison
Earth Power
Fire Fang
Fire Punch
Focus Blast
Mach Punch
Poison Fang
Poison Jab
Sleep Talk
Tail Whip
Work Up

Level 1
Double Team
Fire Spin
Flame Wheel
Force Palm
High Horsepower
Metal Claw
Morning Sun
Sand Tomb
Sludge Bomb
Stealth Rock
Sunny Day
Venom Drench

Level 2
Acid Spray
Bone Rush
Burning Jealousy
Clear Smog
Corrosive Gas
Fire Blast
Flare Blitz
Gunk Shot
Heat Wave
Iron Tail
Low Kick
Scale Shot
Solar Beam

Level 3
Flame Burst
Flame Charge
Heat Crash
Lava Plume
Mud Shot
Mystical Fire
Scorching Sands
Storm Throw
Swirly (Snaelstrom)
★★★ ⭒ Level 3 — EXP: 00 / 10

Careful nature ( Special Attack -1, Special Defense +2 )
Typing: Water/Bug
Abilities: Torrent Hidden Ability: Poison Heal

HP: 95
Attack: 7
Defen.: 8
Sp.Atk: 5 (-)
Sp.Def: 9 (+)
Speed: 63
Size: 3
Weight: 5

Combinations (4 / 4)
Aqua Jet + Facade
Chilling Water + Scald
Rapid Spin + Body Slam
Sticky Web + U-turn

Level 0
Aqua Jet
Bug Bite
Bug Buzz
Dazzling Gleam
Hyper Voice
Ice Beam
Signal Beam
Sleep Talk
Swords Dance
Work Up

Level 1
Acid Armor
Double Team
Dual Wingbeat
Echoed Voice
Heal Pulse
Helping Hand
Life Dew
Rain Dance
Rapid Spin
Spiky Shield
Stealth Rock
Sticky Web
Venom Drench
Water Gun
Water Pulse

Level 2
Aqua Ring
Hydro Pump
Icicle Spear
Pin Missile
Psycho Shift

Level 3
Body Slam
Chilling Water
Draining Kiss
Guard Swap
Icy Wind
Leech Life
Muddy Water
Razor Shell
Skitter Smack
Struggle Bug
Gooey (Crucibelle)
★★★ ⭒ Level 3 — EXP: 00 / 10

Jolly nature ( Special Attack -1, Speed x1.15, Accuracy +10 )
Typing: Rock/Poison
Abilities: Regenerator, Mold Breaker Hidden Ability: Liquid Ooze

HP: 100
Attack: 8
Defen.: 5
Sp.Atk: 5 (-)
Sp.Def: 6
Speed: 120 (+)
Size: 3
Weight: 2

Combinations (4 / 4)
Head Smash + Confuse Ray
Light Screen + U-turn
Acid Spray + Meteor Beam
Acid Armor + Withdraw

Level 0
Cross Poison
Fake Tears
Iron Head
Light Screen
Poison Jab
Power Gem
Rock Polish
Rock Slide
Shadow Ball
Sleep Talk
Zen Headbutt

Level 1
Acid Armor
Confuse Ray
Defense Curl
Double Team
Helping Hand
Iron Defense
Rock Smash
Rock Throw
Sludge Bomb
Stealth Rock
Steel Roller
Toxic Spikes
Venom Drench

Level 2
Acid Spray
Grass Knot
Gunk Shot
Head Smash
Low Kick
Meteor Beam
Pin Missile
Rock Blast
Secret Power
Stone Edge
Wood Hammer

Level 3
Draining Kiss
Knock Off
Rock Tomb
Sludge Wave
Smack Down
Bitey (Miasmaw)
★★★ ⭒ Level 3 — EXP: 00 / 10

Jolly nature ( Special Attack -1, Speed x1.15, Accuracy +10 )
Typing: Bug/Dragon
Abilities: Neutralizing Gas, Hyper Cutter Hidden Ability: Compound Eyes

HP: 90
Attack: 10
Defen.: 5
Sp.Atk: 5 (-)
Sp.Def: 8
Speed: 114 (+)
Size: 2
Weight: 4

Combinations (4 / 4)
First Impression + Dragon Rush
Lunge + Poison Fang
Bulldoze + Fire Fang
Skitter Smack + Thunder Fang

Level 0
Bug Bite
Bug Buzz
Dark Pulse
Dragon Claw
Dragon Hammer
Dragon Pulse
Dragon Tail
Earth Power
Fire Fang
Flash Cannon
Focus Blast
Iron Head
Nasty Plot
Poison Fang
Poison Gas
Poison Jab
Sleep Talk
Swords Dance
Thunder Fang
Wild Charge
Work Up

Level 1
Brutal Swing
Dragon Breath
Dual Wingbeat
High Horsepower
Ice Fang
Rain Dance
Scary Face
Sludge Bomb
Sunny Day

Level 2
Close Combat
Corrosive Gas
Dragon Rush
First Impression
Gunk Shot
Iron Tail
Pin Missile
Scale Shot

Level 3
Body Slam
Breaking Swipe
Leech Life
Skitter Smack
Struggle Bug
Super Fang
Boaty (Naviathan)
★★★ ⭒ Level 3 — EXP: 00 / 10

Jolly nature ( Special Attack -1, Speed x1.15, Accuracy +10 )
Typing: Water/Steel
Abilities: Guts, Heatproof Hidden Ability: Light Metal

HP: 95
Attack: 8
Defen.: 7
Sp.Atk: 6 (-)
Sp.Def: 5
Speed: 112 (+)
Size: 6
Weight: 9

Combinations (4 / 4)
Anchor Shot + Ice Fang
Feather Dance + Iron Defense
Icy Wind + Body Slam
Self-Destruct + Metal Sound

Level 0
Calm Mind
Dragon Claw
Dragon Pulse
Drill Peck
Flash Cannon
Ice Beam
Ice Punch
Iron Head
Metal Sound
Psychic Fangs
Sleep Talk
Thunder Fang
Thunder Punch
Wild Charge

Level 1
Brutal Swing
Bubble Beam
Double Team
Dragon Breath
Dragon Dance
Echoed Voice
Feather Dance
Ice Fang
Iron Defense
Metal Claw
Rain Dance
Rock Smash
Scary Face
Slack Off
Steel Roller
Water Gun
Water Pulse
Wide Guard

Level 2
Focus Energy
Hydro Pump
Icicle Spear
Iron Tail
Scale Shot
Secret Power
Steel Beam
Wave Crash

Level 3
Anchor Shot
Body Slam
Breaking Swipe
Chilling Water
Heavy Slam
Icicle Crash
Icy Wind
Laser Focus
Muddy Water
Splashy (Cresceidon)
★★★ ⭒ Level 3 — EXP: 00 / 10

Timid nature ( Attack -1, Speed x1.15, Accuracy +10 )
Typing: Water/Fairy
Abilities: Multiscale, Rough Skin Hidden Ability: Water Veil

HP: 90
Attack: 2 (-)
Defen.: 8
Sp.Atk: 6
Sp.Def: 7
Speed: 143 (+)
Size: 7
Weight: 12

Combinations (4 / 4)
Thunder Wave + Heavy Slam
Confuse Ray + Whirlpool
Stockpile + Amnesia
Chilling Water + Scald

Level 0
Dazzling Gleam
Ice Beam
Play Rough
Shadow Ball
Sleep Talk
Thunder Wave
Zen Headbutt

Level 1
Confuse Ray
Helping Hand
Misty Terrain
Rain Dance
Scary Face
Water Gun
Water Pulse
Weather Ball
Wide Guard

Level 2
Aqua Ring
Hydro Pump
Misty Explosion
Spit Up
Take Down
Wave Crash

Level 3
Body Slam
Chilling Water
Heavy Slam
Icy Wind
Muddy Water

Past Rulesets
May September 2024 January February 2025

No, we're not coming up with something entirely new right now. Have a rerun of last month, with the patch now fully operational!
  • Match Type - b6p3 Singles
  • Species Restriction - On
  • Battle Level - 4
  • Substitution Count - 4
  • Switching - On
  • Half-start Rule - On
  • Ability Count - All
  • Advanced Techniques - All
  • Technique Control - 3
  • Backpack Size - 12
  • Arena - BBP Arena

December 2024
As is a December tradition, this month's arena is like nothing you've ever played before! Your powers of deception and deduction will be tested!
  • Match Type - b6p3 Singles
  • Species Restriction - On
  • Battle Level - 4
  • Substitution Count - 4
  • Recovery Count - 2
  • Chill Count - 5
  • Switching - On
  • Ability Count - All
  • Advanced Techniques - All
  • Technique Control - 3
  • Backpack Size - 10
  • Arena - Noir Streetscape
    • This part of town is quite different from the usual bustling life of most cities. Here, people keep their gaze firmly on the ground, hurry along, and walk near walls. Both private eyes and dark alleyways abound, meaning there's no shortage of criminal cases nor of people willing to solve them-for a price. As you make your way between the charlatans and the beggars, you wonder whether you'll really make it to your drop-off location in one piece...
  • After your referee is assigned, privately message them which of your Pokemon "has the goods". This is your Courier.
  • You can't send out a Pokemon that would result in your Courier being stranded in your reserve. (Such as sending out your third Pokemon.)
    • If you can't legally send out a Pokemon, you lose.
  • When your Courier faints: You lose.
  • Each round, the player ordering first may ask one of the following questions, representing their information-gathering attempts. The player ordering second must, in their order post, answer truthfully.
    • "Does your Courier have [even / odd] [stat name]?" (This one will do most of the lifting.)
    • "Does your Courier have [one / two / three] abilities?"
    • "Does your Courier have any Advanced Techniques unlocked?"
    • "Is your Courier resistant or immune to [type]?"
  • Referees: Please double-check that the response is correct.

November 2024
Are you all ready to plummet 16 feet, or nearly 5 meters?
  • Match Type - b6p3 Singles
  • Species Restriction - On
  • Battle Level - 4
  • Substitution Count - 4
  • Recovery Count - 2
  • Chill Count - 5
  • Switching - On*
  • Ability Count - All
  • Advanced Techniques - All
  • Technique Control - 3
  • Backpack Size - 10
  • Arena - Cage Match
    • Over 12,000 kg of hard steel encloses this claustrophobic-ally small arena. Because of this massive fortification, and because of the potential jeering of the hungrily-watching crowd, no trainer could possibly recall their Pokemon.
    • Competitors can't switch manually, and thus, also cannot counterswitch, Terastallize, or counter-Tera.
    • Competitors do not become the starting player as a result of Switching or of Phazing. (The normal post order is preserved.)
    • When a Pokemon grants themselves Switching: Return that Pokemon to the owner's bench.
    • Rounds do not "end early" due to absences caused by this arena. (If you U-turn out too early, you risk giving your opponent free turns to set up.)

October 2024
This month, we'll be revisiting an old arena, updated to the current patch.
  • Match Type - b[up to 6]p3 Singles
  • Species Restriction - On
  • Battle Level - 4
  • Substitution Count - 4
  • Recovery Count - 2
  • Chill Count - 5
  • Switching - On
  • Ability Count - All
  • Advanced Techniques - All
  • Technique Control - 3
  • Backpack Size - 10
  • Arena - Path to the Peak
    The approach to the mountain summit is walked by all manner of travelers, from veteran to novice. As is tradition, battles here take place between both master and student, with less experienced Pokemon learning from their seniors directly.
    • Competitors will send in no more than 12 total Levels of Pokemon.
    • Competitors will send in at least 3 Pokemon, and at most 6 Pokemon.
    • Competitors may sync their Pokemon's Levels down in their send-in message, as needed, to stay within this limit.

September 2024
As is patch-month tradition now, we'll be battling on a plain Arena with the new toys.

We'll just make... a couple of adjustments for spice.
  • Match Type - b4p3 Singles
  • Species Restriction - On
  • Battle Level - 4
  • Substitution Count - 4
  • Recovery Count - 2
  • Chill Count - 5
  • Switching - On
  • Half-start Rule - On
  • Ability Count - All
  • Advanced Techniques - All
  • Technique Control - 3
  • Backpack Size - 10
  • Arena - BBP Arena
August 2024
This format features a suite of choices for our competitors, as they emphasize some of the stats of their Pokemon. Additionally, this format puts combinations on a tighter leash. A sign of things to come...?
  • Match Type - b6p3 Singles
  • Species Restriction - On
  • Battle Level - 4
  • Substitution Count - 4
  • Step Count - 2
  • Recovery Count - 2
  • Chill Count - 5
  • Switching - On
  • Half-start Rule - On
  • Ability Count - All
  • Advanced Techniques - All
  • Technique Control - 3
  • Backpack Size - 10
  • Arena - Anistar City Gym
    The Gym Leader here, Olympia, has decided to redecorate her Gym a little, which intensified the psychic waves within. The heavy mental pressure of the environment will challenge your Pokemon, and only their greatest strengths will shine through. Can your team work under pressure?
    • Combinations between an attack and a non-attack cost 1 Technique Control to execute, in addition to their other costs.
    • When you send in your team, assign one of your Pokemon to each of the following stat-specializations:
      • ATK/DEF (Attack/Defense)
      • ATK/SPE (Attack/Speed)
      • SPA/SPD (Special Attack/Special Defense)
      • SPA/SPE (Special Attack/Speed)
      • DEF/SPE (Defense/Speed)
      • SPD/SPE (Special Defense/Speed)
    • For each Pokemon, their non-specialized core stats are zero (0). (Maximum HP isn't a core stat.)
    • Camouflage's type is Psychic
    • Secret Power has a chance to lower Defense by one stage for the defender's next three turns.
    • Nature Power calls Draco Meteor.
June July 2024
And what if you picked a Pokémon for the express purpose of not using it? Don't worry, the rest of your team can easily pick up the slack, especially as it shares its power from the bench.

  • Match Type - b6p3 Singles
  • Species Restriction - On
  • Battle Level - 4
  • Substitution Count - 4
  • Recovery Count - 2
  • Chill Count - 5
  • Switching - On
  • Half-start Rule - On
  • Ability Count - All
  • Advanced Techniques - All
  • Technique Control - 1
  • Backpack Size - 10
  • Arena - Spear Pillar
    Atop this mystical place in Sinnoh, ancient ruins are scattered throughout an oddly sophisticated plaza. The air is vibrant with powers of another time... or perhaps another place? The distorted atmosphere makes for intriguing battle conditions, especially when you realize one of your Pokéballs is locked... and glowing!?
    • When you send in your team, the first listed Pokemon is your Patron, and cannot enter play.
    • Your second through sixth Pokemon inherit from your Patron, in order, their:
      1. (This slot is your Patron)
      2. Typing
      3. Abilities
      4. Stat Ranks
      5. Known Attacks
      6. Known Non-Attacks
    • The gift a Pokemon inherits from their Patron entirely replaces what they used to have. (For example, the last Pokemon in your party may not use any non-attacks they naturally know but their Patron does not.)
    • Camouflage's type is Dragon
    • Secret Power has a chance to lower Special Attack by one stage
    • Nature Power calls Tri Attack
May 2024
How about a return to form in May? No gimmicks, no weird rules, just straight ol' outplayin'.
  • Match Type - b6p3 Singles
  • Species Restriction - On
  • Battle Level - 4
  • Substitution Count - 4
  • Recovery Count - 2
  • Chill Count - 5
  • Switching - On
  • Half-start Rule - On
  • Ability Count - All
  • Advanced Techniques - All
  • Technique Control - 1
  • Backpack Size - 10
  • Arena - BBP Arena
April 2024
We've already had a Realgam circuit, so next on the list is...
  • Match Type - b6p3 Singles
  • Species Restriction - On
  • Battle Level - 4
  • Substitution Count - 4
  • Recovery Count - 2
  • Chill Count - 5
  • Switching - On
  • Half-Start Rule - On
  • Ability Count - All
  • Advanced Techniques - All
  • Technique Control - 1
  • Backpack Size - 10
  • Arena - Central Processing
    This state-of-the-art facility has recently reopened to the public after being disused for several years. Inside is a wide array of monitors showing complicated data and being seemingly operated by various Magnezones and Metagrosses. You are led to a room with a big "SIMULATION" inscription into the metal on top of the door. There, you will have to face other Trainers in special conditions that will allow for the study of particularly interesting and oddly-behaviored Pokémon...
    • On sendin, the Trainer designates two Pokémon as Aggressors, two as Protectors, and two as Supporters
    • Each Pokémon can be equipped with a Vocation from its role
      • For the purpose of this Circuit, treat all Vocations as unlocked
      • You cannot assign the same Vocation twice
      • The Vocation takes effect in battle, if applicable. Some Vocations will be useless given that the game pieces they interact with won't appear, but they are still available to select!
      • Player's Pokémon are not Bosses nor Minions
    • Camouflage's type is Steel
    • Secret Power has a change to inflict Paralysis
    • Nature Power calls Smack Down
March 2024
Thanks to cityscapes, and her well-maintained usage sheet, we have a list of the most commonly purchased Pokemon in BBP. Based on that, we can phone in this month offer an often-mentioned, but as-yet-unfulfilled evergreen BBP request: BBP UU!
  • Match Type - b6p3 Singles
  • Species Restriction - On
  • Battle Level - 4
  • Substitution Count - 4
  • Recovery Count - 2
  • Chill Count - 5
  • Switching - On
  • Half-Start Rule - On
  • Ability Count - All
  • Advanced Techniques - All
  • Technique Control - 0
  • Backpack Size - 10
  • Arena -BBP UU Arena
    • Pokemon with a trait referencing Technique Control are forbidden from entry.
    • The following Pokemon are forbidden from entry, as a result of being too popular at the time of writing. (Popularity is defined as being owned by 7 or more active players. This list is a snapshot at the time of writing, so later purchases won't affect this Circuit.)
      • :aurumoth:Aurumoth, :braviary-hisui:Braviary-Hisui, :chandelure:Chandelure, :clefable:Clefable, :decidueye:Decidueye, :delibird:Delibird,
        :ditto:Ditto, :dragalge:Dragalge, :dragonite:Dragonite, :dusknoir:Dusknoir, :equilibra:Equilibra, :excadrill:Excadrill,
        :gallade:Gallade, :garchomp:Garchomp, :gardevoir:Gardevoir, :gengar:Gengar, :glimmora:Glimmora, :golisopod:Golisopod,
        :goodra-hisui:Goodra-Hisui, :hydreigon:Hydreigon, :kingambit:Kingambit, :metagross:Metagross, :miasmaw:Miasmaw, :mimikyu:Mimikyu,
        :moltres:Moltres, :muk-alola:Muk-Alola, :necturna:Necturna, :ninetales-alola:Ninetales-Alola, :porygon2:Porygon2, :primarina:Primarina,
        :pyroak:Pyroak, :reuniclus:Reuniclus, :revenankh:Revenankh, :rotom:Rotom, :samurott-hisui:Samurott-Hisui, :shedinja:Shedinja,
        :snorlax:Snorlax, :spectrier:Spectrier, :tapu koko:Tapu Koko, :tatsugiri:Tatsugiri, :togekiss:Togekiss, :tomohawk:Tomohawk,
        :tyranitar:Tyranitar, :unown:Unown, :ursaluna:Ursaluna, :venusaur:Venusaur, :zapdos:Zapdos
February 2024
Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be a trainer in Realgam Tower? Well, now's your chance to find out!
  • Match Type - b9p3 Singles
  • Species Restriction - On
  • Battle Level - 4
  • Substitution Count - 4
  • Recovery Count - 2
  • Chill Count - 5
  • Switching - On
  • Half-Start Rule - On
  • Ability Count - All
  • Advanced Techniques - All
  • Technique Control - 1
  • Backpack Size - 13
  • Arena - Realgam Tower
    Hidden within the sands of Orre is a tower once inhabited by the violent organization Cipher. Now rid of the evil, the Tower welcomes those willing to battle against simulacra of world-renowned trainers. It's also renowned for allowing to train large batches of Pokémon at once, increasing team synergy, and is often swarmed with visitors and tourists curious to see novel strategies in action. Strangely enough, at the top floor of the Tower, in the most luxurious office, sits a Turtwig plushie.
    • On sendin, assign each Pokemon a Slot (either 1, 2 or 3). Each Slot must have three Pokemon assigned to it.
      • When a Pokemon is selected from a Slot, permanently label all other Pokemon assigned to that Slot as unselected.
      • Pokemon that are unselected do not count as inactive or in reserve. (You can't send them out, and no effects that involve inactive Pokemon can see them.)
    • For the purposes of creating your backpack, you own at least three copies of every item in your inventory.
    • On sendin, assign each Pokemon an item from your backpack.
      • If a Pokemon is unselected, the item assigned to it is removed from the backpack.
      • If an item assigned to a particular Pokemon is equipped to any Pokemon, select the Pokemon it is assigned to.
      • Effects of your opponent cannot affect any items that are assigned to Pokemon in your reserve.
        (These rules might seem complicated, but what they let you do is mimic the setup Realgam trainers have where their backpack can depend on their team. The third bullet point exists to prevent shenanigans like using Pickpocket to choose your opponent's team for them.)
    • Camouflage's type is Steel
    • Secret Power's effect inflicts confusion on the defender for their next turn
    • Nature Power calls Flash Cannon
January 2024
For our first League Circuit after the launch of season 2, we're going back to the BBP arena! You all have plenty of new mechanics to play with regardless.
  • Match Type - b6p3 Singles
  • Species Restriction - On
  • Battle Level - 4
  • Substitution Count - 4
  • Recovery Count - 2
  • Chill Count - 5
  • Switching - On
  • Half-Start Rule - On
  • Ability Count - All
  • Advanced Techniques - All
  • Technique Control - 1
  • Backpack Size - 7
  • Arena - BBP Arena
December 2023
As a special holiday treat, all bets are off in this extravagant arena! And the bids... are on!
  • Match Type - b6p3 Singles + Async Auction
  • Species Restriction - On
  • Battle Level - 4
  • Substitution Count - 4
  • Recovery Count - 2
  • Chill Count - 5
  • Switching - On
  • Ability Count - All
  • Advanced Techniques - All
  • Technique Control - 2
  • Backpack Size - 7
  • Arena - The Hall of Might
    Between the soaring, marble arches of this massive temple, immense graven images are enshrined of monstrous titans. The lifelike detail gives you pause — they seem as if they could somehow spring to life! At the base of each relief exists a basin, empty for now. You imagine these are meant to hold tribute.

    You look to each carving in turn, clutching your own offering tightly. Where should you place it? With which titan, or titans, do you feel most at peace? In the hall's massive center, a wide arena of fine sand is being painstakingly flattened. The ritual will soon commence...
    • Bidding
      When signing up, players will bid points on the following Pokemon:
    • Players may bid on any number of Pokemon.
    • Bids are submitted privately to the Host Moderator.
    • Messages edited after the bidding period elapses (Nov 29th 00:00 UTC, two days before matches begin) will win no bids. (Consider this to be part of the competition. The war begins long before the first post of your battle.)
    • Players can sign up with no bids even after bidding ends, if for some reason they wish to do so.
    • To bid on these Pokemon, players will stake various resources available to them. The point value of their bid is the total point value of the staked resources.
      • -1 to -5 Chills: 1 point each
      • -1 to -2 Recoveries: 2 points each
      • -1 to -7 Backpack Size: 3 points each
      • -1 to -3 Reserve slots: 5 points each
      • -1 to -4 Sub Limit: 8 points each
      • -1 to -3 Maximum Level: 12 points each
      • Switching Off: 30 points
    • Winning Bids
      When pairings are made, each Pokemon will be lent to the winning bidder for use in this match. The winning player will lose access to any resources that they staked on that Pokemon. The lent Pokemon will be Level 4, with no unlocked Techniques, Hidden Power Normal, and a neutral nature of the winning bidder's choice.
      • Bids will be checked in the order above, starting with :groudon:Groudon, and ending with :miraidon:Miraidon.
      • Players cannot stake more resources for their bids than they have in total. (You can't stake 5 Chills on one bid and then 5 more on another bid.)
      • If two or more players tie for winning bid, one bid winner will be selected at random, and the rest will lose that bid.
      • Resources staked for losing bids are returned to their bidders.
    • Strategies
      • A player might consider making heavy bids on several Pokemon, ensuring they win at least one of their bids.
      • A player might consider making no bids and battling with full access to their resources.
      • A player might consider making small, trivial bids on several Pokemon, and win them if they're unbid on.
      • A player might do any of the above, or something unexpected.
    • Results
      After moderators posts winning bids, including the resources spent by each winning bidder, players will send Pokemon and items to the Host Moderator within only their remaining Reserve Slots and Backpack Slots.
      • The lent Pokemon don't count towards a player's reserve limit, and their trait (that reduces Technique Control) is ignored.
November 2023
To celebrate the definitely international tradition of thanking, this arena is centered on offering your opponent kind gifts for them to enjoy during the battle. Sharing is caring! Snacks, anyone?
  • Match Type - b6p3 Singles
  • Ref DQ: 36 Hours before Assist
  • Player DQ: 24 Round Hours / 72 Battle Hours
  • Species Restriction - On
  • Battle Level - 4
  • Substitution Count - 4
  • Recovery Count - 2
  • Chill Count - 5
  • Switching - On
  • Ability Count - All
  • Advanced Techniques - All
  • Technique Control - 1
  • Backpack Size - 9
  • Arena - The Grab Bag of Goodies
    Thrown into a pocket dimension left over from the Harvest, you can reach out to a few floating orbs in the shape of candy. But... huh? They don't do anything, and won't open? Try throwing them at your opponent... Oh, that worked. Oh hey, isn't it time for a celebration anyway? Quick, trade gifts and enjoy your time!
    When sending in your team and backpack, select two of the following gifts to give to your opponent.
    (No, the exact wording does not mean that your opponent's opponent, i.e. you, receive the buffs. Thank you to the BBP sickos out there for making me preemptively clarify this.)
    • When giving this gift, select one of the following sets of core stats. Every Pokemon on your opponent's team has a rank of at least 10 in the selected stats.
      (This gift can be given once per selected set of stats.)
      • Attack
      • Special Attack
      • Defenses: Both Defense and Special Defense
    • When giving this gift, select one of the below sets of moves. Every Pokemon on your opponent's team knows all of those moves.
      (This gift can be given once per selected set of moves.)
      • Clean-Up: Rapid Spin, Defog, Safeguard, Light Screen, Reflect, Taunt
      • Match-Up: U-turn, Volt Switch, Teleport, Whirlwind, Dragon Tail, Circle Throw
      • Hazards: Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web
    • Every Pokemon on your opponent's team has at least 110 maximum HP.
    • Your opponent's Pokemon have a base substitution limit of 5.
  • Example: You could gift your opponent the Defenses Ranks and the Special Attack Rank gifts, the Clean-Up and Hazard gifts, or the HP + Attack Rank gifts. Any two different gifts are a valid combination.
October 2023
The fourth bracket of the League Circuit will focus on the generation's core mechanic, with a twist!
  • Match Type - b6p3 Singles
  • Species Restriction - On
  • Battle Level - 4
  • Substitution Count - 4
  • Recovery Count - 2
  • Chill Count - 5
  • Switching - On
  • Ability Count - All
  • Advanced Techniques - All
  • Technique Control - 2
  • Backpack Size - 7
  • Arena - The Dreaded Den
    Ogrepon and her friend rested there night after night after night. As they slept, they discarded their strange masks on the ground, not needing them in each other's company. The mysterious power located within the masks slowly seeped into the entire cavern over time, making strange crystals pop from the walls. Pokémon will react strongly to those crystals, in ways Mesagoza Academy is very eager to study...
    • All Pokemon may Terastallize. When sending to the ref, select a Tera Type for each Pokemon that does not already have one.
      (Regardless of their level or if they have unlocked the technique)
    • When a Pokemon is Terastallized, their second type becomes equal to their Tera Type if it differs from their first type; or becomes nothing if it does not. Their first type is unchanged.
    • Camouflage's type is Grass.
    • Secret Power's effect raises the user's Attack stage by one (1) for their next three (3) turns.
    • Nature Power calls Growth.

September 2023
The third bracket of the League Circuit will focus on a tight group of core Pokemon.
  • Match Type - b4p3 Singles
  • Species Restriction - On
  • Battle Level - 4
  • Substitution Count - 4
  • Recovery Count - 2
  • Chill Count - 5
  • Switching - On
  • Ability Count - All
  • Advanced Techniques - All
  • Technique Control - 1
  • Backpack Size - 7
  • Arena - Path to the Peak
    The approach to the mountain summit is walked by all manner of travelers, from veteran to novice. As is tradition, battles here take place between both master and student, with less experienced Pokemon learning from their seniors directly.
    • Competitors will send one Pokemon of each Level: 1, 2 or less, 3 or less, and 4 or less.
    • Competitors may sync their Pokemon's Levels down in their send-in message, as needed, to stay within this limit.

May June 2023
The second bracket of the League Circuit will be preceded by a never-before-seen, certainly-not-recycled veritable feast! We know you're all done with exams, so pull on through this time!
  • Match Type - b6p3 Singles
  • Species Restriction - On
  • Battle Level - 4
  • Substitution Count - 4
  • Recovery Count - 2
  • Chill Count - 5
  • Switching - On
  • Ability Count - All
  • Advanced Techniques - All
  • Technique Control - 1
  • Backpack Size - 7
  • Arena - Medali's Treasure Eatery
    "The Treasure Eatery in Medali may be the location of a Gym, but it's first and foremost a restaurant, and a pretty famous one at that. With so many plates full of wonders going in front of you, it would be a crime to start your battle with an empty belly. You may find yourself stuffed to the brim afterwards, though it's said to be good for vitality."
    • Each Pokemon species has 100 maximum HP, instead of their usual amount.
    • Camouflage's type is Normal.
    • Secret Power's effect causes the user to consume each Berry the defender is holding, if any.
    • Nature Power calls Order Up.

April 2023
The inaugural League Circuit ruleset will, mostly, be a standard one!
  • Match Type - b6p3 Singles
  • Species Restriction - On
  • Battle Level - 4
  • Substitution Count - 4
  • Recovery Count - 2
  • Chill Count - 5
  • Switching - On
  • Ability Count - All
  • Advanced Techniques - All
  • Technique Control - 1
  • Backpack Size - 7
  • Arena - BBP Arena
Last edited by a moderator:
Current Standings
Below is a list of trainers that have participated in the League Circuit, and their record across the current yearly season.

Players should be listed alphabetically, with a "W" for months where they won a Circuit match and an "L" for months where they lost. Byes and dissolved matches shouldn't be recorded.

League Circuit 2024 Ongoing Standings

Previous Years' Final Standings:
Standings Table Template:
[tr][th]League Circuit 20XX Ongoing Standings[/th][/tr]
[tr][th width=16%][LEFT]Competitor[/LEFT][/th][th width=7%]Jan[/th][th width=7%]Feb[/th][th width=7%]Mar[/th][th width=7%]Apr[/th][th width=7%]May[/th][th width=7%]Jun[/th][th width=7%]Jul[/th][th width=7%]Aug[/th][th width=7%]Sep[/th][th width=7%]Oct[/th][th width=7%]Nov[/th][th width=7%]Dec[/th][/tr]

This is also handy for inserting a row without having to manually center all of the data.

Remember: Smogon removes empty cells "for you" now!

Hall of Fame
Trainers who manage exemplary performances in a given year's League Circuit are inducted into the Hall of Fame by the moderator team. This is tracked separately from a trainer's battle record or rewards record.

Each year, the least-losing players from among the most winning (that is, the players with the most wins and then the least losses) will be inducted. If that means a given year has an entire cavalcade of Champions, then so be it.

Such will be displayed using a trainer sprite of their choice, along with their @Profile Name, a highlight from their battles, and a partner Pokemon from among Pokemon they owned at the time.

Hall of Fame Trainers will be displayed by newest year to oldest year, then alphabetically.

League Circuit 2024
The dreaded "Year of Mew"!
Partner: Woosh the Slowbro-Galar
Check out this aggressive anti-Bide trade!
HeliosAflame has put up consistent results each League Circuit since his debut in December last year, dropping only a single game from then until now!

The secret to Helios' success seems open enough: He puts in the time to look over the options of his Pokemon, however niche, each and every round. Especially, Helios has favored Pokemon that multiply their available options: Slowbro-Galar's Quick Draw and Fidgit's high speed allow them to disrupt opponents with ease, earning them a spot on many of his Circuit teams.

Beyond that, though, there doesn't seem to be any secret sauce. Helios has shown himself to be content playing out losing matches, waiting for an opportunity to regain control; and he puts in a similar amount of effort between matches, searching for advantageous Pokemon to raise or attain to help round out his team. Demonstrating that putting time and diligence into the game pays dividends, HeliosAflame is your sole BBP League Circuit 2024 champion.​

League Circuit 2023
The dawn of Circuit!
Partner: Providence the Tapu Fini
Check out this first-round KO!

cityscapes drew eyes with her second appearance in the League Circuit, scoring an effect KO with her leading order. This exemplifies her flagship plays—flashy, often-undiscovered effect synergies that break games wide open. Underneath the spectacle, however, city has backed up these gimmicks with solid technical play that safeguards her leads and brings them home.​
Partner: Abigail the Tyranitar
Check out this perfectly-timed Confusion combo!

A tenured veteran of BBP, epicdrill has been a player to be reckoned with for her entire stay. Her performance this year, taking down several powerful players, showcases her continued mastery of the game. Her matches are defined by her well-executed matchup control and strong sense of planning, resulting in a patient playstyle that minimizes risk and maximizes reward.​
(If you want your trainer sprite updated, or your Pokemon partner changed to another Pokemon you feel contributed more to your success, just hit us up. We start with our best guess because there's no guarantee our Champion will still be around at the end of the year, each year.)
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It's that time (in UTC time, anyway!)

Hang on tight while we get pairings all paired momentarily. With 9 entrants (counting S0L1D G0LD), all of them with identical 0-0 records, there will be a bye assigned at random.

If you receive the bye for the month, head on over to the Prize Tower to claim your JC refund.

April 2023 Entrants:
  1. ( 0-0 ) TheEver
  2. ( 0-0 ) epicdrill
  3. ( 0-0 ) Gemini Taurus
  4. ( 0-0 ) cityscapes
  5. ( 0-0 ) HydrogenHydreigon
  6. ( 0-0 ) TMan87
  7. ( 0-0 ) shadowpea
  8. ( 0-0 ) Doduodrio
  9. ( 0-0 ) S0L1D G0LD
( gold, I'll take the liberty of assuming you want entry into the circuit that you paid for.)
April 2023 Pairing Procedure
Step 1: Assign Bye

Doduodrio* is our bye this round.

Step 2: Pair lowest records:
Roll TheEver's opponent out of 7:​
TheEver will battle epicdrill, again.​
Roll Gemini Taurus' opponent out of 5:​
Gemini Taurus will battle S0L1D G0LD​
Roll cityscapes' opponent out of 3:​
cityscapes' opponent will be shadowpea.​
Only two entrants remain.​
HydrogenHydreigon's opponent will be TMan87.​
Referees will be assigned manually based on volunteers, by me (since i'm not an entrant).​
If I were, well, we'd need rules for assigning refs. Later Lou's problem.​
April 2023 Pairings!
Bye: Doduodrio
TheEver 0-0 vs. epicdrill 0-0​
Gemini Taurus 0-0 vs. S0L1D G0LD 0-0​
Ref: TMan87
cityscapes 0-0 vs. shadowpea 0-0​
Ref: TheEver
HydrogenHydreigon 0-0 vs. TMan87 0-0​
Ref: cityscapes
Your teams and backpacks should be sent in, and your match threads posted, by April 4th UTC time!

edit: Please use the format "League Circuit 1 - player1 vs player2" when posting match threads!

When you post a tour match, or when it concludes, do be so kind as to link it in this thread for easy bookkeeping!
Thank you all for signing up, and best of luck!
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And the time is upon us! The matches are now underway. Post to your hearts' content, and have a good battle!

(This is just a formality. When it becomes the 00:00 on the 4th, UCT, you can post your orders in your Circuit matches right away. You don't have to wait for us.)
oh the 21st has gone by. we did say "on or after"! you are allowed to @ the BBP mods to remind us about this stuff.

The format for the May 2023 League Circuit is here! Some concerns have come up with regards to the time rules. We probably won't be moving a chess clock style, if we should do so at all, until we have more concrete rules around editing your orders.

However, we can at least update the tiebreaker rules for when time is called. The changed text will be as follows (once our last April Circuit match concludes):
  • Old: "the team that has lost the least total HP is declared the winner"
  • New: "the team whose Pokemon are missing the least percentage HPis declared the winner.
    • Example: If one Pokemon on a team is missing 50% of their HP, and the other Pokemon on that team is missing 80% of their HP, then that team is considered to be missing 130% HP.
Don't worry—the example will be included in the rules, too.

May 2023
The second bracket of the League Circuit will be preceded by a veritable feast! We don't have the means to send you any food, so you'll just have to imagine something delicious on your own.
  • Match Type - b6p3 Singles
  • Species Restriction - On
  • Battle Level - 4
  • Substitution Count - 4
  • Recovery Count - 2
  • Chill Count - 5
  • Switching - On
  • Ability Count - All
  • Advanced Techniques - All
  • Technique Control - 1
  • Backpack Size - 7
  • Arena - Medali's Treasure Eatery
    "The Treasure Eatery in Medali may be the location of a Gym, but it's first and foremost a restaurant, and a pretty famous one at that. With so many plates full of wonders going in front of you, it would be a crime to start your battle with an empty belly. You may find yourself stuffed to the brim afterwards, though it's said to be good for vitality."
    • Each Pokemon species has 100 maximum HP, instead of their usual amount.
    • Camouflage's type is Normal.
    • Secret Power lowers the defender's Speed stage by 1 for their next 3 turns.
    • Nature Power calls Order Up.
Please enjoy the upcoming League Circuit!