Competitive BATTLE-BY-POST LEAGUE CIRCUIT - Circuit 19

Taking out my name from the reffing queue (I won't be able to dedicate enough time for reffing on a daily basis on september)

September Signup Queue:
Gemini Taurus

September Ref Signups:
Gemini Taurus (1 battle)
Doduodrio (all of the battles)
Keriel (1 battle)
epicdrill (1 battle)
I'd rather participate than watch someone not have an opponent, I think.

Entry fee

September Signup Queue:
Gemini Taurus

September Ref Signups:
Gemini Taurus (1 battle)
Doduodrio (all of the battles)
Keriel (1 battle)
epicdrill (1 battle)
alright dawg you're all going in the device

September 2023 Entrants:
  1. ( 1-1 ) Gemini Taurus
  2. ( 0-0 ) pratik2007
  3. ( 0-1 ) Maxim
  4. ( 0-1 ) Doduodrio
  5. ( 0-0 ) Keriel
  6. ( 1-0 ) epicdrill
  7. ( 2-0 ) cityscapes
  8. ( 0-0 ) Mowtom

September 2023 Pairing Procedure
No bye this month!

We have three entrants with losses ( Gemini Taurus, Maxim, Doduodrio ). We'll pair them first.

Pairing Gemini Taurus with either Maxim or Doduodrio:​
Gemini Taurus will battle Doduodrio!​
We have one remaining entrant with any losses ( Maxim ). We'll pair him up.

Pairing Maxim with pratik2007, Keriel, epicdrill, cityscapes, Mowtom:​
Maxim will battle cityscapes!​
We have four remaining entrants with no losses, paired in order:

Roll pratik2007's opponent out of Keriel, epicdrill, Mowtom:​
pratik2007 will battle Keriel!​
As our last two entrants, epicdrill and Mowtom, will battle!​

Referees will be assigned manually based on volunteers, by me, again (since i'm not an entrant).​
If I were, well, we'd need rules for assigning refs. Later later Lou's problem.​
September 2023 Pairings!

Gemini Taurus 1-1 vs. Doduodrio 0-1​
Ref: epicdrill
Maxim 0-1 vs. cityscapes 2-0​
pratik2007 0-0 vs. Keriel 0-0​
Ref: Doduodrio
epicdrill 1-0 vs. Mowtom 0-0​
Ref: Keriel
Your teams and backpacks should be sent in, and your match threads posted, by September 4th UTC time!
Please use the format "League Circuit 3 - player1 vs player2" when posting match threads!

When you post a tour match, or when it concludes, do be so kind as to link it in this thread for easy bookkeeping!

Thank you all for signing up, and best of luck!
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October 2023
The fourth bracket of the League Circuit will focus on the generation's core mechanic, with a twist!
  • Match Type - b6p3 Singles
  • Species Restriction - On
  • Battle Level - 4
  • Substitution Count - 4
  • Recovery Count - 2
  • Chill Count - 5
  • Switching - On
  • Ability Count - All
  • Advanced Techniques - All
  • Technique Control - 2
  • Backpack Size - 7
  • Arena - A Dreadfully Undeclared Location
    Curiously, your invitation consists of a round trip to an as-yet undisclosed location. Wherever could it be? The ticket is stamped with images of masks... You won't know where this battle takes place until you arrive, estimated 1am UTC on the 27th.
    • All Pokemon may Terastallize. When sending to the ref, select a Tera Type for each Pokemon that does not already have one.
      (Regardless of their level or if they have unlocked the technique)
    • When a Pokemon is Terastallized, their second type becomes equal to their Tera Type if it differs from their first type; or becomes nothing if it does not. Their first type is unchanged.
    • Camouflage's type is Grass.
    • Secret Power's effect raises the user's Attack stage by one (1) for their next three (3) turns.
    • Nature Power calls Growth.
Have fun teambuilding!

Lou edit: By popular pitchfork demand, we're going to pair by number of Wins, rather than Losses, for the coming Circuit.

If people still aren't happy with pairings; well, then I haven't the foggiest what we'll do after.
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Good news, everyone! You've arrived at your destination!

Arena - The Dreaded Den
Ogrepon and her friend rested there night after night after night. As they slept, they discarded their strange masks on the ground, not needing them in each other's company. The mysterious power located within the masks slowly seeped into the entire cavern over time, making strange crystals pop from the walls. Pokémon will react strongly to those crystals, in ways Mesagoza Academy is very eager to study...
I've adjusted the 1+ Victories and the 2+ Victories to award two new items in the place of EXP:
  • :dire hit2:EXP Record: — Consume to give a Level 2 or lower Pokemon 10 EXP.
  • :x attack3:Hi-EXP Record: — Consume to give a Level 3 or lower Pokemon 10 EXP.
This should help clarify whether or not these rewards can be hoarded for later.

For our September 2023 winners ( being pratik2007 Gemini Taurus cityscapes epicdrill ): If you've already claimed your reward for exactly September 2023 Circuit, and would like to instead claim one of the above instead that you qualify for:
  1. Go to the Prize Claim Tower
  2. Link to the post where you claimed the reward you're giving up.
    • Include any result of giving up this reward (such as reverting a Level-Up.)
  3. Include the reward you are claiming instead. (And how you're using them, if you'd like to use them right away.)
You may make this exchange until October 2023 Circuit matches begin (on the 4th).