OU Battle Bond Greninja

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name: Battle Bond
move 1: Hydro Pump / Surf
move 2: Dark Pulse
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Water Shuriken / Ice Beam
item: Life Orb
tera type: Water
ability: Battle Bond
nature: Timid / Modest
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Battle Bond Greninja is an extremely powerful cleaner thanks to its great STAB moves, wonderful coverage, and solid Special Attack and excellent Speed, which are boosted to astronomical levels the first time it KOes an enemy. After Battle Bond activates, Greninja can outpace threats that are already considered very fast, including Choice Scarfers like Enamorus and Sneasler and Booster Energy users like Iron Valiant, Walking Wake, and Iron Moth. Hydro Pump is extremely powerful, always OHKOing uninvested Kingambit after Battle Bond activates and having a significant chance to OHKO it with just Tera Water while at worst 2HKOing much of the tier with both Battle Bond and Tera Water active. Surf is a less powerful but more consistent alternative; Greninja will need to rely more on entry hazard support to secure OHKOs against threats like the aforementioned Kingambit, but Surf's accuracy is greatly appreciated to ensure an untimely miss doesn't stop Greninja's sweep, and it is still more than capable of OHKOing many offensive threats with Battle Bond and Tera Water active. Dark Pulse deals with Pokemon that resist Water like Dragapult, Walking Wake, Volcanion, and Toxapex and hits both variants of Slowking super effectively. Grass Knot rounds out Greninja's coverage by OHKOing Tera Water Garganacl and opposing Greninja with Battle Bond active, having a high chance to OHKO Hisuian Samurott after Stealth Rock even without Battle Bond active, and 2HKOing Dondozo. Water Shuriken can pick off weakened faster threats like +1 Iron Valiant, Unburden Sneasler, Choice Scarf Enamorus, and +1 Great Tusk, and in a pinch it can act as insurance against greatly weakened threats like Dragapult and +1 Baxcalibur. With a Modest nature and rain support from Pelipper, it also OHKOes Iron Valiant after Stealth Rock with a Battle Bond Boost as long as it hits at least three times, which makes up for the loss in Speed from foregoing a Timid nature. Water Shuriken also helps deal with Kingambit's Sucker Punch, which can otherwise greatly threaten Greninja if it has been weakened or shed its Dark resistance with Tera Water. Ice Beam, on the other hand, reliably handles Water-resistant threats like Dragonite, Amoonguss, Rillaboom, and Meowscarada.

Battle Bond Greninja greatly appreciates entry hazard support from Ting-Lu, Glimmora, and Hisuian Samurott to wear threats down over the course of a game, enabling it to KO a threat like Kingambit with Tera Water Surf to activate Battle Bond and to more easily take out Amoonguss more easily once Battle Bond is already active. Moreover, the chip damage from entry hazards can help wear down faster threats like Booster Energy Iron Valiant Choice Scarf Enamorus, putting them into Water Shuriken range. In that vein, Gholdengo is another excellent teammate due to its ability to prevent hazard removal, ensuring that the hazards Greninja often relies on remain active; it can also use its powerful STAB moves alongside Choice Specs or a Nasty Plot boost to wallbreak and wear down the opposing team, allowing Greninja to finish the job. Other powerful offensive threats like Iron Valiant, Baxcalibur, and especially Kingambit greatly appreciate Battle Bond Greninja's ability to break past various threats like Corviknight, Dondozo, Great Tusk, Heatran, and Landorus-T to assist their late-game sweeps; in return, they can help weaken threats like Walking Wake, Dragonite, and opposing Baxcalibur. Kingambit in particular can handle threats like Toxapex, Clodsire, and Terastallized Galarian Slowking, which Greninja may struggle to muscle past. Lastly, Battle Bond Greninja is a natural fit on rain teams, as the boost from Pelipper's Drizzle alongside a Modest nature, Tera Water, and Battle Bond allows Greninja's Hydro Pump to accomplish ludicrous feats such as outright OHKOing Baxcalibur and specially defensive pivot Galarian Slowking, OHKOing Roaring Moon after Stealth Rock, and even 2HKOing Assault Vest Toxapex more reliably. Basculegion is another rain staple that synergizes well with Greninja, as one can weaken their shared checks like Rotom-W and Walking Wake to enable the other's sweep. Lastly, Zapdos offers rain teams an effective means of dealing with Toxapex, Amoonguss, and Tera Water Galarian Slowking, ensuring that Greninja doesn't have to waste precious turns attacking them and getting worn down by their attacks alongside Life Orb recoil.

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name: Battle Bond
move 1: Hydro Pump / Surf
move 2: Dark Pulse
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Water Shuriken / Ice Beam
item: Life Orb
tera type: Water
ability: Battle Bond
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Battle Bond Greninja is an extremely powerful win condition thanks to its great STAB moves, wonderful coverage, and solid Special Attack and excellent Speed boosted to astronomical levels the first time it KOs an opponent. Give some examples of Pokemon you outspeed at +1. Being faster than booster val, moth, wake, scarf enam and sneas is incredible Hydro Pump is extremely powerful, always OHKOing uninvested Kingambit after Battle Bond activates and having a significant chance to OHKO it with just Tera Water while at worst 2HKOing much of the tier with both Battle Bond and Tera Water active. Surf is a less powerful but more consistent alternative; Greninja will need to rely more on entry hazard support to secure OHKOs against threats like the aforementioned Kingambit, but Surf's accuracy is greatly appreciated to ensure an untimely miss doesn't stop its sweep and it is still more than capable of OHKOing much of the offensive Pokemon in the tier with Battle Bond and Tera Water active. Dark Pulse deals with Water resists like Dragapult, Walking Wake, Volcanion, and Toxapex and hits both variants of Slowking super effectively. Grass Knot rounds out Greninja's coverage by OHKOing Tera Water Garganacl and opposing Greninja with Battle Bond active and 2HKOing Dondozo. would add sam-h here since it resists both stabs and is a crucial target Water Shuriken can pick off weakened faster threats like +1 Iron Valiant, Choice Scarf Enamorus, and +1 Great Tusk, and in a pinch it can act as insurance against greatly weakened threats like Dragapult or +1 Baxcalibur. It also helps deal with Kingambit's Sucker Punch, which can otherwise greatly threaten Greninja if it is either weakened or sheds its Dark resistance with Tera Water. Ice Beam, on the other hand, reliably handles threats like Zapdos, Amoonguss, Enamorus, and Dragonite. I'm not sure about enam or Zapdos since Hydro is usually good enough vs them. I'd focus more on water resists you hit super effective, maybe add meow and rilla Battle Bond Greninja greatly appreciates entry hazard support from Ting-Lu and Hisuian Samurott to wear threats down over the course of a game, both to KO a threat like Kingambit with Tera Water Surf to activate Battle Bond and to more easily OHKO Amoonguss once Battle Bond is already active. Mention that hazards can also put faster Pokemon in shuriken range In that vein, Gholdengo is another excellent teammate due to its ability to spinblock prevent hazards being removed (stops the occasional defog too), ensuring that the hazards Greninja often relies on remain active; its can also use its powerful STAB moves alongside Choice Specs or a Nasty Plot boost to wallbreak and wear down the opposing team, allowing Greninja to finish the job. Other powerful offensive threats like Iron Valiant, Baxcalibur, and especially Kingambit greatly appreciate Battle Bond Greninja's ability to break past various threats like Corviknight, Dondozo, Great Tusk, Heatran, and Landorus-T to assist their lategame sweeps; in return, their sheer power can allow them to aid Greninja by wearing a team down enough over the course of a game to ensure that Greninja can secure that first OHKO it needs to activate Battle Bond and sweep. Lastly, Battle Bond Greninja is a natural fit on Rain teams; Pelipper's Rain can power up Greninja's Water Shuriken and Surf or Hydro Pump to absurd levels—+1 Tera Water Hydro Pump in Rain can even 2HKO Assault Vest Toxapex after Stealth Rock. Basculegion is another Rain staple that synergizes well with Greninja, as one can wallbreak for the other's sweep. Lastly, Zapdos offers Rain teams an effective means of dealing with Toxapex and Dondozo, ensuring that Greninja doesn't have to waste precious turns attacking them and getting worn down by their attacks alongside Life Orb recoil.

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1/2 when implemented
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Seems like a lot but most comments are straightforward
2/2 after implemented, ty

name: Battle Bond
move 1: Hydro Pump / Surf
move 2: Dark Pulse
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Water Shuriken / Ice Beam
item: Life Orb
tera type: Water
ability: Battle Bond
nature: Timid / Modest
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Modest is used a lot in rain, since you only really need Timid to outspeed Valiant and Rain helps Shuriken OHKO after the BB boost +1 252 SpA Life Orb Greninja Water Shuriken (15 BP) (3 hits) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Iron Valiant in Rain: 282-330 (97.5 - 114.1%) -- approx. 93.8% chance to OHKO

Battle Bond Greninja is an extremely powerful win condition thanks to its great STAB moves, wonderful coverage, and solid Special Attack and excellent Speed boosted to astronomical levels the first time it KOs an opponent. After Battle Bond activates, Greninja can outpace threats that are already considered very fast, including Choice Scarfers like Enamorus and Sneasler and Booster Energy users like Iron Valiant, Walking Wake, and Iron Moth. Hydro Pump is extremely powerful, always OHKOing uninvested Kingambit after Battle Bond activates and having a significant chance to OHKO it with just Tera Water while at worst 2HKOing much of the tier with both Battle Bond and Tera Water active. Surf is a less powerful but more consistent alternative; Greninja will need to rely more on entry hazard support to secure OHKOs against threats like the aforementioned Kingambit, but Surf's accuracy is greatly appreciated to ensure an untimely miss doesn't stop its sweep and it is still more than capable of OHKOing much of the offensive threats with Battle Bond and Tera Water active. Dark Pulse deals with Water resists like Dragapult, Walking Wake, Volcanion, and Toxapex and hits both variants of Slowking super effectively. Grass Knot rounds out Greninja's coverage by OHKOing Tera Water Garganacl and opposing Greninja with Battle Bond active, having a high chance to OHKO Hisuian Samurott after Stealth Rock even without Battle Bond active, and 2HKOing Dondozo. Water Shuriken can pick off weakened faster threats like +1 Iron Valiant, Unburden Sneasler, Choice Scarf Enamorus, and +1 Great Tusk, and in a pinch it can act as insurance against greatly weakened threats like Dragapult or +1 Baxcalibur. It also helps deal with Kingambit's Sucker Punch, which can otherwise greatly threaten Greninja if it is either weakened or sheds its Dark resistance with Tera Water. Ice Beam, on the other hand, reliably handles Water-resistant threats like Dragonite, Amoonguss, Rillaboom, and Meowscarada. Battle Bond Greninja greatly appreciates entry hazard support from Ting-Lu, Glimmora, and Hisuian Samurott to wear threats down over the course of a game, both to KO a threat like Kingambit with Tera Water Surf to activate Battle Bond and to more easily OHKO Amoonguss once Battle Bond is already active. Moreover, the chip damage from entry hazards can help wear down faster threats like Booster Energy Iron Valiant Choice Scarf Enamorus, putting them into Water Shuriken range. In that vein, Gholdengo is another excellent teammate due to its ability to prevent hazard removal, ensuring that the hazards Greninja often relies on remain active; its can also use its powerful STAB moves alongside Choice Specs or a Nasty Plot boost to wallbreak and wear down the opposing team, allowing Greninja to finish the job. Other powerful offensive threats like Iron Valiant, Baxcalibur, and especially Kingambit greatly appreciate Battle Bond Greninja's ability to break past various threats like Corviknight, Dondozo, Great Tusk, Heatran, and Landorus-T to assist their lategame sweeps; in return, their sheer power can allow them to aid Greninja by wearing a team down enough over the course of a game to ensure that Greninja can secure that first OHKO it needs to activate Battle Bond and sweep. (This feels a bit weird, a lot of Pokemon can do this so maybe specify why those in particular do well. They help weaken Dragonite, Walking Wake and opposing Baxcalibur for example, and Kingambit in particular also helps against Toxapex, Clodsire, and Terastallized Galarian Slowking that Greninja can have trouble breaking pass) Lastly, Battle Bond Greninja is a natural fit on Rain teams; Pelipper's Rain can power up Greninja's Water Shuriken and Surf or Hydro Pump to absurd levels—+1 Tera Water Hydro Pump in Rain can even 2HKO Assault Vest Toxapex after Stealth Rock. Basculegion is another Rain staple that synergizes well with Greninja, as one can wallbreak (maybe you could specify "weaken down shared checks such as Rotom-Wash and Walking Wake") for the other's sweep. Lastly, Zapdos offers Rain teams an effective means of dealing with Toxapex and Dondozo (Greninja in Rain doesnt really care about Dondozo. Maybe you could mention Amoonguss, Tera Water Galarian Slowking here or even Azumarill.), ensuring that Greninja doesn't have to waste precious turns attacking them and getting worn down by their attacks alongside Life Orb recoil.

This is all great, would just be nice to make more emphasis on Rain and Tera Water as a whole. If you want other relevant calcs, Baxcalibur drops to +1 Tera Water Hydro Pump in Rain with Modest, same for pivot Galarian Slowking even if its SpDef. Roaring Moon also resists all your moves if you go Ice Beam less, but always dies to +1 Tera Water Hydro Pump in Rain after Rocks.

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Seems like a lot but most comments are straightforward
2/2 after implemented, ty

name: Battle Bond
move 1: Hydro Pump / Surf
move 2: Dark Pulse
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Water Shuriken / Ice Beam
item: Life Orb
tera type: Water
ability: Battle Bond
nature: Timid / Modest
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Modest is used a lot in rain, since you only really need Timid to outspeed Valiant and Rain helps Shuriken OHKO after the BB boost +1 252 SpA Life Orb Greninja Water Shuriken (15 BP) (3 hits) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Iron Valiant in Rain: 282-330 (97.5 - 114.1%) -- approx. 93.8% chance to OHKO

Battle Bond Greninja is an extremely powerful win condition thanks to its great STAB moves, wonderful coverage, and solid Special Attack and excellent Speed boosted to astronomical levels the first time it KOs an opponent. After Battle Bond activates, Greninja can outpace threats that are already considered very fast, including Choice Scarfers like Enamorus and Sneasler and Booster Energy users like Iron Valiant, Walking Wake, and Iron Moth. Hydro Pump is extremely powerful, always OHKOing uninvested Kingambit after Battle Bond activates and having a significant chance to OHKO it with just Tera Water while at worst 2HKOing much of the tier with both Battle Bond and Tera Water active. Surf is a less powerful but more consistent alternative; Greninja will need to rely more on entry hazard support to secure OHKOs against threats like the aforementioned Kingambit, but Surf's accuracy is greatly appreciated to ensure an untimely miss doesn't stop its sweep and it is still more than capable of OHKOing much of the offensive threats with Battle Bond and Tera Water active. Dark Pulse deals with Water resists like Dragapult, Walking Wake, Volcanion, and Toxapex and hits both variants of Slowking super effectively. Grass Knot rounds out Greninja's coverage by OHKOing Tera Water Garganacl and opposing Greninja with Battle Bond active, having a high chance to OHKO Hisuian Samurott after Stealth Rock even without Battle Bond active, and 2HKOing Dondozo. Water Shuriken can pick off weakened faster threats like +1 Iron Valiant, Unburden Sneasler, Choice Scarf Enamorus, and +1 Great Tusk, and in a pinch it can act as insurance against greatly weakened threats like Dragapult or +1 Baxcalibur. It also helps deal with Kingambit's Sucker Punch, which can otherwise greatly threaten Greninja if it is either weakened or sheds its Dark resistance with Tera Water. Ice Beam, on the other hand, reliably handles Water-resistant threats like Dragonite, Amoonguss, Rillaboom, and Meowscarada. Battle Bond Greninja greatly appreciates entry hazard support from Ting-Lu, Glimmora, and Hisuian Samurott to wear threats down over the course of a game, both to KO a threat like Kingambit with Tera Water Surf to activate Battle Bond and to more easily OHKO Amoonguss once Battle Bond is already active. Moreover, the chip damage from entry hazards can help wear down faster threats like Booster Energy Iron Valiant Choice Scarf Enamorus, putting them into Water Shuriken range. In that vein, Gholdengo is another excellent teammate due to its ability to prevent hazard removal, ensuring that the hazards Greninja often relies on remain active; its can also use its powerful STAB moves alongside Choice Specs or a Nasty Plot boost to wallbreak and wear down the opposing team, allowing Greninja to finish the job. Other powerful offensive threats like Iron Valiant, Baxcalibur, and especially Kingambit greatly appreciate Battle Bond Greninja's ability to break past various threats like Corviknight, Dondozo, Great Tusk, Heatran, and Landorus-T to assist their lategame sweeps; in return, their sheer power can allow them to aid Greninja by wearing a team down enough over the course of a game to ensure that Greninja can secure that first OHKO it needs to activate Battle Bond and sweep. (This feels a bit weird, a lot of Pokemon can do this so maybe specify why those in particular do well. They help weaken Dragonite, Walking Wake and opposing Baxcalibur for example, and Kingambit in particular also helps against Toxapex, Clodsire, and Terastallized Galarian Slowking that Greninja can have trouble breaking pass) Lastly, Battle Bond Greninja is a natural fit on Rain teams; Pelipper's Rain can power up Greninja's Water Shuriken and Surf or Hydro Pump to absurd levels—+1 Tera Water Hydro Pump in Rain can even 2HKO Assault Vest Toxapex after Stealth Rock. Basculegion is another Rain staple that synergizes well with Greninja, as one can wallbreak (maybe you could specify "weaken down shared checks such as Rotom-Wash and Walking Wake") for the other's sweep. Lastly, Zapdos offers Rain teams an effective means of dealing with Toxapex and Dondozo (Greninja in Rain doesnt really care about Dondozo. Maybe you could mention Amoonguss, Tera Water Galarian Slowking here or even Azumarill.), ensuring that Greninja doesn't have to waste precious turns attacking them and getting worn down by their attacks alongside Life Orb recoil.

This is all great, would just be nice to make more emphasis on Rain and Tera Water as a whole. If you want other relevant calcs, Baxcalibur drops to +1 Tera Water Hydro Pump in Rain with Modest, same for pivot Galarian Slowking even if its SpDef. Roaring Moon also resists all your moves if you go Ice Beam less, but always dies to +1 Tera Water Hydro Pump in Rain after Rocks.

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Implemented! GP Team

I'll be discussing this in the OU Discord (and possibly the Smogon Discord/the C&C Staff forums), but I feel like this analysis (as it's currently presented) turned out to be one really big, unwieldy paragraph. Perhaps with the GP Team's assistance I would be able to shave this down a bit, but at this point I feel like this would be a lot easier to read if I just split it into two paragraphs, with the only change being just adding a brief sentence about how BB Greninja is used on more offensive teams.

Here's my example, for frame of reference:

name: Battle Bond
move 1: Hydro Pump / Surf
move 2: Dark Pulse
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Water Shuriken / Ice Beam
item: Life Orb
tera type: Water
ability: Battle Bond
nature: Timid / Modest
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Battle Bond Greninja is an extremely powerful win condition thanks to its great STAB moves, wonderful coverage, and solid Special Attack and excellent Speed boosted to astronomical levels the first time it KOs an opponent. After Battle Bond activates, Greninja can outpace threats that are already considered very fast, including Choice Scarfers like Enamorus and Sneasler and Booster Energy users like Iron Valiant, Walking Wake, and Iron Moth. Hydro Pump is extremely powerful, always OHKOing uninvested Kingambit after Battle Bond activates and having a significant chance to OHKO it with just Tera Water while at worst 2HKOing much of the tier with both Battle Bond and Tera Water active. Surf is a less powerful but more consistent alternative; Greninja will need to rely more on entry hazard support to secure OHKOs against threats like the aforementioned Kingambit, but Surf's accuracy is greatly appreciated to ensure an untimely miss doesn't stop its sweep and it is still more than capable of OHKOing much of the offensive threats with Battle Bond and Tera Water active. Dark Pulse deals with Water resists like Dragapult, Walking Wake, Volcanion, and Toxapex and hits both variants of Slowking super effectively. Grass Knot rounds out Greninja's coverage by OHKOing Tera Water Garganacl and opposing Greninja with Battle Bond active, having a high chance to OHKO Hisuian Samurott after Stealth Rock even without Battle Bond active, and 2HKOing Dondozo. Water Shuriken can pick off weakened faster threats like +1 Iron Valiant, Unburden Sneasler, Choice Scarf Enamorus, and +1 Great Tusk, and in a pinch it can act as insurance against greatly weakened threats like Dragapult or +1 Baxcalibur. With a Modest nature and rain support from Pelipper, it also OHKOs Iron Valiant after Stealth Rock with a Battle Bond Boost as long as it hits at least three times, which makes up for the loss in Speed from foregoing a Timid nature. Water Shuriken also helps deal with Kingambit's Sucker Punch, which can otherwise greatly threaten Greninja if it is either weakened or sheds its Dark resistance with Tera Water. Ice Beam, on the other hand, reliably handles Water-resistant threats like Dragonite, Amoonguss, Rillaboom, and Meowscarada.

Battle Bond Greninja fits best on offensive teams that can help facilitate its lategame sweep. It greatly appreciates entry hazard support from Ting-Lu, Glimmora, and Hisuian Samurott to wear threats down over the course of a game, both to KO a threat like Kingambit with Tera Water Surf to activate Battle Bond and to more easily OHKO Amoonguss once Battle Bond is already active. Moreover, the chip damage from entry hazards can help wear down faster threats like Booster Energy Iron Valiant Choice Scarf Enamorus, putting them into Water Shuriken range. In that vein, Gholdengo is another excellent teammate due to its ability to prevent hazard removal, ensuring that the hazards Greninja often relies on remain active; its can also use its powerful STAB moves alongside Choice Specs or a Nasty Plot boost to wallbreak and wear down the opposing team, allowing Greninja to finish the job. Other powerful offensive threats like Iron Valiant, Baxcalibur, and especially Kingambit greatly appreciate Battle Bond Greninja's ability to break past various threats like Corviknight, Dondozo, Great Tusk, Heatran, and Landorus-T to assist their lategame sweeps; in return, they can help weaken threats like Walking Wake, Dragonite, and opposing Baxcalibur. Kingambit in particular can handle threats like Toxapex, Clodsire, and Terastallized Galarian Slowking, which Greninja may struggle to muscle past. Lastly, Battle Bond Greninja is a natural fit on rain teams, as the boost from Pelipper's Drizzle alongside a Modest nature, Tera Water, and Battle Bond allows Greninja's Hydro Pump to accomplish ludicrous feats such as outright OHKOing Baxcalibur and specially defensive pivot Galarian Slowking, OHKOing Roaring Moon after Stealth Rock, and even 2HKOing Assault Vest Toxapex more reliably. Basculegion is another rain staple that synergizes well with Greninja, as one can weaken their shared checks like Rotom-Wash and Walking Wake to enable the other's sweep. Lastly, Zapdos offers Rain teams an effective means of dealing with Toxapex, Amoonguss, and Tera Water Galarian Slowking, ensuring that Greninja doesn't have to waste precious turns attacking them and getting worn down by their attacks alongside Life Orb recoil.

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See what I mean? At that point, it just looks like a regular old two-paragraph analysis to me; there's a lot of information that really couldn't be left out in a 1-paragraph format.
remove add / fix (comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)
GP 1/1
GP Team done
name: Battle Bond
move 1: Hydro Pump / Surf
move 2: Dark Pulse
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Water Shuriken / Ice Beam
item: Life Orb
tera type: Water
ability: Battle Bond
nature: Timid / Modest
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Battle Bond Greninja is an extremely powerful win condition cleaner thanks to its great STAB moves, wonderful coverage, and solid Special Attack and excellent Speed, (AC) which are boosted to astronomical levels the first time it KOs KOes an opponent enemy. After Battle Bond activates, Greninja can outpace threats that are already considered very fast, including Choice Scarf users like Enamorus and Sneasler and Booster Energy users like Iron Valiant, Walking Wake, and Iron Moth. Hydro Pump is extremely powerful, always OHKOing uninvested Kingambit after Battle Bond activates and having a significant chance to OHKO it with just Tera Water (you mean before Battle Bond? not sure if im following) while also at worst 2HKOing much of the tier with both Battle Bond and Tera Water active. Surf is a less powerful but more consistent alternative; Greninja will need to rely more on entry hazard support to secure OHKOs against threats like the aforementioned Kingambit, but Surf's accuracy is greatly appreciated to ensure an untimely miss doesn't stop its Greninja's sweep, (AC) and it is still more than capable of OHKOing much of the many offensive threats with Battle Bond and Tera Water active. Dark Pulse deals with Water resists Pokemon that resist Water like Dragapult, Walking Wake, Volcanion, and Toxapex and hits both variants of Slowking super effectively. Grass Knot rounds out Greninja's coverage by OHKOing Tera Water Garganacl and opposing Greninja with Battle Bond active, having a high chance to OHKO Hisuian Samurott after Stealth Rock even without Battle Bond active, and 2HKOing Dondozo. Water Shuriken can pick off weakened faster threats like +1 Iron Valiant, Unburden Sneasler, Choice Scarf Enamorus, and +1 Great Tusk, and in a pinch it can act as insurance against greatly weakened threats like Dragapult or and +1 Baxcalibur. With a Modest nature and rain support from Pelipper, it also OHKOs OHKOes Iron Valiant after Stealth Rock with a Battle Bond Boost as long as it hits at least three times, which makes up for the loss in Speed from foregoing a Timid nature. Water Shuriken also helps deal with Kingambit's Sucker Punch, which can otherwise greatly threaten Greninja if it is either has been weakened or sheds shed its Dark resistance with Tera Water. Ice Beam, on the other hand, reliably handles Water-resistant threats like Dragonite, Amoonguss, Rillaboom, and Meowscarada.

(yes break this into 2, im not allowed to shorten this analysis without stepping out of what gp is supposed to do)

Battle Bond Greninja greatly appreciates entry hazard support from Ting-Lu, Glimmora, and Hisuian Samurott to wear threats down over the course of a game, both enabling it to KO a threat like Kingambit with Tera Water Surf to activate Battle Bond and to more easily OHKO take out Amoonguss more easily once Battle Bond is already active. Moreover, the chip damage from entry hazards can help wear down faster threats like Booster Energy Iron Valiant Choice Scarf Enamorus, putting them into Water Shuriken range. In that vein, Gholdengo is another excellent teammate due to its ability to prevent hazard removal, ensuring that the hazards Greninja often relies on remain active; its it can also use its powerful STAB moves alongside Choice Specs or a Nasty Plot boost to wallbreak and wear down the opposing team, allowing Greninja to finish the job. Other powerful offensive threats like Iron Valiant, Baxcalibur, and especially Kingambit greatly appreciate Battle Bond Greninja's ability to break past various threats like Corviknight, Dondozo, Great Tusk, Heatran, and Landorus-T to assist their lategame late-game sweeps; in return, they can help weaken threats like Walking Wake, Dragonite, and opposing Baxcalibur. Kingambit in particular can handle threats like Toxapex, Clodsire, and Terastallized Galarian Slowking, which Greninja may struggle to muscle past. Lastly, Battle Bond Greninja is a natural fit on rain teams, as the boost from Pelipper's Drizzle alongside a Modest nature, Tera Water, and Battle Bond allows Greninja's Hydro Pump to accomplish ludicrous feats such as outright OHKOing Baxcalibur and specially defensive pivot Galarian Slowking, OHKOing Roaring Moon after Stealth Rock, and even 2HKOing Assault Vest Toxapex more reliably. Basculegion is another rain staple that synergizes well with Greninja, as one can weaken their shared checks like Rotom-Wash Rotom-W and Walking Wake to enable the other's sweep. Lastly, Zapdos offers rain teams an effective means of dealing with Toxapex, Amoonguss, and Tera Water Galarian Slowking, ensuring that Greninja doesn't have to waste precious turns attacking them and getting worn down by their attacks alongside Life Orb recoil.

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