The council has voted to ban Baton Pass.
We went with a council vote instead of a suspect test because this was strictly a policy concern; Baton Pass causing some threats to be broken (namely Torchic) had already been established in prior suspects.
Baton Pass being banned rids Torchic of a frequently cited reason for its ban, so there is good reason to believe it is no longer broken. We won't drop it back into LC immediately to prevent conflict with the Abra suspect, which should go up this Sunday or Monday whenever LCWC ends. Expect to see Torchic freed once the Abra suspect is decided (regardless of its outcome).
coconut - ban
corporal levi - ban
dcae - ban
fatty - ban
kingler12345 - ban
quote - do not ban
shrug - ban
sken - ban
starmaster - ban
Ban: 8
Do not ban: 1
6 out of 9 votes were required to ban Baton Pass.
corporal levi - ban
dcae - ban
fatty - ban
kingler12345 - ban
quote - do not ban
shrug - ban
sken - ban
starmaster - ban
Ban: 8
Do not ban: 1
6 out of 9 votes were required to ban Baton Pass.
We went with a council vote instead of a suspect test because this was strictly a policy concern; Baton Pass causing some threats to be broken (namely Torchic) had already been established in prior suspects.
Baton Pass being banned rids Torchic of a frequently cited reason for its ban, so there is good reason to believe it is no longer broken. We won't drop it back into LC immediately to prevent conflict with the Abra suspect, which should go up this Sunday or Monday whenever LCWC ends. Expect to see Torchic freed once the Abra suspect is decided (regardless of its outcome).