It's been quite long since I posted my Base Stats Ratings thread that would change the way we think about Base Stats. I thought to update the formulae a bit to reflect the new Pokemon being added in Platinum, and also, while I'm here, to make the ratings a bit better.
Firstly, a new Speed Factor chart:
This is simply the amount of Pokemon you'll outspeed with your Base Speed.
We now convert each Base Stat as follows:
We'll call the above SHP, SAtk, SDef, SSpA, SSpD and SSpe respectively.
Now we find the raw physical tankiness (RPT), special tankiness (RST), physical sweepiness (RPS) and special sweepiness (RSS):
Now we convert each of these raw statistics so that their individual mean is exactly 100 and their individual standard deviation is exactly 50. These become the physical tankiness (PT), special tankiness (ST), physical sweepiness (PS) and special sweepiness (SS):
Having equipped ourselves with the usual four main statistics for tankiness and sweepiness, we can now proceed to find the Offense/Defense Bias (ODB) and Physical/Special Bias (PSB). In passing, we also convert them to stats whose mean is exactly 0 and whose standard deviation is exactly 10:
Finally, we can find the overall rating of the Pokemon. Since we have ensured that the individual stats each have the same mean and standard deviation, this is now much more easy to find than in the first BSR version. We also convert the final answer so that the overall rating has a mean of 200 and a standard deviation of 100:
Now let's provide a few charts that explain the number provided by each stat. This is now extremely easy to do since we have converted our stats to have meaningful means and standard deviations.
For PT, ST, PS and SS, we have (assuming they are rounded to the nearest whole number):
For ODB, we have:
For PSB, we have:
Finally, for overall Rating, we have (assuming Rating is rounded to the nearest whole number):
Example: Let's calculate the Base Stat Ratings for Shiftry.
Shiftry's Base Stats are:
HP: 90
Atk: 100
Def: 60
SpA: 90
SpD: 60
Spe: 80
We first find the Statistical stats:
SHP: 90*2+141 = 321
SAtk: 100*2+36 = 236
SDef: 60*2+36 = 156
SSpA: 90*2+36 = 216
SSpD: 60*2+36 = 156
SSpe: Base Speed is 80, which corresponds to a Speed Factor of 323. Hence SSpe = 323/505 = 0.6396.
Now we find the raw tankiness and sweepiness stats:
RPT: 321*156 = 50076
RST: 321*156 = 50076
RPS: 236*(236*0.6396+415)/(236*(1-0.6396)+415) = 267.0982
RSS: 216*(216*0.6396+415)/(216*(1-0.6396)+415) = 242.4317
Now we find the real tankiness and sweepiness stats:
PT: 50076/417.5187-18.9256 = 101.0115 (Above Average)
ST: 50076/434.8833-13.9044 = 101.2437 (Above Average)
PS: 267.0982/1.855522-4.36533 = 139.5824 (Good)
SS: 242.4317/1.947004+4.36062 = 128.8759 (Good)
Now we find the ODB and PSB:
ODB: (max(139.5824,128.8759) - max(101.0115,101.2437))/6.243721-0.326255 = 5.8141 (Moderately biased towards offense)
PSB: (101.0115-101.2437+139.5824-128.8759)/6.840256 = 1.5313 (Slightly biased towards physical)
Finally we find the overall rating!
Rating: (101.0115+101.2437+139.5824+128.8759)/1.525794-62.1586 = 246.3454 (Above Average)
Firstly, a new Speed Factor chart:
Base Speed Speed Factor
1 to 5 0
6 to 10 2
11 to 15 4
16 to 20 11
21 to 23 19
24 to 25 22
26 to 28 30
29 to 30 31
31 54
32 56
33 58
34 60
35 61
36 79
37 to 39 84
40 85
41 111
42 113
43 115
44 to 45 118
46 139
47 140
48 141
49 to 50 144
51 179
52 181
53 to 55 183
56 203
57 to 58 206
59 to 60 210
61 239
62 to 63 241
64 to 65 242
66 268
67 270
68 273
69 to 70 275
71 305
72 308
73 to 74 309
75 310
76 318
77 320
78 321
79 to 80 323
81 348
82 351
83 352
84 354
85 355
86 381
87 386
88 to 90 387
91 411
92 to 93 416
94 to 95 417
96 to 97 438
98 to 100 440
101 to 102 463
103 to 105 464
106 to 108 471
109 to 110 472
111 to 112 480
113 to 115 481
116 to 120 488
121 to 125 492
126 to 127 495
128 to 130 496
131 to 140 500
141 to 150 501
151 to 160 503
161 to 180 504
181 to 255 505
We now convert each Base Stat as follows:
Statistical HP = Base HP * 2 + 141
Statistical Atk = Base Atk * 2 + 36
Statistical Def = Base Def * 2 + 36
Statistical SpA = Base SpA * 2 + 36
Statistical SpD = Base SpD * 2 + 36
Statistical Spe = Base Spe Speed Factor / 505
We'll call the above SHP, SAtk, SDef, SSpA, SSpD and SSpe respectively.
Now we find the raw physical tankiness (RPT), special tankiness (RST), physical sweepiness (RPS) and special sweepiness (RSS):
RPT = SHP * SDef
RPS = SAtk * (SAtk * SSpe + 415) / (SAtk * (1 - SSpe) + 415)
RSS = SSpA * (SSpA * SSpe + 415) / (SSpA * (1 - SSpe) + 415)
Now we convert each of these raw statistics so that their individual mean is exactly 100 and their individual standard deviation is exactly 50. These become the physical tankiness (PT), special tankiness (ST), physical sweepiness (PS) and special sweepiness (SS):
PT = RPT / 417.5187 - 18.9256
ST = RST / 434.8833 - 13.9044
PS = RPS / 1.855522 - 4.36533
SS = RSS / 1.947004 + 4.36062
Having equipped ourselves with the usual four main statistics for tankiness and sweepiness, we can now proceed to find the Offense/Defense Bias (ODB) and Physical/Special Bias (PSB). In passing, we also convert them to stats whose mean is exactly 0 and whose standard deviation is exactly 10:
ODB = (max(PS,SS) - max(PT,ST)) / 6.243721 - 0.326255
PSB = (PT - ST + PS - SS) / 6.840256
Finally, we can find the overall rating of the Pokemon. Since we have ensured that the individual stats each have the same mean and standard deviation, this is now much more easy to find than in the first BSR version. We also convert the final answer so that the overall rating has a mean of 200 and a standard deviation of 100:
Rating = (PT + ST + PS + SS) / 1.525794 - 62.1586
Now let's provide a few charts that explain the number provided by each stat. This is now extremely easy to do since we have converted our stats to have meaningful means and standard deviations.
For PT, ST, PS and SS, we have (assuming they are rounded to the nearest whole number):
If PT/ST/PS/SS is Stat is Examples
Less than 25 Horrible Ralts (PT), Magikarp (ST), Shuckle (PS), <none> (SS)
25 to 49 Bad Shuppet (PT), Pikachu (ST), Smeargle (PS), Wooper (SS)
50 to 74 Poor Alakazam (PT), Swellow (ST), Probopass (PS), Bastiodon (SS)
75 to 99 Below Average Gengar (PT), Breloom (ST), Spiritomb (PS), Slowbro (SS)
100 to 124 Above Average Ludicolo (PT), Mamoswine (ST), Hariyama (PS), Tyranitar (SS)
125 to 149 Good Machamp (PT), Roserade (ST), Kingdra (PS), Flygon (SS)
150 to 174 Very Good Magnezone (PT), Heatran (ST), Metagross (PS), Rotom-A (SS)
175 to 199 Excellent Gliscor (PT), Vaporeon (ST), Heracross (PS), Charizard (SS)
200 to 224 Fantastic Tangrowth (PT), Milotic (ST), Electivire (PS), Porygon-Z (SS)
More than 224 Amazing Steelix (PT), Snorlax (ST), Weavile (PS), Espeon (SS)
For ODB, we have:
If ODB is Pokemon is Examples
Less than -20 Absolutely biased towards defense Blissey, Aggron
-20 to -15 Heavily biased towards defense Hippowdon, Slowking
-15 to -10 Biased towards defense Skarmory, Hypno
-10 to -5 Moderately biased towards defense Walrein, Miltank
-5 to 0 Slightly biased towards defense Ampharos, Metagross
0 to 5 Slightly biased towards offense Gyarados, Dragonite
5 to 10 Moderately biased towards offense Mismagius, Magmortar
10 to 15 Biased towards offense Zapdos, Staraptor
15 to 20 Heavily biased towards offense Manectric, Salamence
More than 20 Absolutely biased towards offense Azelf, Alakazam
For PSB, we have:
If PSB is Pokemon is Examples
Less than -20 Absolutely biased towards special Regice, Gardevoir
-20 to -15 Heavily biased towards special Latias, Togekiss
-15 to -10 Biased towards special Porygon-Z, Houndoom
-10 to -5 Moderately biased towards special Rotom-A, Empoleon
-5 to 0 Slightly biased towards special Yanmega, Abomasnow
0 to 5 Slightly biased towards physical Swampert, Electivire
5 to 10 Moderately biased towards physical Weezing, Machamp
10 to 15 Biased towards physical Aerodactyl, Heracross
15 to 20 Heavily biased towards physical Mamoswine, Forretress
More than 20 Absolutely biased towards physical Rhyperior, Cloyster
Finally, for overall Rating, we have (assuming Rating is rounded to the nearest whole number):
If Rating is Rating is Examples
Less than 50 Horrible Pichu, Feebas
50 to 99 Bad Smeargle, Ditto
100 to 149 Poor Delibird, Farfetch'd
150 to 199 Below Average Beedrill, Sunflora
200 to 249 Above Average Spiritomb, Shuckle
250 to 299 Good Scizor, Gliscor
300 to 349 Very Good Infernape, Umbreon
350 to 399 Excellent Entei, Jirachi
400 to 449 Fantastic Garchomp, Deoxys
More than 449 Amazing Slaking, Regigigas
Example: Let's calculate the Base Stat Ratings for Shiftry.
Shiftry's Base Stats are:
HP: 90
Atk: 100
Def: 60
SpA: 90
SpD: 60
Spe: 80
We first find the Statistical stats:
SHP: 90*2+141 = 321
SAtk: 100*2+36 = 236
SDef: 60*2+36 = 156
SSpA: 90*2+36 = 216
SSpD: 60*2+36 = 156
SSpe: Base Speed is 80, which corresponds to a Speed Factor of 323. Hence SSpe = 323/505 = 0.6396.
Now we find the raw tankiness and sweepiness stats:
RPT: 321*156 = 50076
RST: 321*156 = 50076
RPS: 236*(236*0.6396+415)/(236*(1-0.6396)+415) = 267.0982
RSS: 216*(216*0.6396+415)/(216*(1-0.6396)+415) = 242.4317
Now we find the real tankiness and sweepiness stats:
PT: 50076/417.5187-18.9256 = 101.0115 (Above Average)
ST: 50076/434.8833-13.9044 = 101.2437 (Above Average)
PS: 267.0982/1.855522-4.36533 = 139.5824 (Good)
SS: 242.4317/1.947004+4.36062 = 128.8759 (Good)
Now we find the ODB and PSB:
ODB: (max(139.5824,128.8759) - max(101.0115,101.2437))/6.243721-0.326255 = 5.8141 (Moderately biased towards offense)
PSB: (101.0115-101.2437+139.5824-128.8759)/6.840256 = 1.5313 (Slightly biased towards physical)
Finally we find the overall rating!
Rating: (101.0115+101.2437+139.5824+128.8759)/1.525794-62.1586 = 246.3454 (Above Average)