Monotype Barbaracle (Rock) [QC: 3/3] [GP: 2/2]

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name: Shell Smash (Rock)
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Liquidation
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Stone Edge
item: White Herb
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Naive
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe

Barbaracle is a potent Shell Smash sweeper with its deadly STAB combination and excellent coverage. Offering a check to Ground-types like Excadrill, Gastrodon, and Krookodile, Barbaracle has made itself a mainstay on Rock teams. Shell Smash is a very powerful setup move; with White Herb, Barbaracle can maintain its good defensive stats to sponge priority attacks from Scizor, Bisharp, and Urshifu-R. Liquidation dismantles threats such as Choice Scarf Terrakion, Nidoking, and Mamoswine. Due to Pokemon like Urshifu-R, Gastrodon, and Seismitoad tanking Barbaracle's STAB moves, Grass Knot is run to utilize the Special Attack boosts from Shell Smash to muscle past them. Stone Edge combats Pokemon like Mantine, Kyurem, and Volcanion, which are either immune or resistant to Liquidation and don't mind Grass Knot. The given EV spread maximizes Barbaracle's Speed, which allows it to outpace Choice Scarf users such as Urshifu-R, Landorus-T, and Galarian Zapdos after a Shell Smash. A Naive nature maximizes Speed without hindering Grass Knot's power.

Barbaracle can quickly sweep Ground teams due to Liquidation and Grass Knot. Shuckle can set up Stealth Rock to provide chip damage on foes and Sticky Web to slow down threats that would otherwise threaten Barbaracle, such as Excadrill in sand and Choice Scarf Weavile, letting it clean Ground and Ice teams. Tyranitar supports Barbaracle with sand to chip foes like Polteageist and Cloyster, rendering their Focus Sashes useless, and boost Barbaracle's Special Defense. Additionally, Tyranitar breaks past walls that annoy Barbaracle like Slowbro, Bronzong, and Galarian Corsola with a Choice Band set. Choice Scarf Terrakion deals with Choice Scarf Zarude, Ferrothorn, and Cinderace. Nihilego takes care of physically defensive walls that Barbaracle struggles against like Slowbro, Corviknight, and Skarmory. Furthermore, Nihilego checks Grass-types like Zarude and Tapu Bulu. Rhyperior blanket checks many physical attackers like Excadrill, Cinderace, and Weavile because of its ability Solid Rock and good bulk. Coalossal provides support with Rapid Spin and Spikes while potentially triggering Flame Body against Steel-type Pokemon such as Scizor and Melmetal.

Other Options

Barbaracle may use Cross Chop to deal with Steel-types like Ferrothorn and Magnezone; however, keeping both STAB moves and Grass Knot is preferred, as they target Pokemon that are more threatening to Rock teams. X-Scissor is a notable option for Grass-types like Zarude and Celebi, although the latter isn't as prevalent as the Steel-types or Ground-types mentioned. Air Balloon allows Barbaracle to deal with Excadrill, though White Herb is still preferred.

- Written by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Rock analysis by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Quality checked by: [[sasha, 510532], [Neko, 542526], [Aqua Jet, 531302]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Sulo, 528036], [Adeleine, 517429]]
Last edited:
name: Shell Smash (Rock)
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Liquidation
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Stone Edge
item: Mental Herb
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Naive
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe

Barbaracle is a potent Shell Smash sweeper partnered by with a deadly STAB combination and excellent coverage. Offering an answer against Ground-types like Excadrill, Swampert, and Krookodile, Barbaracle has earned itself a spot as a main stay on Rock teams. Shell Smash is undoubtedly a very powerful setup move and with White Herb, Barbaracle is capable of maintaining its good defensive stats to sponge priority attacks. Liquidation has a high base power, perfect accuracy and is further boosted by Tough Claws, decimating dismantles threats such as Choice Scarf Terrakion, Nidoking, and Mamoswine. Due to Pokemon like Swampert, Gastrodon, and Seismitoad posing an issue for Barbaracle's STAB moves, Grass Knot is used to utilize the special attack boosts to muscle past them. Stone Edge primarily targets combats Mantine, Kyurem, and Volcanion who are either immune to, or resist Liquidation and don't mind Grass Knot's chip damage. The given EV spread maximizes Barbaracle's speed which allows it to outpace Choice Scarf Krookodile, Choice Scarf Landorus-T after a Shell Smash boost, and maximizes damage output. A Naive nature is used to outpace Choice Scarf Krookodile, Choice Scarf Landorus-T, and Choice Scarf Adamant Zarude.

Barbaracle is capable of effortlessly sweeping Ground teams due to Liquidation and Grass Knot coverage. In return, Shuckle can set up Stealth Rock to provide chip damage on opponents and Sticky Web to slow down threats such as Excadrill in Sandstorm further enhance Barbaracle's sweeping potential. Tyranitar is also capable of setting up Stealth Rock. Additionally, Tyranitar supports Barbaracle with Sandstorm to chip down opponents, boosting it's special defense, and spreading status ailments like Toxic and Thunder Wave (list what these ailments actually do. such as paralyzing fast threats that barbaracle can outspeed without shell smashingif theyre para'd). Terrakion is able to break past Steel-types like Ferrothorn, Magnezone, and Melmetal. Nihilego takes care of physically defensive walls that Barbaracle struggles against like Slowbro, Corviknight, and Skarmory. Rhyperior is able to switch-into handles Electric-types such as Regieleki, Zapdos, and Dracozolt. Coalossal provides support with Rapid Spin and Spikes, while also being able to potentially Flame Body Steel-type Pokemon such as Scizor and Melmetal. Furthermore, Coalossal uses its Fire-typing to deal with threats like Amoonguss, Ferrothorn, and Arctozolt.

Other Options

Barbaracle may use Cross Chop to deal with Steel-types like Ferrothorn and Magnezone, however, keeping both STAB moves and Grass Knot is preferred as they target Pokemon that are more threatening to Rock-type teams are preferred and Grass Knot's mentioned targets have a higher prominence. X-Scissor is a notable option for Grass-types like Zarude and Celebi, although, the latter isn't aren't as prevalent as the Steel-types or Ground-types mentioned.

- Written by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Rock analysis by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Quality checked by: [[sasha, 510532], [<username2>, <userid2>]], [<username2>, <userid3>]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>]]
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ill recheck when implemented
name: Shell Smash (Rock)
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Liquidation
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Stone Edge
item: Mental Herb
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Naive
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe

Barbaracle is a potent Shell Smash sweeper partnered by with a deadly STAB combination and excellent coverage. Offering an answer against Ground-types like Excadrill, Swampert, and Krookodile, Barbaracle has earned itself a spot as a main stay on Rock teams. Shell Smash is undoubtedly a very powerful setup move and with White Herb, Barbaracle is capable of maintaining its good defensive stats to sponge priority attacks. Liquidation has a high base power, perfect accuracy and is further boosted by Tough Claws, decimating dismantles threats such as Choice Scarf Terrakion, Nidoking, and Mamoswine. Due to Pokemon like Swampert, Gastrodon, and Seismitoad posing an issue for Barbaracle's STAB moves, Grass Knot is used to utilize the special attack boosts to muscle past them. Stone Edge primarily targets combats Mantine, Kyurem, and Volcanion who are either immune to, or resist Liquidation and don't mind Grass Knot's chip damage. The given EV spread maximizes Barbaracle's speed which allows it to outpace Choice Scarf Krookodile, Choice Scarf Landorus-T after a Shell Smash boost, and maximizes damage output. A Naive nature is used to outpace Choice Scarf Krookodile, Choice Scarf Landorus-T, and Choice Scarf Adamant Zarude.

Barbaracle is capable of effortlessly sweeping Ground teams due to Liquidation and Grass Knot coverage. In return, Shuckle can set up Stealth Rock to provide chip damage on opponents and Sticky Web to slow down threats such as Excadrill in Sandstorm further enhance Barbaracle's sweeping potential. Tyranitar is also capable of setting up Stealth Rock. Additionally, Tyranitar supports Barbaracle with Sandstorm to chip down opponents, boosting it's special defense, and spreading status ailments like Toxic and Thunder Wave (list what these ailments actually do. such as paralyzing fast threats that barbaracle can outspeed without shell smashingif theyre para'd). Terrakion is able to break past Steel-types like Ferrothorn, Magnezone, and Melmetal. Nihilego takes care of physically defensive walls that Barbaracle struggles against like Slowbro, Corviknight, and Skarmory. Rhyperior is able to switch-into handles Electric-types such as Regieleki, Zapdos, and Dracozolt. Coalossal provides support with Rapid Spin and Spikes, while also being able to potentially Flame Body Steel-type Pokemon such as Scizor and Melmetal. Furthermore, Coalossal uses its Fire-typing to deal with threats like Amoonguss, Ferrothorn, and Arctozolt.

Other Options

Barbaracle may use Cross Chop to deal with Steel-types like Ferrothorn and Magnezone, however, keeping both STAB moves and Grass Knot is preferred as they target Pokemon that are more threatening to Rock-type teams are preferred and Grass Knot's mentioned targets have a higher prominence. X-Scissor is a notable option for Grass-types like Zarude and Celebi, although, the latter isn't aren't as prevalent as the Steel-types or Ground-types mentioned.

- Written by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Rock analysis by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Quality checked by: [[sasha, 510532], [<username2>, <userid2>]], [<username2>, <userid3>]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>]]
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ill recheck when implemented
name: Shell Smash (Rock)
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Liquidation
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Stone Edge
item: Mental Herb
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Naive
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe

Barbaracle is a potent Shell Smash sweeper partnered with a deadly STAB combination and excellent coverage. Offering an answer against Ground-types like Excadrill, Swampert, and Krookodile, Barbaracle has earned itself a spot as a main stay on Rock teams. Shell Smash is undoubtedly a very powerful setup move and with White Herb, Barbaracle is capable of maintaining its good defensive stats to sponge priority attacks (from who? list something that it lives as a result, if you cant think of any just remove the shell smash line altogether). Liquidation dismantles threats such as Choice Scarf Terrakion, Nidoking, and Mamoswine. Due to Pokemon like Swampert, Gastrodon, and Seismitoad posing an issue for Barbaracle's STAB moves, Grass Knot is used to utilize the special attack boosts from Shell Smash to muscle past them. Stone Edge combats Mantine, Kyurem, and Volcanion who are either immune to, or resist Liquidation and don't mind Grass Knot's chip damage. The given EV spread maximizes Barbaracle's speed which allows it to outpace Choice Scarf Krookodile, Choice Scarf Landorus-T after a Shell Smash boost, and also maximizes damage output.

Barbaracle is capable of effortlessly sweeping Ground teams due to Liquidation and Grass Knot coverage. Shuckle can set up Stealth Rock to provide chip damage on opponents and Sticky Web to slow down threats such as Excadrill in Sandstorm. Tyranitar supports Barbaracle with Sandstorm to chip down opponents and boost it's special defense. Additionally, Tyranitar cripples walls like Slowbro and Buzzwole with Toxic and slows down faster opponents such as Dragonite and Celebi using with Thunder Wave. Terrakion is able to break past Steel-types like Ferrothorn, Magnezone, and Melmetal. Nihilego takes care of physically defensive walls that Barbaracle struggles against like Slowbro, Corviknight, and Skarmory. Rhyperior is able to switch-into Electric-types such as Regieleki, Zapdos, and Dracozolt. Coalossal provides support with Rapid Spin and Spikes, while also being able to potentially trigger Flame Body against Steel-type Pokemon such as Scizor and Melmetal.

Other Options

Barbaracle may use Cross Chop to deal with Steel-types like Ferrothorn and Magnezone, however, keeping both STAB moves and Grass Knot is preferred as they target Pokemon that are more threatening to Rock-type teams. X-Scissor is a notable option for Grass-types like Zarude and Celebi, although, the latter isn't as prevalent as the Steel-types or Ground-types mentioned.

- Written by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Rock analysis by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Quality checked by: [[sasha, 510532], [<username2>, <userid2>], [<username2>, <userid3>]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>]]
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just remember to keep in mind formatting when implementing checks and stuff

qc 1/3!
name: Shell Smash (Rock)
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Liquidation
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Stone Edge
item: Mental Herb
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Naive
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe

Barbaracle is a potent Shell Smash sweeper partnered with a deadly STAB combination and excellent coverage. Offering an answer against Ground-types like Excadrill, Swampert, and Krookodile, Barbaracle has earned itself a spot as a main stay on Rock teams. Shell Smash is undoubtedly a very powerful setup move and with White Herb, Barbaracle is capable of maintaining its good defensive stats to sponge priority attacks (from who? list something that it lives as a result, if you cant think of any just remove the shell smash line altogether). Liquidation dismantles threats such as Choice Scarf Terrakion, Nidoking, and Mamoswine. Due to Pokemon like Swampert, Gastrodon, and Seismitoad posing an issue for Barbaracle's STAB moves, Grass Knot is used to utilize the special attack boosts from Shell Smash to muscle past them. Stone Edge combats Mantine, Kyurem, and Volcanion who are either immune to, or resist Liquidation and don't mind Grass Knot's chip damage. The given EV spread maximizes Barbaracle's speed which allows it to outpace Choice Scarf Krookodile, Choice Scarf Landorus-T after a Shell Smash boost, and also maximizes damage output.

Barbaracle is capable of effortlessly sweeping Ground teams due to Liquidation and Grass Knot coverage. Shuckle can set up Stealth Rock to provide chip damage on opponents and Sticky Web to slow down threats such as Excadrill in Sandstorm. Tyranitar supports Barbaracle with Sandstorm to chip down opponents and boost it's special defense. Additionally, Tyranitar cripples walls like Slowbro and Buzzwole with Toxic and slows down faster opponents such as Dragonite and Celebi using with Thunder Wave. Terrakion is able to break past Steel-types like Ferrothorn, Magnezone, and Melmetal. Nihilego takes care of physically defensive walls that Barbaracle struggles against like Slowbro, Corviknight, and Skarmory. Rhyperior is able to switch-into Electric-types such as Regieleki, Zapdos, and Dracozolt. Coalossal provides support with Rapid Spin and Spikes, while also being able to potentially trigger Flame Body against Steel-type Pokemon such as Scizor and Melmetal.

Other Options

Barbaracle may use Cross Chop to deal with Steel-types like Ferrothorn and Magnezone, however, keeping both STAB moves and Grass Knot is preferred as they target Pokemon that are more threatening to Rock-type teams. X-Scissor is a notable option for Grass-types like Zarude and Celebi, although, the latter isn't as prevalent as the Steel-types or Ground-types mentioned.

- Written by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Rock analysis by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Quality checked by: [[sasha, 510532], [<username2>, <userid2>], [<username2>, <userid3>]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>]]
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just remember to keep in mind formatting when implementing checks and stuff
View attachment 470408
qc 1/3!

name: Shell Smash (Rock)
(it got nuked last time)
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Liquidation
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Stone Edge
item: Mental Herb
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Naive
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe

Barbaracle is a potent Shell Smash sweeper partnered with a deadly STAB combination and excellent coverage. Offering an answer against Ground-types like Excadrill, Swampert, and Krookodile (Gastrodon is a nice example too, you pick it off), Barbaracle has earned itself a spot as a main stay on Rock teams. Shell Smash is undoubtedly a very powerful setup move and with White Herb, Barbaracle is capable of maintaining its good defensive stats to sponge priority attacks from Scizor, Bisharp, and Urshifu-R. Liquidation dismantles threats such as Choice Scarf Terrakion, Nidoking, and Mamoswine. Due to Pokemon like SwampertUrshifu-R(+2 4 SpA Tough Claws Barbaracle Grass Knot (100 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Urshifu-Rapid-Strike: 348-410 (102 - 120.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO), Gastrodon, and Seismitoad posing an issue for Barbaracle's STAB moves, Grass Knot is used to utilize the special attack boosts from Shell Smash to muscle past them. Stone Edge combats Mantine, Kyurem, and Volcanion who are either immune to, or resist Liquidation and don't mind Grass Knot's chip damage. The given EV spread maximizes Barbaracle's speed which allows it to outpace Choice Scarf users such as KrookodileUrshifu-R, Choice Scarf Landorus-T, and Galarian Zapdos after a Shell Smash boost, and also maximizes damage output (more like w/o dropping Special Att for Gknot).

Barbaracle is capable of effortlessly sweeping Ground teams due to Liquidation and Grass Knot coverage. Shuckle can set up Stealth Rock to provide chip damage on opponents and Sticky Web to slow down threats such as Excadrill in Sandstorm (also add Scarf Weevil, making it so it sweeps entire Ice teams [provided stone edge doesnt miss]). Tyranitar supports Barbaracle with Sandstorm to chip down opponents and boost its special defense. Additionally, Tyranitar cripples walls like Slowbro and Buzzwole with Toxic and slows down faster opponents such as Dragonite with Thunder Wave (Ttar uses a Choice Band set mainly, DDance second, and utility third [I havent seen it tbh] you can add the Toxic part later though.). Terrakion is able to break past Steel-types like Ferrothorn, Magnezone, and Melmetal* (Take note that this is Scarf Terrak most likely, so its more of a revenge killer that deals with Cinderace / similar mons rather than actually wallbreak. Though, you can mention Air balloon + Swords Dance). Nihilego takes care of physically defensive walls that Barbaracle struggles against like Slowbro, Corviknight, and Skarmory(also deals with Grasses like Zarude and Tapu Bulu which you struggle against too). Rhyperior is able to switch-into Electric-types such as Regieleki, Zapdos, and Dracozolt (Zapdos isnt an issue for rock teams. You can add that its an emergency check to Scizor and a lot of physical threats [cinderace, Exca] too). Coalossal provides support with Rapid Spin and Spikes, while also being able to potentially trigger Flame Body against Steel-type Pokemon such as Scizor and Melmetal.

Other Options

Barbaracle may use Cross Chop to deal with Steel-types like Ferrothorn and Magnezone, however, keeping both STAB moves and Grass Knot is preferred as they target Pokemon that are more threatening to Rock-type teams. X-Scissor is a notable option for Grass-types like Zarude and Celebi, although, the latter isn't as prevalent as the Steel-types or Ground-types mentioned.
*add Air Balloon as an option, lets you take advantage of Band Exca

- Written by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Rock analysis by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Quality checked by: [[sasha, 510532], [<username2>, <userid2>], [<username2>, <userid3>]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>]]
I'll recheck after your edits Giyu :blobnom:

name: Shell Smash (Rock)
(it got nuked last time)
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Liquidation
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Stone Edge
item: Mental Herb
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Naive
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe

Barbaracle is a potent Shell Smash sweeper partnered with a deadly STAB combination and excellent coverage. Offering an answer against Ground-types like Excadrill, Swampert, and Krookodile (Gastrodon is a nice example too, you pick it off), Barbaracle has earned itself a spot as a main stay on Rock teams. Shell Smash is undoubtedly a very powerful setup move and with White Herb, Barbaracle is capable of maintaining its good defensive stats to sponge priority attacks from Scizor, Bisharp, and Urshifu-R. Liquidation dismantles threats such as Choice Scarf Terrakion, Nidoking, and Mamoswine. Due to Pokemon like SwampertUrshifu-R(+2 4 SpA Tough Claws Barbaracle Grass Knot (100 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Urshifu-Rapid-Strike: 348-410 (102 - 120.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO), Gastrodon, and Seismitoad posing an issue for Barbaracle's STAB moves, Grass Knot is used to utilize the special attack boosts from Shell Smash to muscle past them. Stone Edge combats Mantine, Kyurem, and Volcanion who are either immune to, or resist Liquidation and don't mind Grass Knot's chip damage. The given EV spread maximizes Barbaracle's speed which allows it to outpace Choice Scarf users such as KrookodileUrshifu-R, Choice Scarf Landorus-T, and Galarian Zapdos after a Shell Smash boost, and also maximizes damage output (more like w/o dropping Special Att for Gknot).

Barbaracle is capable of effortlessly sweeping Ground teams due to Liquidation and Grass Knot coverage. Shuckle can set up Stealth Rock to provide chip damage on opponents and Sticky Web to slow down threats such as Excadrill in Sandstorm (also add Scarf Weevil, making it so it sweeps entire Ice teams [provided stone edge doesnt miss]). Tyranitar supports Barbaracle with Sandstorm to chip down opponents and boost its special defense. Additionally, Tyranitar cripples walls like Slowbro and Buzzwole with Toxic and slows down faster opponents such as Dragonite with Thunder Wave (Ttar uses a Choice Band set mainly, DDance second, and utility third [I havent seen it tbh] you can add the Toxic part later though.). Terrakion is able to break past Steel-types like Ferrothorn, Magnezone, and Melmetal* (Take note that this is Scarf Terrak most likely, so its more of a revenge killer that deals with Cinderace / similar mons rather than actually wallbreak. Though, you can mention Air balloon + Swords Dance). Nihilego takes care of physically defensive walls that Barbaracle struggles against like Slowbro, Corviknight, and Skarmory(also deals with Grasses like Zarude and Tapu Bulu which you struggle against too). Rhyperior is able to switch-into Electric-types such as Regieleki, Zapdos, and Dracozolt (Zapdos isnt an issue for rock teams. You can add that its an emergency check to Scizor and a lot of physical threats [cinderace, Exca] too). Coalossal provides support with Rapid Spin and Spikes, while also being able to potentially trigger Flame Body against Steel-type Pokemon such as Scizor and Melmetal.

Other Options

Barbaracle may use Cross Chop to deal with Steel-types like Ferrothorn and Magnezone, however, keeping both STAB moves and Grass Knot is preferred as they target Pokemon that are more threatening to Rock-type teams. X-Scissor is a notable option for Grass-types like Zarude and Celebi, although, the latter isn't as prevalent as the Steel-types or Ground-types mentioned.
*add Air Balloon as an option, lets you take advantage of Band Exca

- Written by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Rock analysis by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Quality checked by: [[sasha, 510532], [<username2>, <userid2>], [<username2>, <userid3>]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>]]
I'll recheck after your edits Giyu :blobnom:

name: Shell Smash (Rock)
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Liquidation
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Stone Edge
item: Mental Herb
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Naive
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe

Barbaracle is a potent Shell Smash sweeper partnered with a deadly STAB combination and excellent coverage. Offering an answer against Ground-types like Excadrill, Swampert, Gastrodon, and Krookodile (remove one of these pokemon, too many examples), Barbaracle has earned itself a spot as a main stay on Rock teams. Shell Smash is undoubtedly a very powerful setup move and with White Herb, Barbaracle is capable of maintaining its good defensive stats to sponge priority attacks from Scizor, Bisharp, and Urshifu-R. Liquidation dismantles threats such as Choice Scarf Terrakion, Nidoking, and Mamoswine. Due to Pokemon like Urshifu-R, Gastrodon, and Seismitoad posing an issue for Barbaracle's STAB moves, Grass Knot is used to utilize the special attack boosts from Shell Smash to muscle past them. Stone Edge combats Mantine, Kyurem, and Volcanion who are either immune to, or resist Liquidation. The given EV spread maximizes Barbaracle's speed which allows it to outpace Choice Scarf users such as Urshifu-R, Landorus-T, and Galarian Zapdos after a Shell Smash boost, and also maximizes damage output without hindering Grass Knot's power.

Barbaracle is capable of effortlessly sweeping Ground teams due to Liquidation and Grass Knot coverage. Shuckle can set up Stealth Rock to provide chip damage on opponents and Sticky Web to slow down threats such as Excadrill in Sandstorm and Choice Scarf Weavile so it can outpace everything on clean Ice and Ground teams. Tyranitar supports Barbaracle with Sandstorm to chip down opponents and boost its sSpecial dDefense. Additionally, Tyranitar breaks past walls like Slowbro, Bronzong, and Galarian Corsola with a Choice Band set. Choice Scarf Terrakion is able to break past deals with Magnezone (If you can find a mon better than magnezone it would be nice, you kinda bop it already), Ferrothorn, and Cinderace. Nihilego takes care of physically defensive walls that Barbaracle struggles against like Slowbro, Corviknight, and Skarmory. Furthermore, Grass-types like Zarude and Tapu Bulu are checked by Nihilego's Poison-type STAB. Rhyperior is able to switch-into threats like Regieleki, Cinderace, and Excadrill(I think you need more emphasis on how its a blanket check to phys attackers and ..well it deals with elec because its an elec immunity). Coalossal provides support with Rapid Spin and Spikes, while also being able to potentially trigger Flame Body against Steel-type Pokemon such as Scizor and Melmetal.

Other Options

Barbaracle may use Cross Chop to deal with Steel-types like Ferrothorn and Magnezone, however, keeping both STAB moves and Grass Knot is preferred as they target Pokemon that are more threatening to Rock-type teams. X-Scissor is a notable option for Grass-types like Zarude and Celebi, although, the latter isn't as prevalent as the Steel-types or Ground-types mentioned. Air Balloon allows Barbaracle to deal with Excadrill however White Herb is preffered preferred because it retains Barbaracle's defensive stats.

- Written by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Rock analysis by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Quality checked by: [[sasha, 510532], [Neko, 542526], [<username2>, <userid3>]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>]]

name: Shell Smash (Rock)
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Liquidation
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Stone Edge
item: Mental Herb
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Naive
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe

Barbaracle is a potent Shell Smash sweeper partnered with a deadly STAB combination and excellent coverage. Offering an answer against Ground-types like Excadrill, Swampert, Gastrodon, and Krookodile (remove one of these pokemon, too many examples), Barbaracle has earned itself a spot as a main stay on Rock teams. Shell Smash is undoubtedly a very powerful setup move and with White Herb, Barbaracle is capable of maintaining its good defensive stats to sponge priority attacks from Scizor, Bisharp, and Urshifu-R. Liquidation dismantles threats such as Choice Scarf Terrakion, Nidoking, and Mamoswine. Due to Pokemon like Urshifu-R, Gastrodon, and Seismitoad posing an issue for Barbaracle's STAB moves, Grass Knot is used to utilize the special attack boosts from Shell Smash to muscle past them. Stone Edge combats Mantine, Kyurem, and Volcanion who are either immune to, or resist Liquidation. The given EV spread maximizes Barbaracle's speed which allows it to outpace Choice Scarf users such as Urshifu-R, Landorus-T, and Galarian Zapdos after a Shell Smash boost, and also maximizes damage output without hindering Grass Knot's power.

Barbaracle is capable of effortlessly sweeping Ground teams due to Liquidation and Grass Knot coverage. Shuckle can set up Stealth Rock to provide chip damage on opponents and Sticky Web to slow down threats such as Excadrill in Sandstorm and Choice Scarf Weavile so it can outpace everything on clean Ice and Ground teams. Tyranitar supports Barbaracle with Sandstorm to chip down opponents and boost its sSpecial dDefense. Additionally, Tyranitar breaks past walls like Slowbro, Bronzong, and Galarian Corsola with a Choice Band set. Choice Scarf Terrakion is able to break past deals with Magnezone (If you can find a mon better than magnezone it would be nice, you kinda bop it already), Ferrothorn, and Cinderace. Nihilego takes care of physically defensive walls that Barbaracle struggles against like Slowbro, Corviknight, and Skarmory. Furthermore, Grass-types like Zarude and Tapu Bulu are checked by Nihilego's Poison-type STAB. Rhyperior is able to switch-into threats like Regieleki, Cinderace, and Excadrill(I think you need more emphasis on how its a blanket check to phys attackers and ..well it deals with elec because its an elec immunity). Coalossal provides support with Rapid Spin and Spikes, while also being able to potentially trigger Flame Body against Steel-type Pokemon such as Scizor and Melmetal.

Other Options

Barbaracle may use Cross Chop to deal with Steel-types like Ferrothorn and Magnezone, however, keeping both STAB moves and Grass Knot is preferred as they target Pokemon that are more threatening to Rock-type teams. X-Scissor is a notable option for Grass-types like Zarude and Celebi, although, the latter isn't as prevalent as the Steel-types or Ground-types mentioned. Air Balloon allows Barbaracle to deal with Excadrill however White Herb is preffered preferred because it retains Barbaracle's defensive stats.

- Written by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Rock analysis by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Quality checked by: [[sasha, 510532], [Neko, 542526], [<username2>, <userid3>]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>]]

name: Shell Smash (Rock)
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Liquidation
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Stone Edge
item: Mental Herb
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Naive
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe

Barbaracle is a potent Shell Smash sweeper partnered with a deadly STAB combination and excellent coverage. Offering an answer against Ground-types like Excadrill, Gastrodon, and Krookodile, (AC) Barbaracle has earned itself a spot as a main stay on Rock teams. Shell Smash is undoubtedly a very powerful setup move and with White Herb, Barbaracle is capable of maintaining its good defensive stats to sponge priority attacks from Scizor, Bisharp, and Urshifu-R. Liquidation dismantles threats such as Choice Scarf Terrakion, Nidoking, and Mamoswine. Due to Pokemon like Urshifu-R, Gastrodon, and Seismitoad posing an issue for Barbaracle's STAB moves, Grass Knot is used to utilize the special attack boosts from Shell Smash to muscle past them. Stone Edge combats Mantine, Kyurem, and Volcanion who are either immune to, or resist Liquidation. The given EV spread maximizes Barbaracle's speed which allows it to outpace Choice Scarf users such as Urshifu-R, Landorus-T, and Galarian Zapdos after a Shell Smash boost, and also maximizes damage output without hindering Grass Knot's power (Mention that it is the nature that does the latter, not the EV spread).

Barbaracle is capable of effortlessly sweeping Ground teams due to Liquidation and Grass Knot coverage. Shuckle can set up Stealth Rock to provide chip damage on opponents and Sticky Web to slow down threats that would otherwise threaten Barbaracle such as Excadrill in Sandstorm and Choice Scarf Weavile so it can clean Ice and Ground teams. Tyranitar supports Barbaracle with Sandstorm to chip down opponents and boost its Special Defense (Mention it can also render Cloyster and Polteageist's Focus Sash useless). Additionally, Tyranitar breaks past walls like Slowbro, Bronzong, and Galarian Corsola with a Choice Band set (Specifically mention that these pokemon annoy Barbaracle). Choice Scarf Terrakion deals with Choice Scarf Zarude, Ferrothorn, and Cinderace. Nihilego takes care of physically defensive walls that Barbaracle struggles against like Slowbro, Corviknight, and Skarmory. Furthermore, Grass-types like Zarude and Tapu Bulu are checked by Nihilego's Poison-type STAB. Rhyperior acts as a blanket check to many physical attackers like Excadrill, Cinderace, and Weavile because of its ability Solid Rock and good defenses. Coalossal provides support with Rapid Spin and Spikes, while also being able to potentially trigger Flame Body against Steel-type Pokemon such as Scizor and Melmetal.

Other Options

Barbaracle may use Cross Chop to deal with Steel-types like Ferrothorn and Magnezone, however, keeping both STAB moves and Grass Knot is preferred as they target Pokemon that are more threatening to Rock-type teams. X-Scissor is a notable option for Grass-types like Zarude and Celebi, although, the latter isn't as prevalent as the Steel-types or Ground-types mentioned. Air Balloon allows Barbaracle to deal with Excadrill, (AC) however White Herb is preferred because it retains Barbaracle's defensive stats.

- Written by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Rock analysis by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Quality checked by: [[sasha, 510532], [Neko, 542526], [<username2>, <userid3>]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>]]
QC: 3/3
Aqua Jet, 531302


Good work

name: Shell Smash (Rock)
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Liquidation
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Stone Edge
item: Mental Herb
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Naive
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe

Barbaracle is a potent Shell Smash sweeper partnered with a deadly STAB combination and excellent coverage. Offering an answer against Ground-types like Excadrill, Gastrodon, and Krookodile, (AC) Barbaracle has earned itself a spot as a main stay on Rock teams. Shell Smash is undoubtedly a very powerful setup move and with White Herb, Barbaracle is capable of maintaining its good defensive stats to sponge priority attacks from Scizor, Bisharp, and Urshifu-R. Liquidation dismantles threats such as Choice Scarf Terrakion, Nidoking, and Mamoswine. Due to Pokemon like Urshifu-R, Gastrodon, and Seismitoad posing an issue for Barbaracle's STAB moves, Grass Knot is used to utilize the special attack boosts from Shell Smash to muscle past them. Stone Edge combats Mantine, Kyurem, and Volcanion who are either immune to, or resist Liquidation. The given EV spread maximizes Barbaracle's speed which allows it to outpace Choice Scarf users such as Urshifu-R, Landorus-T, and Galarian Zapdos after a Shell Smash boost, and also maximizes damage output without hindering Grass Knot's power (Mention that it is the nature that does the latter, not the EV spread).

Barbaracle is capable of effortlessly sweeping Ground teams due to Liquidation and Grass Knot coverage. Shuckle can set up Stealth Rock to provide chip damage on opponents and Sticky Web to slow down threats that would otherwise threaten Barbaracle such as Excadrill in Sandstorm and Choice Scarf Weavile so it can clean Ice and Ground teams. Tyranitar supports Barbaracle with Sandstorm to chip down opponents and boost its Special Defense (Mention it can also render Cloyster and Polteageist's Focus Sash useless). Additionally, Tyranitar breaks past walls like Slowbro, Bronzong, and Galarian Corsola with a Choice Band set (Specifically mention that these pokemon annoy Barbaracle). Choice Scarf Terrakion deals with Choice Scarf Zarude, Ferrothorn, and Cinderace. Nihilego takes care of physically defensive walls that Barbaracle struggles against like Slowbro, Corviknight, and Skarmory. Furthermore, Grass-types like Zarude and Tapu Bulu are checked by Nihilego's Poison-type STAB. Rhyperior acts as a blanket check to many physical attackers like Excadrill, Cinderace, and Weavile because of its ability Solid Rock and good defenses. Coalossal provides support with Rapid Spin and Spikes, while also being able to potentially trigger Flame Body against Steel-type Pokemon such as Scizor and Melmetal.

Other Options

Barbaracle may use Cross Chop to deal with Steel-types like Ferrothorn and Magnezone, however, keeping both STAB moves and Grass Knot is preferred as they target Pokemon that are more threatening to Rock-type teams. X-Scissor is a notable option for Grass-types like Zarude and Celebi, although, the latter isn't as prevalent as the Steel-types or Ground-types mentioned. Air Balloon allows Barbaracle to deal with Excadrill, (AC) however White Herb is preferred because it retains Barbaracle's defensive stats.

- Written by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Rock analysis by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Quality checked by: [[sasha, 510532], [Neko, 542526], [<username2>, <userid3>]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>]]
QC: 3/3
Aqua Jet, 531302


Good work
add remove comment
ac = add comma, rc = remove comma
name: Shell Smash (Rock)
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Liquidation
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Stone Edge
item: Mental Herb
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Naive
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe

Barbaracle is a potent Shell Smash sweeper partnered with a deadly STAB combination and excellent coverage. Offering a check to an answer against Ground-types like Excadrill, Gastrodon, and Krookodile, Barbaracle has earned itself a spot as a mainstay (removed space) on Rock teams. Shell Smash is undoubtedly a very powerful setup move; (added semicolon) and with White Herb, Barbaracle is capable of maintaining its good defensive stats to sponge priority attacks from Scizor, Bisharp, and Urshifu-R. Liquidation dismantles threats such as Choice Scarf Terrakion, Nidoking, and Mamoswine. Due to Pokemon like Urshifu-R, Gastrodon, and Seismitoad posing an issue for Barbaracle's STAB moves, Grass Knot is used to utilize the Special Attack special attack boosts from Shell Smash to muscle past them. Stone Edge combats Pokemon like Mantine, Kyurem, and Volcanion who are either immune to (rc) or resist Liquidation. The given EV spread maximizes Barbaracle's Speed, speed which allows it to outpace Choice Scarf users such as Urshifu-R, Landorus-T, and Galarian Zapdos after a Shell Smash boost. (ap) A a Naive nature maximizes damage output without hindering Grass Knot's power.

Barbaracle is capable of effortlessly sweeping Ground teams due to Liquidation and Grass Knot coverage. Shuckle can set up Stealth Rock to provide chip damage on opponents and Sticky Web to slow down threats that would otherwise threaten Barbaracle, (ac) such as Excadrill in sand Sandstorm and Choice Scarf Weavile, (ac) letting it so it can clean Ice and Ground teams. Tyranitar supports Barbaracle with sand Sandstorm to chip down opponents like Polteageist and Cloyster to render their Focus Sash useless and as well as boost Barbaracle's Special Defense. Additionally, Tyranitar breaks past walls that annoy Barbaracle like Slowbro, Bronzong, and Galarian Corsola with a Choice Band set. Choice Scarf Terrakion deals with Choice Scarf Zarude, Ferrothorn, and Cinderace. Nihilego takes care of physically defensive walls that Barbaracle struggles against like Slowbro, Corviknight, and Skarmory. Furthermore, Grass-types like Zarude and Tapu Bulu are checked by Nihilego. (ap) 's Poison-type STAB. Rhyperior acts as a blanket check to many physical attackers like Excadrill, Cinderace, and Weavile because of its ability Solid Rock and good defenses. Coalossal provides support with Rapid Spin and Spikes (rc) while also being able to potentially trigger Flame Body against Steel-type Pokemon such as Scizor and Melmetal.

Other Options

Barbaracle may use Cross Chop to deal with Steel-types like Ferrothorn and Magnezone; (added semicolon) however, keeping both STAB moves and Grass Knot is preferred, (ac) as they target Pokemon that are more threatening to Rock-type teams. X-Scissor is a notable option for Grass-types like Zarude and Celebi, although (rc) the latter isn't as prevalent as the Steel-types or Ground-types mentioned. Air Balloon allows Barbaracle to deal with Excadrill, though however White Herb is preferred because it retains Barbaracle's defensive stats.

- Written by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Rock analysis by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Quality checked by: [[sasha, 510532], [Neko, 542526], [Aqua Jet, 531302]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Sulo, 528036], [<username2>, <userid2>]]

add remove comment
ac = add comma, rc = remove comma
name: Shell Smash (Rock)
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Liquidation
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Stone Edge
item: Mental Herb
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Naive
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe

Barbaracle is a potent Shell Smash sweeper partnered with a deadly STAB combination and excellent coverage. Offering a check to an answer against Ground-types like Excadrill, Gastrodon, and Krookodile, Barbaracle has earned itself a spot as a mainstay (removed space) on Rock teams. Shell Smash is undoubtedly a very powerful setup move; (added semicolon) and with White Herb, Barbaracle is capable of maintaining its good defensive stats to sponge priority attacks from Scizor, Bisharp, and Urshifu-R. Liquidation dismantles threats such as Choice Scarf Terrakion, Nidoking, and Mamoswine. Due to Pokemon like Urshifu-R, Gastrodon, and Seismitoad posing an issue for Barbaracle's STAB moves, Grass Knot is used to utilize the Special Attack special attack boosts from Shell Smash to muscle past them. Stone Edge combats Pokemon like Mantine, Kyurem, and Volcanion who are either immune to (rc) or resist Liquidation. The given EV spread maximizes Barbaracle's Speed, speed which allows it to outpace Choice Scarf users such as Urshifu-R, Landorus-T, and Galarian Zapdos after a Shell Smash boost. (ap) A a Naive nature maximizes damage output without hindering Grass Knot's power.

Barbaracle is capable of effortlessly sweeping Ground teams due to Liquidation and Grass Knot coverage. Shuckle can set up Stealth Rock to provide chip damage on opponents and Sticky Web to slow down threats that would otherwise threaten Barbaracle, (ac) such as Excadrill in sand Sandstorm and Choice Scarf Weavile, (ac) letting it so it can clean Ice and Ground teams. Tyranitar supports Barbaracle with sand Sandstorm to chip down opponents like Polteageist and Cloyster to render their Focus Sash useless and as well as boost Barbaracle's Special Defense. Additionally, Tyranitar breaks past walls that annoy Barbaracle like Slowbro, Bronzong, and Galarian Corsola with a Choice Band set. Choice Scarf Terrakion deals with Choice Scarf Zarude, Ferrothorn, and Cinderace. Nihilego takes care of physically defensive walls that Barbaracle struggles against like Slowbro, Corviknight, and Skarmory. Furthermore, Grass-types like Zarude and Tapu Bulu are checked by Nihilego. (ap) 's Poison-type STAB. Rhyperior acts as a blanket check to many physical attackers like Excadrill, Cinderace, and Weavile because of its ability Solid Rock and good defenses. Coalossal provides support with Rapid Spin and Spikes (rc) while also being able to potentially trigger Flame Body against Steel-type Pokemon such as Scizor and Melmetal.

Other Options

Barbaracle may use Cross Chop to deal with Steel-types like Ferrothorn and Magnezone; (added semicolon) however, keeping both STAB moves and Grass Knot is preferred, (ac) as they target Pokemon that are more threatening to Rock-type teams. X-Scissor is a notable option for Grass-types like Zarude and Celebi, although (rc) the latter isn't as prevalent as the Steel-types or Ground-types mentioned. Air Balloon allows Barbaracle to deal with Excadrill, though however White Herb is preferred because it retains Barbaracle's defensive stats.

- Written by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Rock analysis by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Quality checked by: [[sasha, 510532], [Neko, 542526], [Aqua Jet, 531302]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Sulo, 528036], [<username2>, <userid2>]]
View attachment 475502
Add/Fix Remove Comment
name: Shell Smash (Rock)
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Liquidation
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Stone Edge
item: Mental White (I assume?) Herb
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Naive
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe

Barbaracle is a potent Shell Smash sweeper partnered with a with its deadly STAB combination and excellent coverage. Offering a check to Ground-types like Excadrill, Gastrodon, and Krookodile, Barbaracle has earned itself a spot as made itself a mainstay on Rock teams. Shell Smash is a very powerful setup move; with White Herb, Barbaracle is capable of maintaining can maintain its good defensive stats to sponge priority attacks from Scizor, Bisharp, and Urshifu-R. Liquidation dismantles threats such as Choice Scarf Terrakion, Nidoking, and Mamoswine. Due to Pokemon like Urshifu-R, Gastrodon, and Seismitoad posing an issue for tanking Barbaracle's STAB moves, Grass Knot is used run to utilize the Special Attack boosts from Shell Smash to muscle past them. Stone Edge combats Pokemon like Mantine, Kyurem, and Volcanion who Volcanion, which are either immune to or resist or resistant to Liquidation and don't mind Grass Knot. The given EV spread maximizes Barbaracle's Speed, which allows it to outpace Choice Scarf users such as Urshifu-R, Landorus-T, and Galarian Zapdos after a Shell Smash boost. A Naive nature maximizes damage output Speed without hindering Grass Knot's power.

Barbaracle is capable of effortlessly sweeping can quickly sweep (changed from "effortlessly" bc you imply web is needed for exca. there's other stuff you can do to change things around if you want) Ground teams due to Liquidation and Grass Knot coverage. Shuckle can set up Stealth Rock to provide chip damage on opponents foes and Sticky Web to slow down threats that would otherwise threaten Barbaracle, such as Excadrill in sand and Choice Scarf Weavile, letting it clean Ice and Ground and Ice teams. Tyranitar supports Barbaracle with sand to chip down opponents foes like Polteageist and Cloyster to render their Focus Sash useless Cloyster, rendering their Focus Sashes useless, and boost Barbaracle's Special Defense. Additionally, Tyranitar breaks past walls that annoy Barbaracle like Slowbro, Bronzong, and Galarian Corsola with a Choice Band set. Choice Scarf Terrakion deals with Choice Scarf Zarude, Ferrothorn, and Cinderace. Nihilego takes care of physically defensive walls that Barbaracle struggles against like Slowbro, Corviknight, and Skarmory. Furthermore, Nihilego checks Grass-types like Zarude and Tapu Bulu are checked by Nihilego. Rhyperior acts as a blanket check to many blanket checks many physical attackers like Excadrill, Cinderace, and Weavile because of its ability Solid Rock and good defenses. bulk. Coalossal provides support with Rapid Spin and Spikes while also being able to potentially trigger potentially triggering Flame Body against Steel-type Pokemon such as Scizor and Melmetal.

Other Options

Barbaracle may use Cross Chop to deal with Steel-types like Ferrothorn and Magnezone; however, keeping both STAB moves and Grass Knot is preferred, as they target Pokemon that are more threatening to Rock teams. X-Scissor is a notable option for Grass-types like Zarude and Celebi, although the latter isn't as prevalent as the Steel-types or Ground-types mentioned. Air Balloon allows Barbaracle to deal with Excadrill, though White Herb is preferred because it retains Barbaracle's defensive stats. still preferred.

- Written by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Rock analysis by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Quality checked by: [[sasha, 510532], [Neko, 542526], [Aqua Jet, 531302]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Sulo, 528036], [Adeleine, 517429]]
GP Team done
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name: Shell Smash (Rock)
move 1: Shell Smash
move 2: Liquidation
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Stone Edge
item: Mental White (I assume?) Herb
ability: Tough Claws
nature: Naive
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe

Barbaracle is a potent Shell Smash sweeper partnered with a with its deadly STAB combination and excellent coverage. Offering a check to Ground-types like Excadrill, Gastrodon, and Krookodile, Barbaracle has earned itself a spot as made itself a mainstay on Rock teams. Shell Smash is a very powerful setup move; with White Herb, Barbaracle is capable of maintaining can maintain its good defensive stats to sponge priority attacks from Scizor, Bisharp, and Urshifu-R. Liquidation dismantles threats such as Choice Scarf Terrakion, Nidoking, and Mamoswine. Due to Pokemon like Urshifu-R, Gastrodon, and Seismitoad posing an issue for tanking Barbaracle's STAB moves, Grass Knot is used run to utilize the Special Attack boosts from Shell Smash to muscle past them. Stone Edge combats Pokemon like Mantine, Kyurem, and Volcanion who Volcanion, which are either immune to or resist or resistant to Liquidation and don't mind Grass Knot. The given EV spread maximizes Barbaracle's Speed, which allows it to outpace Choice Scarf users such as Urshifu-R, Landorus-T, and Galarian Zapdos after a Shell Smash boost. A Naive nature maximizes damage output Speed without hindering Grass Knot's power.

Barbaracle is capable of effortlessly sweeping can quickly sweep (changed from "effortlessly" bc you imply web is needed for exca. there's other stuff you can do to change things around if you want) Ground teams due to Liquidation and Grass Knot coverage. Shuckle can set up Stealth Rock to provide chip damage on opponents foes and Sticky Web to slow down threats that would otherwise threaten Barbaracle, such as Excadrill in sand and Choice Scarf Weavile, letting it clean Ice and Ground and Ice teams. Tyranitar supports Barbaracle with sand to chip down opponents foes like Polteageist and Cloyster to render their Focus Sash useless Cloyster, rendering their Focus Sashes useless, and boost Barbaracle's Special Defense. Additionally, Tyranitar breaks past walls that annoy Barbaracle like Slowbro, Bronzong, and Galarian Corsola with a Choice Band set. Choice Scarf Terrakion deals with Choice Scarf Zarude, Ferrothorn, and Cinderace. Nihilego takes care of physically defensive walls that Barbaracle struggles against like Slowbro, Corviknight, and Skarmory. Furthermore, Nihilego checks Grass-types like Zarude and Tapu Bulu are checked by Nihilego. Rhyperior acts as a blanket check to many blanket checks many physical attackers like Excadrill, Cinderace, and Weavile because of its ability Solid Rock and good defenses. bulk. Coalossal provides support with Rapid Spin and Spikes while also being able to potentially trigger potentially triggering Flame Body against Steel-type Pokemon such as Scizor and Melmetal.

Other Options

Barbaracle may use Cross Chop to deal with Steel-types like Ferrothorn and Magnezone; however, keeping both STAB moves and Grass Knot is preferred, as they target Pokemon that are more threatening to Rock teams. X-Scissor is a notable option for Grass-types like Zarude and Celebi, although the latter isn't as prevalent as the Steel-types or Ground-types mentioned. Air Balloon allows Barbaracle to deal with Excadrill, though White Herb is preferred because it retains Barbaracle's defensive stats. still preferred.

- Written by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Rock analysis by: [[Giyu, 574288]]
- Quality checked by: [[sasha, 510532], [Neko, 542526], [Aqua Jet, 531302]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Sulo, 528036], [Adeleine, 517429]]
View attachment 479621GP Team done
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