ORAS OU Banded Crawdaunt + Defensive SubPunch Breloom


Silksong when
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crawdaunt shuffle.png scizor-mega shuffle.png landorus-therian shuffle.png breloom shuffle.png magnezone shuffle.png latias shuffle.png
Hello everyone, this is Fireflame479 here, and welcome to my fifth Gen 6 RMT (really third, since the first two were bad). After getting back into competitive OU, I made this team as my third one, and I had a huge ladder climb of over 1200. I peaked at around 1650, which is my personal best. Lately, though, I've fallen to around 1580 and been quite stagnant as of late. This was supposed to be my 100 posts. Oops. I'm posting this today as a takeoff for ORAS, as Sun and Moon came out! :)

The inspiration from this team first came from Crawdaunt + Mega Scizor. I've always wanted to use Crawdaunt, as it does massive damage to pretty much anything. Although slow, I've seen Crawdaunt played to a decent effectiveness and OU, and I wanted to try it out for myself. Mega Scizor is my favorite OU Pokemon, and Crawdaunt and Mega Scizor pair with each other very nicely. Later, during the teambuilding stage, I watched a Showdown video (can't remember which), and half of their team was wrecked by a physically defensive SubPunch Breloom with Leech Seed. This seemed super cool to try out, so I put it on this team. Hopefully, your rates will improve this team, so give the best rates you can!

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I built this team as a balanced team centered around Crawdaunt and Mega Scizor, and the main goal of this team is to provide Crawdaunt with as many opportunities to wallbreak in order for Mega Scizor to sweep late-game. The team tries to support Crawdaunt + Mega Scizor while also helping Breloom do its job. The team features a physicalp wallbreaker in Crawdaunt and a special wallbreaker and revenge killer in Magnezone. Landorus-T, Mega Scizor, and Latias make up the backbone of this team while providing status, hazards, and hazard removal. Breloom is here to be Breloom. The team also features a VoltTurn core in the form of Mega Scizor, Landorus-T, and Magnezone. The teambuilding process is below if you want to read it.


Naturally, I started off with Crawdaunt, which is the physical wallbreaker of this team. Due to its STAB combination, which includes Knock Off, and Adaptability, Crawdaunt punches holes in most defensive Pokemon and can even OHKO certain offensive ones.

I wanted this team to utilize a Crawdaunt + Bulky Mega Scizor core, so I put Mega Scizor in. Mega Scizor serves as the primary wincon and physical sweeper. Bulky Mega Scizor also serves as a bulky pivot who provides a slow U-turn to bring in Crawdaunt safely. Crawdaunt kills the Fire-types that threaten Scizor, while Mega Scizor beats the Fairy-, Bug-, and Grass-types that threaten Crawdaunt.

I needed another physical wall who also sets hazards and creates a VoltTurn core with Scizor. Landorus-T was the perfect fit, as it provided all these things while checking Electric- and Fighting-types, my only two weaknesses as of now. Landorus-T also provides a Ground-immunity for this team and is able to punish physical attackers.

With only a weakness to Water, I had some wiggle room to pick a Pokemon I wanted to use. As I said in the intro, I was intrigued with defensive SubPunch Breloom. So I put it in, and it has been working wonders ever since. It does so much damage with no attack investment, even with resisted hits. It's able to heal up so much HP while causing chaos. Breloom also resists Scald and is the status absorber for the team.

I wanted a special wallbreaker with good revenge-killing capabilities, access to Volt Switch to improve the VoltTurn core, and the ability to hit Flying-types super-effectively. I decided on Magnezone. I alwats wanted to use Magnezone, and it seemed like a good fit, as all of its weaknesses are covered barring Fighting.

I needed a special wall that resisted Fighting who has reliable recovery, access to Defog, and status. I decided on Mew, who has all of these things. This was the Defog variant with no Taunt. Mew was very effective at crippling physical attackers, and it provided an overall solid switch-in to numerous special attackers.

After playing with this team for a while, I realized that my team had an overbearing weakness to Fire-types, specifically special attacking Fire-types. My only Fire resist was Crawdaunt, which I'm not going to use as my main resist. Mega Charizard Y, Volcanion, and Volcarona mowed through my team. I still needed a special wall who resisted Fighting who did all of the aforementioned things, but this Pokemon also has to check Fire-types. I decided on Latias, which made the team much more effective. Although I have 3 Pokemon weak to Ice, I have 3 resists.


Crawdaunt @ Choice Band
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
Knock Off
Aqua Jet

This is the powerhouse that I built my team around. Choice Band Crawdaunt serves as the main physical wallbreaker of this team as well as a pseudo-revenge killer and a decent check to defensive-oriented teams. Crawdaunt just pumps out so much damage with its STAB combination and Adaptability, OHKOing most offensive Pokemon on the switch, OHKOing some defensive Pokemon such as Hippowdown, and 2HKOing bulky Pokemon, such as Tangrowth, Amoonguss, Landorus-T, Garchomp, and Rotom-W. Crawdaunt can even 2HKO Pokemon on resisted hits. Furthermore, Crawdaunt provides nice utility in removing items with Knock Off, and this combined with Crawdaunt's sheer power helps Mega Scizor sweep late-game. Although Crawdaunt sits at a terrible speed tier, it is enough to outspeed most defensive Pokemon in OU.

Knock Off is Crawdaunt's main wallbreaking tool and most spammable move. It does huge chunks to anything that doesn't resist it, OHKOing and 2HKOing more than half of the tier. Since Crawdaunt forces switches, Knock Off punishes that by removing an item, most likely an item from a check to Crawdaunt. After being hit by a Knock Off, normal Crawdaunt switch-ins are no longer switch-ins, giving my team more offensive pressure. Crabhammer serves as Crawdaunt's secondary wallbreaking tool, and it is mainly used to hit something that would otherwise resist Knock Off. It also allows me to achieve certain OHKOs or 2HKOs, such as the 2HKO on Landorus-T, Garchomp, and bulky Mega Scizor as well as the OHKO on other Pokemon such as Mega Lopunny, Weavile, and Heatran. It can also OHKO Mega Charizard Y through sun. Aqua Jet is here as Crawdaunt's mandatory revenge killing tool. Aqua Jet really helps in patching up Crawdaunt's poor speed, and it can even 2HKO faster threats, such as Mega Lopunny, Tornadus-T, Heatran, Mega Charizard Y through sun, and Weavile. Aqua Jet can even OHKO Mega Diancie and Excadrill. Lastly, Crunch is the filler move in order to hit Mega Pokemon harder than Knock Off. Crunch guarantees the OHKO on defensive Mega Latias and it is most likely a 2HKO on defensive Mega Venusaur. It's other coverage options are poor. Superpower, Rock Slide, and Aerial Ace are too situational to be used on a wallbreaker. Choice Band + Adaptability maximizes Crawdaunt's wallbreaking power, while the EV spread and nature makes Crawdaunt as fast and as powerful as possible.


Scizor @ Scizorite
Ability: Light Metal
EVs: 248 HP / 56 Def / 200 SpD / 4 Spe
Impish Nature
Swords Dance
Bullet Punch

Mega Scizor serves as the main physical sweeper of this team, the main wincon, and a bulky pivot. After all enemy Scizor answers are eliminated, Mega Scizor is able to sweep through whole teams with Technician-boosted Bullet Punch after a Swords Dance boost. Furthermore, with a bulky spread, Mega Scizor is able to function as a great pivot. Combined with a slow U-turn and reliable recovery, Mega Scizor can safely bring in Crawdaunt or Breloom if need be. Mega Scizor also checks so many Pokemon in the current metagame, which helps my team out so much. It checks Bisharp, Mega Diancie, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Lopunny, bulky Grass-types, Diggersby, bulky Ground-types, Latios, Latias, Clefable, Terrakion, Weavile, Tyranitar, and Kyurem-B.

Swords Dance is a necessity, as it allows Mega Scizor to have more power in order to sweep, which it sorely needs. Mega Scizor can easily set up a Swords Dance on most defensive Pokemon, such as Landorus-T and Garchomp, as well as offensive Pokemon that can't 2HKO it, such as Scizor, Diggersby, and Mega Lopunny. Roost is another move that's necessary to have on bulky Mega Scizor. With it, Mega Scizor can constantly stay healthy throughout the game, healing up any chip damage taken from Pokemon or hazards. Roost also allows Mega Scizor to set up on the Pokemon that can't 2HKO it. Roost also helps Scizor function as an effective defensive pivot. Bullet Punch is Mega Scizor's main STAB move, and it allows me to sweep late-game due to its priority. Combined with Technician and STAB, Bullet Punch turns into a potent attack, boasting a 90 base power. It's capable of 2HKOing a lot of the tier after a Swords Dance boost. U-turn is Mega Scizor's last move and secondary STAB move. Since Mega Scizor forces a lot of switches, U-turn is a great move for doing chip damage for a late-game sweep while also gaining momentum for the whole team. U-turn further's Mega Scizor's role of being a defensive pivot, and it does decent damage when behind a base 150 Attack stat. Light Metal is used before Mega Evolving so Scizor takes less damage from Low Kick. Scizorite grants Scizor the ability to Mega Evolve. The EV spread and nature is the standard defensive EV spread but without the Attack investment. The 44 Atk EVs do nothing, while investing in 56 Def EVs enables Mega Scizor to avoid the 2HKO from Mega Lopunny's High Jump Kick. 4 Speed EVs are used to Roost first against opposing defensive Mega Scizor.


Landorus-Therian @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP / 20 Atk / 224 Def / 8 SpD / 8 Spe
Impish Nature
Stone Edge
Stealth Rock

Landorus-T is the main physical wall, pivot, and hazard setter of this team. I don't really like using it but it's just so good at what it does. Landorus-T's main jobs are to set Stealth Rock and punish physical attackers with the combination of its bulk, Rocky Helmet, and Intimidate. I almost always lead with Landorus-T due to its good matchup against other common hazard leads - it can set up early hazards and start providing pressure. Landorus-T offers much appreciated role compression for this team: a physical wall, Fighting resist, bulky pivot, hazard setter, Ground and Electric immunity, VoltTurn core, and the ability to punish physical attackers. Furthermore, Landorus-T serves as a check to numerous Pokemon in the tier, such as Talonflame, Excadrill, Mega Charizard X, Tyranitar, and Heatran. Moreover, Landorus-T sits at a great speed tier of base 91 Speed for a defensive Pokemon, which outspeeds other walls like Rotom-W, Tangrowth, and Clefable.

Earthquake is the main STAB move for consistent chip damage to anything that doesn't resist it. It does a decent chunk to Clefable to the point where it needs to start using Soft-Boiled. It also OHKOes several offensive threats that cannot KO Landorus-T, such as Excadrill and Mega Diancie. Earthquake gives me a reliable way to deal with Mega Charizard X, punishing it if it uses Dragon Dance. Stone Edge serves as a coverage move to check Talonflame and Mega Pinsir. Stone Edge also does nice chip damage to common Landorus-T switch-ins that are immune to Earthquake, most notably Tornadus-T and Rotom-W. U-turn is a necessity on Landorus-T just because how great of a move it is. Due to how many switches Landorus-T forces, U-turn gains momentum for the team while doing decent chip damage. Furthermore, Landorus-T provides a slow U-turn, allowing it to bring in teammates safely. If I don't lead with Landorus-T, I can bluff a Choice Scarf set by sending it into a defensive Pokemon that it outspeeds. Stealth Rock allows Landorus-T to fulfill its role as a hazard setter. It is a very reliable hazard setter due to its speed tier and matchup spread. Landorus-T is my only hazard setter, so I'm looking to set them early and preserve Landorus-T for hazards later on. Stealth Rock provides great chip damage that allows Mega Scizor to sweep more easily. Rocky Helmet + Intimidate really shuts down and punishes physical attackers. The EV spread and nature maximizes Landorus-T's physical bulk. The 8 SpD EVs ensure that Mega Manectric's HP Ice never OHKOes, and the 8 Spe EVs allow Landorus-T to outspeed positive-natured base 50s, namely Azumarill. The 20 Atk EVs ensure that Landorus-T's Stone Edge will always OHKO Thundurus after it takes a round of Life Orb recoil or Stealth Rock damage.


Breloom @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 236 HP / 220 Def / 52 Spe
Impish Nature
Leech Seed
Focus Punch

Meet the monstrosity himself, physically defensive SubPunch Breloom! Honestly, this thing has just won me games literally all by itself. It can easily 6-0 teams that don't see SubPunch Breloom coming, which most teams don't. Breloom also offers some qualities that benefit the team as a whole. For one, due to Toxic Orb + Poison Heal, Breloom is able to serve as an effective status absorber, which allows me to easily switch into Thunder Waves, Toxics, or Will-O-Wisps. Secondly, Breloom just does so much damage with Focus Punch without Attack investment. This enables Breloom to easily break down both offensive and defensive Pokemon. Breloom can even 2HKO through resisted hits. Breloom also provides status for the team, and it heals like a monster with Leech Seed + Poison Heal. This thing is just too good.

Spore is the first move on this Breloom set so Breloom is able to successfully set up Substitutes. Because most teams think that this is a regular Breloom, and since Breloom forces a lot of switches, I can put a switch-in to Sleep, which allows me to set up a free Substitute. This puts the opponent in a lose-lose situation: If they stay in, I get a free Substitute and are at risk of being hit by Leech Seed or Focus Punch. If they switch-out, I still get a free Substitute. Leech Seed is here just because of how good it is on this Breloom set. Leech Seed allows Breloom to beat defensive cores that lack a Grass-type, since the residual damage + Focus Punch racks up quickly. Secondly, Leech Seed + Poison Heal basically heal the cost of a Substitute (they heal ~24%), which means that I can successfully Substitute stall while slowly whittling down the foe. Leech Seed also punishes opponents who are persistent in trying to break my Substitute. Substitute is a necessity on this set due to Focus Punch. It is extremely easy to set up Substitutes in any game thanks to Spore and switches. The amount of healing Breloom has, especially behind a Substitute, is extremely overwhelming for the opponent. Due to Poison Heal + Leech Seed, I am able to continuously set up Substitutes. Furthermore, there are a lot of things that can't break the Substitute, which I will leave in the hide tab below. Lastly, Focus Punch is the only attacking move on this set, and a powerful one at that. Once Breloom uses Focus Punch on the first turn, the opponent is forced to break my Sub so I can't use it again, which means that they take a huge chunk from Focus Punch. Focus Punch basically OHKOes any offensive Pokemon and 2HKOes or 3HKOes most walls, even through resisted hits. The given EVs and Impish maximize Breloom's physical bulk while gaining maximum recovery off of Poison Heal and outspeeding uninvested base 75s with a bit of speed creep. They also allow some moves to not break Substitute. Poison Heal + Toxic Orb allows Breloom to avoid status and heal more than Leftovers.
* = Roll

azumarill icon.png
Banded Azumarill:
Aqua Jet
azumarill icon.png
AV Azumarill:
Aqua Jet, Waterfall*, Knock Off
bisharp icon.png
Sucker Punch*
ferrothorn icon.png
Power Whip
garchomp icon.png
Tank Garchomp:
Earthquake, Dragon Tail
gliscor icon.png
: Earthquake, Knock Off
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Mega Gyarados:
Waterfall, Crunch
hippowdon icon.png
jirachi icon.png
Scarf Jirachi:
landorus-therian icon.png
Defensive Landorus-T:
U-turn, Earthquake
landorus-therian icon.png
Scarf Landorus-T:
U-turn*, Knock Off, Earthquake*
lopunny-mega icon.png
Mega Lopunny:
Fake Out
manectric-mega icon.png
Mega Manectric:
Volt Switch*
rotom-wash icon.png
Volt Switch
sableye-mega icon.png
Mega Sableye:
Foul Play, Knock Off, Snarl
skarmory icon.png
Iron Head
slowbro icon.png
starmie icon.png
Defensive Starmie:
tangrowth icon.png
Knock Off, Giga Drain, Earthquake
tornadus-therian icon.png
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Defensive Tyranitar:
Stone Edge/Crunch
tyranitar icon.png
Scarf Tyranitar:
Crunch, Stone Edge*
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Defensive Zapdos:
0 SpA Volt Switch*

Magnezone @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe
Volt Switch
Flash Cannon
Hidden Power [Fire]

Magnezone is the primary revenge killer and special attacker of the team. Magnezone does a good amount of damage with its main STAB moves, and it further enhances the VoltTurn core combined with Mega Scizor and Landorus-T. Magnezone also checks and traps Steel-types that would get in the way of Mega Scizor's sweep, notably Skarmory, other Scizor, and Ferrothorn. Magnezone also sports a huge amount of resistances, so its actually able to switch into some attacks before Volt Switching out. Lastly, Magnezone is surprisingly fast with a Choice Scarf, outspeeding all Pokemon lower than base 115, making it a good revenge killer against faster threats, such as Mega Charizard Y, Mega Pinsir, Mega Gyarados, and Thundurus.

Volt Switch is the primary STAB move that Magnezone will use early-game and throughout the rest of the game. Volt Switch does nice chip damage to anything that doesn't resist it and it allows my team to gain momentum off of an opponent's switch. With a Choice Scarf, Volt Switch enables Magnezone to turn into a relatively fast pivot, so Magnezone can switch out of a bad situation while doing some damage. Thunderbolt is Magnezone's strongest wallbreaking tool, OHKOing faster threats, such as Mega Charizard and Manaphy after prior damage. Thunderbolt also 2HKOes most of the metagame if they aren't OHKOed, such as Bisharp. Thunderbolt is my main way of killing Skarmory after I trap it, and it OHKOes physically defensive variants. Flash Cannon serves as Magnezone's secondary STAB move. Much like Thunderbolt, it can 2HKO Pokemon that don't resist it, and it serves as a way of dealing with Clefable and Ground- and Dragon-types that resist Thunderbolt. Lastly, Hidden Power Fire is mandatory, as Magnet Pull + HP Fire is Magnezone's niche. With Hidden Power, Magnezone is able to trap and eliminate Steel-types, namely Ferrothorn, and Mega Scizor. This opens the door for my own Mega Scizor to sweep late-game. Although it doesn't OHKO them, Magnezone is faster than both of them and can 2HKO them before they can do anything. Choice Scarf bolsters Magnezone's speed to acceptable levels, allowing it to outpace fully invested Pokemon under base 115 speed. The given EV spread and nature maximizes Magnezone's speed and power.


Latias @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 68 SpD / 192 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
Thunder Wave

Latias serves as the main special wall and hazard remover of the team. This is more of a defensive Latias set, but I needed a reliable special defense wall that can remove hazards, check Fire-types, and has status and recovery. Latias seemed like the perfect fit. The main reason why I chose Latias as a replacement for Mew was that Latias resists Fire-type moves and can actually handle Fire-type special attackers barring Volcarona. Latias is also extremely bulky, and is able to switch into numerous attacks from special attackers. Normally, I pivot into Latias to absorb a hit and then just use Defog or Thunder Wave. Latias also checks numerous threats in OU, including Keldeo, Breloom, and Mega Manectric, among others.

Psyshock serves as the obligatory attacking move on this set. It gives Latias consistent damage output and stops it from becoming Taunt bait. Psyshock enables Latias to deal with Keldeo, Breloom, Fairy-types, Amoonguss, and Mega Venusaur. Psyshock does reliable chip damage to the point where Mega Scizor or Crawdaunt can sweep the opponent late-game. Thunder Wave is here because it is the best move in the game. Latias can neutralize and cripple threats, such as Bisharp, making them much easier to deal with. Thunder Wave also punishes any Pokemon that wants to use Latias as setup bait as well as punishing potential switch-ins. Defog serves as Latias's hazard removing tool. Latias has a decent time switching into attacks and then safely Defogging afterwards. Normally, I only Defog if only the opponent has entry hazards and I don't, but I will Defog if the opponent has way too much. Lastly, Recover is mandatory on this Latias set, as it allows Latias to stay healthy throughout the match and continuously check special attackers. I can safely Recover on Pokemon that don't 2HKO Latias, such as Mega Charizard Y and Magnezone, and then proceed to get rid of hazards, use Thunder Wave, or get chip damage in with Psyshock. Levitate allows Latias to be immune to Ground-type moves, while Leftovers gives Latias passive recovery. The EVs are a bit more defensive. 192 Spe EVs with a Timid nature enable Latias to outspeed positive-natured base 100s and max speed Garchomp. The rest of the EVs are placed into HP and SpD to maximize Latias's special bulk.

Past Members:

Mew @ Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 252 HP / 224 SpD / 32 Spe
Careful Nature
Knock Off

Originally, I had Mew as my dedicated special wall that provided utility. Mew used to be the hazard remover, which is why I chose the Defog set. Mew was able to switch into a decent amount of special attacks, and after that, would start crippling Pokemon or using Defog. Soft-Boiled was used as a means of consistent recovery. Will-O-Wisp allowed Mew to punish physical attackers while getting chip damage across the board, something Latias lacks. Knock Off was Mew's last move, dealing decent chip damage while having utility in removing items. It also prevented Mew from becoming Taunt bait. The set is standard, with the given EVs maximizing Mew's physical bulk while allowing it to outspeed Jolly Tyranitar and neutral-natured base 70s. However, I decided to replace Mew for Latias because I had no switch-in to powerful Fire-type special attackers. Latias was able to do that while retaining what Mew had to offer to the table: status, recovery, and hazard removal.

So after playing with this team, I have discovered several threats, both major and minor.

Strong Fire-type Special Attackers:

These are listed in the order of threat. Strong Fire-type special attackers are by far the most threatening Pokemon to my team once Latias goes down. They can OHKO or 2HKO my whole team outside of Latias. Latias can wall non-Dragon Pulse variants of Mega Charizard Y and non-HP Ice variants of Volcanion. However, Crawdaunt does minimum 51% to Mega Charizard Y in sun, and it can OHKO Volcanion after rocks. Also, scarf Magnezone outspeeds and can OHKO both of them after some prior damage. Volcarona is harder to deal with, as it can hit 5 of my Pokemon for super effective damage, including Latias. However, Crawdaunt OHKOes Volcarona with Aqua Jet, and Landorus-T can survive any attack Volcarona goes for and OHKO it with Stone Edge. Getting Stealth Rock up is crucial for all of these, though.

Mega Manectric:

Mega Manectric has the ability to hit my whole team for super effective damage due to its excellent coverage and can outspeed my whole team. If Landorus-T is at full, I can always survive an HP Ice an OHKO Mega Manectric with Earthquake. If it gets worn down, Crawdaunt's Aqua Jet does minimum 35%. Furthermore, Latias walls Mega Manectric, as its HP Ice does max 37%, while Latias can Recover stall and 3HKO Manectric with Psyshock.


Much like Mega Manectric, Zapdos can hit my whole team for super effective damage if it carries Heat Wave and HP Ice on the same set. Volt Switch variants are easier to deal with, as it forces Zapdos out. Defog + Roost sets aren't a problem, as that means Zapdos isn't carrying Heat Wave or HP Ice, so I can switch out into my respective checks. I also have no way of doing meaningful damage to Zapdos. Crawdaunt does minimum 67% with Knock Off, but that only works on the switch. Magnezone will never 2HKO Zapdos with Thunderbolt. My best bet is to weaken Zapdos down with Stealth Rock and kill it with Crawdaunt's Aqua Jet or Magnezone.


Kyurem-B can hit 5 of my Pokemon for super effective damage. It is very difficult to switch into, but Mega Scizor completely walls any normal Kyurem-B variant (scarf, band, mixed, specs, etc.). Mega Scizor can also 2HKO it with Bullet Punch and OHKO it at +2. Magnezone 2HKOes with Flash Cannon, and if Breloom is behind a Substitute, it OHKOes Kyurem-B with Focus Punch.

Mega Metagross:

Mega Metagross can hit 5 of my Pokemon for super effective damage. Other than that, it isn't too much of an issue. Mega Scizor walls Mega Metagross and can use it as setup fodder. If behind a Substitute, Breloom does a decent amount with Focus Punch, and Magnezone can revenge kill Metagross. Crawdaunt can also OHKO Mega Metagross with Crunch on the switch.

Mega Medicham:

The stupidest Pokemon in OU, Mega Medicham can OHKO or 2HKO my whole team. However, Crawdaun't Aqua Jet does minimum 54%, Magnezone outspeeds and 2HKOes Medicham, Scizor's Bullet Punch does a lot, and Breloom's Focus Punch has a chance to 2HKO.

So after playing with this team for a while, it seems to be pretty effective. I can opt for another move on Crawdaunt instead of Crunch, but being able to 2HKO Mega Venusaur and hit other megas that resist Water harder than Knock Off is appealing. I exclusively use Bulky Mega Scizor, and offensive Mega Scizor is not an option for me. I can use Facade on Breloom instead of another move, but I don't think Breloom has the space for it. I can run Dragon Pulse over Psyshock on Latias, but I just find Psyshock more useful. I can also run Toxic over Thunder Wave on Latias. I have tried both, and I have found Thunder Wave to be more useful in terms of what offensive checks switch into Latias, such as Bisharp. Healing Wish is an option, but I don't know if my team needs Healing Wish support. I can possibly bring Mew back, but as of now, it has under-performed compared to Latias.

Otherwise, that's the end of my RMT. The Importable and the Replays are just below this if you want to check them out. Thank you in advance for any feedback and advice/help/changes you put into this team!

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Crawdaunt @ Choice Band
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Crabhammer
- Aqua Jet
- Crunch

Scizor @ Scizorite
Ability: Light Metal
EVs: 248 HP / 56 Def / 200 SpD / 4 Spe
Impish Nature
- Swords Dance
- Roost
- Bullet Punch
- U-turn

Breloom @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 236 HP / 220 Def / 52 Spe
Impish Nature
- Spore
- Leech Seed
- Substitute
- Focus Punch

Latias @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 68 SpD / 192 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psyshock
- Thunder Wave
- Defog
- Recover

Landorus-Therian @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP / 20 Atk / 224 Def / 8 SpD / 8 Spe
Impish Nature
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- U-turn
- Stealth Rock

Magnezone @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe
- Volt Switch
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Hidden Power [Fire]



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I really love the team bro !!

I've tried to use this Loom in OU but failed each time, because of so many things including venu clefa sableye.... Using crawdaunt, and above all banded crunch is genius man!! I wish I had thought to it before, and I'm so glad you built a team with both. You also have a magical backbone in physical lando and spdef latias.
I really have nothing to say since it's exactly what I could dream for a subpunch loom team.

I'm really surprised you didn't get higher, at first glance this team is able to destroy everyhting, you know how to build well... 1580, really? You can get 1900 with this man :)) I'm serious and I'm sure other people will agree, because it is well-built

Looking forward to see another supercool team of yours, fireflame! ;)
I really love the team bro !!

I've tried to use this Loom in OU but failed each time, because of so many things including venu clefa sableye.... Using crawdaunt, and above all banded crunch is genius man!! I wish I had thought to it before, and I'm so glad you built a team with both. You also have a magical backbone in physical lando and spdef latias.
I really have nothing to say since it's exactly what I could dream for a subpunch loom team.

I'm really surprised you didn't get higher, at first glance this team is able to destroy everyhting, you know how to build well... 1580, really? You can get 1900 with this man :)) I'm serious and I'm sure other people will agree, because it is well-built

Looking forward to see another supercool team of yours, fireflame! ;)
Thanks a lot man! I appreciate the enthusiasm.

This team is probably the best one I built. I got up to ~1650-1700 with this team. I fell to 1580 because I was trying out a new team using Mega Beedrill + Poliwrath, which was subpar. I polished it up a bit (AKA getting rid of Poliwrath) but never got the chance to do an RMT because of Sun and Moon. Maybe I'll do it in the future after Sun and Moon RMTs start and the "Past Generations" will still be active to review ORAS. Thanks again!
Hey man, the team looks really fun to use, I generally don't give rates on OU teams, but this one looks so fresh and basically well-built.
As ktutverde said, banded crawdaunt with crunch is genius for luring stuff like venusaur for breloom. As far as the threat list goes yeah volcarona seems like a big one. Luckily it isn't that common and if it is offensive you can 1 shot it with crawdaunt after chipping a bit and the defensive variants lack the ability to 1hko lando-t at +1, thus easily dying by a stone edge. Just a nitpick, I just feel this team will like offensive latias more than the specially defensive version you have right, it still checks the same stuff while providing healing wish and in general it isn't that passive like the set you have right now. Also, defensive venusaur seems like an annoyance, as your current variant of latias does about 38% using psyshock so venu just leech seeds stalls you. It isn't that big of a issue you can eventually beat it after chipping it with various mons, but just something to consider.(Anyways, it will either have leech seed or hp fire, so you can potentially beat it with lati or mega-zor).
Well, again pretty great team, I suggest you play more games with it, sub-punch breloom isn't exactly what people generally prepare for ad it dismantles most balanced cores pretty effectively so you can get pretty high up the ladder with it.
Best of Luck!!! :)