Balanced OU RMT

This is my new team and it is quite good as it has won me quite a few games and only lost me three on wifi. I would have posted picture of the pokemon but I dont know where you get them.

Ninjask @ Leftovers
248 HP / 52 Atk / 184 Def / 24 Spe
- Protect
- Substitute
- X-Scissor
- Baton Pass

He starts the game of for me by stalling for speed boosts. I chose him as my lead because i wanted to set up my swampert for a sweep because of the speed boosts I got from ninjask I could just baton pass it on to swampert. I am however considiering another lead because some people i have battled have switch to a scizor and used swords dance with it and so when i baton pass they kill most of my team.

Swampert @ Leftovers
240 HP / 216 Def /52 SpA
- Earthquake
- Roar
- Surf
- Ice Beam

As i mentioned before i baton pass speed boosts from ninjask on to him so that he can sweep alot of teams because he can take hits very well and can also dish them out very well so by increasing his speed i thought that i would increase his sweeping abilities however this has not worked so well as most people have countered it and so i was thinking about switching him with another pokemon.

Dragonite @ Life Orb
112 Atk / 200 SpA / 196 Spe
- Fire Blast
- Roost
- Draco meteor
- Superpower

Dragonite is my other special sweeper and I prefer to keep him hidden until necessary. I was originally running a Mixmence over him but I didnt have a move to hit pokemon such as snorlax very well and so I decided to switch to dragonite. He also has a few advantages over salamence because he can take hits better and has access to super power.

Scizor @ Choice Band
248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 spe
- Super power
- Bullet Punch
- Pursuit
- U-Turn

My scizor has alot of power with choice band but is very limited and so he can only take out one or two pokes at a time. I think that the swords dance set would probably favour him alot more though so I might switch to using that.

Snorlax @ Leftovers
Careful (Thick Fat)
168 HP / 120 Def / 220 SpD
- Body Slam
- Crunch
- Selfdestruct
- Curse

He is probably the highest performing poke on my team. He has usually takes out 3 pokes in a battle because alot of people are not prepared for him. Thick fat helps him take fire and ice attacks well which is a good bonus. Crunch is there to deal with psychics. Body slam is there for STAB and the paralyze boost has helped me in a few battles. Selfdestruct is there because he has no healing move and so i would use it take out a poke when snorlax is on low health.

Uxie @ Leftovers
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
- Yawn
- Thunderbolt
- U-turn
- Stealth Rock

Uxie is my tank and she takes hits for my other pokes. But looking at it now I dont see why I have her on my team. She can only take a few hits before she dies because she lacks a decent recovery move. I might replace her with dusknoir of something like that.
Definitely change your lead. Nothing on your team, barring Dragonite, really benefits from the speed boosts Ninjask can baton pass, and both Dragonite and Ninjask share the rock and ice weakness, so it won't be easy for your dragon to come in (unless your opponent is dumb and lets you stat-up from behind the sub).
Swampert is too slow (not to mention that you're using a -spe nature) and without atk EVs and with only EQ isn't going to sweep anyway.
With that lead, honestly, you're wasting a slot while letting your opponent set up SR easly.
That being said, I suggest you to use a bulky lead like Jirachi, I've had some succcess with this lead:

Jirachi@choice scarf
nature: jolly
EVs: 80 hp\ 252 atk\ 176 spe
-iron head
-fire punch

Trick to cripple bulky leads like Swampert and Hippowdon, u-turn for scouting and to escape from Magnezone, iron head for stab and high flinch rate, fire punch for coverage and to revenge kill Lucario and Scizor late game.

About Snorlax, I don't know how effective that set is, with no recovery I beleive it would be better to go with a CB Lax. Anyway, if you opt for keeping curse, consider giving it fire punch over crunch or selfdestruct, otherwise Scizor and other steels will come in for free.

You're quite weak to Infernape, especially all-out attacking variants which often have hp ice to eliminate dragons, since your only counter for it is Uxie, maybe a more sp.defence oriented variant would help you taking better Ape's life orb'd fire blasts.

This is a minor issue but. . .

Scizor doesn't need and speed EV's. Change it to 252 HP / 252 Atk / 6 SpD.

Those spe EVs are useful to outspeed other Scizors which don't invest in speed and Vaporeon which often doesn't run any speed EVs, so I would keep them, even because placing those EVs in Sp.def doesn't make the difference.

Hope this helps.
thanks haunter i have done those changes and replaced scizor with starmie to counter infernape and it seems to be doing very well i got 6-0 in my last battle with it