BSS Azumarill


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Gotta love how Pikablu is still relevant!

name: Offensive
move 1: Liquidation
move 1: Aqua Jet
move 1: Play Rough
move 1: Superpower / Ice Spinner
item: Assault Vest / Choice Band
ability: Huge Power
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe
tera type: Grass / Water


* With a fantastic typing and priority, Azumarill makes a good choice for a team's bulky Water-type.

* Superpower often forces Azumarill to switch out, but its reliability against common Hydreigon Tera types is very valuable, in addition to OHKOing Kingambit.

* Ice Spinner is Azumarill's best option against Amoonguss.

Tera Types

* **Grass-type**: Tera Grass lets Azumarill beat Breloom and Rotom-W.

* **Water-type**: While it won't help Azumarill much in direct matchups, Tera Water will make it easier to clean weakened teams with Aqua Jet.


* **Assault Vest**: Assault Vest lets Azumarill act as a Hydreigon check; even Choice Specs-boosted Tera Electric Tera Blast fails to OHKO it.

* **Choice Band**: The big power boost from Choice Band gives Azumarill an 81.3% chance to OHKO Rotom-H with Aqua Jet.

- Written by: [[Theorymon, 29010]]
- Quality checked by: [[Thick Fat Azumarill, 330577]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Sulo, 528036]]
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ac = add comma, rc = remove comma
name: Offensive
move 1: Liquidation
move 1: Aqua Jet
move 1: Play Rough
move 1: Superpower / Ice Spinner
item: Assault Vest / Choice Band
ability: Huge Power
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe
tera type: Grass / Water


* With a fantastic typing and access to priority, Azumarill makes a good choice for a team's bulky Water-type.

* Superpower often forces Azumarill to switch out, but its reliability against common Hydreigon Tera types is very valuable, in addition to OHKOing Kingambit.

* Ice Spinner is Azumarill's best option against Amoonguss. is the most damage Azumarill can do against Amoonguss.

Tera Types

* **Grass-type**: Tera Grass lets Azumarill beat A Grass Tera type gives Azumarill a fighting chance at beating Breloom and Rotom-W.

* **Water-type**: While it won't help Azumarill much in direct matchups, (removed space in matchups) Tera Water a Water Tera type will make it easier to clean weakened teams with Aqua Jet.


* **Assault Vest**: Assault Vest lets Azumarill act as a Hydreigon check; even Choice Specs-boosted Tera Electric Tera Blast fails to OHKO it. This is the best option for using Azumarill as a Hydreigon check, with even Choice Specs Tera Electric Tera Blast failing to OHKO Azumarill.

* **Choice Band**: The big power boost from Choice Band gives Azumarill an 81.3% chance to OHKO of OHKOing Rotom-H with Aqua Jet.

- Written by: [[Theorymon, 29010]]
- Quality checked by: [[Thick Fat Azumarill, 330577]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Sulo, 528036]]

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