Azumarill (Fairy) [Done]


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name: Belly Drum (Fairy)
move 1: Belly Drum
move 2: Aqua Jet
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Play Rough
item: Normalium Z
ability: Huge Power
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

An amazing Attack stat thanks to Huge Power, access to priority in Aqua Jet and Belly Drum to further take advantage of its amazing Attack stat, and a decent typing cement Azumarill as an effective physical attacker that helps greatly in matchups such as Fire, Ground, and Steel. Aqua Jet allows it to deal with faster threats like Volcarona and Mamoswine, making up for its subpar Speed stat. Knock Off hits Psychic- and Ghost-types like Jirachi and Aegislash for super effective damage, and it's able to OHKO Steel-types like Ferrothorn and Celesteela and bulky walls like Toxapex with minor or no chip damage after Belly Drum. Play Rough is a stronger STAB option that deals with Dragon- and Dark-types such as Kommo-o and Mandibuzz. Maximum Speed EVs make Azumarill as fast as possible, outspeeding threats such as Dragalge and Melmetal. Normalium Z is Azumarill's preferred item, as it nullifies chip damage taken prior to using Belly Drum while also preventing Azumarill from being crippled by Knock Off, as opposed to Sitrus Berry. The added perk of Normalium Z is that Azumarill can use Belly Drum without it to use Z-Belly Drum later, either recovering its HP back to full if it didn't switch out.

Klefki pairs up exceptionally well with Azumarill. Klefki acts as a much needed Poison immunity and provides dual screens support and Spikes support, the former allowing Azumarill to set up more easily and the latter chipping down foes for it. Tapu Koko helps greatly in the Flying- and Water-type matchups, while Mega Diancie is able to bounce off entry hazards as well as status moves directed at Azumarill. Mega Diancie can also provide Stealth Rock support, which helps it further improve the Fire- and Flying-type matchups, and aid in matchups like Poison, Steel, and Electric thanks to a wide range of coverage options in Psychic, Mystical Fire, and Earth Power. Tapu Bulu is a great asset in the Water-, Electric- and Ground-type matchups. Tapu Lele is not only a great wallbreaker when equipped with a Choice Specs, but also a great help against Poison-types such as Mega Venusaur and Galarian Weezing that threaten Azumarill. Mimikyu helps greatly in the Ghost- and Psychic-type matchups, dealing with Pokemon like Aegislash and Tapu Lele. Lastly, Togekiss synergizes well with Azumarill, as it deals with Grass-types troublesome to Azumarill, like Mega Venusaur and Ferrothorn while Azumarill in return deals with Rock-type threats to Togekiss.

Other Options

Azumarill can opt to run Sitrus Berry if a different teammate like Tapu Bulu runs a Z-Crystal. However, Normalium Z is the more reliable way to ensure it successfully uses Belly Drum. Azumarill can also chose to run Brick Break in lieu of Play Rough, as it better deals with Steel-type Pokemon, namely Melmetal, which otherwise withstands any of Azumarill's attacks even after Belly Drum. Substitute may be used over Play Rough in order to let Azumarill set up on Pokemon that rely on status moves to deal with it, like Torkoal and Mega Sableye, but Play Rough is generally preferred due to it hitting useful targets. Return along with a Jolly nature can be used to better deal with Galarian Weezing and Mega Venusaur, significantly improving the Poison-type matchup.

Checks and Counters

**Water-resistant Pokemon**: Pokemon that resist Azumarill's Aqua Jet such as Latios and Serperior can withstand Aqua Jet even after Belly Drum and KO Azumarill with their STAB moves or super effective coverage options. Even many walls that resist Water, like Mega Venusaur, Celebi, and Rotom-W, can outspeed Azumarill and KO it with super effective STAB moves before Azumarill can use Knock Off or Play Rough.

**Haze Users and Phazers**: Mantine can outspeed Azumarill and remove its boosts with Haze, while Azumarill fails to reliably set up Belly Drum against Toxapex, as it removes the move's boosts with Haze and proceeds to easily deal with unboosted Azumarill. In the same vein, Azumarill fails to reliably set up against phazers like Hippowdon and Skarmory.

**Status**: All status conditions significantly hinder Azumarill's ability to act as a reliable offensive threat. Burn makes it significantly weaker, paralysis prevents it from outspeeding threats like Porygon2 it otherwise would, and poison puts it on a timer, wearing it down quickly in conjunction with Belly Drum's health drop.

**Psychic Terrain**: Due to Azumarill's below average Speed stat, it heavily relies on Aqua Jet. As a result, Tapu Lele's Psychic Terrain can hamper Azumarill greatly and make it much more easily revenge killed.

- Written by: [[Maple, 473171]]
- Fairy analysis by: [[Maple, 473171]]
- Quality checked by: [[Rotten, 491896], [maroon, 305839]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429]]
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name: Belly Drum (Fairy)
move 1: Belly Drum
move 2: Aqua Jet
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Play Rough
item: Normalium Z
ability: Huge Power
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

An amazing Attack stat thanks to Huge Power, access to priority in Belly Drum and Aqua Jet to take advantage of its amazing Attack stat, along with a decent defensive typing cements Azumarill as an effective physical attacker in the tier mention how its typing + belly drum helps against matchups like Fire, Ground, and Steel. Belly Drum allows Azumarill's already great Attack stat to be boosted to monstrous levels. fluff Aqua Jet provides Azumarill with a form of priority, allowing it to deal with faster threats like Volcarona and Mamoswine, making up for its sub par Speed star. Knock Off hits Psychic- and Ghost-types like Jirachi and Aegislash for super effective damage while also being able to OHKO Steel-types like Ferrothorn and Celesteela with minor chip damage, after a Belly Drum boost. it also helps with bulky walls like Toxapex Play Rough is Azumarill's strongest available Fairy-type STAB option, dealing with Dragon- and Dark-types such as Kommo-o and Mandibuzz. Maximum Attack investment along with an Adamant nature allows Azumarill to hit as hard as possible while maximum Speed EVs makes Azumarill as fast as possible, outspeeding threats such as Dragalge and Melmetal. Normalium Z is Azumarill's preferred item of choice as it fully heals Azumarill before it cuts down its HP to 50% with Belly Drum. mention why Normalium Z is used over Sitrus Berry (can't be knocked off)

Klefki pairs up exceptionally well with Azumarill. Klefki provides a Poison-type immunity and dual screens support and Spikes support, the former which allows Azumarill to setup easier while the latter chips down foes for Azumarill. Tapu Koko helps greatly in the Flying- and Water-type matchups while Mega Diancie is able to bounce of hazards and status moves directed at Azumarill. Mega Diancie can also provide Stealth Rock support, further improve the Fire- and Flying-type matchups while also aiding in matchups like Poison, Steel, and Electric thanks to a wide range of coverage options in Psychic, Mystical Fire, and Earth Power. Add Tapu Lele as a good wallbreaker that can notably deal with Poison-types like Mega Venusaur and Galarian Weezing Tapu Bulu is a great asset in the Water-, Electric- and Ground-type matchups. Mimikyu helps greatly in the Ghost- and Psychic-type matchups dealing with Pokemon like Aegislash and Tapu Lele. Lastly, Togekiss synergizes well with Azumarill as it deals with troublesome Grass-types to Azumarill, like Mega Venusaur and Ferrothorn while Azumarill in return deals with Rock-type threats to Togekiss.

Other Options

Azumarill can opt to run Sitrus Berry if the Z-Move is used a different teammate like? mention tapu bulu. However, Normalium Z is a more reliable way to ensure it successfully uses Belly Drum. Azumarill can also chose to run Brick Break in lieu of Play Rough as it better deals with Steel-type Pokemon, namely Melmetal which otherwise lives any of Azumarill's attacks even after a Belly Drum boost. Substitute may be used over Play Rough in order to let Azumarill set up on Pokemon that rely on status moves to deal with like Torkoal and Mega Sableye, but it is generally preferred due to Play Rough hitting useful targets.

Checks and Counters

**Water-resistant Pokemon**: Pokemon that resist Azumarill's Aqua Jet such as Latios and Serperior are capable of successfully living Aqua Jet even after a Belly Drum boost and successfully KOing Azumarill with their STAB moves or super effective coverage options.

**Defensive Walls**: Defensive walls like Mega Venusaur, Celebi, and Rotom-W, all outspeed Azumarill while also living a boosted Aqua Jet and successfully deal with Azumarill with their super effective STAB moves.

**Haze Users**: Mantine can outspeed Azumarill and remove its boosts with Haze while Toxapex is capable of living a hit and proceed to remove its boosts with Haze. Say that Azumarill struggles to set up in front of Toxapex instead since +6 252+ Atk Huge Power Azumarill Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Toxapex: 273-322 (89.8 - 105.9%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO

**Status**: All status conditions significantly hinder Azumarill's ability to act as a reliable offensive threat. Burn halves its Attack stat, making it significantly weaker, paralysis halves its speed preventing it from outspeeding threats like Porygon2 which it otherwise would, and Poison puts it on a timer, wearing it down fast.

**Psychic Terrain**: Add Tapu Lele being able to set Psychic Terrain which lets it revenge kill Azumarill with ease by blocking its Aqua Jet

- Written by: [[username1, userid1]]
- Type analysis by: [[username1, userid1]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
Good job, QC 1/2
[set comments]
Aqua Jet provides Azumarill with a form of priority, allowing it to deal with faster threats like Volcarona and Mamoswine, making up for its sub par Speed star. stat.
- would talk about how you can belly drum w/o normalz, then heal urself to 100% hp and profit from the bd

[checks and counters]
- add phasers to the line about haze, since this deals with setup by forcing it out, but resets its boosts regardless.

QC 2/2
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(AC)/(RC): Add/Remove Comma

name: Belly Drum (Fairy)
move 1: Belly Drum
move 2: Aqua Jet
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Play Rough
item: Normalium Z
ability: Huge Power
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

An amazing Attack stat thanks to Huge Power, access to priority in Aqua Jet and Belly Drum to further take advantage of its amazing Attack stat, along with and a decent typing cements Azumarill as an effective physical attacker in the tier, helping that helps greatly in matchups such as Fire, Ground, and Steel. Aqua Jet provides Azumarill with a form of priority, allowing allows it to deal with faster threats like Volcarona and Mamoswine, making up for its subpar (was "sub par") Speed stat. Knock Off hits Psychic- and Ghost-types like Jirachi and Aegislash for super effective damage, (AC) while also being and it's able to OHKO Steel-types like Ferrothorn and Celesteela with minor chip damage and bulky walls like Toxapex (RC) with minor or no chip damage after a Belly Drum boost. Play Rough is Azumarill's strongest available Fairy-type STAB option, dealing a stronger STAB option that deals with Dragon- and Dark-types such as Kommo-o and Mandibuzz. Maximum Attack investment along with an Adamant nature allows Azumarill to hit as hard as possible while Maximum Speed EVs makes Azumarill as fast as possible, outspeeding threats such as Dragalge and Melmetal. Normalium Z is Azumarill's preferred item, (AC) of choice as it fully heals Azumarill before it cuts down its HP to 50% with Belly Drum while also prevents it as it nullifies chip damage taken prior to using Belly Drum while also preventing Azumarill from being crippled by Knock Off, (AC) as opposed to Sitrus Berry. The added perk of Normalium Z is that Belly Drum can also be used without the use of it and can later be used to recover Azumarill's HP back to full after the Attack boost. Azumarill can use Belly Drum without it to use Z-Belly Drum later, either recovering its HP back to full if it didn't switch out or setting up a second time after switching out. (if the "or setting up a second time" part isn't worth mentioning, you can just remove it)

Klefki pairs up exceptionally well with Azumarill. Klefki acts as a much needed Poison-type immunity. Apart from this Klefki and provides dual screens support and Spikes support, the former which allows Azumarill to setup easier while the latter chips down foes for Azumarill allowing Azumarill to set up more easily and the latter chipping down foes for it. Tapu Koko helps greatly in the Flying- and Water-type matchups, (AC) while Mega Diancie is able to bounce of hazards and off entry hazards as well as status moves directed at Azumarill. Mega Diancie can also provide Stealth Rock support, which helps it further improve the Fire- and Flying-type matchups, (AC) while also aiding and aid in matchups like Poison, Steel, and Electric thanks to a wide range of coverage options in Psychic, Mystical Fire, and Earth Power. Tapu Bulu is a great asset in the Water-, Electric- and Ground-type matchups. Tapu Lele also pairs up well as is not only is it a great wallbreaker when equipped with a Choice Specs, (AC) but it also helps greatly also a great help against Poison-types such as Mega Venusaur and Galarian Weezing that threaten Azumarill. Mimikyu helps greatly in the Ghost- and Psychic-type matchups, (AC) dealing with Pokemon like Aegislash and Tapu Lele. Lastly, Togekiss synergizes well with Azumarill, (AC) as it deals with troublesome Grass-types troublesome to Azumarill, like Mega Venusaur and Ferrothorn, (AC) while Azumarill in return deals with Rock-type threats to Togekiss.

Other Options

Azumarill can opt to run Sitrus Berry if the Z-Move is used a different teammate like Tapu Bulu runs a Z-Crystal. However, Normalium Z is a the more reliable way to ensure it successfully uses Belly Drum. Azumarill can also chose to run Brick Break in lieu of Play Rough, (AC) as it better deals with Steel-type Pokemon, namely Melmetal, (AC) which otherwise lives withstands any of Azumarill's attacks even after a Belly Drum boost. Substitute may be used over Play Rough in order to let Azumarill set up on Pokemon that rely on status moves to deal with it, (AC) like Torkoal and Mega Sableye, but it Play Rough is generally preferred due to Play Rough it hitting useful targets.

Checks and Counters

**Water-resistant Pokemon**: Pokemon that resist Azumarill's Aqua Jet such as Latios and Serperior are capable of successfully living Aqua Jet even after a Belly Drum boost and successfully KOing can withstand Aqua Jet even after Belly Drum and KO Azumarill with their STAB moves or super effective coverage options. Even many walls that resist Water, like Mega Venusaur, Celebi, and Rotom-W, can outspeed Azumarill and KO it with super effective STAB moves before Azumarill can use Knock Off or Play Rough.

**Defensive Walls**: Defensive walls like Mega Venusaur, Celebi, and Rotom-W, all outspeed Azumarill while also living a boosted Aqua Jet and successfully deal with Azumarill with their super effective STAB moves. (if there are walls that don't already resist water and still deserve mention, feel free to recreate this bullet, just lmk so i can recheck it)

**Haze Users and Phazers**: Mantine can outspeed Azumarill and remove its boosts with Haze, (AC) while Azumarill fails to reliably set up (was "setup") Belly Drum against Toxapex, (AC) as it removes the move's boosts with Haze and proceeds to easily deal with unboosted Azumarill. In the same vein, Azumarill fails to reliably set up (was "setup") against phazers like Hippowdon and Skarmory as they can use Whirlwind to phaze it away.

**Status**: All status conditions significantly hinder Azumarill's ability to act as a reliable offensive threat. Burn halves its Attack stat, making makes it significantly weaker, paralysis halves its speed preventing prevents it from outspeeding threats like Porygon2 which it otherwise would, and poison puts it on a timer, wearing it down fast quickly in conjunction with Belly Drum's health drop.

**Psychic Terrain**: Due to Azumarill's below average Speed stat, it heavily relies on Aqua Jet. As a result, Tapu Lele's Psychic Terrain can weaken hamper Azumarill greatly and make it much easier to be more easily revenge killed.

- Written by: [[Maple, 473171]]
- Type analysis by: [[Maple, 473171]]
- Quality checked by: [[Rotten, 491896], [maroon, 305839]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429]]