OM Azelf [AAA]


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Azelf @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Psychic Surge
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Expanding Force
- U-turn
- Trick
- Fire Blast / Dazzling Gleam

You want to click the big damage button, don't you? With Psychic Surge to block priority and boost STAB Expanding Force to stupefying power levels, fantastic mixed offenses, and a great Speed tier enhanced by a Choice Scarf, Azelf is one of the scariest pivots and cleaners in AAA. Trick allows Azelf to burden defensive foes, greatly reducing their utility. Fire Blast hits non-immune Corviknight and Gholdengo, while Dazzling Gleam threatens to OHKO offensive Roaring Moon and chips Mandibuzz. Azelf pairs well with fast offensive pivots like Roaring Moon, Galarian Zapdos, and Barraskewda, which form a potent VoltTurn core with it while taking advantage of the special walls like Manaphy, Swampert, and Mandibuzz that Azelf often struggles with. While Azelf is a fantastic pivot and cleaner, it often struggles to make direct progress, making wallbreakers like Gouging Fire, Bulk Up Great Tusk, and non-Triage Ceruledge excellent teammates. Azelf is incredibly frail and weak to entry hazards, making it incredibly vulnerable to being worn out throughout the course of a game; as such, hazard removers with pivoting moves like Corviknight and Quaquaval make good partners.
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Tranquility cat whoever gets it first can qc it

(notes for qc:)
1: WBB is a bad set, but it's a common ladder pick, so i felt it was good to specify. can remove if wanted
2: Specified SoR to prevent the inevitable disappointment of trying to click Triage Bitter Blade in Psychic Terrain
Azelf @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Psychic Surge
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Expanding Force
- U-turn
- Trick
- Fire Blast / Dazzling Gleam

You want to click the big damage button, don't you? With Psychic Surge to block opposing priority and boost STAB Expanding Force to stupifying power levels, fantastic mixed offenses with a huge movepool to go alongside them, and a great Speed tier enhanced by a Choice Scarf, Azelf is one of the scariest offensive pivots and endgame cleaners in AAA. Trick allows Azelf to burden defensive foes like Corviknight and Swampert with a Choice Scarf, greatly reducing their defensive utility. Fire Blast hits Kingambit and non-WBB non-Well-Baked Body Corviknight and Gholdengo gambit isn't that common (or good imo) and ghold is far more relevant, while Dazzling Gleam threatens to OHKO offensive Roaring Moon and chips Mandibuzz. Azelf is a perfect pairing for other fast offensive pivots like Roaring Moon, Galarian Zapdos, and Walking Wake, which can form a potent VoltTurn core with it, keeping momentum on the field while taking advantage of the special walls like Manaphy, Swampert, and Mandibuzz that Azelf often struggles with. While Azelf is a fantastic pivot and cleaner, it can often struggle to make progress during the midgame, making wallbreakers like Gouging Fire, Bulk Up Great Tusk, and Sword of Ruin non-Triage Ceruledge both desoland and sor are good so i just specified non-triage excellent teammates. Azelf is incredibly frail and weak to hazards, making it incredibly vulnerable to being worn out throughout the course of a game; Hazard removers with pivoting moves like Corviknight and Quaquaval make good partners.
QC 1/1
GP 1/1
Azelf @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Psychic Surge
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Expanding Force
- U-turn
- Trick
- Fire Blast / Dazzling Gleam

You want to click the big damage button, don't you? With Psychic Surge to block priority and boost STAB Expanding Force to stupefying stupifying power levels, fantastic mixed offenses, and a great Speed tier enhanced by a Choice Scarf, Azelf is one of the scariest pivots and cleaners in AAA. Trick allows Azelf to burden defensive foes with a Choice Scarf, since you already mention the item earlier greatly reducing their utility. Fire Blast hits non-immune Corviknight and Gholdengo, while Dazzling Gleam threatens to OHKO offensive offensive OHKO Roaring Moon and chips Mandibuzz. Azelf is a pairs well with fast offensive pivots like Roaring Moon, Galarian Zapdos, and Barraskewda, which form a potent VoltTurn core with it while taking advantage of the special walls like Manaphy, Swampert, and Mandibuzz that Azelf often struggles with. While Azelf is a fantastic pivot and cleaner, it often struggles to make direct progress, making wallbreakers like Gouging Fire, Bulk Up Great Tusk, and non-Triage Ceruledge excellent teammates. Azelf is incredibly frail and weak to entry hazards, making it incredibly vulnerable to being worn out throughout the course of a game; as such, hazard Hazard removers with pivoting moves like Corviknight and Quaquaval make good partners.


GP Team done