- pineapple on pizza y/n?
- favourite music artists rn?
- favourite music genres?
- favourite song/album?
- any hobbies?
- favourite pokemon gen?
- y, there is always room on pizza for pineapple as far as I'm concerned.
- I don't have any personal music and am willing to listen to w/e is in the background so I guess GlitchxCity as she has many Pokemon remixes.
- I have no favorite but not something heavy and loud like metal.
- An easy favorite is Miror B. from Colosseum and XD:
- My favorite Pokemon gen is Gen 3. I am not a die-hard fan and do not like the overuse of suring but it is one of the few main games I don't get bored of if I wish to replay it.
What are your primary motivations in being part of (and leading) the B101 program?
What do you feel are the biggest challenges in learning how to play the game / a certain meta? How about in terms of teaching?
What is something you guys value the most when it comes to what you want tutees to learn in the program?
1. My primary motivation is to help out with record-keeping, making sure things are done in an appropriate amount of time, and to help work on relations and get updates with the tutors. There are not too many records aside from the tutee feedback and grades so there is always a good amount to help out which I am happy to do.
2. The hardest part, for me at least, is understanding the building aspect and knowing what sets are common enough to watch out for. There is always a learning curve when you learn a new tier such as when I was blown back by a Dragonium Druddigon in NU going for reqs. The main challenge in terms of teaching is keeping the student's motivation and explaining different ways of thinking or solving ideas/problems.
3. I don't know if there is one main thing we want tutees to learn from the program because tutees come for many different reasons whether it be building, battling, mentality, etc.. but as long as the tutees understand the fundamentals, how and when to pressure in battles, and problem solve teambuilding issues, they are well on their way.
Feel free to ignore the more personal questions.
How did you get to be mod, why did you want it, and do you enjoy it?
Can each of you please recommend me an album/artist, a book and a series/film?
What has your favourite ingame team of all time been?
What do you do outside of the internet?
Do you play any non-Pokemon games? If so, what are your top 5 of all time?
Which Pokemon game is your favourite?
Do you do any sports?
What do you think makes a great tutor?
1. Well, I suppose I got mod to help out with the revamp and to replace a previous mod who was close to stepping down. I wasn't necessarily looking for it but it makes my job of locating past sign-up posts easier if they were deleted and makes me asking about previous tutees less awkward. I wouldn't do any of this if I didn't enjoy it to some extent. Some aspects like debating about policy proceedings can be hard at some points but it's more enjoyable than not especially when I get to talk with the tutors and help organize the system where I can.
Not sure if you want me suggesting music because it'd all be Nintendo related. I don't read much fiction but Hunger Games was good if you haven't read that yet. I am a big fan of some History, Science, and Animal Planet series. The list is a bit lengthy so if you're interested feel free to PM me!
3. I've recently been playing PokeMMO with a friend and the team of Swampert, Crobat, Aggron, Blaziken, Breloom, and Gardevoir were more than I could have hoped for. I'd recommend playing PokeMMO with a friend if you want to revisit Gens 1, 3, or 5!
4. Other than playing on the internet, I spend my time going to school, hanging out with my friends and family, and watch various TV shows. I also play outside a fair amount but not during the summer as it goes to around 110 degrees where I live.
5. The only non-Pokemon games I play include Mario Maker, Smash Ultimate, and Sudoku. I tend to stick with Nintendo because it has my personal favorite style and I don't have to spend money on other consoles + the games.
6. My favorites are all the sequels or remakes; HGSS, Platinum, Emerald, BW2, and ORAS specifically. Of those, however, I would say my favorite is BW2.
7. I do, only soccer but nothing serious. My Dad forced me to play flag football but I wasn't a fan.
8. The two most important factors are availability and communication skills. Without consistent availability, it is harder for the student to stay motivated and/or work on areas they are struggling effectively. If you wait too long or not long enough their growth can become static w/o a push. And communication skills primarily because if you can't explain things effectively, it will take longer for them to learn.
Same question I asked our RMT friends:
If you could change one thing about Smogon and/or B101, what would it be?
The main thing I would like to see is helping less rewarded/smaller communities grow rather than just the metagames and tours. I would also really like to see a way for the RMT and B101 sections to work more closely with the metagame tier communities rather than them being two distinctly different sections. Higher caliber players constantly tutor newer players especially during team tours so figuring out a way to include them and adding resources would be amazing for B101 imo.
Yo mods! I'll ask a few questions...
Why do you choose to moderate some things more than others, if you do? For example, say you love to moderate this forum, but with most others, you are like "ehh... I'll leave that up to someonelse" or something like that. That was just an example of course.
Why did you decide to be on Smogon and PS? By that, I mean what and why you got into it.
And lastly, if there was one Mon you had to unban from ubers, who would it be? Like if you deliberately HAD to
1. That's pretty much human nature and us doing this for free. Not every area is as appealing as another and others may enjoy a section more than the others so it would make sense that some will not be as present there.
2. I joined PS! in late 2012 primarily so I didn't have to play alone and to develop skills and ideas that I could use to beat my irl friends. Once that phase of exploration and learning dwindled, I found friends who would talk to me consistently so I stayed as a result. I stay on Smogon because I can see my friends every day, work on a variety of skills from leading projects, tutoring, creating art, making and maintaining spreadsheets, etc.., and help out both those who want to contribute and those who are just interested in reading information.
3. The main one for me would be regular Blaziken because I don't particularly feel he is overpowered with the ever-increasing bulk of both stall and balance in OU. It may invalidate HO to an extent but each archetype has some matchup they need to omit in OU at least imo.
Family Guy, Y or N and why?
The only Family Guy I have watched are random clips so I'll say N due to my ignorance.
Do you have a story of a tutee that you really liked or saw massive improvement from beginning to the end?
Who are some user(s) that you look up to in Smogon?
What is (or are) some of the more frustrating aspects to tutoring a new person? Any advice you would give them before signing up to be a tutee?
What are some of your hobbies that you like to do outside of Pokemon?
1. I was really fond of my first tutee, ShadowHounder, and he showed great motivation to practice and learn ideas/mechanics. He went from not knowing what terrains did or how to lead effectively to being able to explain ideas and what he did wrong in replays. He was a quick learner but he sadly had irl issues nearing the end and hasn't returned since.
2. The users I look up to are those who do consistent work, make a name for themselves, and are genuinely nice individuals. TDP is easily one I look up to in terms of consistency, anundeadboy and Zracknel are amazing yet modest artists, and Kalalokki, who I may not always agree with, is another consistent presence who gives feedback even if you don't ask for it. There are many others I could add but those are the main four.
3. The most frustrating aspects for me is scheduling a good 1-2hr block which we both have free and breaking them out of a poor mentality of "I can't do this!" or "I'll just never be good". More often than not, the tutees I helped just need pointers, learning new ideas, and improving their mentality.
4. My other hobbies consist of playing Smash, watching TV shows, going to school (not much of a hobby), doing various activities outside, and participating in family events.