Ask simple questions here! [READ ORIGINAL POST before posting]

Hi, I want to know how timers work and the difference between those used in the ladder and those used in private challenges.
Why don't teams sync between the main server and smogon tournaments anymore? It was an immeasurably useful functionality when it was in place and having to constantly sync the two when you make changes in either is really inconvenient. I remember hearing something about why it was changed vaguely, but would appreciate elaboration on why it's no longer in place and how feasible re-adding the functionality would be.
I want to make a Solomod but I can't find a place to ask technical questions, and the Solomod Discord link is not working. Who should I contact if I want help ?

I was looking at the way GXE is calculated for suspects, and found this thread from 15 years ago that claims the formula is this:

Given a player rating R and a rating deviation RD:
GLIXARE Rating = 0, if RD > 100
GLIXARE Rating = round(10000 / (1 + 10^(((1500 - R) * pi / sqrt(3 * ln(10)^2 * RD^2 + 2500 * (64 * pi^2 + 147 * ln(10)^2)))))) / 100, otherwise

However, this doesn't match what the actual formula seems to be on the sim.
I ran the formula on the top 500 SV OU ladder's glickos. It seems that showdown tends to overestimate values by 6-7%.

Couldn't find the real formula, but it should be noted that the correlation between them isn't entirely positive.*
For instance, when you rank by GXE, vosotros > ustedes is 21st with the PS! formula and 23rd with X-Act's, while Wolfey 2023 VGC, no doubt the youtuber's account, goes from 21st to 22nd.

If this is real and I didn't just mess up the math, it has some important implications: for instance, say you wanted a GXE treshold of what is 76.77% in X-Act's formula. This would include Marnie Christmas but exclude abr fan 1, JeremyBaffourDoku, SuspectOUCouncil, and hanwha life.

...However, there's no treshold that does that in PS's formula, because it considers Marnie to have a lower GXE than the others.
I doubt this ever changed a suspect result but I thought I'd let you know

*idk if that's the right term but you get the vibe

Tell me if this is the wrong forum or something, tbh I barely ever post on here because I can't figure out where to post stuff
Are there any official updates on Showdown's progress with replay revival?

Are they still trying to retrieve some of the lost replays? I know they achieved progress on getting some of them back, which was excellent - but I can't find any details about future efforts / current status.
This is half-question, half-suggestion: since VGC S/V Reg D is available alongside the current format, Reg G, are other formats from this generation up for consideration as well? Everybody I've spoken with online and in-person regarding Reg H loved it, and are very sad to see it go. Is there a limitation stopping the team from keeping a Reg H ladder, if many people are interested?
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fellas if someone can help me a find a ladder I would appreciate it a lot

it confuses me because it simply says ou without any gen prefix, and it is an unofficial ladder, I would like to lose a couple battles on this so I can remove it from my ladder page, but I can't find it!
I believe this is the right thread..
Is there a way to do non-random multi battles? All i'm seeing is random ones. A friend and I wanted to do multi battles.
I'm still semi-new to showdown so explaining it like i'm five is appreciated
just made an account for the first time why am i getting this message spectating a friends game. Due to spam from your internet provider, you can't speak except to staff. Logging into an account you've used a lot in the past will allow you to chat.
just made an account for the first time why am i getting this message spectating a friends game. Due to spam from your internet provider, you can't speak except to staff. Logging into an account you've used a lot in the past will allow you to chat.

You're likely connecting from an IP that tends to be misused by bad actors (think mobile networks, certain public networks, etc.) and as a safety measure, PS locks those down for non-autoconfirmed users.

If this persists, feel free to make a help ticket on PS >> >> click "Something else", click "Other", click "Call a Global Staff member", and write a brief message explaining how recent your account is, and the error message you're getting, a global staff member should be able to look into it.

Hope this helps!