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Good to see people being less spammy and using google more. Keep it up!

SiriusBlack said:
i hope this hasn't been asked before.. do the extra ev effects from macho/power items transfer to pokes using exp share? or do they just get the normal amount of ev?
No, sorry. Exp. Share users get the normal amount of EV's (x2 for Pokerus).
Rule of the thumb is: If it gets experience it gets regular amount of EVs times by whatever multipliers effect that pokémon.

i.e: Lvl 100s do not gain EVs from battles.
I think he was BL.


How exactly does Eruption work? Does it get 225 powder if the user is @ full health and gets STAB from it?
I think people are leaning toward Garchomp these days, so Gible would be your best bet

Unless its a chocie scarf gible(and it must have outrage) then adamant gible is useless.

Here are the options

Gible - Chocie Scarf w/Outrage

Larvitar - Choice Band w/ or w/o Pursuit,Dragon Dance

Bagon - Choice Band or DD

Question: Whats the Easiest way to get Outrage on Gible and it would carry it down even if ti was breeding with a ditto right?
A Black Sludge is a hold item that Poisons any non-Poison type, but heals the HP of Poison types by 1 / 16. It can be found as a held item on Croagunks / Toxicroaks / Grimers / Muk, from what I've heard
How sturdy is Bronzong? I wasn't sure which EV spread to use, so I went with the self-sustaining sweeper. I wanted him to be able to take hit's well, and deal a decent amount of damage back.
Personally, I would go with a 252 hp/252 whatever-defence-is-the-opposite-to-your-nature spread. Ie, bold, 252 hp, 252 special def. It isnt an offensive pokemon
Actually, Bronzong should concentrate on one defense. Sure, 116 base defenses on both sides seems like a lot, but Bronzong just can't afford to spread out too much. It's not Cresselia... Even Cresselia has a few problems with trying to spread out both defenses.
If I give Shedinja 4 EVs in HP, would that mean its HP would be at 2 at level 100? Or does he work differently from everyone else in regards to EVs and HP?
If the opponent is the same gender as you, it boosts 25%. If the opponent is a different gender, it lowers Attack by 25%. If the opponent is genderless, nothing happens.
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