NU Aromatisse [Revamp]

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[QC Checks: quziel / Evan. / Blast]
[GP Checks: The Dutch Plumberjack / Fireflame479]



Due to its good offensive typing, access to Trick Room to mitigate its rather low Speed, and access to Nasty Plot to augment its already decent Special Attack, Aromatisse is capable of performing as an effective late-game sweeper that can pose a threat to offensive and defensive teams alike. Aromatisse's typing is solid defensively as well, allowing it to check Pokemon such as Assault Vest Hariyama, Sneasel, and Malamar. This, in combination with its good mixed bulk, gives it an easier time setting Trick Room. Decent coverage in Psychic also allows Aromatisse to deal with Poison-types that would otherwise put a damper on its attempts at sweeping. However, Aromatisse suffers from rather average overall stats, which often forces it to use both Trick Room and Nasty Plot in order to begin sweeping. While good defensively, its pure Fairy typing unfortunately burdens it with weaknesses to Poison- and Steel-type attacks, both of which are fairly common in NU. Aromatisse will often have to take a hit before setting Trick Room for itself, which can be problematic versus stronger attackers such as Choice Specs Vanilluxe, and its susceptibility to all forms of entry hazards making it easier to wear down only makes matters worse.

name: Offensive Trick Room
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Nasty Plot
move 3: Moonblast
move 4: Psychic / Hidden Power Fire
item: Fairium Z
ability: Aroma Veil
nature: Quiet
evs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
ivs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe


Trick Room is a major part of what makes Aromatisse a good late-game sweeper, allowing it to take advantage of its low Speed by outspeeding almost all of the tier under it. Nasty Plot augments Aromatisse's Special Attack, giving it an easier time breaking and sweeping through teams. Moonblast is Aromatisse's strongest Fairy-type attack, hitting Dark-, Dragon-, and Fighting-types such as Sneasel, Altaria, and Hariyama for super effective damage. Psychic offers coverage to combat Poison-types such as Venusaur and Golbat that would normally give it difficulties. Hidden Power Fire is also an option, targeting both Steel-types such as Klinklang and Silvally-Steel and Grass-types such as Venusaur and Vileplume in one slot. Hidden Power Ground is another alternative that can be used to target Fire-types such as Delphox and Magmortar on top of the aforementioned Steel-types, although most Fire-types are easier to wear down, and Houndoom and Incineroar are neutrally hit by Moonblast. Furthermore, opting for Hidden Power Ground leaves Aromatisse unable to deal any meaningful damage to Venusaur, which is Psychic's main target.

Set Details

The investment in both HP and Special Attack maximizes Aromatisse's bulk and offensive presence. A Quiet nature further augments Aromatisse's power while also helping it outspeed as much as it can under Trick Room. Aroma Veil is the preferred ability due to it preventing Aromatisse from being disrupted by Taunt and Encore from the likes of Mismagius and Whimsicott. Fairium Z turns Moonblast into Twinkle Tackle, which is fairly strong even unboosted and allows Aromatisse to bypass some of its checks at +2, such as Delphox and Klinklang.

Usage Tips

Since Aromatisse excels as a late-game sweeper, it should wait until Pokemon it cannot break through such as Silvally-Steel have been either weakened enough or removed entirely to begin its sweep. While Aromatisse's bulk is good, it shouldn't be recklessly switched in on attacks when it doesn't have to, as this cuts into its longevity. Furthermore, being weakened limits Aromatisse's ability to find setup opportunities. Aromatisse should mainly set up on Pokemon that are Choice locked into Dark- or Fighting-type attacks such as Sneasel and Braviary, as well as on Dragon-types such as Altaria and Druddigon. After setting up Trick Room, Aromatisse should aim to use Nasty Plot in order to increase its damage output and become more threatening. However, against frailer, offensive teams, this may not always be necessary. Exercise caution when it comes to using Aromatisse's Z-Move. It should mainly be used to KO Fairy-resistant foes that can take a +2 Moonblast or to break through very specially bulky Pokemon such as Type: Null.

Team Options

Aromatisse appreciates wallbreakers that can place pressure on specially bulky Pokemon such as Type: Null, Venusaur, and Mega Audino, so Pokemon such as Hariyama, Mega Camerupt, Vanilluxe, and Haunter make for good partners. Venusaur itself makes for a good partner due to its ability to cripple Pokemon like Type: Null with Knock Off, incapacitate other checks with Sleep Powder, and potentially lure in opposing Poison- and Steel-types and remove them with Earthquake. Entry hazard support from the likes of Rhydon and Steelix is appreciated, since the chip damage wears down Aromatisse's switch-ins; the previously mentioned examples can also check Poison-types for Aromatisse, while it can deal with Fighting-types for them. Entry hazards can also lessen the need to use Twinkle Tackle against certain Pokemon, allowing Aromatisse to save it until it is more important. Pivots such as Probopass, Rotom, and Xatu are good teammates, since they can get Aromatisse in safely against the likes of Sneasel and ease setup. Rotom and Xatu can provide useful entry hazard removal, while Probopass can trap Steel-types. On more dedicated Trick Room teams, other Trick Room setters such as Mega Audino, Alolan Exeggutor, and Uxie are good partners, as they alleviate some of the pressure placed on Aromatisse to set up. Alolan Exeggutor can also wallbreak for Aromatisse, Uxie sets up Stealth Rock and can safely get Aromatisse in with both Memento and U-turn, and Mega Audino can provide useful Healing Wish support, all of which give Aromatisse an easier time sweeping. Slow wallbreakers such as Aggron, Hariyama, and Vikavolt appreciate Aromatisse offering them Trick Room support to improve their matchup against offensive teams. In return, they break many of the Pokemon that Aromatisse finds itself struggling with such as Silvally-Steel.

Other Options

Leftovers is a viable alternative to Fairium Z if the team Aromatisse is on already has a Z-Move user that gives Aromatisse a form of passive recovery, since passive damage is one of Aromatisse's greater annoyances. Life Orb can also be used over Fairium Z if the team Aromatisse is on already has a Z-Move user, although the recoil damage it has to take as a result of this is unappealing and wears it down faster. Aromatisse has access to other coverage moves such as Energy Ball and Thunderbolt, although a lot of what these other moves hit already doesn't appreciate switching in on a +2 Moonblast. An alternative EV spread with 24 Speed EVs in combination with a Modest nature can be used instead so Aromatisse outspeeds Slowbro outside of Trick Room, but this hinders Aromatisse's matchup against opposing Trick Room teams. A physically defensive set with Wish / Protect / Moonblast / Aromatherapy could be used to make Aromatisse into a cleric, but Aromatisse faces competition in this role from Mega Audino, which boasts greater bulk and Regenerator prior to Mega Evolution. A set of Calm Mind / Moonblast / Rest / Sleep Talk can turn Aromatisse into a bulky late-game sweeper for balanced and stall teams, although such as a set faces competition from Type: Null.

Checks and Counters

**Poison-types**: Poison-types such as Garbodor, specially defensive Venusaur, and Vileplume resist Moonblast and can take an unboosted Psychic before dishing out a super effective Poison-type attack in response.

**Steel-types**: Steel-types such as Steelix, Silvally-Steel, Klinklang, and Probopass all take an unboosted Twinkle Tackle and threaten Aromatisse out with their respective STAB attacks. Klinklang and Steelix don't appreciate taking +2 Twinkle Tackle, however, while Probopass doesn't want to switch in on Hidden Power Ground.

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Type: Null and Assault Vest Slowking can both take even +2 Twinkle Tackle, with Type: Null being able to use Rest to recover any lost HP and Slowking being able to switch out and regain a bit of lost health due to Regenerator. Both can also deal decent amounts of damage to Aromatisse with their respective STAB moves.

**Residual Damage**: Due to Aromatisse not having room for any kind of recovery, it is worn down by residual damage from entry hazards, Toxic, and weather, which can prove annoying against stronger attackers, since Aromatisse usually has to take one hit before being able to set up Trick Room.
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  • Due to its good offensive typing, access to Trick Room to mitigate its rather low Speed, and access to Nasty Plot to augment its already decent Special Attack, Aromatisse is capable of performing as an effective late-game sweeper that can pose a threat to offensive and defensive teams alike.
  • Aromatisse's typing is solid defensively, as well, allowing it to check Pokemon such as Assault Vest Hariyama, Sneasel, and Malamar. This in combination with its good mixed bulk gives it an easier time more reliably setting Trick Room.
  • Decent coverage in Psychic allows Aromatisse to deal with Poison-types that would otherwise put a damper on its attempts at sweeping. Emphasize that its decent but not good, as no matter what its coverage will be walled by a fair bit of stuff
  • Aromatisse's Special Attack is only decent, which leaves it struggling to break specially bulky Pokemon without a boost in power from Nasty Plot.
  • While good defensively, its pure Fairy typing unfortunately curses it with weaknesses to Poison- and Steel-types, both of which are fairly common in the NU tier.
  • Aromatisse will often have to take a hit before setting Trick Room for itself, which can be problematic versus stronger attackers such as Choice Specs Vanilluxe, and its susceptibility to all forms of entry hazards making it easier to wear down only makes matters worse.
name: Offensive Trick Room
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Nasty Plot
move 3: Moonblast
move 4: Psychic
item: Fairium Z
ability: Aroma Veil
nature: Quiet
evs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
ivs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe

  • Trick Room is a major part in what makes Aromatisse a good late-game sweeper, allowing it to take advantage of its low Speed by outspeeding almost all of the tier under it.
  • Nasty Plot augments Aromatisse's Special Attack, giving it an easier time breaking and sweeping through teams.
  • Moonblast is Aromatisse's strongest Fairy-type attack, hitting Dark-, Dragon-, and Fighting-types such as Sneasel, Altaria, and Hariyama for super effective damage.
  • Psychic offers it coverage to combat Poison-types such as Golbat and Venusaur that would normally give it difficulties.
  • Alternatively, Hidden Power Ground can be used to target Fire- and Steel-types that give it problems such as Delphox, Klinklang, Silvally-Steel, and Togedemaru. Also mention HP Fire, which combines Steel and Grass/Poisons, see Venu, into one slot, would honestly put above HP ground, as Fires are like, really easy to wear down, or hit neutrally by Moonblast, screw it, make HP fire a full slash, and put HP ground in moves.
Set Details
  • The investment in both HP and Special Attack maximize Aromatisse's bulk and offensive presence. The Quiet nature further augments Aromatisse's power while also helping it outspeed as much as it can under Trick Room.
  • A Modest nature in combination with 24 Speed EVs can be used instead so that Aromatisse outspeeds Slowbro outside of Trick Room, but this hinders Aromatisse's matchup against opposing Trick Room teams.
  • Aroma Veil is the preferred ability due to it preventing Aromatisse from being disrupted by Taunt and Encore.
  • Fairium Z turns Moonblast into Twinkle Tackle, which is fairly strong even unboosted and allows Aromatisse to bypass some of its checks at +2 such as Delphox and Klinklang.
Usage Tips
  • Since Aromatisse excels as a late-game sweeper, it should wait until Pokemon it cannot break through such as Silvally-Steel have been either weakened enough or removed entirely to begin its sweep.
  • While Aromatisse's bulk is good, it shouldn't be recklessly switched in on attacks when it doesn't have to be, as this cuts into its longevity and makes it job harder. Emphasize that if weakened, it really struggles to find setup opportunities.
  • Aromatisse should mainly set up on Pokemon that are Choiced-locked into Dark- or Fighting-type attacks such as Sneasel, Emboar, and Braviary. Also mention dragon types such as Druddigon and Altaria here.
  • Exercise caution when it comes to using Aromatisse's Z-Move. It should mainly be used to KO Fairy-resistant Pokemon that can take a Moonblast at +2, or to break through specially bulky Pokemon such as Type: Null.
Team Options
  • Aromatisse appreciates wallbreakers that can place pressure on specially bulky Pokemon such as the aforementioned Type: Null, Venusaur, and Mega Audino, so Pokemon such as Emboar, Hariyama, Haunter, and Vanilluxe make for good partners. Weirdly enough, Venu itself is also fantastic as a partner, knocking off Null's lefties, and luring in certain steels and poisons for you.
  • Entry hazard support from the likes of Druddigon, Garbodor, Rhydon, and Steelix is also appreciated since the entry hazards wear down a lot of Aromatisse's switch-ins. The entry hazards can also lessen the need to use Twinkle Tackle against certain Pokemon, allowing Aromatisse to save it until it is more important.
  • On more dedicated Trick Room teams, other Trick Room setters such as Mega Audino, Alolan Exeggutor, and Uxie are good partners, as they alleviate some of the pressure placed on Aromatisse to set up. Alolan Exeggutor can also wallbreak for Aromatisse, while Uxie sets up Stealth Rock and can safely get Aromatisse in with both Memento and U-turn; both of which give Aromatisse an easier time sweeping.
  • Slow wallbreakers such as Aggron, Hariyama, and Vikavolt appreciate Aromatisse offering them Trick Room support to improve their matchup against offensive teams. In return, they break many of the Pokemon that Aromatisse finds itself struggling with such as Silvally-Steel.
Other Options
  • A physically defensive set with Wish / Protect / Moonblast / Aromatherapy could be used to make Aromatisse into a cleric, but Aromatisse faces competition in this role from Mega Audino, which boasts greater bulk and Regenerator prior to Mega Evolution.
  • Aromatisse has access to other coverage moves such as Energy Ball and Thunderbolt, although neither give Aromatisse the ability to deal with Poison- or Steel-types.
  • Life Orb can be used over Fairium Z if the team Aromatisse is on already has a Z-Move user, although the recoil damage it has to take as a result of this is unappealing and wears it down faster.
  • A set of Calm Mind / Moonblast / Rest / Sleep Talk can turn Aromatisse into a bulky wincon for balanced and stall teams, although such as a set faces competition from Type: Null.
Checks and Counters

**Poison-types**: Poison-types such as Garbodor, specially defensive Venusaur, and Vileplume all resist Moonblast can all take an unboosted Psychic and dish out a super effective Poison-type attack in response.

**Steel-types**: Steel-types such as Klinklang, Probopass, Silvally-Steel, and Steelix all take an unboosted Twinkle Tackle and threaten Aromatisse out with their respective Steel-type attacks. Klinklang and Steelix don't appreciate taking a +2 Twinkle Tackle, however.

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Type: Null and Assault Vest Slowking can both take even a +2 Twinkle Tackle, while Type: Null can simply use Rest to recover any lost HP. Both can also deal decent amounts of damage to Aromatisse with their STAB moves.

**Residual Damage**: Due to Aromatisse not having room for any kind of recovery, it is worn down by residual damage from entry hazards, Toxic, and weather, which can prove annoying against stronger attackers since Aromatisse usually has to take one hit before being able to set up Trick Room.

Good stuff, though remove emboar mentions.

QC 1/3 once implemented.
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id mention lefties in oo since it helps prevent passive damage which can be one of the main aromatisse killers ive experienced, id honestly put it in set details but thats prolly a lil farfetched

maybe mention pivots like xatu and rotom in team options that help keep hazards away while also giving it free switch ins which it rly needs imo

other than that 2/3

first check in like 2 months i hope u feel special
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Aromatisse's Special Attack is only decent, however, which leaves it struggling to break certain bulkier Pokemon without a boost in power from Nasty Plot no matter what coverage Aromatisse decides to run. While good defensively, its pure Fairy typing unfortunately burdens it with weaknesses to Poison- and Steel-type attacks, both of which are fairly common in NU. Aromatisse will often have to take a hit before setting Trick Room for itself, which can be problematic versus stronger attackers such as Choice Specs Vanilluxe, and its susceptibility to all forms of entry hazards making it easier to wear down only makes matters worse.
I know what you're trying to say here, but this whole bit has really clunky wording. It'd be much simpler to say something like "Aromatisse has average stats all around, with its average SpA often requiring it to set up both TR and NP before sweeping, and its average defenses making that difficult." (Paraphrasing of course.) The info here is good, it just needs to be simplified a bit.

Mention that HP Ground loses out on Venusaur, which is the most important target.

When you talk about hazard setters, talk about ones that specifically work well with Aromatisse. Literally all Pokemon appreciate hazard support on some level, so it's unnecessary just to say "hazards are useful for whittling down checks".

QC 3/3
pretty sick job


remove add / fix (comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)
GP 1/2

Due to its good offensive typing, access to Trick Room to mitigate its rather low Speed, and access to Nasty Plot to augment its already decent Special Attack, Aromatisse is capable of performing as an effective late-game sweeper that can pose a threat to offensive and defensive teams alike. Aromatisse's typing is solid defensively as well, allowing it to check Pokemon such as Assault Vest Hariyama, Sneasel, and Malamar. This in combination with its good mixed bulk gives it an easier time more reliably (or "enables it to set TR more reliably", but redundant in its current state) setting Trick Room. Decent coverage in Psychic also allows Aromatisse to deal with Poison-types that would otherwise put a damper on its attempts at sweeping. However, Aromatisse suffers from rather average overall stats, which often forces it to use both Trick Room and Nasty Plot in order to begin sweeping. While good defensively, its pure Fairy typing unfortunately burdens it with weaknesses to Poison- and Steel-type attacks, both of which are fairly common in NU. Aromatisse will often have to take a hit before setting Trick Room for itself, which can be problematic versus stronger attackers such as Choice Specs Vanilluxe, and its susceptibility to all forms of entry hazards making it easier to wear down only makes matters worse.

name: Offensive Trick Room
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Nasty Plot
move 3: Moonblast
move 4: Psychic / Hidden Power Fire
item: Fairium Z
ability: Aroma Veil
nature: Quiet
evs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
ivs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe


Trick Room is a major part of what makes Aromatisse a good late-game sweeper, allowing it to take advantage of its low Speed by outspeeding almost all of the tier under it. Nasty Plot augments Aromatisse's Special Attack, giving it an easier time breaking and sweeping through teams. Moonblast is Aromatisse's strongest Fairy-type attack, hitting Dark-, Dragon-, and Fighting-types such as Sneasel, Altaria, and Hariyama for super effective damage. Psychic offers it coverage to combat Poison-types such as Golbat and Venusaur that would normally give it difficulties. Hidden Power Fire is also an option for this slot, targeting both Steel-types such as Klinklang and Silvally-Steel and Grass-types such as Venusaur and Vileplume in one slot. Hidden Power Ground is another alternative that can be used to target Fire-types such as Delphox and Magmortar on top of the aforementioned Steel-types, although most Fire-types are very easier to wear down, and Houndoom and Incineroar are neutral to Moonblast. Furthermore, opting for Hidden Power Ground leaves Aromatisse unable to deal any meaningful damage to Venusaur, which is Psychic's main target.

Set Details

The investment in both HP and Special Attack maximizes Aromatisse's bulk and offensive presence. The Quiet nature further augments Aromatisse's power while also helping it outspeed as much as it can under Trick Room. Aroma Veil is the preferred ability due to it preventing Aromatisse from being disrupted by Taunt and Encore from the likes of Mismagius and Whimsicott. Fairium Z turns Moonblast into Twinkle Tackle, which is fairly strong even unboosted and allows Aromatisse to bypass some of its checks at +2, such as Delphox and Klinklang.

Usage Tips

Since Aromatisse excels as a late-game sweeper, it should wait until Pokemon it cannot break through such as Silvally-Steel have been either weakened enough or removed entirely to begin its sweep. While Aromatisse's bulk is good, it shouldn't be recklessly switched in on attacks when it doesn't have to be, as this cuts into its longevity. Furthermore, being weakened limits Aromatisse's ability to find setup opportunities. Aromatisse should mainly set up on Pokemon that are Choice locked (RH) into Dark- or Fighting-type attacks such as Sneasel and Braviary, as well as on Dragon-types such as Altaria and Druddigon. After setting up Trick Room, Aromatisse should aim to use Nasty Plot in order to increase its damage output and make it become more threatening. Against frailer, offensive teams, however, this may not always be necessary. Exercise caution when it comes to using Aromatisse's Z-Move. It should mainly be used to KO Fairy-resistant foes that can take a +2 Moonblast (RC) or to break through very specially bulky Pokemon such as Type: Null.

Team Options

Aromatisse appreciates wallbreakers that can place pressure on specially bulky Pokemon such as the aforementioned Type: Null, Venusaur, and Mega Audino, so Pokemon such as Hariyama, Haunter, and Vanilluxe make for good partners. Venusaur itself makes for a good partner due to its ability to cripple Pokemon like Type: Null with Knock Off, incapacitate other checks with Sleep Powder, and potentially lure in opposing Poison- and Steel-types and remove them with Earthquake. Entry hazard support from the likes of Rhydon and Steelix is appreciated, since the entry hazards wear chip damage wears down Aromatisse's switch-ins; the previously mentioned examples can also check Poison-types for Aromatisse, while it can deal with Fighting-types for them. Entry hazards can also lessen the need to use Twinkle Tackle against certain Pokemon, allowing Aromatisse to save it until it is more important. Pivots such as Probopass, Rotom, and Xatu are good teammates since they can get Aromatisse in safely against the likes of Sneasel and ease setup. Rotom and Xatu can provide useful entry hazard removal, while Probopass can trap Steel-types. On more dedicated Trick Room teams, other Trick Room setters such as Mega Audino, Alolan Exeggutor, and Uxie are good partners, as they alleviate some of the pressure placed on Aromatisse to set up. Alolan Exeggutor can also wallbreak for Aromatisse, Uxie sets up Stealth Rock and can safely get Aromatisse in with both Memento and U-turn, and Mega Audino can provide useful Healing Wish support; all of which give Aromatisse an easier time sweeping. Slow wallbreakers such as Aggron, Hariyama, and Vikavolt appreciate Aromatisse offering them Trick Room support to improve their matchup against offensive teams. In return, they break many of the Pokemon that Aromatisse finds itself struggling with such as Silvally-Steel.

Other Options

Leftovers is a viable alternative to Fairium Z if the team Aromatisse is on already has a Z-Move in use that gives Aromatisse a form of passive recovery, which can be rather helpful since passive damage is one of Aromatisse's greater annoyances. Life Orb can also be used over Fairium Z if the team Aromatisse is on already has a Z-Move user, although the recoil damage it has to take as a result of this is unappealing and wears it down faster. Aromatisse has access to other coverage moves such as Energy Ball and Thunderbolt, although a lot of what these other moves hit already doesn't appreciate switching in on a +2 Moonblast. An alternative spread with a Modest nature in combination with 24 Speed EVs can be used instead so that Aromatisse outspeeds Slowbro outside of Trick Room, but this hinders Aromatisse's matchup against opposing Trick Room teams. A physically defensive set with Wish, Protect, Moonblast, and Aromatherapy could be used to make Aromatisse into a cleric, but Aromatisse faces competition in this role from Mega Audino, which boasts greater bulk and Regenerator prior to Mega Evolution. A set of Calm Mind, Moonblast, Rest, and Sleep Talk can turn Aromatisse into a bulky late-game sweeper for balanced and stall teams, although such as a set faces competition from Type: Null.

Checks and Counters

**Poison-types**: Poison-types such as Garbodor, specially defensive Venusaur, and Vileplume resist Moonblast and can take an unboosted Psychic before dishing out a super effective Poison-type attack in response.

**Steel-types**: Steel-types such as Klinklang, Probopass, Silvally-Steel, and Steelix all take an unboosted Twinkle Tackle and threaten Aromatisse out with their respective Steel-type STAB attacks. Klinklang and Steelix don't appreciate taking a +2 Twinkle Tackle, (AC) however, while Probopass doesn't want to switch in on Hidden Power Ground.

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Type: Null and Assault Vest Slowking can both take even a +2 Twinkle Tackle, with Type: Null being able to use Rest to recover any lost HP and Slowking being able to switch out and regain a bit of lost health due to Regenerator. Both can also deal decent amounts of damage to Aromatisse with their respective STAB moves.

**Residual Damage**: Due to Aromatisse not having room for any kind of recovery, it is worn down by residual damage from entry hazards, Toxic, and weather, which can prove annoying against stronger attackers since Aromatisse usually has to take one hit before being able to set up Trick Room.
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Remove Add Comments (AC)= add comma (RC)= remove comma (AH)= add hyphen (RH)= remove hyphen

Due to its good offensive typing, access to Trick Room to mitigate its rather low Speed, and access to Nasty Plot to augment its already decent Special Attack, Aromatisse is capable of performing as an effective late-game sweeper that can pose a threat to offensive and defensive teams alike. Aromatisse's typing is solid defensively as well, allowing it to check Pokemon such as Assault Vest Hariyama, Sneasel, and Malamar. This,(AC) in combination with its good mixed bulk,(AC) gives it an easier time setting Trick Room. Decent coverage in Psychic also allows Aromatisse to deal with Poison-types that would otherwise put a damper on its attempts at sweeping. However, Aromatisse suffers from rather average overall stats, which often forces it to use both Trick Room and Nasty Plot in order to begin sweeping. While good defensively, its pure Fairy typing unfortunately burdens it with weaknesses to Poison- and Steel-type attacks, both of which are fairly common in NU. Aromatisse will often have to take a hit before setting Trick Room for itself, which can be problematic versus stronger attackers such as Choice Specs Vanilluxe, and its susceptibility to all forms of entry hazards making it easier to wear down only makes matters worse.

name: Offensive Trick Room
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Nasty Plot
move 3: Moonblast
move 4: Psychic / Hidden Power Fire
item: Fairium Z
ability: Aroma Veil
nature: Quiet
evs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
ivs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe


Trick Room is a major part of what makes Aromatisse a good late-game sweeper, allowing it to take advantage of its low Speed by outspeeding almost all of the tier under it. Nasty Plot augments Aromatisse's Special Attack, giving it an easier time breaking and sweeping through teams. Moonblast is Aromatisse's strongest Fairy-type attack, hitting Dark-, Dragon-, and Fighting-types such as Sneasel, Altaria, and Hariyama for super effective damage. Psychic offers it coverage to combat Poison-types such as Venusaur and Golbat that would normally give it difficulties. Hidden Power Fire is also an option for this slot, targeting both Steel-types such as Klinklang and Silvally-Steel and Grass-types such as Venusaur and Vileplume in one slot. Hidden Power Ground is another alternative that can be used to target Fire-types such as Delphox and Magmortar on top of the aforementioned Steel-types, although most Fire-types are very easier to wear down, and Houndoom and Incineroar are neutrally hit by to Moonblast. Furthermore, opting for Hidden Power Ground leaves Aromatisse unable to deal any meaningful damage to Venusaur, which is Psychic's main target.

Set Details

The investment in both HP and Special Attack maximizes Aromatisse's bulk and offensive presence. The A Quiet nature further augments Aromatisse's power while also helping it outspeed as much as it can under Trick Room. Aroma Veil is the preferred ability due to it preventing Aromatisse from being disrupted by Taunt and Encore from the likes of Mismagius and Whimsicott. Fairium Z turns Moonblast into Twinkle Tackle, which is fairly strong even unboosted and allows Aromatisse to bypass some of its checks at +2, such as Delphox and Klinklang.

Usage Tips

Since Aromatisse excels as a late-game sweeper, it should wait until Pokemon it cannot break through such as Silvally-Steel have been either weakened enough or removed entirely to begin its sweep. While Aromatisse's bulk is good, it shouldn't be recklessly switched in on attacks when it doesn't have to be, as this cuts into its longevity. Furthermore, being weakened limits Aromatisse's ability to find setup opportunities. Aromatisse should mainly set up on Pokemon that are Choice locked into Dark- or Fighting-type attacks such as Sneasel and Braviary, as well as on Dragon-types such as Altaria and Druddigon. After setting up Trick Room, Aromatisse should aim to use Nasty Plot in order to increase its damage output and become more threatening. However,(AC) (flows better) against frailer, offensive teams, however,(RC) this may not always be necessary. Exercise caution when it comes to using Aromatisse's Z-Move. It should mainly be used to KO Fairy-resistant foes that can take a +2 Moonblast or to break through very specially bulky Pokemon such as Type: Null.

Team Options

Aromatisse appreciates wallbreakers that can place pressure on specially bulky Pokemon such as Type: Null, Venusaur, and Mega Audino, so Pokemon such as Hariyama, Mega Camerupt, Vanilluxe, and Haunter make for good partners. Venusaur itself makes for a good partner due to its ability to cripple Pokemon like Type: Null with Knock Off, incapacitate other checks with Sleep Powder, and potentially lure in opposing Poison- and Steel-types and remove them with Earthquake. Entry hazard support from the likes of Rhydon and Steelix is appreciated, since the chip damage wears down Aromatisse's switch-ins; the previously mentioned examples can also check Poison-types for Aromatisse, while it can deal with Fighting-types for them. Entry hazards can also lessen the need to use Twinkle Tackle against certain Pokemon, allowing Aromatisse to save it until it is more important. Pivots such as Probopass, Rotom, and Xatu are good teammates,(AC) since they can get Aromatisse in safely against the likes of Sneasel and ease setup. Rotom and Xatu can provide useful entry hazard removal, while Probopass can trap Steel-types. On more dedicated Trick Room teams, other Trick Room setters such as Mega Audino, Alolan Exeggutor, and Uxie are good partners, as they alleviate some of the pressure placed on Aromatisse to set up. Alolan Exeggutor can also wallbreak for Aromatisse, Uxie sets up Stealth Rock and can safely get Aromatisse in with both Memento and U-turn, and Mega Audino can provide useful Healing Wish support;(SC),(AC) all of which give Aromatisse an easier time sweeping. Slow wallbreakers such as Aggron, Hariyama, and Vikavolt appreciate Aromatisse offering them Trick Room support to improve their matchup against offensive teams. In return, they break many of the Pokemon that Aromatisse finds itself struggling with such as Silvally-Steel.

Other Options

Leftovers is a viable alternative to Fairium Z if the team Aromatisse is on already has a Z-Move in user that gives Aromatisse a form of passive recovery, since passive damage is one of Aromatisse's greater annoyances. Life Orb can also be used over Fairium Z if the team Aromatisse is on already has a Z-Move user, although the recoil damage it has to take as a result of this is unappealing and wears it down faster. Aromatisse has access to other coverage moves such as Energy Ball and Thunderbolt, although a lot of what these other moves hit already doesn't appreciate switching in on a +2 Moonblast. An alternative EV spread with 24 Speed EVs in combination with a Modest nature in combination with 24 Speed EVs can be used instead so that Aromatisse outspeeds Slowbro outside of Trick Room, but this hinders Aromatisse's matchup against opposing Trick Room teams. A physically defensive set with Wish, Protect, Moonblast, and Aromatherapy Wish / Protect / Moonblast / Aromatherapy could be used to make Aromatisse into a cleric, but Aromatisse faces competition in this role from Mega Audino, which boasts greater bulk and Regenerator prior to Mega Evolution. A set of Calm Mind, Moonblast, Rest, and Sleep Talk Calm Mind / Moonblast / Rest / Sleep Talk can turn Aromatisse into a bulky late-game sweeper for balanced and stall teams, although such as a set faces competition from Type: Null.

Checks and Counters

**Poison-types**: Poison-types such as Garbodor, specially defensive Venusaur, and Vileplume resist Moonblast and can take an unboosted Psychic before dishing out a super effective Poison-type attack in response.

**Steel-types**: Steel-types such as Steelix, Silvally-Steel, Klinklang, and Probopass all take an unboosted Twinkle Tackle and threaten Aromatisse out with their respective STAB attacks. Klinklang and Steelix don't appreciate taking a +2 Twinkle Tackle,(AC) however, while Probopass doesn't want to switch in on Hidden Power Ground.

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Type: Null and Assault Vest Slowking can both take even a +2 Twinkle Tackle, with Type: Null being able to use Rest to recover any lost HP and Slowking being able to switch out and regain a bit of lost health due to Regenerator. Both can also deal decent amounts of damage to Aromatisse with their respective STAB moves.

**Residual Damage**: Due to Aromatisse not having room for any kind of recovery, it is worn down by residual damage from entry hazards, Toxic, and weather, which can prove annoying against stronger attackers,(AC) since Aromatisse usually has to take one hit before being able to set up Trick Room.
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