Doubles Armarouge


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Armarouge @ Life Orb
Ability: Flash Fire
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Armor Cannon
- Expanding Force
- Trick Room
- Protect

Armarouge is the premier offensive Trick Room setter in Doubles OU! Armarouge is a staple of Trick Room teams that utilize Indeedee-F, as it gains a powerful spread move in Expanding Force under Psychic Terrain. Armor Cannon lets Armarouge remove Steel-types that resist Expanding Force, such as Gholdengo and Kingambit. Trick Room allows Armarouge to outspeed most foes and hit them with a powerful Expanding Force. Forces. Protect allows Armarouge's partner to switch into a more favorable matchup or deal with a threat for it. Life Orb boosts Armarouge’s damage output at the cost of its HP. Tera Grass turns Armarouge's Ground and Water weaknesses into resistances, as well as providing a Spore immunity, with Flash Fire negating its new Fire weakness. Armarouge enjoys being paired with Pokemon that provide redirection for Armarouge to get Trick Room up safely, like Amoonguss and Indeedee-F.
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Looks good, comments in blue inside the quote. QC 1/1.
Armarouge @ Life Orb
Ability: Flash Fire
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Armor Cannon
- Expanding Force
- Trick Room
- Protect

Armarouge is the premier Trick Room setter in Doubles OU!
I think it's important to recognize the distinction that it's an offensive setter in comparison to the other setters i.e. Farig/Indeedee, so I would write that. Just a simple word addition.

Armarouge is a staple of Trick Room teams that utilize Indeedee-F, as Armarouge gains access to a 120 base power Psychic-type spread move in Expanding Force in Psychic Terrain. Armor Cannon lets Armarouge remove Steel-types that resist Expanding Force with a strong Fire-type attack. Trick Room allows Armarouge to outspeed most things in the meta and hit them with powerful Expanding Forces. Protect keeps Armarouge safe for a turn, allowing its partner to switch to a more favorable matchup or deal with a threat to Armarouge. Life Orb boosts Armarouge’s damage output without locking it into a move like an item like Choice Specs and allows it to use Protect. A Tera type of Grass turns Armarouge’s weaknesses to Ground and Water into resistances, while Flash Fire turns your new weakness to Fire into an immunity. Armarouge enjoys being paired with Pokémon like Amoonguss and Indeedee-F which provide redirection for Armarouge to get Trick Room up safely.

You don't need to mention choice items (specs) - it's not an alternate item for the set. Tera Grass section should mention the gained Spore immunity which is highly relevant to the trick room attacker role that Arma provides.

(167 words, 1016 characters)
GP 1/1
Armarouge @ Life Orb
Ability: Flash Fire
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Armor Cannon
- Expanding Force
- Trick Room
- Protect

Armarouge is the premier offensive Trick Room setter in Doubles OU! is this needed? feels redundant when the following sentence says something quite similar

Armarouge is a staple of Trick Room teams that utilize Indeedee-F, as it gains a powerful spread move in Expanding Force under Psychic Terrain. Armarouge gains access to a 120 base power Psychic-type spread move in Expanding Force in Psychic Terrain. Armor Cannon lets Armarouge remove Steel-types that resist Expanding Force, (ac) such as ___ and ___with a strong Fire-type attack. an example or two would be nice imo Trick Room allows Armarouge to outspeed most foes things in the meta and hit them with a powerful Expanding Force. Forces. Protect allows Armarouge's keeps Armarouge safe for a turn, allowing its partner to switch into a more favorable matchup or deal with a threat to it Armarouge. Life Orb boosts Armarouge’s damage output at the cost of its HP. Tera Grass A Tera type of Grass turns Armarouge’s weaknesses to Ground and Water into resistances, as well as gaining a Spore immunity, while Flash Fire turns its your new weakness to Fire into an immunity. Armarouge enjoys being paired with Pokemon Pokémon removed accent mark like Amoonguss and Indeedee-F, (ac) which provide redirection for Armarouge to get Trick Room up safely.


GP Team done