RU Arctovish

name: Hail Wallbreaker
move 1: Fishious Rend
move 2: Freeze-Dry
move 3: Icicle Crash
move 4: Substitute / Protect
item: Life Orb
ability: Slush Rush
nature: Naive
evs: 236 Atk / 40 SpA / 232 Spe


Slush Rush Arctovish uses its Fishious Rend and boosted Speed to plow through defensive and offensive threats alike. Fishious Rend's incredible power puts immense pressure on any Pokemon that does not resist it, OHKOing frailer Pokemon such as Raikou and 2HKOing bulkier Pokemon such as Registeel and Galarian Weezing. Freeze-Dry hits Water-types, OHKOing Gastrodon after Stealth Rock and Seismitoad from full health, 2HKOing Jellicent after some chip damage, and activating Golisopod's Emergency Exit. Icicle Crash 2HKOes Grass-types such as Celebi and Vileplume, as well as OHKOing Roserade. Substitute allows Arctovish to take advantage of forced switches and allows for easier prediction. Protect is an option to beat First Impression Golisopod and scout faster Choice-locked Pokemon such as Gardevoir and Flygon. The given EV spread allows Arctovish to OHKO Gastrodon and Seismitoad with Freeze-Dry after Stealth Rock and outspeed up to Choice Scarf Rotom-C under hail. A Choice Band set is a fine alternative, dishing out immense power with Fishious Rend. However, its inability to OHKO Seismitoad and Gastrodon and the availability of Water-immune Pokemon make it significantly more prediction reliant.

Slush Rush Arctovish requires a hail-setting teammate. Vanilluxe can wallbreak independently and thus is best suited to semi-hail, while dedicated hail teams use a combination of Abomasnow and Aurorus to support its sweepers. Alolan Sandslash synergizes with Arctovish, as one can weaken or beat their checks to open the other up for a sweep. Because Arctovish is weak to Stealth Rock, it appreciates entry hazard control from Pokemon such as Xatu, Dhelmise, Starmie, Crobat, and Flygon. Flygon can check the Fire-type Pokemon such as Chandelure that threaten hail teams and bring Arctovish in safely with U-turn. Similarly, Starmie can pivot into Water-types and Teleport out while keeping hazard setters like Registeel, Bronzong, and Steelix at bay. Because Gardevoir can copy Slush Rush with Trace and counter-sweep hail teams, sturdy answers such as Metagross and Registeel are required on semi-hail. Because Arctovish is unable to break through some bulky Water-types such as Milotic and Suicune, Grass- and Electric-type teammates are important. On semi-hail, Pokemon like Roserade, Nasty Plot Celebi, and Calm Mind Raikou are highly valuable. Roserade can support Arctovish with Spikes, while Raikou and Celebi pair very well with Arctovish offensively. On full hail, Pokemon like Toxicroak or Heliolisk can deal with Water-types. Lastly, checks to Steel-types like Registeel and Cosmic Power Metagross are important, so Pokemon like Xatu and Doublade are good choices.

- Written by: [[A Very Gay Girl, 544192], [zizalith, 410251]]
- Quality checked by: [[Yourwelcomethanku, 541847], [gorex, 244449], [GoldCat, 359771]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429], [P Squared, 168392]]
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QC 1/2 imo sub/protect instead
Protect is an option to beat First Impression Golisopod.
Scout choiced Pokemon too

Slush Rush Arctovish requires a Snow Warning teammate in Vanilluxe, Abomasnow, or Aurorus. Alolan Sandslash synergizes very well with Arctovish, as one can weaken or beat their checks in order to open the other up for a sweep. Arctovish is also capable of breaking through Steelix, which be a nuisance for Arctozolt and(RIP Arctozolt) hail teams in generalas a whole(I imagine this makes more sense?). Because Arctovish is weak to Stealth Rock, it appreciates Defog or Rapid Spin support from Pokemon such as TogekissCrobat,(Togekiss rarely runs Defog) Dhelmise, Starmie, and Flygon. Togekiss and Dhelmise are also able to check Choice Scarf users like Flygon or Celebi,(This area should've some reworking, Choice Scarf Celebi hardly exists, you could throw in another part with Gardevoir and Steel-type examples instead) which revenge kill Arctovish, while Flygon is able to check the Fire-type Pokemon that threaten hail teams and bring Arctovish in safely with U-Turn. Lastly, because Arctovish is unable to break through some bulky Water-types such as Milotic and Suicune, Grass- and Electric-type teammates such as Roserade, Celebi, and Rotom-Mow are highly valuable. Roserade and Celebi can also support Arctovish with Spikes or U-Turn.(If we don't plan on giving utility Celebi a full set, then its mention should probably be removed, though, it's a sensible set for hail)
name: Hail Wallbreaker
move 1: Fishious Rend
move 2: Freeze-Dry
move 3: Icicle Crash
move 4: Substitute / Protect
item: Life Orb
ability: Slush Rush
nature: Naive
evs: 236 Atk / 40 SpA / 232 Spe


Slush Rush Arctovish uses its Fishious Rend and boosted Speed to plow through defensive and offensive threats alike. Fishious Rend's incredible power puts immense pressure on any Pokemon that does not resist it, OHKOing frailer Pokemon such as x (x gon give it to ya - raikou and xurkitree are good examples) and 2HKO'ing bulkier Pokemon such as Registeel and Galarian Weezing. Freeze-Dry hits Water-types, OHKOing Gastrodon after Stealth Rocks and Seismitoad from full, 2HKOing Jellicent after some chip while activating Golisopod's Emergency Exit. Icicle Crash hits 2HKOs Grass-types such as Celebi and Vileplume as well as OHKOing Roserade. Substitute allows Arctovish to take advantage of forced switches. Protect is an option to beat First Impression Golisopod and scout faster choice-locked Pokemon such as Gardevoir and Flygon. Psychic Fangs OHKOs Toxicroak, but it fails to hit any other notable targets. (croak p niche rn and crash 2hkos). The given EV spread allows Arctovish to OHKO Gastrodon and Seismitoad with Freeze-Dry after Stealth Rock and outspeed up to Choice Scarf Rotom-Mow under hail.

Slush Rush Arctovish requires a Snow Warning teammate in Vanilluxe, Abomasnow, or Aurorus. Alolan Sandslash synergizes very well with Arctovish, as one can weaken or beat their checks in order to open the other up for a sweep. Arctovish is also capable of breaking through Steelix, which be a nuisance for Alolan Sandslash and hail teams in general. Because Arctovish is weak to Stealth Rock, it appreciates hazard control from Pokemon such as Xatu, Dhelmise, Starmie, and Flygon. Flygon can also check the Fire-type Pokemon (such as...?) that threaten hail teams and bring Arctovish in safely with U-Turn. Because Gardevoir can copy Slush Rush and counter sweep hail teams, sturdy answers such as Metagross are required. Lastly, because Arctovish is unable to break through some bulky Water-types such as Milotic and Suicune, Grass- and Electric-type Grass-type teammates such as Roserade, Celebi, and Rotom-Mow are highly valuable. (mowtom's just coincidentally an elec but pure elecs dont rly have defensive utility to fit on hail teams). Roserade and Celebi can also support Arctovish with Spikes or U-Turn.

- Written by: [[A Very Gay Girl, 544192], [zizalith,410251]]
- Quality checked by: [[Yourwelcomethanku,541847], [, ], [, ]]
- Grammar checked by: [[, ]]

qc 2/2 when done!
I would want to take a final look before any gp check, as I think the team section can be improved further. I’ll do the check soon.

z edit: check it anyways, ill ask a gper to give it another look once I've implemented
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Add/Fix Remove Comment
(AC): Add Comma

name: Hail Wallbreaker
move 1: Fishious Rend
move 2: Freeze-Dry
move 3: Icicle Crash
move 4: Substitute / Protect
item: Life Orb
ability: Slush Rush
nature: Naive
evs: 236 Atk / 40 SpA / 232 Spe


Slush Rush Arctovish uses its Fishious Rend and boosted Speed to plow through defensive and offensive threats alike. Fishious Rend's incredible power puts immense pressure on any Pokemon that does not resist it, OHKOing frailer Pokemon such as Raikou and 2HKOing (removed apostrophe) bulkier Pokemon such as Registeel and Galarian Weezing. Freeze-Dry hits Water-types, OHKOing Gastrodon after Stealth Rocks and Seismitoad from full health, 2HKOing Jellicent after some chip while damage, and activating Golisopod's Emergency Exit. Icicle Crash 2HKOes Grass-types such as Celebi and Vileplume, (AC) as well as OHKOing Roserade. Substitute allows Arctovish to take advantage of forced switches and allows for easier prediction. Protect is an option to beat First Impression Golisopod and scout faster Choice-locked Pokemon such as Gardevoir and Flygon. The given EV spread allows Arctovish to OHKO Gastrodon and Seismitoad with Freeze-Dry after Stealth Rock and outspeed up to Choice Scarf Rotom-Mow Rotom-C under hail.

Slush Rush Arctovish requires a Snow Warning hail-setting teammate in Vanilluxe, Abomasnow, or Aurorus. Alolan Sandslash synergizes very well with Arctovish, as one can weaken or beat their checks in order to open the other up for a sweep. Arctovish is also capable of breaking through Steelix, which be a nuisance for Alolan Sandslash and hail teams in general. Because Arctovish is weak to Stealth Rock, it appreciates entry hazard control from Pokemon such as Xatu, Dhelmise, Starmie, and Flygon. Flygon can also check the Fire-type Pokemon such as Chandelure that threaten hail teams and bring Arctovish in safely with U-Turn. U-turn. Because Gardevoir can copy Slush Rush with Trace and counter-sweep (added hyphen) hail teams, sturdy answers to it such as Metagross are required. Lastly, because Arctovish is unable to break through some bulky Water-types such as Milotic and Suicune, Grass-type teammates such as Roserade, Celebi, and Rotom-Mow Rotom-C are highly valuable. Roserade and Celebi can also support Arctovish with Spikes or U-Turn. U-turn, respectively.

- Written by: [[A Very Gay Girl, 544192], [zizalith, 410251]]
- Quality checked by: [[Yourwelcomethanku, 541847], [gorex, 244449]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429]]
name: Hail Wallbreaker
move 1: Fishious Rend
move 2: Freeze-Dry
move 3: Icicle Crash
move 4: Substitute / Protect
item: Life Orb
ability: Slush Rush
nature: Naive
evs: 236 Atk / 40 SpA / 232 Spe


Slush Rush Arctovish uses its Fishious Rend and boosted Speed to plow through defensive and offensive threats alike. Fishious Rend's incredible power puts immense pressure on any Pokemon that does not resist it, OHKOing frailer Pokemon such as Raikou and 2HKOing bulkier Pokemon such as Registeel and Galarian Weezing. Freeze-Dry hits Water-types, OHKOing Gastrodon after Stealth Rock and Seismitoad from full health, 2HKOing Jellicent after some chip damage, and activating Golisopod's Emergency Exit. Icicle Crash 2HKOes Grass-types such as Celebi and Vileplume, as well as OHKOing Roserade. Substitute allows Arctovish to take advantage of forced switches and allows for easier prediction. Protect is an option to beat First Impression Golisopod and scout faster Choice-locked Pokemon such as Gardevoir and Flygon. The given EV spread allows Arctovish to OHKO Gastrodon and Seismitoad with Freeze-Dry after Stealth Rock and outspeed up to Choice Scarf Rotom-C under hail. (Add mention of CB.)

Slush Rush Arctovish requires a hail-setting teammate in Vanilluxe, Abomasnow, or Aurorus. (Mention directly how Arctovish is either paired with just Vanilluxe on semi-hail or with Abomasnow and Aurorus on full-hail. As a whole, I think it would be best to concretely separate the whole team section into two parts: semi- and full-hail. They differ wildly in builds with full-hail basically always consisting of Arctovish / Sandslash-A / Abomasnow / Aurorus + two fillers, while semi-hail is much freer.) Alolan Sandslash synergizes very well with Arctovish, as one can weaken or beat their checks to open the other up for a sweep. Arctovish is also capable of breaking through Steelix, which be a nuisance for Alolan Sandslash and hail teams in general. (Hmm, does it tho? Steelix can't OHKO Sandslash-A and it 2HKOes back with +2 EQ, obv. it loses the 1v1 if it isn't boosted already but either way I wouldn't say Steelix is much of an issue to hail. Registeel and CP Metagross are much more annoying, as they OHKO with Body Press and are harder overall to take down with them actually resisting Ice.) Because Arctovish is weak to Stealth Rock, it appreciates entry hazard control from Pokemon such as Xatu, Dhelmise, Starmie, Crobat, (I've seen Crobat on full-hail before.) and Flygon. Flygon can also check the Fire-type Pokemon such as Chandelure that threaten hail teams and bring Arctovish in safely with U-turn. (Mention how Starmie can switch into bulky Waters and soak status and Teleport out and how it can reliably spin vs Rockers such as Registeel, Bronzong, and Steelix.) Because Gardevoir can copy Slush Rush with Trace and counter-sweep hail teams, sturdy answers to it such as Metagross and Registeel are required. (Only on semi-hail, on full you have to deal with it with Sandslash-A + priority or trade with Arctovish. Maybe you can fit Klefki, probably the only way to fit a Spiker, or like Doublade. Ho3n used Doublade when Cobalion was still here, but it prob ain't too bad, as with it you hard check Lucario, Cloyster, and SD Croak.) Lastly, because Arctovish is unable to break through some bulky Water-types such as Milotic and Suicune, Grass- and Electric-type teammates such as Roserade, Celebi, and Calm Mind Raikou (CM Raikou is pretty great on semi-hail, as it can run Weather Ball to break Grasses and Gastrodon more easily.) Rotom-C are highly valuable. Roserade and Celebi can also support Arctovish with Spikes or U-turn, respectively. (U-turn Celebi isn't a thing anymore but NP Celebi pairs really well with Arctovish offensively. Mention how these fit on semi-hail. On Full you can run mons Toxicroak for the Waters.)

- Written by: [[A Very Gay Girl, 544192], [zizalith, 410251]]
- Quality checked by: [[Yourwelcomethanku, 541847], [gorex, 244449], [GoldCat, 359771]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429]]

QC 3/2.