LC Archen


is a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus

Taken over from Rowan. Approved by macle.


Great base 112 Attack, a unique typing, and being the only Pokemon aside from Piplup to have access to both Stealth Rock and Defog make Archen a formidable Pokemon in Little Cup. Archen's unique typing allows it to deal with most Normal-type threats such as Bunnelby and Zigzagoon, as well as Flying-types like Fletchling. On top of that, Archen can hit Grass- and Fighting-types hard with STAB Acrobatics. Archen also sports good stats, having a gigantic 112 Base Attack, good base 70 Speed, and decent defenses. However, Archen's ability Defeatist prevents it from being a nuke, as its offenses are lowered by two stages when its HP is below 50%, though Berry Juice helps mitigate this to an extent.

name: Offensive
move 1: Stone Edge / Rock Slide / Rock Tomb
move 2: Acrobatics
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: U-turn / Knock Off
ability: Defeatist
item: Berry Juice
evs: 76 HP / 180 Atk / 196 Spe
nature: Jolly


Stone Edge is a powerful Rock-type STAB move, hitting most threats extremely hard, although Rock Slide can be used for its higher accuracy, while also having a 30% chance to flinch the opponent at the cost of power. Rock Tomb is another option for a Rock-type STAB move and can slow down faster threats such as Misdreavus, which Archen then can outspeed and OHKO with Acrobatics or Knock Off. However, Rock Tomb doesn't hit too hard, even with STAB typing. STAB Acrobatics is Archen's most powerful move if Berry Juice is consumed or lost, with 110 Base Power. Earthquake is used to hit Electric-types and Steel-types like Chinchou, Magnemite, and Pawniard hard, while also hitting Poison-, Fire-, and Rock-types super effectively, giving Archen amazing EdgeQuake coverage. U-turn is the preferred move for the last slot to gain momentum, but Knock Off can also be used to remove the opponent's item, while also hitting Misdreavus super effectively.

Set Details

Maximum investment in Attack and Speed helps Archen be as much of an offensive threat as possible. The remaining EVs are placed into HP to marginally improve Archen's mixed bulk. A Jolly nature is used to outspeed Pokemon with 16 Speed, such as Pawniard, Adamant Mienfoo, and non-Timid Chinchou, which is very useful. Berry Juice is used for recovery and helps counteract Defeatist.

Usage Tips

Offensive Archen is fairly straightforward to use. Come in and hit threats with one of its powerful moves or use U-turn to gain momentum. Stone Edge or Rock Slide is the STAB move of choice until Berry Juice is consumed, since Acrobatics only has 55 Base Power when Archen is holding an item. Because of Archen's Defeatist ability, you have to be wary of Archen's HP going below 50%, which lowers its offenses by two stages. This also means that Archen should rarely be directly switched in, especially after its Berry Juice has been consumed.

Team Options

It is strongly recommended to have a teammate that can take on bulky Water-types like Slowpoke for Archen. Therefore, Chinchou and Magnemite are good teammates that can form a VoltTurn core and also deal with Steel-, Ice-, and Electric-types. This set appreciates Defog or Rapid Spin support, making Drilbur, Vullaby, and Staryu good teammates.

Fast Support
name: Fast Support
move 1: Defog / Stealth Rock
move 2: Rock Slide / Stealth Rock
move 3: Acrobatics / Knock Off / U-turn
move 4: Earthquake
ability: Defeatist
item: Berry Juice
evs: 76 HP / 156 Def / 76 SpD / 196 Spe
nature: Jolly


Archen is one of the few viable Pokemon in Little Cup to get Defog, which it can use to quickly remove entry hazards. Rock Slide is a powerful Rock-type STAB move that also has a 30% chance to cause the opponent to flinch. Stealth Rock can be used instead of either Defog or Rock Slide to make Archen even more support-oriented. In the third moveslot, Archen has lots of options. Acrobatics becomes a 110 Base Power Flying-type STAB move if Berry Juice is either consumed or lost. Knock Off cripples switch-ins, and the removal of an opponent's item can benefit the rest of the team. Finally, U-turn can be used to gain momentum. Earthquake hits opposing Pawniard that may want to switch in on Defog, and it also helps Archen deal with Electric-types such as Magnemite and Chinchou.

Set Details

A Jolly nature and 196 Speed EVs are used to Speed tie with Jolly Mienfoo and outspeed both Jolly Pawniard without Choice Scarf and non-Timid Chinchou. The remaining EVs are used to improve general bulk. Berry Juice is used for recovery, while also helping to negate Defeatist.

Usage Tips

This set works as a fast pivot. Send Archen in on Normal- or Flying-types such as Fletchling, force a switch, and set up Stealth Rock or use Defog. The main aim of this set is to maintain hazard control and check threats such as Bunnelby, Zigzagoon, and Fletchling.

Team Options

Archen deeply appreciates teammates that can deal with Steel-, Water-, Ice-, and Electric-types. Chinchou resists all four types and therefore has fantastic defensive synergy with Archen. Munchlax is another good option which shrugs off special Water-, Ice-, and Electric-type moves due to its enormous special bulk. Diglett, Timburr, and Croagunk all deal with Pawniard, making it easier for Archen to do its job. Grass-types also love having Archen as a teammate, as it can easily take Bug-, Fire-, and Flying-type moves.

name: Defensive
move 1: Rock Slide
move 2: Roost
move 3: U-turn / Earthquake / Knock Off
move 4: Defog / Stealth Rock
ability: Defeatist
item: Eviolite
evs: 236 HP / 156 Def / 76 SpD / 36 Spe
nature: Impish


Rock Slide is Archen's STAB move, hitting most opponents hard while also having a nice 30% chance to flinch the opponent. Roost provides reliable recovery, which is mandatory for a defensive set. In the third moveslot, U-turn is great for keeping or gaining momentum, Earthquake is an option to hit Steel- and Electric-types hard, and Knock Off can remove Eviolite from bulkier walls, helping teammates perform a sweep. For the last slot, you can use either Defog or Stealth Rock. Defog is the preferred move if your team has a problem with entry hazards and already has a Stealth Rock user; otherwise, use Stealth Rock.

Set Details

236 HP EVs is used to improve overall bulk. Since most of the attacks Archen can deal with are physical, using 156 Defense EVs and a Impish nature is therefore the best option. 76 EVs in Special Defense is used to hit an Eviolite number. 36 Speed EVs helps Archen hit 14 Speed, outspeeding defensive Mienfoo, while also Speed tying with RestTalk Chinchou and Berry Juice Magnemite.

Usage Tips

Archen's unique typing makes it a great wall against Flying-, Fire-, Poison-, Normal-, and Bug-type Pokemon, such as Fletchling, Doduo, Houndour, Bunnelby, and Zigzagoon. This set also works like a bulky pivot with the ability to set up Stealth Rock and/or remove entry hazards. Archen's strong base 112 Attack means it's still threatening, even without any investment.

Team Options

Archen really appreciates teammates, such as Chinchou, that can deal with Steel-, Water-, and Electric-types. Munchlax takes special attacks from Water- and Electric-types really well because of its incredible special bulk, which helps Archen a lot. Pawniard is also a huge problem for Archen, because Pawniard's Defiant ability boosts its Attack by two stages if it gets hit by Defog. Diglett and Timburr are both good teammates for dealing with Pawniard. Foongus and other Grass-types also have great synergy with Archen, because they deal with Water-types while Archen deals with Flying-, Fire-, and Bug-types. If it does not have Defog, Archen appreciates hazard removal support, so Staryu and Drilbur are therefore good teammates; Drilbur is an especially great teammate, because it threatens Electric-, Steel-, and Rock-types, and Choice Scarf sets can outspeed and OHKO Choice Scarf Pawniard.

Other Options

Roar can be used to deal with setup sweepers. Agility can be used on an offensive set to boost Archen's Speed by two stages, allowing it to outspeed even the fastest Choice Scarf users. A Choice Scarf set with Switcheroo / U-turn / Stone Edge / Earthquake can be used. A Substitute + Endeavor Berry Juice set can also be used. Archen has access to Tailwind, a support move that doubles the Speed of all teammates as well as Archen itself for four turns. Head Smash can be used for its sheer power, but its 50% recoil damage can put Archen in Defeatist range fairly quickly, even when holding Berry Juice. Aqua Tail is an option to hit Ground- and Rock-types for super effective damage. Taunt is another option which makes Archen a brilliant lead. Even though Rock Tomb is the preferred move in most cases, Bulldoze is essentially a Ground-type version of it and could be a viable choice.

Checks & Counters

**Steel-types**: Pawniard loves switching into Defog because of Defiant, and it OHKOes Archen with Iron Head unless Archen has Eviolite. Magnemite OHKOes even the defensive Archen set, so it can be a real problem if Archen does not have Earthquake.

**Water-types**: Offensive Chinchou Speed ties with Archen and can OHKO it with either of its STAB moves. Slowpoke can be a real problem, even with Knock Off. Staryu can spin away Archen's Stealth Rock, while also being able to outspeed and OHKO Archen. Carvanha is another huge threat, but it can only switch in on a predicted Defog or Stealth Rock.

**Faster Threats**: Choice Scarf users like Pawniard, Chinchou, Magnemite, Misdreavus, and Gastly can all OHKO Archen without Eviolite while also outspeeding it.
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The leftover EVs are used in HP to take less damage from Stealth Rock, while also improving bulk. - doesn't technically take less damage from stealth rock - know what you mean but it kinda needs rephrasing.

it's fine though go to GP :)
amcheck :]

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Great base 112 Attack, unique typing, (use the serial comma) and access to both Stealth Rock and Defog is some of the things that makes make Archen a great Pokemon in Little Cup. Archen's unique typing allows it to deal with not only Normal-type threats such as Bunnelby and Zigzagoon, but also Flying-types like Fletchling. On top of that, Archen can hit Grass- and Fighting-types hard with STAB Acrobatics. Archen is also the only Pokemon aside from Piplup to have access to both Stealth Rock and Defog, which make it a great supportive Pokemon as well. Archen It also sports good stats, having a gigantic 112 Base Attack, good base 70 Speed and decent defenses. While 112 Base Attack and 70 base Speed these qualities may sound great, Archen's ability Defeatist prevents it from being a nuke, as its Attack stats (both of them) are lowered by two stages when its HP is below 50%. , even though Berry Juice helps negate this. Access to both Stealth Rock and Defog makes Archen a great supportive Pokemon, and is aside from Piplup the only Pokemon in Little Cup to get both these moves. (moved this up to make the paragraph flow better)

name: Offensive
move 1: Stone Edge / Rock Slide / Rock Tomb
move 2: Acrobatics
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: U-turn / Knock Off
ability: Defeatist
item: Berry Juice
evs: 76 HP / 180 Atk / 196 Spe
nature: Jolly


Stone Edge is a powerful Rock-type STAB move, hitting most threats extremely hard, but Rock Slide can be used instead because of 10% its higher accuracy , while also having a 30% chance to flinch the opponent, and flinch chance at the cost of 37.5 Base Power after STAB. Rock Tomb is another option for a Rock-type STAB move, and is great since it slows down faster threats like such as Misdreavus, which Archen then can outspeed and OHKO with moves such as no item Acrobatics and Knock Off. The biggest problem with Rock Tomb is the its shallow 60 Base Power, so even with STAB it doesn't hit too hard, even with STAB. Acrobatics is a Flying-type STAB move, and is Archen's most powerful move if Berry Juice is consumed or lost, with 110 Base Power before STAB. Earthquake is used to hit Electric-types and Steel-types, such as Chinchou, Magnemite, and Pawniard, while also hitting Poison-, Steel-, Fire- and Rock-types four other types super-effectively to give Archen amazing coverage, hitting a huge part of the metagame for super effective damage. U-turn is the preferred move for the last slot because of to gain momentum, but Knock Off can also be used to remove the opponent's (add apostrophe) item, while also hitting Misdreavus hard and hit Misdreavus harder.

Set Details

Maximized Attack and Speed EVs that maximize Archen's Attack and Speed helps Archen being help it to be as much of an offensive threat as possible. The leftover EVs are used in HP to improve mixed its bulk. A Jolly nature is used to outspeed Pokemon that hits hit 16 Speed, such as non-Scarf Pawniard, non-Jolly Mienfoo, and non-Timid Chinchou, which is very useful. Berry Juice is used for recovery to recover and to help negate Defeatist.

Usage Tips

Offensive Archen is fairly straightforward to use. Come in and hit threats with one of its powerful moves, or use U-turn to gain momentum. Stone Edge or Rock Slide is the STAB move of choice until Berry Juice is consumed, since Acrobatics only have a has 55 Base Power when Archen is holding an item. Archen rarely likes to switch in, especially after Berry Juice is gone. (moved this down) Because of Archen's ability Defeatist, you have to be wary of Archen's HP, and Archen rarely likes to switch in, especially after Berry Juice is gone. so Archen's HP doesn't go below 50%, and therefore activates Deafeatist, which lowers its Attack by two stages.

Team Options

It is strongly recommended to have a teammate such as Chinchou or Magnemite that can take on bulky Water-types like Slowpoke for Archen. Chinchou and Magnemite is therefore good teammates, and forms a Voltturn core. They can also deal with Steel-, Ice-, and Electric-types, and form a VoltTurn core with Archen. This set appreciates Defog or Rapid Spin support, so Drilbur, Vullaby and Staryu is are therefore good teammates.

Fast Support
name: Fast Support
move 1: Defog / Stealth Rock
move 2: Rock Slide / Stealth Rock
move 3: Acrobatics / Knock Off / U-turn
move 4: Earthquake
ability: Defeatist
item: Berry Juice
evs: 76 HP / 156 Def / 76 SpD / 196 Spe
nature: Jolly


Defog is used to remove entry hazards, and Archen is one of the few viable Pokemon in Little Cup to get this move Defog, which is used to remove entry hazards. Rock Slide is a powerful Rock-type STAB move, (remove comma) that also has a 30% chance to flinch the opponent. Stealth Rock can be used instead of either Defog or Rock Slide, (remove comma) to make Archen even more support-oriented (add dash). On In the third moveslot, Archen has lots of options. If Berry Juice is consumed or lost, Acrobatics is becomes a powerful 110 Base Power Flying-type STAB move if Berry Juice is either consumed or lost, with 110 Base Power. Knock Off cripples switch-ins and removal of the opponents item can help the rest of the team. Finally, U-turn can be used for to gain momentum. Earthquake hits opposing Pawniard who which might want to switch in against to Defog, to and get a +2 Attack boost thanks to Defiant. Earthquake also helps Archen to deal with Electric-types like such as Magnemite and Chinchou.

Set Details

A Jolly nature and 196 Speed EVs is are used to speed tie with Jolly Mienfoo, outspeed Jolly Pawniard without Choice Scarf, and outspeed non-Timid Chinchou, 76 HP / 156 Defense / 76 Special Defense while the other EVs are used to improve general bulk. Berry Juice is used for recovery, while also helping to negate Defeatist.

Usage Tips

This set works as a fast pivot. Send Archen in on either Normal- or Flying-types like such as Fletchling, (remove comma) to force a switch, and set up Stealth Rock, (remove comma) or use Defog. The main aim for this set is hazard control to control hazards and check threats, (remove comma) such as Bunnelby, Zigzagoon, and Fletchling.

Team Options

Archen would deeply appreciate a teammate that deals with Steel-, Water-, Ice- and Electric-types is something Archen would deeply appreciate. Chinchou resists all four of those types, (remove comma) and therefore have has a fantastic defensive synergy with Archen. Munchlax is another good option, and doesn't care because it does not care about special Water-, Ice-, and Electric-type moves at all because of its enormous special bulk. Diglett, Timburr and Croagunk all deals with Pawniard, making it easier for Archen to do its job. Grass-types also loves having Archen as a teammate, since it deals with Bug-, Fire-, and Flying-type moves.

name: Defensive
move 1: Rock Slide
move 2: Roost
move 3: U-Turn / Earthquake / Knock Off
move 4: Defog / Stealth Rock
ability: Defeatist
item: Eviolite
evs: 236 HP / 156 Def / 76 SDef / 36 Spe
nature: Impish


Rock Slide is Archen's STAB move, hitting most things opponents hard, (remove comma) while also having a nice 30% chance to flinch them for flinching the opponent. Since this is a defensive set, a recovery move like such as Roost is mandatory. In the third moveslot, U-turn is great for keeping momentum and Earthquake is a option to hit Steel and Electric-types hard, but you can also use Knock Off, which can help teammates sweep be very nice for certain teams, since it can remove Eviolite from bulkier walls, helping teammates perform a sweep. For the last slot you can use either Defog or Stealth Rock. If you have a problem with hazards or already have a Stealth Rock setter, Defog is the preferred move; (add semicolon) if you have problem with hazards and have a Stealth Rock user, otherwise, use Stealth Rock.

Set Details

236 HP EVs is used to are used for overall bulk. Since most of the attacks Archen can deal with is are physical, 156 Defense EVs and a Impish nature is therefore are the best options. The 76 EVs in Special Defense is are used to hit Eviolite numbers. Finally, 36 Speed EVs helps Archen hit 14 speed, outspeeding defensive Mienfoo, while also speedtie and speed tying with RestTalk Chinchou and Berry Juice Magnemite.

Usage Tips

Archen's unique typing makes it a great wall for against Flying-, Fire-, Poison-, Normal-, and Bug-type Pokemon. Fletchling, Doduo, Houndour, Bunnelby, and Zigzagoon are all strong threats Archen can easily handle. This set also works like a bulky pivot, (remove comma) with the ability to set up Stealth Rock and/or remove hazards. Archen's strong base 112 Attack means it's still threatening, even without Attack investment.

Team Options

Archen really appreciates something that deals with Steel-, Water-, and Electric-types, so Chinchou is therefore a great teammate for Archen. Munchlax takes special attacks from Water- and Electric-types well because of its incredible special bulk, which helps Archen a lot. Pawniard is also a huge problem for Archen , especially if you use Defog, because of Pawniard's ability Defiant boosts , which raises its Attack by two stages if it is hit by Defog. Diglett and Timburr is are both good teammates to deal with Pawniard. Munchlax takes Special Attacks from Water- and Electric-types really well because of its incredible Special Bulk, which helps Archen a lot. (moved this up) Foongus and other Grass-types have great synergy with Archen, since they deal with Water-types, (remove comma) while Archen deals with Flying-, Fire-, and Bug-types. If you run a set without Defog, Archen appreciates hazard removal support., so Staryu and Drilbur is therefore are good teammates. Especially Drilbur is an especially great teammate, since it threatens Electric-, Steel-, and Rock-types Archen appreciates having removed, and Choice Scarf Drilbur can outspeed and OHKO Choice Scarf Pawniard.

Other Options

Roar can be used to deal with set-up sweepers. Agility can be used on an offensive set to boost Archen's Speed by two stages, and therefore outspeeding allowing it to outspeed even the fastest Choice Scarf users. A Choice Scarf set with Switcheroo / U-turn / Stone Edge / Earthquake can be used. Switcheroo, U-turn, Stone Edge, and Earthquake, or a Substitute + Endeavor Berry Juice set can also be used. Archen also has access to Tailwind, another support move that boosts the speed of Archen's teammates a move that doubles the speed of all teammates including Archen itself for 4 turns. Head Smash can be used for sheer power, but it has have a scary 1/2 recoil, which even with Berry Juice can put Archen in Defeatist range fairly quickly. Aqua Tail is a option to hit Ground- and Rock-types for super effective damage, and Taunt is another option, and makes Archen a brilliant lead Pokemon. Even though Rock Tomb is the preffered move in most cases, Bulldoze is a option to lower a opponents speed by two stages. (Bulldoze lowers by one stage like Rock Tomb)

Checks & Counters

**Steel-types**: Pawniard loves switching into Defog because of Defiant, and OHKOes non-Eviolite Archen Archen without Eviolite with Iron Head. (remove period), while Magnemite OHKOes even the defensive Archen set, and can therefore be a real problem if Earthquake is not used.

**Water-types**: Offensive Chinchou speed(add space)ties with and OHKOes Archen, and OHKOes it with either of its STAB moves. Slowpoke can be a real problem, even with if Archen carries Knock Off. (< elaborate) Staryu not only annoys Stealth Rock Archen with Stealth Rock because of with Rapid Spin, while but also is being able to outspeed and OHKO Archen. Carvanha is another huge threat, but it can only switch in on a predicted Defog or Stealth Rock.

**Faster threats**: Misdreavus and Gastly, as well as Choice Scarf users like Pawniard, Chinchou, and Magnemite, all outspeed and OHKO non-Eviolite Archen. and also Misdreavus and Gastly, all OHKOes Archen without Eviolite, while also outspeeding it.

Great base 112 Attack, unique typing, and access to both Stealth Rock and Defog make Archen a great Pokemon in Little Cup. Archen's unique typing allows it to deal with not only Normal-type threats such as Bunnelby and Zigzagoon, but also Flying-types like Fletchling. On top of that, Archen can hit Grass- and Fighting-types hard with STAB Acrobatics. Archen is also the only Pokemon aside from Piplup to have access to both Stealth Rock and Defog, which make it a great supportive Pokemon as well. It also sports a gigantic 112 Base Attack, good base 70 Speed, and decent defenses. While these qualities may sound great, Archen's ability Defeatist prevents it from being a nuke, as its Attack stats are halved when its HP is below 50%.

name: Offensive
move 1: Stone Edge / Rock Slide / Rock Tomb
move 2: Acrobatics
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: U-turn / Knock Off
ability: Defeatist
item: Berry Juice
evs: 76 HP / 180 Atk / 196 Spe
nature: Jolly


Stone Edge is a powerful Rock-type STAB move, hitting most threats extremely hard, but Rock Slide can be used instead because of its 10% higher accuracy and 30% flinch chance at the cost of Base Power. Rock Tomb is another option for a Rock-type STAB move and is great since it slows down faster threats like Misdreavus, which Archen then can outspeed and OHKO. The biggest problem with Rock Tomb is its shallow 60 Base Power, so even with STAB it doesn't hit too hard. Acrobatics is Archen's most powerful move if Berry Juice is consumed or lost, with 110 Base Power before STAB. Earthquake is used to hit Electric-types and Steel-types such as Chinchou, Magnemite, and Pawniard, while also hitting four other types super effectively, giving Archen amazing coverage. U-turn is the preferred move for the last slot to gain momentum, but Knock Off can also be used to remove the opponent's item and hit Misdreavus harder.

Set Details

EVs that maximize Archen's Attack and Speed help it to be as much of an offensive threat as possible. The leftover EVs are put into HP to improve its bulk. A Jolly nature is used to outspeed Pokemon that hit 16 Speed, such as non-Scarf Pawniard, non-Jolly Mienfoo, and non-Timid Chinchou. Berry Juice is used to recover and to negate Defeatist.

Usage Tips

Offensive Archen is fairly straightforward to use. Come in and hit threats with one of its powerful moves, or use U-turn to gain momentum. Stone Edge or Rock Slide is the STAB move of choice until Berry Juice is consumed, since Acrobatics only has 55 Base Power when Archen is holding an item. Because of its ability Defeatist, you have to be wary of Archen's HP, and Archen rarely likes to switch in, especially after Berry Juice is gone.

Team Options

It is strongly recommended to have a teammate such as Chinchou or Magnemite that can take on bulky Water-types like Slowpoke. Chinchou and Magnemite can also deal with Steel-, Ice-, and Electric-types, and form a VoltTurn core with Archen. This set appreciates Defog or Rapid Spin support, so Drilbur, Vullaby and Staryu are good teammates.

Fast Support
name: Fast Support
move 1: Defog / Stealth Rock
move 2: Rock Slide / Stealth Rock
move 3: Acrobatics / Knock Off / U-turn
move 4: Earthquake
ability: Defeatist
item: Berry Juice
evs: 76 HP / 156 Def / 76 SpD / 196 Spe
nature: Jolly


Archen is one of the few viable Pokemon in Little Cup to get Defog, which is used to remove entry hazards. Rock Slide is a powerful Rock-type STAB move that also has a 30% chance to flinch the opponent. Stealth Rock can be used instead of either Defog or Rock Slide to make Archen even more support-oriented. In the third moveslot, Archen has lots of options. If Berry Juice is consumed or lost, Acrobatics becomes a powerful 110 Base Power Flying-type STAB move. Knock Off cripples switch-ins and can help the rest of Archen's team. Finally, U-turn can be used to gain momentum. In the fourth moveslot, Earthquake hits opposing Pawniard which might want to switch in to Defog and get a +2 Attack boost thanks to Defiant. Earthquake also helps Archen to deal with Electric-types such as Magnemite and Chinchou.

Set Details

A Jolly nature and 196 Speed EVs are used to speed tie with Jolly Mienfoo, outspeed Jolly Pawniard without Choice Scarf, and outspeed non-Timid Chinchou, while the other EVs are used to improve general bulk. Berry Juice is used for recovery, while also helping to negate Defeatist.

Usage Tips

This set works as a fast pivot. Send Archen in on Normal- or Flying-types such as Fletchling to force a switch, and set up Stealth Rock or use Defog. The main aim for this set is to control hazards and also check threats such as Bunnelby, Zigzagoon, and Fletchling.

Team Options

Archen would deeply appreciate a teammate that deals with Steel-, Water-, Ice-, and Electric-types. Chinchou resists all four of those types and therefore has fantastic defensive synergy with Archen. Munchlax is another good option because it does not care about special Water-, Ice-, and Electric-type moves because of its enormous special bulk. Diglett, Timburr, and Croagunk can all deal with Pawniard, making it easier for Archen to do its job. Grass-types also love having Archen as a teammate, since it deals with Bug-, Fire-, and Flying-type moves.

name: Defensive
move 1: Rock Slide
move 2: Roost
move 3: U-Turn / Earthquake / Knock Off
move 4: Defog / Stealth Rock
ability: Defeatist
item: Eviolite
evs: 236 HP / 156 Def / 76 SDef / 36 Spe
nature: Impish


Rock Slide is Archen's STAB move of choice, hitting most opposing Pokemon hard while also having a nice 30% chance to flinch them. Since this is a defensive set, a recovery move such as Roost is mandatory. In the third moveslot, U-turn is great for keeping momentum and Earthquake is a option to hit Steel- and Electric-types hard, but you can also use Knock Off, which can help teammates sweep. For the last slot, you can use either Defog or Stealth Rock. If you have a problem with hazards or already have a Stealth Rock setter, Defog is the preferred move; otherwise, use Stealth Rock.

Set Details

236 HP EVs are used for overall bulk. Since most of the attacks Archen can deal with are physical, 156 Defense EVs and a Impish nature are the best options. The 76 EVs in Special Defense are used to hit Eviolite numbers. Finally, 36 Speed EVs help Archen hit 14 Speed, outspeeding defensive Mienfoo and speed tying with RestTalk Chinchou and Berry Juice Magnemite.

Usage Tips

Archen's unique typing makes it a great wall against Flying-, Fire-, Poison-, Normal-, and Bug-type Pokemon. Fletchling, Doduo, Houndour, Bunnelby, and Zigzagoon are all strong threats Archen can easily handle. This set also works like a bulky pivot with the ability to set up Stealth Rock or remove hazards. Archen's strong base 112 Attack means it's still threatening, even without Attack investment.

Team Options

Archen really appreciates something that deals with Steel-, Water-, and Electric-types, so Chinchou is a great teammate for Archen. Munchlax takes special attacks from Water- and Electric-types well because of its incredible special bulk, which helps Archen a lot. Pawniard is also a huge problem for Archen because of Pawniard's ability Defiant, which raises its Attack by two stages if it is hit by Defog. Diglett and Timburr are both good teammates to deal with Pawniard. Foongus and other Grass-types have great synergy with Archen, since they deal with Water-types while Archen deals with Flying-, Fire-, and Bug-types. If you run a set without Defog, Archen appreciates hazard removal, so Staryu and Drilbur are good teammates. Drilbur is an especially great teammate, since it threatens the Electric-, Steel-, and Rock-types Archen appreciates having removed, and Choice Scarf Drilbur can outspeed and OHKO Choice Scarf Pawniard.

Other Options

Roar can be used to deal with setup sweepers, and Agility can be used on an offensive set to boost Archen's Speed by two stages, allowing it to outspeed even the fastest Choice Scarf users. A Choice Scarf set with Switcheroo, U-turn, Stone Edge, and Earthquake, or a Substitute + Endeavor Berry Juice set can also be used. Archen also has access to Tailwind, another support move that boosts the speed of Archen's teammates. Head Smash can be used for sheer power, but it has a scary 1/2 recoil, which even with Berry Juice can put Archen in Defeatist range fairly quickly. Aqua Tail is a option to hit Ground- and Rock-types for super effective damage, and Taunt makes Archen a brilliant lead Pokemon.

Checks & Counters

**Steel-types**: Pawniard loves switching into Defog because of Defiant, and OHKOes non-Eviolite Archen with Iron Head, while Magnemite OHKOes even defensive Archen and can therefore be a real problem if Earthquake is not used.

**Water-types**: Offensive Chinchou speed ties with and OHKOes Archen with either of its STAB moves. Slowpoke can be a real problem, even if Archen carries Knock Off. Staryu not only annoys Stealth Rock Archen with Rapid Spin but also is able to outspeed and OHKO Archen. Carvanha is another huge threat, but it can only switch in on Defog or Stealth Rock.

**Faster threats**: Fast threats such as Misdreavus and Gastly, as well as Choice Scarf users such as Pawniard, Chinchou, and Magnemite, all outspeed and OHKO non-Eviolite Archen.
add or change


Great base 112 Attack, a unique typing,(AC) and being the only Pokemon aside from Piplup to have access to both Stealth Rock and Defog is some of the things that makes Archen a great Pokemon in Little Cup. Archen's unique typing allows it to deal with most Normal-type threats such as Bunnelby and Zigzagoon, but also as well as Flying-types like Fletchling. On top of that, Archen can hit Grass- and Fighting-types hard with STAB Acrobatics. Archen also sports good stats, having a gigantic 112 Base Attack, good base 70 Speed,(AC) and decent defenses. While 112 Base Attack and 70 base Speed this may sound great, Archen's ability Defeatist prevents it from being a nuke, as its Attack stat is offenses are lowered by two stages when its HP is below 50%, even though Berry Juice helps negate this to an extent. Access to both Stealth Rock and Defog makes Archen a great supportive Pokemon, and is aside from Piplup the only Pokemon in Little Cup to get both these moves.
name: Offensive
move 1: Stone Edge / Rock Slide / Rock Tomb
move 2: Acrobatics
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: U-turn / Knock Off
ability: Defeatist
item: Berry Juice
evs: 76 HP / 180 Atk / 196 Spe
nature: Jolly


Stone Edge is a powerful Rock-type STAB move, hitting most threats extremely hard
,(AC) although Rock Slide can be used because of 10% for its higher accuracy, while also having a 30% chance to flinch the opponent,(RC) at the cost of 37.5 Base Power after STAB power. Rock Tomb is another option for a Rock-type STAB move, and is great since it slows down faster threats like such as Misdreavus, which Archen then can outspeed and OHKO with moves such as no item Acrobatics and or Knock Off. The biggest problem with Rock Tomb is the shallow 60 Base Power However, so it Rock Tomb doesn't hit too hard, even with STAB. Acrobatics is a Flying-type STAB move, and STAB Acrobatics is Archen's most powerful move if Berry Juice is consumed or lost, with 110 Base Power before STAB. Earthquake is used to hit Electric-types and Steel-types like Chinchou, Magnemite,(AC) and Pawniard hard, while also hitting Poison-, Steel-, Fire-,(AC) and Rock-types super effectively, and therefore gives giving Archen amazing EdgeQuake coverage,(RC) hitting a huge part portion of the metagame tier for super effective damage. U-turn is the preferred move for the last slot because of to gain momentum, but Knock Off can also be used to remove the opponent's item, while also hitting Misdreavus hard super effectively.
Set Details

Maximized Attack and Speed EVs Maximum investment in Attack and Speed helps Archen being to be as much of an offensive threat as possible. The leftover remaining EVs are used placed in HP to marginally improve Archen's mixed bulk. A Jolly nature is used to outspeed Pokemon that hits with 16 Speed, such as non-Scarf Pawniard, non-Jolly Adamant Mienfoo, and non-Timid Chinchou, which is very useful. Berry Juice is used for recovery and helps negate Defeatist.
Usage Tips

Offensive Archen is fairly straightforward to use. Come in and hit threats with one of its powerful moves, or
use U-turn to gain momentum. Stone Edge or Rock Slide is the STAB move of choice until Berry Juice is consumed, since Acrobatics only have a has 55 Base Power when Archen is holding an item. Archen rarely likes to switch in, especially after Berry Juice is gone. Because of Archen's ability Defeatist ability, you have to be wary so of Archen's HP doesn't going below 50%, and therefore activates Deafeatist, which lowers its Attack offenses by two stages. This also means that Archen should rarely be directly switched in, especially after its Berry Juice has been consumed.
Team Options

It is strongly recommended to have a teammate that can take on bulky Water-types like Slowpoke for Archen. Therefore,(AC) Chinchou and Magnemite is are therefore good teammates,(RC) that can and forms a VoltTurn core. They and also deal with Steel-, Ice-, and Electric-types. This set appreciates Defog or Rapid Spin support,(AC) making Drilbur, Vullaby,(AC) and Staryu is therefore good teammates.
Fast Support
name: Fast Support
move 1: Defog / Stealth Rock
move 2: Rock Slide / Stealth Rock
move 3: Acrobatics / Knock Off / U-turn
move 4: Earthquake
ability: Defeatist
item: Berry Juice
evs: 76 HP / 156 Def / 76 SpD / 196 Spe
nature: Jolly


Defog is used to remove entry hazards, and Archen is one of the few viable Pokemon in Little Cup to get this move. Rock Slide is a powerful Rock-type STAB move
,(RC) that also has a 30% chance to flinch the opponent. Stealth Rock can be used instead of either Defog or Rock Slide,(RC) to make Archen even more support-oriented. On In the third moveslot, Archen has lots of options. Acrobatics is becomes a powerful 110 Base Power Flying-type STAB move if Berry Juice is either consumed or lost,(RC) with 110 Base Power. Knock Off cripples switch-ins, and the removal of the an opponent's item can help benefit the rest of the team. Finally,(AC) U-turn can be used for to gain momentum. Earthquake hits opposing Pawniard who which might want to switch in against on Defog, to get a +2 Attack boost thanks to Defiant. Earthquake and also helps Archen to deal with Electric-types like such as Magnemite and Chinchou.
Set Details

A Jolly nature and 196 Speed EVs is are used to Speed tie with Jolly Mienfoo, outspeed Jolly Pawniard without Choice Scarf,(AC) and non-Timid Chinchou. 76 HP / 156 Defense / 76 Special Defense The remaining EVs are used to improve general bulk. Berry Juice is used for recovery, while also helping to negate Defeatist.
Usage Tips

This set works as a fast pivot. Send Archen in on either Normal- or Flying-types like such as Fletchling, force a switch,(AC) and set up Stealth Rock,(RC) or use Defog. The main aim for of this set is to maintain hazard control and check threats,(RC) such as Bunnelby, Zigzagoon,(AC) and Fletchling.
Team Options

A Archen deeply appreciates teammates that can deals with Steel-, Water-, Ice-,(AC) and Electric-types is something Archen would deeply appreciate. Chinchou resists all four types, and therefore have has a fantastic defensive synergy with Archen. Munchlax is another good option,(RC) which shrugs off and doesn't care about special Water-, Ice-, and Electric-type moves at all because of due to its enormous special bulk. Diglett, Timburr,(AC) and Croagunk all deals with Pawniard, making it easier for Archen to do its job. Grass-types also loves having Archen as a teammate, since it deals with can easily take Bug-, Fire-, and Flying-type moves.
name: Defensive
move 1: Rock Slide
move 2: Roost
move 3:
U-turn / Earthquake / Knock Off
move 4: Defog / Stealth Rock
ability: Defeatist
item: Eviolite

evs: 236 HP / 156 Def / 76 SDef SpD / 36 Spe
nature: Impish


Rock Slide is Archen's STAB move, hitting most things opponents hard,(RC) while also having a nice 30% chance for to flinching the opponent. Since this is a defensive set, a recovery move like Roost is mandatory Roost provides reliable recovery, which is mandatory for a defensive set. In the third moveslot,(AC) U-turn is great for keeping or gaining momentum,(AC) Earthquake is an option to hit Steel- and Electric-types hard,(AC) You can also use and Knock Off,(RC) which can be very nice for certain teams, since it can remove Eviolite from bulkier walls, helping teammates perform a sweep. For the last slot,(AC) you can use either Defog or Stealth Rock. Defog is the preferred move if your team has a have problem with entry hazards and already has have a Stealth Rock user; otherwise, use Stealth Rock.
Set Details

236 HP EVs is used to for improve overall bulk. Since most of the attacks Archen can deal with is are physical, using 156 Defense EVs and a Impish nature is therefore the best option. 76 EVs in Special Defense is used to hit an Eviolite numbers. 36 Speed EVs helps Archen hit 14 Speed,(AC) outspeeding defensive Mienfoo, while also speedtie Speed tying with RestTalk Chinchou and Berry Juice Magnemite.
Usage Tips

Archen's unique typing makes it a great wall for against Flying-, Fire-, Poison-, Normal-, and Bug-type Pokemon,(AC) such as Fletchling, Doduo, Houndour, Bunnelby, and Zigzagoon are all strong threats Archen can easily handle. This set also works like a bulky pivot,(RC) with the ability to set up Stealth Rock and/or remove entry hazards. Archen's strong base 112 Attack means it's still threatening, even without Attack any investment.
Team Options

Archen really appreciates something teammates that can deals with Steel-, Water-, and Electric-types; Chinchou is therefore a great teammate for Archen. Munchlax takes special attacks from Water- and Electric-types really well because of its incredible special bulk, which helps Archen a lot. Pawniard is also a huge problem for Archen, especially if you use Defog, because Pawniard's ability Defiant ability boosts its Attack by two stages if it gets hit by Defog. Diglett and Timburr is are both good teammates to deal with Pawniard. Munchlax takes special attacks from Water- and Electric-types really well because of its incredible special bulk, which helps Archen a lot. Foongus and other Grass-types also have great synergy with Archen, since they deal with Water-types,(RC) while Archen deals with Flying-, Fire-, and Bug-types. If you run a set without it does not have Defog, Archen appreciates hazard removal support,(AC) so Staryu and Drilbur is are therefore good teammates; Especially Drilbur is an especially great teammate, since it threatens Electric-, Steel-, and Rock-types, and Choice Scarf Drilbur sets can outspeed and OHKO Choice Scarf Pawniard.
Other Options

Roar can be used to deal with
setup sweepers. Agility can be used on an offensive set to boost Archen's Speed by two stages, and therefore allowing it to outspeeding even the fastest Choice Scarf users. A Choice Scarf set with Switcheroo / U-turn / Stone Edge / Earthquake can be used. A Substitute + Endeavor Berry Juice set can also be used. Archen also has access to Tailwind, a support move that doubles the Speed of all teammates including Archen itself for 4 four turns. Head Smash can be used for its sheer power, but have a scary 1/2 recoil, which even with Berry Juice its 50% recoil damage can put Archen in Defeatist range fairly quickly,(AC) even when holding Berry Juice. Aqua Tail is an option to hit Ground- and Rock-types for super effective damage. Taunt is another option,(RC) and which makes Archen a brilliant lead Pokemon. Even though Rock Tomb is the preffered move in most cases, Bulldoze is a option to lower a opponents speed by two stages essentially a Ground-type version of it.
Checks & Counters

**Steel-types**: Pawniard loves switching into Defog because of Defiant, and OHKOs Archen without Eviolite with Iron Head unless it has Eviolite. Magnemite OHKOes even the defensive Archen set, and so it can therefore be a real problem if Archen does not have Earthquake is not used.
**Water-types**: Offensive Chinchou Speed ties with Archen,(RC) and can OHKOes it with either of its STAB moves. Slowpoke can be a real problem, even with Knock Off. Staryu annoys Archen with Stealth Rock because of Rapid Spin can spin away Archen's Stealth Rock, while also being able to outspeed and OHKO Archen. Carvanha is another huge threat, but can only switch in on a predicted Defog or Stealth Rock.

**Faster Threats**: Choice Scarf users like Pawniard, Chinchou, Magnemite, and also Misdreavus,(AC) and Gastly,(RC) can all OHKOes Archen without Eviolite,(RC) while also outspeeding it.
used some of the changes above, change tag to GP, and also to the guy above, never provide a copypaste.

GP 1/2


Great base 112 Attack, a unique typing, and being the only Pokemon aside from Piplup to have access to both Stealth Rock and Defog make Archen a formidable great [I only change this because you use great twice this sentence] Pokemon in Little Cup. Archen's unique typing allows it to deal with most Normal-type threats such as Bunnelby and Zigzagoon, as well as Flying-types like Fletchling. On top of that, Archen can hit Grass- and Fighting-types hard with STAB Acrobatics. Archen also sports good stats, having a gigantic 112 Base Attack, good base 70 Speed, and decent defenses. While this may sound great, However, [comma]Archen's ability Defeatist prevents it from being a nuke, as its offenses are lowered by two stages when its HP is below 50%, though Berry Juice helps mitigate negate this to an extent.

name: Offensive
move 1: Stone Edge / Rock Slide / Rock Tomb
move 2: Acrobatics
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: U-turn / Knock Off
ability: Defeatist
item: Berry Juice
evs: 76 HP / 180 Atk / 196 Spe
nature: Jolly


Stone Edge is a powerful Rock-type STAB move, hitting most threats extremely hard, although Rock Slide can be used for its higher accuracy, while also having a 30% chance to flinch the opponent at the cost of power. Rock Tomb is another option for a Rock-type STAB move [removed ,] and is great since it and can slow down faster threats such as Misdreavus, which Archen then can outspeed and OHKO with Acrobatics or Knock Off. However, Rock Tomb doesn't hit too hard, even with STAB typing. STAB Acrobatics is Archen's most powerful move if Berry Juice is consumed or lost, with 110 Base Power. Earthquake is used to hit Electric-types and Steel-types like Chinchou, Magnemite, and Pawniard hard, while also hitting Poison-, Fire-, and Rock-types super effectively, giving Archen amazing EdgeQuake coverage. U-turn is the preferred move for the last slot to gain momentum, but Knock Off can also be used to remove the opponent's item, while also hitting Misdreavus super effectively.

Set Details

Maximum investment in Attack and Speed helps Archen to be as much of an offensive threat as possible. The remaining EVs are placed into HP to marginally improve Archen's mixed bulk. A Jolly nature is used to outspeed Pokemon with 16 Speed, such as Pawniard, Adamant Mienfoo, and non-Timid Chinchou, which is very useful. Berry Juice is used for recovery and helps counteract negate Defeatist.
Usage Tips

Offensive Archen is fairly straightforward to use. Come in and hit threats with one of its powerful moves [removed ,] or use U-turn to gain momentum. Stone Edge or Rock Slide is the STAB move of choice until Berry Juice is consumed, since Acrobatics only has 55 Base Power when Archen is holding an item. Because of Archen's Defeatist ability, you have to be wary of Archen's HP going below 50%, which lowers its offenses by two stages. This also means that Archen should rarely be directly switched in, especially after its Berry Juice has been consumed.

Team Options

It is strongly recommended to have a teammate that can take on bulky Water-types like Slowpoke for Archen. Therefore, Chinchou and Magnemite are good teammates that can form a VoltTurn core and also deal with Steel-, Ice-, and Electric-types. This set appreciates Defog or Rapid Spin support, making Drilbur, Vullaby, and Staryu good teammates.

Fast Support
name: Fast Support
move 1: Defog / Stealth Rock
move 2: Rock Slide / Stealth Rock
move 3: Acrobatics / Knock Off / U-turn
move 4: Earthquake
ability: Defeatist
item: Berry Juice
evs: 76 HP / 156 Def / 76 SpD / 196 Spe
nature: Jolly


Defog is used to remove entry hazards, and Archen is one of the few viable Pokemon in Little Cup to get this move. Archen is one of the few viable Pokemon in Little Cup to get Defog, which it can use to quickly remove entry hazards. Rock Slide is a powerful Rock-type STAB move that also has a 30% chance to cause the opponent to flinch the opponent. Stealth Rock can be used instead of either Defog or Rock Slide to make Archen even more support-oriented. In the third moveslot, Archen has lots of options. Acrobatics becomes a 110 Base Power Flying-type STAB move if Berry Juice is either consumed or lost. Knock Off cripples switch-ins, and the removal of an opponent's item can benefit the rest of the team. Finally, U-turn can be used to gain momentum. Earthquake hits opposing Pawniard that may which might want to switch in on Defog, and it also helps Archen deal with Electric-types such as Magnemite and Chinchou.

Set Details

A Jolly nature and 196 Speed EVs are used to Speed tie with Jolly Mienfoo [removed ,] and outspeed both Jolly Pawniard without Choice Scarf [removed ,] and non-Timid Chinchou. The remaining EVs are used to improve general bulk. Berry Juice is used for recovery, while also helping to negate Defeatist.

Usage Tips

This set works as a fast pivot. Send Archen in on Normal- or Flying-types such as Fletchling, force a switch, and set up Stealth Rock or use Defog. The main aim of this set is to maintain hazard control and check threats such as Bunnelby, Zigzagoon, and Fletchling.

Team Options

Archen deeply appreciates teammates that can deal with Steel-, Water-, Ice-, and Electric-types. Chinchou resists all four types [removed ,] and therefore has fantastic defensive synergy with Archen. Munchlax is another good option which shrugs off special Water-, Ice-, and Electric-type moves due to its enormous special bulk. Diglett, Timburr, and Croagunk all deal with Pawniard, making it easier for Archen to do its job. Grass-types also love having Archen as a teammate, since as it can easily take Bug-, Fire-, and Flying-type moves.

name: Defensive
move 1: Rock Slide
move 2: Roost
move 3: U-turn / Earthquake / Knock Off
move 4: Defog / Stealth Rock
ability: Defeatist
item: Eviolite
evs: 236 HP / 156 Def / 76 SpD / 36 Spe
nature: Impish


Rock Slide is Archen's STAB move, hitting most opponents hard while also having a nice 30% chance to flinch the opponent. Roost provides reliable recovery, which is mandatory for a defensive set. In the third moveslot, U-turn is great for keeping or gaining momentum, Earthquake is an option to hit Steel- and Electric-types hard, and Knock Off can remove Eviolite from bulkier walls, helping teammates perform a sweep. For the last slot, you can use either Defog or Stealth Rock. Defog is the preferred move if your team has a problem with entry hazards and already has a Stealth Rock user; otherwise, use Stealth Rock.

Set Details

236 HP EVs is used to improve overall bulk. Since most of the attacks Archen can deal with are physical, using 156 Defense EVs and a Impish nature is therefore the best option. 76 EVs in Special Defense is used to hit an Eviolite number. 36 Speed EVs helps Archen hit 14 Speed, outspeeding defensive Mienfoo, while also Speed tying with RestTalk Chinchou and Berry Juice Magnemite.
Usage Tips

Archen's unique typing makes it a great wall against Flying-, Fire-, Poison-, Normal-, and Bug-type Pokemon, such as Fletchling, Doduo, Houndour, Bunnelby, and Zigzagoon. This set also works like a bulky pivot with the ability to set up Stealth Rock and/or remove entry hazards. Archen's strong base 112 Attack means it's still threatening, even without any investment.

Team Options

Archen really appreciates teammates, [comma] such as Chincou, [comma] that can deal with Steel-, Water-, and Electric-types. [; to .] Chinchou is therefore a great teammate for Archen. Munchlax takes special attacks from Water- and Electric-types really well because of its incredible special bulk, which helps Archen a lot. Pawniard is also a huge problem for Archen, because Pawniard's Defiant ability boosts its Attack by two stages if it gets hit by Defog. Diglett and Timburr are both good teammates for dealing to deal with Pawniard. Foongus and other Grass-types also have great synergy with Archen, since because they deal with Water-types while Archen deals with Flying-, Fire-, and Bug-types. If it does not have Defog, Archen appreciates hazard removal support, so Staryu and Drilbur are therefore good teammates; Drilbur is an especially great teammate, since because it threatens Electric-, Steel-, and Rock-types, and Choice Scarf sets can outspeed and OHKO Choice Scarf Pawniard.

Other Options

Roar can be used to deal with setup sweepers. Agility can be used on an offensive set to boost Archen's Speed by two stages, allowing it to outspeed even the fastest Choice Scarf users. A Choice Scarf set with Switcheroo / U-turn / Stone Edge / Earthquake can be used. A Substitute + Endeavor Berry Juice set can also be used. Archen has access to Tailwind, a support move that doubles the Speed of all teammates as well as including Archen itself for four turns. Head Smash can be used for its sheer power, but its 50% recoil damage can put Archen in Defeatist range fairly quickly, even when holding Berry Juice. Aqua Tail is an option to hit Ground- and Rock-types for super effective damage. Taunt is another option which makes Archen a brilliant lead. Even though Rock Tomb is the preferred move in most cases, Bulldoze is essentially a Ground-type version of it and could be a viable choice.

Checks & Counters

**Steel-types**: Pawniard loves switching into Defog because of Defiant, and it OHKOes Archen with Iron Head unless Archen it has Eviolite. Magnemite OHKOes even the defensive Archen set, so it can be a real problem if Archen does not have Earthquake.

**Water-types**: Offensive Chinchou Speed ties with Archen and can OHKO it with either of its STAB moves. Slowpoke can be a real problem, even with Knock Off. Staryu can spin away Archen's Stealth Rock, while also being able to outspeed and OHKO Archen. Carvanha is another huge threat, but it can only switch in on a predicted Defog or Stealth Rock.

**Faster Threats**: Choice Scarf users like Pawniard, Chinchou, Magnemite, Misdreavus, and Gastly can all OHKO Archen without Eviolite while also outspeeding it.
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