Anything Goes Arceusless Kyogre BO (Peaked #28, 1787 Elo) RMT OF THE MONTH APRIL 2024


Diligent Tryhard :3
RMT: Arceusless kyogre BO
(Peaked #28, 1787 ELO)


:sv/koraidon: :sv/Necrozma dusk mane:
:sv/kyogre: :sv/ting-lu:

:pmd/calyrex: :pmd/kyogre: :pmd/Ho-Oh: :pmd/koraidon: :pmd/ting-lu: :pmd/necrozma-dusk mane:

Origins and motives:
Originally, this team was my playthrough team for the indigo disk, I had lots of fun destroying randoms on the poke portal link battles and sought to improve this team after a bunch of matches, my favorite tier was Ubers, so I thought this team could need some improving by being tested on the PS ladder.
Little did I know what kind of rabbit hole I was about to fall into…
(Btw, I also just wanted to enjoy the feeling of being immune to all hazards, but that’s beside the point.)
I heavily encourage you to build this team in game and show the filthy casuals the glory of smogon!

Teambuilding process

The premier wallbreaker/cleaner/whatever you want it to be member of AG, paired with incredible speed and high special attack, this is a no brainer pick for me.

:pmd/calyrex: :pmd/Koraidon:

Every non HO team needs some kind of speed control and revenge killer, so I opted for the most splashable one available, Koraidon, outrage can OHKO opposing calyrex and U turn can safely pivot in calyrex.
I originally used scale shot over scarf, but thanks to taka, I realized that scarf is way better here.

:pmd/calyrex: :pmd/koraidon: :pmd/Ho-Oh:

After adding koraidon, now I need a check to opposing koraidon and maybe calyrex, with its high special bulk, good typing and regenerator, Ho-Oh can help spread burns and create setup fodder for calyrex to potentially end games.
This is a very safe switch into extremekiller arceus, since every once in a while opponents will shadow claw into an incoming ghost type.

:pmd/calyrex: :pmd/koraidon: :pmd/Ho-Oh: :pmd/ting-lu:

Now with the Koraidon check finished, something is mandatory here to deal with the opposing calyrex shadows and ting-Lu has popped up in my mind, plus, this mon is pretty much mandatory on most BO/ Balance teams anyways. Ting-Lu can also switch into miraidon when needed and provide hazards with its immense bulk.

:pmd/calyrex: :pmd/koraidon: :pmd/Ho-Oh: :pmd/ting-Lu: :pmd/arceus:

Calyrex shadow usually packs moves to deal with ting-Lu, and ting Lu does not have reliable recovery, so I thought something that can be a backup check to calyrex would be needed, so I picked Arceus. Arceus can also provide valuable priority outside of being a switchin to calyrex and maybe clean once the checks have been weakened/ deleted.

:pmd/calyrex: :pmd/koraidon: :pmd/ho-oh: :pmd/ting-lu: :pmd/arceus: :pmd/miraidon:

After finishing up the rest of the team, I just decided to add another breaker to this team and a anti-cheese mon as well, with hadron engine setting up electric terrain and blocking sleep and taunt denying hazards. This team has a bit of problem against kyogre, so this can be helpful.
After adding Miraidon to the team, Version 1 (which unlike the version I used on showdown and made the peak) had arceus and miraidon over kyogre and necrozma dusk mane.

:pmd/calyrex: :pmd/koraidon: :pmd/ho-oh: :pmd/ting-lu: :pmd/arceus: :pmd/kyogre:

Primalkyogre suggested to swap out miraidon for kyogre as it can improve the Ho-Oh matchup and the koraidon matchup, with drizzle it can deactivate Koraidon’s sun and the attack boost.
Ho-Oh is usually a great entry point for this fish, as sacred fire does like nothing to this thing and with 438 special attack, can easily guarantee a one hit knockout.

:pmd/calyrex: :pmd/koraidon: :pmd/ho-oh: :pmd/ting-lu: :pmd/necrozma-dusk mane: :pmd/kyogre:

right after making the kyogre suggestion, Primalkyogre suggested to change Arceus to necrozma dusk mane. Necrozma is here to prevent koraidon from just mindlessly spamming outrage without drawbacks, and can become a win condition if set up correctly. Dusk mane also helps with the Zacian-Crowned matchup in case you messed up when they predicted your obvious Tera.

And that’s how the team was built.

The crew:


Yuh uh (Calyrex-Shadow) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: As One (Spectrier)
Tera Type: Normal / fighting / fairy / dark
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Astral Barrage
- Nasty Plot
- Encore
- Grass Knot / psyshock / tera blast

A fairly standard calyrex shadow set, the set used in the team was the Tera normal variant with grass knot, but other options can be used for other things. With its incredible speed and sweeping capabilities it’s pretty much mandatory for many AG teams. Tera Normal is for opposing calyrex shadows, but it can be a bit obvious and Tera dark is my personal favorite. Encore allows calyrex to actually stop ekiller after switching in and not just being hit by shadow claw the next turn.
Boots are on calyrex to be immune to hazards in a metagame with no real removal.


️ (Koraidon) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Orichalcum Pulse
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- U-turn
- Flare Blitz
- Outrage

The most common speed control unit in the tier, choice scarf allows it to perform its revenge killing duties without sacrificing the slot for calyrex shadow. Koraidon can also serve as a pivot to send calyrex in safely on predicted switches and hold the team together by being an offensive check to non scarf calyrex shadows. Outrage is used over dragon claw for the damage to two shot Ho-Oh (they will probably just Tera or go necrozma anyways but still.).
Close combat is used so that when I play in Wi-Fi battles, I don’t get walled by anything light, but I have realized that close combat can also knock out Ho-Oh on the switch if it is damaged or weakened.


(Ho-Oh) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Recover
- Brave Bird
- Sacred Fire
- Whirlwind

The Zacian and koraidon check for the team, its ability to easily spread burns with sacred fire is very valuable for the team as it can create setup opportunities for calyrex shadow. With maximum physical investment, it is an effective mixed wall to beat many threats in the tier.
It does have a bad matchup against miraidon tho, so it is usually forced out.
Recently I have been staying in on miraidon to burn it, and the results I have gotten was actually pretty nice. Do that at your own risk.


Nuh uh (Ting-Lu) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Vessel of Ruin
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Whirlwind
- Earthquake
- Ruination

With its massive bulk and vessel of ruin ability, ting-Lu can be used to counter most variants of unboosted calyrex shadow and use it as spikes setup, but it has to be wary of encore. This is the only defensive check to calyrex right now that is not destroyed by hazards, so this is pretty nice.
Miraidon is also checked by this thing, but koraidon can force it out. When on low health, always whirlwind on the setup sweeper or else they may setup.

:sv/necrozma dusk mane:

Crozma freestyle (Necrozma-Dusk-Mane) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Prism Armor
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 136 Def / 120 Spe or
252 HP / 136 Atk / 120 Spe
Impish Nature or Adamant nature
- Dragon Dance
- Sunsteel strike / photon geyser
- Morning Sun
- Knock off

using its high bulk and amazing ability, necrozma dusk mane can check many of the powerful physical threats in the tier.
Its steel typing prevents koraidon from freely spamming outrage and can be a win condition if the checks are removed. Tera fire can be used to safely click knock off on Ho-Oh (I don’t have stealth rocks, maybe I should add it I guess.)

With prism armor and high bulk, this thing can take a koraidon flare blitz under sun after some chip, and effectively check zacian-crowned.


:) (Kyogre) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Drizzle
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 240 HP / 252 SpA / 18 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Origin Pulse
- Ice Beam
- Thunder Wave
- Thunder

Kyogre is a very good switch into Opposing Ho-Oh, while also threatening a Ko back. Thing thing is very annoying to switch into, as dragon types take a hefty amount of damage when hit by ice beam. Thunder improves the arceus water matchup, which this team otherwise have problems with. Thunder wave can spread paralysis, and the evs ensure that kyogre thing can outspeed a paralyzed calyrex shadow and other base 150 speed mons.


:pmd/flutter mane: :booster energy:
fucker mane (flutter mane) can be very threatening if it has a speed boost from booster energy or the sun, kyogre can stop the sun but still takes a hefty amount of damage when switching in on a shadow ball or moonblast.
Ho-Oh can take any attack and ko back with brave bird, but will die to recoil if it gets hit by a item boosted power gem and has a good chance to straight up be one shot if it’s Tera stellar.

:pmd/ribombee: :pmd/calyrex:
Even though almost the whole team is wearing boots, with a few correct predictions calyrex shadow paired with webs support can end games on the spot. Your best bet if that ever happens is to win the speed tie or use Tera dark calyrex shadow.

:pmd/kyogre: :choice scarf: :heavy duty boots:
With a bit of skill in prediction, different variants of Kyogre can really give this team a hard time with rain boosted water spouts or ice beams, thunder can knockout our kyogre with prior damage or paralyze crucial wincon of the team.

:pmd/blissey: :pmd/gliscor: :pmd/dondozo:
Stall can give this team a hard time as well, since this team does not have a reliable source of immediate power. Sunsteel strike does not do much damage to dozo anyways. You can improve this somewhat by using the more offensive necrozma set tho.


VS :grimmsnarl: :glimmora:
VS :ribombee:
VS :Ho-Oh: :Necrozma-dusk mane:
VS :skeledirge: :Arceus:
VS :koraidon: :Koraidon: :giratina-origin:
VS :wo-chien: :landorus-therian: (lost)
(A replay with the :arceus: :miraidon: team)
VS :smeargle: :iron treads: ( and super cool predicts + bad plays from me)

Special thanks and credits

Thanks to DaRotomMachine for teaching me how to use the commands and editing tools on Smogon, if it was not for him this would never exist.
:rotom: :rotom-wash: :rotom-frost: :rotom-fan: :rotom-mow:

Also thanks to Fc for suggesting scarf koraidon and a different calyrex set.

And the last thanks goes to PrimalKyogre for the kyogre and necrozma dusk mane suggestion, it made the team better but also made it harder for me to build in game (this guy also convinced me that this ladder sucks and all the players even at high levels are bad, thanks for making me give up on this ladder from now on)

Now that you are done reading all this (or just scrolled all the way down for this), here is the paste.
(Not rickroll trust, nothing sus)


That’s all for this time, maybe I will do another one in the future?
(Btw, please, I beg of everybody who has a switch to hop on link battles with your AG laddering team and go ham at the casuals, this is the reason I built this team.)
Anyways byeeeeeee!
:hydreigon: :raichu-alola: :Kommo-o:

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RMT: Arceusless kyogre BO
(Peaked #28, 1787 ELO)

:sv/koraidon: :sv/Necrozma dusk mane:
:sv/kyogre: :sv/ting-lu:

:pmd/calyrex: :pmd/kyogre: :pmd/Ho-Oh: :pmd/koraidon: :pmd/ting-lu: :pmd/necrozma-dusk mane:

Origins and motives:
Originally, this team was my playthrough team for the indigo disk, I had lots of fun destroying randoms on the poke portal link battles and sought to improve this team after a bunch of matches, my favorite tier was Ubers, so I thought this team could need some improving by being tested on the PS ladder.
Little did I know what kind of rabbit hole I was about to fall into…
(Btw, I also just wanted to enjoy the feeling of being immune to all hazards, but that’s beside the point.)
I heavily encourage you to build this team in game and show the filthy casuals the glory of smogon!

Teambuilding process

The premier wallbreaker/cleaner/whatever you want it to be member of AG, paired with incredible speed and high special attack, this is a no brainer pick for me.

:pmd/calyrex: :pmd/Koraidon:

Every non HO team needs some kind of speed control and revenge killer, so I opted for the most splashable one available, Koraidon, outrage can OHKO opposing calyrex and U turn can safely pivot in calyrex.
I originally used scale shot over scarf, but thanks to taka

:pmd/calyrex: :pmd/koraidon: :pmd/Ho-Oh:

After adding koraidon, now I need a check to opposing koraidon and maybe calyrex, with its high special bulk, good typing and regenerator, Ho-Oh can help spread burns and create setup fodder for calyrex to potentially end games.
This is a very safe switch into extremekiller arceus, since every once in a while opponents will shadow claw into an incoming ghost type.

:pmd/calyrex: :pmd/koraidon: :pmd/Ho-Oh: :pmd/ting-lu:

Now with the Koraidon check finished, something is mandatory here to deal with the opposing calyrex shadows and ting-Lu has popped up in my mind, plus, this mon is pretty much mandatory on most BO/ Balance teams anyways. Ting-Lu can also switch into miraidon when needed and provide hazards with its immense bulk.

:pmd/calyrex: :pmd/koraidon: :pmd/Ho-Oh: :pmd/ting-Lu: :pmd/arceus:

Calyrex shadow usually packs moves to deal with ting-Lu, and ting Lu does not have reliable recovery, so I thought something that can be a backup check to calyrex would be needed, so I picked Arceus. Arceus can also provide valuable priority outside of being a switchin to calyrex and maybe clean once the checks have been weakened/ deleted.

:pmd/calyrex: :pmd/koraidon: :pmd/ho-oh: :pmd/ting-lu: :pmd/arceus: :pmd/miraidon:

After finishing up the rest of the team, I just decided to add another breaker to this team and a anti-cheese mon as well, with hadron engine setting up electric terrain and blocking sleep and taunt denying hazards. This team has a bit of problem against kyogre, so this can be helpful.
After adding Miraidon to the team, Version 1 (which unlike the version I used on showdown and made the peak) had arceus and miraidon over kyogre and necrozma dusk mane.

:pmd/calyrex: :pmd/koraidon: :pmd/ho-oh: :pmd/ting-lu: :pmd/arceus: :pmd/kyogre:

Primalkyogre suggested to swap out miraidon for kyogre as it can improve the Ho-Oh matchup and the koraidon matchup, with drizzle it can deactivate Koraidon’s sun and the attack boost.
Ho-Oh is usually a great entry point for this fish, as sacred fire does like nothing to this thing and with 438 special attack, can easily guarantee a one hit knockout.

:pmd/calyrex: :pmd/koraidon: :pmd/ho-oh: :pmd/ting-lu: :pmd/necrozma-dusk mane: :pmd/kyogre:

right after making the kyogre suggestion, Primalkyogre suggested to change Arceus to necrozma dusk mane. Necrozma is here to prevent koraidon from just mindlessly spamming outrage without drawbacks, and can become a win condition if set up correctly. Dusk mane also helps with the Zacian-Crowned matchup in case you messed up when they predicted your obvious Tera.

And that’s how the team was built.

The crew:


Yuh uh (Calyrex-Shadow) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: As One (Spectrier)
Tera Type: Normal / fighting / fairy / dark
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Astral Barrage
- Nasty Plot
- Encore
- Grass Knot / psyshock / tera blast

A fairly standard calyrex shadow set, the set used in the team was the Tera normal variant with grass knot, but other options can be used for other things. With its incredible speed and sweeping capabilities it’s pretty much mandatory for many AG teams. Tera Normal is for opposing calyrex shadows, but it can be a bit obvious and Tera dark is my personal favorite. Encore allows calyrex to actually stop ekiller after switching in and not just being hit by shadow claw the next turn.
Boots are on calyrex to be immune to hazards in a metagame with no real removal.


️ (Koraidon) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Orichalcum Pulse
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- U-turn
- Flare Blitz
- Outrage

The most common speed control unit in the tier, choice scarf allows it to perform its revenge killing duties without sacrificing the slot for calyrex shadow. Koraidon can also serve as a pivot to send calyrex in safely on predicted switches and hold the team together by being an offensive check to non scarf calyrex shadows. Outrage is used over dragon claw for the damage to two shot Ho-Oh (they will probably just Tera or go necrozma anyways but still.).
Close combat is used so that when I play in Wi-Fi battles, I don’t get walled by anything light, but I have realized that close combat can also knock out Ho-Oh on the switch if it is damaged or weakened.


(Ho-Oh) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Recover
- Brave Bird
- Sacred Fire
- Whirlwind

The Zacian and koraidon check for the team, its ability to easily spread burns with sacred fire is very valuable for the team as it can create setup opportunities for calyrex shadow. With maximum physical investment, it is an effective mixed wall to beat many threats in the tier.
It does have a bad matchup against miraidon tho, so it is usually forced out.
Recently I have been staying in on miraidon to burn it, and the results I have gotten was actually pretty nice. Do that at your own risk.


Nuh uh (Ting-Lu) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Vessel of Ruin
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Whirlwind
- Earthquake
- Ruination

With its massive bulk and vessel of ruin ability, ting-Lu can be used to counter most variants of unboosted calyrex shadow and use it as spikes setup, but it has to be wary of encore. This is the only defensive check to calyrex right now that is not destroyed by hazards, so this is pretty nice.
Miraidon is also checked by this thing, but koraidon can force it out. When on low health, always whirlwind on the setup sweeper or else they may setup.

:sv/necrozma dusk mane:

Crozma freestyle (Necrozma-Dusk-Mane) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Prism Armor
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 136 Def / 120 Spe or
252 HP / 136 Atk / 120 Spe
Impish Nature or Adamant nature
- Dragon Dance
- Sunsteel strike / photon geyser
- Morning Sun
- Knock off

using its high bulk and amazing ability, necrozma dusk mane can check many of the powerful physical threats in the tier.
Its steel typing prevents koraidon from freely spamming outrage and can be a win condition if the checks are removed. Tera fire can be used to safely click knock off on Ho-Oh (I don’t have stealth rocks, maybe I should add it I guess.)

With prism armor and high bulk, this thing can take a koraidon flare blitz under sun after some chip, and effectively check zacian-crowned.


:) (Kyogre) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Drizzle
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 240 HP / 252 SpA / 18 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Origin Pulse
- Ice Beam
- Thunder Wave
- Thunder

Kyogre is a very good switch into Opposing Ho-Oh, while also threatening a Ko back. Thing thing is very annoying to switch into, as dragon types take a hefty amount of damage when hit by ice beam. Thunder improves the arceus water matchup, which this team otherwise have problems with. Thunder wave can spread paralysis, and the evs ensure that kyogre thing can outspeed a paralyzed calyrex shadow and other base 150 speed mons.


:pmd/flutter mane: :booster energy:
fucker mane (flutter mane) can be very threatening if it has a speed boost from booster energy or the sun, kyogre can stop the sun but still takes a hefty amount of damage when switching in on a shadow ball or moonblast.
Ho-Oh can take any attack and ko back with brave bird, but will die to recoil if it gets hit by a item boosted power gem and has a good chance to straight up be one shot if it’s Tera stellar.

:pmd/ribombee: :pmd/calyrex:
Even though almost the whole team is wearing boots, with a few correct predictions calyrex shadow paired with webs support can end games on the spot. Your best bet if that ever happens is to win the speed tie or use Tera dark calyrex shadow.

:pmd/kyogre: :choice scarf: :heavy duty boots:
With a bit of skill in prediction, different variants of Kyogre can really give this team a hard time with rain boosted water spouts or ice beams, thunder can knockout our kyogre with prior damage or paralyze crucial wincon of the team.

:pmd/blissey: :pmd/gliscor: :pmd/dondozo:
Stall can give this team a hard time as well, since this team does not have a reliable source of immediate power. Sunsteel strike does not do much damage to dozo anyways. You can improve this somewhat by using the more offensive necrozma set tho.


VS :grimmsnarl: :glimmora:
VS :ribombee:
VS :Ho-Oh: :Necrozma-dusk mane:
VS :skeledirge: :Arceus:
VS :koraidon: :Koraidon: :giratina-origin:
VS :wo-chien: :landorus-therian: (lost)
(A replay with the :arceus: :miraidon: team)
VS :smeargle: :iron treads: ( and super cool predicts + bad plays from me)

Special thanks and credits

Thanks to DaRotomMachine for teaching me how to use the commands and editing tools on Smogon, if it was not for him this would never exist.
:rotom: :rotom-wash: :rotom-frost: :rotom-fan: :rotom-mow:

Also thanks to Fc for suggesting scarf koraidon and a different calyrex set.

And the last thanks goes to PrimalKyogre for the kyogre and necrozma dusk mane suggestion, it made the team better but also made it harder for me to build in game (this guy also convinced me that this ladder sucks and all the players even at high levels are bad, thanks for making me give up on this ladder from now on)

Now that you are done reading all this (or just scrolled all the way down for this), here is the paste.
(Not rickroll trust, nothing sus)

That’s all for this time, maybe I will do another one in the future?
(Btw, please, I beg of everybody who has a switch to hop on link battles with your AG laddering team and go ham at the casuals, this is the reason I built this team.)
Anyways byeeeeeee!
:hydreigon: :raichu-alola: :Kommo-o:

Anyways, if you have read the whole thing you should know the reasons I built this team, it’s for Sv link battles, tell me if you guys do it too!