Sign-Up Apprentice Program Signups: Old Gens OU

username: Shadow_sneak
PS Username: Shadow_sneak3 (and a bunch of other alts)
Signup Format: ADV OU / DPP OU
Timezone: GMT-5 (EST)
Usual Hours of Availability: Varies, but usually M-Th I'm available morning or night; I'm available in the mornings on Friday / Saturday
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon: I played a lot and contributed to Oras when it was a main generation, but I have been on break since then. Beyond that, I have played DPP / ADV in passing on alts when I have time between school on break and such and have kept up with tours. I would love to participate in tours and be more confident with my building/playing. Beyond this, I want to relearn and solidify my fundamentals in a generation I love. I have had a ten-year passion for mons and want to rekindle that, and I want to learn.
Are you able to use Discord? yes @golden7558
Username: jking55
PS! Username: JensenDale
Signup Format: SM OU/ SS OU
Your timezone:
GMT - 6
Usual Hours of Availability:
5:30 - 10
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
Started comp in around March 2024 with DPP OU. Did a few tours for that, mainly Summer SSNL. Then grew towards GSC where I did GSC NU in GSCPL as well as in NUCL (currently am in). Would love to know more about SM and SV. Thank you.
Are you able to use Discord?:
Username: leoperi99
PS! Username: leoperi99
Signup Format: RBY OU , GSC OU , ADV OU , DPP OU , BW OU
Your timezone: GMT -3
Usual Hours of Availability: around 4pm-8pm on weekdays , weekends usually free
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): well ive played oldgens tours for quite a bit but ive never really got great results so id be appreciated in try learn more how to play and teambuild in those tiers because the meta does look fascinating , overall i want to improve in classic gens
Are you able to use Discord?: yes owlman7507 is my username there and im mostly active there
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Username: A Welcome Guest
PS! Username: A Welcome Guest
Signup Format: SS, SM, ORAS, BW, DPP, ADV, GSC, RBY
Your timezone: -5
Usual Hours of Availability: monday-thursday from 5pm-8pm, friday from 2pm-11pm saturday noon-11pm, and sunday from 12pm-3pm
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I can play each generation at a competent level, and I have played in many offsite and onsite tours like ELPL, CTF, BWPL, and OUFL. While I would consider myself good at the game, I think it would be helpful to have someone to help me improve my general playing abilities. I am most interested in improving my gameplans and endgames.
Are you able to use Discord?:
Yes, username is awelcomeguest
Username: MGdos16
PS! Username: MGdos16
Signup Format: ORAS OU
Your timezone: Gmt-5
Usual Hours of Availability:
Most nights, depends on when I have classes
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I have been entering tournaments since ~ march 2023 so a little bit under 2 years of experience at this point. I mostly play SV, SS and SM having some good performances like winning the OU stour tour, and some solid ssnl runs as well as getting drafted to play in a few team tours. I am looking to improve my ORAS gameplay because I didn't play it pretty much at all last year, and I felt like I was at a huge disadvantage when playing in Masters so I am looking for an experienced player that would be able to help me understand this metagame better.
Are you able to use Discord?:
yes, my discord is Mot5
Username: Parmesan Cheese
Signup Format:
Timezone: EST (GMT -5)
Availability: Varries heavily. Usually on the weekends i’m free from 5 pm after and on weekdays it’s likely that one of the days i won’t be available at all and the others I’ll be available from 5 after.
Experience: I started playing all the way in 2020 and have been mainly on and off. I played a lot of gen 8 AG and got into the top 20 ranges and from there I was playing a lot of Nat dex with not much notable success. I recently took a very long break

Discord?: Yes, parmesancheese809
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Username: VZR
PS! Username: VZR
Signup Format: ADV OU
Your timezone: GMT-5
Usual Hours of Availability: After 7pm Weekdays, All Day Weekends
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
ADV Mushi Leaguer who's been playing the format seriously since 2022 though I probably first touched the ADV OU ladder sometime around 2020 when I was still in high school. I've played in several tournaments and have experience in a few other formats though I am probably the most experienced in ADV at this point. My ladder peak is around 1650 and that happened a couple months ago, I currently have an alt sitting at around 1600 so I could probably get back there with some effort. The main reason I'm asking for help is because I feel like I have trouble going back and reviewing replays as well as building teams that cover important metagame threats.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yep (you can add me there as venomshoc)
PS! Username:JoaF
Signup Format:GSC OU
Your timezone:-5
Usual Hours of Availability:after 3pm
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): more experienced in adv, bw, and low tiers
Are you able to use Discord?:y
Username: Sagdiyev
PS! Username: veyidgas
Signup Format: BW OU, SS OU
Your timezone: EST (-5)
Usual Hours of Availability: Afternoons, usually from 3PM on
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Started playing competitive c. 2020 or so, made my account in 2021. A little bit of tour experience but never anything major. I've done analyses before. Took a long ass break for most of 2023-24 and am back now.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
Username: Stafepattern
PS! Username: Strafepattern
Signup Format: SMOU
Your timezone: Gmt-5 Central time
Usual Hours of Availability: I'm fairly flexible
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Hello there,
I have been playing competitive pokemon now for almost 8months, I have gained some experience through showdown tournaments and pixel mon minecraft, I feel I want to improve more and so here I am looking for a coach I usually hang around the SMOU discord server so you can find me there.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, My discord Name is: Strafepattern
Username: Lacks
PS! Username: Lkks
Signup Format: SS/SM/ORAS OU
Your timezone: GMT -5
Usual Hours of Availability: Anytime after 6 pm on weekdays, and 4 pm on weekends
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I've been playing competitive mons since the start of SS but started seriously getting into tournaments this year. I'm decent at SV OU, going 6-2 in the recent OUFL, but I also enjoy playing the older fairy gens and would like to improve at them. I'd like help with team building and improving my gameplans, which I hope will help me consistently do well in tours.
Are you able to use Discord?: Ye
Username: CringeLord!
PS! Username: Cringlord!
Signup Format: BW/SM/ORAS (pref bw)
Your timezone: GMT -5
Usual Hours of Availability: After 3:30 on weekdays and free most weekends
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Started playing showdown a couple years back, didnt really take it super seriously until about 6 months ago? Played a lot of old gen ubers and Oras would consider myself to be competent Oras (peak 1670 yes ik ladder points dont matter). Looking to gain a deeper understanding of the tiers i play and get help with some tours im in right now ( Oras trios Bw ssnl Sm ssnl).
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes jadecrystals11
Username: Charmriah
PS! Username: FadedCharm
Signup Format: GSC OU
Your timezone: gmt-6
Usual Hours of Availability: I'm usually free after 12pm gmt-6
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I've been playing tournaments for about a little over a year now and I've played in a bunch of different tiers. I really wanted to learn an OU tier and gsc seemed to stick out to me the most. Hoping to learn a lot and be able to advance myself into the tier.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes

PS! Username:Supaslasher

Signup Format: SS OU

Your timezone: EST

Usual Hours of Availability: Most times in between 6 AM and 6 PM EST.

Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):I love pokemon, have been a fan for the longest time. I played a little bit of gen 7, but Gen 8 is by far my favorite generation. I love Kartana, Aggron, and Toxepex.

Are you able to use Discord?: Yeah I am Oldtoaster
Username: Skyfall_
PS! Username: Sky High Fall
Signup Format: BW OU, XY OU, RBY OU
Your timezone: GMT +1
Usual Hours of Availability: I'm free most of days after 6pm gmt+1, in weekend i can only do in morning and night
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing PS for closed tours with friends where we played old gens ou tours only 4fun, now, I am starting in smogon and I want to know how to play these tiers competitively.
Are you able to use Discord?: yes
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Username: Poor_Gerald
PS! Username: Poor_Gerald
Signup Format: ORAS OU
Your timezone: GMT - 5
Usual Hours of Availability: Free most weeknights after 5PM GMT-5
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Used to play Gen 4 ou back when it was current--Was decent, mid ladder or so. Didn't really play any pokemon for over 10 years and just getting back into it now. Want to learn how to get past 12-1300 on showdown.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, it's Poor_Gerald

By the way, i totally understand that my account is too new, per the general rules. I've been a lifelong lurker! I figured it was best to come here and ask rather than post just for the sake of it.
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Username: tahatahat
PS! Username: tahat squared
Signup Format: RBY, GSC, ADV
Timezone: -5
Availability: Vy spotty during weekdays free af most weekends. Weird hours working until 7pm GMT -6 this summer so rip but I can make it happen
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): My last tutor got banished to the shadow realm but I'm less of a newgen (preview era) fan anyway I've found. Went 0-3 in GSCPL bringing immense shame to my manager and glorious french king OmBrArch and have been since coping by going even in random discord side pls for rby/gsc and sucking at adv. I'm semi-experienced in all 3 I'd say and have a basic amt of tier knowledge but am not an expert and my general mons fundamentals could use shoring up
Discord: yes
Username: Incognition
PS! Username: Incognition
Signup Format: ORAS/ADV > SS/SM > DPP/BW
Your timezone: +0
Usual Hours of Availability: 6pm onwards weeknights, some Saturday's, Sunday afternoon onwards (GMT+0)
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): It's been a year since I joined the Smogon community and I've learnt a lot, where I've met amazing people and made friends along the way.

During this time I've entered several tours to learn different metas and get to know the wider community better, making decent runs. In 2024 I made the Last 16 of DPP Global Championships, finished 4-3 in the first Unova League (reached finals), 3-3 in LPL and making decent runs in other tours (several r4/5 etc)

I was tutored in BW by Cow but I'm looking for another tutor to help me continue my development in any of these tiers. So far in 2025 I've noticed my improvement:
  • SV RU Winter Seasonal Round 6 (Last 32)
  • SV ZU Open Round 4 (Last 12)
  • BW Trio Winner (5-1)
  • BW OU Winter Seasonal (Round 6)
  • ADV OU Winter Seasonal (Round 6)
  • DPP OU Winter Seasonal (Round 5)
  • SS OU Winter Seasonal (Round 5)
  • SM OU Winter Seasonal (Round 5)
  • LC Winter Seasonal (Round 5)
  • SmogCord Winter Seasonal (Round 7 / Last 16)
  • OST Round 4
I would like to focus more on particular gens and make further runs so my aim of being picked in DPPPL, BWPL, RCOP etc can be a reality. Ideally I'm looking for an active tutor who is willing to give their time and effort in helping me, and I'll repay them by making the same effort in practising and playing tours.

My weaknesses are teambuilding, identifying win-cons and midground plays, but with the number of tours and metas I've entered I feel I can adapt really quickly - I also like to pilot teams with short notice.

Despite work and other commitments in real, I'll always make the time to work on improvement and I strive for perfection, so I hope whoever picks me in the future will find me easy and fun to work with.

Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, prefer message but can voice chat if needed (Incognition)
bump, edited my post
Username: gephicka
PS! Username: FIVE BIG BOOMS (among many other alts)
Signup Format: SS, SM, ADV
Your timezone: -6
Usual Hours of Availability:
2:30p-12p, diff hours within that window depending on the day
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
Trying to get better at singles as a whole, have been playing on and off since Gen 8 but haven't really gotten involved on the smogon side of things until earlier this year. I'm trying to improve enough to win a tournament and just generally diversify my palette when it comes to OU.
Are you able to use Discord?:
Username: zRyan74
PS! Username: zRyan74
Signup Format: SSOU
Your timezone: GMT + 0
Usual Hours of Availability: pretty much everyday however weekdays i have college from 1pm-4pm
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I Started playing Competitively on smogon back in about september last year, i taught myself gen 7 to a fairly decent level then made friends and improved, now i want to branch off into other tiers and learn from new friends and new people how to play the tier. I want to learn ssou, because i feel it is my weakest fairy gen and i didnt win a single ssou game in masters (lol) and havent had much joy of recent, if youre an experienced SSOU player with decentish placements hmu

Are you able to use discord?: yes - my discord is zryan74
Username: Ali Gnome
PS! Username: ali.gnome
Signup Format: ADV OU
Your timezone: CET (GMT+1)
Usual Hours of Availability:
17:30 to 23:00, weekends all day til 20:00
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
Played singles on and off since BW2 released, took a very large hiatus after gen 7 and got back into it in December of last year, fallen completely in love with ADV since and played in ADV revival 2 (very positive experience), want to sign up to more stuff and really get good at the tier

As for what ive already done to better myself, ive been watching a ton of content and laddering a bunch (mostly alts to try and get X-0 big streaks), feel like ive got the basics mostly down and know the common team structures/sets/mechanics, getting games with people who can do analysis afterwards and signed up to some tournaments.

Main teamstyles i enjoy using are:
- Special offense
- Italian/blue offense
- Stall
- Superman
- Anything i get off of ABR, like his teams a lot

Thanks a bunch for anyone reading so far! :)

Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, username is .alig.
Username: Finchely
PS! Username: Finchely
Signup Format: ADV OU
Your timezone: GMT -7 (-8 once daylight savings ends)
Usual Hours of Availability:

  • Wednesday and Friday after 4pm
  • Saturday all day
  • Sunday after 2pm
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I've been playing showdown for close to two years now maybe? First picked up mons with SV OU when espathra shed tail was still legal, but dropped the tier after Pokemon Home dropped. After that I drifted in UU for a little bit, but I eventually landed at Ubers UU where I quickly became a community leader. I picked up ADV OU a bit more on the recent side, after a friend convinced me to sign up for a discord-based ADV tournament, and ended up liking it a lot. And especially as of recent, I've been trying to play it a lot to work on my fundamentals as a player, due to how methodical the format is. I've been doing ok enough laddering on my own, but I figured that I'd be able to improve a lot faster if I got the help of someone more experienced, which is why I've signed up here to get mentored on the metagame.

Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
Username: NDK
PS! Username: NDK
Signup Format: BW OU
Your timezone:
Usual Hours of Availability:
Weekends free whenever, Mondays after 7pm, Tuesday from 11 AM to 3pm. Wednesday after 5 PM. Thursday 11 AM-3pm, after 5pm, Fridays free whenever
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I have been seriously using Smogon for about 3 years now, starting in early 2022. Most of my experience has been in UU, as I have been playing that tier for 3 years and got drafted for UUFPL 3 times and UUBD once. I got drafted for BWPL, which made me interested in learning BW OU. I would like to learn more about the tier, and improve at mons in general.
Are you able to use Discord?
Username: Queenie_
PS! Username: corvid_queen
Signup Format: dpp ou
Your timezone: +13
Usual Hours of Availability:
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
Have been playing adv ou for a little over half a year. I have participated in multiple non-smogon team tours and a few official ones. Recently I've been trying new formats and have enjoyed dpp ou the most and would like to get better at it :D
Are you able to use Discord?: yes