username: Shadow_sneak
PS Username: Shadow_sneak3 (and a bunch of other alts)
Signup Format: ADV OU / DPP OU
Timezone: GMT-5 (EST)
Usual Hours of Availability: Varies, but usually M-Th I'm available morning or night; I'm available in the mornings on Friday / Saturday
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon: I played a lot and contributed to Oras when it was a main generation, but I have been on break since then. Beyond that, I have played DPP / ADV in passing on alts when I have time between school on break and such and have kept up with tours. I would love to participate in tours and be more confident with my building/playing. Beyond this, I want to relearn and solidify my fundamentals in a generation I love. I have had a ten-year passion for mons and want to rekindle that, and I want to learn.
Are you able to use Discord? yes @golden7558
PS Username: Shadow_sneak3 (and a bunch of other alts)
Signup Format: ADV OU / DPP OU
Timezone: GMT-5 (EST)
Usual Hours of Availability: Varies, but usually M-Th I'm available morning or night; I'm available in the mornings on Friday / Saturday
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon: I played a lot and contributed to Oras when it was a main generation, but I have been on break since then. Beyond that, I have played DPP / ADV in passing on alts when I have time between school on break and such and have kept up with tours. I would love to participate in tours and be more confident with my building/playing. Beyond this, I want to relearn and solidify my fundamentals in a generation I love. I have had a ten-year passion for mons and want to rekindle that, and I want to learn.
Are you able to use Discord? yes @golden7558