Sign-Up Apprentice Program Signups: Old Gens OU


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Welcome to Battling 101! If you're seeking a tutor for Old Gens OU, you are in the right place. Please read all the rules carefully and fill out every part of the application.

Available Formats:


  • You must be able to access Discord, or whatever your tutor wants as the primary form of communication.
  • You must be willing to use Pokemon Showdown! even if you are being tutored in a cartridge format such as Battle Spot or VGC.
  • You, the tutee, should have at least 15 posts before signing up AND your account's age should be a minimum of at least 1 month old before signing up.
    • This is not a strict requirement meaning you may still be paired without satisfying it, so no matter what, DO NOT spam post elsewhere in the forum. That is an infractable offense and we do not encourage such behavior from potential Tutees.
  • You must have battled competitively for a decent amount in at least ONE of the Smogon tiers or Battle Spot / VGC to sign up. Playing 10 or so matches on the PS! ladder is not substantial enough, ~70 or so is more reasonable. This experience does not need to be for the format you sign-up for; this is just to weed out people who have never played competitively that can improve themselves simply by using resources already available to them without needing a tutor to hold their hand.
  • You, the tutee, are responsible for setting up times with your tutor. When you receive the Smogon notification informing you of the pairing, please take the initiative and post on their VM wall first. Continued scheduling and communication is key to a successful pairing!
  • Use the Tutee Talk forum to complain about your tutor (or praise them if they're doing a good job). These are no longer mandatory, but if your tutor is ridiculously inactive or is a complete jackass, COMPLAIN HERE. Nobody can see your tutee talk posts except for you and the Battling 101 Staff; everything is confidential.
  • Signups older than 4 months or 1 month since last login will be considered inactive. These will be moved to the Inactive Posts thread, and can be returned back to this thread by request.
  • Tutors can and will drop you if sessions go badly, and significant violations may result in a ban from B101. Be active, be enthusiastic, be respectful. Make the best of your time together!
Here is the signup template, and an example sign-up post.
PS! Username:
Signup Format:
Your timezone:
Usual Hours of Availability:
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
Are you able to use Discord?:
Username: Shiba
PS! Username: Big Sean
Signup Format: SV OU
Your timezone: EST (GMT -5)
Usual Hours of Availability: weekdays 8 PM - 12 AM, weekends 12 PM - 12 AM
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing competitively in early XY and spammed Baton Pass on the ladder. I was pretty skilled I guess. I then got more involved with Smogon and started to play in various tournaments like UUPL and later on Snake and SPL. I could use a bit more practice in this tier though, so I'm looking to get help
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
Signup template for Chinese language tutoring:
你的Smogon ID:
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Edit:returned 19 march 2024
Username: Bahamut
PS! Username: Bahamut (usually find me in old shark room)
Signup Format: ORAS
Your timezone: EST
Usual Hours of Availability: Almost Any. I have a lot of free time during the day currently.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon: Well I can't say when i started playing mons but its been quite a few years now. I played gen 7 anything goes for a while off and on. eventually topped the ladder in that. I played a bit of gen 6 PH in the old shark room back when it was private a few years back and people such as Dramlamb and AVcosmoem were around. I eventually took a big break came back and saw there was a ladder for gen 6 PH. From there well my progression just kept going. I felt really happy the first time topping that ladder. After a long period of time now between building more teams topping the ladder a few more times and helping in a lot of the resources between analysis VR and being RO of Oldshark (with great help from NtoTheN and Mbouchon) I can't say my job is done with Gen 6 PH nor will it be entirely be but the meta has become bit more stale for myself personally. I have fooled around with a few other metas like gen 1 ou or played a random game of this or that from time to time but ORAS ou seems to be what I set my eyes on. There are so many metas to pick from but I just went with my gut and said hey Gen 6 seems more in my direction of style. I seriously want to get gud at this metagame and I actually want to develop skills a lot of the matchups and long-term positioning seem extremely hard for me.
DIscord: UmbralBahamut
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Edit: returned 19 march 2024
Username: tankmonx
PS! Username:
- Powermaple
- Tankmonx
- Starfoxfalco
Signup Format: Gen 4 and Gen 3 OU
Your timezone: EST
Usual Hours of Availability:
- Monday All Day
- Wednesday All Day
- Friday all day
- Saturday all day
- Sunday all day
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Played for 6 years straight from summer 2014 (Gen 6) - 2020 (gen 7/early gen 8). Peaked 1500s in Gen 7 OU.
Are you able to use Discord?:
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Edit: 4/7/2024
Username: HSBT
PS! Username: HSBT
Signup Format: SM OU/ORAS OU
Your timezone: GMT -3
Usual Hours of Availability: 9-12 pm.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing several years ago on SM Ubers with no intention of playing seriously competitively. Actually, already played Wcup with Argentina and NatDex Wcup with Team Latam + Spain without standing out too much, being more of a cheerleader. I participated in several SM tournaments, without getting very far. Also ORAS is a tier that I have never been good at and I would like to improve for future tours. I feel that I am being very inconsistent and would like to be tutored.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, holasoybalto
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Username: NotVeryCake
PS! Username: CakeConnesseur
Signup Format: RBY OU
Your timezone: GMT+0
Usual Hours of Availability: I am weekdays past 4PM. For weekends I am available most of the day aside from certain situational exeptions or extremely late times.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon: I started playing RBY OU on ladder around June 2022. I started playing playing in tours with RBY Majors I at the start of 2022, which I got to the I think the quarter finals of. I then played in the 2022 RBY Global Championships and made it to the quarter finals aswell. I played in RBYPL 2022 for PU and went 3-2. I feel as if I'm missing a certain something in my play I can't quite put my finger on, which is why I'm looking for help.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, .sandshrew_ on Discord
Username: Waci
PS! Username: Waci
Signup Format: ORAS OU, SM OU
Your timezone: MST (GMT -7)
Usual Hours of Availability: Weekdays 2pm-8pm, Weekends 12PM-12AM (Both semi-flexible)
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing seriously post dlc2 SS and made my smogon with SV launch. I peaked 1700 on ladder in SS and 1800 in SV. After playing Masters I realized I'm never going to be able to reach my goals without help. I've struggled to learn non current gens to the level I want by myself so I feel like this would be my best option.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
Username: Silexius
PS! Username: Silexius
Signup Format: BW OU
Your timezone: GMT +0
Usual Hours of Availability: Evening everyday and Weekends apart from Tuesday and sometimes Wednesday
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I have been playing bw for less than a yr now and I find it fun to play but have got out of shape after not playing for quite a few months. I have played less than 5 tour games and play ladder once in a while. However I do not really understand the teambuilding aspect of touring and some archetypes of teams.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, I am Silexius.
Username: Xr Kartana
PS! Username: Xr_Kartana
Signup Format: gen 7 ou
Your timezone: + 1
Usual Hours of Availability: every evening except Wednesday
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): one of my favorite gen, tried to play it competitively, but I struggle at 1300-1400, I want improve my team building skills and playing better
Are you able to use Discord?: no
Username: Illouri
PS! Username: Illouri
Signup Format: Sun and Moon OU
Your timezone: GTM +7
Usual Hours of Availability: 8:30 to 3:30 (my hours can be shaky though)
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I created my first PS! account in April of 2020, and I started playing Gen 7 OU and Ubers and Gen 8 OU. I started to hate Gen 8 OU though so I switched to Gen 8 ND and I've stuck with that ever since. Though I'm somewhat involved with National Dex, I'm not very good at Gen 7 and want to learn how to play the tier successfully so I can become fundamentally better at competitive Pokemon as a whole.
Are you able to use Discord?: No
Username: amstan
PS! Username: amstan
Signup Format: SM OU
Your timezone: gmt -5
Usual Hours of Availability: afternoons-evenings US time and weekend varies but usually pretty free
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started off in mons sometime before the Crown Tundra DLC and mostly just had fun on the ladder peaking around 1900 and hovering 1700s. When SV became the current gen, I tried to play that tier for a while, before quitting because I was not a big fan of the tier. I moved to National Dex and currently am council in National Dex STAB. I think my fundamentals are mid tier-decent and SM OU is a tier I've wanted to learn for a bit.
Are you able to use Discord?: yes, amstan_
Signups for Chinese language tutoring are now available for the following tiers: RBY OU, GSC OU, DPP OU, BW OU, ORAS OU, SM OU, SS OU

Use this template to sign up for it:

你的Smogon ID:
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Username: toinha
PS! Username: toinha
Signup Format: ORAS OU
Your timezone: GMT -3
Usual Hours of Availability:
I'm nearly always able to play during wednesdays, fridays and weekends.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I feel like I do have a great experiencie overall, I've already won a RU seasonal back in Gen 8 DLC 1, but I also feel I got pretty bad after a 2 year break and I want to know how to adapt, improve and overcome some faillures I usually do.
Are you able to use Discord?:
Yes, toinha is also my discord.
(Coming from the inactive tutee posts)

Username: GustavoR
PS! Username: gr1997
Signup Format: ADV OU
Your timezone: GMT -4
Usual Hours of Availability: Afternoons after work (clock out at 5:30 PM my timezone) and weekends all day. Will let know with anticipation if I can't make it one day.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Started to play seriously around Gen 7 OU, but between college and now work I barely play. Been watching some ADV vids on Yt, and I wanna get involved and learn how to play efficiently (plus Aerodactyl is my fav mon and ADV OU is its peak so)
Are you able to use Discord?: Yessir. gr1997#5796
Username: YouMeAndRNG
PS! Username: YouMeAndRNG
Signup Format: DPP OU
Your timezone: CST
Usual Hours of Availability:
4pm-11pm CST on weekdays
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I haven't really been in the community but I've been seasonally active battler since the days when Pokemon online needed to be installed on your computer. I've played DPP OU and laddered pretty well for a number of years but I do feel like I've hit a bit of a ceiling and I haven't really ever explored the tournament scene thoroughly. Despite experience in the tier I think there is always someone to learn from but I understand if this has more of an inclination for beginners.
Are you able to use Discord?:
Username: havocknight
PS! Username: h4v0ckn1ght
Signup Format: RBY OU
Your timezone: -3
Usual Hours of Availability:
Late afternoons/early evenings, more flexible on weekends.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I've been on smogon for a while now and I'm interested in improving in oldgens, perhaps I do enjoy more that than playing some of the current generation lower-tiers.
Are you able to use Discord?:
yes, havocknight
Username: Zelph
PS! Username: EG Zelph
Signup Format: Oras
Your timezone: GMT-4
Usual Hours of Availability: 10am-1pm/6pm-10pm
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started 1 year ago, and since then I reached round 9 at ORAS and ADV seasonal. played at ADVPL recently, and got picked at the Venezuela wcop team. Played a couple of side tournaments like frontier premier league. I have plenty experience in adv but I want to learn now oras because I think it's a fun tier that I want to play at a better level in tournaments
Are you able to use Discord?:
yes, cristianj1588.
Username: Bygone Days
PS! Username: dumb and drunk
Signup Format: DPP OU
Your timezone: +2
Usual Hours of Availability: 5pm - 11pm weekdays, later on the weekend
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I started playing and building more seriously around 2019 when I had some really boring classes. I mainly focused on DPP and feel like I've gotten pretty solid on ladder. But even "high" ladder in dpp feels very different from what I see when I watch replays from the top players. I'm really interested in playing tours, learning and improving so I can push myself to the next level. I'm mainly looking for advice on how to build more consistent teams on a high level and long term positioning ingame but I'm very open minded on what I learn and how I learn it.
Are you able to use Discord?: yes, username is bygone.days
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  • Love
Reactions: Cow
PS! Username:IsIghTT
Signup Format: ou Uber
Your timezone: east cental
Usual Hours of Availability: I'm flexible really anytime
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I suck at competitive pokemon and I want to play in competitions and im willing to learn and train as much as i need to win. I'm new to all this and it's fun but I don't know where to start

Are you able to use Discord?:yes I'm available always on my devices
Username: Charmayanne
PS! Username: 1998 Mercedes-Benz
Signup Format: adv ou
Your timezone: GMT+8
Usual Hours of Availability:
After 8pm in most days
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
started playing adv in 2023 when revival started, made it to swiss 2. Since then I've been playing a lot of the tier mostly through mushi and ladder, peaking at 1654.
Are you able to use Discord?:
yes, tag is millingwinds
Username: GraveBee
PS! Username: Bee.exe
Signup Format: ADV OU
Your timezone: EST (GMT-4)
Usual Hours of Availability:
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I tried getting into competitive pokemon largely with ADV, but found that ladder by itself was a poor teacher at best. Even when paired with various resources on the forums and advice from players I fight in friendlies, it isn’t enough to give a proper understanding of the metagame to the degree that I’m even practicing on the same level as an average player. Having struggled with playing the game proper, I found hosting tournaments to be a much more enjoyable experience, but lamented a seeming lack of improvement. In many ways, I find it easy to beat myself up over having not played/improved as much as I’d like, and this takes a toll on any motivation I have for the extended ladder sessions that I see others using for improvement.
Are you able to use Discord?:
I’d much prefer to do any tutoring/communication over discord, if possible. Discord username is same as my forum username
Username: Ooziegib
PS! Username: Ooziegib
Signup Format: ADV OU
Your timezone: EST (GMT-4)
Usual Hours of Availability: 5-10PM EST/EDT
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokémon (min. 3 sentences): New to the tournament scene and adv. My first tournament was the old-money-open. Ladder peak is 1790. I am looking to learn how to be more consistent and create more cohesive teams.
Are you able to use Discord?: Discord is preferred: johnwn1207
Username: takingnoteskinda
PS! Username: Takingnoteskinda
Signup Format: ss ou
Your timezone: GMT-5
Usual Hours of Availability: most times saturday-sunday,
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Ive been playing pretty long and feel like ive stagnated to a midladder player or and feel im really inconsistent so looking for a mentor/coach to improve my game. Looking to learn everything about ss even the lower tiers but understand if that not feasible
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, username is Aejmmnu
Username: violet river
PS! Username: violet river
Signup format: DPP OU
Timezone: GMT+12
Availability: I have a freaky sleep schedule so most times 12pm-2am work for me, like evening for americans and middays for euros
Comp mons experience: I started adv around 9 months ago and finished out top 8 in the recent invitational, learning that tier from the ground up was a fuckton of work but also really rewarding. I've played dpp in a couple of side tours and DPPPL to some decent results, but I want to get the level of understanding in dpp that I have in adv - not just put pokemon w obvious synergies together and autofill in the rest of the sets then make base level clicks yk
Able to use discord?: Yea, username is amogus_fan

PS! Username:strictsceptile1

Signup Format: BW OU

Your timezone: +5:30

Usual Hours of Availability: I am usually available anytime between 6PM-2AM most days

Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):I have been playing BW OU for around 3-4 months seriously and while I may have gained little knowledge about the tier I want to learn more from a veteran player.

Are you able to use Discord?:Yeah preferrably so. For now my username is _rekzz_
Username: Saadhak

PS! Username: Goh (Hunt da rosa)

Registration format: ADV

Your time zone: GMT-3

Usual availability hours: Friday or Sunday from 1pm to 7pm I am available. (I will let you know in advance if I hear any risk of delay)

Tell us a little about your experience playing competitive Pokémon (min. 3 sentences): I've been playing for a long time and feel like I'm stuck at a mid to high level player. I want to be good at the adv, dpp tiers, Oras, SM and SS because they are my favorite games. Of course, my focus will first be Adv but if my coach wants I can choose another one above.

Can you use Discord?: Yes, the username is Typical Bastard