Sign-Up Apprentice Program Signups: Draft League


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Welcome to Battling 101! If you're seeking a tutor for Draft League, you are in the right place. Please read all the rules carefully and fill out every part of the application.


  • You must be able to access Discord, or whatever your tutor wants as the primary form of communication.
  • You must be willing to use Pokemon Showdown! even if you are being tutored in a cartridge format such as Battle Spot or VGC.
  • You, the tutee, should have at least 15 posts before signing up AND your account's age should be a minimum of at least 1 month old before signing up.
    • This is not a strict requirement meaning you may still be paired without satisfying it, so no matter what, DO NOT spam post elsewhere in the forum. That is an infractable offense and we do not encourage such behavior from potential Tutees.
  • You must have battled competitively for a decent amount in at least ONE of the Smogon tiers or Battle Spot / VGC to sign up. Playing 10 or so matches on the PS! ladder is not substantial enough, ~70 or so is more reasonable. This experience does not need to be for the format you sign-up for; this is just to weed out people who have never played competitively that can improve themselves simply by using resources already available to them without needing a tutor to hold their hand.
  • You, the tutee, are responsible for setting up times with your tutor. When you receive the Smogon notification informing you of the pairing, please take the initiative and post on their VM wall first. Continued scheduling and communication is key to a successful pairing!
  • Use the Tutee Talk forum to complain about your tutor (or praise them if they're doing a good job). These are no longer mandatory, but if your tutor is ridiculously inactive or is a complete jackass, COMPLAIN HERE. Nobody can see your tutee talk posts except for you and the Battling 101 Staff; everything is confidential.
  • Signups older than 4 months or 1 month since last login will be considered inactive. These will be moved to the Inactive Posts thread, and can be returned back to this thread by request.
  • Tutors can and will drop you if sessions go badly, and significant violations may result in a ban from B101. Be active, be enthusiastic, be respectful. Make the best of your time together!
Here is the signup template, and an example sign-up post.
PS! Username:
Signup Format:
Your timezone:
Usual Hours of Availability:
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
Are you able to use Discord?:
Username: Shiba
PS! Username: Big Sean
Signup Format: Draft
Your timezone: EST (GMT -5)
Usual Hours of Availability: weekdays 8 PM - 12 AM, weekends 12 PM - 12 AM
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing competitively in early XY and spammed Baton Pass on the ladder. I was pretty skilled I guess. I then got more involved with Smogon and started to play in various tournaments like UUPL and later on Snake and SPL. I could use a bit more practice in this tier though, so I'm looking to get help
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
Username: Heinny
PS! Username: Heinny
Signup Format: Draft
Your timezone: GMT+7
Usual Hours of Availability: 7-11pm weekdays, mostly free weekends
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I mostly play randoms and only watch VGC before. im fairly new to Draft, with my first one being an in house Draft league back in December 2023. from there I've been trying to learn more about it from friends and join in some of other leagues like SS & USUM natdex. I just feel like i got a bit lost in drafting sometimes and not very good at prepping, mostly just using the standard builds with maybe 1-2 changed moves.
Are you able to use Discord?: yep, heinny on discord
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PS! Username:Ace98121212
Signup Format:Draft
Your timezone:GMT+5:30
Usual Hours of Availability: I'm free usually after 5 pm my time but can also play after 1 pm my time
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):I joined competitive draft Pokemon landscape fairly 4-5 months ago . I have now played 4-5 league but never got into a respectable position, I always get eliminated after the battle pools or in the 5th or 6th week of the Swiss
Are you able to use Discord?:Yes,ace981212 on dc
Username: Proszz
PS! Username: Proszz
Signup Format: draft
Your timezone: GMT+1
Usual Hours of Availability:
15.40pm-19pm / 23.40pm - 2am ish
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I play some Pokemon Mmos which have competitive stuff like clan wars, as well as multiple tournies that we host, which usually have some good smogon players since people know each other and get invited. Ive also played some tournaments in smogon. Although nothing serious. Ive started playing more tournies this last week or so. Currently playing 2 draft tournies but my teambuilding is terrible
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
Username: EmperorAry
PS! Username: EmperorAry
Signup Format: Draft
Your timezone: GMT +8
Usual Hours of Availability: 6pm-2am on weekdays, usually most of the day on weekends.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I used to play a lot of randoms before I got into draft. I've played a few smogon leagues, making it past the pools but don't fare too well in the knockout stages. In the few regular draft leagues I've played, i have managed to make it to playoffs most of the time, but haven't been able to go past semis. If given enough time, I can prep for a battle well and execute my plans, but where I falter more than often is the draft itself. I ask some of my friends for help, but I'd like to get better at drafting myself, choosing a winning/harmonizing set of mons.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
Username: FantasyKnight75
PS! Username: yoyohakusho
Signup Format: Draft
Your timezone: PST/GMT-7
Usual Hours of Availability: As of right now 1-7 pm Mon-Fri, 5-7 Weekend.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Started using Pokemon Showdown about 4 years ago but the only tier where I play a lot of would-be Random Battles where I think I peaked ~1700 or so. Drafts were always something I loved watching even before then and is my main interest ever since I started playing. Even after 4 years I still have not seen much success besides where I started playing against newer players which I was at the time but now that my competition is at my level, I am starting the struggle especially at important games.
Are you able to use Discord?: Fo Sure at fantasyknight75
Username: cripwalk on sunday
PS! Username: playing on alts p much
Signup Format: draft
Your timezone: gmt+2
Usual Hours of Availability: for the weekdays usually in the evening, very open on the weekend during the day not so much for the evening/night
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started a long time ago to play comp around the end of bw/start of oras and got into draft during sm or usum I dont remember, but it was definitely gen 7. Since then I won a couple of leagues (most of them were on discord tho and nothing on smog til now) but overall I’m not too happy with my success since I still got flaws regarding the teambuilding. I prep and play decently imo, but I would like to learn new ways of thinking during a teambuilding and maybe improve on more versatile drafts. I either draft the same core and add some other mons or I completely draft something new - there is no in between.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
Username: Muralik29
PS! Username: MK29
Signup Format: Draft
Your timezone: GMT +5.5
Usual Hours of Availability:
available all weekends
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
my first draft game was paldea dlc-1 trios. after that i joined two more tours. in paldea dlc my teammates and i have managed to made to the top cut but after that i have never made to the top cut. my friends did help me a lot of time but i was not able proceed furthur either because my draft was matched up to to my exact counter mu or due to rng. maybe i need to improve my skills so i can make it to the top cut.
Are you able to use Discord?:
yes. muralik29
Username: Creator of Some
PS! Username: Creator of Some
Signup Format: Draft
Your timezone: GMT+2
Usual Hours of Availability: During summer, most days any time xd
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I´ve been playing competitive pokemon for some time by now, doing reasonably well, especially in UUbers which at this time is the only tier I play besides draft itself, since the variety makes it more interesting.

Although I have done fairly well on a draft tour organized on my campus, my performance on official tours, has been let´s say lacking xd. It´s really weird because I would think draft requires more creative teambuilding, which I thought was one my main strengths in other tiers. However I intend to keep smashing my head against the wall until I improve, some help in identifying my flaws would be greatly appreciated xd.

Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
Username: horriii
PS! Username: horriii
Signup Format: Draft
Your timezone: GMT+5
Usual Hours of Availability:
7pm-12 am Anyday, Friday/Saturday any time
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I've been competitively playing in oras tour's.
Are you able to use Discord?:
Username: Imbx
PS! Username: Imbx4406
Signup Format: Draft
Your timezone: EST (GMT -5)
Usual Hours of Availability: weekdays 8pm-1am, weekends 8pm-2am
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I first started in competitive in Wi-Fi battles during after-school clubs in Gens 4 and 5, though I did not participate in any tournaments. Nowadays, however, most of my experience comes from random battles. I started with Gen 3 and Gen 4 Random, but my main ladder is Gen 5 Random. I do also have a little experience in Random Battles for Gens 6, 8, and 9, and have done several battles in the Gen 9 Baby Random format as well.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, imbx4406 on Discord
Username: Steven Stone 007
PS! Username: Steven Stone 007
Signup Format: Draft
Your timezone: GMT +5.5
Usual Hours of Availability:
All Day
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):

I Started Playing Showdown in lockdown. intitally i usually play tour plaza for fun and recentaly statrted playing draft.I Am A verstatile player and play many formats. i can say i can kinda okok in draft but not won so far
Are you able to use Discord?:
PS! Username:Bloom 13
Signup Format: Draft
Your timezone: GMT +5.5
Usual Hours of Availability:
Weekdays after 9pm (GMT +5.5), Weekend all day
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
Started playing vgc for fun after watching cybertron's videos in 2017. After that I have played pokemon on and off for ~6 years in various formats on showdown.I started getting more and more into draft near the start of the year and have participated in around 5-6 leagues
Are you able to use Discord?:
Username: VoidOfDarknesss
PS! Username: Mice X Family
Signup Format: Draft
Your timezone: GMT +4
Usual Hours of Availability:
3-11 PM
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I've been playing pokemon for about 8 years, of which in the last 5 years I've been playing competitively, both on ladder and in drafts. The first time I really went for a high rank on ladder my peak was 1875 with maushold. Draft wise, I've played in many drafts, most of them being friendly ones. However, I've played in a few smogon drafts and have placed pretty well, I'd say what mainly holds me back as a player is the actual draft process, since I'm extremely indecisive. I hope that's something I'll be able to improve with this program.
Are you able to use Discord?:
Username: Silveryo
PS! Username: Silveryo321
Signup Format: Draft
Your timezone: GMT- 5
Usual Hours of Availability:
Basically all day atm, however, I am trying to get a job so I cannot be completely sure what my hours will be in the future
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I have been drafting for over 5 years now, pretty consistently. I like to think I'm not a terrible player, however, I have struggled in the smogon drafts which has really disappointed me. I am very competitive, so I have a major desire to improve.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
Username: Edentical

PS! Username: Lucio Mafia

Signup Format: Draft

Your timezone: ADT (GMT-3)

Usual Hours of Availability: Basically always

Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Ive been playing and watching competitive pokemon since I was quite young, the format I loved most being draft, However I didnt start playing draft until last year when someone I knew started a league, from there it was off to the races with me. Since then ive had a good bit of success in my leagues until recently where ive noticed my skill has dropped by a good bit, on top of not being out to place outside of groups in draft tours. I have a fairly aggressive playstyle that relies a lot on making reads so I hope I can maybe find someone who can help me play a lot more passive when aggressive reads arent needed.

Are you able to use Discord?: Yes I use it a good bit, my username is edentical

Welcome to Battling 101! If you're seeking a tutor for Draft League, you are in the right place. Please read all the rules carefully and fill out every part of the application.


  • You must be able to access Discord, or whatever your tutor wants as the primary form of communication.
  • You must be willing to use Pokemon Showdown! even if you are being tutored in a cartridge format such as Battle Spot or VGC.
  • You, the tutee, should have at least 15 posts before signing up AND your account's age should be a minimum of at least 1 month old before signing up.
    • This is not a strict requirement meaning you may still be paired without satisfying it, so no matter what, DO NOT spam post elsewhere in the forum. That is an infractable offense and we do not encourage such behavior from potential Tutees.
  • You must have battled competitively for a decent amount in at least ONE of the Smogon tiers or Battle Spot / VGC to sign up. Playing 10 or so matches on the PS! ladder is not substantial enough, ~70 or so is more reasonable. This experience does not need to be for the format you sign-up for; this is just to weed out people who have never played competitively that can improve themselves simply by using resources already available to them without needing a tutor to hold their hand.
  • You, the tutee, are responsible for setting up times with your tutor. When you receive the Smogon notification informing you of the pairing, please take the initiative and post on their VM wall first. Continued scheduling and communication is key to a successful pairing!
  • Use the Tutee Talk forum to complain about your tutor (or praise them if they're doing a good job). These are no longer mandatory, but if your tutor is ridiculously inactive or is a complete jackass, COMPLAIN HERE. Nobody can see your tutee talk posts except for you and the Battling 101 Staff; everything is confidential.
  • Signups older than 4 months or 1 month since last login will be considered inactive. These will be moved to the Inactive Posts thread, and can be returned back to this thread by request.
  • Tutors can and will drop you if sessions go badly, and significant violations may result in a ban from B101. Be active, be enthusiastic, be respectful. Make the best of your time together!
Here is the signup template, and an example sign-up post.
Username: nelcatter
PS! Username: nelcatter
Signup Format: Draft
Your timezone: GMT -8
Usual Hours of Availability: Thursday-Monday 9pm-1am, Anytime Tuesday and Wednesday
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing competitively just this year and I really enjoyed team building but with limited knowledge of competitive pokemon and no friends that play, the best I could do is try to have plenty of type coverage and build cores like fire-water-grass, fighting-psychic-dark, and steel-fairy-dragon. The farthest I have been able to get on the ladder in any format is in the 1300's and I've tried to dabble with VGC but I enjoy 6v6 much more and it feels a lot more chill which I like. Got into my first draft league a couple months ago which was the gen 6 ORAS draft in which I went 4-1 which I was pretty happy with especially with it being my first time in a tournament for pokemon. I then got into the natdex draft in which I did not perform well and it felt a bit overwhelming for me. I'm now in the gen 7 USUM draft and I actually never got to play any of the gen 7 games so I am a bit nervous. I could really use the practice and I really would like to learn more as I don't have any to help me because I have no friends that are into pokemon. I really love pokemon and have had tons of fun on showdown and using smogon as this is the first year I've gotten into and have gotten the hang of using smogon and showdown in unison and I would really like to learn and get better to become a better competitive player. Help would be greatly appreciated as I really love pokemon. Thank you!
Are you able to use Discord?:
Username: ItsNimXD
PS! Username: ItsNimXD
Signup Format: Draft
Your time zone: GMT +8
Usual Hours of Availability: Usually free mornings & nights weekdays, all day weekends
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I have been playing for about 5-6 years, since USUM. I have played in many tours and leagues, especially smogdraft, but nothing to really be proud of. Mainly want to improve in game planning and sequences.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, itsnimxd on discord
Username: Bassa_44
PS! Username:Bahasuru44
Signup Format: Draft
Your timezone: 5.5+
Usual Hours of Availability: weekdays 6-10pm sunday -after 12pm
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I've been playing for a little over a year I haven't taken part in any official tournament and I'm relatively new to Draft but would love to get to know about the format more. I have played over 200 matches in ou this gen and that's about it
Are you able to use Discord?: yes @bassaa_44
Username: olivia
PS! Username: olivia
Signup Format: Draft
Your timezone: GMT+1
Usual Hours of Availability: most days, all day, don't have any strict availability issues right now and can stay up a bit later for American hours.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): started playing in public leagues a little over a year ago. Have had generally solid results but would like to take the next step as a player. Would like to enhance my understanding of game planning and team building. Would also appreciate advice on older tiers as I am mainly only experienced with SV. Would love advising on flaws in my batting that can be amended.
Are you able to use Discord?: yes, I'm available at oliviaotero
Username: DJblak
PS! Username: DJblak
Signup Format: Draft
Your timezone: UTC-6
Usual Hours of Availability: I'm free most days and don't currently have anything affecting my availability, although I generally am asleep from ~11:00 PM to 8:00 AM my time.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I've been playing competitive Pokemon for almost 8 years now, and have been playing draft specifically off and on for ~7 years now. Currently I'm struggling to keep up with better draft players these days, especially in SV formats. I find that my biggest flaws usually are around the drafting process, and getting in my own head over matchups. I would be grateful for any advice on how to improve as a player and would love to be able to get to the next level in draft.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, DJblak
Username: foodxi
PS! Username: foodd, desiredfood, sinfood, foodini
Signup Format: Draft
Your timezone: GMT-4
Usual Hours of Availability: 3pm-10pm
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I play some draft leagues from time to time and i still cannot win games! I don't know what im doing wrong and i am in dire need of assistance..
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
PS! Username:FSF Iceik
Signup Format: Draft
Your timezone: BST/GMT
Usual Hours of Availability: Weekends all except 4-8pm bst sunday, weekdays normally starting 6pm-11pm
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): ive been playing since 2019, but im still not too good, playing in leagues like wpf.Just realised it was min not max 3 sentences so lemme add a bit more lol, I've won 3 chips,I normally draft in a pretty bulky offence setup kinda way,but I've been choking a lot recently which annoys me. I'm also just not good enough for how many years experience I have imo.
Are you able to use Discord?:
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Username: Chandy
PS! Username: Chamdy
Signup Format: Draft
Your timezone: EST (GMT -5)
Usual Hours of Availability: weekdays 6 PM - 12 AM, weekends 10 AM - 10 PM
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started in SWSH and used to use bulky offense until it/I fell off fr. Won some small leagues, usually do subpar in “bigger” leagues. Kinda just wanna get better in gen 9 with absorbing info and pass it forward if possible.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
Username: Reaper Dude
PS! Username: Rinski
Signup Format: Draft
Your timezone: Gmt+8
Usual Hours of Availability: after 5pm weekdays, after 12pm weekends
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started last year January. Haven't have much success due to questionable battling. I am not that good in SV cause I didn't play for a while then a ton of new mons came out.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yep