Xerneas's extremely well-rounded stats and great Special Attack allow it to become a powerful attacker, and it is able to further boost its offensive prowess with Fairy Aura and Geomancy. These qualities let Xerneas serve numerous roles both offensively and defensively, making it difficult to switch into. It has many coverage options like Focus Blast and Psyshock to deal with some of its checks. Despite having more options for offensive sets, Xerneas can also utilize its high HP stat paired with its nice defensive typing for more defensive sets or act as a cleric with moves like Aromatherapy and Roar. However, Xerneas lacks reliable recovery and relies on Rest to regain health, which leaves it vulnerable. Xerneas also struggles against Steel- and Fire-types and has very few options to deal with them outside of Focus Blast. Multiple priority users can also overwhelm Xerneas and revenge kill it.
name: Geomancy
move 1: Geomancy
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Focus Blast / Hidden Power Ground
move 4: Thunder / Aromatherapy
item: Power Herb
ability: Fairy Aura
nature: Modest
evs: 176 HP / 28 Def / 252 SpA / 52 Spe
Geomancy raises Xerneas's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by two stages, allowing it to easily sweep a weakened team. Moonblast is the most powerful STAB option that Xerneas has access to, and when coupled with Fairy Aura and a Geomancy boost, it becomes a devastating attack. Focus Blast is Xerneas's main coverage move, as it is able to hit Steel-types such as Arceus-Steel, Jirachi, and Klefki as well as hitting Primal Groudon for more damage. Hidden Power Ground can be used over Focus Blast, as it is more accurate, but it is significantly weaker. Thunder is able to hit Ho-Oh and Lugia hard and can capitalize on Primal Kyogre switching in. Aromatherapy allows Xerneas to relieve its team from status effects and gives Xerneas an easier time with Klefki and support Arceus formes, which can cripple Xerneas with Thunder Wave and Swagger or wear it down with Toxic, respectively.
Set Details
Maximum Special Attack investment and a Modest nature ensure that Xerneas deals as much damage as possible. The 52 Speed EVs are used to outspeed Choice Scarf Genesect and Choice Scarf Jirachi after a Geomancy. 28 EVs are invested in Defense to avoid giving Genesect +1 Attack from Download, and the rest are put in HP to help Xerneas avoid 2HKOs from Extreme Killer Arceus's Extreme Speed and Choice Band Ho-Oh's Earthquake.
Usage Tips
Xerneas has only a single chance to set up due to its reliance on Power Herb, so picking the right time is essential. Normally, setting up when checks like Primal Groudon, Ho-Oh, Klefki, and Clefable are severely weakened or knocked out is optimal. Multiple priority users also pose a problem for Xerneas, as they can overwhelm it with priority and KO after it has set up. Be wary of how much health Xerneas has and the number of priority users on the other team before using Geomancy. Try to set up on Pokemon like Yveltal, Mega Sableye, and Mega Diancie, as Xerneas can force them out as well as set up on them.
Team Options
Primal Groudon is a great teammate because it is able to switch into Steel-types and deal with most of Xerneas's counters like Arceus-Poison and Ho-Oh. Additionally, Primal Groudon, as well as support Arceus formes, can set up Stealth Rock for Xerneas so it can sweep more effectively. Primal Groudon also baits in Yveltal and Giratina-O, which Xerneas can set up on. Arceus-Ghost and Skarmory are able to switch into Mega Rayquaza and Extreme Killer Arceus with ease and are able to cripple them with Will-O-Wisp or phaze them, respectively, allowing Xerneas to KO crippled target or capitalize on a forced switch. Skarmory can also lay down Spikes to restrict switching and force the opponent to use Defog, giving an opportunity for Xerneas to set up.
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Moonblast
move 2: Sleep Talk
move 3:
move 4:
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Fairy Aura
nature: Modest
evs: 72 Def / 252 SpA / 184 Spe
Moonblast is Xerneas's main STAB move because it deals the most damage due to Fairy Aura. Sleep Talk allows Xerneas to switch into Darkrai and lead off against Smeargle, and it is able to ensure the OHKO against both of them extremely reliably because Moonblast is the only move it is able to select. Alternatively, Focus Blast is able to threaten many Pokemon that resist Moonblast like Primal Groudon, Steel Arceus, and Ferrothorn; however, it is not commonly run because it makes Xerneas significantly less reliable against Darkrai, as it can miss when using Sleep Talk or select a move that would be significantly less powerful than Moonblast in the given circumstance.
Set Details
Full Special Attack investment along with a Modest nature allows Xerneas to hit as hard as possible. 184 Speed EVs allow Xerneas to outspeed Darkrai, Zekrom, and Modest Choice Scarf Kyogre. 72 Defense EVs are invested so that Xerneas will not give Genesect +1 Attack from Download while also giving it more physical bulk.
Usage Tips
Be wary of having Xerneas locked into Sleep Talk, as it can be used as setup fodder when it wakes up. Xerneas can directly switch into Darkrai and Smeargle, since it's running Sleep Talk, and KO them the following turn. This set works best as a late-game cleaner, able to blow through the enemy team once all of its counters are knocked out or weakened. However, it is able to revenge kill opposing Pokemon quite well too due to its high damage output from Moonblast combined with its above average Speed enhanced by Choice Scarf. Despite this set being relatively frail, it can switch into some Pokemon like Yveltal and hit something on the switch with Moonblast. Primal Groudon specifically should be severely weakened or knocked out, as it is able to wall Xerneas quite easily.
Team Options
Skarmory is able to switch directly into a +2 Extreme Killer Arceus without fearing Earthquake and can phaze it with Whirlwind. Entry hazard setters are crucial, as they break Lugia's Multiscale and damage Ho-Oh significantly. Primal Groudon and Arceus-Ground are able to capitalize on Steel-types switching in if Xerneas is locked into Moonblast. Xerneas benefits from Primal Groudon checks, as they can KO Primal Groudon or get it to low enough health that it cannot freely switch into Moonblast.
name: All-out Attacker
move 1: Moonblast
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Rock Slide
move 4: Aromatherapy / Sleep Talk
item: Life Orb
ability: Fairy Aura
nature: Rash
evs: 84 Atk / 240 SpA / 184 Spe
Moonblast is Xerneas's most powerful move boosted by both Fairy Aura and Life Orb. Close Combat is able to deal significant damage to Steel-types, Arceus, Blissey, and Chansey, but it can also be used to weaken Primal Groudon. Rock Slide is able to OHKO Ho-Oh, but it has very little use against anything else. Aromatherapy is able to get rid of status effects from Klefki and bulkier Arceus sets and may be used on predicted switches to stop passive damage infliction as well as relieving Xerneas's team from status. Sleep Talk serves as a check to Darkrai, as both Close Combat and Moonblast are able to OHKO it and Rock Slide is able to break a potential Substitute.
Set Details
184 Speed EVs allow Xerneas to outspeed Primal Kyogre, defensive Ho-Oh sets, and most Primal Groudon sets. The 84 Attack EVs are used for ensuring the OHKO with Rock Slide on maximum HP Ho-Oh as well as letting Close Combat hit harder. The remaining EVs are dumped into Special Attack to amplify the power of Moonblast. Life Orb allows Xerneas to hit harder without wasting a turn to set up or getting locked into a move.
Usage Tips
Xerneas can bluff Geomancy to lure in Ho-Oh and Blissey when they switch in; unfortunately, it can only bluff for the first turn, as its attacks will reveal Life Orb to the opponent. Thanks to Fairy Aura, Xerneas is able to do massive damage early-game without setting up. Due to the lack of HP investment and Life Orb damage constantly wearing it down, Xerneas will not be able to switch into many hits, so try to use it to revenge kill or force a switch.
Team Options
Fire- and Ground-types like Ho-Oh and Primal Groudon are able to check common Steel-types such as Steel Arceus that can pivot into Xerneas. Ghost-types such as Arceus-Ghost and the Giratina formes can switch into Extreme Speed from Extreme Killer Arceus and can cripple it with Will-O-Wisp. Calm Mind Arceus sets and Kyogre help take out Xerneas checks and Primal Groudon, while Xerneas is able to get rid of Pokemon like Chansey and bulkier Arceus sets that can wall Calm Mind Arceus sets and Kyogre.
name: Defensive
move 1: Moonblast
move 2: Rest
move 3: Sleep Talk
move 4: Aromatherapy / Roar
item: Leftovers
ability: Fairy Aura
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Moonblast is Xerneas's only attacking move on this set and keeps it from becoming Taunt bait as well as providing a means of attacking boosted by Fairy Aura. Rest allows Xerneas to recover lost health as well as shrug off status. Sleep Talk is used to not be completely ineffective while sleeping as well as checking Darkrai. Aromatherapy keeps Xerneas from getting worn down by status and can be used to cure its team of status. Alternatively, Roar is able to neuter setup sweepers and Substitute Darkrai and is also effective against Baton Pass teams.
Set Details
Maximum Defense investment along with a Bold nature makes Xerneas as physically bulky as possible. The remaining EVs are put into HP to improve its overall bulk. Leftovers gives Xerneas some passive recovery and allows it to avoid many 2HKOs like Ho-Oh's Brave Bird and Mega Rayquaza's Dragon Ascent.
Usage Tips
Although Xerneas has Sleep Talk, its unreliability can easily be taken advantage of, so using Rest sparingly is essential. Use Aromatherapy over Rest when trying to relieve Xerneas of status, and rely on Rest only for restoring Xerneas's health. Xerneas can easily wall Pokemon like Darkrai and Arceus-Dragon and force them to switch. Try to avoid Mega Gengar, as it is able to trap and OHKO Xerneas after Stealth Rock damage.
Team Options
Defensive Arceus variants and Skarmory are great partners, as they can easily switch into Extreme Killer Arceus and phaze foes when Xerneas opts for Aromatherapy over Roar. Yveltal is able to take on boosted threats such as +2 Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Rayquaza and OHKO them with Foul Play. Ho-Oh can KO Aegislash, Arceus-Steel, Ferrothorn, and Skarmory the turn after it switches in. Primal Groudon appreciates the cleric support that Xerneas can provide and can switch into to Steel-types. Arceus-Rock can easily revenge kill Ho-Oh as well as threaten it out.
Other Options
Psyshock is able to 2HKO Arceus-Poison and hit it on the switch in and provides and decent coverage against specially defensive Pokemon. Ingrain on Geomancy sets prevents phazers from forcing Xerneas out after it has already used Geomancy, allowing Xerneas to utilize the boosts for significantly longer. Block enables Xerneas to trap support Arceus sets and use them to set up Geomancy or potentially recover HP and rid itself of status with Rest. Substitute can also be run on Geomancy sets, which helps Xerneas avoid status and capitalize on set up fodder. Sleep Talk on Geomancy Xerneas can be helpful when switching into Darkrai and Smeargle leads, allowing it to potentially set up or knock out the foe. Choice Specs on Xerneas allows it to hit extremely hard without using a setup turn, making it very hard to switch into. Grass Knot can be run on all-out attacker sets, exchanging Aromatherapy or Roar for a move that 2HKOes Primal Groudon.
Checks and Counters
**Steel-types**: Mega Scizor is able to switch in on Xerneas and revenge kill it with Bullet Punch, and it gives Geomancy Xerneas sets trouble. Bronzong easily switches into any attack Xerneas has and is able to 2HKO it with Gyro Ball. Arceus-Steel, Genesect, and Jirachi are able to switch into Moonblast as well as revenge kill Choice Scarf and all-out attacker sets effectively.
**Ho-Oh and Primal Groudon**: Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh are the most effective offensive Xerneas counters in the tier and can knock out Xerneas with little prior damage. Ho-Oh's typing allows it to resist Xerneas's STAB and main coverage options and can heal off damage with Recover and Regenerator or KO Xerneas. Primal Groudon is able to both switch into and knock out Xerneas or phaze it with Roar after it has used Geomancy.
**Priority Users**: Priority users need slightly more prior damage in order to ensure KOs. Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Rayquaza are able to inflict the most damage with Extreme Speed and revenge kill Xerneas once it has been worn down. Xerneas can still survive if it is untouched beforehand; however, it can easily be overwhelmed by multiple priority users on a single team.
**Lugia**: Lugia is a very solid Xerneas check, as it is able to come in after something has been knocked out, take Moonblast easily with Multiscale even after Geomancy while phazing Xerneas with Whirlwind, and wear Xerneas down with Toxic and stall it out.
**Arceus-Poison**: Arceus-Poison resists both Moonblast and Focus Blast and can easily knock out Xerneas with Poison Jab as well as being able to pivot into all of Xerneas's sets. If Arceus-Poison uses the chance to set up against Xerneas, it has to be extremely wary of coverage moves like Hidden Power Ground and Psyshock, as they can deal massive damage to it.
Xerneas's extremely well-rounded stats and great Special Attack allow it to become a powerful attacker, and it is able to further boost its offensive prowess with Fairy Aura and Geomancy. These qualities let Xerneas serve numerous roles both offensively and defensively, making it difficult to switch into. It has many coverage options like Focus Blast and Psyshock to deal with some of its checks. Despite having more options for offensive sets, Xerneas can also utilize its high HP stat paired with its nice defensive typing for more defensive sets or act as a cleric with moves like Aromatherapy and Roar. However, Xerneas lacks reliable recovery and relies on Rest to regain health, which leaves it vulnerable. Xerneas also struggles against Steel- and Fire-types and has very few options to deal with them outside of Focus Blast. Multiple priority users can also overwhelm Xerneas and revenge kill it.
name: Geomancy
move 1: Geomancy
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Focus Blast / Hidden Power Ground
move 4: Thunder / Aromatherapy
item: Power Herb
ability: Fairy Aura
nature: Modest
evs: 176 HP / 28 Def / 252 SpA / 52 Spe
Geomancy raises Xerneas's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by two stages, allowing it to easily sweep a weakened team. Moonblast is the most powerful STAB option that Xerneas has access to, and when coupled with Fairy Aura and a Geomancy boost, it becomes a devastating attack. Focus Blast is Xerneas's main coverage move, as it is able to hit Steel-types such as Arceus-Steel, Jirachi, and Klefki as well as hitting Primal Groudon for more damage. Hidden Power Ground can be used over Focus Blast, as it is more accurate, but it is significantly weaker. Thunder is able to hit Ho-Oh and Lugia hard and can capitalize on Primal Kyogre switching in. Aromatherapy allows Xerneas to relieve its team from status effects and gives Xerneas an easier time with Klefki and support Arceus formes, which can cripple Xerneas with Thunder Wave and Swagger or wear it down with Toxic, respectively.
Set Details
Maximum Special Attack investment and a Modest nature ensure that Xerneas deals as much damage as possible. The 52 Speed EVs are used to outspeed Choice Scarf Genesect and Choice Scarf Jirachi after a Geomancy. 28 EVs are invested in Defense to avoid giving Genesect +1 Attack from Download, and the rest are put in HP to help Xerneas avoid 2HKOs from Extreme Killer Arceus's Extreme Speed and Choice Band Ho-Oh's Earthquake.
Usage Tips
Xerneas has only a single chance to set up due to its reliance on Power Herb, so picking the right time is essential. Normally, setting up when checks like Primal Groudon, Ho-Oh, Klefki, and Clefable are severely weakened or knocked out is optimal. Multiple priority users also pose a problem for Xerneas, as they can overwhelm it with priority and KO after it has set up. Be wary of how much health Xerneas has and the number of priority users on the other team before using Geomancy. Try to set up on Pokemon like Yveltal, Mega Sableye, and Mega Diancie, as Xerneas can force them out as well as set up on them.
Team Options
Primal Groudon is a great teammate because it is able to switch into Steel-types and deal with most of Xerneas's counters like Arceus-Poison and Ho-Oh. Additionally, Primal Groudon, as well as support Arceus formes, can set up Stealth Rock for Xerneas so it can sweep more effectively. Primal Groudon also baits in Yveltal and Giratina-O, which Xerneas can set up on. Arceus-Ghost and Skarmory are able to switch into Mega Rayquaza and Extreme Killer Arceus with ease and are able to cripple them with Will-O-Wisp or phaze them, respectively, allowing Xerneas to KO crippled target or capitalize on a forced switch. Skarmory can also lay down Spikes to restrict switching and force the opponent to use Defog, giving an opportunity for Xerneas to set up.
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Moonblast
move 2: Sleep Talk
move 3:
move 4:
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Fairy Aura
nature: Modest
evs: 72 Def / 252 SpA / 184 Spe
Moonblast is Xerneas's main STAB move because it deals the most damage due to Fairy Aura. Sleep Talk allows Xerneas to switch into Darkrai and lead off against Smeargle, and it is able to ensure the OHKO against both of them extremely reliably because Moonblast is the only move it is able to select. Alternatively, Focus Blast is able to threaten many Pokemon that resist Moonblast like Primal Groudon, Steel Arceus, and Ferrothorn; however, it is not commonly run because it makes Xerneas significantly less reliable against Darkrai, as it can miss when using Sleep Talk or select a move that would be significantly less powerful than Moonblast in the given circumstance.
Set Details
Full Special Attack investment along with a Modest nature allows Xerneas to hit as hard as possible. 184 Speed EVs allow Xerneas to outspeed Darkrai, Zekrom, and Modest Choice Scarf Kyogre. 72 Defense EVs are invested so that Xerneas will not give Genesect +1 Attack from Download while also giving it more physical bulk.
Usage Tips
Be wary of having Xerneas locked into Sleep Talk, as it can be used as setup fodder when it wakes up. Xerneas can directly switch into Darkrai and Smeargle, since it's running Sleep Talk, and KO them the following turn. This set works best as a late-game cleaner, able to blow through the enemy team once all of its counters are knocked out or weakened. However, it is able to revenge kill opposing Pokemon quite well too due to its high damage output from Moonblast combined with its above average Speed enhanced by Choice Scarf. Despite this set being relatively frail, it can switch into some Pokemon like Yveltal and hit something on the switch with Moonblast. Primal Groudon specifically should be severely weakened or knocked out, as it is able to wall Xerneas quite easily.
Team Options
Skarmory is able to switch directly into a +2 Extreme Killer Arceus without fearing Earthquake and can phaze it with Whirlwind. Entry hazard setters are crucial, as they break Lugia's Multiscale and damage Ho-Oh significantly. Primal Groudon and Arceus-Ground are able to capitalize on Steel-types switching in if Xerneas is locked into Moonblast. Xerneas benefits from Primal Groudon checks, as they can KO Primal Groudon or get it to low enough health that it cannot freely switch into Moonblast.
name: All-out Attacker
move 1: Moonblast
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Rock Slide
move 4: Aromatherapy / Sleep Talk
item: Life Orb
ability: Fairy Aura
nature: Rash
evs: 84 Atk / 240 SpA / 184 Spe
Moonblast is Xerneas's most powerful move boosted by both Fairy Aura and Life Orb. Close Combat is able to deal significant damage to Steel-types, Arceus, Blissey, and Chansey, but it can also be used to weaken Primal Groudon. Rock Slide is able to OHKO Ho-Oh, but it has very little use against anything else. Aromatherapy is able to get rid of status effects from Klefki and bulkier Arceus sets and may be used on predicted switches to stop passive damage infliction as well as relieving Xerneas's team from status. Sleep Talk serves as a check to Darkrai, as both Close Combat and Moonblast are able to OHKO it and Rock Slide is able to break a potential Substitute.
Set Details
184 Speed EVs allow Xerneas to outspeed Primal Kyogre, defensive Ho-Oh sets, and most Primal Groudon sets. The 84 Attack EVs are used for ensuring the OHKO with Rock Slide on maximum HP Ho-Oh as well as letting Close Combat hit harder. The remaining EVs are dumped into Special Attack to amplify the power of Moonblast. Life Orb allows Xerneas to hit harder without wasting a turn to set up or getting locked into a move.
Usage Tips
Xerneas can bluff Geomancy to lure in Ho-Oh and Blissey when they switch in; unfortunately, it can only bluff for the first turn, as its attacks will reveal Life Orb to the opponent. Thanks to Fairy Aura, Xerneas is able to do massive damage early-game without setting up. Due to the lack of HP investment and Life Orb damage constantly wearing it down, Xerneas will not be able to switch into many hits, so try to use it to revenge kill or force a switch.
Team Options
Fire- and Ground-types like Ho-Oh and Primal Groudon are able to check common Steel-types such as Steel Arceus that can pivot into Xerneas. Ghost-types such as Arceus-Ghost and the Giratina formes can switch into Extreme Speed from Extreme Killer Arceus and can cripple it with Will-O-Wisp. Calm Mind Arceus sets and Kyogre help take out Xerneas checks and Primal Groudon, while Xerneas is able to get rid of Pokemon like Chansey and bulkier Arceus sets that can wall Calm Mind Arceus sets and Kyogre.
name: Defensive
move 1: Moonblast
move 2: Rest
move 3: Sleep Talk
move 4: Aromatherapy / Roar
item: Leftovers
ability: Fairy Aura
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Moonblast is Xerneas's only attacking move on this set and keeps it from becoming Taunt bait as well as providing a means of attacking boosted by Fairy Aura. Rest allows Xerneas to recover lost health as well as shrug off status. Sleep Talk is used to not be completely ineffective while sleeping as well as checking Darkrai. Aromatherapy keeps Xerneas from getting worn down by status and can be used to cure its team of status. Alternatively, Roar is able to neuter setup sweepers and Substitute Darkrai and is also effective against Baton Pass teams.
Set Details
Maximum Defense investment along with a Bold nature makes Xerneas as physically bulky as possible. The remaining EVs are put into HP to improve its overall bulk. Leftovers gives Xerneas some passive recovery and allows it to avoid many 2HKOs like Ho-Oh's Brave Bird and Mega Rayquaza's Dragon Ascent.
Usage Tips
Although Xerneas has Sleep Talk, its unreliability can easily be taken advantage of, so using Rest sparingly is essential. Use Aromatherapy over Rest when trying to relieve Xerneas of status, and rely on Rest only for restoring Xerneas's health. Xerneas can easily wall Pokemon like Darkrai and Arceus-Dragon and force them to switch. Try to avoid Mega Gengar, as it is able to trap and OHKO Xerneas after Stealth Rock damage.
Team Options
Defensive Arceus variants and Skarmory are great partners, as they can easily switch into Extreme Killer Arceus and phaze foes when Xerneas opts for Aromatherapy over Roar. Yveltal is able to take on boosted threats such as +2 Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Rayquaza and OHKO them with Foul Play. Ho-Oh can KO Aegislash, Arceus-Steel, Ferrothorn, and Skarmory the turn after it switches in. Primal Groudon appreciates the cleric support that Xerneas can provide and can switch into to Steel-types. Arceus-Rock can easily revenge kill Ho-Oh as well as threaten it out.
Other Options
Psyshock is able to 2HKO Arceus-Poison and hit it on the switch in and provides and decent coverage against specially defensive Pokemon. Ingrain on Geomancy sets prevents phazers from forcing Xerneas out after it has already used Geomancy, allowing Xerneas to utilize the boosts for significantly longer. Block enables Xerneas to trap support Arceus sets and use them to set up Geomancy or potentially recover HP and rid itself of status with Rest. Substitute can also be run on Geomancy sets, which helps Xerneas avoid status and capitalize on set up fodder. Sleep Talk on Geomancy Xerneas can be helpful when switching into Darkrai and Smeargle leads, allowing it to potentially set up or knock out the foe. Choice Specs on Xerneas allows it to hit extremely hard without using a setup turn, making it very hard to switch into. Grass Knot can be run on all-out attacker sets, exchanging Aromatherapy or Roar for a move that 2HKOes Primal Groudon.
Checks and Counters
**Steel-types**: Mega Scizor is able to switch in on Xerneas and revenge kill it with Bullet Punch, and it gives Geomancy Xerneas sets trouble. Bronzong easily switches into any attack Xerneas has and is able to 2HKO it with Gyro Ball. Arceus-Steel, Genesect, and Jirachi are able to switch into Moonblast as well as revenge kill Choice Scarf and all-out attacker sets effectively.
**Ho-Oh and Primal Groudon**: Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh are the most effective offensive Xerneas counters in the tier and can knock out Xerneas with little prior damage. Ho-Oh's typing allows it to resist Xerneas's STAB and main coverage options and can heal off damage with Recover and Regenerator or KO Xerneas. Primal Groudon is able to both switch into and knock out Xerneas or phaze it with Roar after it has used Geomancy.
**Priority Users**: Priority users need slightly more prior damage in order to ensure KOs. Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Rayquaza are able to inflict the most damage with Extreme Speed and revenge kill Xerneas once it has been worn down. Xerneas can still survive if it is untouched beforehand; however, it can easily be overwhelmed by multiple priority users on a single team.
**Lugia**: Lugia is a very solid Xerneas check, as it is able to come in after something has been knocked out, take Moonblast easily with Multiscale even after Geomancy while phazing Xerneas with Whirlwind, and wear Xerneas down with Toxic and stall it out.
**Arceus-Poison**: Arceus-Poison resists both Moonblast and Focus Blast and can easily knock out Xerneas with Poison Jab as well as being able to pivot into all of Xerneas's sets. If Arceus-Poison uses the chance to set up against Xerneas, it has to be extremely wary of coverage moves like Hidden Power Ground and Psyshock, as they can deal massive damage to it.
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