Antar's Videorama & Trade Thread

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Hiya, folks! Been a long-time breeder and Smogon member, but I've never put the time into making a trade thread until now, so here goes.

I'm a Youtube battler primarily, and that's where I spend most of my time (link to my channel is in my sig--no reason to post it again). With a few rare exceptions, the pokemon I breed are for a purpose (usually for a new team). As such, where I can, I will provide links to videos that show my breeds in action. I RNG, and I am pleased as punch that Standard RNG abuse got so easy this gen. I shamelessly back up my save files, which means most of my pokemon are available UT and often as eggs as well. The only time I ever use Pokesav is to read the stats of my pokemon and to (occasionally) give myself infinite items on a save file I'm only using temporarily. Most of my pokemon are EV trained and raised using Infinite Wings and Candies acquired this way. I also sometimes use the AR codes for Box Cloning and Fast Egg hatching. If you don't approve of these methods, DON'T GO JUST YET! I may be able to offer you a UT or underlevelled option that is more "legitimate." Naming services are usually available. In addition, most of my UT pokemon are unnamed.

I'm available to trade most weekdays between 9am and 4pm Eastern US time.

Friend Code is in the sig. If we need to do a 4th Gen trade for whatever reason, I'll provide the relevant one at the time.

Once I get this thread up and running, I plan on taking what I call "pwn2own" challenges, in which you challenge me to a battle (you must have your own trade thread), and whoever wins gets one of the pokemon their opponent used in the match (redis rights decided ahead of time). If you're interested, feel free to post.

  1. The obvious (no hacked pokemon, no spamming, no flaming, etc.)
  2. Respect the redis rights. Don't trade me pokemon that you are not allowed to, and don't trade MY pokemon if I haven't given you the rights. UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED, RIGHTS ARE SEMI-REDIS (you may trade, the person you trade to may not). Also, Eggs are ALWAYS non-redis.
  3. Unless you specify otherwise, I will assume you want the highest level variant. Most are available at Lv. 100, but make sure to ask if you care--I can always hack some rare candies and level it up quickly.
  4. I do not accept pokemon that were acquired through Pokecheck (if you clone your own pokes through it or other fake-gts services, that's fine).
  5. As per the Wi-Fi forum rules, I do not accept trades in the form of .pkm files. Direct, wi-fi room trades only.
  6. More will (hopefully not have to be) added as needed.


Pokemon in my thread are sorted into one of several categories, and I don't use the conventional region or tier sorting schemes. If you're looking for a specific pokemon, Ctrl-F is your friend.
  • Not Mine.
  • Trophy Case. My best RNGs. These pokemon are not redistributable, and I'll probably only accept a trade for one of these if it's something I really want.
  • Little Cup. These pokemon are bred (and, for the most part, EV'd) for Little Cup play.
  • Not RNG'd. These are some of my better non-RNG breeds/captures. You know, if you're into that sort of thing.
  • Veterans. These pokemon are all EV'd for combat and have all seen action (or will soon enough). You can usually find examples of them kicking ass on my Youtube channel.
  • Rookies. I have (or had) a plan for these pokemon, but I haven't yet used them on a team. As such, most are only available UT. Doesn't mean they're any less awesome--many are simply shiny variants of pokemon that I preferred to use as non-shiny.
  • Benchwarmers. My inferior breeds, captures and RNGs. These are all fully redistributable, and I probably won't ask very much of you if you want one.

My pokemon are presented in the following format:

[Species] / Nick: "[Nickname--naming services are usually available]" / [Gender] / [Nature]
Available [if available as egg, UT or any level besides 100, it'll be listed here]
IVs: [Format: HP/Atk/Def/SpA/SpD/Spe]
Egg moves: [4th gen move tutor moves as well]
EVs: [Same as above--obviously doesn't apply to UT]
[Miscellaneous things such as ability, where it was hatched, things like that.]
Showing off: [Links to Youtube videos where this particular build did well will be included here... eventually]​

None so far!
2010/11/06 -- 5 Credits from PokéFanMan for hatching a shiny manaphy
2014/02/23 -- 1 Credit from Scruffy

If someone not on this list is offering a pokemon of mine, they probably shouldn't be.
2010/07/22 -- セレビィ (Celebi) to SkippyTheGreat for LightningFusion's Ditto
2010/08/04 -- KIRA (Gardevoir) to Reptar for TwilightBlade's Tyranitar
2010/11/29 -- UT MICK (Umbreon) to EHeroMatt (Youtube) (gift)
2011/01/06 -- PETER (Aerodactyl) to Pollurrtopie (Youtube) (gift)
2011/01/14 -- セレビィ (Celebi) to The Mer for a Female Marvel Scale Dratini
2011/05/17 -- セレビィ (Celebi) to Temporal for a Female Timid Magic Bounce Natu
2011/05/28 -- Shiny UT BURNIE (Cyndaquil) to JadeHex (Youtube) (prize)
2011/06/14 -- Tachikoma (Rotom-C), Maeby (Audino), Gerard (Escavalier), George III (Slowking), Tuesday (Qwilfish), Gargon (Tangela) and Brookside (Dragonair) to JadeHex (Youtube) (gift)
2011/07/29 -- Chaos (Zorua) to WallyWorld121212 (Youtube) (prize)
2011/08/09 -- PIDGEY (Charizard), UT Shiny KIMIKO (Trapinch) and Ringo (Jellicent) to Biosci for Thundurus, Tornadus and female DW Lileep
2011/08/11 -- UT Clank (Golett) to Kuroki for Calm Oblivia Deoxys
2011/08/11 -- Tux (Empoleon) to Nicksor for XD Dragonite
2011/08/11 -- Burnie (Cyndaquil) and Hoover (Carracosta) to Eiganjo for Mew & Rayquaza
2011/08/17 -- Levelling up services to Cereza for DW female Vulpix, Wailmer and Wooper
2011/08/18 -- Shiny STELLA (Zubat) to CakesofSpan for PI-Dimension's Hasty Tornadus
2011/08/19 -- Tornadus and Thundurus to Tsubasa-kun for Palkia and Dialga
2011/08/24 -- Thundurus to Joel for TheUmbreonMaster's (Serebii) Hasty Deoxys
2011/09/07 -- EV'd Pazuzu (nicked Ed), EV'd Booth (nicked JX) and Egg Onion (Zapdos, Reshiram and Ludicolo) to Impact for DW Porygon and two TRU Arceus (Arceii?)
2011/11/06 -- EV'd Lanturn to Impact for Jolly Arceus
2011/12/01 -- Eggs of LC Blake (Growlithe), Rico (Scizor) and QWANTZ (T-tar) to sophies for Timid Jirachi and event Suicune and Raikou
2011/12/09 -- Shii gave me a female DW Sableye (because she's the nicest person on the planet!)
2012/02/06 -- Shiny Modest Rotom to Shiny Mew2 for Speed Boost Blaziken
2012/02/24 -- UT Que (Sigilyph) to frogoholic101 for XD Lugia
2012/02/24 -- UT Shiny KIMIKO (Trapinch) to Shii for DW female Ralts
2012/03/19 -- Timid HP Ground Jirachi, Naive UT Shiny Magnemite, Shiny UT Zubat to -playmaster- for Extremespeed Linoone, Timid HP Ice Raikou and Timid Darkrai
2012/04/13 -- Victini gave me Timid TRU Arceus for free, because he's as nice as Shii!
2012/04/13 -- Impish and Jolly Arceii, Impish Celebi, Naughty Jirachi, Adamant UT Giratina, Impish UT Groudon and eggs of Timid Stella (Crobat), Jolly StarLooker (Emboar) and Jolly Leela (Darmanitan) to labarith for Adamant and Jolly V-Create Rayquazas, Modest and Timid DW Charmanders, Oblivia Heatran, Shiny Kyogre, Jolly Deoxys and Modest Movie 13 Celebi (oh, and evidently he threw in two copies of shiny Timid HP Fire Latias for free)
2012/04/16 -- Cereza gave me a Timid nicknamed Kyogre for free ('cuz she's awesome)
2012/05/18 -- I gave CrownEntei two non-RNG'd pokemon: Timid Jirachi and UT HUMAN (Emboar).
2012/05/23 -- UT Rico (Scizor) to Malinator94 for The Mantyke's shiny flawless Rayquaza.
2012/05/31 -- Adamant Arceus to Reshiram89 for Eppie's Shiny Adamant Mew
2012/06/18 -- mattj's HP Ground Timid Jirachi to coolbiz for hex-30 Ditto.
2012/06/24 -- female DW Bagon to Nexus for female DW Swinub ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
2012/12/29 -- Jolly and Timid Arceii to jrrrrrrr for female DW sandshrew
2013/05/30 -- Impact's Jolly Arceus and Adamant "Antarceus" to Diabolico for a Moltres and an Articuno
2014/02/11 -- Kaphotics' shiny Thundurus to D34N for a Sheer Force Landorus
2014/02/21 -- Shiny Budew & Deoxys to DarthVader for Flawless Telepathy Noibat
2014/02/22 -- Wash (Shaymin) to Tortoise for PP Max
2014/02/23 -- Timid Raikou to Scruffy for credit
2014/03/08 -- Turtwig gave me a Modest flawless Xerneas for free!
2014/04/15 -- Feynman (Mewtwo) to Fernando Tonon (Youtube) for winning a contest
2014/-7/07 -- No-nickname Wash (Shaymin) to Pokéguy for Timid Xerneas and Yveltal

2012/06/06 -- Modest given to Totes
2012/07/18 -- Adamant given to Melee Mewtwo
2013/05/30 -- Adamant and Impish to Diabolico (see Gen V trades)
2014/02/21 -- Timid to DarthVader
2014/02/22 -- Modest to Tortoise
2014/02/23 -- Adamant to yeaboy12
2014/06/24 -- Adamant to Arhan
2014/06/24 -- Calm to Jer
2014/07/06 -- Timid to JebusChrist
2014/07/06 -- Bold to Trevenant forest
2014/07/07 -- Timid to lockiegengar12
2014/07/07 -- Jolly to GoldChico
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  • DW Female Tirtouga, any stats
  • Hidden Hollow Ditto, Sassy or Relaxed, with flawless low-speed hidden powers (Ice on Sassy)
  • DW Tauros, Adamant or Jolly, with 31/31/31/x/31/31 stats, nicknamed "Maxwell"
  • Dream Radar pokemon with good stats
  • Extremespeed Gluttony Zigzagoon/Linoone with good stats.
  • Colo/XD pokemon.
  • Non-breedable Gen IV Delivery Man event pokemon such as Deoxys, Mew, Celebi and Jirachi.
  • Non-breedable Gen IV (and earlier) shinies
  • LC Porygon (Modest/Timid flawless--or HP flawless--Lv. 5 with Agility & Tri Attack--with Agility and Tri Attack (apparently obtainable through Pomeg Glitch in Gen III)
  • DW females--any stats--that I don't already have.

Ditto / Nick: "DITTO" / Modest
Available Lv. 75
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
LightningFusion's Ditto ([COLOR="Green"]Full Redis[/COLOR])

Tyranitar / Nick: "TYRANITAR" / Male / Jolly
Available Lv. 55
IVs: 31/31/31/14/31/31
Egg moves: Dragon Dance
EVs: 6/252/0/0/0/252
TwilightBlade's Tyranitar ([COLOR="Green"]Full Redis[/COLOR])

Thundurus (shiny) / Nick: "Thundurus" / Male / Timid
Available Lv. 40
IVs: 31/18/30/31/31/31
EVs: 0/0/1/0/0/64
Kaphotics' ([COLOR="Green"]Full Redis[/COLOR]); HP Ice 70; Master Ball

Tornadus (shiny) / Nick: "Tornadus" / Male / Jolly
Available UT, Lv. 40
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
From Biosci ([COLOR="Green"]Full Redis[/COLOR]); Quick Ball

Arceus / Nick: "Arceus" / Adamant
Available UT, Lv. 100
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Roar of Time, Spatial Rend, Shadow Force
From Impact ([COLOR="Green"]Full Redis[/COLOR]); TRU Event 

Arceus / Nick: "Arceus" / Impish
Available UT, Lv. 100
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Roar of Time, Spatial Rend, Shadow Force
From Impact ([COLOR="Green"]Full Redis[/COLOR]); TRU Event

Arceus / Nick: "ARCEUS" / Jolly
Available UT, Lv. 100
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 4/252/0/0/0/254
From Impact ([COLOR="Green"]Full Redis[/COLOR]); TRU Event; Roar of Time, Spacial Rend, Shadow Force as UT

Porygon / Nick: "ポリゴン" / Sassy
Available UT, Lv. 10
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Bond697's ([COLOR="Green"]Full Redis[/COLOR]); [B]Analytic[/B]

Raikou (shiny) / Nick: "ライコウ" / Rash
Available UT, Lv. 30
IVs: 31/30/30/31/31/31
Egg moves: Zap Cannon, Aura Sphere, Extremespeed, Weather Ball
christian's ([COLOR="Green"]Full Redis[/COLOR]); HP Ice 70; Pokemon Movie 10 event; 

Suicune (shiny) / Nick: "スイクン" / Relaxed
Available Lv. 50
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/3
Egg moves: Sheer Cold, Air Slash, Extremespeed, Aqua Ring
EVs: 244/34/0/232/0/0
christian's ([COLOR="Green"]Full Redis[/COLOR]); HP Electric 70; Pokemon Movie 10 event

Jirachi / Nick: "JIRACHI" / Timid
Available Lv. 51
IVs: 31/31/31/30/30/31
Egg moves: Draco Meteor
EVs: 80/0/0/252/0/176
matt j's ([COLOR="Green"]Full Redis[/COLOR]); HP Ground 70

Blaziken / Nick: "バシャーモ" / Male / Jolly
Available UT, Lv. 36
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Bond697's ([COLOR="Green"]Full Redis[/COLOR]); [B]Speed Boost[/B]

Raikou / Nick: "ライコウ" / Timid
Available UT, Lv. 40
IVs: 30/31/30/31/31/31
matt j's ([COLOR="Green"]Full Redis[/COLOR]); HP Ice 70

Arceus / Nick: "ARCEUS" / Timid
Available UT, Lv. 100
IVs: 31/13/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Roar of Time, Spacial Rend, Shadow Force
Lord Scalgon's ([COLOR="Green"]Full Redis[/COLOR]); TRU Event

Deoxys / Nick: "DEOXYS" / Timid
Available UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
from labarith ([COLOR="Green"]Full Redis[/COLOR]); Oblivia

Deoxys / Nick: "DEOXYS" / Jolly
Available UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Mat's ([COLOR="Green"]Full Redis[/COLOR]); Gamestop event

Celebi / Nick: "セレビィ" / Modest
Available UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 30/6/31/30/31/30
Exie's ([COLOR="Green"]Full Redis[/COLOR]); Movie 13; HP Fire 70

Kyogre (shiny) / Nick: "KYOGRE" / Timid
Available UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
from labarith ([COLOR="Green"]Full Redis[/COLOR])

Rayquaza / Nick: "レックウザ" / Adamant
Available UT, Lv. 100
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: V-Create
Victini's ([COLOR="Green"]Full Redis[/COLOR])

Rayquaza / Nick: "レックウザ" / Jolly
Available UT, Lv. 100
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: V-Create
Victini's ([COLOR="Green"]Full Redis[/COLOR])

Charmander / Nick: "ヒトカゲ" / Male / Modest
Available UT, Lv. 10
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31
Bond's ([COLOR="Green"]Full Redis[/COLOR]); [B]Solar Power[/B]; HP Electric 70

Charmander / Nick: "ヒトカゲ" / Male / Timid
Available UT, Lv. 10
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31
Bond's ([COLOR="Green"]Full Redis[/COLOR]); [B]Solar Power[/B]; HP Electric 70

Ditto / Nick: "Ditto" / Timid
Available UT, Lv. 53
IVs: 30/30/30/30/30/30
coolbiz's ([COLOR="Green"]Full Redis[/COLOR]); Only available in Gen V

Tornadus (shiny) / Nick: ""12.10"" / Male / Timid
Available UT, Lv. 40
IVs: 30/7/30/31/31/31
EVs: 4/0/0/254/0/252
Biosci's ([COLOR="Green"]Full Redis[/COLOR]); HP Ice 70; Nest Ball

Moltres / Nick: "MOLTRES" / Timid
Available UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 30/18/31/30/31/31
Egg moves: Roost
Diabolico's ([COLOR="DarkOrange"]not redistributable[/COLOR]); HP Grass 70; Only Available in Gen V

Articuno (shiny) / Nick: "ARTICUNO" / Modest
Available UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 30/31/31/30/30/31
Diabolico's ([COLOR="DarkOrange"]not redistributable[/COLOR]); HP Ground 70; Only Available in Gen V

Mew (shiny) / Nick: "ミュウ" / Adamant
Available egg, UT, Lv. 30
IVs: 31/30/31/9/30/31
Egg moves: Softboiled; Counter
EVs: 31/30/31/9/30/31
Eppie's ([COLOR="DarkOrange"]not redistributable[/COLOR]); Faraway Island Mew; Only Available in Gen V

Deoxys / Nick: "DEOXYS" / Cafeful
Available UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Kuroki's [B][COLOR="Red"](NOT FOR TRADE)[/COLOR][/B]

Deoxys / Nick: "DEOXYS" / Calm
Available UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Kuroki's [B][COLOR="Red"](NOT FOR TRADE)[/COLOR][/B]

Dragonite / Nick: "Dragonite" / Female / Brave
Available UT, Lv. 55
IVs: 28/31/25/23/24/1
Egg moves: Heal Bell, Superpower
Nicksor's [B][COLOR="red"](NOT FOR TRADE)[/COLOR][/B]

Mew / Nick: "MEW" / Calm
Available UT, Lv. 5
IVs: 30/31/31/30/30/31
Eiganjo's [B][COLOR="red"](NOT FOR TRADE)[/COLOR][/B]; Cherish Ball

Rayquaza / Nick: "RAYQUAZA" / Hasty
Available UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Eiganjo's [B][COLOR="Red"](NOT FOR TRADE)[/COLOR][/B]; Dusk Ball

Tornadus / Nick: "Tornadus" / Male / Hasty
Available UT, Lv. 40
IVs: 30/30/30/31/31/31
PI-Dimension's[COLOR="Red"][B] (NOT FOR TRADE)[/B][/COLOR]; Master Ball

Palkia / Nick: "Daenerys" / Timid
Available UT, Lv. 70
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Tsubasa-kun's [B][COLOR="red"](NOT FOR TRADE)[/COLOR][/B]; Dive Ball

Dialga / Nick: "Einstein" / Quiet
Available UT, Lv. 70
IVs: 31/1/31/31/31/0
Tsubasa-kun's [B][COLOR="Red"](NOT FOR TRADE)[/COLOR][/B]; Dive Ball

Deoxys / Nick: "DEOXYS" / Hasty
Available UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/144/0/252/0/114
TheUmbreonMaster's (Serebii) [B][COLOR="Red"](NOT FOR TRADE)[/COLOR][/B]

Linoone / Nick: "LINOONE" / Female / Hasty
Available Lv. 100
IVs: 31/19/31/2/13/31
Egg moves: Extremespeed, Seed Bomb
EVs: 6/252/0/0/0/252
-playmaster-'s (NOT FOR TRADE)

Darkrai / Nick: "DARKRAI" / Timid
Available UT, Lv. 40
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
-playmaster-'s (NOT FOR TRADE)

Latias (shiny) / Nick: "ラティアス" / Female / Timid
Available UT, Lv. 40
IVs: 31/6/31/30/31/30
EVs: 6/0/0/252/0/252
from labarith (NOT FOR TRADE); HP Fire 70

Heatran / Nick: "HEATRAN" / Quiet
Available UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 30/31/30/30/31/3
Egg moves: Eruption
Lord Scalgon's (NOT FOR TRADE); HP Grass 70; Oblivia

Kyogre / Nick: "Panthalasa" / Timid
Available UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Cereza's (NOT FOR TRADE)


Umbreon (shiny) / Nick: "MICK" / Male / Sassy
Available egg, UT, Lv. 71
IVs: 30/31/30/30/17/9
Egg moves: Curse
EVs: 182/252/0/0/76/0
RNG'd for shininess only; Fake Tears and Wish as UT


Umbreon (shiny) / Nick: "Mick" / Male / Sassy
Available Lv. 36
IVs: 30/31/30/30/17/9
Egg moves: Curse, Wish, Heal Bell
EVs: 249/8/0/0/253/0
See "MICK" entry for more info; EV trained by hand

Unless otherwise stated, these pokemon are not redistributable. Also, I will probably ask a bit more of you if you want one.


Arceus / Nick: "ARCEUS" / (See Below)
Available UT, Lv. 100
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Roar of Time; Spacial Rend; Shadow Force
Fully Redistributable; TRU Arceus (hacked Wondercard); Flashcart RTS used; Met 3/3/2021;
Available in the following natures: Adamant / Bold / Brave / Calm / Careful / Hasty / Impish / Lonely / Mild / Modest / Naive / Quiet / Rash / Relaxed / Sassy / Timid
I'm making these available freely (limit one per person) as a public service (just make sure to list it in your thread as "Antar's Arceus" (or, if you'd like, Antarceus :p),
since no trade thread I've found is currently offering some of these natures (specifically Modest).


Zapdos / Nick: "PAZUZU" / Bold
Available Lv. 57
IVs: 30/7/30/30/31/31
EVs: 224/0/250/0/0/36
Master Ball; Hidden Power Grass 70


Dragonite (shiny) / Nick: "Puff" / Female / Adamant
Available egg, UT, Lv. 55
IVs: 31/31/31/18/31/31
Egg moves: Extremespeed
EVs: 44/254/0/0/0/212
Multiscale; Hatched Skyarrow Bridge; First shiny RNG of Gen V


Cyndaquil / Nick: "BURNIE" / Female / Naive
Available egg, UT, Lv. 5
IVs: 31/31/30/30/31/31
Egg moves: Double Kick, Eruption
EVs: 44/24/0/200/0/237
HP Grass 70; Hatched Oreburgh Mine


Cyndaquil (shiny) / Nick: "BURNIE" / Female / Naive
Available UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/30/30/31/31
Egg moves: Double Kick, Eruption
HP Grass 70; Hatched Oreburgh Mine


Cyndaquil / Nick: "Burnie" / Female / Modest
Available egg, UT, Lv. 5
IVs: 31/31/30/30/31/31
Egg moves: Nature Power, Eruption
EVs: 44/20/0/200/0/237
HP Grass 70; Hatched Anville Town; Double Kick as UT


Zorua / Nick: "Chaos" / Male / Timid
Available egg, UT, Lv. 5
IVs: 31/3/30/30/30/30
Egg moves: Extrasensory, Nasty Plot, Night Daze
EVs: 40/0/40/120/40/240
HP Fighting 70; Hatched Black City; Foul Play as UT
Showing off: [DS 35]


Tangrowth / Nick: "Kudzulhu" / Male / Sassy
Available egg, UT, Lv. 54
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/30
EVs: 4/252/0/0/254/0
Regenerator; HP Ice 70; Hatched Abundant Shrine;
Leech Seed & Giga Drain as UT
Showing off: [DS 136]


Tangela / Nick: "Gargon" / Female / Bold
Available egg, UT, Lv. 5
IVs: 31/10/31/30/31/30
Egg moves: Giga Drain, Leech Seed
EVs: 248/0/252/0/0/10
Regenerator; HP Fire 70; Part of the JadeHex collaboration;
Hatched Pinwheel Forest


Victini / Nick: "Victini" / Adamant
Available UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 31/31/31/3/31/31
Egg moves: V-Create; Fusion Bolt; Fusion Flare
Hacked Japanese Wondercard on English Cart
It has a Japanese OT but an English name.
Still, it passes Nintendo hack checks, so it's up to you.


Virizion (shiny) / Nick: "Magenta" / Timid
Available UT, Lv. 42
IVs: 31/18/30/31/31/31
EVs: 4/0/0/254/0/252
HP Ice 70; Premier Ball; Met 2/17/2013


Lileep (shiny) / Nick: "Leeloo" / Female / Modest
Available egg, UT, Lv. 5
IVs: 31/17/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Recover, AncientPower
EVs: 120/0/140/190/60/0
Storm Drain; Hatched Abyssal Ruins


Drifloon / Nick: "Emily" / Female / Mild
Available egg, UT, Lv. 5
IVs: 31/30/30/30/30/30
EVs: 36/40/8/200/8/200
Unburden; Hatched Marvelous Bridge; HP Fighting 70


Shaymin / Nick: "Wash" / Modest
Available UT, Lv. 100
IVs: 31/20/30/31/31/31
EVs: 0/0/0/252/4/254
Heal Ball; HP Ice 68; Met 3/3/2009
I learned to use EonTimer for this. As far as I've been able to determine,
this is the only Modest HP Ice Shaymin currently available on Smogon
(if I'm wrong, please give me a link). There's an HP Ice 70 frame that
I might try to go for at some later point, but it's so high that I ever get
it, it'll be Cold Dead Hands.


Zapdos / Nick: "Lamashtu" / Timid
Available UT, Lv. 43
IVs: 27/14/30/31/31/31
EVs: 4/0/0/254/0/252
HP IV is for more favorable Life Orb recoil; HP Ice 70; Master Ball


Gallade (shiny) / Nick: "Mikhail" / Male / Brave
Available egg, UT, Lv. 20
IVs: 31/31/31/12/31/0
Egg moves: Shadow Sneak
EVs: 248/252/10/0/0/0
Justified; Hatched Lacunosa Town

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Dratini / Nick: "BROOKSIDE" / Female / Adamant
Available UT, Lv. 5
IVs: 31/30/30/25/31/31
Egg moves: Extremespeed, Dragon Dance
EVs: 30/248/0/0/0/196
Hatched Blackthorn City; Not RNG'd
(well, I was trying to, but I hit the wrong seed. and frame)

Chinchou / Nick: "ANGLER" / Male / Calm
Available egg, UT, Lv. 5
IVs: 31/1/31/31/31/31
EVs: 237/0/0/0/228/0
Volt Absorb
Showing off: [B][URL=""][PBR 84][/URL][/B],[B][URL=""][DS 25][/URL][/B]

Onix / Nick: "SHAI-HULUD" / Female / Jolly
Available egg, UT, Lv. 5
IVs: 31/31/31/19/31/31
EVs: 76/236/0/0/0/198
Rock Head; Hatched Oreburgh Mine

Gastly (shiny) / Nick: "SEAN" / Male / Mild
Available egg, UT, Lv. 5
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Sucker Punch
EVs: 0/76/36/196/0/197
Hatched Old Chateau

Mankey / Nick: "MARCEL" / Male / Adamant
Available egg, UT, Lv. 5
IVs: 31/31/31/18/31/31
Egg moves: Close Combat
EVs: 37/196/76/0/0/196
Vital Spirit; Hatched Survival Area

Natu / Nick: "Nila" / Female / Jolly
Available egg, UT, Lv. 5
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Wish
EVs: 116/36/80/0/80/196
[B]Magic Bounce[/B]; Hatched Marvelous Bridge
Showing off: [B][URL=""][DS 30][/URL][/B]

Dwebble / Nick: "Hermione" / Female / Adamant
Available egg, UT, Lv. 5
IVs: 31/31/31/5/31/31
Egg moves: Stealth Rock, Shell Smash
EVs: 36/236/0/0/0/236
Sturdy; Hatched Challenge Cave

Minccino / Nick: "Cublet" / Female / Naive
Available egg, UT, Lv. 5
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Knock Off, Tail Slap, Swift
EVs: 0/196/36/40/0/236
Technician; Hatched Castelia City

Sandshrew / Nick: "Edgar Rice" / Male / Impish
Available egg, UT, Lv. 5
IVs: 31/31/31/24/31/31
Egg moves: Rapid Spin, Knock Off, Stealth Rock
EVs: 196/76/238/0/0/0
Hatched Stark Mountain
Showing Off: [B][URL=""]DS 99[/URL][/B]

Wailmer (shiny) / Nick: "Starbuck" / Female / Hasty
Available egg, UT, Lv. 5
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Zen Headbutt, Water Spout
EVs: 0/116/0/196/0/198
Water Veil; Hatched Undella Bay

Pawniard (shiny) / Nick: "IBM" / Male / Jolly
Available egg, UT, Lv. 5
IVs: 7/31/31/14/31/31
Egg moves: Sucker Punch, Iron Head
EVs: 0/236/36/0/40/198
Inner Focus; Hatched Chargestone Cave
Showing Off: [B][URL=""]DS 90[/URL][/B]

Growlithe / Nick: "Blake" / Female / Adamant
Available egg, UT, Lv. 5
IVs: 31/31/31/6/31/31
Egg moves: Morning Sun, Close Combat, Flare Blitz
EVs: 76/202/0/0/36/196
Flash Fire; Hatched Skyarrow Bridge

Steelix / Nick: "HADERACH" / Male / Sassy
Available UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 31/28/28/3/31/1
EVs: 85/249/0/0/176/0
Rock Head; Not RNG'd, no AR codes used

Dusknoir / Nick: "YORRICK" / Male / Relaxed
Available UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 21/30/31/11/30/1
EVs: 0/8/254/0/248/0
Not RNG'd

Sigilyph / Nick: "Que" / Female / Bold
Available UT, Lv. 41
IVs: 31/27/29/29/31/31
Egg moves: Psycho Shift
EVs: 254/0/252/0/4/0
Magic Guard; Not RNG'd, Stored Power & Roost as UT

Jirachi / Nick: "JIRACHI" / Adamant
Available Lv. 53
IVs: 29/29/9/27/12/25
Egg moves: Iron Head; Fire Punch; Ice Punch; Trick
EVs: 76/252/0/0/0/182
Not RNG'd, no AR codes used

Skuntank / Nick: "KENYON" / Male / Brave
Available Lv. 58
IVs: 31/31/23/22/23/10
Egg moves: Sucker Punch; Pursuit
EVs: 116/244/0/144/4/0
HP Water 70 (lol); Aftermath; Not RNG'd, no AR codes used

Tauros / Nick: "MAXWELL" / Male / Hasty
Available Lv. 57
IVs: 31/31/22/3/18/20
EVs: 0/252/0/0/8/248
Intimidate; Not RNG'd; no AR codes used

Musharna / Nick: "BRAIN" / Male / Relaxed
Available UT, Lv. 17
IVs: 31/8/31/26/27/7
EVs: 236/0/224/48/0/0
[B]Telepathy[/B]; Not RNG'd

Cryogonal / Nick: "TYR" / Bold
Available UT, Lv. 49
IVs: 27/9/31/25/31/31
EVs: 176/0/252/24/0/56
Not RNG'd

Whimsicott / Nick: "Jewfro" / Male / Naive
Available UT, Lv. 26
IVs: 4/21/31/31/24/31
Egg moves: Encore
EVs: 0/0/4/252/0/254
Prankster; Not RNG'd

Carracosta / Nick: "HCHB" / Male / Adamant
Available UT, Lv. 38
IVs: 31/31/18/18/16/31
EVs: 0/252/4/0/0/252
Sturdy; Not RNG'd

Chandelure / Nick: "IKEA" / Female / Modest
Available UT, Lv. 41
IVs: 3/31/31/30/10/31
EVs: 0/0/0/252/4/254
HP Ground 70; Flash Fire; Not RNG'd

Dragonite / Nick: "PUFF" / Female / Adamant
Available UT, Lv. 55
IVs: 31/31/29/18/31/25
Egg moves: Extremespeed
EVs: 248/20/0/0/0/240
[B]Multiscale[/B]; Not RNG'd

Accelgor / Nick: "JANE" / Female / Timid
Available UT, Lv. 56
IVs: 31/23/28/29/31/31
Egg moves: Spikes
EVs: 252/0/0/4/0/252
Hydration; Not RNG'd

Reuniclus / Nick: "DAVE" / Male / Modest
Available UT, Lv. 41
IVs: 23/25/31/29/31/31
EVs: 196/0/80/232/0/0
Magic Guard; Not RNG'd

Jellicent / Nick: "RINGO" / Male / Bold
Available UT, Lv. 40
IVs: 30/19/31/31/21/31
EVs: 112/0/234/0/80/84
Cursed Body; Not RNG'd

Rayquaza / Nick: "RAYQUAZA" / Hardy
Available UT, Lv. 70
IVs: 12/30/29/26/27/26
Not RNG'd; no AR codes used

Dialga / Nick: "DIALGA" / Sassy
Available UT, Lv. 48
IVs: 29/31/9/25/19/22
Not RNG'd; no AR codes used

Ditto / Nick: "Shlok" / Calm
Available UT, Lv. 48
IVs: 30/16/28/26/28/7
EVs: 254/0/4/0/252/0
[B]Imposter[/B]; Not RNG'd; Hidden Hollows Regen Code Used
These are all pokemon who have been on at least one of my teams.

Rotom / Nick: "TACHIKOMA" / Timid
Available Lv. 50
IVs: 26/7/26/30/30/30
EVs: 40/0/0/222/0/248
First RNG; Dusk Ball; Hidden Power Fighting 70

Uxie / Nick: "PATRICK" / Relaxed
Available UT, Lv. 56
IVs: 30/31/30/31/30/1
EVs: 220/4/248/0/36/0
Heal Ball

Metagross (shiny) / Nick: "UCHIKOMA" / Brave
Available UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 30/30/30/31/30/3
EVs: 168/250/0/92/0/0
First Shiny; Hiden Power Bug 70

Charizard (shiny) / Nick: "PIDGEY" / Male / Modest
Available egg, UT, Lv. 59
IVs: 31/14/31/30/31/31
EVs: 0/0/4/250/4/252
Hidden Power Grass 70

Glaceon / Nick: "KIYOKO" / Female / Modest
Available UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 30/31/30/30/22/30
Egg moves: Wish, Fake Tears
EVs: 184/1/0/253/0/72
Hidden Power Fighting 70; Hatched Snowpoint City

Gardevoir / Nick: "KIRA" / Female / Quiet
Available egg, UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 31/15/31/31/31/0
EVs: 132/0/196/182/0/0

Celebi / Nick: "セレビィ" / Impish
Available UT, Lv. 56
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 108/112/252/0/0/36
First Flawless; Met 3/3/2054; Hacked Wondercard

Tyranitar / Nick: "QWANTZ" / Female / Jolly
Available egg, UT, Lv. 55
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Dragon Dance
EVs: 4/254/0/0/0/252
Hatched Survival Area

Flygon / Nick: "KIMIKO" / Female / Jolly
Available egg, UT, Lv. 53
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/252/0/0/4/252
Hyper Cutter (as UT); Hatched Pokemon League

Yanmega / Nick: "SERENITY" / Female / Modest
Available egg, UT, Lv. 58
IVs: 31/3/31/30/30/31
EVs: 0/0/0/250/8/252
Tinted Lens (Compoundeyes as UT); HP Ground 70

Ludicolo / Nick: "ONION" / Male / Modest
Available egg, UT, Lv. 51
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 28/0/28/252/4/196
Swift Swim; Hatched Jubilife City

Solrock / Nick: "SEEFRA" / Adamant
Available egg, UT, Lv. 56
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/252/0/0/36/220

Lanturn / Nick: "ANGLER" / Male / Calm
Available egg, UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 31/1/31/31/31/31
EVs: 60/0/0/196/252/0
Volt Absorb

Lapras / Nick: "NESSIE" / Female / Modest
Available egg, UT
IVs: 31/10/31/31/31/31
EVs: 20/0/36/252/92/108
Water Absorb

Mr. Mime / Nick: "ARAMAKI" / Male / Timid
Available egg, UT
IVs: 31/5/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Teeter Dance
EVs: 100/0/0/156/0/252

Lickilicky / Nick: "TOM" / Male / Brave
Available egg, UT
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Curse
EVs: 253/252/0/4/0/0
Own Tempo

Drifblim / Nick: "EMILY" / Female / Timid
Available egg, UT
IVs: 31/5/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/0/4/252/0/252

Crobat / Nick: "STELLA" / Female / Jolly
Available egg, UT
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Brave Bird
EVs: 132/124/0/0/0/252

Tangrowth (shiny) / Nick: "KUDZULHU" / Female / Sassy
Available egg, UT, Lv. 55
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/30
EVs: 132/124/0/0/252/0
Leaf Guard; HP Ice 70; Hatched Trophy Garden

Aerodactyl / Nick: "PETER" / Male / Jolly
Available egg, UT
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Hatched Mining Museum
Showing off: [B][URL=""][PBR 95][/URL][/B]

Magnezone / Nick: "ROOMBA" / Naive
Available egg, UT
IVs: 31/31/30/30/31/30
HP Fire 70; Magnet Pull; Hatched Fuego Ironworks

Rotom / Nick: "TACHIKOMA" / Modest
Available egg, UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/16/31/31/31/31
Hatched Old Chateau

Rotom (shiny) / Nick: "Tachikoma" / Modest
Available UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/16/31/31/31/31
EVs: 4/0/0/254/0/252
Hatched Power Plant

Steelix / Nick: "HADERACH" / Male / Sassy
Available egg, UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/12/31/1
Sturdy; Hatched Iron Island

Gardevoir (shiny) / Nick: "LEDA" / Female / Bold
Available egg, UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31
Trace; Hatched Saffron City

Gallade (shiny) / Nick: "MIKHAIL" / Male / Brave
Available egg, UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/11/31/0
Egg moves: Shadow Sneak, Will-o-Wisp
Synchronize; Hatched Saffron City

Magnezone / Nick: "ROOMBA" / Timid
Available egg, UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/2/31/30/31/30
HP Fire 70; Magnet Pull; Hatched Fuego Ironworks

Rotom / Nick: "TACHIKOMA" / Modest
Available egg, UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/2/30/31/31/31
HP Ice 70; Hatched Old Chateau

Donphan (shiny) / Nick: "P'NUT" / Female / Adamant
Available egg, UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/22/31/31
Egg moves: Ice Shard
Hatched Ice Path

Roserade / Nick: "El Kabong" / Male / Timid
Available egg, UT, Lv. 28
IVs: 31/14/31/30/31/30
Egg moves: Sleep Powder
EVs: 0/0/12/252/2/244
HP Fire 70; Natural Cure; Hatched Eterna City; Leaf Storm as UT

Metagross (shiny) / Nick: "UCHIKOMA" / Jolly
Available egg, UT, Lv. 48
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Ice Punch
EVs: 52/254/0/0/0/204
Hatched Mt. Silver
Showing off: [B][URL=""][DS 34][/URL][/B]

Jirachi / Nick: "JIRACHI" / Bold
Available UT, Lv. 5
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 254/0/252/4/0/0
Met 3/3/2029; Draco Meteor as UT
Showing off: [B][URL=""][DS 27][/URL][/B]

Hitmontop / Nick: "Cosmic F" / Male / Adamant
Available egg, UT, Lv. 24
IVs: 31/31/31/14/31/31
Egg moves: Bullet Punch, Mach Punch
EVs: 252/254/4/0/0/0
Technician (Steadfast as UT); Hatched Cianwood City

Emboar / Nick: "StarLooker" / Female / Jolly
Available egg, UT, Lv. 38
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Superpower
EVs: 12/192/0/0/0/244
First Gen V RNG Breed; Hatched Abundant Shrine

Beheeyem / Nick: "Diana" / Female / Relaxed
Available egg, UT, Lv. 46
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/0
EVs: 252/0/254/4/0/0
Telepathy; Hatched Relic Castle

Accelgor / Nick: "Jane" / Female / Timid
Available egg, UT, Lv. 56
IVs: 31/9/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Spikes
EVs: 254/0/0/4/0/252
Hydration; Hatched Icirrus City

Audino / Nick: "Maeby" / Female / Calm
Available egg, UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Wish, Heal Bell
EVs: 254/0/4/0/252/0
Regenerator; Part of the JadeHex collaboration; Hatched Lacunosa Town

Escavalier / Nick: "Gerard" / Male / Adamant
Available egg, UT, Lv. 37
IVs: 31/31/31/29/31/31
Egg moves: Megahorn, Pursuit
EVs: 252/254/0/0/0/4
or 248/254/8/0/0/0
Swarm; Part of the JadeHex collaboration; Hatched Icirrus City

Slowking / Nick: "George III" / Male / Calm
Available egg, UT, Lv. 36
IVs: 31/12/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252/0/0/6/252/0
[B]Regenerator[/B]; Part of the JadeHex collaboration; Hatched Abyssal Ruins

Qwilfish / Nick: "Tuesday" / Female / Impish
Available egg, UT, Lv. 49
IVs: 31/31/31/16/31/31
Egg moves: Aqua Jet
EVs: 252/0/252/0/0/6
[B]Intimidate[/B]; Part of the JadeHex collaboration; Hatched Undella Bay

Dragonair / Nick: "Brookside" / Female / Adamant
Available Lv. 30
IVs: 31/30/30/25/31/31
Egg moves: Dragon Dance
EVs: 4/252/44/0/0/208
See "BROOKSIDE" entry for more info

Uxie / Nick: "Patrick" / Calm
Available UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 30/28/31/30/31/31
EVs: 253/0/157/0/100/0
Master Ball; Met 2/21/2065

Arcanine / Nick: "Blake" / Female / Adamant
Available egg, UT, Lv. 56
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Close Combat
EVs: 0/253/4/0/0/253
Flash Fire; Hatched Skyarrow Bridge

Golurk / Nick: "Clank" / Adamant
Available egg, UT, Lv. 55
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 196/254/0/0/56/4
Iron Fist; Hatched Dragonspiral Tower

Galvantula / Nick: "Hugabug" / Female / Timid
Available egg, UT, Lv. 49
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/4/0/252/0/254
Compoundeyes; Hatched Chargestone Cave

Empoleon / Nick: "Tux" / Male / Modest
Available egg, UT, Lv. 36
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Agility
EVs: 40/0/24/253/0/193
Hatched Undella Bay
Showing Off: [B][URL=""]DS 95[/URL][/B]

Darmanitan / Nick: "Leela" / Female / Jolly
Available egg, UT, Lv. 39
IVs: 31/31/31/9/31/31
EVs: 4/254/0/0/0/252
Hatched Village Bridge

Jellicent / Nick: "Ringo" / Male / Bold
Available egg, UT, Lv. 40
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Recover
EVs: 236/0/190/0/084
Cursed Body; Hatched Undella Bay

Whimsicott / Nick: "Jewfro" / Male / Naive
Available egg, UT, Lv. 45
IVs: 0/31/0/31/0/31
EVs: 0/0/0/255/0/255
Prankster; Hatched Pinwheel Forest
Showing off: [B][URL=""][PB5 27][/URL][/B]

Carracosta / Nick: "Hoover" / Male / Adamant
Available egg, UT, Lv. 39
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/254/0/0/4/252
Sturdy; Hatched Nacrene City
Showing off: [B][URL=""][PB5 27][/URL][/B]

Giratina / Nick: "Dirac" / Adamant
Available UT, Lv. 47
IVs: 31/31/31/17/31/31
Egg moves: Outrage
EVs: 84/216/0/0/96/112
Master Ball; Met 9/1/2098 (Distortion World)

Groudon / Nick: "Gondwana" / Adamant
Available UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 31/31/31/24/31/31
Egg moves: Stealth Rock
EVs: 252/254/0/0/4/0
Master Ball; Met 11/17/2051 (Embedded Tower)

Reshiram / Nick: "Booth" / Timid
Available Lv. 100
IVs: 31/30/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/0/4/254/0/0252
Master Ball; "Nearly UT" version available with the following EVs: 0/6/2/3/0/0

Ludicolo / Nick: "Onion" / Male / Modest
Available UT, Lv. 14
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 40/0/0/254/0/216
See "ONION" entry for more info

Excadrill / Nick: "Avocado" / Female / Jolly
Available egg, UT, Lv. 31
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 4/254/0/0/0/252
Sand Rush; Hatched Giant Chasm

Poliwhirl / Nick: "Raymond" / Male / Adamant
Available egg, UT, Lv. 37
IVs: 31/31/31/20/31/31
Egg moves: Ice Punch
EVs: 0/254/0/0/4/252
Damp; Hatched Whirl Islands

Froslass / Nick: "Snegrochka" / Female / Jolly
Available egg, UT, Lv. 31
IVs: 31/31/31/0/31/31
EVs: 4/252/0/0/0254
Inner Focus as UT; Hatched Lavender Town

Gardevoir (shiny) / Nick: "Leda" / Female / Bold
Available UT, Lv. 80
IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Heal Bell
EVs: 254/0/252/0/0/4
See "LEDA" entry for more info

Tauros / Nick: "Maxwell" / Male / Jolly
Available egg, UT, Lv. 100
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/252/0/0/10/252
Anger Point; Hatched Challenger's Cave

Spiritomb / Nick: "Portia" / Female / Quiet
Available egg, UT, Lv. 49
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 60/196/0/254
Hatched Celestial Tower

Volcarona / Nick: "Lily" / Female / Modest
Available egg, UT, Lv. 80
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/0/4/254/0/252
Hatched Victory Road

Hydreigon / Nick: "Moon" / Male / Modest
Available egg, UT, Lv. 64
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Dark Pulse
EVs: 4/0/0/254/0/252
Hatched Dragonspiral Tower

Quagsire / Nick: "Lennie" / Male / Careful
Available egg, UT, Lv. 20
IVs: 31/31/31/23/31/31
Egg moves: Recover
EVs: 212/44/0/0/254/0
[B]Unaware[/B]; Hatched Moor of Icirrus

Carracosta / Nick: "HCHB" / Male / Naive
Available egg, UT, Lv. 37
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/16/0/253/0/241
Sturdy; Hatched Abyssal Ruins

Groudon / Nick: "Gondwana" / Impish
Available UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 31/31/31/17/31/31
Egg moves: Stealth Rock
EVs: 252/4/254/0/0/0
Master Ball; Met 11/6/2065 (Embedded Tower)

Scizor / Nick: "Rico" / Male / Adamant
Available egg, UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/16/31/31
Egg moves: Superpower, Bug Bite
EVs: 233/253/0/0/24/0
Technician; Hatched National Park; Roost as UT

Conkeldurr / Nick: "Sweet Dee" / Female / Brave
Available egg, UT, Lv. 31
IVs: 31/31/31/26/31/0
Egg moves: Mach Punch, Drain Punch
EVs: 212/254/0/0/44/0
Guts; Hatched Victory Road

Sableye / Nick: "AndySerkis" / Male / Careful
Available egg, UT, Lv. 25
IVs: 31/31/31/16/31/31
Egg moves: Recover
EVs: 254/0/120/0/136/0
[B]Prankster[/B]; Hatched Chargestone Cave

Carracosta / Nick: "HCHB" / Male / Naive
Available egg, UT, Lv. 38
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/52/0/218/0/240
Solid Rock; Hatched Abyssal Ruins
Showing Off: [b][URL=""]DS 92[/URL][/b]

Jumpluff (shiny) / Nick: "YankyDudle" / Male / Jolly
Available egg, UT, Lv. 27
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Aromatherapy
EVs: 0/0/188/0/68/254
Chlorophyll; Hatched National Park

Armaldo / Nick: "Felix" / Male / Adamant
Available egg, UT, Lv. 40
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Stealth Rock, Rapid Spin
EVs: 252/254/0/0/4/0
Hatched Oreburgh Mines

Skuntank / Nick: "Kenyon" / Male / Brave
Available egg, UT, Lv. 34
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Pursuit; Sucker Punch
EVs: 4/253/0/253/0/0
Aftermath; Hatched Eterna Forest

Infernape / Nick: "Hahnemann" / Female / Jolly
Available egg, UT, Lv. 56
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 4/252/0/0/0/252
Hatched Cinnabar Island

Metagross (shiny) / Nick: "Uchikoma" / Brave
Available egg, UT, Lv. 45
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Ice Punch
EVs: 252/252/0/4/0/0
Hatched Battle Frontier

Crobat / Nick: "Stellaluna" / Female / Timid
Available egg, UT, Lv. 47
IVs: 31/31/31/30/30/31
Egg moves: Nasty Plot, Pursuit (as UT)
EVs: 104/0/8/252/8/138
Hatched Eterna Forest; HP Ground 70

Chandelure / Nick: "Ikea" / Female / Modest
Available egg, UT, Lv. 55
IVs: 31/19/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/0/4/253/0/253
Hatched Mistralon City

Durant / Nick: "Lusitania" / Female / Jolly
Available egg, UT, Lv. 36
IVs: 31/31/31/18/31/31
EVs: 4/253/0/0/0/253
Hatched Village Bridge

Stunfisk / Nick: "Lemon" / Female / Bold
Available egg, UT, Lv. 25
IVs: 31/14/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Sleep Talk
EVs: 252/0/192/0/64/0
Hatched Undella Bay

Jellicent / Nick: "Ringo" / Male / Modest
Available egg, UT, Lv. 40
IVs: 31/10/31/31/31/31
EVs: 172/0/0/252/0/84
Hatched Undella Bay

Gallade (shiny) / Nick: "Mikhail" / Male / Adamant
Available egg, UT, Lv. 20
IVs: 31/31/31/11/31/31
Egg moves: Shadow Sneak
EVs: 212/252/0/0/0/44
Synchronize as UT; Hatched Route 210; Will-O-Wisp as UT

Glaceon / Nick: "Kiyoko" / Female / Modest
Available UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 30/31/30/30/22/30
EVs: 252/1/0/248/0/8
Hidden Power Fighting 70; See "KIYOKO" entry for more info; EV trained by hand

Emboar / Nick: "StarLooker" / Female / Jolly
Available egg, UT, Lv. 38
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Superpower
EVs: 12/192/0/0/0/244
First Gen V RNG Breed; Hatched Abundant Shrine

Zekrom / Nick: "Brennan" / Lonely
Available Lv. 100
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 104/148/2/252/0/4
Master Ball; "Nearly UT" version available with the following EVs: 0/0/2/3/0/0

Altaria / Nick: "Yeats" / Male / Calm
Available egg, UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 31/7/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252/0/4/0/254/0
Hatched Violet City

Skuntank / Nick: "Kenyon" / Male / Adamant
Available egg, UT, Lv. 34
IVs: 31/31/31/20/31/31
Egg moves: Pursuit
EVs: 90/252/60/0/76/32
Aftermath; Crunch as UT; Hatched Galactic HQ

Relicanth / Nick: "Vermillion" / Female / Adamant
Available egg, UT, Lv. 78
IVs: 31/31/31/29/31/31
EVs: 252/254/0/0/4/0
Rock Head; Hatched Sendoff Spring

Ludicolo / Nick: "Onion" / Male / Modest
Available egg, UT, Lv. 45
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Synthesis; Giga Drain
EVs: 152/0/10/252/0/96
[B]Own Tempo[/B]; Hatched Moor of Iccirus

Forretress (shiny) / Nick: "Deliani" / Female / Sassy
Available egg, UT, Lv. 31
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/0
EVs: 252/0/4/0/254/0
Hatched Stark Mountain

Mr. Mime / Nick: "Aramaki" / Male / Timid
Available egg, UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 29/29/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Nasty Plot
EVs: 0/0/4/253/0/253
Filter; Available in Gen V only; Hatched Nuvema Town

Natu / Nick: "Rovio" / Female / Impish
Available egg, UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/4/31/31
Egg moves: Roost
EVs: 248/0/252/0/10/0
[B]Magic Bounce[/B]; Wish as UT; Hatched Celestial Tower

Zweilous / Nick: "Fraggle" / Male / Adamant
Available egg, UT, Lv. 62
IVs: 31/31/31/26/31/31
Egg moves: Fire Fang
EVs: 237/253/0/0/0/20
Hatched Dragonspiral Tower

Wailord (shiny) / Nick: "Starbuck" / Female / Modest
Available egg, UT, Lv. 40
IVs: 31/10/31/30/31/31
EVs: 0/0/0/254/4/252
Water Veil; HP Grass 70; Hatched Seabreak Path

Kyurem / Nick: "Nightman" / Adamant
Available UT, Lv. 75
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31
EVs: 0/253/0/0/4/253
HP Electric 70; Master Ball

Claydol / Nick: "Nes Gadol" / Modest
Available UT, Lv. 49
IVs: 31/27/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252/0/0/254/4/0
Caught Relic Castle; Premier Ball

Mienshao / Nick: "Nnamdi" / Male / Adamant
Available UT, Lv. 53
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31
EVs: 0/254/0/0/4/252
[B]Regerator[/B]; Caught Dragonspiral Tower; HP Electric 70; Repeat Ball

Slowbro / Nick: "Randy" / Male / Bold
Available egg, UT, Lv. 37
IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31
EVs: 248/0/244/18/0/0
[B]Regerator[/B]; Hatched Undella Bay

Mamoswine / Nick: "Fwoopaloop" / Female / Adamant
Available egg, UT, Lv. 34
IVs: 31/31/31/20/31/31
Egg moves: Icicle Crash
EVs: 4/253/0/0/0/253
[B]Thick Fat[/B]; Hatched Iccirus City

Infernape / Nick: "Hahnemann" / Female / Naive
Available egg, UT, Lv. 36
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/253/0/5/0/252
Hatched Nuvema Town

Hippowdon / Nick: "Augustine" / Female / Adamant
Available egg, UT, Lv. 34
IVs: 31/31/31/18/31/31
Egg moves: Slack Off
EVs: 254/252/0/0/4/0
Hatched Driftveil City

Ferrothorn / Nick: "Barnacudle" / Male / Relaxed
Available egg, UT, Lv. 40
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/0
Egg moves: Spikes
EVs: 252/0/90/0/168/0
Hatched Chargestone Cave; Leech Seed as UT
VETERANS, cont.d

Abomasnow / Nick: "Barry" / Male / Sassy
Available egg, UT, Lv. 40
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Leech Seed
EVs: 173/0/253/0/84/0
Hatched Victory Road

Amoonguss / Nick: "Magna" / Female / Bold
Available egg, UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252/0/254/4/0/0
[B]Regenerator[/B]; Hatched Pinwheel Forest

Rotom / Nick: "Tachikoma" / Modest
Available egg, UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/2/31/30/31/30
EVs: 112/0/0/254/0/144
Hatched Black City; HP Fire 70
These guys are probably untrained or undertrained and have never been on a team. They would like a good home.


Giratina / Nick: "DIRAC" / Impish
Available UT, Lv. 48
IVs: 31/31/31/22/31/21
Master Ball

Trapinch (shiny) / Nick: "KIMIKO" / Female / Jolly
Available UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Hyper Cutter

Yanmega (shiny) / Nick: "SERENITY" / Female / Modest
Available UT, Lv. 58
IVs: 31/3/31/30/30/31
EVs: 0/0/0/250/8/252
Tinted Lens (Compoundeyes as UT); HP Ground 70; Hatched Great Marsh

Larvitar (shiny) / Nick: "QWANTZ" / Female / Jolly
Available UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Dragon Dance

Lapras (shiny) / Nick: "NESSIE" / Female / Modest
Available UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/10/31/31/31/31
Water Absorb

Mime Jr. (shiny) / Nick: "ARAMAKI" / Male / Timid
Available UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/5/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Teeter Dance

Zubat (shiny) / Nick: "STELLA" / Female / Jolly
Available UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Brave Bird

Aerodactyl (shiny) / Nick: "PETER" / Male / Jolly
Available UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31

Magnemite (shiny) / Nick: "ROOMBA" / Naive
Available UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/30/30/31/30
HP Fire 70; Magnet Pull

Onix (shiny) / Nick: "SHAI-HULUD" / Female / Jolly
Available UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/19/31/31
Rock Head

Mankey (shiny) / Nick: "MARCEL" / Male / Adamant
Available UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/18/31/31
Egg moves: Close Combat
Vital Spirit

Onix (shiny) / Nick: "HADERACH" / Male / Sassy
Available UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/12/31/1
Sturdy; Hatched Mt. Moon

Roserade (shiny) / Nick: "EL KABONG" / Male / Timid
Available UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/14/31/30/31/30
Egg moves: Sleep Powder; Leaf Storm
HP Fire 70; Natural Cure; Hatched Celadon City

Jirachi / Nick: "JIRACHI" / Naughty
Available UT, Lv. 5
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Draco Meteor
Met 3/3/2027

Jirachi / Nick: "JIRACHI" / Calm
Available UT, Lv. 5
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Draco Meteor
Met 3/3/2027

Jirachi / Nick: "JIRACHI" / Lonely
Available UT, Lv. 5
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Draco Meteor
Met 3/3/2027

Jirachi / Nick: "JIRACHI" / Gentle
Available UT, Lv. 5
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Draco Meteor
Met 3/3/2027

Victini / Nick: "FrostyPix" / Timid
Available UT, Lv. 15
IVs: 31/19/31/31/31/31
First Gen V RNG; Master Ball

Victini / Nick: "Guy Fawkes" / Bold
Available UT, Lv. 15
IVs: 31/11/31/31/31/31
HP Dark 70; Master Ball

Victini / Nick: "FrostyPix" / Timid
Available UT, Lv. 15
IVs: 31/30/31/31/31/31
HP Dragon 70; Repeat Ball

Tyrogue (shiny) / Nick: "Cosmic F" / Male / Adamant
Available egg
IVs: 31/31/31/14/31/31
Egg moves: Bullet Punch, Mach Punch

Growlithe / Nick: "Growlithe" / Female / Adamant
Available UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/18/31/31
Egg moves: Close Combat

Poliwag (shiny) / Nick: "POLIWAG" / Male / Adamant
Available UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/20/31/31

Snorunt (shiny) / Nick: "SNORUNT" / Female / Jolly
Available UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/0/31/31
Inner Focus

Sandshrew (shiny) / Nick: "SANDSHREW" / Male / Impish
Available UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/24/31/31
Egg moves: Rapid Spin

Scyther (shiny) / Nick: "SCYTHER" / Male / Adamant
Available UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/16/31/31
Technician; Never hatched (will hatch in Gen IV on demand)

Anorith (shiny) / Nick: "ANORITH" / Male / Adamant
Available UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Rapid Spin
Never hatched (will hatch in Gen IV on demand)

Stunky (shiny) / Nick: "STUNKY" / Male / Brave
Available UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Pursuit
Aftermath; Never hatched (will hatch in Gen IV on demand)

Chimchar (shiny) / Nick: "CHIMCHAR" / Female / Jolly
Available UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Never hatched (will hatch in Gen IV on demand)

Zubat (shiny) / Nick: "ZUBAT" / Female / Timid
Available UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/30/30/31
Egg moves: Nasty Plot, Pursuit
Never hatched (will hatch in Gen IV on demand); HP Ground 70

Shaymin / Nick: "SHAYMIN" / Modest
Available UT
IVs: 31/9/31/31/31/30
Master Ball; HP Ice 68; Met 1/1/2099

Swablu (shiny) / Nick: "SWABLU" / Male / Calm
Available UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/7/31/31/31/31
Never hatched (will hatch in Gen IV on demand)

Pineco (shiny) / Nick: "PINECO" / Female / Sassy
Available egg, UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Never hatched (will hatch in Gen IV on demand)

Foongus / Nick: "Foongus" / Male / Modest
Available egg, Lv. 35
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Hatched Skyarrow Bridge

Wailmer (shiny) / Nick: "Wailmer" / Female / Modest
Available egg, UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/19/31/31/31/31
Water Veil; Never hatched (will hatch in Gen V on demand)

Camerupt (shiny) / Nick: "Morena" / Female / Modest
Available egg, UT, Lv. 41
IVs: 31/6/31/31/31/31
EVs: 32/0/10/252/0/216
Solid Rock (Simple as UT); Hatched Stark Mountain

Hippopotas / Nick: "Hippopotas" / Male / Adamant
Available egg, UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/15/31/31
Egg moves: Slack Off
Never hatched (will hatch in Gen V on demand)

Some predate when I learned to RNG, some were intermediate steps for breeding projects. In any case, all are fully redistributable, and I may even give you one for nothing more than a patrat.


Blastoise / Nick: "MARYLAND" / Female / Bold
Available UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 27/2/30/31/31/20
Egg moves: Water Spout
EVs: 196/0/250/36/28/0
Not RNG'd; HP Electric 64

Dragonite / Nick: "TIANCHI" / Female / Brave
Available UT, Lv. 55
IVs: 30/31/29/21/28/8
Egg moves: Extremespeed
EVs: 216/254/36/4/0/0
Not RNG'd

Empoleon / Nick: "TUX" / Male / Mild
Available Lv. 59
IVs: 29/31/13/29/4/28
Egg moves: Stealth Rock
EVs: 140/0/4/252/0/112
Not RNG'd, no AR codes used

Luxray / Nick: "ARI" / Male / Naughty
Available Lv. 59
IVs: 31/26/3/31/9/24
EVs: 0/96/0/252/0/160
Intimidate; Not RNG'd, no AR codes used

Roserade / Nick: "EL KABONG" / Male / Timid
Available Lv. 58
IVs: 20/19/8/30/24/31
Egg moves: Sleep Powder
EVs: 8/0/0/248/0/252
Natural Cure; Not RNG'd, no AR codes used

Mamoswine / Nick: "FWOOPALOOP" / Female / Adamant
Available Lv. 58
IVs: 18/30/24/14/22/15
Egg moves: Superpower
EVs: 0/248/152/0/0/108
Snow Cloak; Not RNG'd, no AR codes used

Yanmega / Nick: "MAL" / Male / Timid
Available Lv. 58
IVs: 11/26/13/30/30/28
Egg moves: Giga Drain
EVs: 172/0/4/248/80
Speed Boost; Not RNG'd, no AR codes used

Arcanine / Nick: "BLAKE" / Female / Lonely
Available Lv. 50
IVs: 31/31/10/29/14/29
Egg moves: Morning Sun
EVs: 92/166/0/0/0/252
Not RNG'd

Torterra / Nick: "LOGO" / Female / Relaxed
Available Lv. 50
IVs: 28/30/31/29/17/9
EVs: 192/64/254/0/0/0
Not RNG'd

Masquerain / Nick: "KEATS" / Male / Timid
Available UT, Lv. 61
IVs: 29/7/21/31/19/31
Egg moves: Hydro Pump
EVs: 4/0/0/254/0/252
Not RNG'd

Empoleon / Nick: "SAMBA" / Female / Quiet
Available UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 24/31/20/31/22/0
EVs: 160/0/96/252/0/0
Not RNG'd

Jirachi / Nick: "JIRACHI" / Timid
Available Lv. 50
IVs: 20/1/8/29/26/30
Egg moves: Draco Meteor
EVs: 48/0/0/254/24/184
Not RNG'd

Darmanitan / Nick: "LEELA" / Female / Brave
Available UT, Lv. 35
IVs: 27/26/31/31/30/5
EVs: 252/252/0/0/4
[B]Zen Mode[/B]; Not RNG'd

Mienshao / Nick: "RIVER" / Female / Adamant
Available UT, Lv. 53
IVs: 24/23/27/31/31/31
Egg moves: Me First
EVs: 0/252/4/0/0/252
HP Dragon 69 (lol); Regenerator; Not RNG'd

Galvantula / Nick: "FWOOP" / Male / Timid
Available UT, Lv. 49
IVs: 17/31/26/31/22/31
EVs: 4/0/0/252/0/254
HP Ghost 69; Compoundeyes; Not RNG'd

Emboar / Nick: "HUMAN" / Male / Naive
Available UT, Lv. 38
IVs: 27/27/22/31/31/31
Egg moves: Superpower
EVs: 44/220/0/0/0/224
HP Dragon 70 (lol); Not RNG'd

Darmanitan / Nick: "LEELA" / Female / Adamant
Available UT, Lv. 29
IVs: 27/31/3/9/31/31
EVs: 4/254/0/0/0/252
Not RNG'd

Deoxys / Nick: "DEOXYS" / Lax
Available UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Met 7/4/2029; Hacked Wondercard

Deoxys / Nick: "DEOXYS" / Hardy
Available UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Met 7/4/2029; Hacked Wondercard


CSV->Trade Thread Script
Long before I had my trade thread up-and-running, I kept a database of my "trade-worthy" pokemon in a Google Docs spreadsheet. When I decided to make myself a trade thread, rather than dig through sprite databases and lay everything out, one by one by hand, I decided I'd write a Python script instead.

If it's of interest to you, feel free to pilfer it, use it and modify it to your heart's content.

  1. Python. My version is 2.6.5.
  2. This file, saved in the same folder as your script.

Species, Shiny? (Y or blank), Nickname, Nature, Gender (N/A if none), IVs, Egg Moves, Level, EVs, Avail. UT? (Y or blank), Avail. Egg? (Y or blank), Notes (put quotes around this entry)

Steelix,,HADERACH,Sassy,Male,31/28/28/3/31/1,,50,85/249/0/0/176/0,Y,,"Rock Head; Not RNG'd, no AR codes used"

import csv

pokelist = csv.reader(open('pklist.csv', 'rb'), delimiter=',')
lsnum = []
lsname = []
lsbHP = []
lsbAtk = []
lsbDef = []
lsbSpA = []
lsbSpD = []
lsbSpe = []
for line in pokelist:

tradeables = csv.reader(open('Tradeables.csv', 'rb'), delimiter=',')
species = []
shiny = []
nick = []
nature = []
gender = []
IVs = []
moves = []
level = []
EVs = []
UT = []
egg = []
notes = []
for line in tradeables:
for entry in range(1,len(species)):
	for i in range(0,len(lsnum)):
		if species[entry] == lsname[i]:
	out = "[IMG]"
	if shiny[entry] == "Y":
		out = out+"s"
	out = out + "/"
	if len(num) < 3:
		out = out + "0"
	if len(num) < 2:
		out = out + "0"
	out = out + num + ".gif[/IMG]\n"
	out = out + species[entry]
	if shiny[entry] == "Y":
		out = out + " (shiny)"
	out = out + " / Nick: \"" + nick[entry] + "\" / "
	if gender[entry] != "N/A":
		out = out + gender[entry] + " / "
	out = out + nature[entry] + "\n"
	out = out + "Available "
	comma = False
	if egg[entry] != "":
		out = out + "egg"
		comma = True
	if UT[entry] != "":
		if comma:
			out = out + ", "
		out = out + "UT"
		comma = True
	if level[entry] != "":
		if comma:
			out = out + ", "
		out = out + "Lv. " + level[entry]
	out = out + "\n"

	out = out + "IVs: " + IVs[entry] + "\n"

	if moves[entry] != "":
		out = out + "Egg moves: " + moves[entry] + "\n"

	out = out + "EVs: " + EVs[entry] + "\n"

	out = out + notes[entry] + "\n"

	print out

Or you can download it.

In Linux, I run this from the command-line as:
$python Tradeables.csv > thread.txt

Tradeables.csv is my database file. thread.txt is a plaintext file containing the VBB code that can then be copy/pasted into your thread.

Without the "> thread.txt" part, it will just output everything to the screen. I'm not sure what the Windows equivalent is. I've never used Python in Windows.

Anyway, if you have problems or find a bug, let me know!
Codes and Hacks
I use the following methods to obtain Pokemon. Note that I don't use every method for every Pokemon. If you have any concerns, feel free to ask--generally the UT versions are the most "legit."
  • I clone primarily by making backups of my save files
  • I use Pokesav to verify stats. I do not use Pokesav to modify stats in any way.
  • I will occasionally use the Quick Hatch and IV/EV check Action Replay codes on occasion.
  • I use Pokesav to hack for infinite items (Rare Candies, PP Max, Shards and Wings).
  • For a few Pokemon I have used Real-Time Saves to assist in RNGing. This is in many ways equivalent to using an emulator. When I use this method, I note it in the entry.
  • I will occasionally use hacked wondercards (legitimate wondercards hacked into the game). This is always noted.
  • I have used the Hidden Hollows Instant Regenerate code. This is noted.

The following only apply to battles:
  • I will use Pokesav to change my trainer's gender/name depending on the team. This is purely for recording purposes.
  • I may use Pokegen to change a Pokemon's forme in BW2 (namely for the Therian formes) since I don't currently have access to Dream Radar (and thus can't get a legit Landorus-T and thus can't get the Reflecting Mirror).
I have a DW Female Lileep, Shiny Flawless Jolly Tornadus and Shiny Near Flawless Timid Thundurus.
I want your:
Jellicent / Nick: "Ringo" / Male / Bold
Available egg, UT, Lv. 40
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Recover
EVs: 236/0/190/0/084
Cursed Body; Hatched Undella Bay
Trapinch (shiny) / Nick: "KIMIKO" / Female / Jolly
Available UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Hyper Cutter

Pick which ones from me that you really want the most and we'll have a deal, if you agree with my wants.
I have a DW Female Lileep, Shiny Flawless Jolly Tornadus and Shiny Near Flawless Timid Thundurus.
I want your:
Jellicent / Nick: "Ringo" / Male / Bold
Available egg, UT, Lv. 40
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Recover
EVs: 236/0/190/0/084
Cursed Body; Hatched Undella Bay
Trapinch (shiny) / Nick: "KIMIKO" / Female / Jolly
Available UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Hyper Cutter

Pick which ones from me that you really want the most and we'll have a deal, if you agree with my wants.

Sounds good! I'll take the Thundrus and the Lileep. If you're available right now, PM me.
In response to your CMT:


Empoleon / Nick: "Tux" / Male / Modest
Available egg, UT, Lv. 36
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Agility
EVs: 40/0/24/253/0/193
Hatched Undella Bay

If you can give it the default 'Empoleon' name, I'd appreciate it. EV'd version please.
Well CMT for this. I'd feel bad stealing it for free :P


Onix (shiny) / Nick: "HADERACH" / Male / Sassy
Available UT, Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/12/31/1
Sturdy; Hatched Mt. Moon
cmt for an UT version of this:


Golurk / Nick: "Clank" / Adamant
Available egg, UT, Lv. 55
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 196/254/0/0/56/4
Iron Fist; Hatched Dragonspiral Tower
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