Hiya, folks! Been a long-time breeder and Smogon member, but I've never put the time into making a trade thread until now, so here goes.
I'm a Youtube battler primarily, and that's where I spend most of my time (link to my channel is in my sig--no reason to post it again). With a few rare exceptions, the pokemon I breed are for a purpose (usually for a new team). As such, where I can, I will provide links to videos that show my breeds in action. I RNG, and I am pleased as punch that Standard RNG abuse got so easy this gen. I shamelessly back up my save files, which means most of my pokemon are available UT and often as eggs as well. The only time I ever use Pokesav is to read the stats of my pokemon and to (occasionally) give myself infinite items on a save file I'm only using temporarily. Most of my pokemon are EV trained and raised using Infinite Wings and Candies acquired this way. I also sometimes use the AR codes for Box Cloning and Fast Egg hatching. If you don't approve of these methods, DON'T GO JUST YET! I may be able to offer you a UT or underlevelled option that is more "legitimate." Naming services are usually available. In addition, most of my UT pokemon are unnamed.
I'm available to trade most weekdays between 9am and 4pm Eastern US time.
Friend Code is in the sig. If we need to do a 4th Gen trade for whatever reason, I'll provide the relevant one at the time.
Once I get this thread up and running, I plan on taking what I call "pwn2own" challenges, in which you challenge me to a battle (you must have your own trade thread), and whoever wins gets one of the pokemon their opponent used in the match (redis rights decided ahead of time). If you're interested, feel free to post.
- The obvious (no hacked pokemon, no spamming, no flaming, etc.)
- Respect the redis rights. Don't trade me pokemon that you are not allowed to, and don't trade MY pokemon if I haven't given you the rights. UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED, RIGHTS ARE SEMI-REDIS (you may trade, the person you trade to may not). Also, Eggs are ALWAYS non-redis.
- Unless you specify otherwise, I will assume you want the highest level variant. Most are available at Lv. 100, but make sure to ask if you care--I can always hack some rare candies and level it up quickly.
- I do not accept pokemon that were acquired through Pokecheck (if you clone your own pokes through it or other fake-gts services, that's fine).
- As per the Wi-Fi forum rules, I do not accept trades in the form of .pkm files. Direct, wi-fi room trades only.
- More will (hopefully not have to be) added as needed.
Pokemon in my thread are sorted into one of several categories, and I don't use the conventional region or tier sorting schemes. If you're looking for a specific pokemon, Ctrl-F is your friend.
- Not Mine.
- Trophy Case. My best RNGs. These pokemon are not redistributable, and I'll probably only accept a trade for one of these if it's something I really want.
- Little Cup. These pokemon are bred (and, for the most part, EV'd) for Little Cup play.
- Not RNG'd. These are some of my better non-RNG breeds/captures. You know, if you're into that sort of thing.
- Veterans. These pokemon are all EV'd for combat and have all seen action (or will soon enough). You can usually find examples of them kicking ass on my Youtube channel.
- Rookies. I have (or had) a plan for these pokemon, but I haven't yet used them on a team. As such, most are only available UT. Doesn't mean they're any less awesome--many are simply shiny variants of pokemon that I preferred to use as non-shiny.
- Benchwarmers. My inferior breeds, captures and RNGs. These are all fully redistributable, and I probably won't ask very much of you if you want one.
My pokemon are presented in the following format:
[Species] / Nick: "[Nickname--naming services are usually available]" / [Gender] / [Nature]
Available [if available as egg, UT or any level besides 100, it'll be listed here]
IVs: [Format: HP/Atk/Def/SpA/SpD/Spe]
Egg moves: [4th gen move tutor moves as well]
EVs: [Same as above--obviously doesn't apply to UT]
[Miscellaneous things such as ability, where it was hatched, things like that.]
Showing off: [Links to Youtube videos where this particular build did well will be included here... eventually]
[Species] / Nick: "[Nickname--naming services are usually available]" / [Gender] / [Nature]
Available [if available as egg, UT or any level besides 100, it'll be listed here]
IVs: [Format: HP/Atk/Def/SpA/SpD/Spe]
Egg moves: [4th gen move tutor moves as well]
EVs: [Same as above--obviously doesn't apply to UT]
[Miscellaneous things such as ability, where it was hatched, things like that.]
Showing off: [Links to Youtube videos where this particular build did well will be included here... eventually]
None so far!
2010/11/06 -- 5 Credits from PokéFanMan for hatching a shiny manaphy
2014/02/23 -- 1 Credit from Scruffy
2014/02/23 -- 1 Credit from Scruffy
If someone not on this list is offering a pokemon of mine, they probably shouldn't be.
2010/07/22 -- セレビィ (Celebi) to SkippyTheGreat for LightningFusion's Ditto
2010/08/04 -- KIRA (Gardevoir) to Reptar for TwilightBlade's Tyranitar
2010/11/29 -- UT MICK (Umbreon) to EHeroMatt (Youtube) (gift)
2011/01/06 -- PETER (Aerodactyl) to Pollurrtopie (Youtube) (gift)
2010/08/04 -- KIRA (Gardevoir) to Reptar for TwilightBlade's Tyranitar
2010/11/29 -- UT MICK (Umbreon) to EHeroMatt (Youtube) (gift)
2011/01/06 -- PETER (Aerodactyl) to Pollurrtopie (Youtube) (gift)
2011/01/14 -- セレビィ (Celebi) to The Mer for a Female Marvel Scale Dratini
2011/05/17 -- セレビィ (Celebi) to Temporal for a Female Timid Magic Bounce Natu
2011/05/28 -- Shiny UT BURNIE (Cyndaquil) to JadeHex (Youtube) (prize)
2011/06/14 -- Tachikoma (Rotom-C), Maeby (Audino), Gerard (Escavalier), George III (Slowking), Tuesday (Qwilfish), Gargon (Tangela) and Brookside (Dragonair) to JadeHex (Youtube) (gift)
2011/07/29 -- Chaos (Zorua) to WallyWorld121212 (Youtube) (prize)
2011/08/09 -- PIDGEY (Charizard), UT Shiny KIMIKO (Trapinch) and Ringo (Jellicent) to Biosci for Thundurus, Tornadus and female DW Lileep
2011/08/11 -- UT Clank (Golett) to Kuroki for Calm Oblivia Deoxys
2011/08/11 -- Tux (Empoleon) to Nicksor for XD Dragonite
2011/08/11 -- Burnie (Cyndaquil) and Hoover (Carracosta) to Eiganjo for Mew & Rayquaza
2011/08/17 -- Levelling up services to Cereza for DW female Vulpix, Wailmer and Wooper
2011/08/18 -- Shiny STELLA (Zubat) to CakesofSpan for PI-Dimension's Hasty Tornadus
2011/08/19 -- Tornadus and Thundurus to Tsubasa-kun for Palkia and Dialga
2011/08/24 -- Thundurus to Joel for TheUmbreonMaster's (Serebii) Hasty Deoxys
2011/09/07 -- EV'd Pazuzu (nicked Ed), EV'd Booth (nicked JX) and Egg Onion (Zapdos, Reshiram and Ludicolo) to Impact for DW Porygon and two TRU Arceus (Arceii?)
2011/11/06 -- EV'd Lanturn to Impact for Jolly Arceus
2011/12/01 -- Eggs of LC Blake (Growlithe), Rico (Scizor) and QWANTZ (T-tar) to sophies for Timid Jirachi and event Suicune and Raikou
2011/12/09 -- Shii gave me a female DW Sableye (because she's the nicest person on the planet!)
2012/02/06 -- Shiny Modest Rotom to Shiny Mew2 for Speed Boost Blaziken
2012/02/24 -- UT Que (Sigilyph) to frogoholic101 for XD Lugia
2012/02/24 -- UT Shiny KIMIKO (Trapinch) to Shii for DW female Ralts
2012/03/19 -- Timid HP Ground Jirachi, Naive UT Shiny Magnemite, Shiny UT Zubat to -playmaster- for Extremespeed Linoone, Timid HP Ice Raikou and Timid Darkrai
2012/04/13 -- Victini gave me Timid TRU Arceus for free, because he's as nice as Shii!
2012/04/13 -- Impish and Jolly Arceii, Impish Celebi, Naughty Jirachi, Adamant UT Giratina, Impish UT Groudon and eggs of Timid Stella (Crobat), Jolly StarLooker (Emboar) and Jolly Leela (Darmanitan) to labarith for Adamant and Jolly V-Create Rayquazas, Modest and Timid DW Charmanders, Oblivia Heatran, Shiny Kyogre, Jolly Deoxys and Modest Movie 13 Celebi (oh, and evidently he threw in two copies of shiny Timid HP Fire Latias for free)
2012/04/16 -- Cereza gave me a Timid nicknamed Kyogre for free ('cuz she's awesome)
2012/05/18 -- I gave CrownEntei two non-RNG'd pokemon: Timid Jirachi and UT HUMAN (Emboar).
2012/05/23 -- UT Rico (Scizor) to Malinator94 for The Mantyke's shiny flawless Rayquaza.
2012/05/31 -- Adamant Arceus to Reshiram89 for Eppie's Shiny Adamant Mew
2012/06/18 -- mattj's HP Ground Timid Jirachi to coolbiz for hex-30 Ditto.
2012/06/24 -- female DW Bagon to Nexus for female DW Swinub ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
2012/12/29 -- Jolly and Timid Arceii to jrrrrrrr for female DW sandshrew
2013/05/30 -- Impact's Jolly Arceus and Adamant "Antarceus" to Diabolico for a Moltres and an Articuno
2014/02/11 -- Kaphotics' shiny Thundurus to D34N for a Sheer Force Landorus
2011/05/17 -- セレビィ (Celebi) to Temporal for a Female Timid Magic Bounce Natu
2011/05/28 -- Shiny UT BURNIE (Cyndaquil) to JadeHex (Youtube) (prize)
2011/06/14 -- Tachikoma (Rotom-C), Maeby (Audino), Gerard (Escavalier), George III (Slowking), Tuesday (Qwilfish), Gargon (Tangela) and Brookside (Dragonair) to JadeHex (Youtube) (gift)
2011/07/29 -- Chaos (Zorua) to WallyWorld121212 (Youtube) (prize)
2011/08/09 -- PIDGEY (Charizard), UT Shiny KIMIKO (Trapinch) and Ringo (Jellicent) to Biosci for Thundurus, Tornadus and female DW Lileep
2011/08/11 -- UT Clank (Golett) to Kuroki for Calm Oblivia Deoxys
2011/08/11 -- Tux (Empoleon) to Nicksor for XD Dragonite
2011/08/11 -- Burnie (Cyndaquil) and Hoover (Carracosta) to Eiganjo for Mew & Rayquaza
2011/08/17 -- Levelling up services to Cereza for DW female Vulpix, Wailmer and Wooper
2011/08/18 -- Shiny STELLA (Zubat) to CakesofSpan for PI-Dimension's Hasty Tornadus
2011/08/19 -- Tornadus and Thundurus to Tsubasa-kun for Palkia and Dialga
2011/08/24 -- Thundurus to Joel for TheUmbreonMaster's (Serebii) Hasty Deoxys
2011/09/07 -- EV'd Pazuzu (nicked Ed), EV'd Booth (nicked JX) and Egg Onion (Zapdos, Reshiram and Ludicolo) to Impact for DW Porygon and two TRU Arceus (Arceii?)
2011/11/06 -- EV'd Lanturn to Impact for Jolly Arceus
2011/12/01 -- Eggs of LC Blake (Growlithe), Rico (Scizor) and QWANTZ (T-tar) to sophies for Timid Jirachi and event Suicune and Raikou
2011/12/09 -- Shii gave me a female DW Sableye (because she's the nicest person on the planet!)
2012/02/06 -- Shiny Modest Rotom to Shiny Mew2 for Speed Boost Blaziken
2012/02/24 -- UT Que (Sigilyph) to frogoholic101 for XD Lugia
2012/02/24 -- UT Shiny KIMIKO (Trapinch) to Shii for DW female Ralts
2012/03/19 -- Timid HP Ground Jirachi, Naive UT Shiny Magnemite, Shiny UT Zubat to -playmaster- for Extremespeed Linoone, Timid HP Ice Raikou and Timid Darkrai
2012/04/13 -- Victini gave me Timid TRU Arceus for free, because he's as nice as Shii!
2012/04/13 -- Impish and Jolly Arceii, Impish Celebi, Naughty Jirachi, Adamant UT Giratina, Impish UT Groudon and eggs of Timid Stella (Crobat), Jolly StarLooker (Emboar) and Jolly Leela (Darmanitan) to labarith for Adamant and Jolly V-Create Rayquazas, Modest and Timid DW Charmanders, Oblivia Heatran, Shiny Kyogre, Jolly Deoxys and Modest Movie 13 Celebi (oh, and evidently he threw in two copies of shiny Timid HP Fire Latias for free)
2012/04/16 -- Cereza gave me a Timid nicknamed Kyogre for free ('cuz she's awesome)
2012/05/18 -- I gave CrownEntei two non-RNG'd pokemon: Timid Jirachi and UT HUMAN (Emboar).
2012/05/23 -- UT Rico (Scizor) to Malinator94 for The Mantyke's shiny flawless Rayquaza.
2012/05/31 -- Adamant Arceus to Reshiram89 for Eppie's Shiny Adamant Mew
2012/06/18 -- mattj's HP Ground Timid Jirachi to coolbiz for hex-30 Ditto.
2012/06/24 -- female DW Bagon to Nexus for female DW Swinub ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
2012/12/29 -- Jolly and Timid Arceii to jrrrrrrr for female DW sandshrew
2013/05/30 -- Impact's Jolly Arceus and Adamant "Antarceus" to Diabolico for a Moltres and an Articuno
2014/02/11 -- Kaphotics' shiny Thundurus to D34N for a Sheer Force Landorus
2014/02/21 -- Shiny Budew & Deoxys to DarthVader for Flawless Telepathy Noibat
2014/02/22 -- Wash (Shaymin) to Tortoise for PP Max
2014/02/23 -- Timid Raikou to Scruffy for credit
2014/03/08 -- Turtwig gave me a Modest flawless Xerneas for free!
2014/04/15 -- Feynman (Mewtwo) to Fernando Tonon (Youtube) for winning a contest
2014/-7/07 -- No-nickname Wash (Shaymin) to Pokéguy for Timid Xerneas and Yveltal
2014/02/22 -- Wash (Shaymin) to Tortoise for PP Max
2014/02/23 -- Timid Raikou to Scruffy for credit
2014/03/08 -- Turtwig gave me a Modest flawless Xerneas for free!
2014/04/15 -- Feynman (Mewtwo) to Fernando Tonon (Youtube) for winning a contest
2014/-7/07 -- No-nickname Wash (Shaymin) to Pokéguy for Timid Xerneas and Yveltal
2012/06/06 -- Modest given to Totes
2012/07/18 -- Adamant given to Melee Mewtwo
2013/05/30 -- Adamant and Impish to Diabolico (see Gen V trades)
2014/02/21 -- Timid to DarthVader
2014/02/22 -- Modest to Tortoise
2014/02/23 -- Adamant to yeaboy12
2014/06/24 -- Adamant to Arhan
2014/06/24 -- Calm to Jer
2014/07/06 -- Timid to JebusChrist
2014/07/06 -- Bold to Trevenant forest
2014/07/07 -- Timid to lockiegengar12
2014/07/07 -- Jolly to GoldChico
2012/07/18 -- Adamant given to Melee Mewtwo
2013/05/30 -- Adamant and Impish to Diabolico (see Gen V trades)
2014/02/21 -- Timid to DarthVader
2014/02/22 -- Modest to Tortoise
2014/02/23 -- Adamant to yeaboy12
2014/06/24 -- Adamant to Arhan
2014/06/24 -- Calm to Jer
2014/07/06 -- Timid to JebusChrist
2014/07/06 -- Bold to Trevenant forest
2014/07/07 -- Timid to lockiegengar12
2014/07/07 -- Jolly to GoldChico
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