1v1 Annihilape (Weakness Policy) [QC 2/2] [GP 1/1]

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Weakness Policy (Annihilape) @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Defiant
EVs: 240 HP / 252 SpD / 16 Spe
Careful Nature
- Rage Fist
- Gunk Shot
- Encore
- Screech / Bulk Up

* Gunk Shot is for non-Choice Specs Sylveon and Choice Specs Iron Valiant.
* Encore can deter Skeledirge's and Arcanine's Will-O-Wisp and Iron Hands's Swords Dance due to the threat of them being permanently locked into those moves. It also can be used against Trick from Choice Specs Iron Valiant and Choice Scarf Rotom-W.
* Screech is for Unaware Dondozo, while Bulk Up lets Annihilape beat Booster Energy Iron Hands.
* The EV spread gives Annihilape the best odds to survive Choice Specs Iron Valiant's Moonblast. The remaining EVs, which would not help with this, are invested in Speed.
* Gunk Shot is Annihilape's best option against Choice Specs Iron Valiant. Annihilape needs to choose between Encore and Gunk Shot on the first turn, as Encore counters Iron Valiant's Trick, while Gunk Shot beats Iron Valiant's Moonblast. However, selecting the wrong move can lead to Iron Valiant 2HKOing Annihilape with Moonblast or causing Annihilape to use Struggle after using Disable on Annihilape's Gunk Shot.

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You are Lumii, I am Lucario, 1/2 when done, lmk if you have questions
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Weakness Policy (Annihilape) @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Defiant
EVs: 240 HP / 252 SpD / 16 Spe
Careful Nature
- Rage Fist
- Gunk Shot
- Encore
- Screech / Bulk Up

* Gunk Shot is for non-Choice Specs Sylveon and Choice Specs Iron Valiant.
* Encore can disallow Sylveon's Fake Tears, Magnezone's Metal Sound, Skeledirge's and Arcanine's Will-O-Wisp, Iron Hands's Swords Dance, and Iron Defense from certain Corviknight sets due to the threat of being permanently locked into those moves. It also can be used against Trick from Choice Specs Iron Valiant, and Choice Scarf Rotom-W, and Choice Scarf Blissey. Sylveon and Magnezone don't want to use Fake Tears or Metal Sound due to Defiant and Annihilape being able to revenge them with ease. Also, Choice Scarf Blissey...
* Screech is for Unaware Dondozo, while Bulk Up lets Annihilape beat Booster Energy Iron Hands.
* The EV spread gives Annihilape the best odds to survive Choice Specs Iron Valiant's Moonblast. The remaining EVs, which would not help with this, are invested in Speed.
* You mention Gunk Shot to beat both Sylveon and Specs Valiant and go on to mention Encore for them. You should add a paragraph on what to do against these Pokemon as it seems a little unknown to new players who may read this.

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Weakness Policy (Annihilape) @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Defiant
EVs: 240 HP / 252 SpD / 16 Spe
Careful Nature
- Rage Fist
- Gunk Shot
- Encore
- Screech / Bulk Up

* Gunk Shot is for non-Choice Specs Sylveon and Choice Specs Iron Valiant.
* Encore can disallow Skeledirge's and Arcanine's Will-O-Wisp, (RC) and Iron Hands's Swords Dance, (RC) and Iron Defense from certain Corviknight sets due to the threat of being permanently locked into those moves. It also can be used against Trick from Choice Specs Iron Valiant and Choice Scarf Rotom-W. (faster Taunt just beats you while slower corvi can use Brave Bird)
* Screech is for Unaware Dondozo, while Bulk Up lets Annihilape beat Booster Energy Iron Hands.
* The EV spread gives Annihilape the best odds to survive Choice Specs Iron Valiant's Moonblast. The remaining EVs, which would not help with this, are invested in Speed.
* Gunk Shot is Annihilape's best option against Choice Specs Iron Valiant. Annihilape needs to choose between Encore and Gunk Shot on the first turn, as Encore counters Iron Valiant's Trick, while Gunk Shot beats Iron Valiant's Moonblast. However, selecting the wrong move can lead to Iron Valiant 2HKOing Annihilape with Moonblast or causing Annihilape to use Struggle after using Disable on Annihilape's Gunk Shot.

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2/2 once implemented
1/1 GP Team done
Weakness Policy (Annihilape) @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Defiant
EVs: 240 HP / 252 SpD / 16 Spe
Careful Nature
- Rage Fist
- Gunk Shot
- Encore
- Screech / Bulk Up

* Gunk Shot is for non-Choice Specs Sylveon and Choice Specs Iron Valiant.
* Encore can disallow deter Skeledirge's and Arcanine's Will-O-Wisp and Iron Hands's Swords Dance due to the threat of them being permanently locked into those moves. It also can be used against Trick from Choice Specs Iron Valiant and Choice Scarf Rotom-W.
* Screech is for Unaware Dondozo, while Bulk Up lets Annihilape beat Booster Energy Iron Hands.
* The EV spread gives Annihilape the best odds to survive Choice Specs Iron Valiant's Moonblast. The remaining EVs, which would not help with this, are invested in Speed.
* Gunk Shot is Annihilape's best option against Choice Specs Iron Valiant. Annihilape needs to choose between Encore and Gunk Shot on the first turn, as Encore counters Iron Valiant's Trick, while Gunk Shot beats Iron Valiant's Moonblast. However, selecting the wrong move can lead to Iron Valiant 2HKOing Annihilape with Moonblast or causing Annihilape to use Struggle after using Disable on Annihilape's Gunk Shot.

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