Welcome to the second edition of the Ancient Lower Tiers Premier League! Lower tiers of these older gens tend to get less representation in their respective subforums for many team tours, so this tour is designed with the goal to give these tiers an extra team tour to shine! There will be 10 total tiers for ALT PL 3:
********ADV NU will be officially testing no-Glalie. As such, Glalie is banned from being used in ADV NU for this tournament
It is absolutely pivotal that you sign up using the format below, as we will use an external tool to parse signups and push into the spreadsheets.
"Tiers NOT Played" will bind you from playing in those tiers, and you should use it only if you do not intend to play that tier under any circumstance for the entire regular season. "Tiers Played" is a non-binding field that you can use to communicate your preferences to all managers. Players will not be able to change their 'Tiers NOT Played' in midseason. Whatever was on the original signup remains in effect.
Goldenrod Gligars - NotVeryCake and violet river
Slay Queen Snorlaxes - jam and AM
Distressed Red Voltorbs - Zcarlett and Gangsta Spongebob
Devious Dusclops - Amity and gastlies
Criminal Cradilys - Amaranth and Tree69420
Mistresses Misdreavus - Estarossa and gulch
- RBY Ubers
- ^^^^^^RBY UU
- GSC Ubers
- ADV Ubers
- ********ADV NU
(This flex slot will change each season, but for this edition it will be RBY Tradebacks OU)
********ADV NU will be officially testing no-Glalie. As such, Glalie is banned from being used in ADV NU for this tournament
It is absolutely pivotal that you sign up using the format below, as we will use an external tool to parse signups and push into the spreadsheets.
Player Name:
Tiers Played:
Tiers NOT Played:
Activity Issues:
"Tiers NOT Played" will bind you from playing in those tiers, and you should use it only if you do not intend to play that tier under any circumstance for the entire regular season. "Tiers Played" is a non-binding field that you can use to communicate your preferences to all managers. Players will not be able to change their 'Tiers NOT Played' in midseason. Whatever was on the original signup remains in effect.

- Do not sign up if you cannot commit to the entire tournament.
- You can self-purchase one, both, or neither manager. The first manager retained for your team will cost 13.5k credits. You can then retain a second manager for an additional 26.5k credits (both are considered "20k credits" each if you do this).
- All teams are required to have a minimum of 13 players (i.e. 3 subs) - the reasoning behind this is that all 10 tiers are different and there is a tier lock in place for regular season, making it difficult to manage substitute situations as needed without at least 3 subs.
- The total amount of starting credits per team will be 125k credits.
Player Signups will last for roughly two weeks and will close 24 hours before the auction. Auction will be held on TBD.
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