An analysis of the OU metagame

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Ever since the introduction of BW with dream world abilities, the OU metagame only worsened through the period of the BW2 metagame. Comnpared to previous generation metagames, it seem that the current OU metagame has become stale. This may not be the case for everyone, but I've come to notice many players returning to previous gen OUs not just for nostalgic factors, but also competitive factors. This is my opinion, and the discussion my bring different point of views on the same subject, but I think that the current OU metagame is disappointing because of the easy setups provided by newly introduced weather pokemons through dream world abilities. Tyranitar's forever sand storm is controlled with ban on OP abilities, but rain dance provides way too many benefits to the team, even with a bann on swift swim in the rain... which honestly only eliminated Kingdra, who wasn't as OP as the rain teams now a days in my experience. With "forever Rain" up, unless the opponent has Another weather pokemon, the rain team receives coverage and boosts for the whole duration of the game. Along with newly introduced pro-rain pokemon, such as Keldeo, Ferrothorn, as well as previous gen pro rain pokemon, Drizzle makes the Metagame highly imbalanced. The game has become a spam war, just scarf surf because even the resistant pokemon is a 2 hit KO. These benefits have made rain teams over common, and I think that, is what's making the OU metagame stale. The discussion of banning weathers have come up just recently last month a believe, but would banning weathers be a positive contribution to the OU metagame? I think yes. Correct me if I said anything wrong in this post.
the idea of banning auto-weather has been around for 2+ years and i agree that it would only help the metagame. abusable perma-weather is the main reason i (and many others) prefer lower tiers/old gens to the current ou metagame.

however as much as i would love to see it suspected i don't think it'll happen because "there isn't enough time before xy" (4 months, and our last ban in dpp took place not even 2 months prior to bw) or because "it can be dealt with" (well shit rayquaza and mewtwo can be dealt with too but you don't see them running around)

@ above: maybe there's a reason everyone (or "a lot of people" for accuracy's sake) complains about weather... gee i wonder what it is lol!
This is my opinion, and the discussion my bring different point of views on the same subject

No it doesn't sorry. I empathize with your sentiments, but still no.

Each and every sentence there is a rehash of all the standard "fuk rain" arguments. Banning rain/weather has been proposed infinite number of times.

I mean, not be rude (even I hate rain) but I don't think we need another thread for this.
Fuck rain has been proposed many times before. I didn't ask for rain to be banned, I only asked whether banning the rain would a positive influence on the metagame. It's funny how of all the problems we choose to solve, we ignore the biggest one that pushes the suspect to an OP state. With X and Y coming out, it's even more important to deal with this issue because of new threats that just brings raw power. Weather IS the roots of most of the issues we have been dealing with, with few exceptions.
Oh boy, here we go. I absolutey despise rain and weather in general. Personally, I think there should be two seperate OU tiers, Weather and Weatherless. As much as I would like to see a change, I am sorry, but it will just not happen anytime soon. Good day sir!
What bothers me the most is that they usually say there is no time to test. The thing is, we dont need to test, we have seen what it has done and I think we have seen enough to make a good decision on what to do.
What I think should happen is that the weather abilities from pokemon (drizzle, sand stream, ...,) should be changed from summoning perma-weather to rather finite weather, say, 8 turns or whatever.

The problem is that you cannot really do this; we are not creating an entire new game for various (extremely good may I add) reasons and we want to stay as close to the original game as possible.
Oh boy, here we go. I absolutey despise rain and weather in general. Personally, I think there should be two seperate OU tiers, Weather and Weatherless. As much as I would like to see a change, I am sorry, but it will just not happen anytime soon. Good day sir!
OU Clear Skies was previously implemented on Smogon's now-defunct PO server. It didn't get enough interest to sustain itself, however, and has not been re-implemented on PS.
OU Clear Skies was previously implemented on Smogon's now-defunct PO server. It didn't get enough interest to sustain itself, however, and has not been re-implemented on PS.

It was not such a big deal then. It is very clear that weather is the dominant forces of our current metagame. Could we do a forum-wide poll to see if this would get interest now? If people do not want something like this, then there is nothing to do. We can not just go ban every pokemon that may threaten a certain team and that is a major thing that people do not understand.
To me the problem isn't that rain is everywhere or that TTar-Pony-Landy cores are rampaging, but it's rather that there's so many of these fucking dragons. Honestly though, if something that has 170 base attack and can spam STAB Outrages in OU while having 700 BST (meaning it has great SpA and outstanding bulk for an offensive mon to boot), then the fact that the tier is hyperoffensive suddenly isn't all that weird anymore. Don't say: "But Cube has unfortunate typing, a shallow physical movepool and speed that's a little too low", because yes, these are flaws, but who gives a damn when you can come in with a Choice Band on something that can't really hurt it and spam a move that 3HKO's pretty much everything in the tier? And it's not like Cube is the wrongdoer, no, because there's also Garchomp and Dragonite to wreak havoc. Dragonite, as long as he doesn't come in on Stealth Rocks, can survive even a supereffective hit, get a Dragon Dance up and continue to fuck things over with Outrage. Garchomp, well, he might not have DD, but see how you get one of his supposed "checks" and "counters" in on him. And now I barely even covered everything, Latios can just as well be mentioned for cutting the HP of your special wall in half with one Draco Meteor while also outspeeding the whole tier with Scarf. Salamence usually is choiced and doesn't like hit-and-run playstyle because of SR weakness so he's somewhat easy to check at least, but still. The huge versatility and sheer power that dragons hold can destroy stall, and that, in my opinion, is the reason why stall is so unviable as of now while hyperoffense gets instant success.
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