SV OU AMALGAM: Psyspam x TR x Sun (1950+ Peak)


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Greetings fellow Smogonites! We’re a few months into the Indigo Disk DLC metagame, and tbh I haven’t been enjoying it very much. I feel that the problems present in pre-dlc SV have only been amplified by the sharp powercreep that came with the expanded dex. Wanting something fun to play, I drafted a rough outline for a weird psyspam build and improved upon it until I eventually hit a respectable post-dlc peak with it. This team was very fun to ladder with and it’s been consistent enough that I figured it was well worth an RMT. Without much else to say, let’s jump right in!


The Coup (Cinderace) (F) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Libero
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 2 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Pyro Ball
- Court Change
- Low Kick
- U-turn

To start, Choice Scarf :cinderace: is here to provide speed control outside of TR and reliable hazard control for the team. With Choice Scarf, :cinderace: outspeeds speed booster :iron valiant:, +1 :ogerpon:, non-scarf :darkrai:, scarf :samurott-hisui:, +1 :kyurem:, and ties +1 jolly :roaring moon:. With its insane speed tier, :cinderace: usually has no problem getting a Court Change off if need be, which is very important as this team is very hazard weak, and Hatterene can’t always reliably keep hazards off the field. :cinderace: is also very useful versus lead :samurott-hisui:, as it can U-turn into Rocky Helmet :hatterene: in order to prevent the very threatening unblockable spikes set by Ceaseless Edge. Low Kick is used over HJK because of the prevalence of Protect on all of the Pokemon fighting coverage seeks to hit such as :garganacl:, :heatran: and sometimes :kyurem:, all of which are heavy enough for Low Kick to hit 120 bp, just 10 less than HJK. Not having to fear missing or a ghost switchin is also a nice perk. Tera Fire is used in order to boost :cinderace:’s breaking potential, especially under :torkoal:’s sun, a useful attribute in certain MUs, particularly vs sand, which the team struggles with.

Sweet Myths (Hatterene) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Magic Bounce
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 HP / 204 Def / 2 SpD / 52 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Healing Wish
- Trick Room
- Psychic Noise
- Dazzling Gleam

Now the TR element gets introduced to the team in :hatterene:. Magic Bounce is absolutely crucial on any form of psyspam to combat hazards, and :hatterene: is by far the best candidate for the role in OU. In conjunction with :landorus-therian:’s intimidate, :hatterene: can live pretty much any attack and get a TR off, and can live at least 2 hits from many of the tier’s popular hazard setters such as :great tusk:, :ting-lu:, and :landorus-therian:. After getting a TR off, :hatterene: can either kill itself with Healing Wish if it isn’t worth saving (ie. too low HP to set up another TR) into an abuser, switch into Eject Button :landorus-therian: and eject out into an abuser, or if :landorus-therian:’s Eject Button is already used up, you can just sack it. 52 speed is invested in order to outspeed 0 speed :garganacl: and :toxapex:, particularly for :garganacl: since you can hit it with Psychic Noise outside of TR to prevent recovery. Usually :garganacl: doesn’t require so much prep, but this team in particular can struggle with it a bit. Psychic Noise is also used to deal with :gliscor:, especially in MUs where :armarouge:’s attacks aren’t free such as vs stall. It also plays a role in dealing with sub :iron moth: since if they sub against :indeedee: as you TR, you can Encore it and go :hatterene:, who can kill it through sub. Dazzling Gleam is standard on TR :hatterene:, hitting dark types with a STAB boost. Tera water is used in order to survive a Hydro Steam from Walking Wake if need be, which is a nightmare for this team to switch into.

Heiruspecs (Indeedee) @ Terrain Extender
Ability: Psychic Surge
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 2 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Encore
- Trick Room
- Expanding Force
- Healing Wish

For the psyspam element of the team we have :indeedee:. The Psychic Terrain set by Psychic Surge is important to boost :armarouge:’s Expanding Force as well as to protect it from being picked off by priority at low HP. This priority immunity also aids :cinderace: who now doesnt have to fear :kingambit:’s Sucker Punch as well as :torkoal: whose Eruption can be weakened by priority under TR. :indeedee: is used over :indeedee-F: due to its access to Encore, an extremely useful move which is worth sacrificing extra bulk for. Encore, Expanding Force and Healing Wish are all standard moves on :indeedee:, and TR rounds out the set instead of the traditional Dazzling Gleam in order to add another TR setter to support :torkoal: outside of :hatterene:. Tera fairy is used in the rare case where you need it to handle a given variant of Dragon Darts :dragapult:, although :indeedee: will rarely tera.

Jurassic 5 (Torkoal) (F) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Drought
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 248 HP / 2 Def / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Eruption
- Rapid Spin
- Earth Power
- Weather Ball

:torkoal: is the TR abuser of choice for this team, rounding out the trifecta of offensive archetypes present in this team. Choice Specs :torkoal: is infamous for killing everything not named Heatran in TR, scoring impressive OHKOS on Pokemon such as :dragapult:, :cinderace:, :glimmora:, full SpD :slowking-galar:, and scoring an important 2HKO on full SpD :blissey: with tera fire Eruption. Outside of :heatran: the only Pokemon that can switch in on :torkoal:’s Eruption is bulky :gouging fire: which takes around 40 and can heal off the damage with Morning Sun under :torkoal:’s own sun. Earth Power kills :heatran: and hits bulky :gouging fire: for about 65, so if you make one good switch prediction then :torkoal:’s Eruption becomes unwallable once again. Rapid Spin is used in the last slot in order to provide an emergency hazard removal option, which has saved me in a few games, and the 4th slot is filler anyways so Choice Specs :torkoal: doesn’t lose out on much by running it.

Beat Assailant (Armarouge) (F) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Weak Armor
Tera Type: Psychic
EVs: 2 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Expanding Force
- Armor Cannon
- Destiny Bond
- Endure

:armarouge: is the dedicated Psychic Terrain abuser for this team, mainly chosen because of its capacity to abuse :torkoal:’s sun. :armarouge:’s Expanding Force hits like a truck in Psychic Terrain especially with tera psychic, OHKOing many key threats such as physdef :gliscor:, unterad :ogerpon-wellspring:, non-AV :raging bolt:, :gouging fire:, :walking wake:, :kyurem: and physdef :garganacl:, as well as 2HKOing spdef :slowking galar:, spdef :garganacl:, physdef :hatterene:, and AV :primarina:. :armarouge:’s Expanding Force is also the main way through which this team can deal with :heatran:, 2HKOing offensive :heatran: and 3HKOing SpDef after tera psychic. Armor Cannon is a very strong secondary STAB, already taking care of all of the OU steels bar :heatran: and getting solid chip on most OU darks. Under :torkoal:’s sun this move becomes even stronger, OHKOing :darkrai: and tera dark :kingambit:, 2HKOing non-AV :samurott-hisui: and tera dark :clodsire:, having a roll to 2HKO :roaring moon: and 3HKOing :ting-lu: after Leftovers recovery. Endure is used to patch the team’s weakness to mixed Scale Shot :kyurem: and Dragon Darts :dragapult:, as after enduring these attacks you’ll have enough speed thanks to Weak Armor in order to outspeed these two threats and kill them with Expanding Force. Destiny Bond is the 4th move of choice because of its ability to remove defensive answers it shares in common with other Pokemon on the team, primarily :torkoal:. You can kill tera water :slowking galar:, :heatran: (IMPORTANT), :blissey: (sometimes), :tyranitar: and :ting-lu:, all of which make it harder for the rest of the team to make progress. You can also Destiny Bond vs :kingambit: or low HP :raging bolt: if Psychic Terrain isn’t up for whatever reason, as their priority won’t activate on the Destiny Bond turn, and if they use their priority next turn Destiny Bond will still be active since :armarouge: hasn’t attacked yet, meaning :armarouge: either takes the opposing mon down with it or gets one free hit off, an interaction which has won me a few games while laddering with this team.

Jungle Brothers (Landorus-Therian) @ Eject Button
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 2 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Earth Power
- U-turn
- Taunt
- Rock Tomb

:landorus-therian: is the final mon on the team. :landorus-therian:’s main function is keeping up momentum, essential for such a fast-paced team. It will typically switch in after :indeedee: sets up Psychic Terrain or TR is set and the setter needs to be kept alive without losing momentum, either dying to the incoming attack or surviving and ejecting out into an abuser. A fast set with Earth Power is used in order to improve the MU vs :glimmora: whose Toxic Debris can prove to be very annoying as this team is very weak to Toxic Spikes. Taunt ensures :landorus-therian: isn’t simply setup fodder, and it also helps prevent hazards from going up versus a slower hazard setter such as :great tusk: or opposing :landorus-therian:. It also ensures that low-HP mons looking to recover in order to withstand the next offensive onslaught don’t get a chance to heal up. Rock Tomb is used over the traditional Stealth Rock in order to prevent DD :kyurem: and DD :dragonite: from getting too fast to be rkilled, as well as to get good chip on both. You can also slow down offensive Rapid Spin :great tusk: by clicking Rock Tomb until you die to Rapid Spin or get ejected out, then going into a mon capable of rkilling it. U-turn rounds out the set in order to keep up momentum even after Eject Button has been used up. :landorus-therian: plays an important role in the :roaring moon: MU as well, as you can go hard into :landorus therian: on anything :roaring moon: does. If it attacks, you can Rock Tomb forever to make sure it can never outspeed Choice Scarf :cinderace:, and if it DD’s, you can U-turn into :hatterene: regardless of what it clicks on the second turn. At +1 :roaring moon: can only kill :hatterene: if it commits to tera flying, leaving it vulnerable to getting rkilled by :armarouge:’s Expanding Force if its Focus Sash is still intact. Otherwise :hatterene: can TR and healing wish into :torkoal: who kills it after Rocky Helmet chip with tera fire Eruption or simply Dazzling Gleam if you don’t want to commit to tera fire Torkoal. If :roaring moon: ever switches out, it won’t be nearly as big of a threat now that its Booster Energy has been used up. Tera poison is used in the very rare scenario where you need to absorb Toxic Spikes from your side of the field, although I've never terad :landorus-therian: in any of my games with the squad.

And that’s the team! I’ve been having a lot of fun with this squad on ladder and have been winning consistently enough to remain around the 1800-1900 section of the ladder for multiple days. I hope you guys find this squad as fun to use as I do! Thoughts? Feedback? Let me know in the replies! See you guys next time!


REPLAYS: vs stall vs :gliscor: BO vs :skeledirge: offense vs :samurott-hisui: offense vs :iron crown: BO vs :pecharunt: BO vs :ursaluna: semi-TR vs Choice Specs :kyurem: BO vs :hawlucha: offense vs :zamazenta: fat vs sub hex :dragapult: BO vs :iron hands: BO vs DD :gouging fire: HO vs :maushold: BO vs :roaring moon: HO vs tera water AV :hoopa-unbound: offense vs webs vs “the Stads team” vs Focus Sash :darkrai: offense vs :sinistcha: BO vs :moltres: BO
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Incredible team, great momentum and speed control, congratulations on the peak.
Just about these 2 EVs thing, they are unnecessary. EVs only add value to the Pokémon's final stat every 4 EVs. It's counterintuitive to only use 508 out of 510 available, but that's the way it is.
dope. enjoyed watching the replays. all the mons work so perfectly together.