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Metagame Alt Identification - ADV Corsola Suspect Test

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For those participating in the ADV ZU Corsola suspect test, please post your proof of reaching the requirements in this thread.
Please post a screenshot containing:
  • The name of an alt including the ZUCOR tag
  • You have to reach a GXE of 75 in at least 25 games in order to get reqs.
  • Proof that alt belongs to you (this can be showing you are logged in on it via either the name in the top right of Pokémon Showdown! or the name near the chatbox).
Deadline: Saturday 24th August at 11:59 PM GMT-5.

Confirming as zucor owl

I'm unsure of which way I'll be voting at the moment. During my reqs run I used a team without Corsola on it. I'll be laddering more to solidify my position on what I'll be voting.
Reqs was annoying but manageable, I think Corsola is honestly fine and can be overwhelmed by a lot of offensive teams atm, which is the dominant playstyle atm.
BP is also a savior for his build. However, feel free to use this team below for your laddering experience and hope you don't run into unfortunate paralyses and critical hits:
:Anorith: :Porygon: :Staryu: :Tropius: :Ponyta: :Clamperl:
EVs for Porygon are to live anything from Choice Band Doduo at full and Staryu was to outspeed Doduo.

I currently don't feel Corsola warrants a ban. It is powerful yes, but can be dealt with in the teambuilder fairly easily. Obviously once it gets rolling it can be difficult to deal with. It's hustle CB build is nice too but Corsola is managed by being so slow and easily speed checked.

The team I used to make reqs was made by Baoba and don't know if they want to share it. But TY, the team was super solid. I also used the following teams below;

After playing for a bit, I am leaning towards voting no ban. Corsola is of course really strong, however it hasn't felt unreasonable to play around. Ice beam sets are forced out by toxic, refresh sets struggle harder vs things like spdef gloom. Hustle sets feel kinda bad.

Corsola is a great mon but I personally don't think it's bannable.

in all my years on this site i dont think i’ve ever gotten reqs before and i had to finish them up on mobile no less. proud of myself for how well i performed and i love the team i used and might consider sharing it out later and will probably also make a tier list & metagame post !
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