Alomomola [QC 0/2]


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OMPL Champion
name: Wish Support
move 1: Scald / Knock Off
move 2: Wish
move 3: Protect
move 4: Toxic
item: Rocky Helmet
ability: Regenerator
nature: Bold
evs: 40 HP / 216 Def / 252 SpD

Thanks to its incredible health, Regenerator, and Wish, Alomomola can be used as a wishpasser on stall teams, being able to pass high health wishes into teammates like Melmetal, Mega Sableye, and Gastrodon. Its also able to pivot into a plethora of common threats, such as Heatran, Greninja, Garchomp, and Landorus-T. However, Alomomola faces steep competition from other bulky Water-types, like Toxapex and Gastrodon, which tend to be used over it due to the superior defensive utility they bring. Scald gives Alomomola a way to punish physical attackers such as Mega Medicham, Hawlucha, and Mega Tyranitar. However, Knock Off can also be used, as it forces progress against the likes of Rotom-W, Heatran, and Tangrowth. Wish lets Alomomola stay healthy throughout games outside of Regenerator, while also being able to heal up its teammates. Protect not only lets Alomomola safely receive its own wishes, but it also allows it to scout choice-locked Pokemon such as Kyurem, Tapu Lele, and Kartana. Toxic lets it punish the likes of Mega Latias, Hydreigon, and Kyurem, which try to absorb a Scald burn on the switch in. A Rocky Helmet allows it to punish physical attacker such as Mega Lopunny and Landorus-T. The given ev spread is used because Alomomola's Health stat is so naturally high that it doesn't need to be fully invested, and the Special Defense allows it to better handle special attackers such as Ash-Greninja and Heatran.

Alomomola primarily fits on stall teams that appreciate its defensive utility and can properly support it through checking its weaknessesses. However, it can also be used on bulkier balance teams. Teammates that appreciate the extra longevity given from its wishes such as Mega Sableye, Heatran, and Melmetal. Grass-types such as Serperior, Rillaboom, and Kartana are threatening to Alomomola. As a result, Steel- and Flying-types that are able to cover these Pokemon such as Corviknight, Zapdos, and Mega Scizor make for good teammates, they also appreciate Alomomola being able to switch into Fire- and Rock-types for them. Electric-types like Magnezone, Tapu Koko, and Zapdos are also scary for it. Making Electric-resistant or immune teammates such as Tangrowth, Gastrodon, and Gliscor fantastic teammates. Its also susceptible to entry hazards, as such defoggers like Corviknight and Gliscor make for fantastic teammates. Status from the likes of Heatran, Chansey, and Toxapex cut into Alomomola's longevity so cleric support from teammates likes Chansey and Clefable is greatly appreciated

Other Options

Heavy-Duty Boots allow for Alomomola to ignore entry hazard chip and as such stay healthier during games. However, the loss of Rocky Helmet makes Alomomola slightly more passive. Leftovers is an option which give Alomomola constant passive recovery, letting it more comfortably switch into attacks. However, Rocky Helmet punishing physical attackers makes Alomomola better at spreading chip damage and therefore tends to be better. Shed Shell is an option which lets Alomomola comfortably switch in to Heatran without risking getting trapped by Magma Storm. It is, however, very situational. Refresh can also be used to relieve it of status aliements. However the utility loss from not running Toxic makes Alomomola incredibly passive.

Checks and Counters

**Electric-types **: Electric-types such as Tapu Koko, Zapdos, and Magnezone can send Alomomola running with their powerful Electric-type moves. However, they are all unable to switch in safely, as the former two are unable to switch into Toxic, while Magnezone hates Scald chip and burns.

**Powerful Special Attackers**: Despite its high HP and investment in Special Defense, Alomomola is unable to take powerful special attacks from forest like Tapu Lele, Kyurem, and Life Orb Clefable.

**Grass-types**: Kartana, Rillaboom, and Serperior are all able to threaten out Alomomola with their respective Grass-type attacks, however, the former two cannot safely switch into Scald

- Written by: [pannuracotta, 517892]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
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Big fishhhhh

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name: Wish Support
move 1: Scald / Knock Off
move 2: Wish
move 3: Protect
move 4: Toxic
item: Rocky Helmet
ability: Regenerator
nature: Bold
evs: 40 HP / 216 Def / 252 SpD

Thanks to its incredible health, Regenerator, and Wish, Alomomola can be used as a wishpasser on stall teams, being able to pass high health wishes into teammates like Melmetal, Mega Sableye, and Gastrodon. Its also able to pivot into a plethora of common threats, such as Heatran pivoting in on tran is really risky as if it clicks magma ur mola is dead, mention weavile here, Greninja, Garchomp, and Landorus-T. However, Alomomola faces steep competition from other bulky Water-types, like Toxapex and Gastrodon, which tend to be used over it due to the superior defensive utility they bring what is this utility? Mola dosent actually check a whole lot of stuff fr stall so mention that here. Scald gives Alomomola a way to punish physical attackers such as Mega Medicham, Hawlucha, and Mega Tyranitar. However, Knock Off can also be used, as it forces progress against the likes of Rotom-W, Heatran, and Tangrowth. Wish lets Alomomola stay healthy throughout games outside of Regenerator, while also being able to heal up its teammates. Protect not only lets Alomomola safely receive its own wishes, but it also allows it to scout choice-locked Pokemon such as Kyurem, Tapu Lele, and Kartana. Toxic lets it punish the likes of Mega Latias, Hydreigon, and Kyurem, which try to absorb a Scald burn on the switch in. A Rocky Helmet allows it to punish physical attackers such as Mega Lopunny and Landorus-T. The given ev spread is used because Alomomola's Health stat is so naturally high that it doesn't need to be fully invested, and the Special Defense allows it to better handle special attackers such as Ash-Greninja and Heatran again tran can just kill u if it magmas u on switch in, mention smthing else.

Alomomola primarily fits on stall teams that appreciate its defensive utility and can properly support it through checking its weaknessesses. the main reason to use it is fr wish passing so mention that However, it can also be used on bulkier balance teams. this is an extremely fringe usage of it not worth mentioning Teammates that appreciate the extra longevity given from its wishes such as Mega Sableye, Heatran this isnt a good mention as tran doesn't fit on stall, and Melmetal. Grass-types such as Serperior, Rillaboom, and Kartana are threatening to Alomomola. As a result, Steel- and Flying-types that are able to cover these Pokemon such as Corviknight, Zapdos, and Mega Scizor again not a stall mon make for good teammates, they also appreciate Alomomola being able to switch into Fire- and Rock-types for them. Electric-types like Magnezone, Tapu Koko, and Zapdos are also scary for it. Making Electric-resistant or immune teammates such as Tangrowth, Gastrodon, and Gliscor fantastic teammates. Its also susceptible to entry hazards, as such defoggers like Corviknight and Gliscor make for fantastic teammates. Status from the likes of Heatran, Chansey, and Toxapex cut into Alomomola's longevity so cleric support from teammates likes Chansey and Clefable is greatly appreciated

Other Options

Heavy-Duty Boots allow for Alomomola to ignore entry hazard chip and as such stay healthier during games. However, the loss of Rocky Helmet makes Alomomola slightly more passive. Leftovers is an option which give Alomomola constant passive recovery, letting it more comfortably switch into attacks. However, Rocky Helmet punishing physical attackers makes Alomomola better at spreading chip damage and therefore tends to be better. Shed Shell is an option which lets Alomomola comfortably switch in to Heatran without risking getting trapped by Magma Storm. It is, however, very situational it can also be knocked by mons mola wants to check like weav. Refresh can also be used to relieve it of status aliements mention mons this is useful against. However the utility loss from not running Toxic makes Alomomola incredibly passive.

Checks and Counters

**Electric-types **: Electric-types such as Tapu Koko, Zapdos, and Magnezone can send Alomomola running with their powerful Electric-type moves. However, they are all unable to switch in safely, as the former two are unable to switch into Toxic, while Magnezone hates Scald chip and burns. all of them hate knock too

**Powerful Special Attackers**: Despite its high HP and investment in Special Defense, Alomomola is unable to take powerful special attacks from forest lol like Tapu Lele, Kyurem, and Life Orb Clefable. mention that they cant switch in

**Grass-types**: Kartana, Rillaboom, and Serperior are all able to threaten out Alomomola with their respective Grass-type attacks, however, the former two cannot safely switch into Scald

- Written by: [pannuracotta, 517892]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
Well done :blobthumbsup:

QC 1/2
