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NFE Alolan Vulpix [Done]


aka Ho3nConfirm3d
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name: Aurora Veil
move 1: Aurora Veil
move 2: Blizzard / Freeze-Dry
move 3: Encore
move 4: Hail / Hypnosis
item: Light Clay
ability: Snow Warning
nature: Timid
evs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe

Alolan Vulpix has a unique role in the NFE metagame in its ability to provide Aurora Veil support to offensive teams so that sweepers may set up safely. However, it has notable competition with Morgrem, which has better defensive attributes and access to priority dual screens, making Alolan Vulpix less reliable in comparison. Blizzard hits slower targets like Gloom and Charjabug, while Freeze-Dry damages Water-types like Palpitoad and Mareanie for super effective damage. Encore is beneficial for locking entry hazard users like Clefairy and Piloswine into status moves, which opens an opportunity to set up Aurora Veil or safely bring in a setup sweeper. Hail is used when anticipating that opposing weather users like Vulpix and Hippopotas will switch in so it can set up an Aurora Veil. Hypnosis instead debilitates slower attackers like Machoke, but its low accuracy makes it unreliable.

Alolan Vulpix should be used both early- and mid-game to facilitate multiple sweep attempts on offensive teams that have multiple setup sweepers that can benefit from Aurora Veil. Sweepers such as Klang, Wartortle, Lampent, and Fraxure are some of the best picks for this playstyle; these attackers also can set up on Steel- and Fire-types that target Alolan Vulpix. Offensive entry hazard setters like Piloswine and Krokorok complement Alolan Vulpix by setting up Stealth Rock thanks to having a positive matchup against Pokemon like Hattrem, which can block entry hazards due to Magic Bounce; in addition, Alolan Vulpix also uses its Ice-type coverage to nail Defog users like Togetic, Vullaby, and Dartrix. Alolan Vulpix's fragility and weakness to entry hazards make it expendable, so try setting up Aurora Veil on slower targets like Palpitoad, Piloswine, and Charjabug; setting Aurora Veil can be even easier if these targets use a non-threatening status move for Alolan Vulpix to lock them into with Encore. Encore is also useful for preventing opposing setup sweepers like Dartrix and Duosion from boosting, so keep it around and healthy if its Encore is still needed to prevent these sweeps.

- Written by: [[Ho3nConfirm3d, 231074]]
- Quality checked by: [[SBPC, 468904], [uhuhuhu7, 407249]]
- Grammar checked by: [[deetah, 297659]]
Last edited:
Changes in bolded green

name: Aurora Veil
move 1: Aurora Veil
move 2: Blizzard / Freeze Dry
move 3: Encore
move 4: Hail / Hypnosis
item: Eviolite / Light Clay
ability: Snow Warning
nature: Timid
evs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe

Alolan Vulpix has a unique role in the NFE meta in providing Aurora Veil for offensive teams so that sweepers may set up safely. However, it has notable competition with Morgrem, which has better defensive attributes and access to priority dual screens, and that makes Alolan Vulpix less reliable support in comparison. Blizzard hits slower targets like Gloom and Charjabug, while Freeze Dry damages Water-types like Palpitoad and Mareanie for super effective damage. Encore is beneficial for locking entry hazard users like Carkol and Ferroseed into status moves, which opens an opportunity to setup Aurora Veil or to safely bring in a setup sweeper. Hail is used when anticipating opposing weather users like Vulpix and Hippopotas switching in so it can secure an Aurora Veil. Hypnosis instead debilitates slower attackers like Piloswine, but its low accuracy makes it unreliable. Light Clay can be used to give Aurora Veil extra turns, at the cost of Vulpix losing bulk to help it set screens.

Alolan Vulpix should be used on offensive teams that have multiple setup sweepers that can benefit from Aurora Veil, and should be played both early- and mid-game to facilitate multiple sweeping attempts. Sweepers such as Klang, Wartortle, Hakamo-o, and Fraxure are some of the best picks for this playstyle; these attackers also can set up on Steel- and Fire-types that target Alolan Vulpix. Offensive entry hazard setters like Piloswine and Drilbur complement Alolan Vulpix by securing Stealth Rock thanks to having a positive match up against anti-entry hazard Pokemon like Hattrem and Togetic. Alolan Vulpix can use its STAB moves to deter and even remove Defog users such as Togetic, Vullaby, and Dartrix. Alolan Vulpix’s fragility and weakness to entry hazards make it expendable, so try setting up Aurora Veil on slower targets like Palpitoad, Piloswine, and Gloom; setting up can be even easier if these targets use a non-threatening status move for Alolan Vulpix to Encore them into. Encore is also useful for preventing opposing setup sweepers like Dartrix and Dousion from trying to setup, so keep it around and healthy if its Encore is still needed to prevent these sweeps.

- Written by: [[Ho3nConfirm3d, 231074]]
- Quality checked by: [[SBPC, 468904], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]

Good stuff, qc 1/2
name: Aurora Veil
move 1: Aurora Veil
move 2: Blizzard / Freeze Dry
move 3: Encore
move 4: Hail / Hypnosis
item: Light Clay
ability: Snow Warning
nature: Timid
evs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe

Alolan Vulpix has a unique role in the NFE meta in providing Aurora Veil for offensive teams so that sweepers may set up safely. However, it has notable competition with Morgrem, which has better defensive attributes and access to priority dual screens, and that makes Alolan Vulpix less reliable support in comparison. Blizzard hits slower targets like Gloom and Charjabug, while Freeze Dry damages Water-types like Palpitoad and Mareanie for super effective damage. Encore is beneficial for locking entry hazard users like Carkol and Ferroseed into status moves you aren't wrong, but rock users like piloswine and clefairy are probably better encore targets than these, you'd rather lock someone into rocks/wish rather than spikes/knock off, which opens an opportunity to setup Aurora Veil or safely bring in a setup sweeper. Hail is used when anticipating opposing weather users like Vulpix and Hippopotas switching in so it can secure an Aurora Veil. Hypnosis instead debilitates slower attackers like Piloswine, but its low accuracy makes it unreliable.

Alolan Vulpix should be used on offensive teams that have multiple setup sweepers that can benefit from Aurora Veil, and should be played both early- and mid-game to facilitate multiple sweeping attempts. Sweepers such as Klang, Wartortle, Hakamo-o, and Fraxure are some of the best picks for this playstyle; these attackers also can set up on Steel- and Fire-types that target Alolan Vulpix. Offensive entry hazard setters like Piloswine and Drilbur complement Alolan Vulpix by securing Stealth Rock thanks to having a positive match up against anti-entry hazard Pokemon like Hattrem and Togetic maybe replace this with specially defensive vullaby; togetic isn't particularly notable as a defogger rn. ; in addition, Alolan Vulpix also uses its Ice coverage to nail Defog users like Togetic, Vullaby, and Dartrix. Alolan Vulpix’s fragility and weakness to entry hazards make it expendable, so try setting up Aurora Veil on slower targets like Palpitoad, Piloswine, and Gloom used too many times for my liking considerings its viabiility rn; mareanie maybe? up to you; setting up can be even easier if these targets use a non-threatening status move for Alolan Vulpix to Encore them into. Encore is also useful for preventing opposing setup sweepers like Dartrix and Dousion duosion from trying to setup, so keep it around and healthy if its Encore is still needed to prevent these sweeps.

- Written by: [[Ho3nConfirm3d, 231074]]
- Quality checked by: [[SBPC, 468904], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]

good work 2/2

UHU QC Stamp.png
Add Remove Comments (AH) = Add Hyphen

GP 1/1


name: Aurora Veil
move 1: Aurora Veil
move 2: Blizzard / Freeze-(AH)Dry
move 3: Encore
move 4: Hail / Hypnosis
item: Light Clay
ability: Snow Warning
nature: Timid
evs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe

Alolan Vulpix has a unique role in the NFE meta for providing metagame in its ability to provide Aurora Veil support to offensive teams so that sweepers may set up safely. However, it has notable competition with Morgrem, which has better defensive attributes and access to priority dual screens, and that makes making Alolan Vulpix less reliable support in comparison. Blizzard hits slower targets like Gloom and Charjabug, while Freeze-(AH)Dry damages Water-types like Palpitoad and Mareanie for super effective damage. Encore is beneficial for locking entry hazard users like Clefairy and Piloswine into status moves, which opens an opportunity to setup set up Aurora Veil or safely bring in a setup sweeper. Hail is used when anticipating that opposing weather users like Vulpix and Hippopotas switching will switch in so it can secure set up an Aurora Veil. Hypnosis instead debilitates slower attackers like Machoke, but its low accuracy makes it unreliable.

Alolan Vulpix should be used both early- and mid-game to facilitate multiple sweep attempts on offensive teams that have multiple setup sweepers that can benefit from Aurora Veil, and should be played both early- and mid-game to facilitate multiple sweeping attempts. Sweepers such as Klang, Wartortle, Lampent, and Fraxure are some of the best picks for this playstyle; these attackers also can set up on Steel- and Fire-types that target Alolan Vulpix. Offensive entry hazard setters like Piloswine and Dwebble complement Alolan Vulpix by securing setting up Stealth Rock thanks to having a positive match up matchup against anti-entry hazard Pokemon like Hattrem, which can block entry hazards due to Magic Bounce; in addition, Alolan Vulpix also uses its Ice-type coverage to nail Defog users like Togetic, Vullaby, and Dartrix. Alolan Vulpix’s Vulpix's (Use ASCII apostrophes) fragility and weakness to entry hazards make it expendable, so try setting up Aurora Veil on slower targets like Palpitoad, Piloswine, and Charjabug; setting Aurora Veil can be even easier if these targets use a non-threatening status move for Alolan Vulpix to Encore lock them into with Encore. Encore is also useful for preventing opposing setup sweepers like Dartrix and Duosion from boosting, so keep it around and healthy if its Encore is still needed to prevent these sweeps.

- Written by: [[Ho3nConfirm3d, 231074]]
- Quality checked by: [[SBPC, 468904], [uhuhuhu7, 407249]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]