LC Alolan Rattata

QC Checks: Fiend, Rowan, Tricking
GP Checks: CryoGyro, The Dutch Plumberjack
GP AMchecks: HNBL

Alolan Rattata packs tremendous offensive power, 2HKOing everything in the LC metagame; this is possible thanks to Hustle and STAB Double-Edge, which can at least heavily dent any neutral or frail target. It also has access to STAB Dark-type moves such as Crunch, two priority moves in Sucker Punch and Quick Attack, and a usable U-turn thanks to its good Speed. However, Alolan Rattata struggles to find a place in a team; it is outclassed by almost every Dark-type because it lacks Knock Off. It is also overshadowed by the majority of Normal-types, which have access to more coverage options. It lacks access to a boosting move, something other Dark-types such as Pawniard, Vullaby, and Scraggy have. Its typing gives it four weaknesses, including a terrible 4x weakness to Fighting-type moves, which are extremely common in the LC metagame. Its defenses are very thin, meaning it will be OHKOed by almost any move used against it; on top of that, it is forced to run both Hustle and Life Orb to do consistent damage, which have the negative effects of lowering its accuracy and HP.

name: Life Orb
move 1: Double-Edge / Return
move 2: Sucker Punch / Crunch
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Pursuit / Quick Attack / Crunch
item: Life Orb
ability: Hustle
nature: Jolly
evs: 228 Atk / 76 Def / 180 Spe

Double-Edge is the main STAB move Alolan Ratta should run, as it has enough power to outright OHKO the majority of neutral targets after Stealth Rock damage and 2HKO the bulkiest Pokemon in LC such as Spritzee and Munchlax. Return is a more conservative option that does not lower Alolan Rattata's HP but hits for less damage and, consequently, misses certain OHKOs. Sucker Punch is the best option for a Dark-type move because it boasts priority and can be used to pick off weakened targets; on the other hand, Crunch avoids the mind games used to counter Sucker Punch, such as the use of Substitute or other status moves. U-turn allows Alolan Rattata to escape a bad matchup and gives momentum to its team thanks to its good Speed. For the final moveslot, Pursuit can be used to trap Abra and Ghost-types; be careful against Abra, however, as it can outspeed Alolan Rattata and KO it. Quick Attack, on the other hand, gives Alolan Rattata a tool with which to pick off weakened targets that can't be easily played around like Sucker Punch. Finally, Crunch can be used as a secondary Dark-type STAB move if you chose Sucker Punch for the second moveslot.

Set Details
The EVs maximize what Alolan Rattata needs, its Attack and Speed stats. The remaining EVs are put into Defense to hit an extra point and to better take neutral and resisted priority moves such as Aqua Jet and Sucker Punch. Jolly is the only nature to use because Hustle already provides a boost in Attack and hitting 17 Speed is more important than having an extra point in Attack. Hustle is the chosen ability because it boosts Alolan Rattata's Attack by 50%, significantly enhancing its damage output. Life Orb in conjunction with Hustle turns Alolan Rattata into a potent physical attacker at the cost of just 1 HP per attack.

Usage Tips
Alolan Rattata should never be sent directly into battle, as its pitiful defenses mean it will almost never be able to take a hit and retaliate. Alolan Rattata is a powerful but frail attacker that will spam its STAB moves most of the time. Be careful when using Sucker Punch, as even though it hits very hard, it can be easily played around with a bit of prediction, such as by using Will-O-Wisp with Gastly or Substitute with Abra; be wary of Abra in particular, as it can outspeed and KO Alolan Rattata if it doesn't use Sucker Punch or simply KO it if Abra has its Focus Sash intact. Alolan Rattata should be played as a hit-and-run attacker, since it already loses so much HP from Life Orb and Double-Edge recoil and can't afford to lose any from switching into attacks. When Alolan Rattata has a difficult matchup, don't hesitate to use U-turn to bring in a teammate that can deal with the opposing Pokemon.

Team Options
Alolan Rattata needs partners to deal with Pawniard, making Timburr and Croagunk good teammates; both KO it, with the former being a bulky setup sweeper that can absorb status moves like Will-O-Wisp and Thunder Wave and the latter being able to remove Fairy-types for Alolan Rattata. Slow U-turn and Volt Switch users like defensive Mienfoo and Chinchou help Alolan Rattata enter the field, working around its nonexistent defenses. Cottonee is a notable partner because it can absorb Knock Off and check Fighting-types while also having Prankster Z-Memento to restore Alolan Rattata's HP to allow it to stay around longer. Flying-types pair decently well with Alolan Rattata because they remove Bug- and Fighting-types. Archen in particular can also set up Stealth Rock for Alolan Rattata, which can turn most 2HKOs into OHKOs, while Choice Scarf Doduo can pick off opposing Pokemon that have been severely damaged by Alolan Rattata. Other Dark-types pair well with Alolan Rattata because it packs a lot of power that can overwhelm usual Dark-type checks; Pawniard can break through the opposing team and let Alolan Rattata clean the rest, while bulky Nasty Plot Vullaby forms a strong Dark-type core with Alolan Rattata, using the likes of Croagunk and Timburr as setup opportunities.

Other Options
Choice item sets may work because Alolan Rattata has access to Switcheroo. A Choice Scarf can turn it into a potent cleaner, while a Choice Band set can easily pulverize any neutral target. When it faces a wall it can't break through, it can simply use Switcheroo to disrupt it. Thief can be used in the final moveslot to steal opposing Pokemon's items and works well when Alolan Rattata has lost its Life Orb. It can be used on Sturdy + Berry Juice users like Onix, bulky walls such as Spritzee and Munchlax to hamper their walling abilities, or even slower Pokemon that rely on their specific items such as Cubone and Clamperl. Thick Fat sounds appealing at first because it gives Alolan Rattata two extra resistances to Fire- and Ice-type moves. However, these moves are not very common in LC bar sun and hail teams, and the Attack boost from Hustle is the superior choice to easily score KOs. Unlike regular Rattata, Alolan Rattata lacks any coverage options; most of all, it misses Rock Smash for the OHKO on standard Eviolite Pawniard.

Checks and Counters
**Fighting-types**: Alolan Rattata has an unfortunate 4x weakness to Fighting-type moves, meaning that even Mach Punch and Vacuum Wave can OHKO it. Timburr and Mienfoo completely stop Alolan Rattata, using it as a setup bait for their Bulk Up without being scared too much by Double-Edge. Croagunk can exploit Alolan Rattata's weakness and proceed to KO it with Vacuum Wave or set up a Nasty Plot while Rattata switches out. Mankey Speed ties with Alolan Rattata and takes it out with its choice of STAB move. Stufful doesn't like taking a Double-Edge, but it can withstand it and KO Alolan Rattata back with Close Combat.

**Dark-types**: Pawniard walls any combination of Alolan Rattata's moves, using it to set up Swords Dance. Vullaby can take a hit and retaliate with Brave Bird. Scraggy takes a Double-Edge and can recover its health back with Drain Punch.

**Bulky Pokemon**: Whatever can OHKO Alolan Rattata and take a Hustle Life Orb Double-Edge checks it. Defensive Chinchou can KO it with an Electric-type STAB move after Stealth Rock damage, Spritzee OHKOes it with Moonblast, Foongus can take a Double-Edge and use Giga Drain or Sludge Bomb or simply pivot out to recover health with Regenerator, and Onix KOes it with Rock Blast or sets up Stealth Rock on it thanks to high physical bulk allowing it to take Double-Edge and Crunch. Keep in mind, however, that Alolan Rattata dishes out enormous damage to neutral targets, Onix included.

**Status and Residual Damage**: Alolan Rattata is susceptible to burns and paralysis because they halve its Attack and Speed. Hail damage combined with Double-Edge and Life Orb recoil means that Alolan Rattata will not stay on the field more than two turns per battle.

**Fairy-types**: Snubbull is a roadblock for Alolan Rattata; it can lower Alolan Rattata's Attack, making Double-Edge fail to 2HKO Eviolite variants, while it can simply OHKO with Play Rough or paralyze with Thunder Wave. Spritzee, although it is 2HKOed by Hustle Life Orb Double-Edge, can regain health with Wish and OHKO it even with uninvested Moonblast.

**Hustle**: One of the things that hamper Alolan Rattata the most is its ability itself, which lowers the accuracy of all its moves by 20%. This can mean the difference between Alolan Rattata KOing and getting KOed.
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stiff competition as an offensive dark type
stiff competition as an offensive normal type

name: Life Orb
move 1: Double-Edge / Return
move 2: Sucker Punch / Crunch
move 3: U-Turn
move 4: Pursuit / Quick Attack / Crunch
item: Life Orb
ability: Hustle
nature: Jolly
evs: 228 Atk / 76 Def / 180 Spe

remove facade & thief mentions (thief goes into OO)

Set Details
don't mention reducing IVs

Usage Tips
emphasis how hit and run it is

Team Options
mienfoo chinchou & other slow turns mons allow it to hit and run better
cottonee helps knock off keep pokemon and counter fighting-types
goth traps fighters

Other Options
thief goes here
say what flame wheel, wild charge & co helps against
guts set

Checks and Counters
scraggy doesn't use indimitate. vulla would die before rat does or misses about half the time so don't mention roost stalling

QC: 1/3
What do these hit in particular? Would Alolan Rattata want these (personally I don't think AlolaRat would miss Zen)?
Well, maybe these moves are not meant to hit specific targets (Double-Edge is powerful enough to reach the same power of a supereffective ZHB), but they could give some coverage; the best example is Rock Smash.

228 Atk Life Orb Hustle Rattata Rock Smash vs. 0 HP / 36 Def Eviolite Pawniard: 21-26 (100 - 123.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Without Rock Smash, Pawniard can basically block Alolan Rattata, because it resists both its STABs. A bit of coverage would have been appreciated, since it would give Alolan Rattata more possibilities against Steel- and Normal-type resists without resorting on Sucker Punch.
Well, maybe these moves are not meant to hit specific targets (Double-Edge is powerful enough to reach the same power of a supereffective ZHB), but they could give some coverage; the best example is Rock Smash.

228 Atk Life Orb Hustle Rattata Rock Smash vs. 0 HP / 36 Def Eviolite Pawniard: 21-26 (100 - 123.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Without Rock Smash, Pawniard can basically block Alolan Rattata, because it resists both its STABs. A bit of coverage would have been appreciated, since it would give Alolan Rattata more possibilities against Steel- and Normal-type resists without resorting on Sucker Punch.
Yes, I know this already; that's specifically why I didn't highlight Rock Smash. What I and other readers want to know are what:
Wild Charge, Flame Wheel, Zen Headbutt
...these moves hit. If you can't think of examples, just mention them as miscellaneous / throwaway coverage moves that don't really help Rattata-A very much.
just really emphasise that this faces so much competition from other dark and normal wallbreakers which makes rattata almost completely outclassed, due to stuff like less coverage than most normal types, lack of knock off compared to most dark/normal types, not amazing speed tier compared to aipom/meowth, frailty, miss chance making it generally less reliable. I know you've said all this, but just really emphasise it in the write-up cos a-rattata is kinda bad
"but at cost of 20% of accuracy, meaning it will miss more often than not" - just don't phrase it like that in write up please, but do talk about the rather large downsides of hustle

team options
obviously gothita goes
mention cottonee's z-memento as well, which can restore rattata if it is low on health after spamming double edge
i don't think water types are that big a deal that we should recommend grass-types as partners. a hustle double edge does more than enough
maybe mention dark spam for teammates, like pawniard appreciates rattatas ability to wallbreak

other options
Scarf is the best OO, also gets switcheroo, this is super cool (normal stab, crunch, uturn/pursuit, switcheroo)
Band switcheroo is also usable

I don't think a special set should be mentioned at all. Other options is a place for small niches that aren't relevant or usable enough for the main set, special rattata is just outright unusable and bad.

- in many points of your analysis you mention that Rattata can be used to remove Abra, though it requires a good prediction because Rattata might get outsped and OHKOed in the process without dealing damage (if abra subs on sucker or if abra attacks when you are clicking crunch/pursuit). I mean it can't be compared to the likes of Stunky and Munchlax in terms of taking out Abra, so this should be specified a bit better in your analysis.

- in the overview you should mention that the lack of bulk makes rattata potential ohko material even for neutral moves and this is a great downfall.

- in the overview you say that rattata is outclassed because other dark types do have access to knock off: if rattata had knock off, it wouldn't be top tier for sure. It's a matter of bulk, access to boosting/utility moves (sd pawn, dd scraggy, np vull, z mirror move vull, sr pawn, defog vull), better stats, and way more useful abilities than Hustle. So, be sure to stress this out.

- team options: ik this is very straightforward, but please say that both timburr and croagunk can ohko pawniard and switch into its attacks without many problems, and then add what you wrote.

- other options: when talking about thick fat, say that ice- and fire-types attacks aren't really common in Little Cup: they are limited to a few team archetypes (i.e. Sun) and Rattata's bulk sucks so you don't even get to resist them for sure.

3/3 good job!
Amcheck, keep in mind that this does not count as an official check unless stamped by a GP member

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Alolan Rattata packs tremendous offensive power, 2HKOing everything in the LC environment metagame:(colon) (semi-colon); this is possible thanks to Hustle and STAB Double-Edge, which can pulverize heavily dent pulverize sounds too violent any neutral or frail target;(semi-colon) (period). it It also has access to STAB Dark-type moves such as Crunch, two priority moves in Sucker Punch and Quick Attack, and a usable U-Turn U-turn thanks to its good Speed. However, Alolan Rattata heavily struggles to find a place in a team:(colon) (semi-colon); it is outclassed by almost any every Dark-types type "almost all Dark-types" works here too because it lacks Knock Off;(semi-colon) (period). it It is overshadowed by the majority of Normal-types, which have access to more coverage options;(semi-colon) (period). it It lacks access to a boosting move, a thing other Dsrk-types Dark-types have such as Pawniard, Vullaby, and Scraggy have;(semi-colon) (period). its Its typing gives it four weaknesses, including a terrible 4x weakness to Fighting-type moves, which are extremely common in the LC metagame;(semi-colon) (period). its Its defenses are super-(hyphen)thin, meaning it will be OHKOed by almost any move used against it; and on top of that, it is forced to run both Hustle and Life Orb to do consistent damage, which have the negative effects of lowering its accuracy and its HP,(comma) respectively.

name: Life Orb
move 1: Double-Edge / Return
move 2: Sucker Punch / Crunch
move 3: U-Turn U-turn
move 4: Pursuit / Quick Attack / Crunch
item: Life Orb
ability: Hustle
nature: Jolly
evs: 228 Atk / 76 Def / 180 Spe

Double-Edge is the main STAB move Alolan Ratta should run, because it has enough power to outright OHKO the majority of neutral targets after Stealth Rock, and 2HKOes the bulkiest Pokémon in LC such as Spritzee and Munchlax. Alternatively, Return is a more conservative option that does not lower Alolan Rattata’s HP, but hits for less damage and, consequently, misses certain OHKOs. Sucker Punch is the best option as for a Dark-type move, because it boasts priority and can be used to pick off weakened targets; on the other side, Crunch avoids all the mind-(hyphen)games used against Sucker Punch, such as Substitute or a status move, but does not provide a priority move. U-Turn U-turn allows Alolan Rattata to escape a bad matchup, and gives momentum to its team thanks to its good Speed. For the final slot, Pursuit can be used to trap Abra and Ghost-types:(colon) (semi-colon); be ware aware of Abra, however, as it can outspeed Alolan Rattata and KO it. Quick Attack, on the other hand, gives Alolan Rattata a tool to pick off weakened targets, and can’t be easily played around like Sucker Punch;(semi-colon) (period). finally Finally, Crunch can be used as a secondary Dark-type STAB if you chose Sucker Punch in the second moveslot.

Set Details
The EVs maximize what Alolan Rattata needs, the Attack and Speed stats:(colon) (period). the The remaining EVs are put into Def Defense to hit an extra point, and to better take neutral and resisted priorities, such as Aqua Jet and Sucker Punch. Jolly is the only nature to use, because Hustle already provides a boost in Attack, and hitting 17 Spe is more important than having an extra point in Atk Attack. Hustle is the chosen ability, because it boosts Alolan Rattata's Attack by 50% Alolan Rattata's Atk not necessarily incorrect, but wording order was a bit confusing, making it l(remove this) very appealing. Life Orb, in conjunction with Hustle, turns Alola Alolan Rattata into a potent physical attacker, at cost of just 1 HP per turn.

Usage Tips
Alolan Rattata should be never sent directly in battle, as its pitiful defenses mean it will almost never be able to take a hit and retaliate. Alolan Rattata is a powerful but frail attacker that will spam its STAB moves most of times the time. Be ware aware when using Sucker Punch, as even though it hits very powerfully, it can be easily played around with a bit of prediction, such as by using Will-O-Wisp with Gastly or Substitute with Abra; be ware aware of Abra in particular, as it can outspeed and KO Alolan Rattata if it doesn't use Sucker Punch, or if it has its Focus Sash intact. Alolan Rattata should be played with an a hit-and-run tactic, as it can't afford to lose any HP from opposing attacks, since it already loses its poor HP from Life Orb and Double-Edge recoil. When Alolan Rattata has a difficult match-up, don’t hesitate and to use U-Turn U-turn to bring in a teammate that can deal with the opposing Pokémon.

Team Options
Alolan Rattata needs partners to deal with Pawniard, making Timburr and Croagunk good partners:(colon) (period). they They both kill KO Pokemon don't die Pawniard, with the former being a bulky setupper set-up sweeper that can absorb status move moves like Will-O-Wisp or Thunder Wave, and the latter being able to remove Fairy-types for Alolan Rattata. Slow U-Turn U-turn/(remove backslash) or Volt Switch users like Defensive Mienfoo and Chinchou help Alolan Rattata in entering the field, as its defenses Defenses are non-(hyphen)existent. Cottonee is a notable partner, because it can absorb Knock Off and check Fighting-types, while also having Prankster Z-Memento to restore Alolan Rattata’s HP and allow it to stay around for longer. Flying-types pair decently well with Alolan Rattata, because they remove Bug- and Fighting-types:(colon) (period). Archen can set up Stealth Rock for Alolan Rattata, which can turn most 2HKOs into OHKOs, while Choice Scarf Doduo can pick off opponents that have been severely damaged by Alolan Rattata. Other Dark-types pair well with Alolan Rattata, because it packs a lot of power to overwhelm usual Dark-type checks: Pawniard can break through the opposing team and let Alolan Rattata clean the rest, while bulky Nasty Plot Vullaby forms a Dark-Spam core with Alolan Rattata, using the likes of Croagunk and Timburr as set-(hyphen)up opportunities.

Other Options
Choice-(hyphen)items set may work, because Alolan Rattata has access to Switcheroo:(colon)(period). a A Choice Scarf can turn it into a potent cleaner, while a Choice Band can easily pulverize any neutral target. When it faces a wall it can't break through, it can simply use Switcheroo to disrupt it. Thief can be used in the 4th moveslot to steal opposing opponents' items, and works well when Alolan Rattata has lost its Life Orb:(colon) (period). it It can be used on SturdyJuice users like Onix, on bulky walls such as Spritzee and Munchlax to hamper their walling abilities, or even on slower Pokémon that rely on their specific items, such as Cubone or Clamperl. Thick Fat sounds appealing at first, because it gives Alolan Rattata two extra resistances to Fire- and Ice-type moves:(colon) (period). however However, these moves are not very common in LC (bar on Sun and Hail teams), and the Attack boost from Hustle is the superior choice, because it gives Alolan Rattata more power to easily score KOs. Contrary to regular Rattata, Alolan Rattata lacks any coverage options; most of all, it misses Rock Smash for the OHKO on standard Eviolite Pawniard.

Checks and Counters
**Fighting-types**: Alolan Rattata has an unfortunate 4x weakness to Fighting-type moves, meaning that even Mach Punch /(remove frontslash) or Vacuum Wave can OHKO it. Timburr and Mienfoo completely stop Alolan Rattata, using it as a setup bait for their Bulk Up without being scared too much by Double-Edge. Croagunk can exploit Alolan Rattata's weakness and proceed to set up a Nasty Plot while Rattata switches out, or kill KO Pokemon don't die it with Vacuum Wave. Mankey speed-ties with Alolan Rattata, and takes it out with its STAB choice. Stufful doesn’t like taking a Double-Edge, but can survive it and KO Alolan Rattata back with Close Combat.

**Dark-types**: Pawniard walls any combination of Alolan Rattata's moves, using it to set up Swords Dance. Vullaby can take a hit and retaliate back with Brave Bird. Scraggy lives a Double-Edge, and can recover its health back with Drain Punch.

**Bulky opponents**: whatever Whatever can OHKO Alolan Rattata while taking a Hustle Life Orb Double-Edge checks it. Defensive Chinchou can KO it with Electric-STAB move after Stealth Rock damage; Spritzee OHKOes it with Moonblast; Foongus can live a Double-Edge and use Giga Drain or Sludge Bomb, or simply pivot out to recover health with Regenerator; Onix kills it with Rock Blast or sets Stealth Rock on it, because Onix resists Double-Edge and can afford to take a Crunch. Keep in mind, however, that Alolan Rattata dishes out enormous damage to neutral targets, Onix included.

**Status and Residual damage**: Alolan Rattata suffers is susceptible to burns Burns and paralysis Paralysis a lot, because they cut halve its Attack and Speed respectively. Hail damage plus Double-Edge and Life Orb recoil mean means that Alolan Rattata will not stay on the field more than 2 turns per battle.

**Fairy-types**: Snubbul is a road block for Alolan Rattata; it can Intimidate it, making Double-Edge fail to 2HKO the Eviolite variants, while Snubbul can simply OHKO it with Play Rough, or paralyze it with Thunder Wave. Spritzee, although it is 2HKOed by Hustle Life Orb Double-Edge, can regain health with Wish, and OHKO it with Moonblast, even if uninvested.

**Hustle**: one One of the things that hamper Alolan Rattata the most is its ability itself, as it has a 20% chance of missing the target whenever it uses a move. This can make the difference between a KO and a dead KOed Pokemon don't die Alolan Rattata.
Amcheck, keep in mind that this does not count as an official check unless stamped by a GP member

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Alolan Rattata packs tremendous offensive power, 2HKOing everything in the LC environment metagame:(colon) (semi-colon); this is possible thanks to Hustle and STAB Double-Edge, which can pulverize heavily dent pulverize sounds too violent any neutral or frail target;(semi-colon) (period). it It also has access to STAB Dark-type moves such as Crunch, two priority moves in Sucker Punch and Quick Attack, and a usable U-Turn U-turn thanks to its good Speed. However, Alolan Rattata heavily struggles to find a place in a team:(colon) (semi-colon); it is outclassed by almost any every Dark-types type "almost all Dark-types" works here too because it lacks Knock Off;(semi-colon) (period). it It is overshadowed by the majority of Normal-types, which have access to more coverage options;(semi-colon) (period). it It lacks access to a boosting move, a thing other Dsrk-types Dark-types have such as Pawniard, Vullaby, and Scraggy have;(semi-colon) (period). its Its typing gives it four weaknesses, including a terrible 4x weakness to Fighting-type moves, which are extremely common in the LC metagame;(semi-colon) (period). its Its defenses are super-(hyphen)thin, meaning it will be OHKOed by almost any move used against it; and on top of that, it is forced to run both Hustle and Life Orb to do consistent damage, which have the negative effects of lowering its accuracy and its HP,(comma) respectively.

name: Life Orb
move 1: Double-Edge / Return
move 2: Sucker Punch / Crunch
move 3: U-Turn U-turn
move 4: Pursuit / Quick Attack / Crunch
item: Life Orb
ability: Hustle
nature: Jolly
evs: 228 Atk / 76 Def / 180 Spe

Double-Edge is the main STAB move Alolan Ratta should run, because it has enough power to outright OHKO the majority of neutral targets after Stealth Rock, and 2HKOes the bulkiest Pokémon in LC such as Spritzee and Munchlax. Alternatively, Return is a more conservative option that does not lower Alolan Rattata’s HP, but hits for less damage and, consequently, misses certain OHKOs. Sucker Punch is the best option as for a Dark-type move, because it boasts priority and can be used to pick off weakened targets; on the other side, Crunch avoids all the mind-(hyphen)games used against Sucker Punch, such as Substitute or a status move, but does not provide a priority move. U-Turn U-turn allows Alolan Rattata to escape a bad matchup, and gives momentum to its team thanks to its good Speed. For the final slot, Pursuit can be used to trap Abra and Ghost-types:(colon) (semi-colon); be ware aware of Abra, however, as it can outspeed Alolan Rattata and KO it. Quick Attack, on the other hand, gives Alolan Rattata a tool to pick off weakened targets, and can’t be easily played around like Sucker Punch;(semi-colon) (period). finally Finally, Crunch can be used as a secondary Dark-type STAB if you chose Sucker Punch in the second moveslot.

Set Details
The EVs maximize what Alolan Rattata needs, the Attack and Speed stats:(colon) (period). the The remaining EVs are put into Def Defense to hit an extra point, and to better take neutral and resisted priorities, such as Aqua Jet and Sucker Punch. Jolly is the only nature to use, because Hustle already provides a boost in Attack, and hitting 17 Spe is more important than having an extra point in Atk Attack. Hustle is the chosen ability, because it boosts Alolan Rattata's Attack by 50% Alolan Rattata's Atk not necessarily incorrect, but wording order was a bit confusing, making it l(remove this) very appealing. Life Orb, in conjunction with Hustle, turns Alola Alolan Rattata into a potent physical attacker, at cost of just 1 HP per turn.

Usage Tips
Alolan Rattata should be never sent directly in battle, as its pitiful defenses mean it will almost never be able to take a hit and retaliate. Alolan Rattata is a powerful but frail attacker that will spam its STAB moves most of times the time. Be ware aware when using Sucker Punch, as even though it hits very powerfully, it can be easily played around with a bit of prediction, such as by using Will-O-Wisp with Gastly or Substitute with Abra; be ware aware of Abra in particular, as it can outspeed and KO Alolan Rattata if it doesn't use Sucker Punch, or if it has its Focus Sash intact. Alolan Rattata should be played with an a hit-and-run tactic, as it can't afford to lose any HP from opposing attacks, since it already loses its poor HP from Life Orb and Double-Edge recoil. When Alolan Rattata has a difficult match-up, don’t hesitate and to use U-Turn U-turn to bring in a teammate that can deal with the opposing Pokémon.

Team Options
Alolan Rattata needs partners to deal with Pawniard, making Timburr and Croagunk good partners:(colon) (period). they They both kill KO Pokemon don't die Pawniard, with the former being a bulky setupper set-up sweeper that can absorb status move moves like Will-O-Wisp or Thunder Wave, and the latter being able to remove Fairy-types for Alolan Rattata. Slow U-Turn U-turn/(remove backslash) or Volt Switch users like Defensive Mienfoo and Chinchou help Alolan Rattata in entering the field, as its defenses Defenses are non-(hyphen)existent. Cottonee is a notable partner, because it can absorb Knock Off and check Fighting-types, while also having Prankster Z-Memento to restore Alolan Rattata’s HP and allow it to stay around for longer. Flying-types pair decently well with Alolan Rattata, because they remove Bug- and Fighting-types:(colon) (period). Archen can set up Stealth Rock for Alolan Rattata, which can turn most 2HKOs into OHKOs, while Choice Scarf Doduo can pick off opponents that have been severely damaged by Alolan Rattata. Other Dark-types pair well with Alolan Rattata, because it packs a lot of power to overwhelm usual Dark-type checks: Pawniard can break through the opposing team and let Alolan Rattata clean the rest, while bulky Nasty Plot Vullaby forms a Dark-Spam core with Alolan Rattata, using the likes of Croagunk and Timburr as set-(hyphen)up opportunities.

Other Options
Choice-(hyphen)items set may work, because Alolan Rattata has access to Switcheroo:(colon)(period). a A Choice Scarf can turn it into a potent cleaner, while a Choice Band can easily pulverize any neutral target. When it faces a wall it can't break through, it can simply use Switcheroo to disrupt it. Thief can be used in the 4th moveslot to steal opposing opponents' items, and works well when Alolan Rattata has lost its Life Orb:(colon) (period). it It can be used on SturdyJuice users like Onix, on bulky walls such as Spritzee and Munchlax to hamper their walling abilities, or even on slower Pokémon that rely on their specific items, such as Cubone or Clamperl. Thick Fat sounds appealing at first, because it gives Alolan Rattata two extra resistances to Fire- and Ice-type moves:(colon) (period). however However, these moves are not very common in LC (bar on Sun and Hail teams), and the Attack boost from Hustle is the superior choice, because it gives Alolan Rattata more power to easily score KOs. Contrary to regular Rattata, Alolan Rattata lacks any coverage options; most of all, it misses Rock Smash for the OHKO on standard Eviolite Pawniard.

Checks and Counters
**Fighting-types**: Alolan Rattata has an unfortunate 4x weakness to Fighting-type moves, meaning that even Mach Punch /(remove frontslash) or Vacuum Wave can OHKO it. Timburr and Mienfoo completely stop Alolan Rattata, using it as a setup bait for their Bulk Up without being scared too much by Double-Edge. Croagunk can exploit Alolan Rattata's weakness and proceed to set up a Nasty Plot while Rattata switches out, or kill KO Pokemon don't die it with Vacuum Wave. Mankey speed-ties with Alolan Rattata, and takes it out with its STAB choice. Stufful doesn’t like taking a Double-Edge, but can survive it and KO Alolan Rattata back with Close Combat.

**Dark-types**: Pawniard walls any combination of Alolan Rattata's moves, using it to set up Swords Dance. Vullaby can take a hit and retaliate back with Brave Bird. Scraggy lives a Double-Edge, and can recover its health back with Drain Punch.

**Bulky opponents**: whatever Whatever can OHKO Alolan Rattata while taking a Hustle Life Orb Double-Edge checks it. Defensive Chinchou can KO it with Electric-STAB move after Stealth Rock damage; Spritzee OHKOes it with Moonblast; Foongus can live a Double-Edge and use Giga Drain or Sludge Bomb, or simply pivot out to recover health with Regenerator; Onix kills it with Rock Blast or sets Stealth Rock on it, because Onix resists Double-Edge and can afford to take a Crunch. Keep in mind, however, that Alolan Rattata dishes out enormous damage to neutral targets, Onix included.

**Status and Residual damage**: Alolan Rattata suffers is susceptible to burns Burns and paralysis Paralysis a lot, because they cut halve its Attack and Speed respectively. Hail damage plus Double-Edge and Life Orb recoil mean means that Alolan Rattata will not stay on the field more than 2 turns per battle.

**Fairy-types**: Snubbul is a road block for Alolan Rattata; it can Intimidate it, making Double-Edge fail to 2HKO the Eviolite variants, while Snubbul can simply OHKO it with Play Rough, or paralyze it with Thunder Wave. Spritzee, although it is 2HKOed by Hustle Life Orb Double-Edge, can regain health with Wish, and OHKO it with Moonblast, even if uninvested.

**Hustle**: one One of the things that hamper Alolan Rattata the most is its ability itself, as it has a 20% chance of missing the target whenever it uses a move. This can make the difference between a KO and a dead KOed Pokemon don't die Alolan Rattata.
Thanks for the AMcheck, I'll fix some things later :)
EDIT: Gonna work on it tomorrow
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GP 1/2
remove add comments

Alolan Rattata packs tremendous offensive power, 2HKOing everything in the LC metagame; this is possible thanks to Hustle and STAB Double-Edge, which can at least heavily dent any neutral or frail target. It also has access to STAB Dark-type moves such as Crunch, two priority moves in Sucker Punch and Quick Attack, and a usable U-turn thanks to its good Speed. However, Alolan Rattata struggles to find a place in a team; it is outclassed by almost every Dark-type because it lacks Knock Off. It is also overshadowed by the majority of Normal-types, which have access to more coverage options. It lacks access to a boosting move, a thing something other Dark-types such as Pawniard, Vullaby, and Scraggy have. Its typing gives it four weaknesses, including a terrible 4x weakness to Fighting-type moves, which are extremely common in the LC metagame. Its defenses are super very thin, meaning it will be OHKOed by almost any move used against it; and on top of that, it is forced to run both Hustle and Life Orb to do consistent damage, which have the negative effects of lowering its accuracy and its HP respectively. (avoid using respectively unless it really is ambiguous without)

name: Life Orb
move 1: Double-Edge / Return
move 2: Sucker Punch / Crunch
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Pursuit / Quick Attack / Crunch
item: Life Orb
ability: Hustle
nature: Jolly
evs: 228 Atk / 76 Def / 180 Spe

Double-Edge is the main STAB move Alolan Ratta should run, because as it has enough power to outright OHKO the majority of neutral targets after Stealth Rock damage, (comma) and 2HKOes the bulkiest Pokémon in LC such as Spritzee and Munchlax. Alternatively, Return is a more conservative option that does not lower Alolan Rattata’s HP, but hits for less damage and, consequently, misses certain OHKOs. Sucker Punch is the best option for a Dark-type move, (comma) because it boasts priority and can be used to pick off weakened targets; on the other side hand, Crunch avoids all the mind games used against to counter Sucker Punch, such as the use of Substitute or a other status moves, but does not provide a priority move. U-turn allows Alolan Rattata to escape a bad matchup, (comma) and gives momentum to its team thanks to its good Speed. For the final moveslot, Pursuit can be used to trap Abra and Ghost-types; be aware of careful against Abra, however, as it can outspeed Alolan Rattata and KO it. Quick Attack, on the other hand, gives Alolan Rattata a tool with which to pick off weakened targets, (comma) and that can’t be easily played around like Sucker Punch. Finally, Crunch can be used as a secondary Dark-type STAB move if you chose Sucker Punch in for the second moveslot.

Set Details
The EVs maximize what Alolan Rattata needs, the its Attack and Speed stats. The remaining EVs are put into Defense to hit an extra point, (comma) and to better take neutral and resisted priorities, priority moves such as Aqua Jet and Sucker Punch. Jolly is the only nature to use, (comma) because Hustle already provides a boost in Attack, (comma) and hitting 17 Speed is more important than having an extra point in Attack. Hustle is the chosen ability, (comma) because it boosts by 50% Alolan Rattata's Attack by 50%, making it very appealing. Life Orb, (comma) in conjunction with Hustle, (comma) turns Alolan Rattata into a potent physical attacker, (comma) at the cost of just 1 HP per turn attack.

Usage Tips
Alolan Rattata should be never sent directly into battle, as its pitiful defenses mean it will almost never be able to take a hit and retaliate. Alolan Rattata is a powerful but frail attacker that will spam its STAB moves most of the time. Be aware careful when using Sucker Punch, as even though it hits very powerfully, it can be easily played around with a bit of prediction, such as by using Will-O-Wisp with Gastly or Substitute with Abra; be aware wary of Abra in particular, as it can outspeed and KO Alolan Rattata if it doesn't use Sucker Punch, (comma) or if it simply KO if Abra has its Focus Sash intact. Alolan Rattata should be played with a hit-and-run tactic,; (comma) (semicolon) as it can't afford to lose any HP from opposing attacks, since it already loses its poor HP so much from Life Orb and Double-Edge recoil. When Alolan Rattata has a difficult match-(hyphen)up, don’t hesitate and to use U-turn to bring in a teammate that can deal with the opposing Pokémon Pokemon.

Team Options
Alolan Rattata needs partners to deal with Pawniard, making Timburr and Croagunk good partners teammates. They both KO Pawniard, with the former being a bulky set-(hyphen)up sweeper that can absorb status moves like Will-O-Wisp or and Thunder Wave, (comma) and the latter being able to remove Fairy-types for Alolan Rattata. Slow U-turn or and Volt Switch users like Defensive defensive Mienfoo and Chinchou help Alolan Rattata in entering enter the field, as its defenses are nonexistent working around its nonexistent defenses. Cottonee is a notable partner, (comma) because it can absorb Knock Off and check Fighting-types, (comma) while also having Prankster Z-Memento to restore Alolan Rattata’s HP and to allow it to stay around longer. Flying-types pair decently well with Alolan Rattata, (comma) because they remove Bug- and Fighting-types. Archen in particular can also set up Stealth Rock for Alolan Rattata, which can turn most 2HKOs into OHKOs, while Choice Scarf Doduo can pick off opponents that have been severely damaged by Alolan Rattata. Other Dark-types pair well with Alolan Rattata, (comma) because it packs a lot of power to that can overwhelm usual Dark-type checks:; (colon) (semicolon) Pawniard can break through the opposing team and let Alolan Rattata clean the rest, while bulky Nasty Plot Vullaby forms a Dark-Spam strong Dark-type core with Alolan Rattata, using the likes of Croagunk and Timburr as setup opportunities.

Other Options
Choice items sets may work, (comma) because Alolan Rattata has access to Switcheroo. A Choice Scarf can turn it into a potent cleaner, while a Choice Band can easily pulverize any neutral target. When it faces a wall it can't break through, it can simply use Switcheroo to disrupt it. Thief can be used in the 4th final moveslot to steal opponents' items, (comma) and works well when Alolan Rattata has lost its Life Orb. It can be used on Sturdy + Berry Juice users like Onix, on bulky walls such as Spritzee and Munchlax to hamper their walling abilities, or even on slower Pokémon Pokemon that rely on their specific items, (comma) such as Cubone or and Clamperl. Thick Fat sounds appealing at first, (comma) because it gives Alolan Rattata two extra resistances to Fire- and Ice-type moves. However, these moves are not very common in LC bar sun and hail teams (bar on Sun and Hail teams), and the Attack boost from Hustle is the superior choice, (comma) because it gives Alolan Rattata more power to easily score KOs. Contrary to Unlike regular Rattata, Alolan Rattata lacks any coverage options; most of all, it misses Rock Smash for the OHKO on standard Eviolite Pawniard.

Checks and Counters
**Fighting-types**: Alolan Rattata has an unfortunate 4x weakness to Fighting-type moves, meaning that even Mach Punch or and Vacuum Wave can OHKO it. Timburr and Mienfoo completely stop Alolan Rattata, using it as a setup bait for their Bulk Up without being scared too much by Double-Edge. Croagunk can exploit Alolan Rattata's weakness and proceed to KO it with Vacuum Wave or set up a Nasty Plot while Rattata switches out, (comma) or KO it with Vacuum Wave. Mankey speed-ties Speed ties with Alolan Rattata, (comma) and takes it out with its choice of STAB move choice. Stufful doesn’t like taking a Double-Edge, but can survive withstand it and KO Alolan Rattata back with Close Combat.

**Dark-types**: Pawniard walls any combination of Alolan Rattata's moves, using it to set up Swords Dance. Vullaby can take a hit and retaliate back with Brave Bird. Scraggy lives takes a Double-Edge, (comma) and can recover its health back with Drain Punch.

**Bulky opponents Pokemon**: Whatever can OHKO Alolan Rattata while taking and take a Hustle Life Orb Double-Edge checks it. Defensive Chinchou can KO it with Electric-STAB move an Electric-type STAB move after Stealth Rock damage;, (semicolon) (comma) Spritzee OHKOes it with Moonblast;, (semicolon) (comma) Foongus can live take a Double-Edge and use Giga Drain or Sludge Bomb, (comma) or simply pivot out to recover health with Regenerator;, (semicolon) (comma) and Onix kills KOes it with Rock Blast or sets up Stealth Rock on it, (comma) because Onix resists Double-Edge and can afford to take a Crunch thanks to high physical bulk allowing Onix to take Double-Edge and Crunch. Keep in mind, however, that Alolan Rattata dishes out enormous damage to neutral targets, Onix included.

**Status and Residual damage Damage**: Alolan Rattata is susceptible to Burns and Paralysis, (comma) burns and paralysis because they halve its Attack and Speed respectively. Hail damage plus combined with Double-Edge and Life Orb recoil means that Alolan Rattata will not stay on the field more than 2 turns per battle.

**Fairy-types**: Snubbul is a road(space)block for Alolan Rattata; it can Intimidate it lower Alolan Rattata's Attack, making Double-Edge fail to 2HKO the Eviolite variants, while Snubbul it can simply OHKO it with Play Rough, (comma) or paralyze it with Thunder Wave. Spritzee, although it is 2HKOed by Hustle Life Orb Double-Edge, can regain health with Wish, (comma) and OHKO it even with uninvested Moonblast, (comma) even if uninvested.

**Hustle**: One of the things that hamper Alolan Rattata the most is its ability itself, as it has a 20% chance of missing the target whenever it uses a move which lowers the accuracy of all its moves by 20%. This can make mean the difference between a KO and a KOed Alolan Rattata KOing and getting KOed.
Your writing is plagued by incorrect and/or unnecessary punctuation usage; I'd recommend brushing up on such things, it can be annoying to correct if it comes up often.
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add / fix (comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)
GP 2/2
Alolan Rattata packs tremendous offensive power, 2HKOing everything in the LC metagame; this is possible thanks to Hustle and STAB Double-Edge, which can at least heavily dent any neutral or frail target. It also has access to STAB Dark-type moves such as Crunch, two priority moves in Sucker Punch and Quick Attack, and a usable U-turn thanks to its good Speed. However, Alolan Rattata struggles to find a place in a team; it is outclassed by almost every Dark-type because it lacks Knock Off. It is also overshadowed by the majority of Normal-types, which have access to more coverage options. It lacks access to a boosting move, something other Dark-types such as Pawniard, Vullaby, and Scraggy have. Its typing gives it four weaknesses, including a terrible 4x weakness to Fighting-type moves, which are extremely common in the LC metagame. Its defenses are very thin, meaning it will be OHKOed by almost any move used against it; on top of that, it is forced to run both Hustle and Life Orb to do consistent damage, which have the negative effects of lowering its accuracy and HP.

name: Life Orb
move 1: Double-Edge / Return
move 2: Sucker Punch / Crunch
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Pursuit / Quick Attack / Crunch
item: Life Orb
ability: Hustle
nature: Jolly
evs: 228 Atk / 76 Def / 180 Spe

Double-Edge is the main STAB move Alolan Ratta should run, as it has enough power to outright OHKO the majority of neutral targets after Stealth Rock damage and 2HKO the bulkiest Pokémon Pokemon in LC such as Spritzee and Munchlax. Alternatively, Return is a more conservative option that does not lower Alolan Rattata's (straight apostrophe) HP (RC) but hits for less damage and, consequently, misses certain OHKOs. Sucker Punch is the best option for a Dark-type move because it boasts priority and can be used to pick off weakened targets; on the other hand, Crunch avoids the mind games used to counter Sucker Punch, such as the use of Substitute or other status moves, but does not provide priority. U-turn allows Alolan Rattata to escape a bad matchup and gives momentum to its team thanks to its good Speed. For the final moveslot, Pursuit can be used to trap Abra and Ghost-types; be careful against Abra, however, as it can outspeed Alolan Rattata and KO it. Quick Attack, on the other hand, gives Alolan Rattata a tool with which to pick off weakened targets that can't (apo) be easily played around like Sucker Punch. Finally, Crunch can be used as a secondary Dark-type STAB move if you chose Sucker Punch for the second moveslot.

Set Details
The EVs maximize what Alolan Rattata needs, its Attack and Speed stats. The remaining EVs are put into Defense to hit an extra point and to better take neutral and resisted priority moves such as Aqua Jet and Sucker Punch. Jolly is the only nature to use because Hustle already provides a boost in Attack and hitting 17 Speed is more important than having an extra point in Attack. Hustle is the chosen ability because it boosts Alolan Rattata's Attack by 50%, making it very appealing. (add something else here that the Attack boost allows you to do, something more concrete) Life Orb in conjunction with Hustle turns Alolan Rattata into a potent physical attacker at the cost of just 1 HP per attack.

Usage Tips
Alolan Rattata should never be never sent directly into battle, as its pitiful defenses mean it will almost never be able to take a hit and retaliate. Alolan Rattata is a powerful but frail attacker that will spam its STAB moves most of the time. Be careful when using Sucker Punch, as even though it hits very powerfully hard, it can be easily played around with a bit of prediction, such as by using Will-O-Wisp with Gastly or Substitute with Abra; be wary of Abra in particular, as it can outspeed and KO Alolan Rattata if it doesn't use Sucker Punch or simply KO it if Abra has its Focus Sash intact. Alolan Rattata should be played with as a hit-and-run tactic; as it can't afford to lose any HP from opposing attacks, attacker, since it already loses so much HP from Life Orb and Double-Edge recoil and can't afford to lose any from switching into attacks. When Alolan Rattata has a difficult matchup, don't hesitate to use U-turn to bring in a teammate that can deal with the opposing Pokemon.

Team Options
Alolan Rattata needs partners to deal with Pawniard, making Timburr and Croagunk good teammates; (SC) They both KO Pawniard it, with the former being a bulky setup sweeper that can absorb status moves like Will-O-Wisp and Thunder Wave and the latter being able to remove Fairy-types for Alolan Rattata. Slow U-turn and Volt Switch users like defensive Mienfoo and Chinchou help Alolan Rattata enter the field, working around its nonexistent defenses. Cottonee is a notable partner because it can absorb Knock Off and check Fighting-types while also having Prankster Z-Memento to restore Alolan Rattata's HP to allow it to stay around longer. Flying-types pair decently well with Alolan Rattata because they remove Bug- and Fighting-types. Archen in particular can also(space)set up Stealth Rock for Alolan Rattata, which can turn most 2HKOs into OHKOs, while Choice Scarf Doduo can pick off opponents opposing Pokemon that have been severely damaged by Alolan Rattata. Other Dark-types pair well with Alolan Rattata because it packs a lot of power that can overwhelm usual Dark-type checks; Pawniard can break through the opposing team and let Alolan Rattata clean the rest, while bulky Nasty Plot Vullaby forms a strong Dark-type core with Alolan Rattata, using the likes of Croagunk and Timburr as setup opportunities.

Other Options
Choice item sets may work because Alolan Rattata has access to Switcheroo. A Choice Scarf can turn it into a potent cleaner, while a Choice Band set can easily pulverize any neutral target. When it faces a wall it can't break through, it can simply use Switcheroo to disrupt it. Thief can be used in the final moveslot to steal opponents' opposing Pokemon's items and works well when Alolan Rattata has lost its Life Orb. It can be used on Sturdy + Berry Juice users like Onix, bulky walls such as Spritzee and Munchlax to hamper their walling abilities, or even slower Pokemon that rely on their specific items such as Cubone and Clamperl. Thick Fat sounds appealing at first because it gives Alolan Rattata two extra resistances to Fire- and Ice-type moves. However, these moves are not very common in LC bar sun and hail teams, and the Attack boost from Hustle is the superior choice to easily score KOs. Unlike regular Rattata, Alolan Rattata lacks any coverage options; most of all, it misses Rock Smash for the OHKO on standard Eviolite Pawniard.

Checks and Counters
**Fighting-types**: Alolan Rattata has an unfortunate 4x weakness to Fighting-type moves, meaning that even Mach Punch and Vacuum Wave can OHKO it. Timburr and Mienfoo completely stop Alolan Rattata, using it as a setup bait for their Bulk Up without being scared too much by Double-Edge. Croagunk can exploit Alolan Rattata's weakness and proceed to KO it with Vacuum Wave or set up a Nasty Plot while Rattata switches out. Mankey Speed ties with Alolan Rattata and takes it out with its choice of STAB move. Stufful doesn't like taking a Double-Edge, but it can withstand it and KO Alolan Rattata back with Close Combat.

**Dark-types**: Pawniard walls any combination of Alolan Rattata's moves, using it to set up Swords Dance. Vullaby can take a hit and retaliate with Brave Bird. Scraggy takes a Double-Edge and can recover its health back with Drain Punch.

**Bulky Pokemon**: Whatever can OHKO Alolan Rattata and take a Hustle Life Orb Double-Edge checks it. Defensive Chinchou can KO it with an Electric-type STAB move after Stealth Rock damage, Spritzee OHKOes it with Moonblast, Foongus can take a Double-Edge and use Giga Drain or Sludge Bomb or simply pivot out to recover health with Regenerator, and Onix KOes it with Rock Blast or sets up Stealth Rock on it thanks to high physical bulk allowing Onix it to take Double-Edge and Crunch. Keep in mind, however, that Alolan Rattata dishes out enormous damage to neutral targets, Onix included.

**Status and Residual Damage**: Alolan Rattata is susceptible to burns and paralysis because they halve its Attack and Speed. Hail damage combined with Double-Edge and Life Orb recoil means that Alolan Rattata will not stay on the field more than 2 two turns per battle.

**Fairy-types**: Snubbull is a roadblock for Alolan Rattata; it can lower Alolan Rattata's Attack, making Double-Edge fail to 2HKO Eviolite variants, while it can simply OHKO with Play Rough or paralyze with Thunder Wave. Spritzee, although it is 2HKOed by Hustle Life Orb Double-Edge, can regain health with Wish and OHKO it even with uninvested Moonblast.

**Hustle**: One of the things that hamper Alolan Rattata the most is its ability itself, which lowers the accuracy of all its moves by 20%. This can mean the difference between Alolan Rattata KOing and getting KOed.
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